Coleccion Aruba > Browse > Biblioteca Nacional Aruba > UAUCU Student Research Exchange : Collected Papers 2022 (Mijts, E.; Ballantyne, J.; Rodriguez, C.)
Biblioteca Nacional Aruba

Date:  2022-03

Language:  English  Translate this text / Traduci e texto aki


Coleccion Arubiana, Biblioteca Nacional Aruba

Mijts, E., Ballantyne, J., & Rodriguez, C. (Eds.). (2022). UAUCU Student Research Exchange : Collected Papers 2022. University of Aruba, University College Utrecht.

Research Papers:
  • Milena Stoilova, Sustainable tourism in Aruba: a myth or reality? A case study from the Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort
  • Klara Röhrs, Remembering the Coast: Assessing the coastline and coastal changes on Aruba by using volunteered geographic information (VGI)
  • Carlotta M. Henning, Learning to play it by ear: Understanding barriers to public participation in urban planning on Aruba
  • Karlijn van der Loo, If the Ship Stops Sailing: How can food sovereignty in Aruba be protected in public policy and developed as a notion in international human rights law?
  • Lynn Smeets, Impacting the island’s future: an insight into the effect of perceived efficacy of young Arubans on their civic and political engagement in environmental action
  • Maro A. Savvides, Communicating the Geologic History of Aruba: Contextualizing Gold and Incorporating Human Activity as a Geologic Force 
  • Joao Wendrich Teixeira, Winds of change in Aruba: a Push For The Return of higher Biodiversity
  • Tracy van der Biezen, How citizen science can contribute to Aruba’s SDG indicators: Creating a framework for meta-analysis
  • Endy Brooks. SIDS vertical farming: water- and energy assessment on Albion strawberry production in Aruba
  • Nigel de Cuba, The challenges of implementing circularity in the flow of waste tyres on Aruba
  • Alejandra Moreno, Food security perceived by Aruban households
  • Armand Kelly, Electrification of airside equipment at Aruba Airport Authority
  • Rachel Nel, Fostering community stewardship: The role of sense of place in participation in environmental initiatives
  • Sophia Klaußner, Water = Water, right? Comparing wetlands on the island of Aruba to determine influences of wastewater effluents on the water quality of a wetland area
  • Laura Mathieu, Breathing Unevenly: Community Response to Environmental Injustice. A case study of Aruba’s Landfill and the Parkietenbos community
  • Michel Frank, Citizen science, a tool to fill the plastic waste data gap in Aruba
  • Daniel Balutowski, Brown Tides: Assessing the Past, Present, & Future State of Sargassum in Aruba

Student Research Exchange
Collected Papers 2022
Compiled and advised by Eric Mijts, Jocelyn Ballantyne & Carlos Rodriguez

Associated Names:
Mijts, Eric   Ballantyne, Jocelyn   Rodriguez, Carlos  

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Copyright not evaluated

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