Coleccion Aruba > Browse > Biblioteca Nacional Aruba > The Peasant and the Rebel: Indian Aruba in the historical age (Alofs, Luc)
Biblioteca Nacional Aruba

Creator: Alofs, Luc

Date:  2003

Language: English  

The Peasant and the Rebel: Indian Aruba in the historical age
Luc Alofs

Appeared in: L. Alofs & R. Dijkhoff (eds. ,2003), Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress for Caribbean Archaeology, International Association for Caribbean Archaeology,Aruba, July, 22-28, 2001. Volume 2: 240-256. Publication of the Archaeological Museum Aruba, volume 9.

Republished online by Biblioteca Nacional Aruba with the authors permission. All rights remain reserved by the author.

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