Coleccion Aruba > Browse > Biblioteca Nacional Aruba > The Wind-Blown Language: Papiamento (1945) - Jerome Littmann (Littmann, Jerome)
Biblioteca Nacional Aruba

Creator:  Littmann, Jerome

Date:  1941-02-01

Language:  English  Papiamento  Translate this text / Traduci e texto aki


Coleccion Arubiana, Biblioteca Nacional Aruba, no. 171
The Wind-Blown Language: Papiamento (1945) - Jerome Littmann
Former Training Instructor, Lago Oil and Transport Company, Aruba, Curacao

Reprinted from Hispania, February 1945

Courtesy of Biblioteca Nacional Aruba, the National Library of Aruba.

languages   Aruba   papiamento   linguistics   poetry   proverbs   songs   poesia   proverbionan   canticanan  

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