Coleccion Aruba > Browse > Biblioteca Nacional Aruba > Language Making of Creoles in multilingual postcolonial societies (Krämer, Philipp; Mijts, Eric; Bartens, Angela)
Biblioteca Nacional Aruba

Date:  2022

Language:  English  Translate this text / Traduci e texto aki


Krämer, Philipp, Mijts, Eric and Bartens, Angela. 

"Language Making of Creoles in multilingual postcolonial societies" 
International Journal of the Sociology of Language, vol. 2022, no. 274, 2022, pp. 51-82.

This article investigates Language Making processes in multilingual postcolonial societies where Creole languages are spoken. It raises the question whether or not Language Making in these settings differs from other contexts given the historical preconditions and social, economic, or political inequalities which persist after the colonial period. The paper discusses the potentials of Language Making to support or impede efforts of decolonization. With the help of examples from several Creole-speaking societies, it shows different approaches to conceptualizing Creole languages as linguistic entities with the creation or emergence of norms, different naming strategies or through language policy and planning. It examines the potential contribution of different agents of Language Making and illustrates cases in which Language Making is countered or languages are un-made. As a conclusion, the article shows that the concept of Language Making may need further expansion or nuancing in order to avoid a “Northern” or “Western” bias.

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