Date: 1996
Language: Papiamento
Showtime: Show musical y cultural
1 - Act: African Pride
2 - Act: Casin Giel
3 - Com: Malta Amstel - Dewar's - Budweiser - Marlboro - Natural White -
Banco di Caribe - Kong Hing Supermarket
4 - Bautismo CD Ruthy Vrieswijk Bergen "Cu Amor Por"
5 - Com: Samsung - Amstel - KFC - Ulric De Varens - Ancla Pa Aruba -
Santa Elena Center
6 - Act: Ruthy Vrieswijk Bergen -Shelu Su Splendor
7 - Com: Bida Department Store - Lotto Pa Deporte - Arucar Bodyshop -
Nissan Sentra - Revlon Fire & Ice
8 - Act: Ruthy Vrieswijk Bergen
9 - Chivas Regal - Revlon Age Defying Makeup
10 - Act: African Pride
11 - Com: Pepsi - Bison Montage Kit
12 - Act: Ruthy Vrieswijk Bergen
13 - Act: African Pride
Published online by Archivo Nacional Aruba as part of its digital collection
ANA's digital collection is part of Coleccion Aruba - the documentary and audiovisual heritage portal for the island nation of Aruba
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