Coleccion Aruba > Browse > Biblioteca Nacional Aruba > Het Koninkrijk Ontsluierd (proefschrift, 2016) (Santos do Nascimento, Ryçond Raylond)
Biblioteca Nacional Aruba

Date:  2016

Language: Dutch  


Coleccion Arubiana, Biblioteca Nacional Aruba

Het Koninkrijk ontsluierd
Santos do Nascimento, R. R., 2016, [Groningen]: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. 336 p.

Ryçond Raylond Santos do Nascimento
Public Trust and Public Law

This research focuses on the constitutional relationship between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and its Caribbean territories. Starting point of this study are the prevailing constitutional concepts on the structure of the Kingdom, namely the concept that the Kingdom is a (quasi-)federation and the view that it is a constitutional association. It aims to examine which of those concepts in view of the political history of the Kingdom of the Netherlands before and just after World War II, corresponds with the actual structure of the Kingdom and what kind of structure the framers of the Charter for the Kingdom intended. This research finds that the intended constitutional arrangements were deliberately disguised. This raises the question whether the structure of the Kingdom meets our current standards of democracy and the ‘Rechtsstaat’.

Republished online by Biblioteca Nacional Aruba with the authors permission. All rights remain reserved by the author.

336 pages ; 24 cm +

"Promotores: prof. mr. D.J. Elzinga, prof. mr. H.E. Bröring"--Title page verso

Ph. D. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

Ph. D. University of Aruba

Includes bibliographical references and index

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