Coleccion Aruba > Browse > HMS Centurion Miscellaneous Papers 44-62, 1789-1790
Date:  1789-1790

Language: English  


HMS Centurion Miscellaneous Papers 44-62, 1789-1790
Funchall Road, Madeira from 3-6 June 1789
Santa Cruz Road, Teneriffe from 9-13 June 1789
Port Royal, Kingston, Jamaica from 4 July - 17 Dec 1789
Cape Francois, Saint Dominique from 27 Dec 1789 - 2 Jan 1790
Amsterdam Harbour, Curacao from 16-23 January 1790
Aruba Bay from 23-24 Jan 1790
Source: UK Hydrographic Office. Copyright protection now lapsed.


Scans provided by United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (London)
Toegang: UKHO, London, UKHO-ARCHIVE-MP-44-62
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