University of Aruba
The University of Aruba (UA) is a modern university offering higher education, research, and social services to Aruba and the surrounding regions. Embedded in the Aruban society, the UA is a model in cultural diversity that represents the make-up of the Aruban culture itself, with students from the Caribbean, European, Latin, Asian, and American family backgrounds. The current four Faculties and the various University Centers strive to contribute to academic discussion, participate in the sustainable development of Aruba, and promote critical open-minded thinking. Providing these services is a critical part of UA’s mission to give back to the Aruban community.
Like the student population, the teaching staff at the UA is made up of a diverse body of dedicated scholars from Aruba and abroad. Working closely together, this team of local and international scholars fosters the academic growth of the almost 700 students attending the UA. Additionally, to promote both faculty and student development, the UA offers a number of critical administrative, facilities, and individual services which are provided by a friendly and supportive UA staff.
The UA traces its roots back to 1988 when the start of the Faculty of Law (FdR) marked the beginning of the UA’s academic growth. In 1993, the Faculty for Accounting, Finance, and Marketing (FEF) started which is now the largest faculty of the UA, followed by the Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management Studies (FHTMS) in 2005. The UA’s most recent addition is the Faculty of Arts and Science (FAS) which began in 2009. In the coming years, the UA hopes to continue its expansion by offering cutting-edge degree programs to both local and international students.
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Tip: probeer te zoeken met minder trefwoorden, met andere (alternatieve) woorden (bijv. huis i.p.v. huizen, of in een andere taal (cas of house i.p.v. huis: onze collectie bevat bronnen in verschillende talen), of combineer meerdere woorden of termen: "dera gay" OR "dera gai", of cas OR house OR huis. U kunt ook gebruik maken van onze full-text zoekfunctie. - Un solo portal pa e herencia documental y audiovisual di Aruba.Mas informacion/contribui/bira partner:
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