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Liberacion, Nacemento y Fayecimento Registro di Esclavo:
The Slave Register: Liberation, Birth and Death
Aruba 1840 - 1863
Archivo Nacional Aruba
Oranjestad, Aruba
Liberacion, Nacemento y Fayecimento Registro di Esclavo:
Un Publicacion di
The Slave Register: Liberation, Birth and Death
Aruba 1840 - 1863
cu cooperacion di
An Friends of the Archives (ADA) Project
Iniciative: Rosa M. Arends M.Ed.
Digitalization of register, investigation and text::
Rosa M. Arends M.Ed.
Lay out: Rosa M. Arends & Bibi Bikker
Re-layout: Irene Peterson
Feedback: Shon Fi Angela, Ronny Marugg,
Rachel Croes & Henk Ooft.
Papiamento: Text correction:
Aurita Arends, Department of Educacion, Aruba;
English: Shakira S. Croes, Eloise Schwengle-Fowler
& Cheryl M. Richardson.
Original Document: (Geboorten en Overlijden van Slaven)
- “Register van inschrijving van der vrij te maken slaven op
Aruba (1July 1863)”;
- “Geboorten en overlijden van slaven op Aruba
Special thanks to the director of ANA, drs. Raymond R. Hernandez
and all my colleagues for their support.
ISBN: 978-99904-1-969-6
Printed: Panamericana formas e impresos S.A. Bogotá, Colombia
Un Proyecto di Fundacion Amigonan di Archivo (ADA)
Iniciativa: Rosa M. Arends M.Ed.
Digitalizacion di registro, investigacion y composicion di texto:
Rosa M. Arends M.Ed.
Lay out: Rosa M. Arends y Bibi Bikker
Re layout: Irene Peterson
Feedback: Shon Fi Angela, Ronny Marugg,
Rachel Croes y Henk Ooft.
Papiamento: coreccion di texto:
Aurita Arends, Departamento di Enseñansa, Aruba;
Ingles: Shakira S. Croes, Eloise Schwengle-Fowler
y Cheryl M. Richardson.
, Documentonan original:
- “Register van inschrijving van der vrij te maken slaven op
Aruba (1July 1863)”;
- “Geboorten en overlijden van Slaven op Aruba
Danki special na hefe di Archivo Nacional Aruba,
drs. Raymond R. Hernandez y tur colega cu di un of otro manera a
sostene e proyecto aki.
ISBN: 978-99904-1-969-6
Imprimi: Panamericana formas e impresos S.A., Bogotá, Colombia
Drs. Raymond R. Hernandez Director of the National Archives of Aruba
Perhaps there is not much proof in the form of objects, however, in our archives there are documents showing that slavery existed in Aruba. The existence of slavery, up to 150 years ago, can be traced back in our language, food, music, in our physical characteristics and in the formation of our identity as a nation and as individuals.
Characteristics that perhaps we would prefer to keep hidden, consciously or unconsciously, because we feel ashamed by them. However, our population is the product of a mixture between: the poor white men without any future, from Curaçao or other places, who settled in Aruba; indians that were allowed to live in Aruba, but who had to work without pay for the administrators of this island; and the slaves, a couple of hundred, who worked in Aruba.
At the end, it is this mixture of people that has created the Aruban, who in turn, with scepticisms at times, accepted other people from abroad. Eventually this led to the creation of our nation. Perhaps our greatest heritage of slavery, which we do not directly recognize, is the ability of our ancestors to mix with and accept others.
Kisas hopi prueba den forma di obheto no t’ey of no ta existi mas, en todo caso den nos archivonan tin documento pa demostra cu Aruba a conoce sclavitud. Nos por reconoce e rasgonan di sclavitud bek den nos idioma, cuminda, musica, den nos caracteristicanan fisico y den formacion di nos identidad como nacion y como individuo.
Rasgonan cu kisas consciente- of inconscientemente nos kier pa keda scondi pa berguensa. Nos poblacion, sinembargo, ta producto di e mescla entre: e homber blanco, pober y sin un futuro, di Corsou of otro luga, cu a tuma como residencia Aruba; Indjannan cu a wordo permiti pa biba na Aruba, haciendo trabou den forma gratuito pa e administradornan di e isla aki; y tambe e algun cien esclavo di color cu a bin traha na Aruba.
Al final ta e mescla aki a crea e Arubiano cu na su turno, na cierto momento den forma sceptico, tawata acepta otro grupo di afo, creando asina e nacion cu nos tin awe. Kisas e capacidad aki di nos grandinan, di mescla y acepta otro, ta un parti di e herencia cu nos no ta reconoce directamente.
Kico anto nos tin di haber cu herencia di sclavitud?
What is our heritage of slavery?
Anna Clara Dubero Vries y Jan Hendrik Balbino Dubero
Aña 1955
Potret / Picture : Anna Clara Dubero Vries, 3 di juni 1883 – 1 di juni 1977 Jan Hendrik Balbino Dubero, 13 di maart 1873 – 24 di oktober 1956 Potret cortesia di sra. Olga M. Arends-Dubero
D urante e trabounan riba e buki aki mi a siña conoce mi raiz den
mas profundidad. E (hi)storianan di famia cu mi wela tawata conta mi a sirbi mi di guia den e buskeda di mi raiznan. Cu e berdadnan y e mitar berdadnan cu mi a scucha den mi infancia, encuanto mi grandinan, mi a cuminsa mi buskeda. Algun hayasgo a sorprende mi, pero ningun a bergonsa mi.
Genealogia/formacion di e taki di famia Dubero-Vries lo ser presenta den capitulo 4, di e buki aki.
Cu hopi amor, cariño, respet y orguyo mi ta dedica e buki aki na mi wela y welo materno,
Anna Clara (Macaya) Dubero Vries (d.f.m.)
Jan Hendrik Balbino (Pachi-Yendi) Dubero (d.f.m.)
D uring my research, for the writing of this book, I had the opportu
nity to get to know my roots more profoundly. The family (hi)stories my grandmother used to tell me were my guide in the search for my roots. Armed with truths and half truths told to me about my ancestors, during my childhood, I started my research. Some findings surprised me, but none brought shame upon me.
Genealogy/family tree of the Dubero - Vries family will be presented in chapter 4.
With love, affection, respect and pride I dedicate this book to my maternal grandmother and grandfather,
Anna Clara (Macaya) Dubero Vries (R.I.P.)
Jan Hendrik Balbino (Pachi-Yendi) Dubero (R.I.P.)
Fundacion Amigonan di Archivo (ADA) ta orguyoso di por sostene e proyecto pa publica e registro di liberacion, nacemento y fayecimento di e esclavonan cu tawata biba na Aruba. Ta trata aki di un registro di e periodo 1840 pa 1863.
Fundacion Amigonan di Archivo – Aruba 2015
Na 2008 fundacion ADA, cu cooperacion di diferente instancia aki na Aruba, a bin cu un proyecto grandi riba herencia di sclavitud na Aruba, ”Exposicion Herencia di Sclavitud Aruba”. Un di e materialnan cu a wordo scogi pa pone den e exposicion tawata e registro ariba menciona. E registro a haya hopi atencion di e publico durante e exposicion. Desde e tempo ey tawata tin peticion pa pone esaki na disposicion di publico, p.e. den forma digital.
Na aña 2011, pa medio di director di Comision di UNESCO na Aruba, sr. James (Jimmy) Oduber, a bin un peticion dirigi na Archivo Nacional Aruba (ANA), pa wak kico di nos herencia cultural-historico tangible nos lo por propone na UNESCO pa bin riba e lista di Memoria di Mundo, como herencia mundial. E tempo ey Archivo Nacional a prepara e formularionan pa manda pa e comision di “Memory of the World Latin America–Caribbean”, cu ta regarda e registro aki. Na e momentonan aki e proposicion ta wordo prepara den un di dos buelta, ya cu informacion adicional a wordo pidi. Di parti UNESCO a wordo sugeri na Archivo Nacional pa wak si un lista asina ta existi riba e otro islanan di Caribe Hulandes y asina presenta e registro di e seis islanan como un totalidad.
Fundacion ADA a wak e necesidad pa bini cu un publicacion cu ta stimula e investigacion genealogico, esta estudio di famia. Conhuntamente cu Archivo Nacional a bin cu e idea pa transcribi e registro aki, pa asina hacie accesibel pa nos comunidad. E cooperacion di Archivo Nacional ta den forma di permiso pa haci uzo di e material aki, mescos tambe e disposicion di un trahador di Archivo Nacional pa trek e proyecto aki, esta Sra. Rosa Arends. Hunto cu esaki, ta intencion di nos fundacion pa organisa algun charla tocante e publicacion aki y tambe algun curso riba genealogia.
Di e manera aki nos fundacion ta spera di a cumpli cu diferente di su metanan, e.o:
- promociona y stimula investigacion historico; - ordena, registra y publica resultadonan di investigacion y publicacion di fuente historico; - e promocion di e importancia pa sigui studia historia di Aruba pa beneficio di desaroyonan nobo.
Fundacion Amigonan di Archivo ta gradici primeramente Archivo Nacional y investigado Sra. Rosa Arends, mescos e otro miembronan di personal cu a duna nan aporte den esaki. Tambe nos gradicimento ta bay na e instancianan cu a yuda financia e proyecto aki, ya cu sin esaki, ta dificil bini cu publicacion. Nos ta spera cu e lector por disfruta di e informacion cu nos ta presenta aki y cu por yuda den contesta pregunta cu por ta existi den nos comunidad tocante investigacion di famia.
Contenido/ Contents
Prologo 8
Introduccion: 14
Registro di Esclavo 15
Nos raiz 16
Capitulo 1:
Buki di Registro:
“Geboorten en overlijden van slaven, 1840-1863” 20
1.1 Titulo: “Registro di esclavonan pa ser libera” 23
1.2 Titulo: “Registro di nacemento” 27
1.3 Titulo: ”Registro di fayecimento” 28
1.4 Anotacionnan den e registro di liberacion 29
Capitulo 2:
Con ta haci uzo di e contenido di e registronan 32
2.1 Fam 34
2.2 Nomber 39
2.3 Alias 41
2.4 Anotacion di matrimonio y reconocimiento (reg. di liberacion) 43
2.5 Calculacion di edad 44
2.6 Kende ta e shon/doño 45
2.7 Ken falta? 46
2.8 Anotacion, referencia y confiabilidad di bo recurso 46
Capitulo 3:
E registronan 48
3.1 Registro di esclavonan pa ser libera 1 di juli 1863 54
3.2 Registro di nacemento di esclavo 1840-1863 80
3.3 Tabla di registro di fayecimento di esclavo 1840-1863 119
Capitulo 4:
Investigacion di Famia Dubero-Vries 134
Famia Vries 136
Famia Dubero 141
English Summary
Introduction: The Slave Register:
Liberation, Birth and Death, Aruba, 1840-1863 152
The Slave Register:
“Geboorten en overlijden van slaven, 1840-1863” 156
The origin of the registers 157
Content of each register 158
Annotation in the liberation register 161
How to use the information 163
Last names given to freed slaves 164
Names 167
Annotations regarding marriages and child registration by father 170
Age calculation 170
Who was the “master”? 171
Who is missing? 171
Content of the registers 172
Liberation did not just happen 173
Anexo/Anex 176
Bibliographia/Bibliography 240
Registro di Esclavo
E buki di registro original “Geboorten- en overlijden van slaven, 18401863” (trad. na Papiamento: “Nacemento y Fayecimento di esclavonan, 1840 – 1863”), ta un documento oficial y como tal legal di gobierno, firma pa e oficialnan halto den gobierno di e tempo ey. E buki di registro specifico aki a ser uza pa registra e nacemento y morto di e esclavonan entre 1840 y 1863, manera su titulo mes ta bisa. Por nota ademas cu den e mesun buki aki a haci e registro di e esclavonan cu lo a ser libera 1 di juli 1863 y tambe e anotacionnan, haci pa halto oficialnan di gobierno, despues di 1 di juli, 1863. E ultimo anotacionnan ta referi na e casamento di esnan libera y e reconocimento di e yiunan, cu nan a haya durante cu nan tawata esclavo, door di e casa/e tata. E registro di Liberacion tin e titulo “Register van inschrijving van vrij te makene Slaven op Aruba”. E buki di registro ta contene tres diferente registracion: liberacion, nacemento y fayecimento. E buki di registro aki ta pertenece na e “Archivo di Comandeurs y Gezaghebbernan di e Koloniale Tijdperk” (“Koloniaal Archief”, Archivo Nacional Aruba).
Den comienso di e añanan 1990 un empleado di Archivo Nacional Aruba (ANA), sr. Bartholomeo “Toochi” Kock (d.f.m.), a encontra e buki di registro den baki di sushi di Bestuurskantoor. Conociendo e balor di e contenido di e documento encontra el a hib’e na e oficina di ANA caminda e buki di registro a ser restaura door di sr. Henk Ooft.
Directamente despues di e hayasgo aki no a haci ningun investigacion mayor. E buki di registro original a ser presenta na publico den exposicion di ANA na 2008. Un copia di e original ta den uso den sala di trabou di ANA y tambe drs. Luc Alof den pasado a haci uzo di informacion cu e buki ta contene pa investigacion/publicacion.
Esclavonan tawata wordo registra, sinembargo no tawata registra e esclavo den un registro civil. E contenido di e registro di esclavo tampoco tawata mescos cu esun di e registro civil. Tawata registra e esclavo den un registro separa. Un registro manera esun cu lo bo encontra den e buki aki. Un diferencia remarcable ta e hecho cu niun caminda den e esclavo su registro bo ta encontra nomber di tata, pero si bo ta encontra nomber di
e doño y ta solamente den e registro di liberacion lo bo encontra un fam. Prome cu liberacion no tawata registra e esclavo den e registro civil. E esclavo no tawata un miembro liber, un cuidadano, cu e mesun derecho y deber cu e “shonnan” di e sociedad di e tempo ey. Sinembargo, e hecho cu e esclavo no tawata tin mesun derecho y deber cu e shonnan, no nifica cu no tawata tin ley regardando e esclavo. Tawata tin leynan specificamente ariba derecho y deber di e esclavo. Tambe tawata tin ley cu tawata duna maneho na asuntonan cu ta regarda e esclavo/sclavitud.
Na 2011 ANA a presenta e registro aki na UNESCO cu e peticion pa incorpor’e den e programa “Memoria di Mundo”, como un piesa unico di un balor historico importante. UNESCO a recomenda mas investigacion. Rosa M. Arends M.Ed., investigador na ANA, cu a haya e encargo pa traha e documentacion necesario pa presenta e registro na UNESCO, a tuma e iniciativa pa digitalisa e contenido di e registronan y pa haci investigacion necesario riba e.o. e origen di e registronan.1
Nos raiz
Ta importante pa e Arubiano conoce su raiznan y e registronan aki ta contene parti importante di e informacion di nos raiz. Diariamente ANA ta ricibi hende cu ta en busca di informacion di nan raiz genealogico. Sea ta studiante pa proyecto di scol, hendenan adulto pa motibo di herencia, investigacion di e.o. historia/genealogia of simplemente pa hobby, hecho ta keda cu tin hopi hende interesa pa sa di nan raiz. E buki aki ta pa tur famia na Aruba of cu tin nan raiz na Aruba. E buki ta contene informacion tuma literalmente for di e buki di registro. E contenido di e buki di registro ta ser complementa cu literatura cu ta splica un poco mas e contenido di e registro y con pa haci uzo di dje. E meta ta pa duna un poco guia na esnan cu ta cuminsa den e hobby di genealogia. Ta enfatisa cu e enfoke di e buki ta keda e registronan. No ta pretende, cu e informacion adicional, di duna un les di genealogia.
1 E proximo paso pa presenta e registronan aki na UNESCO ta: a) Hunto cu e otro islanan/archivo di e otro islanan, investiga si tur e islanan tin nan registronan (cu ta esunnan rekeri pa ley mescos cu esunnan di Aruba); b) pone e registronan hunto (un copia/scan) cu informacion rekeri (formulario) pa UNESCO y por ultimo c) presenta e pakete na UNESCO, un biaha mas, cu e propuesta pa incorpor’e den “Banco di Memoria di Mundo”.
Pa loke ta trata e registronan publica den e buki aki, por a encontra algun articulo di ley cu ta concerni tur tres registro. E contenido di e registronan “Nacemento di esclavo 1840-1863” y “Fayecimento di esclavo 18401863”, cu bo ta encontra den e publicacion aki ta cuadra cu e descripcion duna den e ley publica 14 di oktober aña 1837, art. 3, punto 1 y 2 (”Curaçaose Courant”). Interesante ta cu Corsou tin su registronan di nacemento di esclavo
cu ta cuminsa for di aña 1838, pero ta te na 1840 nan ta cuminsa registra e nomber di esun cu a nace. Na Aruba no a logra haya e registronan di esclavo di 1838 y 1839. Tampoco a haya nan den archivo na Corsou. E registro di nacemento di esclavo di Aruba, 1840 te cu 1863, ta registra nomber di esun cu a nace. E registro pa liberacion tambe tin su base den ley. Pa e liberacion di e esclavonan dia 1 di juli 1863, tawata tin varios rekisito cu mester a cumpli cune. E registro aki tawata stipula den e ley di 8 di augustus 1862.2 E registro di “Esclavonan pa ser libera” ta cumpli cu rekisitonan stipula den ley di 8 di augustus 1862, ley di abolicion di sclavitud, capitulo 3, art. 16.
Tene na cuenta cu e famnan di catibo den e registro di esclavo pa ser libera no ta e unico famnan di catibo. Tur esclavo libera, tambe esnan prome cu 1863 a haya un fam. Tin caso caminda cu ya liber, e personanan tawata cambia nan fam
pa otro fam, of tawata haya fam di tata. Tambe tin caso cu mama y yiu libera riba fecha diferente y cu tin fam diferente a scoge despues pa cambia fam pa e yiu tin fam di su mama. E cambionan aki no ta pasa sin mas, pero mester a haci peticion na gobierno y haya aprobacion, prome cu por registra bou di e fam. E registro di liberacion publica aki ta e registro pa esnan cu a wordo libera 1 di juli 1863, na Aruba. E personanan libera prome cu 1 di juli 1863 (na Aruba) lo bo por
haya nan nomber den “Curaçaose Vrijbrieven 1722 te cu 1863”, T. van der Lee, Algemene Rijksarchief, Den Haag, 1998”.3 Sinembargo, e personanan registra pa ser libera dia 1 di juli 1863 den e documento aki no ta aparece den e buki “Curaçaose Vrijbrieven”. Segun informacion obteni di sr. Gibbes, Director di Archivo Nacional Corsou, ningun esclavo libera 1 di
2 Anexo 3: A 1862 No. 15, Publicatie-Blad, PUBLICATIE, waarbij afgekondigd wordt de wet van den 8 augustus 1862 (staatsblad No.165.) houdende opheffing der slavernij op de eilanden Curaçao, Bonaire, Aruba, St. Eustatius, Saba en St. Martin (Ned. Ged.). “Slavenverordeningen 1849-1862”). ANA bibliotheek. 3 “Curaçaose Vrijbrieven, 1722-1863” ta e publicacion mas completo cu ta existi di e esclavonan libera riba e islanan “Curaçao en onderhorigen”, entre 1722 te cu 1863, cu excepcion di esnan libera 1 di juli 1863.
juli 1863 a ser poni den “Curaçaose Vrijbrieven”. Den e publicacion a pone solamente e esclavonan cu a ricibi un vrijbrief, manumissie4 (anexo 8, F3), prome cu 1 di juli 1863.
E contenido di e buki aki lo haci hopi hende realisa cu nan color bunita bruin no ta e kima di solo, ni di a nace y biba den Caribe, ta nos herencia di e tatarabuelo(a) aya cu nunca nos a tende di dje of di cual nos a tende e mitar berdad. E realidad, di cu e tawata un esclavo, esey no mester ta un berguensa. Nos no mester sinti ni pena, ni berguensa, pa ta descendiente di esclavo. E esclavo tawata victima di un circunstancia cu e no a crea of provoca. E realidad ta cu sea shon o sea esclavo, nos antepasadonan ta e raiz di “un palo di un nacion”. E Arubiano di awe ta e fruta cu no mester nenga su raiz.
4 Manumissie (carta di liberacion): Documento cu ta duna libertad na un esclavo.
“Geboorten en overlijden van slaven, 1840-1863”
Capitulo 1:
Buki di Registro:
E buki di registro encontra pa sr. Kock a demonstra di ta di gran importancia pa historia. E registronan aki tawata rekeri pa ley, cu otro palabra, Aruba y tur e otro islanan di Antiyas (e tempo ey conoci como “Kolonie Curaçao en onderhorigen” (Bonaire, Aruba, Saba, St. Eustasius y St Maarten), lo mester a mantene un registro di nacemento y un di fayecimento di e esclavonan. Tambe ora di liberacion e ley di liberacion, ley di 8 di augustus 1862, a exigi pa haci registracion di esnan cu lo a ser libera. Tambe e ley ta pidi pa a pone e famianan lo mas cu por bou di un fam. No a logra encontra ni copia, ni original, di e buki di registro, encontra pa sr. Kock, den Archivonan di Corsou. Na Archivo di Corsou solamente nan tin e registronan di Corsou. E registronan di e otro islanan tampoco ta den archivo na Corsou. Logico lo tawata cu e buki di e registronan lo mester a bay pa Corsou, ya cu e islanan tawata cay bou di Corsou, pero esey no tawata e caso. Mas investigacion ta necesario prome cu por conclui cu no ta existi un original of copia di e registronan aki, entre otro mester investiga e archivonan na Hulanda. E registronan di Corsou, pa loke ta trata liberacion, ta un poco diferente cu esun di Aruba. E diferencia ta cu den e parti di “aanmerkingen”, na Aruba a pone algun nota riba e casamentonan despues di liberacion. Na Corsou nan a uza e espacio y pone nomber di algun di e doñonan. E nombernan sinembargo ta skirbi cu potlood y ta dificil pa lesa.5
E buki di registro ta dividi den tres parti:
• “Registro di e esclavonan pa ser libera 1 di juli, 1863”
(cu nan fam corespondiente);
• “Registro di nacemento di e esclavonan 1840-1863”;
• “Registro di fayecimento di e esclavonan entre 1840-1863”.
Kisas nunca lo haya sa ta ken a tira e buki di registro aki afo of e pakico un buki asina importante a termina den bari di sushi. Loke si ta posibel
5 Anexo 1: Registro di esclavonan (di Corsou) pa ser libera na Corsou.
averigua ta e motibo pa cual e registronan aki a ser traha. Solamente un investigacion por responde nos e pregunta aki. Sin mucho indicacion na unda pa cuminsa cu e investigacion, a
opta pa cuminsa na lesa e documentonan manera e.o. e correspondencia entre e mandatarionan. A cuminsa cu e carta cu fecha mas cerca di e fecha pa liberacion, 1 di juli 1863, y sigui bay atras den fecha. Ta encontra un referencia na e register, den un carta di april 1863.6 Den e carta ta haci referencia na articulo 16 den e ley di liberacion
di esclavo. Cu e informacion obteni den e carta ariba menciona, tawata facil yega na e publicacion di e ley pa liberacion di esclavo, cual ta e ley di 8 di augustus 1862.7 E registro legal aki, registro di e esclavonan pa ser libera, ta sosteni pa capitulo 3 art.16 di e ley di 8 di augustus 1862. E ley di liberacion di esclavo ta percura pa e esclavo haya un fam pa prome bes. Ademas e ley ta rekeri pa lo mas posibel e miembronan di un famia wordo poni bou di e mesun fam. Pa prome bes e esclavo ta haya un fam cu lo identific’e cu e resto di su famia.
E registro, “Esclavonan pa ser libera, 1 di juli, 1863”, tin su base den e ley menciona aki riba, ley di 8 di augustus 1862. E registro ta di un balor historico grandi ya cu e ta e registro cu lo hiba na e transferencia di esclavo pa hende liber, cuidadano cu deber y derecho manera tur otro hende liber riba e isla aki. Manera cu a informa caba den e buki aki, e esclavo no tawata wordo registra den e registro civil. Tawata tin un registro apart for di esun civil pa e esclavonan wordo registra ora di nacemento y otro pa fayecimento.
6 Anexo 2: Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba 18161939 (1945), Inventaris nr. 34, jaar 1863, 30 april 1863, no.13-10/38. 7 Anexo 3: “Slavenverordeningen 1849-1862”, A 1862 No.15, Publicatie-Blad, PUBLICATIE, waarbij afgekondigd wordt de wet van den 8 Augustus 1862 (staatsblad No.165.) houdende opheffing der slavernij op de eilanden Curaçao, Bonaire, Aruba, St. Eustatius, Saba en St. Martin (Ned. Ged.) ANA.
Capitulo tres, articulo 16, di e ley di liberacion di esclavo, ley 8 di augustus 1862.
Teniendo na cuenta cu e registronan, di fayecimento y nacemento, ambos a cuminsa na 1840, a cuminsa repasa e Publicatie Blad nan (PB’s), di 1839 bay atras. Na 1837 a topa cu e prome informacionnan riba e registro di nacemento y fayecimento di e esclavonan. Articulo 3, punto 1 y 2, di e ley di 14 di oktober 1837 ta detaya e puntonan cu mester bay den e registronan. Un revision di esaki en comparacion cu e registronan encontra ta mustra cu e contenido di e registronan encontra ta cuadra cu e ley. Cu otro palabra e registronan original (liberacion, nacemento, y fayecimento), cu ta ser publica den e buki aki tin su base den e ley publica 14 di oktober 1837.8 E registronan aki tin principalmente di haber cu conteo di e poblacion catibo. Cu e leynan treci dilanti aki riba kier ilustra, den liña grandi, e origen di e registronan aki. No ta intencion pa den e buki aki bay profundisa den e diferente leynan regardando esclavo/ sclavitud.
1.1 Titulo: “Registro di esclavonan pa ser libera” Prome cu abolicion di sclavitud, 1 di juli 1863, ya tawata laga esclavonan bira liber pa entre otro bon conducta. Tambe por a cumpra nan libertad.
8 Anexo 4: Publicacion No. 7 di 1837, “Curaçaose Courant”, diasabra 14 di oktober, 1837, No.41. Recurso: Koninklijke Bibliotheek.
Tin esclavo cu a haya nan liberacion despues di morto di nan shon. Como cu e esclavo tawata un propiedad, e shon tawata inclui e esclavo(nan) den su testament. E esclavonan tambe tawata forma parti di e herencia laga atras na yiu, famia of cualkier cuidadano cu ta aparece como heredero den e testament. Tawata sa inclui e esclavo den testament, no como propiedad, pero como heredero. Tin esclavo cu no solamente a haya e oportunidad, pa medio di testament di nan shon, pa cumpra nan libertad, pero tin cu a hereda nan libertad y hasta bienes a ser laga pa e esclavonan. Esaki tawata mustra cu mester tawata tin un bon relacion entre shon y esclavo. Hasta por laga luga pa specula cu lo por tawata tin mas cu un bon relacion entre shon y esclavo. E union entre famianan cu no tawata esclavo, cu e famianan cu si
tawata esclavo a bira mas obvio despues di liberacion di esclavo 1 di juli 1863. Den e registro di “Esclavonan pa ser libera” bo por wak entre otro algun registracion di casamento, despues di liberacion di esclavo. Hunto cu e casamentonan aki tawata tuma luga e reconocimento di e yiunan. Hopi biaha e yiunan a nace prome cu liberacion. Entre otro nos por wak den e registro algun fam di hendenan, manera Maduro y Croes (cu no ta famnan di catibo) cu a casa cu esclavonan libera y ta reconoce e yiunan. E homber esclavo cu a ser libera tambe tawata casa cu muher cu no tawata esclavo of cu no tawata descendiente di esclavo.
Fin di sclavitud den Reino Hulandes y liberacion di e esclavonan a tuma luga 1 juli, 1863. E esclavonan cu a ser libera dia 1 di juli 1863 ta registra den e registro pa liberacion cu e buki aki ta contene. Tin un total di 487 registracion pa liberacion detaya cu:
1) fam;
2) nomber di e mama;
3) nomber di e yiu;
4) e fecha di nacemento of e edad (proximo);
5) tambe ta duna algun anotacion den e añanan cu a sigui
despues di liberacion indicando casamento y tambe
reconocemento di yiu(nan) den e registro aki.
Den e registro pa liberacion di esclavo di Corsou, similar na esun di Aruba, por nota diferencia den e uso di e parti di “anotacion”. E registro di Corsou tin poni den parti di anotacion nomber di e doño/shon.9
Tin cu remarca cu den e rapport cu a ser skirbi despues di liberacion e number di esclavo libera na Aruba ta ser indica como 493. Cu ta 6 mas di locual a ser registra den e registro di liberacion. E raport skirbi despues di liberacion bo por lesa completo bou di anexo 8, documento K.
E curioso di e documento aki ta cu no a skirbi nomber di e shon. Locual ta haci supone cu lo mester tin un otro documento cu ta indica ken ta e shon di cada esclavo. Cartanan den e Kolonial Archief ta duna indicacion cu tal documento ta existi. Sin un documento cu ta mustra na ken e esclavo ta pertenece, control di pago lo tawata practicamente imposibel. Nomber di tata no ta skirbi tampoco, ya cu e esclavo no tawata permiti pa casa y den e registronan cu tawata existi durante sclavitud semper a mantene e nomber di e mama den e registro(nan). Na Corsou a haya copia di lista/registro (borderel van aangifte) di
e esclavonan segun doño/plantacion entrega pa medio di un formulario.10 Riba internet bo por wak bou “Roots familie Pinas” un ehempel di un “borderel van aangifte” di Surinam cu ta un lista di e nombernan di esclavo cu lo ser libera. No a logra haya e “borderel van aangifte” (nan) di Aruba na Aruba, ni na Corsou. Mas investigacion ta necesario entre otro den archivo di Algemeen Rekenkamer. Aruba no tin Archief di Algemene Kamer (colonial). Si e borderel nan no ta den Archief Algemene Kamer na Corsou lo mester investiga mas leu den Archiefnan di Hulanda.
Tawata asumi cu e registracion pa liberacion a ser teni den e ultimo lunanan di 1862 pa juni 1863. Motibo pa esaki tawata cu e persona mas jong registra, Euvrosina Eustacia Palma,11 a nace 2 di november 1862. Despues di mas investigacion por a tuma nota cu segun e ley di liberacion di esclavo (ley di 8 di augustus 1862), capitulo 2, art 7 d, e doño lo no a
9 Anexo 1: registro di esclavonan pa ser libera na Corsou. 10 Anexo 5: Archief Burgelijke stand, register van vrijgemaakte slaven 1863 #69, Kolonial Archief, Curaçao. 11 Registro esclavo pa ser libera #43.
bin na remarca pa compensacion pa e criatura(nan) cu a nace despues di e publicacion di e ley. Tambe a encontra den Koloniaal Archief, un carta fecha 29 di september 1862, cu ta indica cu tur mucha naci despues di e publicacion di e ley lo mester a wordo inscribi como liber den e registro civil.12 Tur indicacion ta cu muchanan naci despues di september 1862 a wordo directamente inscribi den registro civil (Archiefvriend Maart 2010, jaargang 16, #1, Stichting Archiefvrienden van het National Archief Curaçao). No por bisa cu seguridad ki dia e registracion a cuminsa, ni ki dia
el a caba, cu exactitud. Ta tuma e lapso di tempo entre publicacion di ley di liberacion, 4 di augustus 1862, como comienso di registracion y 30 juni 1863, ultimo dia di esclavitud den Reino, como final di registracion. Esaki ta necesario pa por haci calculacionnan di edad y/of fecha di nacemento y fayecimento.
Teniendo na cuenta cu e publicacion a tuma luga den “Curaçaose Courant” dia 4 di oktober 1862, ta keda un pregunta: dicon Euvrosina ta den e registro di liberacion, si e no ta den esun di nacemento? E no ta den esun di nacemento pa motibo cu el a nace 2 di november 1862 y como tal ta cay pafo di e fecha di nacemento cu tawata bin na remarca pa compensacion pa liberacion, cual ta 4 di oktober 1862. Euvrosina no a nace catibo segun e ley, sinembargo a pon’e den e registro di liberacion. E pregunta ta keda si e doño a cobra pa liberacion di Euvrosina. Cu Euvrosina ta duna un ehempel pakiko tawata tin hopi cuestionamento y control pa cu e registracionnan di esnan cu mester a ser libera. Ta mustra cu gobierno mester a tene basta control, ya cu a topa cu mas caso unda cu tawata tin inscripcionnan dudoso. Pa mustra con e registracion mester a bai a tuma como ehempel e
caso di Merselina, yiu di Johannes C. Dubero y Emerencia Bylo/Croes, cu a nace na juni 1863, pues prome cu liberacion, pero despues di publicacion di e ley. Merselina ta ser registra directamente den e registro civil, pero sin fam.13
12 Anexo 6: Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba 1816-1939 (1945), Inventaris nr. 160, jaar 1862, briefnummer 29-25/60. 13 ANA Archief, acta nacemento #44.
1.2 Titulo: “Registro di nacemento”
Esaki ta e registro di nacemento di e yiunan di esclavo. Un total di 431 registracion a tuma luga den un periodo di 23 aña (1840-1862). Esey ta duna un averahe di 18.7 nacemento pa aña. Si compara e number di nacemento den e ultimo 23 añanan di
sclavitud (431) cu e number di esclavo libera (487) na Aruba, e ta duna e impresion cu mayoria di esnan libera lo tawata mucha y hoben entre 0 y 23 aña. E realidad ta cu mester a tene na cuenta cu e cantidad di morto di baby y mucha tawata halto den e temponan ey. Ta keda tambe e posibilidad cu algun esclavonan a bay for di Aruba, por ehempel bendi cu un doño nobo riba otro isla/pais. Lo mester haci un comparacion di e tres registronan pa wak kendenan registra den e registro di nacemento a keda como esclavo te 1 di juli 1863 y kende a fayece prome cu liberacion. Si un esclavo ta registra den e registro di nacemento, como mama
of como yiu, pero no a registra pa a wordo libera y tampoco no ta registra den e registro di fayecimento lo mester busc’e den otro documentonan. Lo por busca den e actanan di venta pa wak si e esclavo por a ser bendi y manda den exterior. Tambe por busca den cartanan di liberacion pa wak si e esclavo a wordo libera prome cu 1 di juli 1863. Mester tene cuenta cu si e esclavo tawatin menos cu 23 aña y e no a aparece den registro di nacemento, pero si den registro di liberacion ta existi e posibilidad cu el a bini di un otro tera. E registracion di nacemento ta contene mucho mas detaye cu registro di liberacion, e.o.:
• a) fecha di registracion di e nacemento;
• b) nomber di esun cu a haci e registracion;
• c) fecha di nacemento;
• d) sexo di e mucha;
• e) nomber di e mama;
• f) nomber di su shon of doño;
• g) anotacion/remarca. Aki ta pone nomber di esun cu a nace.
Curioso di e registro aki ta cu aunke e ta registro di un persona cu a nace,
e nomber di esun cu a nace ta e ultimo cu ta ser treci dilanti, como un anotacion den e seccion di remarca. No ta registra e persona cu a nace cu un fam. Ta ora di registra e esclavo pa liberacion a registra e esclavonan pa prome bes cu un fam. E documentonan tambe por ser uza pa saca otro informacion se
cundario, p.e.: e tempo entre e nacemento di un yiu y e siguiente; e ta duna bo tambe nomber di parteranan cu a traha den e temporada ey. Loke bo por saka den algun caso, for di e registro aki, ta si e esclavo a cambia di doño. Na cada nacemento ta pone nomber di e shon. Si na nacemento di yiu 1 tin nomber di un shon y na yiu 2 tin un nomber di otro shon, esaki por limita e añanan den cual bo ta bay busca e documentonan referente na e venta/cambio di shon. Tene na cuenta cu esaki ta un metodo cu bo por uza solamente pa e esclavo cu ta hayando yiu y cu ta ser registra. Pa hende homber esclavo busca si e ta cambia di shon ta mas dificil. E registro, aunke no ta un registro civil, tawata registra informacion cu awe ta mustra importante den buskeda di informacion tocante e esclavo como individuo y sigur como miembro di un famia.
1.3 Titulo: ”Registro di fayecimento”
Den e registro aki ta registra e esclavonan cu a fayece di 1840 pa 1863. Un total di 172 registro den 24 aña nifica un averahe di 7.2 morto pa aña den e periodo menciona. E registracion di fayecimento ta contene e siguiente informacionnan:
• a) fecha di registracion;
• b) nomber di esun cu a haci e registracion;
• c) nomber di esun cu a muri;
• d) nomber di mama;
• e) edad of edad aproxima;
• f) fecha di fayecimento;
• g) nomber di shon/doño;
• h) anotacion/remarca unda cu entre otro ta nota e sexo di
e fayecido.
Mescos cu e registro di nacemento bo por saca informacion otro cu solamente un fecha di fayecimento. Den Archivo Nacional di Corsou no a encontra e registronan cu
tin den e buki aki, ni copia menos original. Tumando carta di 9 januari, 1860 como ehempel por wak cu registronan, nacemento y fayecimento, lo tawata wordo manda anualmente pa Corsou den forma di un “opgaaf”.14 Loke a encontra na Corsou por wak den Anexo 7a y 7b (muestra con e fayecimentonan tawata wordo raporta na Corsou). E documentonan aki a ser encontra den Archivo Nacional di Corsou. (Koloniaal Archief, Arbeid, Inv. nummer 25). Claramente e no ta mescos cu e registro cu tin den e buki aki. Bo por puntra bo mes ki interes tin pa sa e nombernan of informa
cion di un esclavo cu a fayece asina hopi aña pasa. Wel, e por tin hopi motibo, algun ehempel: kisas un nomber den famia cu bo ta puntra bo mes di unda e ta bin; confirma storia/historia di famia y e ta spaar bo tempo si bo ta busca un hende y no sa te ki tempo el a biba.15
1.4 Anotacionnan den e registro di liberacion
E esclavonnan no tawata permiti pa casa pa ley, pero nan tawata por a conta hopi biaha cu bendicion religioso pa nan union. E matrimonio aki tawata ser yama “matrimonia clandestina”, paso nan tawata contra di ley (ley no tawata permiti e matrimonionan aki.) Tawata haya e bendicion religioso pa e matrimonio y e tawata wordo registra den buki di misa pero no den registro civil y como tal no tawata tin balor legal. (mas info den articulo “Huwelijken zonder waarde”, Archiefvriend, maart 2006, jaargang 12 # 1). No por a comproba si matrimonio clandestino tawata tuma luga tambe entre blanco/shon/hende liber y esclavo. Tin algun storia di famia cu ta trece e pregunta ey riba mesa y mas investigacion riba esaki lo ta necesario.
14 Anexo 7: Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba 1816-1939 (1945), Inventaris nr.237, jaar 1860 , january 9, no.7. 15 Na e capitulo di famia Dubero Vries lo bo lesa un ehempel con un storia di famia ta cay den otro ora descubri cu e persona a muri promer cu liberacion.
Pa por tin un miho bista y prueba di e matrimonionan clandestino di nos antepasadonan lo mester consulta e bukinan di matrimonio di e iglesianan, di e era di sclavitud. Lastimamente ANA no a logra ainda cu e misanan entrega e documentonan aki, di gran importancia pa nos historia, na ANA pa nan conservacion. Algun di e documentonan aki cu tawata warda na Corsou lo por a perde den e candela di 30 di mei 1969. Tambe a yega informacion na ANA, cu a deshaci di algun di e bukinan aki na Aruba mes. En todo caso, e posibilidad t’ey cu algun di e documentonan aki ainda ta existi. Pa busca informacion di bo antepasadonan, posibel matrimonio pa iglesia, lo mester permiso di iglesia pa busca den nan archivonan. Manera bisa anteriormente, den e registro di liberacion tin algun anotacion haci despues di liberacion. E anotacionnan aki ta referi na matrimonio di esun libera. Tambe por haya e registro/reconocemento di e yiunan dor di e esposo di e mama, e tata. E matrimonionan y reconocemento/registro di yiunan, den e anotacionnan, a tuma luga despues di liberacion.
E union entre e esclavo y e hende liber, no ta algo cu a cuminsa na 1863, ya prome cu esey tawata tin union cu a tuma luga entre esclavo y e hende liber/blanco. Aki no ta papia di union legal of religioso, pero carnal. Esaki ta bisto despues di liberacion, cu den hopi caso e homber liber ta draai casa cu e esclavo libera y reconoce e yiunan. E documentonan aki ta confirma storia/historia di famia, hopi biaha pasa den forma di historia oral. Tambe den algun caso bo por wak cu ora di registro di nacemento y fayecimento, por encontra ya prome cu liberacion, cu e mes un persona cu ta bai registra ta casa/reconoce e yiunan despues di liberacion. Tambe por wak den e descendencia di esclavo nan color y cabei cu e descendiente no ta completamento di color scur mas. Ehempel lo ta Elizabeth Bylo, cu su potret ta den e buki aki pagina 48. Elizabeth a nace esclava pero su mama a casa y e yiunan a wordo reconoci dor di Daniel Croes (den algun otro documento Tromp). Den e registronan, ya prome cu liberacion, bo ta wak nomber di Daniel Croes (Tromp). Elizabeth tambe ta carga nomber di su wela paterno.
E informacion bon detaya di e buki di registro, “Geboorten en overlijden van slaven op Aruba, 1840-1863” (su nomber original), ta un referencia importante den estudio riba genealogia y formacion di famia di esclavonan na Aruba. E informacion den e documento aki ta facilita investigacion di otro documentonan. Di e forma aki ta posibel encontra 3, 4 y mas generacion di famia di esclavo. Sin e documento aki bien ta posibel cu algun laso (basa riba documento) familiar di e esclavonan y nan famianan awendia lo a bay perdi. Banda di e informacion pa cual e registronan tin nan meta, esta registra ken ta wordo libera, ken a nace y ken a muri, e detayesnan tuma den e registronan por yuda saca mas informacion tocante e esclavo/sclavitud. E informacion cu bo por saca di e registro aki ta duna un miho entendimento di e circunstancianan bou di cual e esclavonan tawata biba, nan relacion social/familiar, etc. E registracion ta haci posibel pa wak si e esclavo tawata cambia di doño durante e añanan, con famianan tawata wordo separa, etc. E nomber di doño ta ser menciona na nacemento y tambe na ora di registro di morto. Cu e informacion duna, entre otro nomber y fecha, ta haci posibel pa bay busca den otro documento, manera e documentonan di venta y herencia, “cartanan di liberacion” (manumissie), etc. Di e forma aki bo por haci un investigacion mas profundo.
Con ta haci uzo di e contenido di e registronan
Capitulo 2:
O Ora e personanan no haya informacion di un antepasado den e bukinan di registro civil, nos ta sugeri pa nan busca den e registro di esclavo. E sorpresa pa algun hende tawata grandi ora nan a encontra nan antepasadonan den e registro di esclavo. Hopi biaha nan ta keda sorprendi, pasobra nunca a tende cu e pariente ey tawata esclavo. E documento aki ta siña nos compronde nos grandinan miho,
manera nos welo(a) y bisawelonan, probablemente e promenan den ser libera of di a nace liber di sclavitud den nan famia. E ta yuda nos na compronde, di tin comprension y respeta nan silencio, nan berguensa of nan orguyo. E buki aki ta habri e posibilidad pa investigacion mas profundo riba nos raiz como individuo, famia y nacion. E tipo di documento y investigacion aki ta yuda nos conoce y com
pronde e particularidad di cada hende, di hendenan di nos pueblo/nacion, pero tambe e ta duna nos mas conocemento riba e similaridadnan cu ta existi entre nos pueblonan di Caribe y Latino America, como tambe e rastronan Europeo cu ta existi den e individuo y e pueblo en general. E investigacionnan na cual e registronan aki ta hiba nos, ta cende un luz di conocemento y reconocimiento di nos cultura; nos musica; nos manera di expresa; nos idioma; nos dichonan; nos color; nos cabey; nos identidad; nos hendenan.
E buki “registro di esclavo” por ta un parti masha chikito di nos historia di esclavo, sinembargo ora bo lesa, conoce y relaciona e contenido cu e hende cu abo, ami y nos ta awe como persona individual, pero tambe como nacion, su contenido ta manera encontra un mundo den un caha di swafel.
Bo por busca a base di e fam; e nomber di e persona; e nomber di su mama; e nomber di e Shon/doño; fecha di nacemento; fecha di fayecimento y tambe conocemento di e nomber di e persona cu a bay haci e registro di nacemento of fayecimento lo por yuda den encontra esun cu bo ta busca. Mas dato bo tin di e persona cu bo ta busca, mas facil ta pa encontr’e y menos tempo e lo tuma bo. Si bo tin un fecha y un nomber,
16 Ta importante pa distingui entre e palabra deduci y asumi ora bo ta haci cualkier tipo di investigacion. Deduci ta ora bo ta yega na un conclusion door di rasona, basa riba berdad(nan) comproba/sosteni (defacto) cu documento, potret, etc. Asumi ta ora bo ta yega na un conclusion cu bo no por sostene cu e berdadnan proba/sosteni cu documento, potret, etc. Obvio cu bo no por conclui un investigacion a base di asumi.
esey ta facilita e buskeda masha hopi mes, principalmente den e registro di nacemento y esun di fayecimento. E fecha ta hiba bo na un aña specifico reduciendo bo area di busca masha hopi mes. Pa facilita e buskeda mas ainda e documento lo wordo poni tambe den forma digital.
2.1 Fam
Un fam claramente ta haci e buskeda di informacionnan genealogico mas facil. Un di e rekisitonan den e ley di liberacion di catibo di 8 di augustus 1862 (capitulo 3 art. 16) ta rekeri pa un fam wordo duna na e esclavonan ora di liberacion. Aunke e ley ta papia di pone e miembronan di famia lo mas posible bou di mesun fam, esaki no semper a pasa of tawata posibel. No necesariamente e fam duna na e yiunan ta fam di e mama. Pa demonstra esaki ta pone e siguiente ehempelnan:
Ehempel 1: Registro di liberacion #20. Narcissa ta cay bou e fam Bak, pero e mesun Narcissa na #164, #165, #168 y #172 ta cay bou di Wernet. Tin e posibilidad cu lo bo por hay’e como Weller den algun otro documento, manera ta e caso riba e acta di nacemento (registro civil acta #180) di su yiu Clara Vrolijk. Riba e acta bo ta haya anotacion tambe cu e ta uza e nomber/alias Maria Narcissa. Riba 16 di december 1876 Narcissa a casa cu Jan Pieter Vrolijk. Ta e registro # 172 ta esun cu ta indica cu Narcissa ta carga Wernet e otronanan menciona te referi na su yiunan cu ta carga e fam. Pues e fam ta pa esnan den e di dos colom.
Ehempel 2: Registro di liberacion #241(bou Moerdijk) Maria Rosaria. Loke ta parce un di dos nomber, Rosaria, ta wordo uza como un fam. Rosaria ta bira Rosario. Esaki bo no por deduci16 di e registro mes, pero ora bo bay busca den e registro civil lo bo no hay’e bou di e fam Moerdijk of Moerdyk, pero den e acta di fayecimiento civil #13,1864, di su yiu Bartholdo e ta registra como Maria Rosario.
17 Acta di venta di Magdalena ta den capitulo 4, Famia Dubero-Vries 18 Anexo 16: Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van van Aruba 1816-1939 (1945), Inventaris nr. 971, jaar 1860,.briefnummer 23.
Tambe tawata tin e situacion caminda e shon tawata bende miembro di un famia y mand’e otro pais/isla y ora di liberacion nan ta leu di famia y bou di otro registro. Aki ta sigui algun ehempel:
Ehempel 3: Caso di Magdalena yiu di Klarissa. Magdalena ta wordo bendi dos biaha, ora e tawata tin 15 aña y ora cu e tawata tin 19 aña. E shon Jan van der Singel, cu a cumpr’e ora e tawata tin 19 aña, ta di Corsou y e a hiba Magdalena Corsou. No a logra encontra informacion di Magdalena despues di e benta cu e shon di Corsou. Na Corsou a encontra informacion cu mr. van der Singel a libera yiu di un esclava di nomber Magdalena. E criatura a hiba e nomber Maria Bernadina Sing of tambe Maria Bernadina van Sing ta ser libera na 1859 segun ”Wie was Wie.nl” (antes Genlias.nl).17
Ta deduci cu Magdalena probablemente ta yiu di Klarissa Bylo a base di tres punto: e nomber di e mama; e nomber di e (prome) shon y tambe e hecho cu no a encontra niun indicacion cu e (prome)shon lo por tawata tin otro esclavo cu yama Klarissa. Sinembargo no por asumi cu Magdalena, cu a ser bendi y hiba Corsou, ta mama di Maria Bernadina ya cu nos no tin mas info di sr. van der Singel su otro catibonan. Por ta cu e tawata tin mas cu un esclavo cu e nomber Magdalena. Ta keda e posibilidad pa sigi busca den e archivonan di Corsou.
Un otro ehempel ta e caso di Virginia Demetricia y su ruman Juliaan
Ehempel 4: Virginia Demetricia y Juliaan. Virginia a nace 22 di december 1842 na Aruba, segun registro di nacemento di esclavo #22, 1842. Si bo busca Virginia lo bo no encontr’e den e registro di liberacion. Si bo busc’e den fayecimento lo bo no haya su nomber tampoco. Ta keda e ora e posibilidad di cu a libera Virginia prome cu 1 di juli 1863 of cu a manda Virginia un otro pais/isla. E ultimo aki nos por a comproba cu un acta den e “Koloniaal Archief, Protocol notarieel di 1860”, unda ta haya un acta di venta di Virginia cu un Shon, Jesserun, di Corsou.18
Virginia, segun investigacion di Luc Alofs, tawata un esclavo cu a encontra diferente problema di comportacion y husticia. Virginia su shon, Jan Hendrik van der Biest, ta bend’e cu un shon di Corsou, Jesserun/Jessurun. Jesserun ta hiba Virginia Corsou pa biba y 1 di juli 1863 e ta ser libera na Corsou. Di e bida di Virginia bo por lesa mas den un articulo di Luc Alofs riba Internet: (http://www.historici.nl/Onderzoek/Projecten/DVN/lemmata/ data/Virginia [12/02/2013]).
Cu cooperacion di sra. Maduro y sra. Langenfeld, Archivo Nacional di Corsou, ta haya e siguiente informacion cu ta pertenece na Virginia cu por agrega na e parti cu Luc Alofs a skirbi:
(partinan di menos importancia laga afo)
Geachte mevr. Arends, Is al weer even geleden dat ik het artikel over Virginia op het internet tegenkwam. Ik heb toen het volgende aan het stuk toegevoegd: Virginia Dementricia, geboren in 1842, slavin van J.A. Jessurun, die in
1863 – bij de emancipatie – de achternaam Gaai krijgt. In 1867 krijgt
zij een zoon: Marcelino Martis Gaai.
En bij Naar komt in 1863 een slaaf vrij die de naam Juliaan Liprandi
krijgt (geboren in 1840).
Deze gegevens had ik uit de boeken van 1863 waarin de achternamen van de vrijgekomen slaven. Van Els Langenfeld heb ik het volgende commentaar gekregen: ze heeft inderdaad in 1863 de achternaam Gaai gekregen. Helaas zijn
de borderellen die Jesurun heeft opgemaakt i.v.m. de uitbetaling heel
slecht gefilmd (archief Algemene rekenkamer) waardoor niet te lezen is
waar ze woonde en welk beroep ze eventueel had.
Ze is in ieder geval in de periode dat ze op Curaçao was bij Jesurun nooit
weggelopen of gestraft (c.q. niet vermeld in de registers weggelopen of
gestrafte slaven).
Met vriendelijke groet,
Helma Maduro - Molhuijsen.
Juliaan, ta un ruman homber di Virginia cu tambe a ser bendi, cu otro shon, na Corsou, sr. Naar. Juliaan tawata pia di morocho cu Juliana, cu a keda Aruba. A libera Juliana, na Aruba, bou fam Bikker. No a encontra nada cu ta indica cu Virginia of Juliaan por tawata tin contacto cu e famia di Aruba.
Haciendo referencia na capitulo 3, art. 6, di ley di liberacion di esclavo y uzando caso di Virginia y su ruman Juliaan como ehempel, por a saca conclusion cu e ley ta bisa pa pone e e esclavonan, lo mas posibel, bou di e mesun fam, paso practicamente lo tawata imposibel pa pone tur miembro di famia bou mes un fam. Den e caso aki Virginia ta ser libera bou di e fam Gaai mientras su rumannan y e otro miembronan di famia, na Aruba, ta ser libera bou di fam Bikker (registro di liberacion di esclavo # 467 - # 474). E intencion di “uni” e miembronan di mesun famia bou di e mesun fam probablemente no a funciona pa esnan cu a ser separa di nan famia, e.o. door di mandanan otro pais/isla.
Ora bo ta haci investigacion di un famia bo mester tene cuenta cu no tur miembro di famia bo ta bay haya bou di e mesun fam. Pa e esclavonan cu a ser manda otro pais/isla, e posibilidad cu e lasonan familiar tawata bay perdi tawata grandi. E lasonan no a bay perdi solamente pa motibo di e cambio di fam cu ta haci e buscamento, hasta awe ainda dificil, pero corda tambe cu comunicacion antes no tawata facil. Bo ta depende di un carta di un famia. Hopi hende no por a skirbi ni lesa, bou di e poblacion di e ex-esclavonan analfabetismo probablemente tawata hopi halto, si no ta 100%. Ta bin acerca cu e biahamento tawata costa placa cu un pober no tin. Aki ta bisa pober pasobra e esclavo a pasa di esclavo pa pober ya cu e no tawata tin mucho pertenencia ora di su liberacion. Poco ta esnan cu lo por a bin na un suma cu ta permiti nan biaha directamente despues di nan liberacion. Por nombra otro motibo manera e hecho cu hopi lo tawata tin yiu y famia na e otro pais/tera. Cada persona lo tawata tin nan situacion individual cu por a hiba na e kiebro di e lasonan di famia.
E informacion, e famnan, den e registro aki ta solamente di e esclavonan libera 1 di juli, 1863. Prome cu e abolicion di sclavitud, na 1863, ya
tawata tin esclavo cu a ser libera y nan tambe a haya un fam ora di liberacion. Pa e liberacionnan cu a sosode prome cu e ley di liberacion a bay na vigor, no ta tur hendenan libera bou di e mesun fam, riba mesun fecha, of cu fechanan diferente di liberacion, ta famia (cerca) of ruman. Den hopi caso (no tur), aki na Aruba, e fam duna na un esclavo libera ta deriva for di e fam di e shon, ehempelnan ta: Thiele (esclavo) di Thielen (shon); Dubero (esclavo) for di Oduber (shon). Na Corsou nos ta wak cu tin hopi fam cu ta nombernan di hende muher. Tambe a ripara den algun registro na Corsou cu den algun caso e fam ta parce di ta refleha e caracter of e concepto cu e shon (es cu a pone e fam) tin di e esclavo, su ofishi of refleho fisico di e esclavo. Esaki nos por wak den e famnan den anexo 5.
Ehempel 5: Fam Dubero. Na aña 1853 Camilo Agapito, yiu di Carolina, ta ser libera bou di e fam Dubero door di M.E. Oduber.19 Na 1862 Johannes C.Dubero yiu di Plantina, ta ser libera bou di e fam Dubero, door di otro shonnan, entre cual tambe Oduber. Riba 1 di juli 1863 algun esclavo mas ta haya e fam Dubero ora di liberacion. Pa bisa cu Johannes Dubero ta famia di Camilo Dubero bo mester por proba esaki, por ehempel cu Carolina y Plantina ta ruman. Cu e registronan aki nos por wak cu mama di Carolina ta Sara (registro di liberacion di esclavo, #50) y mama di Plantina ta Florentina (fayecimiento di esclavo 1860, #3). Awor otro posibilidad ta cu nan ta yiu di mesun tata. Esaki ta bira dificil pa proba, ya cu e nomber di e tata no ta ser registra cerca esclavonan.
Pa confirma un relacion familiar mester por proba cu documento. Ta existi metodonan biologico moderno di test di DNA. E metodonan aki, cu nos no ta bay den detaye riba nan, lo por ser uza awendia si tin bon conservacion di cierto parti di e restonan/esceleto. Tambe e mitochondrial DNA por ser uza awendia, pero esaki ta posibel solamente riba e descendencia den linea di e hende muhe.
Tuma bon nota cu e registro di liberacion tin dos lista di nomber: fam
19 ”Curaçaose Vrijbrieven1722-1863”, pagina 444”
mas nomber di mama y den di dos lista nomber (di yiu). Solamente esnan den e di dos lista ta carga e fam duna ariba. Ehempel: Martina ta registra den registro di liberacion di #99 (te cu #103) como mama, pero su nomber no ta aparece den e di dos bou di e fam Vries. Bo ta haya Martina registra bou di nomber di yiu na e registro di liberacion # 49 bou di e fam Vos.
2.2 Nomber
E hecho cu un esclavo a wordo registra, den algun caso, den 2 registro (liberacion/fayecimento/nacemento), indicando tambe e nomber di su mama, ta haci e investigacion genealogico mas facil. E por sirbi tambe pa verifica e hayasgonan y/of informacion obteni di otro fuente. Loke a tuma nota durante e investigacion ta cu ora di traha acta di
benta y/of peticion pa carta liberacion di un esclavo bo ta haya e nomber di e mama tambe menciona den e acta/carta. Tin tambe diferente manera pa skirbi mesun nomber.
Ehempel 1: nomber di e ultimo esclavo registra di a muri prome cu liberacion, Soraida Eustacia. Soraida ta registra di a nace dia 20 di februari 1862, como Zoraida Eleutharia. Claramente por mira cu e ta deletra diferente of kisas cu tin erornan p.e. den forma di skirbi e nombernan. Debi cu a registra diferente informacion di e persona, bo por haci uzo di e informacionnan aki pa deduci si ta trata of no di e mesun persona.
No por asumi cu ta e mesun persona solamente pa e fecha y e hecho cu e nombernan ta parce otro. Ta necesario pa deduci for di otro e informacionnan cu por tin den e registro y/of otro documento, pa conclui si e ta e mesun persona of no.
Durante e siglonan e manera di skirbi un letter a cambia, pero tambe e manera di skirbi un palabra.
Ehempel 2: descendientenan di Klarissa Bylo semper a referi na dje como Klarisja. Ora cu a encontra e nomber den e buki di registro e tawata skirbi di tal forma cu enberdad bo lo conclui cu ta Klarisja ta skirbi (Rosa Arends cu a traha na e publicacion aki ta un descendiente di Klarissa y como tal tawata familiar cu e pronunciacion di e nomber pa e descendientenan). Sr. Henk Ooft, cu ta traha den restauracion na ANA y cu a studia letra sinembargo a splica cu e di dos ‘s’ den e palabra ta ser skirbi diferente, pues no ta Klarisja pero Klarissa.
Otro ehempel den e buki di registro ta e fam Hassel. Si un hende no tin e conocemento di e cambio y uzo di letter den e epocanan pasa bo lo por malinterpreta y lesa Hasjel.
Otro confusion cu por haya ta cu e letternan ‘y’ compara cu ‘ij’. Asina nos por wak cu ta skirbi e lunanan di juli y juni tambe cu ‘y’ pero tambe cu ‘ij’. Esaki riba su mes no ta haci un gran diferencia ora cu ta e luna, ya cu nos sa cu ta e luna ey nan kiermen. Dificil e ta bira ora cu skirbi nomber y fam.
Ehempel 3: ta e nomber Bylo; algun caminda bo por hay’e skirbi como Bijlo.
Semper tene cuenta cu e manera di skirbi (handschrift) y e manera di deletra un palabra. Tene cuenta tambe cu tin nomber cu aunke bo ta les’e mescos, ta skirbie diferente, por ehempel: e nomber Fransisca ta ser skirbi tambe Francisca; Elisabeth y Elizabeth; Klarissa y Clarissa. Pa motibo di uzo di diferente idioma tambe ta bin diferencia den e nombernan, por ehempel: un hende cu yama Juan ta ser skirbi Juan un caminda y Jan otro caminda. E diferencia aki mas bien por tin di haber cu e uzo di idioma Hulandes y Spaño riba nos Isla den e epoca ey. Di e forma aki bo ta haya Juan cu Jan y Pedro cu Pieter. E influencia di idioma di tera firme, Spaño, tawata existi aki na
Aruba. Aunke cu Aruba tawata un colonia Hulandes, tawata tin un epoca cu Aruba tawata cay bou di tera firme pa loke ta trata religion catholico, Coro y regularmente pastornan lo tawata bin celebra misa na Aruba. E influencia di Spaño, como idioma, tin di haber probablemente tambe cu e bay bin di hende di tera firma, e.o. Venezuela. No menos importante ta e hecho cu na e famnan di e shonnan por wak cu algun di e shonnan lo tawata di descendencia Spaño/Latino. No lubida cu, aunke pa un periodo cortico, Aruba tawata domina pa e Inglesnan tambe. Tene cuenta ora bo ta haci investigacion den genealogia cu e nomber por cambia di un documento pa otro documento.
Ehempel 4: Jan Pedro (despues ta haya e fam Wernet) yiu di Reina naci 2 di juni 1847. E ta ser registra pa liberacion (registro pa liberacion di esclavo #161) cu e nomber Juan Pedro. A verifica cu ta trata di mesun hende. Esaki ta posible cu e nomber di mama, fecha di nacemento, etc.
2.3 Alias
Alias tawata y ta wordo uza cu basta frecuencia na nos isla. E uzo di un alias (of un nomber di cariño) no ta trece tanto confusion awendia cu e sistemanan avansa di identificacion y caminda ta haci uzo di sistema digitalisa y documento di identificacion ta di uzo diario. Nos tur conoce un Buchi of un Chichi den famia. Eseynan tawata e nombernan duna hopi biaha na e rumannan grandi como nomber di cariño. E aliasnan uza den
tempo di esclavo y despues tawata hopi biaha completamente diferente na e nomber original. Den e registronan nos por wak cu nan ta pone tambe e alias di un persona.
Ehempel 1: Emerencia, yiu di Klarissa Bylo, su alias tawata Florencia. Den e bukinan di registro tin diferente esclavo cu nan alias a ser anota tras di nan nomber. Tin algun caminda den e documentonan bieu cu bo ta wak skirbi â, esey ta e abrevacion pa alias. E uzo di alias antes tambe por a trece confusion den algun di e casonan ora bo ta busca un persona su informacion. Tawata tin hende ta uza nomber y fam completamente diferente na nan nomber of fam oficial.
Ehempel 2: Ta haya varios descendiente di Narcissa Wernet, casa cu Vrolijk,20 den e registro civil bou di e fam Weller. Despues cu Rosa Arends a tende e “storia” di e uzo di fam Weller y Wernet den historia oral di su famia (for di su mama y su wela), e por a confirma esaki cu uzo di dos documento confiable, cual nan ta: e registro civil di Aruba y e buki di registro di esclavo. Ta e caso cu e persona di Johannes Weller, yiu di Florentia Wernet, ta uza tambe e nomber Jan Wernet. Por wak den e registro di Jan Wernet/Johannes Weller su yiunan nacemento, of otro registro, cu tin yiu a carga Weller y otro Wernet. Asina bo a haya cu e yiunan di e mesun mama cu tata tin fam diferente.
Otro punto ta, entre otro, e uzo di e nomber Maria como prome nomber. Tin ora e ta ser uza y otro caminda nan ta laga Maria afo. Asina bo por haya cu un persona ta ser referi na dje tanto den combersacion como por escrito na su di dos nomber. Tambe tin caso cu ta traha un solo nomber cu e prome y di dos nomber, por ehempel Maria Magdalena ta bira Malena of solamente Magdalena. Tambe Maria ta bira Ija. Tambe cu nombernan cu tin Jan dilanti bo ta haya Jan Hendrik ta bira Yendi of Eddy of simplemente Hendrik. Den algun caso ta laga e Jan afo y ta uza e di dos nomber so.
20 Registro di liberacion # 20
Loke kier pone cla aki ta cu mester tene cuenta ora di investigacion cu e custumbernan cu nos tin den loke ta e manera cu nos ta yama un hende of skirbi un hende su nomber. Tambe mester tene cuenta cu e cambionan den nomber despues di liberacion. No bira discurasha lihe ora bo no ta haya un nomber of fam. Kisas tin cambionan chikito, aliasnan, foutnan den lesamento of skirbimento cu mester tene cuenta cu nan. Tene cuenta tambe cu por tin persona/famia cu ora nan a wordo libera a tuma e decision di bay otro isla of pais of di a scoge pa otro fam of simplemente e fam a “caba”, cu otro palabra, no tawata tin hende cu e fam ey mas.
2.4 Anotacion di matrimonio y reconocimiento (reg. di liberacion)
Anotacionan di matrimonio y reconocimiento ta yuda aclarea e hecho cu un persona por aparece cu diferente fam.
Ehempel 1: Emerencia Bylo ta registra como Bylo den e registro di liberacion di esclavo #2. Den e mesun registro, na #6, ta anota cu hunto cu su otro rumannan e ta wordo reconoci y ta bay carga e fam Croes. Croes ta e fam cu cual Daniel Croes a reconoce e yiunan na momento cu el a casa cu Klarissa Bylo dia 2 di mei 1866. Den otro anotacion, #2, di e mesun registro, bo ta wak cu Emerencia, yiu di Klarissa y Daniel, dia 21 di april 1877 ta casa cu Johannes Constantien Dubero y cu pa medio di e matrimonio e ta bay carga Dubero. E cambionan di fam aki tambe ta conta pa Emerencia su yiu Sanblasa cu ta nace prome cu liberacion y como tal a carga Bylo. Ora cu Emerencia wordo reconoci door di matrimonio di su mama Klarissa, automaticamente e yiu, Sanblasa, tambe ta haya e fam Croes. Mas despues Emerencia ta casa cu Johannes C. Dubero y Sanblasa ta wordo reconoci bou di e fam Dubero. Sanblasa despues ta contrae matrimonio cu Fingal.
Registro di Liberacion di esclavo #2, Un ehempel di e anotacionnan haci den e registro. E anotacionnan ta data di despues di liberacion y ta referi na casamento y reconocemento di yiu. Den e caso aki di Emerencia Bylo.
2.5 Calculacion di edad
Algun di e esclavonan a ser registra cu edad y no fecha di nacemento den e registro di liberacion. Calculacion di edad den e caso aki ta ser haci di e siguiente manera: Tuma e edad cu ta ser duna y kite for di 1862.
Ehempel 1: tumando como ehempel Guillermo Vogel, yiu di Maria Gracia Vogel, #18 den registro pa liberacion di esclavo. Guillermo ta registra cu 48 aña. Pa sa su aña di nacemento bo desconta su edad for di (18)62 esey ta duna e aña, aproxima, cu Guillermo a nace, 1814. tene cuenta cu e registro por a ser haci den 1863. Esaki por duna bo un diferencia di un aña. Den e caso di Guillermo, si e ta registra pa liberacion na 1863 su fecha di nacemento lo ta 1815.
Den caso di e registro di fayecimento tambe por calcula aña di nacemento (aproximadamente) door di desconta e edad cu ta ser duna for di e fecha di fayecimento.
Ehempel 2: tumando como ehempel Maria Theodora, alias Gelina/Gilina, #6 registro di fayecimento 1853. E ta muri cu 42 aña dia 19 di oktober 1853. Su aña (aproximadamente) cu el a nace ta: 1853-42=1811.
Tene na cuenta cu tin algun caso cu loke bo lo haya na informacion di edad of fecha di nacemento ta un aproximacion. Pa esnan bou di 23 aña cu a wordo registra cu edad y no fecha di nacemento, lo por busca e fecha di nacemento den registro di nacemento. Si e no ta para eyden por ta un indicacion cu e persona a bin di otro pais/isla.
2.6 Kende ta e shon/doño
E informacion aki por ta hopi importante ora bo ta busca un esclavo. Por haya e nomber di e shon di e esclavo tanto den e registro di nacemento como di e fayecimento di e esclavo. Si un esclavo ta den edad di haya yiu y a haya mas cu un yiu bo por
wak si e ta cambia di doño. Si entre un yiu y e otro e ta mustra cu e esclavo por a cambia di doño bo ta limita e buskeda di e documento di benta / herencia/notarial na e fechanan di nacemento di un yiu pa e otro yiu. Otro posibilidad ta door di compara e informacion di registro di nacemento cu esun di registro di fayecimiento pa wak si tin cambio den ken ta e shon. Esaki ta yuda orienta e buskeda di otro documentonan manera esnan ya menciona. E registronan di nacemento y fayecimento di esclavo mester a ser manda Corsou tur aña. Esaki tawata wordo manda den forma di un “opgaaf” Anexo 7 ta un muestra di un carta cu ta indica cu e registronan, conhuntamente cu otro documentonan, ta ser manda Corsou.
Den archivonan lo mester tin un documento rekeri pa ley, un inventario di esclavonan, cu e shon mester a entrega na gobierno tur aña. E inventario tawata un documento pa belasting. E Ley a ser publica 14 di oktober 1837 No. 6 “Curaçaose courant”. Den e inventarionan aki tambe lo bo por wak nomber di shon y ken ta su esclavo(nan). No a logra haya copia ni original di un di documentonan /inventarionan aki te awor. Mas investigacion ta necesario.
2.7 Ken falta?
Si compara e registro di nacemento cu e registro di fayecimento bo lo wak cu tin esclavo cu lo por a ser libera of a bandona Aruba prome cu 1 di juli, 1863. Si e persona a nace aki, no ta registra cu el a muri y tampoco ta aparece den e registro pa ser libera, por ta un indicacion cu el a ser libera prome cu 1 di juli 1863 of cu e por a bandona e isla, por ehempel bendi cu un shon na otro isla/pais. Mescos ta e caso cu si bo encontra un persona bou di 23 aña cu ta
registra pa ser libera, pero bo no ta encontr’e den e registro di nacemento, por ta un indicacion cu el a bin di otro isla of tera firme. Den ambos caso e tin su importancia pa e buskeda genealogico, ya cu bo raiznan por ta den otro pais of parti di bo arbol genealogico ta den otro pais.
2.8 Anotacion, referencia y confiabilidad di bo recurso
Ora bo ta haci investigacion, sin importa si ta genealogia of otro tipo di investigacion, ta importante pa bo traha nota segun bo ta haci bo investigacion. Principalmente ta importante pa anota loke bo kier uza for di bo recurso/fuente y anota di unda exacto bo a saca e informacion, e referencia. Pa bo por comproba loke bo ta trece dilanti, dos punto ta indispensabel: 1.cu bo por indica di unda bo a saca e informacion (bo fuente/ bo recurso/ referencia) y 2. cu bo fuente/recurso/referencia ta confiable.
Semper bo mester tin bo referencia bon documenta pa asina: 1. bo no comete plagiato (skirbi algo di otro hende sin
menciona cu ta di e otro hende e ta y laga pasa cu ta di bo);
2. pa asina esun cu uza bo documento por consulta cu bo fuente
di referencia;
3. pa si bo mester bay back na e recurso durante y of despues
di bo investigacion;
4. pa demonstra cu loke bo ta trece dilanti ta cuadra cu e berdad.
E puntonan nota aki riba tambe ta conta pa tur investigacion, sin excepcion.
Bo recursonan/bo fuentenan mester ta confiabel. Esey kiermen por ehempel cu: e contenido no ta dudoso, ta fuentenan original, fuentenan legal/ gubernamental, of di persona renombra pa exactitud y confiabilidad den nan trabou. Aki na Aruba e fuentenan pa investigacion di genealogia ta en
tre otro: documentonan di gobierno cu ta ser warda na Archivo Nacional Aruba; documentonan na registro civil (CENSO); registronan religioso manera: casamento pa misa, ricibimento; documentonan bieu di famia, manera documento di casamento. Den archivonan di Corsou y Hulanda tambe tin hopi informacionnan cu ta concerni Aruba su habitantenan di siglonan pasa. Awendia hopi informacion ta obtenibel via diferente website riba internet, por ehempel, ”Ancestry.com”, ”Wie was Wie.nl” (”antes genlias.nl”), ”Gahetna.nl”, ”Koninklijke Bibliotheek” y hopi mas. Segun bo ta drenta den e hobby di genealogia bo lo bay ta descubri e recursonan. Un ta hiba na otro. Ta keda tambe e posibilidad di contacto cu archivo di e paisnan bisiña ora kier busca mas leu, mirando e hecho cu antes tawata tin hopi migracion den e region Caribense/Americano/Atlantico.
Tuma nota, registra bo fuentenan di informacion (referencia), sigura cu bo fuentenan ta confiabel. Esakinan ta e principionan basico pa cuminsa un bon investigacion.
E registronan
Capitulo 3:
EElizabeth BIkker Croes. Elizabeth ta conoci tambe como Asuncion.
Elizabeth, naci 7 di augustus 1861, tawata practicamente un baby ora el a ser libera. E ta un di e esclavonan libera cu a biba mas tempo despues di liberacion. E esclavo libera na Aruba cu a encontra, te awor, cu a biba mas tempo despues di liberacion ta sra. Loisinet Palma. Sra. Palma a nace 25 Mei 1857 y fayece na Corsou 1955. Aunke libera na Aruba sra. Palma a fayece na Corsou.
Elizabeth ta yiu di Klarissa Bylo y Daniel Croes. Na ora di liberacion, 1 di juli 1863, Elizabeth hunto cu su mama y rumannan a haya e fam Bylo (prome famia registra den registro pa liberacion). Despues di liberacion Klarissa Bylo y Daniel Coes a contrae matrimonio y nan yiunan a haya e fam Croes. Elizabeth ta ruman di Emerencia. Emerencia a casa cu Johannes C. Dubero y como tal Elizabeth ta cuña di Johannes D. Dubero, kende su stamboom a keda presenta den e buki aki.
Elizabeth a casa cu Erville (Eduard) Bikker, naci 1847. Erville Bikker ta yiu di Maria Theodora Gilina. Maria Theodora su yiunan a haya e fam Bikker despues cu nan a ser libera. Sinembargo por a haya dos yiu di Maria Theodora cu a carga otro fam. Ta trata di Juliaan cu a haya e fam Liprandi ora e wordo libera na Corsou y e otro yiu ta Virginia Demetricia cu a haya e fam di Gaai ora e wordo libera. Tambe Corsou Virginia Demetricia tawata conoci pa su rebeldia. Luc Alofs a skirbi riba e bida di Virginia. Virginia Demetricia ta cuña di Elizabeth. Elizabeth a fayece 3 di februari 1948 na Aruba.
Falta mas investigacion riba e famia di Maria Theodora y tambe di Klarissa Bylo. Tin e probabilidad cu Maria Theodora y Klarissa por ta famia. Ta sospecha cu nan por ta ruman of prima of tanta cu sobrina, pero esey lo keda pa un otro buki.
E Registronan
Siguientemente lo presenta e tres registronan cu e buki di registro “Geboorten- en overlijden van slaven, 1840-1863”, ta contene. E buki aki ta contene informacion tuma literalmente for di e buki di registro cu e maximo di nos conocemento y recurso disponible. E informacion duna den Capitulo 2 ta yuda compronde y uza e in
formacion cu e registronan aki ta contene. E informacion cu e registronan aki ta duna ta yuda nos completa e “rompecabezas”, e “puzzel”, di ken nos ta como nacion y como individuo. E uzo di e buki di registro aki ta yuda nos completa e “potret” di famia. E registro original ta skirbi na man y esey ta haci su lesamento un poco dificil. Otro motibo cu ta haci e acceso y lesamento di e documento aki dificil ta: e papel ta bieu y mancha algun caminda; e handschrift ta varia den “netheid”; e sistema di skirbi e letternan (handschrift) a cambia cu aña y ta dificil di distingui un letter for di e otro letter of pa reconoce e letter; tambe forma pa deletra (spelling) e nombernan ta varia den henter e registro. Un fotocopia di e documento original tawata e solucion temporal
pa duna publico acceso na e informacion di e registro. Cu e digitalisacion di e documento pa e publicacion aki, ANA ta haci e contenido di e ultimo registro di esclavo mas accesibel y leible pa publico general.
E existencia di e registronan publica den e buki aki ta yuda verifica hopi informacion, referente na e formacion di famia, cu tawata pasa den forma di historia oral di generacion pa generacion. Hopi di e historianan oralnan aki ta conta “mitar berdad”, lagando afo e parti di sclavitud of e raiznan di esclavo den e famia. E mitar berdadnan aki ta suprimi e historia real di e formacion di nos nacion y di e Arubiano cu nos conoce awendia. Practicamente nos por bisa cu e publicacion di e documento aki, “Registro di Esclavo: Liberacion, Nacemento y Fayecimiento, Aruba, 1840-1863”, ta un segundo liberacion.
E documento ta digitalisa literalmente cu e mihor di nos conocemento y recurso disponibel. A evita e uso di accent riba nombernan den e registro pa dos motibo principal:
1) no tawata semper facil distinqui entre mancha riba papel,
vlek di ink y accent.
2) e uso di accent tawata iregular.
Ehempel: Jose ta wordo usa cu accent riba e y sin accent riba e, den un forma iregular. Pa e nomber Louis tambe nos a encontra uso iregular di accent riba u. Asina por menciona algun nomber/fam mas, manera: Manuel, Eugenia, Eugenio, Bazin etc.
Si pa algun motibo e investigador ta haya cu e uso di accent ta haci un diferencia den su investigacion e posibilidad ta keda pa tira un bista den e copia di e documento original. Copia di e documento original ta den sala di estudio di ANA. Si e investigador no ta riba isla di Aruba e por tuma contacto cu ANA pa mas informacion riba e servicio. Diferente abreviacion a ser usa den e registro original pa e nomber di e lunanan:
Jany./Janry. = january
Feby./Febry. = february
Augs./Augst. = augustus
Septr./Septbr./Sepbr. = september
Oct./Octbr. = october
Nov./Novbr. = november
Dec./Decbr. = december
Pa evita confusion a skirbi tur e lunanan nomber completo.
Pa e lunanan juli y juni a usa tanto julij como july of junij como juny. pa evita confusion a usa un solo manera. A usa juny y july.
Tambe pa nomber di hende abreviacion a wordo usa:
Johs =Johannes
Cathna. =Catharina
Hk., Hendk, =Hendrik
Theoda. =Theodora
Eml. = Emanuel
Fk., Fredk. = Frederick/Frederik
Lk., Lodk. =Lodewijk
Jb. =Jacob
Ands. =Andries
Dl., Danl. = Daniel
Algun otro afkorting ta kn, Kindn, kindr.= kinderen,
de wed.= de weduwe, Geb.= geboren.
Tin caminda cu lo bo por haya tras di un nomber un inicial cu e letter z su tras, por ehempel: Jan Croes H.z., den casonan asina e inicial ta di e nomber di e tata y e z ta pa zoon. Den e caso aki ta trata di Jan Croes, Hendik zoon. Tin ora e nomber di e tata ta skirbi completo cu e z su tras. Esaki bo ta haya tambe cu fam. Tin fam cu tin un z patras. E z ey tambe ta abreviacion di zoon cu ta ser pega na e fam por ehempel e tata tawata yama Everts y e yiu ta Jan y e ta bira Jan Evertsz. Casi nunca bo ta wak e nomber di e mama cu e z patras. Solamente un caso por a wak den e registro di ”Genlias.nl”( ”Wie was wie.nl”) esey ta e caso di Daniel Croes y Jantje Croes ambos tin den nan registro skirbi Elizabethszoon (muy probable nan no tawata reconoci door di e Tata). No lubida cu na Hulanda ta den comienso di siglo 19 (maart 1811)
a ciminsa cu registro di “burgelijke stand”, caminda casamento, fayecimento, nacemento, di tur cuidadano mester ser registra. Aunke si bo wak ya “fam” tawata wordo usa promer cu e 1811, pero ta na 1811 e registracion a bira obligatorio. Cu e registro a bin tambe e uso di un fam serca tur hende. Aki hendenan a haya, por ehempel, nomber di e tata como fam cu e z di zoon patras.
Registro di esclavonan pa ser libera 1 di juli 1863 (intro.)
Den añanan 1840 bay te den e añanan 1850 pa 60, tawata tin hopi discusion tocante emancipacion of liberacion di esclavo. Un bon recurso pa lesa riba e tema aki ta entre otro “ ‘vrije’ SLAVEN” di A.F. Paula, cu ta basa principalmente riba e situacion di emancipacion na Sint Maarten Hulandes. Cu decision tuma cu lo libera tur esclavo dia 1 di juli 1863 por a
nota hopi decision/ planeamento tawata ser tuma/haci pa cu e situacion nobo, e cuidadano nobo, e esclavo libera, su bienestar. Den e ley mes tin hopi punto cu mester a cumpli cu ne pa liberacion, por ehempel: esclavonan cu tawata tin cierto malesa no por a wordo libera te ora cu nan tawata sano; a bin cu un sistema di onderstand pa esnan libera cu tawata haya nan mes den necesidad; E shon mester a duna e esclavo libera caminda di biba pa por lo menos tres luna (e esclavo mester a traha a cambio 4 dia pa siman pa e shon).; etc. A percura pa tin scol cu e yiunan di e esclavonan libera por a bay. Gobierno mes a haci control, riba control, pa e liberacion a bay bon. A pidi refuerzo di polis. A prohibi venta di bebida riba e dia di y despues di liberacion. Lesando diferente documento den Archivo Nacional di Aruba nos por a wak cu e liberacion no a bay sin mas, pero cu hopi preparacion.21
Un di e preparacionnan sin duda ta e registracion, manera e ley di 8 di augustus 1862 ta prescribi, di e esclavonan cu mester a wordo libera dia 1 di juli 1863. Siguientemente e “registro di esclavonan pa ser libera 1 di juli 1863”.
21 Anexo 8: diferente documentonan cu ta mustra e preparacion pa liberacion di e esclavonan riba 1 di juli 1863. E documentonan ta poni bou Anexo 8 y ta marca di A te cu K
3.1 Registro di esclavonan pa ser libera 1 di juli 1863
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
De onder nr. 1, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11 & 13 ingeschreven kinderen zijn bij het huwelijk van de moeder met Daniel Croes in echt aangenomen. Aruba den 2 Mei 1866 J.H.F. Gravenhorst.
1 Klarissa Elizabeth 7 Augustus 1861
2 Emerencia Sanblasa 3 February 1861 Het onder nr. 2 inge
schreven kind is bij het
op den 21 April 1877
voltrokken huwelijk van
de moeder met
Johannes Constantyn
Dubero in echt
aangenomen. Aruba
den 21 April 1877. De
ambtenaar van de
Burgelijke stand
W.F. Croes
3 Maria Mercelina Luciano Theophilo 8 January 1844
4 Petrona Pierre 33 jaren Datum v.geboorte onbekend
5 Maria Magdalena Klarissa 49 jaren Idem Idem
6 Klarissa Emerencia 23 January 1842
7 Klarissa Eusebia 7 Augustus 1842
8 Klarissa Isabella 8 July 1851
9 Klarissa Juana 27 Mei 1853
10 Klarissa Colastica 10 February 1856
11 Klarissa Lorenzo 4 September 1859
12 Maria Magdalena Frederik 44 jaren Idem Idem
13 Klarissa Juliana Damasia 11 December 1843
14 Regina Francisca Joseph 7 April 1843
15 Regina Francisca Constancia Gregoria 9 Mei 1845
16 Regina Francisca Maria Ignacia 30 July 1847
17 Regina Francisca Pedro de Alcantara 19 October1841
18 Maria Gracia Guillermo 48 jaren Idem Idem
19 Maria Gracia Juan Thomas 69 jaren Idem Idem
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
20 Narcissa Petronilia 31 Mei 1849 De onder nummer 20, 164,
165 & 168 ingeschrevene
kinderen zijn bij het op
den 16 December 1876
voltrokken huwelijk van de
moeder met Jan Pieter
Vrolijk in echt aangeno
men. Aruba 18 December,
1876, De ambtenaar van
der Burg. Stand, W.F.
21 Maria Felipa Anna Eustacia 15 April 1840
22 Anna Eustacia Eminia Gregoria 24 December 1861
23 Maria Felipa Francisca Candida 26 jaren Idem Idem
24 Francisca Candida Eugenio 15 November 1860
25 Dorothea Felestina Maria Zebel 25 jaren Datum van geboorte onbekend
26 Maria Encarnacion Cleto Martin 23 September 1845
27 Maria Zebel Liberato 17 Augustus 1856
28 Maria Zebel Dorothea Calletana 7 Augustus 1858
29 Maria Encarnacion Gregoria Selina 28 November 1842
30 Palmira Reynita 31 jaren Datum van geboorte onbekend
31 Palmira Leonora 28 jaren Idem
32 Reynita Juan Bautista 29 Augustus 1850
33 Reynita Felipe Benacio 23 Augustus 1853
34 Reynita (Baleriano) 15 December 1855
35 Reynita Jose Nicodemus 15 September 1860
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
vrvlg. Palma
36 Palmira Rafaela 33 jaren Idem
37 Rafaela Anthon 7 Augustus 1848
38 Rafaela Anna 15 September 1850
39 Rafaela Lucidor 24 September 1852
40 Rafaela Lucinder 25 September 1854
41 Rafaela Loisinet 25 Mei 1857
42 Rafaela Rosalinda 20 Juny 1859
43 Rafaela Evrosina Eustacia 2 November 1862
44 Maria Juan 33 jaren Idem
45 Maria Martina 35 jaren Idem
46 Maria Betriaan 20 jaren Idem
47 Maria Maria 66 jaren Idem
48 Maria Martyn 37 jaren Idem
49 Dorothea Jonies 68 jaren Idem
50 Sara Carolina 52 jaren Idem
51 Carolina Bruno 25 April 1854
52 Carolina (Claudia Fermina) 7 July 1856
53 Carolina Jan Frederik 29 jaren Idem
54 Mattea Oportuno 24 jaren Idem
55 Mattea Maria Damasa 11 December 1844
56 Maria de los Santos Mattea 58 jaren Idem
57 Mattea Natalia Sedavilla 1 December 1851
58 Mattea Joseph 35 jaren Idem
59 Maria Martha Clementina 50 jaren Idem
60 Clementina Claudio Osbaldo 30 October 1840
61 Clementina Ferdinand Angelo 2 October 1845
62 Clementina Benita 2 April 1848
63 Clementina Victoria 29 January 1855
64 Clementina Neron 1 November 1857
65 Clementina Zenon 24 Augustus 1861
66 Rosina Ursula Johanna Leonora 30 jaren Datum van geboorte onbekend
67 Johanna Leonora Pedro Mentor 1 Augustus 1854
68 Johanna Leonora Willem 29 October 1861
69 Maria Theresa Angelista 52 jaren Idem
70 Angelista Levinia Elinor 12 November 1842
71 Angelista Leander 9 October 1847 De onder No. 71 inge
schreven persoon is bij het
huwelijk van zijne moeder
met Abelardo Henriquez
op den 30 Dec. 1874
gesolemniseerd als wettig
kind aangenomen, Aruba
den 30 December. 1874,
W.F. Croes
72 Levinia Elinor Maria Adelicia 1 November 1861
73 Maria Tekela Maria Clementina 43 jaren Idem
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
74 Martina Abelardo Mattheus 21 September 1841
75 Martina David 6 December 1843
76 Susanna Pierre 70 jaren Idem
77 Hilina Felix 54 jaren Idem
78 Poulina Pardo George 50 jaren Idem
79 Helena Cardozo Simon 50 jaren Idem
80 Anna Michij/Mishij George 47 jaren Idem
81 Lina Gerard Martyn 42 jaren Idem
82 Florencia Felix de Catalicio 18 Mei 1842
83 Florencia Querico Julito 16 Juny 1845
84 Maria Anthonia Florencia 56 jaren Idem
85 Florencia Coleta 6 Mei 1848 den buki nacemento: maart no mei
86 Susanna Estanislaura Nicolaas 6 December 1855
87 Susanna Estanislaura Romanus 28 February 1862
88 Florencia Susanna Estanislaura 25 jaren Datum van geboorte onbekend
89 Susanna Estanislaura Theresa Tekla 23 September 1858
90 Florencia Isenia 30 jaren Idem
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
91 Dorina Phelipi Benitus 23 Augustus 1842
92 Dorina Minguel 29 September 1845
93 Hendrina George 33 jaren Idem
94 Hendrina Nobles 35 jaren Idem
95 Catharina Hendrina 52 jaren Idem
96 Hendrina Lucas 18 October 1843
97 Hendrina Willem Edmund 5 February 1848 no ta aparece den buki nacemento
98 Hendrietta Juan Nicolaas 28 jaren Idem
99 Martina Thomas 21 November 1846
100 Martina Juillet 8 Maart 1850
101 Martina Augustin 22 October 1853
102 Martina Filimon 7 Augustus 1855
103 Martina Noberto 24 Augustus 1861
104 Josepha Silvester 31 December 1841
105 Anna Maria Colinet 21 jaren Idem
106 Seferina Emelie 42 jaren Idem
107 Emelie Seferina Martina 1 Maart 1851
108 Emelie Nicolasa 10 September 1853
109 Emelie Thomasa 13 September 1857
110 Emelie Maria Christina 25 October 1861
111 Emelie Jose 19 Maart 1844
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
vrvlg. Kamp
112 Emelie Maria Presentacion 21 November 1847
113 Margaritha Sarah 36 jaren Idem
114 Sarah Claudio 16 jaren Idem.
De onder No. 114, 115 en
116 ingeschreven kin
deren zijn bij het
huwelijk van hunne
moeder Sarah Morel met
Johannes Everon, op den
11 de Mei 1864 gesolem
niseerd als wettige
kinderen aangenomen
J.H.W. Gravenhorst
115 Sarah Mauricia 22 September 1850
116 Sarah Felix 6 February 1854
117 Sophia Margaritha 61 jaren Idem
118 Margaritha Juliana 23 Mei 1841
119 Juliana Figaroâ Federico 1 October 1862
120 Rosij Christiaan 27 jaren Idem
121 Maria Rafael 24 October 1846
122 Susanna Maria 48 jaren Idem
123 Maria Anacleta 13 July 1855
124 Maria Donisio 7 April 1856
Orman Zie No. 477
125 Maria Andrea Susanna 28 jaren Idem
126 Maria Andrea Cleantis 30 jaren Idem
127 Maria Andrea Jan Felix 28 jaren Idem
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
vrvlg. Orman
128 Maria Andrea Isidorus 2 January 1846
129 Maria Andrea Rita 22 July 1850
130 Cleantis Pablo 15 January 1854
131 Cleantis Jose Consecion 8 December 1858
132 Saniet Virginia 11 January 1860
133 Cleantis Dorotea Hanriette/Henriette 6 February 1861
134 Maria Jesus Carlos Jesus 26 jaren Idem
135 Theresa Nicolaas 49 jaren Idem
136 Theresa Anthoinet 44 jaren Idem
137 Maria Antonia Jacob 72 jaren Idem
138 Maria Magdalena Lambertus 56 jaren Idem
139 Marietje Robertus 36 jaren Idem
140 Klara Adriaan 28 jaren Idem
141 Maria Joseph Guadalupe 26 February 1843
142 Klara Juliaan 17 September 1850
143 Maria Arnest 1 April 1853
144 Klara Guillermo Pablo 15 January 1854
145 Maria Ogenia Diek (Dick) 3 April 1856
146 Klara Antonio 6 December 1856
147 Klara Jan 17 April 1859
148 Maria Magdalena Maria Martha 84 jaren Idem
149 Cecilia Carolina Maria Ogenia 22 jaren Idem
150 Maria Maria Bisenta 27 jaren Idem
151 Maria Klara 44 jaren Idem
152 Klara Maria de la Merced 24 September 1844
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
vrvlg. Fingal
153 Maria Ilvania 1 October 1846
154 Maria Cecilia 15 January 1851
155 Maria Minguel 57 jaren Idem
156 Felipa Ferdinand 24 jaren Idem
157 Martina Delaida 41 jaren Idem
158 Delaida Frederika 6 January 1853
159 Maria Louisa Petrona 60 jaren Datum van geboorte onbekend
160 Petrona Juan 35 jaren idem
161 Reina Juan Pedro 2 Juny 1847
162 Carolina Garbiro 17 September 1849
163 Maria Fannor 21 January 1852
164 Narcissa Polidor 7 Maart 1853 Zie no. 20
165 Narcissa Generoso 12 December 1854 Zie no. 20
166 Maria Jacobus 25 July 1856
167 Carolina Johannes Andries 4 February 1859
168 Narcissa Juan 4 Juny 1860 Zie nr. 20
169 Maria Henrique 10 Juny 1860
170 Carolina Christoffel 10 November1860
171 Petrona Maria 42 jaren idem
172 Maria Narcissa 36 jaren Idem
173 Petrona Carolina 31 jaren Idem
174 Maria Serafina Eloiza 1 December 1842
175 Maria Florentina Hyacintha 16 Augustus 1844
176 Maria Petronilia Francisca 17 September 1845
177 Maria Francisca Thomasina 17 September 1847
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
vrvlg. Wernet
178 Maria Juillet 10 Mei 1850
179 Carolina Florencia Ernestina 7 November 1851
180 Carolina Clarissa 15 July 1854
181 Carolina Rosalie 27 December 1856
182 Maria Josefina 11 September 1858
183 Maria Isabella 8 July 1861
184 Petrona Reina 37 jaren Idem
185 Reina Cathalina Rosa 11 September 1848 De onder no. 185, 186,
187, 188, 189 en 190 in
geschrevene kinderen
zijn bij het op den
veertiende Juny 1800
negen & seventig
voltrokken huwelijk van
hunne moeder met Jacob
Maduro in echt
aangenomen. Aruba 16
Juny 1879, Ambtnaar van
de burgelijke stand
E.L. Zeppenfeldt
186 Reina Anna 16 January 1851
187 Reina Simon 20 November 1853
188 Reina Sarah 10 September 1856
189 Reina Helena 10 April 1858
190 Reina Pieter 17 April 1860
191 Juana Johanna Hendrietta 52 jaren Idem
192 Maria Zebel Susanna 34 jaren Idem
193 Susanna Maria Poulina 30 July 1854 De onder No. 193 & 194
ingschrevene kinderen zijn
bij het op de 20st. Augustus
1873 voltrokken huwelijk
van hunne moeder met
Izaak Horst in echt
aangenomen. Aruba den 21
194 Susanna Arbolina Donicia 10 October 1856 Augustus 1873. J. van der Biest
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
195 Maria Lucretia Lucretia 46 jaren Datum van geboorte onbekend
196 Lucretia Susanna Candida 1 December 1845
197 Lucretia Poulina Julita 16 Juny184? (1848)
198 Lucretia Maria Celestina 29 July 1837
199 Lucretia Bilonia 17 Mei 1854
200 Lucretia Dominga Isenia 20 December 1857
201 Susanna Candida Uranie 19 September 1861
202 Fermina Maria Frederik 24 jaren idem
Langpijl Zie no.480
203 Margaritha Alexander Delkalsoso 26 jaren Idem
204 Clara Margaritha Emile 30 Juny 1830
205 Clara Margaritha Echmund 10 November 1853
206 Maria Anthoinette Clara Margaritha 48 jaren Idem
207 Clara Margaritha Maria Anthoinetta 7 October 1847
208 Clara Margaritha Maraya 14 February 1858
209 Katita Martijn 55 jaren Idem
210 Maria Seferina 60 jaren Idem
211 Maria Clement 42 jaren Idem
212 Maria Merselina 47 jaren Idem
213 Seferina Alexander Nicasius 14 December 1846
214 Seferina Georgina 23 April 1842
215 Georgina Hermilia 5 December 1858
216 Georgina Rosalia 4 January 1862
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
217 Gracie Catharina 41 jaren Idem
218 Gracie Merced 37 jaren Idem
219 Christina Filomina 24 April 1847
220 Klara Pieter 66 jaren Idem
221 Christina Minguel de los Santos 5 July 1842
222 Clara Christina 58 jaren Idem
223 Christina Klara 31 jaren Idem
224 Christina Poulina 24 jaren Idem
225 Christina Stacio 18 Augustus 1849
226 Christina Anna Stacia 29 November 1851
227 Klara Leonarda 8 November 1856
228 Klara Huberta 3 November 1858
229 Maria Poulina Marcella 16 January 1859
230 Clara Lucas 9 December 1860
231 Maria Poulina Theodorus 9 December 1861
232 Christina Rosa 29 jaren idem
233 Rosa Lermicie 6 October 1854
234 Rosa Garibaldi Cephas 25 September 1861
235 Christina Juana Barbara 4 December 1844
236 Andrea Geertruida Maria Eloiza 30 jaren Datum van geboorte onbekend
237 Eloisa Anthony Theophilo 26 July 1854 De onder No. 237,238,239
ingeschrevene kinderen
zijn bij het op den 28st. Mei
1879 voltrok ken huwelijk
van hunne moeder met
Johannes Gomes in echt
aangenomen.Aruba den 30
mei 1879 De Ambtnr van
de burgerl. stand Aruba,
E. L. Zeppenfeldt
238 Eloisa Andreas Eugene 10 November 1852
239 Eloisa Louis Eustacius 29 Maart 1862
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
vrvlg. Frankkus
240 Elyza Meriam 3 January 1851
241 Maria Rosaria Bartholdo 46 jaren idem
242 Maria Louisa Florentina 32 jaren Idem
243 Florentina Louisa 10 December 1855
244 Florentina Simona 28 October 1859 Idem
245 Catharina Maria Lisetta 70 jaren Idem
246 Maria Louisa Juan Gerard 34 jaren
247 Theresa Willemina 76 jaren Idem
248 Josepha Joaquino Maria Rofina 52 jaren Idem
249 Maria Rofina Gregoria Uranie 28 November 1843
250 Gregoria Uranie Rofina Oxadia 15 July 1861
251 Cleantis Gerarda Eladie 24 September 1846
252 Maria Jacoba Cleantis 39 jaren Idem
253 Cleantis Celestino Jesus 6 April 1849 De onder No. 251, 253, 254,
255, 256 ingeschrevene
personen zijn bij het
huwelijk van hunne moeder
Cleantis Mispad met John
Everon op den seven
November 1800 & tachtig
gewettigd. Aruba, 8
November 1880. De
Ambtenaar van burgerlijke
stand E.L.. Zeppenfeldt
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
254 Cleantis Maximi Gervaas 19 Juny 1851
255 Cleantis Jacoba Rosenda 1 Maart 1856
256 Cleantis Praxedis Daniel 21 July 1861
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
De onder No. 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262 en 263 ingeschrevene personen zijn bij het huwelijk van hunne moeder Maria Encarnacion Maroc met Martin van der Biesen, op den 16de. Maart 1864 gesolemniseerd als wettige kinderen aangenomen. De hulpambte-naar. van de burgelijke stand J.H.W. Gravenhorst
257 Maria Encarnacion Jose Ramon 23 jaren Datum van geboorte onbekend
258 Maria Encarnacion Merselina Leocaria 26 April 1843
259 Maria Encarnacion Antonilla Rodesinda 10 Mei 1845
260 Maria Encarnacion Lutgardes Julia 16 Juny 1847
261 Maria Encarnacion Theolinda Ysavinia 27 October1849
262 Maria Encarnacion Atalio Rudolf 10 Maart 1855
263 Maria Encarnacion Aguedita 24 Maart 1858
264 Johanna Arnota Jose Antonio 62 jaren Idem
265 Johanna Arnota Leonora 56 jaren Idem
266 Leonora Johannes 34 jaren Idem
267 Maria Maria Felepina 28 jaren Idem
268 Catharina Willemina Maria de Purificacion 27 jaren Idem
269 Maria de Purificacion Regina Juliana 16 February 1860
270 Anna Martha Utalis 17 Mei 1852
271 Anna Martha Bernadino Deceno 20 Mei 1841
272 Anna Martha Jose Maria 25 jaren Idem
273 Anna Martha Bicento Marten 28 jaren Idem
vrvlg. Bremer
274 Dorothea Ignees Zoraida Epifania 7 April 1861 De onder no. 274
ingeschrevene persoon
is bij het huwelijk van haar
moeder Dorothea Ignees
met Gabriel Leon op den
evenentwintigsten Novem
ber des jaars 1800 en twee
en zeventig gesolemni
seerd als echtige kind
aangenomen. De ambte
naar van de burgulijke
stand J. van der Biest.
275 Anna Martha Dorothea Ignees 31 jaren Idem
276 Maria Poppe Anna Martha 54 jaren Idem
277 Anthonia Christoba 10 July 1856
278 Juana Nicolasa 50 jaren
279 Rosa Jose 49 jaren Idem
280 Lucia Susanna 83 jaren Idem
281 Susanna Isaac 50 jaren Idem
282 Susanna Jacob 50 jaren Idem
283 Anthonetje Nicolaas 41 jaren Idem
284 Juana Juan 40 jaren Idem
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
285 Bitorina Jacinto 17 Augustus 1862
286 Cicilia Christina 24 July 1861 Het kind onder No. 286
door het huwelijk met de
moeder met Bernardus
Martis des 17 Mei 1882
gewettigd. Aruba 17 Mei
1882 E. L. Zeppenfeldt
287 Adelien Lucia Johanna 15 December 1860 De onder No. 287 ,289
ingeschrevene kinderen
zijn bij het op den eerste
octo-ber 1879 voltrokken
huwelijk van hunne moeder
met Nicolaas Steenen in
echt aangenomen. Aruba, 2
October 1879 de Ambt.
burg.Stand. E.L Zeppenfeldt
288 Betorina Florentin 16 October 1859
289 Adelien Teotista Petra 27 Mei 1855
290 Adelien Leona 28 Juny 1851
291 Adelien Petronilia Irena 26 November 1845
292 Petrona Cicilia 25 jaren Idem
293 Petrona Betorina 33 jaren Idem
294 Petrona Adelien 38 jaren Idem
295 Maria Ignees Braulia 26 Maart 1843
296 Anna Martha Rufina 52 jaren Idem
297 Maria Inees Johannes 34 jaren Idem
298 Maria Inees Nicolaas 33 jaren Idem
299 Dominga Nobertus 6 Juny 1841
300 Dominga Bernadina 25 jaren Idem
301 Bernadina Regina Jacomina 3 Augustus 1857
302 Bernadina Anna Francisca 10 January 1860
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
303 Malain Francois Paulo 26 January 1843
304 Florentina Martins Lodewijk Candido 3 October 1856
305 Florentina Martins Frederico Asinto 11 September 1858
306 Fermina Maria Florentina Martins 28 jaren Datum van geboorte onbekend
307 Florentina Martins Maria Oliana 8 January 1853
308 Florentina Martins Bergina 12 July 1854
309 Florentina Martins Eloisa 15 December 1861
310 Dorothea Mortimer 14 Mei 1854
311 Dorothea Pedro 5 Augst. 1856
312 Dorothea Oscar 2 September 1858
313 Dorothea Utalies 1 February 1861
314 Maria Dorothea 27 jaren Idem
315 Maria Hermelina 30 jaren Idem
316 Maria Gracia Maria 52 jaren Idem
317 Maria Esperanza Amalia 18 December 1848
318 Maria Flip 34 jaren Idem
319 Maria Gracia Manuel 49 jaren Idem
320 Maria Cathalina Romana 9 Augustus 1844
321 Maria Gracia Benito 59 jaren Idem
322 Maria Jose Rumaldo 1 July 1842
323 Maria Lucas 26 jaren Idem
324 Maria Lucien 44 jaren Idem
325 Leonora Englentina 27 jaren Idem
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
vrvlg. Klark
326 Englentina Balbarita 4 December 1861
327 Leonora Estabana 32 jaren Idem
328 Estebana Ambrosio 7 December 1853
329 Estabana Leon 11 April 1856
330 Estebana Emilia 29 September 1861
331 Maria Helena Maria Theodora 72 jaren Idem
332 Martina Jose Antonio 32 jaren Idem
333 Gustina Robbert 36 jaren Idem
334 Poulina Narcissa 57 jaren Idem
335 Narcissa Maria Rafaela 39 jaren Idem
336 Narcissa Juan Antonio 37 jaren Idem
337 Maria Ascencion Andelie Sefronie 29 July 1847 Maria Ascencion alias Genetrice
338 Maria Ascencion Gustave 20 October 1849 Maria Ascencion alias Genetrice
339 Maria Ascencion Francisco Mortimer 4 October 1852 Maria Ascencion alias Genetrice
340 Martha Pedro Cathalina 25 November 1845
341 Martha Saturnino 29 November 1848
342 Eustacia Martilia (Martilio?) 29 jaren Datum van geboorte onbekend
343 Maria Angelista Dominga Francisca 80 jaren Idem
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
De onder No. 328, 329, 330 ingeschreven personen zijn bij het huwelijk van de moeder met Anthony Franken. Den 27 Jan.1866 in echt aangenomen te Aruba. (?????)
344 Petrona Louis Hironimo 30 September 1850
345 Dominga Jose de la Rosa 2 September 1856
346 Dominga Elias 19 November 1858
347 Dominga Juana Silanie 12 Juny 1862
348 Marianna Isaac 3 Juny 1851
349 Marianna Juan Girigorio 19 November 1854
350 Marianna Exson 27 November 1857
351 Marianna Martis 9 July 1862
352 Maria Zebel Marianna 35 jaren idem
353 Maia Zebel Maria Rofina 31 jaren idem
354 Maria Rofina Andreas 30 November 1857
355 Maria Rofina Louis 13 December 1860
356 Maria Zebel Dominga 33 jaren idem
357 Dominga Ricardo Beltrandz 7 February 1854
358 Maria Farao Beatries 42 jaren Idem
359 Beatries Maria Delfina 18 November 1843
360 Maria Delfina Marcelo 20 April 1862
361 Maria Celestina Eduardo Rei 13 October 1849
362 Celestina Nicolasa Felentina 10 September 1844
363 Celestina Merselina 29 Juny 1860
364 Maria Celestina 37 jaren Idem
365 Celestina Martha Ebilia 23 February 1855
366 Celestina Simona Augustina 28 October 1857
367 Celestina Amanda Gregoria 29 November 1859
368 Celestina Eufemia Albertina 14 Augustus 1862
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
369 Celestina Carlos Martin 2 July 1847
370 Maria Ogenia Hermenegildo 9 December 1859
371 Maria Ogenia Anna Margaretha 14 July 1854
372 Maria Isabella Maria Ogenia 54 jaren Idem
373 Maria Ogenia Maria Celestina 5 April 1857
374 Maria Bartholomina 24 jaren Idem
375 Gerarda Louisa Napoleon 20 September 1855
376 Maria Ogenia Gerarda Louisa 29 jaren Idem
377 Gerarda Louisa Adela Virginia 30 Augustus1857
378 Gerarda Louisa Cleotilda Batestina 14 December 1859
379 Gerarda Louisa Zora da Elentheria 20 February 1862
380 Cathalina Emerencia 29 jaren Idem
381 Klementina George 29 Jaren Idem
382 Cleantis Agueda 5 February 1850
383 Cleantis Rufa Rosamonda 27 Augustus 1848
384 Cleantis Antonio 5 Juny 1854
385 Juana Gerard 48 jaren Idem
386 Juana Thomas 53 jaren Idem
387 Maria Maria Louisa 36 jaren Idem
388 Maria Louisa Marcus Marcelino 18 Juny 1845
389 Maria Louisa Lavinia 31 Maart 1850
vrvlg. Odor
390 Maria Louisa Celestina 6 April 1848
391 Maria Louisa Maria Dionisia 8 April 1852
392 Maria Louisa Maria 3 Mei 1854
393 Maria Louisa Rumaldo Ricardo 8 February 1857
394 Maria Louisa Anselmus 21 April 1860
395 Juana Maria 54 jaren Idem
396 Juana Emerencia 46 jaren Idem
397 Emerencia Francisca Roset (l) 4 Juny 1844
398 Francisca Roset Cornelia 16 September 1861.
399 Emerencia Barnabas 24 jaren Idem
400 Emerencia Juliaan Valentin 13 February 1842
401 Catharina Constantien 49 jaren Idem
402 Juana Lucas 44 jaren Idem
403 Catrina Rimon Nicolaas 49 jaren Idem
404 Maria Maria Ogenia 33 jaren Idem
405 Maria Ogenia Jacinto 11 September. 1849
406 Maria Ogenia Juan Ogenio 17 November 1851
407 Maria Ogenia Ignacio 31 July 1857
408 Maria Ogenia Juana Elyza 23 April 1860
409 Alexine Andrade Juana Nicolasa 48 jaren Idem
410 Lucia Juan 47 jaren Idem
411 Carolina Emanuel 1 January 1843
412 Lucia Carolina 39 jaren Idem
413 Carolina Calixta 14 October 1853
414 Carolina Abad 4 December 1858
415 Carolina Lucia 11 September 1861
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
416 Helena Celestina Jacobus Monico 4 Mei 1841
417 Helena Celestina Virginia Eugenia 25 jaren Datum van geboorte onbekend
418 Poulina Henriette Lodewijk Paulus 25 jaren Idem
419 Maria Elisabeth Escolastica 10 February 1854
420 Helena Merjam/Merzam 43 jaren Idem
421 Helena Celestina Modest Lucianus 13 December 1846
422 Anna Petrona Theofil Ignacio 1 February 1858
423 Maria Eugenia Maria Helena 66 jaren Idem
424 Maria Elizabeth Helena Celestina 55 jaren Idem
425 Helena Celestina Anna Petronia 31 jaren Idem
426 Maria Elizabeth Poulina Henrietta 44 jaren Idem
427 Poulina Henriette Jeanette Florencia 7 November 1841
428 Poulina Henriette Francisca Lavinia 3 December 1847
429 Poulina Henrietta Francisca Selinia 17 December 1849
430 Poulina Henrietta Rosamonda 10 January. 1852
431 Poulina Henrietta Juliana Trinidad 11 Juny 1854
432 Poulina Henrietta Albertina Trinidad 11 Juny 1854
433 Anna Petronia Martilia Sederfilia 25 Juny 1854
434 Aldersina Martina George Septimo 26 jaren Idem
435 Aldersina Martina Gerard Martin 31 jaren Idem
436 Anna Petronia Fernando Polidor 11 February 1856
437 Aldersina Martina Isaac Apollo 9 February 1840
438 Delfina Ogenia Fernando Emanuel 5 Maart 1862
439 Juana Aldersina Martina 64 jaren Idem
440 Aldersina Martina Carolina Polaziana 38 jaren Idem
441 Aldersina Martina Delfina Ogenia 29 jaren Idem
442 Delfina Ogenia Victoria Georgina 18 October 1854
443 Delfina Ogenia Charlotte 1 February 1857
De onder 418, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432 & 444 ingeschreven kinderen zijn bij het op den 9 December 1874 voltrokken huwelijk van de moeder met Clement Matus in echt aan-genomen. Aruba 9 December 1874. De ambt. Van de burg. stand. W F. Croes
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
De onder nummer 451, 457, 458, 459 inge-schreven kinderen zijn bij het op den zesden November 1889 voltrokken huwelijk van de moe-der met Gerard Martin Quandus gewettigd Aruba den 7 November 1889 de ambtnaar v.d. B. stand Thielen
vrvlg. Quandus
444 Poulina Hendrietta Elisabeth Casiana 14 Augustus 1857
445 Delfina Ogenia Emelina 15 October 1859
446 Anna Petronilla Adelisia Feliptosa 5 January 1860
447 Maria Mercelina Juan Jose 34 jaren Idem
448 Martina Kalister Cicero Egmond 12 Mei 1854
449 Augustina Supriana Martin 30 January 1856
450 Maria Martillia Everardus 16 December 1860
451 Anna Petrona Nouel 25 December 1860
452 Maria Mercelina Maria Martilla 37 jaren Datum van geboorte onbekend
453 Maria Mercelina Maria Petrona 32 jaren Idem
454 Maria Mercelina Augustina Supriana 28 jaren Idem
455 Maria Theresa Martina Kalister 27 jaren Idem
456 Maria Merselina Maria Lacruz 14 September 1843
457 Anna Petrona Maria Thomasa 21 December 1852
458 Anna Petrona Maria Inees 23 October 1855
459 Anna Petrona Hermina 7 April 1858
460 Saniet Jean Jaques 13 December 1843
461 Saniet Carolina Rosalia 4 November 1847
462 Mattea Matteo 28 jaren idem
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
463 Catrijn Thomas 42 jaren Idem
464 Betorina Carolina 41 jaren idem
465 Consiecon Fransisco Consiecon 73 jaren idem
466 Florentina Louis 46 jaren idem
467 Maria Theodora Martha Cornelia 28 jaren idem
468 Marta Cornelia Florencio Theodoor 7 November 1857
469 Martha Cornelia Maria Gilina 3 Juny 1859
470 Martha Cornelia Johanna Eliza 6 Mei 1862
471 Maria Theodora Julianna 16 February 1840
472 Juliana Benjamin 2 July 1861
473 Maria Theodora Eulalio Pedro 12 February 1845
474 Maria Theodora Eduard 11 Mei 1847
475 Desa Maria Zenona 12 April 1842
476 Maria Zenona Mortimer 3 July 1861
Orman zie No. 125
477 Maria Andrea Benjamin 15 jaren Idem
478 Maria Andrea Maria Eugenia 13 November 1840
479 Maria Andrea Jose Maria de los Nieves 25 jaren Idem
Datum van
Namen Geboorte
en Voornamen of vermoedelijke Aanmerkingen
Moedersnamen Ouderdom
Langpijl Zie No. 203
480 Clara Margaritha Josepha Catrine 19 Maart 1842
481 Johanna Martha 44 jaren Idem
482 Elisabeth Dorothea 31 jaren Idem
483 Martha Guillermo Romaldo 22 jaren Idem
484 Petrona Pedro 58 jaren Idem
485 Tina Carolina 31 jaren Idem
486 Betsij Balentien 26 jaren Idem
487 Dominga Louisa ---
Nota: #254 Maximi Gervaas den registro di nacemento, 19 di Juni 1851, ta skirbi como Maxcimie Gervacio, aki por nota locual ya a trece dilanti cu e nomber ta deletra diferente, pero ta trata di mesun persona.
#427 Clement Matos su fam ta skirbi den diferente documento na diferente manera e.o.: Martis y Mato.
3.2 Registro di nacemento di esclavo 1840-1863.
1 4 January 1840 Louis Bazin 3 January 1840 V
2 11 ,, ,, Anna de Herrietta 10 ,, ,, V
3 6 Febuary ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 4 February ,, M
4 7 ,, ,, Herrit (Henrit ?) Lampe 6 ,, ,, M
5 11 ,, ,, Pieter Quant 9 ,, ,, M
6 17 ,, ,, Jan Hendrik van der Biest 16 ,, ,, M
7 17 ,, ,, Jan Hendrik van der Biest 16 ,, ,, V
8 27 ,, ,, Maria de Castro / vroed vrouw/ 26 ,, ,, V
9 10 Maart ,, Joseph van Jacob Henriquesz 9 Maart ,, V
10 19 ,, ,, Hendrik Croes 18 ,, ,, V
11 4 April ,, De wed. Jacobus Arnoud Arendsz 4 April ,, V
12 15 ,, ,, Willem Kelly 15 ,, ,, V
13 21 ,, ,, Anna de Herrietta 19 ,, ,, M
14 24 ,, ,, Maria de Castro 24 ,, ,, M
15 8 Mei ,, Maria de Castro 7 Mei ,, V
16 24 Juny ,, Louis Bazin 23 Juny ,, M
17 29 July ,, Anna de Herrietta 28 July ,, V
18 17 September ,, Anthony Croes 16 September ,, V
19 26 ,, ,, Marthen Evertz 26 ,, ,, M
20 28 ,, ,, Maria Magdalena Tromp /vroed vrouw/ 26 ,, ,, V
21 10 October ,, Manuel Romero 10 October ,, V
22 16 ,, ,, Manuel Romero 15 ,, ,, M
23 20 ,, ,, Jan van der Biest 19 ,, ,, M
24 30 ,, ,, De wed. J.F.W. Gravenhorst 30 ,, ,, M
25 13 November ,, Maria Anthonia Dewindt 13 November ,, V
26 18 ,, ,, De weduwe Frans Franken geb. v.d. Broek 17 ,, ,, M
27 19 ,, ,, Manuel Romero 18 ,, ,, V
28 12 December ,, Jacob Lacle 11 December ,, V
29 29 ,, ,, Maria Anthonia Dewindt 4 January 1840 M
der Naam van de aangever Datum van geboorte
1 Maria Merselina Louis Bazin Martilia Genoveva
2 Palmira De vier kinderen van wijlen Martha Nicanor
Maria Helena Tromp
3 Plantina Jacques La Roche Andries Corsinus
4 Clara Margaritha Herrit Lampe Constantinus
5 Aldersina Marthina Pieter Quant Isaac Apollo
6 Maria Theodora â Hilina Jan Hendrik van der Biest Juliaan
7 Maria Theodora â Hilina Jan Hendrik van der Biest Juliana
8 Zebel Marthen Evertsz Maria Alegandra
9 Anna Joseph van Jacob Henriquez Catharina Francisca
10 Klarissa Hendrik Croes Margriet Gabriela
11 Delida /Delicia De wed. Jacobus Arnoud Arends Isidora Silvia
12 Maria Felipa Willem Kelly Annastacia
13 Poulina Joseph van Jb. Henriquez Johannes Hermogines
14 Susanna Martina Lourens Croes Leyer/Lezer/Leijer ??
15 Maria Ursela Anna Hermina Creeft Epifania
16 Petrona Louis Bazin Juan Presbertero
17 Catharina Joseph van Jacob Henriquez Nazaria Barbelina
18 Carolina De wed. J.F.W. Gravenhorst Corina
19 Martha Marthen Evertsz Cipriano Augustin
20 Anna Severina Gasparito Ridderstap Cipriana Justina
21 Maria Rofina Manuel Romero Maria Francisca
22 Maria Encarnacion â Fanchion Manuel Romero Jose Ramon
23 Maria Jan van der Biest Pedro Alcantara
24 Clementina De wed. J.F.W. Gravenhorst Claudio Osbaldo
25 Maria Andrea De 3 kinderen van Daniel Oduber Maria Eugenia
26 Elijza De wed. Frans Franken Gregorius Nelson
27 Maria Eugenia Manuel Romero Paulina
28 Lucretia Jacob Lacle Thomasina
29 Petronilia De acht kinderen van Leonora Jose La Rosa
Jeanett Emonet (op de vaste kust)
Naam van de moeder des
geborenen, alsmede die
welken haar in de wandeling Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
gegeven wordt (Het kinds naam)
der Naam van de aangever Datum van geboorte
1 8 February 1841 Maria Helena Tromp 6 February 1841 V
2 8 ,, ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 7 ,, ,, M
3 16 ,, ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 16 , ,, M
4 25 ,, ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 25 ,, ,, V
5 6 April ,, Maria Antonia Dewindt 30 Maart ,, M
6 7 ,, ,, Louis Bazin 6 April ,, V
7 29 ,, ,, Anna de Herrietta 28 ,, ,, V
8 5 Mei ,, Pieter Quant 4 Mei ,, M
9 20 ,, ,, Manuel Romero 20 ,, ,, M
10 24 ,, ,, Frans Rasmijn 23 ,, ,, V
11 7 Juny ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 6 Juny ,, M
12 7 ,, ,, Jacobus Croes 6 ,, ,, M
13 25 ,, ,, Anthony Henriquesz 23 ,, ,, V
14 28 ,, ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 28 ,, ,, V
15 1 July ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 1 July ,, M
16 26 ,, ,, Jean Anthony Oduber 25 ,, ,, M
17 22 September ,, Dewed. Johan Fredk. 21 September ,, M
Waters Gravenhorst
18 20 October ,, Jan Hendrik Henriquez 19 October ,, M
19 1 November ,, Jan Hendrik Godfried Eman 31 ,, ,, V
20 8 ,, ,, Bernardus Van der Veen Quant 7 November ,, V
21 15 ,, ,, Anna de Herrietta/ vroed vrouw/ 15 ,, ,, V
22 17 ,, ,, Lourens Croes 16 ,, ,, M
23 23 December ,, Jan Hendrik Henriquez 21 December ,, M
24 31 ,, ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 31 ,, ,, M
Naam van de moeder des
geborenen, alsmede die
welken haar in de wandeling Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
gegeven wordt (Het kinds naam)
1 Maria Augustina Levina Marthina Christians Dorothea Victoire
2 Martha van Johanna Het Rijk Guillermo Rumaldus
3 Maria del Carmen Anna Susanna Curiel Juliaan
4 Maria Martha â Cariotha Barent Boekhoudt Sebastiana
5 Maria De 3 kinderen van D. Oduber Juan de Dios
6 Maria Merselina Louis Bazyn Celestina
7 Petronilia De 4 kinderen van wijlen Maria Prudencia Vidalia
Helena Tromp
8 Helena Selestina Pieter Quant Jacobus Monico
9 Anna Martha Manuel Romero Bernadino Deceño
10 Margarita Frans Rasmijn Juliana
11 Maria Theresa Gasparito Ridderstap Norbertus
12 Dominga Jacobus Croes Nobertus
13 Maria Ogenia Jan Hendrik Semerel Juana Maria
14 Rosina Ursela Johanna Henriquesz Jacoba Leonilda
15 Juana Jan Daniel Wever Pedro Secundino
16 Plantina Jean Anthony Oduber Martes St. Jago
17 Marthina de Wed Lodw. F. Waters Gravenhorst Abelardo Mattheus
18 Regina Francisca Maria van Horkum Pedro de Alcantara
19 Louisa Jan Hendrik Godfried Eman Rodesina Quintina
20 Paulina Hendrietta Pieter Quant Jannettha Florencia
21 Fermina Maria Catharina Elisabeth Yrausquin Geb. Eman Eugenio
22 Carolina Jan George Croes Betorina Rufina
23 Maria Los Santos Maria van Horkum Thomas
24 Josepha Dirk Jansen Silvester
der Naam van de aangever Datum van geboorte
1 15 January 1842 Nicolaas Croes van der Biest 14 January 1842 M
2 24 ,, ,, Hendrik Croes 23 ,, ,, V
3 12 February ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 12 February ,, V
4 14 ,, ,, Lourens Oduber 13 ,, ,, M
5 17 ,, ,, Eugenia Lobo 16 ,, ,, M
6 24 ,, ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 23 ,, ,, M
7 21 Maart ,, Herrit Lampe/Henrit? 19 Maart ,, V
8 13 April ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 12 April ,, V
9 25 ,, ,, Johannes Emanuel Paesch 23 ,, ,, V
10 19 Mei ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 18 Mei ,, M
11 26 ,, ,, Marten Evertsz 25 ,, ,, M
12 2 July ,, Jan van der Biest 1 July ,, M
13 5 ,, ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 5 ,, ,, M
14 25 ,, ,, Anna de Herrietta vroed vrouw 25 ,, ,, M
15 23 Augustus ,, Eugenia Lobo 23 Augustus ,, M
16 21 September ,, Maria de Castro 21 September ,, V
17 29 Ocober ,, Nicolaas Croes 27 October ,, V
18 12 November ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 12 November ,, V
19 28 ,, ,, Louis Bazin 27 ,, ,, M
20 29 ,, ,, Anna de Herrietta /vroed vrouw/ 28 ,, ,, V
21 1 December ,, Johs. Andries Werleman 1 December ,, V
22 22 ,, ,, Jan Hendrik van der Biest 22 ,, ,, V
1 2 January 1843 Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 1 January 1843 M
2 27 ,, ,, Louis Bazin 26 ,, ,, M
3 11 February ,, David Capriles Jr. 11 February ,, M
4 15 ,, ,, Maria Isenia Martes 15 ,, ,, V
5 27 ,, ,, Louis Bazin 26 ,, ,, M
6 27 ,, ,, Maria Louisa LeCroix 26 Maart ,, V
7 7 April ,, Anna Roza Ridderstap 7 April ,, M
8 26 ,, ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 26 ,, ,, V
Naam van de moeder des
geborenen, alsmede die
welken haar in de wandeling Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
gegeven wordt (Het kinds naam)
1 Cleantis Manuel Romero Paulus Anthony
2 Klarissa Hendrik Croes Emerenciana
3 Susanna Marthina Lourens Croes Maria Eulalia
4 Emerentia Jean Oduber Croes Juliaan Valentin
5 Josepha De minderjarige kinderen van Eugenia Lobo Juliaan
6 Juana Nicolasa Jean Oduber Croes Manuel Damian
7 Clara Margaritha Herrit Lampe Joseph Catrine
8 Desai Jaques Laroche Maria Zenona
9 Seferina Johannes Emanuel Paesch Georgina
10 Florencia Dirk Jansen Felix de Cantalicio
11 Elijza Marten Evertsz Francisco Gregorio
12 Maria Jan van der Biest José Rumoldo
13 Christina Joseph Anthony Yarzagaray Miguel de los Santos
14 Palmira De 4 kinderen van wijlen Maria Helena Tromp Santiago
15 Dorina Eugenia Lobo Philipa Benitus
16 Catharina Jacob Moreno Henriquez Mattea
17 Carolina De wed. J.F.W. Gravenhorst Eufrosina Florentia
18 Angelista De wed. J.F.W. Gravenhorst Livina Elinor
19 Maria Merselina Louis Bazin Jermain Facundo
20 Maria Encarnaciion De wed. Pieter Chelikum Gregoria Selina
21 Maria Johs. Ands. Werleman Sarafina Eloisa
22 Maria Theodora â Gilina Jan Hendk. v.d. Biest Virginia Demetricia
1 Carolina Jan Hendrik Godfr. Eman Emanuel
2 Malain Louis Bazin Francois Paulo
3 Anna Joseph van Jb. Henriquesz Severino
4 Clementina De wed. J.F.W. Gravenhorst Faustina
5 Maria Louis Bazin Joseph Guadelupe
6 Maria Ignees Maria Louisa LeCroix Braulia
7 Regina Francisca Maria van Horcum Joseph Epifanio
8 Maria Encarnacion â Fanchion Simon Quant Merselina Leocaria
der Naam van de aangever Datum van geboorte
9 1 Juny 1843 Maria Anthonia Dewindt 1 Juny 1843 V
10 19 Juny ,, Louis Bazin 19 ,, ,, V
11 22 Juny ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 22 ,, ,, V
12 6 July ,, Jan Hendrik Semerel 5 July ,, M
13 7 September ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 6 September ,, V
14 14 September ,, Gasparito Ridderstap 14 September ,, V
15 29 ,, ,, Regina Martina Vrolijk 28 ,, ,, M
16 19 October ,, Pieter Lampe 18 October ,, M
17 20 November ,, Jan Hendrik Semerel 18 November ,, V
18 25 ,, ,, Marten Evertsz 25 ,, ,, V
19 28 ,, ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 28 ,, ,, V
20 7 December ,, Maria Helena Jeronimos /vroed vrouw/ 6 December ,, M
21 7 ,, ,, Maria Helena Jeronimos /vroed vrouw/ 6 ,, ,, M
22 12 ,, ,, Hendrik Croes 11 ,, ,, V
23 14 ,, ,, Johs. Andries Werleman 13 ,, ,, M
24 18 ,, ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 16 ,, ,, V
25 18 ,, ,, Richard Raven Muskus 17 ,, ,, M
26 27 ,, ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 27 ,, ,, V
1 9 January 1844 Louis Bazin 8 January. 1844 M
2 26 February ,, Jan Hendrik Henriquesz 26 February ,, M
3 7 Maart ,, Rozalia Oduber 6 Maart ,, V
4 20 ,, ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 19 ,, ,, M
5 27 ,, ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 26 ,, ,, M
6 2 Mei ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 1 Mei ,, V
7 15 ,, ,, Eugenia Lobo 14 ,, ,, M
8 28 ,, ,, Joseph St. Jago Thiel 28 ,, ,, V
9 4 Juny ,, Jean Oduber Croes 4 Juny ,, V
10 15 July ,, Jacob Lacle 29 ,, ,, V
11 1 Augustus ,, Hendrik Lampe 1 Augustus ,, M
Naam van de moeder des
geborenen, alsmede die
welken haar in de wandeling Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
gegeven wordt (Het kinds naam)
9 Maria De drie kinderen van D. Oduber Simeona
10 Petrona Louis Bazin Eufrosina Juliana
11 Andrea Maria 3 kinderen van Danl. Oduber Poulina
2 1
12 Maria Ogenia Jan Hendrik Semerel Miguel Ignacio
13 Maria Ignees Jan Daniel Wever Eugenia Cathalina
14 Maria Merselina Gasparito Ridderstap Maria la Cruz
15 Maria Augustina Levinia Marthina Christiaans Simon
16 Hendrina Pieter Lampe Lucas
17 Beatrix Anna Dionisia Semerel Maria Delfina
18 Maria Marten Evertsz Catharina
19 Maria Rofina Simon Quant Gregoria Uranie
20 Marthina De wed. van J.F.W. Gravenhorst David
21 Marthina De wed. van J.F.W. Gravenhorst Jonathan
22 Klarissa Hendrik Croes Juliana Damasia
23 Saniet Johs. Ands. Werleman Jean Jaques
24 Maria Raphaëla â Poulina Jacob Thielen Valentina Uranie
25 Selestina Marthina â Emelie Richard Raven Muskus Eduard Lazarus
26 Catharina Joseph van Jacob Henriquez Johanna
1 Maria Merselina Louis Bazin Luciano Theophi (lo)
2 Maria los Santos Maria van Horcum Albertus
3 Maria Jesus De drie kinderen van Danl. Oduber Olegaria Brigida
4 Emelie Juan Leon Josè
5 Plantina Jaques LaRoche Castulo Alcèe
6 Desai Jaques LaRoche Phelijn Juliet
7 Josepha De kinderen van Eugenia Lobo Bonefacio
8 Anthonetta â Saniet Joseph St. Jago Thiel Theresa Gabriela
9 Emerentia Jean Oduber Croes Francisca Roset (l)
10 Lucretia Jacob Lacle Petronilia
11 Clara Hendrik Lampe Pierre
der Naam van de aangever Datum van geboorte
12 2 ,, ,, Johs. Emanuel Paesch 2 ,, ,, M
13 7 ,, ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 6 ,, ,, M
14 10 ,, ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 9 ,, ,, V
15 17 ,, ,, Johs. Andries Werleman 16 ,, ,, V
16 26 ,, ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 25 ,, ,, V
17 12 September ,, Maria Helena Jeronimos /vroed vrouw/ 11 September ,, M
18 12 ,, ,, Jan Hendrik Semerel 10 ,, ,, V
19 24 ,, ,, Louis Bazin 24 ,, ,, V
20 30 ,, ,, Maria Helina Jeronimos /vroed vrouw/ 29 ,, ,, V
21 2 October ,, Marten Evertsz 2 October ,, V
22 7 ,, ,, Dirk Jansen 3 ,, ,, M
23 4 November ,, Bernardus van der Veen Quant 3 November ,, M
24 20 ,, ,, De wed. van J.F.W. Gravenhorst 18 ,, ,, V
25 2 December ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 30 ,, ,, V
26 5 ,, ,, Joseph Anthony Yarzagaray 4 December ,, V
27 12 ,, 1844 Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 11 ,, 1844 V
1 5 February 1845 De wed.van Simon Quant 5 February 1845 V
2 13 ,, ,, Jan Hendrik van der Biest 12 ,, ,, M
3 5 April ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 5 April ,, M
4 10 Mei ,, Regina Martina Vrolijk /vroed vrouw/ 9 Mei ,, V
5 13 ,, ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 10 ,, ,, V
6 16 Juny ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 16 Juny ,, M
7 19 ,, ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 18 ,, ,, M
8 26 July 1845 Jacobus Tromp, Louis Zoon 25 July 1845 V
9 14 Augustus ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 14 Augustus ,, M
10 18 September ,, Adriaan Corn. Werleman 17 September ,, V
11 24 ,, ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 23 ,, ,, V
12 30 ,, ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 29 ,, ,, M
13 3 October ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 2 October ,, M
14 19 ,, ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 18 ,, ,, V
Naam van de moeder des
geborenen, alsmede die
welken haar in de wandeling Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
gegeven wordt (Het kinds naam)
12 Seferina Johs. Emanuel Paesch Stephanios
13 Elijza Marthen Evertsz Pedro Franscito
14 Maria Jean van der Biest Cathalina Romana
15 Maria Johs. Ands. Werleman Florentina Hiacinta
16 Maria Louisa Joseph van Jb. Henriquez Maria Lodewika
17 Anna Christina Jacobus Croes F.Z. (Fz.) Francios Protus
18 Selestina Jan Hendrik Semerel Nicolasa Folentina
19 Klara Louis Bazin Maria de La Merced
20 Rosina Ursela Johanna Henriquesz Minguelina â Meclina
21 Zebel Marten Evertsz Maria Angela
22 Joseph Dirk Jansz Gerard
23 Poulina Hendrietta Pieter Quant Carolus Herbertus
24 Carolina De wed. van J.F.W. Gravenhorst Pieternella Juidinette
25 Juana Jan Daniel Wever Andrea Caijetano
26 Christina Joseph Anth. Yarzagaray Juana Barbera
27 Mattea Joseph Anth. Yarzagaray Maria Damasa
1 Cleantis Simon Quant Agueda Maximiliana
2 Maria Theodora â Hilena Jan Hendrik vander Biest Eulalio Pedro
3 Carolina Jan Hk. Gf. Eman Vicento
4 Regina Francisca Maria van Horcum Gregoria
5 Maria Encarnacion (al)Fanchion Simon Quant Antonilia Rodesienita
6 Florencia David Capriles Jr. Querico Julito
7 Maria Louisa Lourens Croes, Jan zoon Mario Marcelino
8 Catharina Jacob Moreno Henriquez Jacoba Maria
9 Maria Jurriaan Lampe Eusebius
10 Maria Johs. Ands, Werleman Petronilia(?) Francisca
11 Maria Encarnacion De wed. van Pieter Chelikum Cleto Martien
12 Dorina Eugenia Lobo Minguel
13 Clementina De wed. J.W.F. Gravenhorst Ferdinand Angela
14 Anna Josef van Jb. Henriquez Maria Luca
der Naam van de aangever Datum van geboorte
15 8 September ,, Hendrik Croes 7 September ,, M
16 3 November ,, Jan Hendk. Semerel 1 November ,, M
17 26 ,, ,, Cornelis Tromp 25 ,, ,, M
18 27 ,, ,, Simon Gomez 26 ,, ,, V
19 1 December 1845 Jacob Lacle 1 December ,, V
1 3 January 1846 Maria Martina De Windt 2 January 1846 M
2 13 February ,, Louis Bazin 12 February ,, V
3 4 Maart ,, Louis Bazin 4 Maart ,, V
4 24 ,, ,, Marten Evertsz 23 ,, ,, V
5 27 ,, ,, Jacobus Croes F.z. 24 ,, ,, M
6 15 April ,, Fredk. Johs. van der Biest 14 April ,, M
7 1 Mei ,, Regina Marthina Vrolijk 30 ,, ,, M
8 1 ,, ,, Idem 30 ,, ,, V
9 7 ,, ,, Marten Evertsz 6 Mei ,, V
10 7 ,, ,, Gilles Poppe Werleman 5 ,, ,, V
11 13 July ,, Maria de Castro, /vroed vrouw/ 11 July 1846 M
12 16 ,, ,, Joseph St. Jago Thiel 15 ,, ,, V
13 25 ,, ,, Maria de Castro, /vroed vrouw/ 24 ,, ,, V
14 25 September ,, Maria de Castro, /vroed vrouw/ 24 September ,, V
15 2 October ,, Louis Bazin 1 October ,, V
16 26 ,, ,, Maria Antonia Dewindt 24 ,, ,, M
17 23 November ,, Hendrik Croes 21 November ,, M
18 14 December ,, Johs. Emanuel Paesch 14 December ,, M
19 14 ,, ,, Pieter Quant 13 ,, ,, M
20 2 January 1847 De wed.van J.F.W. Gravenhorst 31 ,, ,, V
21 2 ,, 1847 De wed.van J.F.W. Gravenhorst 31 ,, 1846 V
1 13 February 1847 Jurriaan Lampe 10 February 1847 M
2 22 Maart ,, Jan Daniel Wever 21 Maart ,, M
Naam van de moeder des
geborenen, alsmede die
welken haar in de wandeling Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
gegeven wordt (Het kinds naam)
15 Klarissa Hendrik Croes Regino Paulo
16 Maria Ogenia Jan Hendck. Semerel José los Santos
17 Martha Cornelis Tromp Pedro Cathalino
18 Adelin Simon Gomez Petronilia Irene
19 Lucretia Jacob Lacle Susanna Candida
1 Andrea Maria
2 1 De drie kinderen van Daniel Oduber Isidorus
2 Maria Merselina Louis Bazin Euphrosina
3 Mailan Louis Bazin Maria Estebana
4 Maria Marten Evertsz Victoria
5 Anna Christina Jacobus Croes Fz. Jeantil Agapito
6 Fermina Maria Fredk. Johs. van der Biest Amandus Sibertus
7 Maria Augustina Levina Marthina Christiaans José Pelegrin
8 Maria Augustina Levina Marthina Christiaans Maria Catharina
9 Elyza Marten Evertsz Juana Catharina Theresa
10 Reina Gilles Poppe Werleman Thomas Pio
11 Barbera Abraham van Dragt Piüs Emile
12 Anthonetta â Saniet Joseph St. Jago Thiel Henrietta
13 Maria Louisa Joseph van Jacob Henriquesz Christina
14 Cleantis Simon Quant Gerarda Elodie
15 Maria Louis Bazin Ilvania
16 Maria De 3 Kinderen van Daniel Oduber Raphaël
17 Martina Hendrik Croes Thomas
18 Seferina Johs. Emanl. Paesch Alexander Nicasius
19 Helena Selestina Pieter Quant Modest Lucianus
20 Carolina De wed. J.W.F. Gravenhorst Josephina
21 Carolina De wed. J.W.F. Gravenhorst Celenia
1 Maria Jurriaan Lampe Escolastico
2 Juana Jan Daniel Wever Benoit
der Naam van de aangever Datum van geboorte
3 23 ,, ,, Johanna Henriquesz 22 ,, ,, M
4 26 April ,, Maria de Castro, /vroed vrouw/ 24 April ,, V
5 12 Mei ,, Jan Hendk. van der Biest 11 Mei ,, M
6 4 Juny ,, Gilles Poppe Werleman 2 Juny ,, M
7 17 ,, ,, De wed. van Simon Quant 16 ,, ,, V
8 3 July ,, Jan Hendk. Semerel 2 July ,, M
9 29 ,, ,, Maria Helena Jeronimos /vroed vrouw/ 29 ,, ,, V
10 31 ,, ,, Jacobus de Lange 30 ,, ,, V
11 9 Augustus ,, Hendrik Croes 7 Augustus ,, V
12 16 ,, ,, Louis Bazin 15 ,, ,, M
13 18 September 1847 Johs. Ands. Werleman 17 September 1847 V
14 8 October ,, Hendrik Lampe 7 October ,, V
15 11 ,, ,, Maria Elisabeth Oduber geb. Croes 9 ,, ,, M
16 4 November ,, Johannes Ands. Werleman 4 November ,, V
17 10 ,, ,, Louis Bazin 10 ,, ,, V
18 22 ,, ,, Juan Leon 21 ,, ,, V
19 24 ,, ,, De wed. Simon Quant 23 ,, ,, M
20 4 December 1847 Pieter Quant 3 December 1847 V
1 19 January 1848 Jacobus Croes Frans Zoon 17 January 1848 M
2 2 February ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 2 February ,, V
3 7 Maart ,, Maria Mgd. Tromp, /vroed vrouw/ 6 Maart ,, V
4 29 ,, ,, J.A. Yarzagaray 28 ,, ,, V
5 31 ,, ,, Louis Bazin 29 ,, ,, V
6 3 April ,, Jean Oduber 3 April ,, V
7 7 ,, ,, L.Croes J.z. 6 ,, ,, V
8 17 Juny ,, Jacob Lacle 16 Juny ,, V
9 15 July ,, Simon van der Veen Veeris 14 July ,, M
10 29 ,, ,, Lodk. Fredk. Scholten 28 ,, ,, V
Naam van de moeder des
geborenen, alsmede die
welken haar in de wandeling Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
gegeven wordt (Het kinds naam)
3 Rosina Ursula Johanna Henriquez Francisnia Deogracia
4 Christina Joseph A. Yarzagaray Philomena
5 Maria Theodora â Gilina Jan Hendk. van der Biest Eduard
6 Reina Gilles Poppe Werleman Jan Pedro
7 Maria Encarnacion â Fanchion De wed. van S. Quant Lutgardis Julia
8 Maria Selestina Jan Hendk. Semerel Carlos Martin
9 Maria Assencion â Genetrice Jacob Thielen Ardelly Sofronie (?)
10 Regina Francisca Jacobus de Lange Maria Ignacia
11 Klarissa Hendrik Croes Maria Cayetana
12 Malain Louis Bazin José Maria Assuncion
13 Mari Johs. Andrs. Werleman Fransisca Thomasina
14 Clara Hendrik Lampe Maria Anthonetta
15 Angelista De wed. J.W.F. Gravenhorst, thans
gehuwd met Jean Oduber Leander
16 Sanit Johs. Ands. Werleman Carolina Rozalia
17 Maria Merselina Louis Bazin Andrea Avelina
18 Emelie Luis Leon Maria del Presentacion
19 Cleantis Simon Quant Clement Leopold
20 Paulina Hendrietta Pieter Quant Francisca Lavinia
1 Anna Christina Jacobus Croes Frans Zoon Jan Pieter
2 Maria Encarnacion De Wed Pieter Chelikum Maria Candelaria
3 Florencia David Capriles Jr. Coleta
4 Mattea J.A. Yarzagaray Anna Florentina
5 Clara Louis Bazin Adelina
6 Clementina Maria Elisth. Croes,
Wed. J.F.W. Gravenhorst Benita
7 Maria Louisa Lourens Croes J.Z. Celestina
8 Lucretia Jacob Lacle Paulina Julita
9 Maria Andrea De 3 kinderen van Daniel Oduber Beuno Venturo
10 Klarissa Lodk. Fredk. Scholte Maria Victoria
der Naam van de aangever Datum van geboorte
11 8 Augustus ,, Borchard Specht Croes 7 Augustus ,, M
12 16 ,, ,, Jurriaans Rasmijn 15 ,, ,, M
13 26 ,, ,, Eugenia Lobo 25 ,, ,, V
14 28 ,, ,, Jean Oduber Croes 27 ,, ,, V
15 11 September ,, De wed. Jacob Thielen 9 September ,, M
16 12 ,, ,, Gilles Poppe Werleman 11 ,, ,, V
17 25 ,, ,, Marten Everts 25 ,, ,, V
18 30 November ,, Cornelis Tromp 29 November ,, V
19 18 December 1848 Maria Gilena Hironimo 18 December 1848 V
1 19 January 1849 Marthen Evertsz 19 January 1849 V
2 26 February ,, Anna Cornelia Kelij 26 February ,, M
3 6 April ,, De wed. Simon Quant 6 April ,, M
4 20 Maart ,, Ddd. Capriles Jr. 20 Maart ,, V
5 30 April ,, M. Evertsz 29 April ,, M
6 7 Mei ,, Jan Hk. v.d. Biest 6 Mei ,, M
7 8 Mei ,, Maria Helena Tromp 6 Mei ,, M
8 23 Mei ,, Louis Bazin 23 Mei ,, M
9 31 Mei ,, Hendk. Croes 31 Mei ,, V
10 18 Juny ,, Louis Bazin 17 Juny ,, V
11 2 July ,, Plantina Scholte 1 July ,, M
12 7 Augustus ,, Lodk. F. Scholte 7 Augustus ,, V
13 29 Augustus ,, Louis Bazin 27 Augustus ,, M
14 31 Augustus ,, Simon Gomez 31 Augustus ,, V
15 11 September ,, Lourens Oduber 11 September ,, M
16 19 September ,, Jacobus de Lange 19 September ,, V
17 22 September ,, Johs. Ands. Werleman 20 September ,, M
18 22 September ,, Johs. Paesch 21 September ,, V
19 2 October ,, De wed. Jacob Thielen 2 October ,, M
20 14 October 1849 Jan Hendk. Semerel 13 October 1849 M
21 26 October ,, De wed. G. Quant 26 October ,, M
Naam van de moeder des
geborenen, alsmede die
welken haar in de wandeling Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
gegeven wordt (Het kinds naam)
11 Raphaela Borchard Specht Croes Anthon
12 Sara De wed. Frans Rasmijn José Assencion
13 Hermenegilda Josefa Cotes Louisa
14 Cleantis Jean Oduber Croes Rufa Rosamonda
15 Maria Assencion â Genetrice De wed. Jacob Thielen Gorgonius
16 ???? Gilles Poppe Werleman Cathalina Rosa
17 Regina Marten Everts Willemina Tecla
18 Martha Cornelis Tromp Saturnina
19 Maria F. Oduber Esperancia Amalia
1 Elijsa M. Evertsz Maria Francsisca
2 Isabela Socorro Juana Troconio de Andrada Victor
3 Cleantis De wed. S. Quant Celestino Jesus
4 Dorina Ogenia Lobo Dorothea
5 Maria M. Evertsz Petrus Joseph
6 Maria Theodora Jan Hk. v.d. Biest Juan Ernist
7 Maria Petronila Maria Helena Tromp Juan Emil
8 Madalena Louis Bazin Santiago
9 Narsis Hk. Croes Petronilla
10 Mercelina Louis Bazin Manuela Adela
11 Juana Plantina Scholte Rimon Marten
12 Maria Claris Lodk. F. Scholte Eusebia
13 Clara Louis Bazin Constantin
14 Edela Simon Gomez Ramona
15 Maria Eugenia Lourens Oduber Jacinto
16 Regina Jacobus de Lange Martha
17 Carolina Johs. Ands. Werleman Garbiri
18 Seferina Johs. Paesch Matea
19 Genetrice De wed. Jacob Thielen Gustave
20 Maria Celestina Jan Hk. Semerel Eduardo Rei
21 Seferina Fausiana De Wed G. Quant Juan Vicente, overled
der Naam van de aangever Datum van geboorte
22 27 October ,, De wed. S Quant 27 October ,, V
23 18 December ,, Lodk. Fredk. Scholte 18 December ,, M
24 18 December ,, Pieter Quant 17 December ,, M
25 18 December ,, Pieter Quant 17 December ,, V
1 3 January 1850 Gilles Poppe Werleman 2 January 1850 V
2 6 February ,, Helena Jeronimo 5 February ,, V
3 10 February ,, De wed. P Chilukum 9 February ,, M
4 19 February ,, Lourens Oduber 19 February ,, V
5 11 Maart ,, Clara Croes 8 Maart ,, V
6 11 Maart ,, Clara Croes 8 Maart ,, V
7 18 Maart ,, Louis Bazin 17 Maart ,, M
8 1 April ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 31 Maart ,, V
9 2 April ,, Jan Hendk. v.d. Biest 2 April ,, V
10 2 Mei ,, Anna Maria Ridderstap 1 Mei ,, V
11 11 Mei ,, Sanit 10 Mei ,, V
12 28 Mei ,, 'S Jago Thiel 28 Mei ,, M
13 1 July ,, Hendrik Lampe 30 Juny ,, M
14 11 July ,, Gabriel Ruiz 10 July ,, M
15 22 July ,, Simon van der Veen Veeris 20 July ,, V
16 19 Augustus ,, Jean Oduber 18 Augustus ,, M
17 29 Augustus ,, Anna Jacoba Arends 29 Augustus ,, M
18 17 September ,, Borchard Specht Croes 15 September ,, V
19 18 September ,, Louis Bazin 17 September ,, M
20 24 September ,, Lopes Raas 22 September ,, V
21 18 Novomber ,, Marten Evertsz 17 November ,, M
22 4 December ,, Louis Bazin 4 December ,, V
Naam van de moeder des
geborenen, alsmede die
welken haar in de wandeling Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
gegeven wordt (Het kinds naam)
22 Maria Encarnacion De Wed S. Quant Teolinda Ysavinia
23 Anna Christina De wed. Lodk.Fredk. Scholte Stasio
24 Paulina Henrietta Pieter Quant Lasaro Palidor
25 Paulina Henrietta Pieter Quant Francisca Selinia
1 Regina Gilles Poppe Werleman Juillet
2 Cleantis Jean O. Croes Agueda
3 Consecion De wed. P. Chilikum Juan Jacobus
4 Christina M. E. Oduber geb. Croes. Florina
5 Marthina Nersa Clara Croes Anna Maria
6 Marthina Nersa Clara Croes Juillet
7 Magrieta Louis Bazin Germain
8 Maria Louisa Lourens Croes Lavinia
9 Anna Martha Jan Hk. v.d. Biest Maria Francisca
10 Maria Petrona Anna Maria Ridderstap Felicia
11 Maria Aniseta Johs. A. Werleman Juilliet
12 Sanit 'S Jago Thiel Justo
13 Klara Hendrik Lampe Emiel
14 Anthonia Gabriel Ruiz Christoba
15 Maria Andrea De 3 kinderen van D. Oduber Margareta
16 Carolina Maria Elisabeth Oduber Camilo Agapito
17 Reinita Anna Jacoba Arends Juan Bautista
18 Rafaëla Borchard S Croes Anna
19 Klara Louis Bazin Juillian
20 Sara Frans Rasmijn Mauriçia
21 Elyza Marten Evertsz Nicolaas Ebaristo
22 Magdalena Louis Bazin Barbara Vergini
der Naam van de aangever Datum van geboorte
1 4 January 1851 De wed. F. Franken 3 January 1851 V
2 6 January ,, Hendrik Croes 5 January ,, V
3 16 January ,, Louis Bazin 15 January ,, V
4 17 January ,, Gilles Poppe Werleman 16 January ,, V
5 5 February ,, Jacobus de Lange 4 February ,, V
6 10 February ,, Marten Evertsz 9 February ,, V
7 3 Maart ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 1 Maart ,, V
8 5 Juny ,, Helena Jeronimo /vroed vrouw/ 3 Juny ,, M
9 20 Juny ,, De wed. Simon Quant 19 Juny ,, M
10 28 Juny ,, Simon Gomez 28 Juny ,, V
11 9 July ,, Lodk. Fredk. Scholten 8 July ,, V
12 29 July ,, Jacob Lacle 29 July ,, V
13 30 Augustus ,, Louis Bazin 29 Augustus ,, M
14 30 Augustus ,, Louis Bazin 29 Augustus ,, V
15 2 September ,, De wed. Simon Quant 1 September ,, M
16 29 September ,, Louis Bazin 29 September ,, M
17 3 November ,, Maria de Castro 2 November ,, M
18 7 November ,, Johannis A. Werleman 7 November ,, V
19 17 November ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 15 November ,, M
20 24 November ,, Jan Croes H.Z. 23 November ,, M
21 29 November ,, Maria de Castro 29 November ,,
22 2 December ,, Maria E. Oduber 1 December ,, V
23 10 December ,, De wed. J.Hk. Semeler 9 December ,, M
1 12 January 1852 Pieter Quant 10 January 1852 V
2 22 January ,, Johannis A. Werleman 21 January ,, M
3 6 February ,, De wed. E. Chilikum 5 February ,, M
4 6 Maart ,, Cornelis Tromp. 5 Maart ,, V
5 27 Maart ,, De wed. Jan Hendk. Semeler 26 Maart ,, V
6 8 April ,, Maria Castro, /vroed vrouw/ 8 April ,, V
7 22 April ,, De wed. E. Chilikum 22 April ,, M
Naam van de moeder des
geborenen, alsmede die
welken haar in de wandeling Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
gegeven wordt (Het kinds naam)
1 Elyza De wed., Frans Franken Merian
2 Narcisca Hendrik Croes Maria Gustina.
3 Maria Louis Bazin Cicilia
4 Regina Gilles P. Werleman Anna
5 Regina Jacobus delange Leonora
6 Regenia Marten Evertsz Apolonia
7 Maria Antonia Juan Leon Seferina Martina.
8 Mariana Jacobus Croes Isaac
9 Cleantis De wed. S. Quant Maxcimie Gervasio
10 Adelin Simon Gomez Leona
11 Klarissa Lodewijk Fk. Scholten Isabela
12 Lucretia Jacob Lacle Maria Celestina
13 Malena Louis Bazin Bartol
14 Malena Louis Bazin Bartolomina
15 Maria Encarnacion De wed. S. Quant Lupo Amador
16 Mercelina Louis Bazin Camilio
17 Maria Rosalia De wed. C Schonewolf Johannis Simon Eustaqui
18 Carolina Johs. A. Werleman Florencia Ernestina
19 Maria Eugenia Jean O. Croes Juan Ogenio
20 Martina Klara Croes Clement Leopoldo
21 Cristina De wed. L.F. Scholten Anna Stasia
22 Matea De kn. van M. E. Oduber Natalia Sedavilia
23 Maria Ogenia De wed. J. Hk. Semerel Hermeregildo
1 Poulina Hendrietta Pieter Quant Rosamonda
2 Maria Johannis A. Werleman Fannor
3 Maria Dorothea De wed. E. Chilikum Augustin Maximi
4 Martha Cornelis Tromp. Florentina
5 Selestina De wed. J.Hk Semeler Merselina
6 Maria Louisa Lourens O. Croes Maria Dionisia
7 Maria Encarnaçion De wed. E. Chilikum Sotero
der Naam van de aangever Datum van geboorte
8 23 April ,, Jan Hendk. van der Biest 22 April ,, V
9 18 Mei ,, Jan Hendk. van der Biest 17 Mei ,, M
10 10 July ,, Helena Jeronimo /vroed vrouw/ 9 July ,, M
11 23 September ,, Jan Oduber Croes 22 September ,, V
12 28 September ,, Borchard Specht Croes 24 September ,, M
13 5 October ,, De wed. Jacob Thielen 4 October ,, M
14 23 December ,, Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 21 December ,, V
1 7 January 1853 Isaac Maduro 6 January 1853 V
2 7 January ,, Maria de Castro 7 January ,, V
3 12 January ,, Marten Evertsz 11 January ,, V
4 9 Maart ,, Hendrik Croes 7 Maart ,, M
5 17 Maart ,, Anna Poulina Poppe, /vroed vrouw/ 16 Maart ,, M
6 2 April ,, Louis Bazin 1 April ,, M
7 27 Mei ,, Marten Evertsz 27 Mei ,, M
8 27 Mei ,, De wed. Lk. Fk. Scholten 27 Mei ,, V
9 17 Juny ,, Louis Bazin 17 Juny ,, V
10 8 July ,, Helena Jeronimo 7 July ,, V
11 23 July ,, Louis Bazin 22 July ,, V
12 24 Augustus ,, Helena Jeronimo 23 Augustus ,, M
13 29 Augustus ,, A.J. Werleman 27 Augustus ,, V
14 12 September ,, Maria Decastro 10 September ,, V
15 6 October ,, Jan Hendk. v.d. Biest 5 October ,, M
16 10 October ,, Maria de Castro 7 October ,, M
17 14 October ,, Maria de Castro 14 October ,, V
18 24 October ,, Anna Clara Croes 22 October ,, M
19 10 November ,, Hendrik Lampe 10 November ,, M
20 22 November ,, B. v.d.v. Quant 21 November ,, M
21 22 November ,, Gilles Poppe Werleman 20 November ,, M
22 8 December ,, De wed. L.Fk. Scholten 7 December ,, M
Naam van de moeder des
geborenen, alsmede die
welken haar in de wandeling Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
gegeven wordt (Het kinds naam)
8 Dotrothea Ignees Jan Hendk. v.d. Biest Johanna Zoraida
9 Anna Martha Jan Hendk. v.d. Biest Utalis
10 Feliciana Fabertiana De Wed. G. Quant Cecilio Mortimor
11 Cleantis Jan Oduber Croes Mauricia Tricelia
12 Rifaëla Borchard Specht Croes Lucidor
13 Maria Assencion â Genetrice De wed. Jacob Thielen Francisco Martiner
14 Anna Petrona Anna Ridderstap Maria Tomasa
1 Delaida Isaac Maduro Federika
2 Florentina Martins Fredk. J. v.d. Biest Maria Oliana.
3 Elyza Marten Evertsz Maria Belijn
4 Narcisa Hendrik Croes Pulidol
5 Petronilla De kinderen van L. Emonet Julian
6 Maria Louis Bazin Arnest
7 Maria Marten Evertsz Juan
8 Claries De wed. L. F. Scholten Juana
9 Mercelina Louis Bazin Felecia
10 Maria Engeltina Maria Elis. Oduber Petronella
11 Madleen Louis Bazin Juan Phelipa
12 Reijnita Anna Jacoba Arendsz Felipe Benecio
13 Maria A.J. Werleman Brinette
14 Emelie Juan Leon Nicolasa
15 Maria Theodora â Gelina Jan Hendk. v.d. Biest Placido Elvire
16 Maria Ogenia Jean O. Croes Marten Mortimor
17 Carolina De kinderen van Dl. Oduber Calixta
18 Martina Narcisa Anna Clara Croes Martin
19 Clara Hendk. Lampe Echmundt
20 Gerarda Louisa B. v.d.v. Quant Geraldino
21 Reina Gilles Poppe Werleman Simon
22 Estebana De wed L.F. Scholten Ambrocio
der Naam van de aangever Datum van geboorte
1 16 January 1854 Francois Oduber 15 January 1854 M
2 18 January ,, De wed. Louis Bazin 15 January ,, M
3 9 February ,, Wm m. Raven 7 February ,, M
4 9 February ,, Manuel Ras. 6 February ,, M
5 11 February ,, Pieter Quant 10 February ,, V
6 21 Maart ,, Johs. Michaël Eman 19 Maart ,, V
7 24 Maart ,, De wed. Frans Franke 23 Maart ,, M
8 3 April ,, De wed. Simon Quant 1 April ,, M
9 27 April 1854 Maria Elisabeth Oduber 25 April 1854 M
10 4 Mei 1854 Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 3 Mei 1854 V
11 12 Mei 1854 Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 12 Mei 1854 M
12 15 Mei 1854 Maria Lucia Eman /vroed vrouw/ 14 Mei 1854 M
13 18 Mei 1854 Helena Jeronimo 17 Mei 1854 V
14 6 Juny 1854 Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 5 Juny 1854 M
15 12 Juny 1854 Jan Iden Quant 11 Juny 1854 V
16 12 Juny 1854 Jan Iden Quant 11 Juny 1854 V
17 26 Juny 1854 Pieter Quant 25 Juny 1854 V
18 1 July 1854 Damita Suares 30 Juny 1854 V
19 1 July 1854 Johs. A. Werleman 1 July 1854 V
20 3 July 1854 Cornelis Tromp 1 July 1854 V
21 15 July 1854 Freds. Johs. v.d. Biest 12 July 1854 V
22 15 July 1854 De wed. J.Hk. Semeler 14 July 1854 V
23 17 July 1854 Johs. Ands. Werleman 15 July 1854 V
24 27 July 1854 De wed. Frans Franken 26 July 1854 M
25 2 Augustus 1854 Jean Oduber 1 Augustus 1854 M
26 21 September 1854 Jan Hk. v.d. Biest 20 September 1854 M
27 23 September 1854 Jacoba Arends 22 September 1854 V
28 23 September 1854 Helena Jironimo /vroed vrouw/ 19 September 1854 M
29 26 September 1854 Borchard Specht Croes 25 September 1854 V
30 6 October 1854 Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 6 October 1854 M
31 19 October 1854 Pieter Quant 18 October 1854 V
Naam van de moeder des
geborenen, alsmede die
welken haar in de wandeling Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
gegeven wordt (Het kinds naam)
1 Cleantis De 3 kindr. van Dl. Oduber Pablo
2 Clara Dw wed. Louis Bazin Quillermo Pablo
3 Dominga Jan Hk. Croes Ricardio Beltrandt
4 Sara De wed. Frans Rasmijn Felix
5 Maria Elisabeth Pieter Quant Escolastica
6 Clara Johs. M. Eman Josepha Etervina
7 Elyza De wed. F. Franke Victor
8 Cleantis De wed. Simon Quant Venancio Gabriel
9 Carolina Maria Elisabeth Oduber Bruno
10 Maria Louisa Lourens O. Croes Jz. Maria.
11 Martina Calister Anna Ridderstap Cicero Egmond
12 Dorothea Jan George Croes Mortimen(r)
13 Lucretia Jacob Lacle Belonia
14 Cleantis Jean O. Croes Antonio (e)
15 Poulina Hendrietta Pieter Quant Juliana Trinidad
16 Poulina Hendrietta Pieter Quant Albertina Trinidad
17 Anna Petronia Pieter Quant Martillia Serdefilliao
18 Susanna Damita Suares Maria Paulina
19 Maria Johs. A. Werleman Maria
20 Martha Cornelis Tromp Socundina
21 Florentina Martins Fredk Johs. v.d. Biest Bergina
22 Maria Ogenia De wed. J.Hk. Semeler Anna Margaretha
23 Carolina Johs. Ands. Werleman Clarisa
24 Eloiza De wed. Frans Franke Anthonie Teofiel
25 Johanna Leonora De kinderen van J. Oduber Pedro
26 Dorothea Ignees Jan Hk. van der Biest Eustaquio
27 Petronila De 4 kindf. van wijlen M.H. Tromp Mauricia Ederfilia
28 Malain Joseph Frigerio Genari Marti
29 Raphaëla Borchard S. Croes Lucinder
30 Rosa Jean Oduber Croes Lermisie
31 Delfina Eugenia Pieter Quant Victoria Georgina
der Naam van de aangever Datum van geboorte
32 24 October 1854 Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 24 October 1854 M
33 4 November 1854 Marten Evertsz 2 November 1854 V
34 20 November 1854 Jacobus Croes Fk. 19 November 1854 M
35 13 December 1854 Ands. Johs. Werleman 12 December 1854 M
36 21 December 1854 Jacobus de Lange 21 December 1854 M
1 29 January 1855 Jean Oduber 29 January 1855 V
2 24 February 1855 Dw wed. Jan Hk. Semerel 23 February 1855 V
3 12 Maart 1855 De wed. Simon Quant 10 Maart 1855 M
4 1 Mei 1855 De wed. Simon Quant 24 April 1855 M
5 30 Mei 1855 Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 27 Mei 1855 V
6 5 Juny 1855 Marten Evertsz 4 Juny 1855 M
7 14 July 1855 D. Capriles Jr. 13 July 1855 V
8 9 Augustus 1855 Anna Clara Croes 7 Augustus 1855 M
9 18 Augustus 1855 Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 17 Augustus 1855 M
10 24 Augustus 1855 De wed. Jacob Thielen 23 Augustus 1855 M
11 3 September 1855 Joseph Frigerio 1 September 1855 V
12 21 September 1855 B. v.d.v. Quant 20 September 1855 M
13 2 October 1855 Jan Hendk. Kelly 30 September 1855 M
14 3 October 1855 Joseph Frigerio 1 October 1855 V
15 24 October 1855 Maria Martha /vroed vrouw/ 23 October 1855 V
16 7 December 1855 Maria Petronella Willems /vroed vrouw/ 6 December 1855 M
17 11 December 1855 Jan V. der Biest Croes 10 December 1855 V
18 17 December 1855 Jacoba Arends 15 December 1855 M
1 1 February 1856 Anna Ridderstap 30 January 1856 M
2 11 February 1856 Pieter Quant 11 February 1856 M
3 11 February 1856 De wed. Lodk. Fredk. Scholten 10 February 1856 V
4 3 Maart 1856 De Wed. Simon Quant 1 Maart 1856 V
5 4 April 1856 Joseph Frigerio 3 April 1856 M
6 4 April 1856 deselve 3 April 1856 V
Naam van de moeder des
geborenen, alsmede die
welken haar in de wandeling Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
gegeven wordt (Het kinds naam)
32 Maria Roset De wed. van Schonewolf Horatio Rafaël
33 Maria Marten Evertsz Dometilda
34 Mariana Jacobus Croes Fz. Juan Girigori
35 Narcisa Hk. Croes Generoso
36 Regina Francisca Jacobus de Lange Thomas
1 Clementina Maria E. Oduber geb. Croes Victoria
2 Celestina Dw wed. Jan Hk. Semerel Martha Ebilia
3 Maria Encarnacion â Fanchon De wed. Simon Quant Atalio Rudolf
4 Feliciana Fabertiana De wed. Govert Quant Egbertus Tudor
5 Adelin Simon Gomez Teotisdt Pretra
6 Elyza Marten Evertsz Fransisco Jan Hendrik
7 Maria De 3 kindr. van Dl. Oduber. Annacleta
8 Marthina Narcisa Anna Clara Croes Filemon
9 Maria Ogenia L.L. Oduber, minderj. Zoon van L. Oduber Wilinton
10 Maria Assencion â Genetrice De wed. Jb. Thielen Philippus Carmolini
11 Malain Joseph Frigerio Saturnina Remaclus
12 Gerarda Louisa Bernds. v.d.v. Quant Napoleon
13 Petrona Jan Hk. Kelly Louis Hironimo
14 Maria Merselina Joseph Frigerio Virginia
15 Maria Petrona Anna Ridderstap Maria Inees
16 Susanna Estanislaura De kinderen van D. Capriles Jr. Nicolaas
17 Florentina Jan v. der Biest Croes Luisa
18 Reinita Jacoba Arends Baleriano
1 Augustina Supriana Anna Ridderstap Martin
2 Anna Petronia Pieter Quant Fernando Polidor
3 Klarisse De wed. Lk. Fk. Scholten Colastica
4 Cleantis De Wed. Simon Quant Jacobo Rosenda
5 Maria Ogenia Joseph Frigerio Diek
6 Maria Ogenia Joseph Frigerio Helena
der Naam van de aangever Datum van geboorte
7 8 April 1856 Helena Jironimo /vroed vrouw/ 8 April 1856 M
8 5 Mei 1856 Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 5 Mei 1856 M
9 15 Mei 1856 Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 15 Mei 1856 V
10 29 Mei 1856 De wed. M. Evertsz 28 Mei 1856 V
11 8 July 1856 Jean Oduber 7 July 1856 V
12 23 July 1856 Jan Iden Quant 23 July 1856 M
13 26 July 1856 Johs. A. Werleman 25 July 1856 M
14 6 Augustus 1856 J. G. Croes 5 Augustus 1856 M
15 18 Augustus 1856 Wed. P. Chilikum 17 Augustus 1856 M
16 3 September 1856 Helena Jironimo /vroed vrouw/ 2 September 1856 M
17 11 September 1856 Gilles P. Werleman 10 September 1856 V
18 1 October 1856 De wed, Lk. Fk. Scholten 30 September 1856 M
19 4 October 1856 Fredk. Johs. v.der Biest 3 October 1856 M
20 11 October 1856 Damita Suares 10 October 1856 V
21 10 November 1856 Johs. Michaël Eman 8 November 1856 V
22 6 December 1856 De wed, Lodk. Fredk. Scholten 4 December 1856 M
23 8 December 1856 J. Frigerio 6 December 1856 M
24 27 December 1856 Johs. Andries Werleman 27 December 1856 V
1 3 January 1857 De weduwe Govert Quant 3 January 1857 V
2 2 February 1857 Pieter Quant 1 February 1857 V
3 8 February 1857 Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 8 February 1857 M
4 6 April 1857 Maria Magdalena Tromp 5 April 1857 V
5 20 April 1857 Jan Hendk. v.d. Biest 18 April 1857 M
6 27 Mei 1857 Borchard Specht Croes 25 Mei 1857 V
7 31 July 1857 Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 31 July 1857 M
8 4 Augustus 1857 Helena Jironimo 3 Augustus 1857 V
9 15 Augustus 1857 Pieter Quant 14 Augustus 1857 V
10 18 Augustus 1857 P.J. Frigerio 18 Augustus 1857 M
11 1 September 1857 Bernds. v.d. Veen Quant 30 Augustus 1857 V
12 21 September 1857 Helena Jironimo 19 September 1857 M
Naam van de moeder des
geborenen, alsmede die
welken haar in de wandeling Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
gegeven wordt (Het kinds naam)
7 Maria De 3 kinderen van Dl. Oduber Jr. Donisio
8 Regina Francisca Jacobus de Lange Simon
9 Emelie Juan Leon Maria Gregoria
10 Elyza De wed. M. Evertsz Petra Maximia
11 Carolina Maria E. Oduber geboren Croes Fermina
12 Maria Elisabeth Jan Iden Quant Liborio Polidoro
13 Maria Johs. Ands. Werleman Jacobus
14 Dorothea Jan George Croes Pedro
15 Maria Sebel De wed. P. Chilikum Liberato
16 Dominga Wijlen J.H. Croes José de la Rosa
17 Reina Gilles P. Werleman Sara
18 Christina De wed, Lk. F. Scholten Heronimo
19 Florentina Martin Fredk. Johs. v.d. Biest Lodewijk Candido
20 Susanna Damita Suares Arbolina Donicia
21 Klara Johs. Michaël Eman Leonarda
22 Carolina De wed, Lk. Fk. Scholten Abad
23 Klara J. Frigerio Antonio
24 Carolina Johs. Ands. Werleman Rosalia
1 Magriet De wed. G. Quant Delaida Angelina
2 Delfina Ogenia Pieter Quant Charlotte
3 Maria Louisa Lourens Croes Jz. Rimualdo Ricardo
4 Maria Ogenia Consecion Breto Maria Selestina
5 Maria Felepina Jan Hendk. v.d. Biest Eugene Fernandus
6 Anna Rafaela Borchard Specht Croes Loisinet
7 Maria Ogenia L.L. Oduber zoon van L. Oduber Inaçio
8 Bernadina Isenia Jacobus Croes Hz. Regina Jacomina
9 Poulina Hendrietta Pieter Quant Elisabeth Casiana
10 Sophia P.J. Frigerio Formiga
11 Gerarda Bernds. v.d.v. Quant Adela Virginia
12 Fransisca Candida De wed, L.F. Scholten Juan Ostacio
der Naam van de aangever Datum van geboorte
13 23 Septembe 1857 Jean Oduber 22 September 1857 V
14 2 October 1857 De wed, L.F. Scholten 1 October 1857 M
15 14 October 1857 Juan Leon 13 October 1857 V
16 29 October 1857 Bernds. v.d. Veen Quant 28 October 1857 V
17 2 November 1857 Jean Oduber 1 November 1857 M
18 9 November 1857 Jan Hendrik van der Biest 7 November 1857 M
19 27 November 1857 Jacobus Croes Fz. 27 November 1857 M
20 1 December 1857 Helena Jironimo 30 November 1857 M
21 11 December 1857 Pieter Croes Hz. 10 December 1857 M
22 21 December 1857 Jacob Lacle 20 December 1857 V
1 4 January 1858 Jacoba Arends 3 January 1858 M
2 9 January 1858 Anna Clara Croes 5 January 1858 M
3 2 February 1858 Pieter Quant 1 February 1858 M
4 16 February 1858 Herrit Lampe 14 February 1858 V
5 16 February 1858 Jan van der Biest Croes 15 February 1858 M
6 25 Maart 1858 De wed. Simon Quant 24 Maart 1858 V
7 8 April 1858 Anna Ridderstap 7 April 1858 V
8 12 April 1858 Gilles Poppe Werleman 10 April 1858 V
9 22 Mei 1858 Simon Gomes 20 Mei 1858 M
10 6 Juny 1858 Johannes Andries Werleman 5 Juny 1858 M
11 20 July 1858 De wed. Simon Quant 19 July 1858 V
12 9 Augustus 1858 De wed. Pieter Chelikum 7 Augustus 1858 V
13 28 Augustus 1858 José Ancelmo Figaroa 26 Augustus 1858 V
14 3 September 1858 Jan George Croes 2 September 1858 M
15 13 September 1858 F.J. van der Biest 11 September 1858 M
16 13 September 1858 Johannes Andries Werleman 11 September 1858 V
17 22 September 1858 Manuel Evertsz 21 September 1858 M
18 24 September 1858 David Capriles Junior 23 September 1858 V
19 25 October 1858 Pieter Quant 22 October 1858 M
20 3 November 1858 De wed L.F. Scholten 3 November 1858 V
Naam van de moeder des
geborenen, alsmede die
welken haar in de wandeling Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
gegeven wordt (Het kinds naam)
13 Johanna Leonora de kinderen van Jean Oduber Elisa Mauriçia
14 Clarisse De wed, Lk. Fk. Scholten Remio
15 Emelie Juan Leon Thomasa
16 Selistina De kindn. van B. v.d. V. Quant Simona Augustina
17 Clementina M. Elisabeth Oduber, geb. Croes Neron
18 Cornelia Jan Hendk. v. d. Biest Florencio Theodore
19 Mariana Jacobus Croes Fz. Exson
20 Maria Rofina Simon Anthonij Croes Andrees
21 Sarah Pieter Croes Hz. Jan
22 Lucrecia Jacob Lacle Dominga Isenia
1 Reynita Jacoba Arends Johannis
2 Martina Narcisa Anna Clara Croes Eduard
3 Anna Petronia Pieter Quant Theophil Ignacio
4 Clara Margaritha Herrit Lampe Maraya
5 Florentina Jan van der Biest Croes Constantin Faustino
6 Maria Encarnacion De wed. Simon Quant Aguedita
7 Anna Petrona Anna Ridderstap Hermina
8 Reina Gilles Poppe Werleman Helena
9 Adelin Simon Gomes Bernadino Deseno
10 Narcisa Martina Johs Ands. Werleman François
11 Cleantis De wed. Simon Quant Rufina Beldonia
12 Maria Sebel De wed. P. Chelikum Dorothea Calletana
13 Englentina Jose Anselmo Figaroa Seferina
14 Dorothea Jan George Croes Oscar
15 Florentina Martins F.J. van der Biest Ferderico Asinto
16 Maria J.A. Werleman Josephina
17 Elyza De wed Marten Evertsz Matheeuw
18 Susanna D. Capriles Jr Theresia Tekla
19 Delfina P.Quant Cadet
20 Klara De wed L.F. Scholten Huberta
der Naam van de aangever Datum van geboorte
21 10 November 1858 De wed. F. Franken 10 November 1858 M
22 20 November 1858 Jan Pieter Croes 19 November 1858 M
23 8 December 1858 Daniel Oduber 8 December 1858 M
24 8 December 1858 Anna Christina Wever 6 December 1858 V
1 17 January 1859 De wed L.F. Scholten 16 January 1859 V
2 5 February 1859 Johs. Andries Werleman 4 February 1859 M
3 28 February 1859 A. de Hoffman 27 February 1859 M
4 11 April 1859 Lodewijk. F. Scholten 10 April 1859 V
5 19 April 1859 Fransisca Cayama 17 April 1859 M
6 4 Juny 1859 J.H. van der Biest 3 Juny 1859 V
7 22 Juny 1859 Borchard Specht Croes 20 Juny 1859 V
8 4 July 1859 Johs. Ands. Werleman 3 July 1859 V
9 27 Augustus 1859 Anna Jacoba Arends 26 Augustus 1859 V
10 5 September 1859 De wed. L.F. Scholten 4 September 1859 M
11 17 October 1859 Simon gomes 16 October 1859 M
12 17 October 1859 Pieter Quant 15 October 1859 V
13 22 October 1859 B. vd Veen Quant 21 October 1859 M
14 28 October 1859 Petrona Maatje /vroed vrouw/ 28 October 1859 V
15 3 November 1859 Jan Hendrik Kelly 3 November 1859 M
16 1 December 1859 B. van der Veen Quant 29 November 1859 V
17 16 December 1859 B. van der Veen Quant 14 December 1859 V
1 7 January 1860 Cornelis Quant 5 January 1860 V
2 12 January 1860 Jacobus Croes Hz. 10 January 1860 V
3 13 January 1860 Daniel Oduber 11 January 1860 V
4 16 February 1860 Johannes Quant 16 February 1860 V
5 17 February 1860 Jan Nicolaas Oduber 13 February 1860 M
6 19 April 1860 Johannes Ands. Werleman 17 April 1860 M
7 23 April 1860 Juan Nicolaas Oduber 23 April 1860 V
8 4 Juny 1860 Johs. A. Werleman 4 Juny 1860 M
Naam van de moeder des
geborenen, alsmede die
welken haar in de wandeling Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
gegeven wordt (Het kinds naam)
21 Maria Louisa De wed. F. Franken Andres Eugene
22 Dominga Sarah Maduro Elias
23 Cleantis De kinderen van D. Oduber José Consecion
24 Georgina Anna Christina Wever Hermilia
1 Maria Paulina De wed. L.Fk. Scholten Marcella
2 Carolina Johs. Andries Werleman Johannes Andries
3 Victorina Delfina M. J.B. Gravenhorst Eugene
4 Stebana De wed. L.F. Scholten Bibiana
5 Clara P.J. Frigerio Jan
6 Martha Cornelia J.H. van der Biest Maria Gilina
7 Raphaëla B.S. Croes Rosalinda
8 Narcissa Johs. A. Werleman Laureana Urana
9 Reinita Anna Jacoba Arends Seferina
10 Clarissa De wed L.F. Scholten Lorenzo y Justiana
11 Betorina Simon Gomes Florentin
12 Delfina Ogenia Pieter Quant Emiliana
13 Bartholomina De kindn. B. v.d. V. Quant Jean Jacques Pelissier
14 Florentina Jan van der Biest Croes Simona
15 Englentina De kn. van Anna D. Kelly Eustachio
16 Selestina De kinderen van B. v.d. V. Quant Amanda Gregoria
17 Gerarda B. v.d. V. Quant Cleotilda Batestina
1 Anna Petronilla Pieter Quant Adelisa Felip.......
2 Bernadina Jacobus Croes Hz. Anna Francisca
3 Saniet De kinderen van D. Oduber Virginia
4 Georginetta De wed. G. Quant Regina Juliana
5 Louisa Lourens Croes Jz. Federico Gregorio
6 Reina G.P. Werleman Pieter
7 Ogenia Luis L. Oduber Juana Elyza
8 Narcissa J.A. Werleman Juan
der Naam van de aangever Datum van geboorte
9 11 Juny 1860 Johs. Ands. Werleman 10 Juny 1860 V
10 10 July 1860 Jacobus Croes FZ.. 7 July 1860 V
11 10 Augustus 1860 Catharina Martijn 9 Augustus 1860 V
12 15 September 1860 Anna Jacoba Arends 15 September 1860 M
13 7 November 1860 Jan Lourens Croes 6 November 1860 M
14 12 November 1860 Johs. Ands Werleman 10 November 1860 M
15 16 November 1860 Lodewijk Scholten 15 November 1860 M
16 10 December 1860 Wed S.G. Scholten 9 December 1860 M
17 14 December 1860 Jacobus Croes FZ. 13 December 1860 M
18 15 December 1860 Juana Maria de Castro /vroed vrouw/ 15 December 1860 V
19 19 December 1860 Maria Martha Tromp 16 December 1860 M
20 26 December 1860 Maria Martha Tromp 25 December 1860 M
1 25 January 1861 Johanna Maduro /vroed vrouw/ 24 January 1861 M
2 4 February 1861 De wed Lodewijk F. Scholten 3 February 1861 V
3 4 February 1861 Maria Hiroms 1 February 1861 M
4 7 February 1861 Mercelina Ruiz 6 February 1861 V
5 1 Maart 1861 Davis Capriles Jr. 28 February 1861 M
6 8 April 1861 J.H van der Biest 7 April 1861 V
7 2 July 1861 Magdalena Martin 1 July 1861 M
8 3 July 1861 Petrona Maatje 2 July 1861 M
9 9 July 1861 Jean Jacques van Werlemann 8 July 1861 V
10 16 July 1861 Fransina Cayama /vroed vrouw/ 15 July 1861 V
11 22 July 1861 Barbara Croes 20 July 1861 V
12 23 July 1861 Francina Cayama /vroed vrouw/ 21 July 1861 M
13 23 July 1861 -idem22 July 1861 V
14 24 July 1861 Simon Gomez 24 July 1861 V
15 7 Augustus 1861 De wed L.F. Scholten 7 Augustus 1861 V
16 24 Augustus 1861 Jean Oduber 24 Augustus 1861 M
17 12 September 1861 De wed L.F. Scholten 11 September 1861 V
18 18 September 1861 Magdalena Martin /vroed vrouw/ 16 September 1861 V
Naam van de moeder des
geborenen, alsmede die
welken haar in de wandeling Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
gegeven wordt (Het kinds naam)
9 Maria J.A. Werleman Henrique
10 Mariana Jacobus Croes Fz. Merselina
11 Saniet Damita Suares Maria Justina
12 Reynita Anna J. Arends José Nicodemus
13 Emerencia J.L. Croes Florencio Antonio
14 Carolina J.A. Werleman Christoffel
15 Francisca Candida De wed L.F. Scholten Eugenio
16 Clara De wed S.G. Scholten Lucas
17 Maria Rofina Simon A. Croes Louis
18 Adelin Simon Gomez Lucia Johanna
19 Maria Martillia Anna Ridderstap Everardus
20 Anna Petrona Anna Ridderstap Nouel
1 Martina Anna Clara Croes Noberto
2 Emerencia De wed L.F. Scholten Sanblasa
3 Dorothea Jan George Croes Utalis
4 Cleantis De 3 kn. van D. Oduber Dorothea Henrietta
5 Susanna Estanislaura De kinderen van D. Capriles jr. Romanus
6 Dorothea Ignees J.H. van der Biest Zaraida Epifania
7 Juliana J.H. van der Biest Benjamin Leonoor
8 Maria Zenona Jean Oduber Mortimer
9 Maria J.A. Werleman Isabella
10 Gregoria Uranie De wed. Simon Quant Rofina Oradia
11 Sarah Pieter Croes Anna Maria
12 Cleantis De wed. S. Quant Praxedis Daniel
13 Maria Bicenta P.J. Frigerio Elvira Julietta
14 Cecilia Simon Gomez Christina
15 Clarissa De wed L.F. Scholten Elizabeth
16 Clementina Maria E. Oduber Zenon
17 Karolina Eugenio G. Scholten Lucia
18 Francisca Roset Jean Oduber Croes Cornelia
der Naam van de aangever Datum van geboorte
19 19 September 1861 Jacob Lacle 19 September 1861 V
20 25 September 1861 Magdalena Martin /vroed vrouw/ 25 September 1861 M
21 30 September 1861 De wed L.F. Scholten 29 September 1861 V
22 26 October 1861 Juan Leon 25 October 1861 V
23 29 October 1861 Jean Oduber 29 October 1861 M
24 2 November 1861 Idem 1 November 1861 V
25 5 November 1861 Magdalena Martins /vroed vrouw/ 2 November 1861 V
26 14 November 1861 Frederik Oduber 13 November 1861 M
27 5 December 1861 Jan Hendrik Kelly 4 December 1861 V
28 6 December 1861 Jan Hendrik Specht 4 December 1861 V
29 12 December 1861 De wed L.F. Scholten 9 December 1861 M
30 16 December 1861 F.J. van der Biest 15 December 1861 V
31 18 December 1861 Jean Oduber 21 April 1861 M
32 24 December 1861 Jacobus de Lange 24 December 1861 V
1 6 January 1862 Maria Hiroms /vroed vrouw/ 4 January 1862 V
2 21 February 1862 B. van der Veen Quant 20 February 1862 V
3 6 Maart 1862 Idem 5 Maart 1862 M
4 31 Maart 1862 Magdalena Martin /vroed vrouw/ 29 Maart 1862 M
5 7 April 1862 Idem 5 April 1862 M
6 22 April 1862 Jan Hendrik Kelly 20 April 1862 M
7 25 April 1862 Francina Cayama /vroed vrouw/ 24 April 1862 V
8 8 Mei 1862 Jan van der Biest 6 Mei 1862 V
9 20 Mei 1862 Magdalena Martin /vroed vrouw/ 19 Mei 1862 M
10 12 Juny 1862 Petrona Maatje /vroed vrouw/ 12 Juny 1862 V
11 10 Juny 1862 Petrona Maatje /vroed vrouw/ 9 Juny 1862 M
12 12 Juny 1862 Isaac Maduro 11 Juny 1862 V
13 18 Augustus 1862 Simon Gomes 17 Augustus 1862 V
14 22 Augustus 1862 B van der V. Quant 14 Augustus 1862 V
15 1 October 1862 P.J. Frigerio 1 October 1862 M
Naam van de moeder des
geborenen, alsmede die
welken haar in de wandeling Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
gegeven wordt (Het kinds naam)
19 Susanna Jacob Lacle Uranie
20 Rosa E.L. Zeppenfeldt Garibaldi Cephas
21 Esteban De wed L.F. Scholten Emilia
22 Emelie Juan Leon Maria Christina
23 Johanna Leonora De kinderen van Jean Oduber Willem
24 Levinia Martina M.E. Oduber Maria Adelicia
25 Rafaëla B.S. Croes Evrosina Eustacia
26 Antonila Rodesinda Wed. Simon Quant Sabat Eugenio
27 Englantina De kinderen van Anna D. Kelly Balbarita
28 Florentina Pedro Maduro Betsy
29 Maria Paulina De wed L.F. Scholten Theodorus
30 Florentina Martin F.J. van der Biest Eloïza
31 Louisa Lourens Croes Anselmus
32 Anna Stacia Jacobus de Lange Gerigoria Emilia
1 Georgina Anna Chr. Wever Rosalia
2 Gerarda B vd Veen Quant Zoraida Eleutheria
3 Delfina Ogenia Pieter Quant Fernando Emanuelo
4 Louisa De wed. F. Franken Louis Estacius
5 Ogenia Louis L. Oduber Vicente Intendido
6 Delfina José Ans. Figaroa Marcelo
7 Maria Merced P.J Frigerio Simona
8 Martha Cornelia Jan Hendrik v. d. Biest Johanna Eliza
9 Georginetta De wed. G. Quant Jan Petrus
10 Dominga Jan Pieter Croes Juana Selani
11 Mariana Jacobus Croes Fz. Martes
12 Juliana Isaac Maduro Maria
13 Betorina Simon Gomez Jacinta
14 Selestina Kindn van B Quant Eufemia Albertina
15 Juliana P.J. Frigerio Figaro
Notanan perteneciente na e registro di nacemento
• Cu e fam Henriquesz, Henriquez of Henriques tambe e
skirbimento di e fam ta varia. Mester tene cuenta cu tin hende
ta laga e ‘z’ afo y otro ora e s of simplemente e ta cu ‘s’ so of ‘z’
so na final.
• Diferente abreviacion ta ser uza pa e nombernan, asina bo
ta haya: Jb. = Jacob, Hendk. = Hendrik Dd.=David, Lodk.=
Lodewijk, Marthen Evertsz ta ser skirbi tambe como Marten
• Otro sistema hopi uza ta di indica yiu di ken e persona ta door
di pone e prome letter di su tata su nomber, masha poco e ta
wordo haci cu nomber di e mama, y e ‘z’ pa zoon su tras, por e
hempel Pieter yiu di Hendrik = Pieter Hz.. Den algun ocasion
bo por a haya e nomber completo di e mayor of parcial, p.e.
Fransz. Den un caso cu a wak e nomber di e mama ta cu Jantje
Croes yiu di Elizabeth, e ta wordo referi den e documentonan
como Jantje Croes Elizabethszoon.
• Geboorte akte #3, 1840, Tin un poco di duda den lesamento di
e nomber, Corsinus, pa e motibo ey e vraagteken.
• #9, 1840, Mesun nomber cu fam skirbi diferente. Ta skirbi:
“Henriquesz naam van de aangever” y e mesun persona como
“meester” ta skirbi sin e s. Tin mas caso di e fam Henriquesz cu
‘z’ y sin ‘z’ den e documento aki.
• #8, 1841, Selestina ta un nomber cu mester tene cuenta cu ne,
e ta ser skirbi cu ‘S’ y cu ‘C’.
• #18, 1841, e fam van Horkum ta ser skirbi tambe algun
caminda cu ‘c’ luga di e ‘k’.
• # 22, 1842 Virginia Demetricia por ta Virginia Dometricia.
Algun caminda den literatura, otro cu e documento aki, tambe
sa referi na Virginia como Virginia Dementricia.
• Na 1843, #20, e partera Maria Helena Jeronimo ta ser
menciona. Den e mesun documento aki lo bo encontra e fam
skirbi como Heronimo y Hironimo, #21, 1849 Fausiana den
registro civil tambe ta ser skirbi Feliciana y Fabertiana
(wak fayecimento di yiu Juan Vicente).
3.3 Tabla di registro di fayecimento di esclavo 1840-1863
Datum Naam Naam
der van de des Moedernaam
aangifte aangever overledenen
1 16 January ,, Johannes Emanuel Paesch Ferdinand Seferina
2 3 February ,, Louis Bazin Christiaan Augustina
3 21 April ,, Lourens Oduber Martes Maria Martha
4 30 ,, ,, Lourens Croes Leyer (lezer) Susanna Marthina
5 2 October ,, Marten Evertsz Cipriano Augustin Martha
6 15 ,, ,, Manuel Romero Maria Francisca Maria Rofina
7 27 ,, ,, Jan van der Biest Pedro Alcantara Maria
8 29 ,, ,, Louis Bazin Pierre Juana Maria
9 28 December ,, Jan van der Biest Croes Maria Louisa Maria Lisetta
1 2 April ,, Bernardus van der Veen Quant Oliana Juana
2 3 Mei ,, Jacobus Croes Fz. Marthicus(?) Paulotta
3 4 Juny ,, Maria Anthonia Dewindt Juan de Dios Maria
4 12 ,, ,, Pieter Quant Felix Juana
5 15 ,, ,, Gasparito Ridderstap Nobertus Maria Theresa
6 5 July ,, Johanna Henriquez Jacoba Leonilda Rosina Ursela
7 11 Augustus ,, Johannes Emanuel Paesch José Lopez â Genereux Seferina
8 31 ,, ,, Anthony Croes Mathias Leonardus Hilina
9 14 September ,, Manuel Romero Jose Trenidad Maria Rofina
1 8 April ,, Maria van Horkum Thomas Maria Los Santos
2 12 ,, ,, Pieter Kelly Maria Felipa Maria Leonora
3 30 Mei ,, Anthony Yarzagaray Juan Bautista Maria Isabel
4 26 Aug. ,, Jan Jacob Paesch Andries Abeliar Lucretia
5 8 October ,, Johs. Michael Eman Louisa Maria Paula
6 1 November ,, Jean Oduber Croes Juan Presbetero Juana Nicolasa
7 31 December ,, Jan van der Biest Jean Pierre Hilina
of Datum van het
gegisten Overlijden Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
ouderdom (Geslacht)
Entrada 2 1841, ta skirbi cu e datum van aangifte ta dec. Esaki no por ta posibel. lo mester tin un eror den e data duna
1 2 jaren 16 January ,, Johannes Emanuel Paesch
2 25 ,, 2 February ,, Louis Bazin
3 41 ,, 21 April ,, Jean Anthony Oduber
4 6 dagen 30 ,, ,, Lourens Croes
5 6 dagen 2O October ,, Marten Everts
6 5 dagen 15 ,, ,, Manuel Romero
7 8 dagen 27 ,, ,, Jan van der Biest
8 66 jaren 29 ,, ,, Louis Bazin
9 27 ,, 28 December ,, Jan van der Biest Croes
1 47 jaren 2 April ,, Pieter Quant
2 ? ,, 2 December ,, Jan Pieter Croes en Vijf Broeders
3 2 maanden 1 Juny ,, De Kinderen van Daniel Oduber
4 39 jaren 11 ,, ,, Pieter Quant
5 9 dagen 15 ,, ,, Gasparito Ridderstap
6 7 dagen 5 July ,, Johanna Henriquez
7 9 jaren 11 Augustus ,, Johannes Emanuel Paesch
8 ?4 jaren 30 ,, ,, Lourens Croes
9 4 jaren 14 September ,, Manuel Romero
1 4 maanden 8 April ,, Maria van Horkum
2 23 jaren 12 ,, ,, Willem Kelly
3 72 jaren 29 Mei ,, Joseph Anthony Yarzagaray
4 31/2 jaren 26 Augustus ,, Jacob Lacle
5 28 jaren 8 October ,, Jan Hendrik Godfried Eman
6 3 jaar 4 md. 1 November ,, Jean Oduber Croes
7 63 jaren 30 December ,, ???
Datum Naam Naam
der van de des Moedernaam
aangifte aangever overledenen
1 9 Maart ,, Louis Bazin Jermain Facundo Maria Merselina
2 28 ,, ,, Ramon Yrausquin Cathalina Maria Anthonia
3 26 Juny ,, Louis Bazin Euphrosina Juliana Petrona
4 5 July ,, De wed. Simon Quant Paulus Anthony Cleantis
5 18 October ,, Ramon Yrausquin Agnita(?) Marietje
1 2 October ,, Marten Evertsz Maria Angela Zebel
2 30 December ,, Jacob Lacle Thomasina Lucretia
1 23 January ,, Jacob Lacle Petronilia Lucretia
2 16 Juny ,, Lourens Oduber Adriaan Maria Tomasa
3 25 Augustus ,, Jurriaan Lampe Eusebius Maria
4 31 October ,, Jochem Paesch Geerraard Maria Sebel
5 3 November ,, Johs. Emanuel Paesch Alexander Seferina
6 3 ,, ,, Ramon Yrausquin Marthina Maria Martha
1 23 Maart ,, Louis Bazin Juan Presbetero Petrona
2 7 Mei ,, Johs. Ands. Werleman Thomas Lesetta
3 23 ,, ,, Gilles Poppe Werleman Thomas Pio Reina
4 16 Nov. ,, Christian Luidens Gerard Josepha
5 21 ,, ,, Abraham van Dragt Barbera Martha
1 1 February ,, Marthen Evertsz Rijnita Martha
2 8 ,, ,, Anthony Croes Jz. Anthonetje Clara
3 13 ,, ,, De wed. Govert Quant Pius Emile Barbera
4 19 ,, ,, Hilena Tromp Basilio Maria
5 17 Mei ,, Lourens Oduber Maria Ignees Dorothea
6 12 July ,, Jan Daniel Wever Benoit Juana
7 16 Aug. ,, Jan Daniel Croes Maria Cayetana Klarissa
8 25 ,, ,, De wed. van G. Quant Victorina Anthony Barbera
9 29 Nov. ,, De wed. Simon Quant Clement Leopold Cleanties
of Datum van het
gegisten Overlijden Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
ouderdom (Geslacht)
1 ?? 9 Maart ,, Louis Bazin
2 89 jaren 28 ,, ,, De wed. Frans Franken
3 6 dagen 26 Juny ,, Louis Bazin
4 11/2 jaren 5 July ,, Simon Quant
5 10 jaren 18 Oct. ,, De wed. Frans Franken
1 1 uur 2 October ,, Marten Evertsz
2 4 jaren 30 December ,, Jacob Lacle
1 7 Maanden 23 January ,, Jacob Lacle
2 46 jaren 15 Juny ,, Jan Oduber Croes
3 9 dagen 23 Augustus ,, Jurriaan Lampe
4 67 jaren 31 October. ,, Jochem Paesch
5 21 jaren 2 November ,, Johs. Eml. Paesch
6 56 jaren 2 ,, ,, Ramon Yrausquin
1 6 jaren 22 Maart ,, Louis Bazin
2 35 jaren 7 Mei ,, Johs. Ands. Werleman
3 18 dagen 23 ,, ,, Gilles Poppe Werleman
4 2 jaren 15 Nov. ,, Christian Luidens
5 25 jaren 21 ,, ,, Abraham van Dragt
1 46 jaren 31 January ,, Marthen Evertsz
2 62 jaren 8 February ,, Willem Specht
3 7 maanden 13 February ,, De wed. Govert Quant
4 68 jaren 19 February ,, De wed. Isaac Geerman
5 67 jaren 17 Mei ,, Lourens Oduber
6 4 maanden 12 July ,, Jan Daniel Wever
7 8 dagen 15 Augustus ,, Hendrik Croes
8 4 jaren 25 ,, ,, De wed Govert Quant
9 5 dagen 28 November ,, Simon Quant
Datum Naam Naam
der van de des Moedernaam
aangifte aangever overledenen
1 1 April ,, Pieter Kelly Alexander Maria Leonora
2 3 April ,, Joseph A. Yarzagaray Anna Florentina Mattea
3 22 April ,, Louis Bazin Adelina Clara
4 6 July ,, Anth. Henriquesz Miguel Ignacio Maria Ogenia
5 6 July ,, Anth. Henriquesz Jose los Santos Maria Ogenia
6 2 Augustus ,, Daniel Tromp Maria Victoria Klarissa
7 23 October ,, Johs. E. Peash Louis Seferina
1 25 December 1849 Pieter Quant Lazaro Palidor Paulina Henriette
1 11 January 1850 Gilles P. Werleman Juilett Regina
2 14 Maart 1850 Clara Croes Anna Maria Marthina Nersia
3 10 Mei 1850 Anna Maria Ridderstap Felicia Maria Petrona
4 23 September 1850 Anth. Yarzagaray Natividad onbekend
5 11 December 1850 Louis Bazin Barbara Vergini Magdalena
1 7 February 1851 Jean Oduber Croes Abner Maria Anthonetje
2 30 April 1851 Jean A. Oduber Theresa onbekend
3 26 Juny 1851 De wed. P. Chelikum Maria Candelaria Maria Encarnaçion
4 14 July 1851 Regina Cathna. Jansen Maria Sebel
5 15 Augustus 1851 Lourens Oduber Vincent Carolina
6 9 September 1851 Louis Bazin Bartol Malena
1 6 February 1852 Marthen Evertsz George Eduard Regina
2 18 February 1852 David Capriles Jr. Eugenia Cathalina Maria Ignees
3 8 Juny 1852 N.C. Eman Cicilia Carolina Maria Sebel
4 23 Augustus 1852 Hoze Peers Martina Anthonetje Maria Catharina
5 13 September 1852 Jacobus Delange Leonora Regina
6 29 December 1852 J.Hk. van der Biest Dionisio Maria Esperanza
of Datum van het
gegisten Overlijden Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
ouderdom (Geslacht)
1 23 jaren 3 April ,, Willem Kelly
2 5 dagen 2 ,, ,, Joseph Anth. Yarzagaray
3 ?? dagen 2? April ,, Louis Bazin
4 5 jaren 5 July ,, Jan Hk. Semerel
5 23/4 jaren 3 July ,, Jan Hk. Semerel
6 3 dagen 2 Augustus ,, Lodk. Fk. Scholten
7 ?? jaren 21 October ,, Johs. Emanuel Paesch
1 ? dagen 24 December 1849 Pieter Quant
1 ? dagen 11 January 1850 Gilles Poppe Werleman
2 ? dagen 13 Maart 1850 Clara Croes
3 ? dagen 9 Mei 1850 Anna Maria Ridderstap
4 65 jaren 23 September 1850 Anth. Yarzagaray
5 ? dagen 9 December 1850 Louis Bazin
1 ?7 jaren 7 February 1851 Maria E. Oduber, geb. Croes Mannelijk
2 ? jaren 30 April 1851 Jean A. Oduber Vrouwelijk
3 3 jaren 4maanden 26 Juny 1851 De wed. P. Chelikum Vrouwelijk
4 ? jaren 14 July 1851 Wijlen C. Schonewolff Vrouwelijk
5 ? jaren 14 Augustus 1851 De kindn van Danl. Oduber Mannelijk
6 ? dagen 5 Augustus 1851 Louis Bazin Mannelijk
1 13 dagen 5 Fery 1952 Marten Evertsz Mannelijk
2 ? jaren 17 February 1852 David Capriles Jr. Vrouwelijk
3 ? jaren 8 Juny 1852 Nicolaas Croes Eman Vrouwelijk
4 ? jaren 22 Augustus 1852 Hoze Peers Vrouwelijk
5 ? jaren 11 September 1852 Jacobus Delange Vrouwelijk
6 ? jaren 28 December 1852 J.Hk. van der Biest Mannelijk
Datum Naam Naam
der van de des Moedernaam
aangifte aangever overledenen
1 26 January 1853 Jean O. Croes Juana Emerencia
2 6 Juny 1853 Jean O. Croes Mauricia Tricelia Cleantis
3 18 July 1853 Jean Oduber Petronella Maria Engeltina
4 5 September 1853 J.A. Werleman Brunetta Maria
5 8 October 1853 D. Capriles Maria Andrea Maria Nicolasa
6 20 October 1853 Jan Hk v.d. Biest Maria Theoda. â Gelina Maria Magdalena
7 22 October 1853 M. Evertsz Juan Maria
8 24 October 1853 Hk. Croes Maria Gustina Narcisa
9 20 December 1853 Anna Clara Croes Clement Leopoldo Martina Narcisa
1 2 January 1854 De wed. L Bazin Juana Phelipa Malain
2 27 Maart 1854 Anna Helena Ruiz Lambertus Matea
3 2 Mei 1854 Jacoba Arendsz Juan Emil Petronilia
4 29 Mei 1854 De wed. G Quant Juan Vicente Feliciana Fabertiana
5 7 Juny 1854 Marten Evertsz Gabriel Maria Martina
6 30 October 1854 Lourens Oduber Marten Martimor Maria Ogenia
7 7 November 1854 M. Elisabeth Oduber Florina Christina
8 9 November 1854 Nicolaas C v.d. Biest Fernando Leonora
9 24 November 1854 De wed. Frans Franken Elyza Mariana Augustina
1 23 January 1855 De wed. F. Franken Victor Elyza
2 20 April 1855 Jacobus de Lange Thomas Regina Francisca
3 20 April 1855 J. Ands. Werleman Maria Maria
4 9 Juny 1855 M. Evertsz Francisco Jan Hendk. Elyza
5 30 Juny 1855 J. Frigerio Juan Louis Betorina
6 17 December 1855 De wed. Jan Hk. Semerel Maria Ignees onbekend
7 20 December 1855 De wed. Jan Hk. Semerel Domingo Maria Ignees
8 27 December 1855 Pieter Quant Johannes Juanna
of Datum van het
gegisten Overlijden Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
ouderdom (Geslacht)
entrada 1: "datum van overlijding" 3 1853 mester ta 1854? entrada 3: "datum van overlijden" aprillmester ta mei?
1 69 jaren 25 January 1853 Jean Oduber Croes Vrouwelijk
2 ? maanden 5 Juny 1853 Jean Oduber Croes Vrouwelijk
3 ? dagen 18 July 1853 Maria Elis Oduber Vrouwelijk
4 10 dagen 5 September 1853 J.A. Werleman Vrouwelijk
5 41 jaren 8 October 1853 De kindn. van Danll. Oduber Vrouwelijk
6 42 jaren 19 October 1853 J. Hk. v.d. Biest Vrouwelijk
7 5 maanden 21 October 1853 M. Evertsz Mannelijk
8 2 jaren 1md. 22 October 1853 Hk. Croes Vrouwelijk
9 2 jaren 19 December 1853 Anna Clara Croes Mannelijk
1 5 maanden 1 January 1853 De wed. L. Bazin Vrouwelijk
2 20 jaren 25 Maart 1854 Anna Helena Ruiz Mannelijk
3 4 jaren 1 April 1854 De 4 kinderen van M.H. Tromp Mannelijk
4 4 jr. 7 md. 27 Mei 1854 De wed. G. Quant Mannelijk
5 40 jaren 7 Juny 1854 Marten Evertsz Mannelijk
6 1 jaar 23 dagen 30 October 1854 Jean O. Croes Mannelijk N.B. verdronken.
7 4 jaren 8 mden 6 November 1854 Maria E. Oduber Vrouwelijk
8 28 jaren 8 November 1854 Nicolaas C. van der Biest Mannelijk
9 36 jaren 24 November 1854 De wed. Frans Franken Vrouwelijk
1 10 maanden 23 Jnuary 1855 De wed. Frans Franken Mannelijk
2 4 maanden 19 April 1855 Jacobus de Lange Mannelijk
3 9 maanden 20 April 1855 Johs. Ands. Werleman Vrouwelijk
4 4 dagen 8 Juny 1855 M. Evertsz Mannelijk
5 60 jaren 30 Juny 1855 Joseph. Frigerio Mannelijk
6 87 jaren 15 December 1855 De wed. Jan Hk. Semerel Vrouwelijk
7 53 jaren 19 December 1855 De wed. Jan Hk. Semerel Mannelijk
8 68 jaren 26 December 1855 Pieter Quant Mannelijk
Datum Naam Naam
der van de des Moedernaam
aangifte aangever overledenen
1 12 April 1856 Jean Oduber Croes Phelis onbekend
2 15 April 1856 J. Frigerio Helena Maria Ogenia
3 23 Mei 1856 Juan Leon Maria Gregoria Emelie
4 28 Juny 1856 Willem Leo Cleanties Martina
5 1 Augustus 1856 De wed. M. Evertsz Theresa Martina Anna Cathalina
6 25 Augustus 1856 J.O. Croes Cleantis Anthonetje
7 20 September 1856 Lourens Oduber Arietta Catharina
8 6 October 1856 De wed. L.Fk. Scholten Hironimo Christina
1 22 April 1857 N.C. v. d. Biest Susanna Anna
2 29 April 1857 J.O. Croes Johannes Constatinus Maria Louisa
3 30 April 1857 Martes v.d. Biest Anna Maria Gabriel â Maria Martha
4 2 Mei 1857 Pierre Maduro Matea Seferina
5 4 Mei 1857 Jan Iden Quant Maria Elisabeth Poulina Hendrietta
6 12 Mei 1857 De wed. Lk. Fk. Scholten Regino Paulo Klarissa
7 6 Juny 1857 Jacobus de Lange Simon Regina Francisca
8 18 Augustus 1857 P.J. Frigerio Sophia Margaretha
1 18 January 1858 Anna Clara Croes Eduard Martina Narcisa
2 27 February 1858 Jan v.d. Biest Croes Constantin Faustino Florentina
3 6 April 1858 Jan Iden Quant Liborio Polidorio Maria Elisabeth
4 13 April 1858 De wed. M. Evertsz Dometilda Maria
5 28 April 1858 Jan Hk. v.d. Biest Eugene Fernardus Maria Felepina
6 5 Mei 1858 De wed. M. Evertsz Victoria Maria
7 14 Mei 1858 dezelfde Catharina Makaela Maria
8 14 Juny 1858 Johannes Ands. Werrleman Français Narcisa Martina
9 19 July 1858 Jean Oduber Croes Aldersina Seferina
10 6 September 1858 Jose Anselmo Figaroa Seferina Englentina
11 24 September 1858 Jonas Arends Johannes Reinita
12 2 October 1858 Jacobus Croes Hz. Dominga Maria Francisca
13 26 October 1858 Pieter Quant Cadet Delfina
of Datum van het
gegisten Overlijden Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
ouderdom (Geslacht)
1 61 jaren 11 April 1856 Jean O. Croes Mannelijk
2 11 dagen 14 April 1856 J. Frigerio Vrouwelijk
3 8 dagen 22 Mei 1856 Juan Leon Vrouwelijk
4 34 jaren 27 Juny 1856 Gil Penso Naar te Curaçao Vrouwelijk
5 74 jaren 1 Augustus 1856 De wed. M. Everts Vrouwelijk
6 29 jaren 23 Augustus 1856 J.O Croes Vrouwelijk
7 81 jaren 19 September 1856 Lourens Oduber Vrouwelijk
8 4 dagen 4 October 1856 De wed. Lk.Fk. Scholten Mannelijk
1 27 jaren 21 April 1857 Nicolaas C. van der Biest Vrouwelijk
2 21 jaren 28 April 1857 Jan v.d. Biest Croes Mannelijk
3 63 jaren 30 Aptil 1857 De wed. C. Schonewolf Vrouwelijk
4 8 jaren 1 Mei 1857 Dominga C. Pardo Vrouwelijk
5 21 jaren 3 Mei 1857 Jan Iden Quant Vrouwelijk
6 14 jaren 11 Mei 1857 De wed. Lodk. Fredk. Scholten Mannelijk
7 1 jaar 1 mnd. 5 Juny 1857 Jacobus de Lange Mannelijk
8 22 jaren 18 Augustus 1857 P.J. Frigerio Vrouwelijk
1 11 dagen 16 January 1858 Anna Clara Croes Mannelijk
2 12 dagen 27 February 1858 J.v.d. Biest Croes Mannelijk
3 1 jr. 8 maand 5 April 1858 Jan Iden Quant Mannelijk
4 3 jr. 5 maand 12 April 1858 De wed. M. Evertsz Vrouwelijk
5 1 jaar 27 April 1858 Jan Henk. v. der Biest Mannelijk
6 12 jaren 6 Mei 1858 De wed. M. Evertsz Vrouwelijk
7 15 jaren 13 Mei 1858 dezelfde Vrouwelijk
8 8 dagen 13 Juny 1858 Johannes Ands. Werleman Mannelijk
9 19 jaren 18 July 1858 Anselmo Croes te Curaçao Staat in de con-trole te Curaçao
10 10 dagen 5 September 1858 Jose Anselmo Figaroa Vrouwelijk
11 9 maanden 23 September 1858 Anna Jacoba Arends Mannelijk
12 61 jaren 1 October 1858 Jacobus Croes Hz. Vrouwelijk
13 4 dagen 26 October 1858 Pieter Quant Mannelijk
Datum Naam Naam
der van de des Moedernaam
aangifte aangever overledenen
1 25 January 1859 Lodewijk F. Scholten Gilmont Francisca
2 12 Maart 1859 Joost Tromp Remio Clarissa
3 1 April 1859 Bruin Gomes Zenon Adelien
4 18 April 1859 L.F. Scholten Bibiana Stebana
5 24 Mei 1859 (P?) J.P. Lampe Maria Locretia
6 30 Juny 1859 De wed. L.F. Scholten Susanna Anthonetta â Saniet
7 8 July 1859 Johs. A. Werleman Lauseana Urania Narcissa
8 27 Augustus 1859 Jose Oduber Rufina Beldonia Cleantis
9 4 October 1859 B. v.d. Veen Quant Maria Gratie Maria
10 26 October 1859 Leonora Arends Seferina Reinita
1 10 February 1860 Jan Willem Franken Maria Petrona Maria Magdalena
2 16 February 1860 P.G. Frigerio Formiga Sophia
3 16 February 1860 Jean A. Oduber Plantina Florentina
4 7 Maart 1860 Jan Nicolaas Oduber Federico Gregorio Louisa
5 16 Maart 1860 Genereux Maduro Gabriël Andrea
6 6 July 1860 Johannes Quant Susanna Rosa Leonora
7 21 July 1860 P. Croes Hz. Jan Sarah
8 2 Augustus 1860 Lermiet Kock Albertus Susanna
9 17 Augustus 1860 Johannes Paulo Maria Justina Saniet
10 24 November 1860 Jose Hezers (??) Felix Margaritha
1 20 January 1861 B.G. Quant S.Z. Nicolaas Maria Isabella
2 26 January 1861 Willem Maduro Florencio Antonio Emerentia
3 20 February 1861 Wed. P. Chelikum Dorothea Felestina Maria Zebel
4 11 Maart 1861 Jan Hk. Kelly Eustachio Englentina
5 16 Maart 1861 Johs. A.Werleman Saniet Petrona
6 20 September 1861 Jean Oduber Pedro Martin Marquita
7 18 December 1861 Fransina Cayama Sabat Eugenio Antonilia Rodasinda
of Datum van het
gegisten Overlijden Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
ouderdom (Geslacht)
1 1 jaar 5 mnd. 25 January 1859 De wed. L.F. Scholten Mannelijk
2 1 jaar 5 mnd. 12 Maart 1859 De wed. L.F. Scholten Mannelijk
3 10 maanden 1 April 1859 Simon Gomes Mannelijk
4 8 dagen 17 April 1859 De wed. L.F. Scholten Vrouwelijk
5 56 jaren 24 Mei 1859 Jurriaan Lampe Vrouwelijk
6 15 jaren 29 Juny 1859 De wed. L.F. Scholten Vrouwelijk
7 4 dagen 7 July 1859 Johs. Andries Werleman Vrouwelijk
8 Circa 1 jaar 27 Augustus 1859 De wed. Simon Quant Vrouwelijk
9 79 jaren 4 October 1859 Pieter Quant Vrouwelijk
10 1 maand 26 October 1859 Anna Jacoba Arends Vrouwelijk
1 100 jaren 9 February 1860 Maria Osefa Tromp Vrouwelijk
2 2 jaren 16 February 1860 P.J. Frigerio Vrouwelijk
3 46 jaren 15 February 1860 Jean Anthony Oduber Vrouwelijk
4 23 dagen 7 Maart 1860 Lourens Croes Jz. Mannelijk
5 51 jaren 15 Maart 1860 De wed. L.F. Scholten Mannelijk
6 28 jaren 2 July 1860 W. van Houten Behoort in de controle te Curaçao
7 3 jaren 21 July 1860 P. Croes Hz. Mannelijk
8 60 ? 2 Augustus 1860 Jochem Paesch Mannelijk
9 6 dagen 15 Augustus 1860 Damieta Suares Vrouwelijk
10 30 jaren 23 November 1860 De wed. M Evertsz Mannelijk
1 96 jaren 20 January 1861 Dew. Simon Quant Mannelijk
2 3 maanden 26 January 1861 Jan Lourens Croes Mannelijk
3 56 jaren 19 February 1861 Wed. P Chelikum Vrouwelijk
4 2 jaren 9 Maart 1861 J.A. Figaroa Mannelijk
5 44 jaren 15 Maart 1861 Johs. A. Werleman Vrouwelijk
6 81 jaren 20 September 1861 De kindn. van Jean Oduber Mannelijk
7 1 maand 17 December 1861 De wed van S. Quant Mannelijk
Datum Naam Naam
der van de des Moedernaam
aangifte aangever overledenen
1 13 January 1862 B. vd Veen Quant Jean Jacques Pelissier Bartholomina
2 27 January 1862 D. Oduber Paulina Maria Andrea
3 14 February 1862 J.H. van der Biest Johanna Arnota Reyna
4 15 Maart 1862 Jacobus Croes Fz. Mercelina Mariana
5 11 April 1862 Jean Oduber Vicento Interdicto Maria Ogenia
6 19 April 1862 P.J. Frigerio Eloiza Juliette Maria Bisenta
7 31 Mei 1862 J H v.d. Biest Maria Francisca Anna Martha
8 14 Juny 1862 P.J. Frigerio Simona Maria Merced
9 14 July 1862 Isaac Maduro Maria Juliana
10 29 July 1862 Genereux Maduro Betsy Florentina
11 22 Augustus 1862 Jacobus Croes, Fz. Anna Maria Sarah
12 20 October 1862 M. van der Biezen Jan Petrus Maria a) Georginetta
1 13 Juny 1863 B. van der Veen quant Soraida Eustacia Gerarda Louisa
of Datum van het
gegisten Overlijden Naam van de meester Aanmerkingen
ouderdom (Geslacht)
1 3 jaren 12 January 1862 De kindn. B vd V. Quant Mannelijk
2 19 ,, 24 January 1862 E 3 kn. van D. Oduber Vrouwelijk
3 91 ,, 14 February 1862 Jan van der Biest Vrouwelijk
4 2 jaren 12 Maart 1862 Jacobus Croes ?Z. Vrouwelijk
5 5 dagen 10 April 1862 Louis Ls. Oduber Mannelijk
6 Een jaar 19 April 1862 P.J. Frigerio Vrouwelijk
7 12 jaren 30 Mei 1862 J.H. van der Biest Vrouwelijk
8 2 maanden 14 Juny 1862 P.J. Frigerio Vrouwelijk
9 3 dagen 13 July 1862 Isaac Maduro Vrouwelijk
10 8 maanden 29 July 1862 Pedro Maduro Vrouwelijk
11 1 jaar 2 md. 21 Augustus 1862 Pieter Croes Hz. Vrouwelijk
12 6 md. 19 October 1862 De wed. G. Quant Mannelijk
1 1 jaar 11 11 Juny 1863 B. van der Veen Quant Vrouwelijk
Investigacion di Famia Dubero-Vries
Capitulo 4:
William Dubero. Yiu di Johannes C. Dubero y Emerencia Croes (Bylo). Potret ta cortesia di Fenchi Dubero, conocido futbolista y nieto di William. William ta conoci pa su sobrinonan como Molan. Molan tawata tin su cas, su terenonan pa plantacion y un shap chikito na Papilon.
F Famia Dubero - Vries ta manera hopi famia Arubiano, cu ta un mescla di diferente nacionalidad, rasa y clase social, caracterizando e fundeshi di e nacion aki. Den e siguiente parti nos ta uza e famia Dubero-Vries como un ehempel pa ora bo ta haci investigacion. Esaki ta haci specialmente pa esnan cu ta cuminsa den e hobby di genealogia. Rosa M. Arends ta un descendiente di e famia Dubero - Vries. E in
vestigacion haci riba su famia ta ser presenta den e buki aki. Rosa tawata tin e suerte cu pa banda di su mama e hendenan ta biba te cu un edad halto. Rosa a crece ta tende hopi (hi)storia di famia. Algo cu no tawata papia di dje ta cu tawata tin esclavo den famia.
Anna Clara Dubero - Vries (cariñosamente yama Macaya pa su descendientenan y conocirnan) ta wela di Rosa. Macaya tawata conta storia di esclavo, pero nunca a bisa cu den famia tawata tin esclavo. Asina Macaya a yega di conta con Macoba (Maria Jacoba), Macaya su wela, lo a tene man di un shon cu lo tawata kier a kap un catibo, pasobra e no a duna e cabay awa na tempo y e cabay a bay bebe awa na pos y a cay den pos di awa. Otro storia ta di un esclavo cu lo tawata yama Nera of Nora cu lo a ser gedal cu un pick door di su shon. E esclavo, cu tawata na estado, lo a haya un corta na su barica y su yiu lo a sali. Macaya ta conta cu su grandinan lo a cont’e, cu e esclavo a lastra bay muri bou di un piedra banda di Seroe di Canashito y cu e piedra lo a haya e nomber di “Baranca di Nora (Nera)”. No a haya ningun documento te awor pa sostene e storia aki. Si por a verifica existencia di e baranca manera cu Macaya a dicribie. Tambe e origen di e fam Dubero, den e storianan di famia, tawata
ser otorga na un supuesto descendencia Frances. Supuestamente e suegro di Macaya, Johannes C. Dubero lo tawata un Frances. E storia aki por tin un tiki berdad aden, pero no ta kita e hecho cu e fam Dubero ta un fam di esclavo.
Rosa su fam ta Arends, pero pa banda di su mama e ta descendiente di famia Dubero-Vries. Rosa su tata ta Adolf Arends y su Mama ta Olga Arends Dubero.22 Olga ta descende di Anna Clara Dubero-Vries (Macaya) y Jan Hendrik (Yendi) Balbino Dubero. Lo trata den e buki aki e linea Dubero-Vries, di e genealogia di Rosa Arends.
Famia Vries. E pareha Anna Clara Vries (Macaya) y Jan Hendrik (Yendi) Balbino Dubero (wela y welo di Rosa Arends) a uni den matrimonio dia 13 di augustus, 1898.23
E matrimonio a ser bendiciona cu 14 yiu.
1 Maximina (a casa cu Marco Thiel); 2 Bartolomeo (a fayece na Cuba); 3 Maria Virginia (a casa cu Pedro Fuentes); 4 Tito Venancio (a casa cu Brigilia Willems); 5 Hendrik Balbino (a casa cu Maria Maduro); 6 Rosa de Lima (a casa cu Loreto Koolman); 7 Angelica (a fayece chikito); 8 Florencia (a fayece chikito); 9 Angelico (a fayece chikito); 10 Casimira Catharina (a casa cu Rudolpho Arends); 11 Johan Thomas (a fayece chikito); 12 Bartolomeo (a casa cu Lina Erasmus); 13 Virgilio Simon (a casa cu Adriana Wever); 14 Olga Maria (a casa cu Adolf M. Arends).
Al parecer Anna Clara y Jan Hendirk a haya 16 yiu, pero algun a nace morto. Tin algun cu a muri baby di loke nan ta yama steipi (Hulandes: stuip, stuiptrekking). Steipi ta “ataca”. E mucha ta keda trek bira steif y tembla. E motibo cu nan ta duna pa steipi ta spanto.
22 Anexo 9: stamboom Rosa Maria Arends, linea di su mama, Olga Maria Arends y e linea di su tata, Adolf M. Arends. 23 Acta di casamento di Jan Hendrik Dubero y Anna Vries, acta di matrimonio #27, 1898, archivo ANA.
Anna Clara Vries su raiz di esclavo ta uno diferente na esun di su casa, Jan Hendrik Balbino Dubero. Jan Hendrik su mayornan ambos tawata esclavo libera. Anna Clara su tata tawata esclavo libera, pero su mama ta sali di famianan Maduro, Werleman, Thiel y Kock. Curioso ta cu e Vriesnan ta hende hopi blanco. Tin ta blanco te cu nan ta cora.
Anna Clara ta yiu di Thomas Vries y Dionilia Kock. Dionilia Kock a casa cu Thomas Vries 6 di juni 1877, acta di matrimonio #3924. Dionilia tawata tin e alias Leonissa y /of Leonisa y/of Leonsa y/of Lounisia e tawata uza tambe e fam Maduro (fam di su Wela Materno) aunke cu e ta di fam Kock (fam di su tata). Ta bisa e ta uza, pero tin cu tene cuenta cu esun cu a skirbi e registro por a skirbi e nomber fout.
Den e buki “Millefiori di Aruba”, skirbi pa R.H. Nooien, tawata wordo referi na Thomas Vries como Thomas di Canashito. Anna Clara sinembargo den su historianan oral semper a bisa cu nan a lanta na Jucuri. Jucuri cu Canashito no ta leu di otro. E cas of luga exacto na Jucuri unda cu e famia Vries a biba no ta conoci, pero si tin un cas na halto na Jucuri cu tawata di un yiu di Thomas, Plantina (conoci den famia como Tanta Plantina). Thomas a nace dia 21 di november 1846 como catibo. E ta wordo bendi cu 12 aña.25 E ta wordo libera 1 di juli 1863.26
E yiunan di Thomas Vries y Dionilia ta: 1 Eloy Vries, a nace 3 di juli 1873; 2 Sarafilia Vries, 28 di juli 1875, acta di nacemento #81; 3 Jochem Vries,12 di september 1877, acta di nacemento #167; 4 Juana Vries, 26 di juni 1880, acta di nacemento #91; 5 Anna Clara Vries, a nace 3 di juni 1883 a casa cu Jan Hendrik B, Dubero); 6 Theresia Vries (Plantina), 31 di oktober 1888, acta di nacemento #202; 7 Euphrosina Vries, 9 di december 1899, acta di nacemento #301.
24 Dionilia Kock y Thomas Vries, acta di matrimonio #39,1877 Archivo ANA. 25 Anexo 10 carta di venta di Thomas ora e tin 12 aña. 26 Registro di liberacion #99.
Den e buki di registro pa liberacion ta haya Thomas Vries registra bou di e fam Vries y su mama ta Martina. E fam Vries ta e fam cu cual Martina su yiunan,27 a ser libera dia 1 di juli 1863. Debi na e amistad entre e famia di Martina y pastoor de Vries,
ta existi e probabilidad cu e fam Vries ta tuma for di e fam di pastoor de Vries. Tin bisa den historia oral cu Thomas lo a haya un pida tereno for di pastor de Vries, sinembargo no por a comproba esaki. Den e buki “Millefiori di Aruba”, skirbi pa R.H. Nooien, ta skirbi cu Eloy Vries (yiu di Thomas) lo a haya e tereno, unda cu ta Klooster di Sta.Cruz, for di pastoor de Vries. E cas banda di Klooster, unda awe ta notaris Tromp, tawata cas di famia Figaroa-Vries pa hopi aña. R.H. Nooien a skirbi den “Millefiori di Aruba” di varios persona cu
lo a haya tereno di pastoor de Vries. Ta trata di varios tereno cu ta keda pabou di misa di Sta. Cruz bay te den vecindario (pariba) di Hooiberg. Den e buki di registro di esclavo pa ser libera nos por mira cu for di #99 te cu #103 e yiunan di Martina ta cay bou di e fam Vries. Martina mes no ta registra como Vries. Martina, ta registra den e registro di liberacion como Vos, yiu di Maria Vos.28 Manera bisa anteriormente, no necesariamente, e mama cu e yiu(nan) a haya mesun fam.
Yiunan registra como yiunan di Martina den registro di liberacion ta: 1 Thomas: naci 21 di november, 1846; 2 Julliet: naci 8 di maart, 1850; 3 Augustin: naci 23 di oktober, 1853; 4 Filemon: naci 7 di augustus, 1855; 5 Noberto: naci 24 di augustus, 1861.
Varios otro yiu di Martina a muri prome cu liberacion y por wak esaki den registro di fayecimento di esclavo. Martina sa uza un di dos nomber, Nersa of Narcisa.
Thomas Vries, prome yiu di Martina, ta un esclavo libera dia 1 di juli
27 Registro di liberacion # 99-103). 28 Registro di liberacion #45.
1863. Historia oral conta pa e yiu di Thomas Vries, Anna Clara DuberoVries, tocante Thomas Vries tawata cu e lo tawata gusta dal su trago y hunga wega di placa. Ta ser bisa cu e lo tawata tin su botonnan di camisa y mancor di oro y cu ora mala suerte compañ’e den wega di placa e lo tawata yega cas sin boton y sin mancor. E lo tawata canta un cantica ora e perde den wega di placa cu lo tawata bisa lo siguiente: “Cuando tengo dinero soy Don Thomas, cuando no tengo dinero soy Thomas no mas”. Anna Clara (Macaya) a yega di regala un nieta un preke di oro cu lo tawata pertenece na Macaya su mayornan. Di unda Thomas a saca e “rikesa” pa tin boton di oro, mancor y preke no ta conoci. Ta sospecha cu si tal rikesa enberdad a existi, e lo por a bin di banda di su casa. Mas investigacion ta necesario.
Interesante den e famia Vries ta cu a encontra un pia di morocho di Julliet, di dos yiu di Martina, naci dia 8 maart 1850. E pia di morocho su nomber tawata Anna Maria y el a fayece dia 14 maart 1850.29 E nacemento y fayecimento di Anna Maria por haya den registro di nacemento y e registro di fayecimento di esclavo. A haya e nacemento di Anna Maria ora di verifica e fecha di nacemento duna den registro di liberacion pa Julliet. Ta probable cu Julliet a haya varios yiu prome cu el a casa y e
yiunan tawata registra bou fam Vos y pa nomber di e mama ta aparece, esun di Julliet su ruman morocho fayeci, Anna Maria y tambe esun di su mama Martina. E motibo pa esaki no ta conoci. E yiunan di Julliet a wordo reconoci ora Julliet casa y a bay carga e fam Quant. Por a encontra 4 yiu registra di a nace despues di liberacion bou nomber di e Martina Vos, ta trata di: Antonij, e morochonan Bernadina y Bernardus y Nicolaus. E fechanan di nacemento sinembargo no ta cuadra pa por bisa cu tur 4 ta yiu di Martina (Vries) Vos. Teniendo na cuenta cu tanto e nomber di Martina como di Anna Maria a ser uza riba e documentonan cu mester ta riba nomber di Julliet, ta necesario haci mas investigacion pa averigua di ken e yiunan ta realmente.
Thomas Vries (naci 21 di november 1846), yiu mayor di Martina ta casa cu Dionilia Kock, yiu di Jan Pieter Kock y Maria Jacoba Werleman. No ta
29 Registro di fayecimento 1850, #2.
haya ningun indicacion cu Dionilia Kock ta sali for di catibo. Su antepasadonan ta entre otro Maduro, Werleman, Thiel y Kock, en principio ningun di nan ta fam di catibo.30
Jacoba of Maria Jacoba (nomber di cariño Macoba) tawata uza e fam Werleman, pero tambe e tawata sa uza e fam Maduro. Tin caminda cu Jacoba su fam ta skirbi Weerleman. Esaki por ta un eror den skirbimento cu nunca a wordo drecha, pero cu mester tene cuenta cu ne ora cu ta haci investigacion. For di historia oral y for di algun di e registronan di nacemento por a conclui cu tanto Maria Martha (mama di Jacoba) como (Maria) Jacoba a traha e trabou di partera y por encontra nan nomber diferente biaha como partera den e registro di nacemento di esclavo.
Maria Jacoba/Jacoba Werleman31 ta casa cu Jan Pieter Kock32 dia 24 di februari 1877.33
Prome di a casa Jacoba a haya varios yiu. E yiunan ta wordo reconoci na momento di Matrimonio cu Jan Pieter Kock
1 Dionilia, 9 di november 1848 acta nacemento #116 archief ANA; 2 Juan Frederick, 5 di november 1852 acta nacemento #69 archief ANA; 3 Gerarda (Maria Jacoba), 19 di september 1855, acta di nacemento #73 archief ANA; 4 Sarafina, 27 di augustus 1857 acta di nacemento #73 archief ANA; 5 Joseph,19 di maart1862, acta di nacemento #42 archief ANA; 6 Josefita,19 di maart 1862, acta di nacemento#30 archief ANA; 7 Lourens, 8 di november 1865, acta nacemento #153 archief ANA; 8 Caecilia, 22 di februari 1867, acta di nacemento #151 archief ANA; 9 Simon, 30 di april 1871, acta di nacemento #49 archief ANA.
30 Tene cuenta cu entre otro Isaak Maduro despues di liberacion ta casa cu Reina, un esclavo libera y ta reconoce e yiunan cu e fam Maduro. Esaki a pasa cu hopi famia cu no ta fam di esclavo, despues di liberacion a casa den e famianan di esclavo y como tal bo ta haya den e famnan ey awe descendencia di esclavo. 31 1830-23 di januari1906, acta di fayecimento #30 archief ANA. 32 16 oktober 1823-26 di april 1906, acta fayecimento #19 archief ANA. 33 Acta matrimonio #10, archief ANA.
Por haya e yiunan di Pieter y Jacoba, den e registro civil bou e famnan Werleman y tambe bou di Kock. Jacoba, of tambe yama Maria Jacoba (nomber den famia “Macoba”), ta yiu di Maria Martha Maduro. E yiunan di Maria Martha ta carga e fam Werleman. Tin ora nan ta uza tambe e fam Maduro (fam di nan mama). Aunke no por a encontra te awor ningun documento cu Maria Martha a casa, toch por wak cu den cierto documento ta aparece e nomber di Willem Werleman como e tata di e yiunan. Un ehempel ta di e yiu Lourens Werleman.34 Maria Martha Maduro35 ta yiu di Jean Pierre Maduro y Maria
Maduro. Falta mas investigacion riba e yiunan di Maria Martha, Maria Martha mes y e mayornan di Maria Martha. Jan Pieter Kock, casa di Jacoba Maduro/Werleman, su mayornan ta Manuel Kock y Anna Christina Thiel. Aki tambe falta mas investigacion. Mas atras bo bai (1800) mas difici pa haya informacion. Anexo 11 ta presenta e stamboom di fam Vries traha na Archivo Nacional cu datosnan confiabel. Un muestra di e documento cu ANA ta traha ora di saca un stamboom
Famia Dubero.
E fam Dubero a ser duna na diferente persona/esclavo na momento di nan liberacion. Por wak den e buki ”Curaçaose Vrijbrieven 1722-1863”, cu na aña 1853 Camilo Agapito, yiu di Carolina, ta ser libera bou di e fam Dubero door di sra. M.E. Oduber- Croes. Na 1862 Johannes Constantien (Constantijn), yiu di Plantina, tambe ta ser libera bou di e fam Dubero door di un grupo di shon, e herederonan di J.A.Oduber. Den e registro di liberacion di esclavo, tuma over den e buki aki, por wak cu na 1863 algun esclavo mas ta haya e fam Dubero ora di liberacion.36 Camilo Agapito, libera cu e fam Dubero, ta bay over na tuma e fam
Fabus. Camilo ta cambia su fam y ta tuma e fam di su mama, Carolina.
34 Acta di fayecimento #43, 1 di january 1862, ANA. 35 Acta fayecimento #23, 14 di augustus 1861, ANA. 36 Registro pa liberacion di esclavo #475 y #476.
Carolina a ser libera 1 di july, 1863 cu e fam Fabus.37 Su descendencia como tal ta bira di fam Fabus. Den investigacion haci pa e skirbimento di e buki aki solamente a
encontra e Duberonan cu ta descendiente di Johannes C. Dubero. Cu otro palabra, tur indicacion ta cu e Duberonan di awendia ta bin di un solo famia y nan “stamvader” ta Johannes C. Dubero. Jan Hendrik Dubero, casa di Anna Clara Vries (Welo di Rosa), ta yiu di Johannes Constantien Dubero y Emerencia Bylo (Croes). Johannes Constantien Dubero tawata un esclavo cu a ser libera dia 10 di oktober 1862.38 Si busca den ”Curaçaose Courant” tambe lo haya e publicacion di e peticion di carta di manumissie pa Johannes Constatien. Johannes a nace alrededor di 1838 y tawata yiu di Plantina. Debi cu el a nace prome cu 1840 e no ta den e registro di nacemento di esclavo. E fam Dubero su parecido cu e fam Oduber no ta nada straño. Es
clavonan libera na Aruba hopi biaha tawata haya un fam parecido na esun di e shon. Oduber tawata e fam di e shon(nan) na cual Johannes Constantien tawata pertenece. Den famia ta ser conta (historia oral) cu Johannes tawata Frances. Ta existi e probabilidad cu Johannes ta un yiu ilegitimo di un “shon” Oduber. Oduber ta un fam Frances. Johannes despues di su liberacion a keda traha y biba na Villa
Rosa, tambe conoci como Valij. Despues di tempo Johannes a cumpra e tereno for di e doñonan, herederonan di J.A. Oduber, segun e actanan di kadaster.39 E yiu di Johannes Constantien, Jan Hendrik Balbino Dubero (casa di Anna Clara Vries), ta keda biba na Valij te ora cu su yiu di mas chikito, Olga Maria Arends Dubero tin 6 aña, alrededor di 1932. E herederonan di Johannes Constantien ta bende e cas y tereno segun e actanan obteni na Kadaster.40 Sr. Adriaan Lacle ta bira e doño di e terenonan. Awendia e terenonan ey ta e parti di Wayaca Residence cu ta keda mas pariba. E cas, Villa Rosa, cu tawata tin riba e tereno tawata keda banda di caminda di Sero di Biento-Santa Martha, net ora bo ta yega e brug chikito cu tin riba e caminda ey.
37 Registro pa liberacion di esclavo #50. 38 Curaçaose Vrijbrieven, pag. 105, MvK 6734, oktober 10, nr.689. 39 Aruba, 20 januari1880 dagregister twee-161, repertorium een-190 No. 142. 40 Aruba, 28 di november 1914, dagregister, VI.122, repertorium IV. 285, No. 9.
Johannes Constantien despues di su liberacion di sclavitud ta casa 2 biaha. E prome biaha e ta casa cu Emerencia/Emerentia â Florencia Bylo â Maria Emerencia) y despues e ta casa cu Maria Belyn (Belijn) Everon.41
Emerencia (casa di Johannes Constantien), mescos cu tawata e caso cu hopi esclavo, tawata tin diferente fam y alias. Emerencia a nace esclavo y como tal a carga e fam bou di cual el a haya su liberacion. Mescos cu su mama Klarissa y su rumannan, Emerencia a haya e fam Bylo (Bijlo).42 Durante su bida e ta haya 4 fam, esaki debi na: 1. liberacion, fam Bylo; 2. e casamento di su mama cu Daniel Croes, fam Croes; 3. su casamento cu Johannes C. Dubero, fam Dubero; 4. su tata, Daniel Croes, pa algun motibo cu no por encontra ainda den investigacion ta aparece cu e fam Tromp riba varios documento di Maria Emerencia Dubero,43 pa cual motibo Emerencia ta ser relaciona of por ta carga e fam Tromp, den algun documento.
Emerencia a nace dia 23 di januari 1842. Na un edad hopi jong e ta ser bendi, hunto cu su mama Klarissa y mas ruman, door di Hendrik Croes, na Lodewijk Scholten (Anexo # 13)
E yiunan di Emerencia Bijlo y Johannes C. Dubero ta: 1 Sanblasa â Plantina Placida a nace den sclavitud dia 3 di
februari 1861 (registro di nacemento di esclavo, #2, 1861).
Sanblasa ta casa cu Ernest(o) of Arnest(o) Fingal;44
2 Merselina a nace dia 16 di juni 1863, pero su nomber no ta
aparece den e ultimo registro pa liberacion di esclavo, ni den
esun di nacemento di esclavo. Su nacemento ta registra den
e registro civil, pero sin un fam. Su mama, Emerencia, ta wordo
poni den e acta como Florencia, tambe sin fam (registro di nace
mento, acta #44, 1863, Genlias/wie was wie). Den e registro di
casamento (acta #81, 1890) bo ta encontra mas informacion
di Merselina entre otro su fecha di nacemento y e hecho cu el a
casa cu Evariste Krozendijk;
41 Actanan di casamento di Johannes C. Dubero #21 aña 1877y #13 aña 1888, registers Archivo Nacional Aruba. 42 Registro di liberacion di esclavo #1 te cu #13. 43 Acta di fayecimento #79, 1881, Genlias.nl/ WiewasWie.nl 44 Aruba, 28 di november 1914, dagregister, VI.122, repertorium IV. 285, No. 9.
3 Marianus Dubero a nace 22 di juli 1865 (registro di nace
mento acta #92, 1865) y e a casa cu Paulina Federica Everon
(registro di casamento acta #7, 1886);
4 Francisca â Julia Dubero a nace 17 di december 1867 (regis
tro di nacemento, acta #165, 1867, Archivo Nacional Aruba) y
a casa cu Francisco Tromp;
5 William Dubero a nace 15 di januari 1870 (registro di nace
mento, acta #7, 1870, Archivo Nacional Aruba). E ta casa cu
Johanna Vrolijk;
6 Jan Hendrik Balbino a nace 13 di maart 1873, a casa cu
Anna Clara Vries. E stamboom Dubero-Vries cu ta ser treci di
lanti den e buki aki ta basa riba e dos personanan aki. Jan
Hendrik Balbino Dubero (Yendi) ta pertenece na e prome
generacion naci liber den e famia Dubero. Su ruman mas gran
di, Sanblasa, ta e prome y ultimo yiu di Johannes Constantien
y Emerencia cu a keda registra den registro di nacemento
di esclavo;
7 Nicasio Dubero a nace dia 14 di december 1876 y a muri dia
14 di september 1878 (registro di fayecimento acta # 55,
Archivo Nacional Aruba);
8 Leonida Dubero a nace dia 28 di juni 1879 (registro di nace
mento acta #118, Archivo Nacional Aruba). Leonida a casa cu
Felipe Jansen dia 5 di mei 1900 y a fayece dia 22 di februari
9 Maria Dubero a nace dia 30 di maart 1881 (registro nace
mento acta # 50, Archivo Nacional Aruba) y a muri dia 7 di
april 1881. (registro fayecimento acta # 61, Archivo
Nacional Aruba).
Despues di un luna y algun dia di a duna luz na Maria, Emerencia ta muri. Segun historia oral cu Anna Clara Dubero Vries, nuera di Emerencia, a conta cu Emerencia lo a keda malo despues di parto. A bin acerca e dolor di e morto di e baby, Maria, di apenas ocho dia. Tene na cuenta si cu Anna Clara ta pasando historia oral cu e tambe a tende di esnan cu a conoce Emerencia. Muy probable cu Anna Clara a conoce e sucedido cu
Emerencia pa medio di su casa Jan Hendrik, cu tawata tin 8 aña ora cu su mama a muri. Anna Clara mes a nace despues cu Emerencia a muri. No tin moda di confirma e motibo di fayecimiento di Emerencia, aunke cu e circunstancianan ta duna e impresion cu enberdad por ta manera historia oral ta bisa.
Daniel Croes, casa di Klarissa Bylo y tata di Emerencia, su nomber ta skirbi den algun documento como Daniel Tromp. Esaki ta entre otro ariba e documento di fayecimiento di nan yiu Emerencia.45
Dia 18 di juli 1888 Johannes C. Dubero ta casa cu Maria Belijn Everon. Johannes ta haya 5 yiu cu Maria Belijn: 1 Maria Eliza Dubero: naci 3 di maart 1889, acta #34 y fayece 11 di maart 1889, acta #20; 2 Hyacintho Dubero: naci 4 di juli 1890 acta # 84 y fayece 21di augustus 1941; 3 Christina Dubero: naci 23 di juli 1893 acta #172 y fayece 31 di juli 1893 acta #54; 4 Carlos Dubero: naci 14 di oktober 1894 acta #143; 5 Maria Augustina Dubero: naci 14 di mei 1899 acta #91.
Johannes Constantijn ta haya 14 yiu. Tur e yiunan ta naci na Aruba. Varios di e yiunan ta muri baby of hopi jong. Johannes a hera perde su yiu muher Leonida tambe tempo cu Leonida ta chikito. Historia oral den famia ta conta: Leonida (yama tanta Nida pa e sobrino y sobrinanan) tawata tin apenas dos aña ora cu nan mama, Emerencia, a muri. Leonida tawata e ruman mas chikito na bida (Maria ta muri cu apenas algun dia naci) y hopi stima y pega na Jan Hendrik Dubero (Pachi Yendi), casa di Anna Clara (Macaya). Supuestamente e madrasta, Maria Belijn, lo no tawata wak bon pa Leonida. Asina lo a pasa cu Leonida, tempo e tawata tin 11 aña mas of menos, a haya pulmonia y a hera muri. Historia oral, door di Anna Clara Vries, casa di Jan Hendrik, ta conta cu Pachi Yendi tawata decidido cu e no ta laga su ruman muri. Jan Hendrik lo tawata horna calabas bou tera y duna Leonida come. Di e forma ey poco poco el a bin cura di su pulmonia. Por bisa cu esey tawata un ”santo
45 Registro di fayecimento(civil) #79, 1881.
remedi.” Leonida a keda sano, ya cu el a biba te na aña 1950, ora el a muri cu 71 aña. Olga, yiu di Jan Hendrik (Pachi Yendi) y Anna Clara (Macaya), ta conta cu semper Pachi Yendi a keda cu un laso special cu Leonida (tanta Nida). Pachi Yendi a percura pa su yiunan bishita tanta Nida y su famia cu frecuencia. Olga e yiu mas chiquito di Yendi hopi biaha ta conta di e fin di simannan cu nan tawata bay bishita tanta Nida.
Plantina, mama di Johannes Constantien Dubero, no a biba pa ser libera di sclavitud. Nos ta encontra e nomber Plantina dos biaha bou di e shon Jean Anthony Oduber; 1 1. Fayecimento: Plantina a muri dia 10 di februari 1860. Na registro di morto di Plantina, su mama su nomber ta registra: Florentina;46
2 2. Nacemento: Martes St. Jago ta ser registra como yiu di Plantina ora di nacemento.47
Martes ta ser bendi cu un shon na Corsou. Informacion obteni di sra. Els Langenfeld ta mustra cu Martes a ser libera na Corsou cu e fam Napoleon. Napoleon no a biba mucho despues di liberacion e ta fayece dia 24 di november 1871 y e no tawata casa. E hecho cu no a encontra mas yiu di Plantina den e investigacion haci te awor, no nifica cu e lo no por tawata tin mas yiu.
Ta ser conta cu Plantina (mama di Johannes C. Dubero) lo a haya, ora di liberacion, propiedadnan manera tera y bestia for di e shon (tata di su yiu(nan)) pa yuda pone e famia riba pia. E storia aki sigur lo a haya su origen den e hecho cu Johannes Constantien Dubero lo tawata doño di Valij/Villa Rosa, un tereno y cas na Santa Martha, cu lo tawata pertenece na Jean A. Oduber. Loke a haya na Kadaster ta e papelnan di compra di e tereno cu ta mustra cu Johannes Constantien a cumpra e terenonan for di e herederonan di Jean A. Oduber.48 Cu e hayasgo di fecha di fayecimento di Plantina, cu ta mustra cu el a fayece prome cu liberacion, y cu e actanan
46 Registro di fayecimento di esclavo, 1860, #3. 47 Registro di nacemento di esclavo, 26 juli 1841, #16. 48 Nota 39 y 40, pag.91.
di compra di e terenonanan door di Johannes C. Dubero, e (hi)storia oral referente na Plantina ta perde su base.
Casa di Johannes Constantien, Emerencia, ta yiu di Klarissa Bylo. Klarissa ta casa di Daniel Croes. Segun e registro di nacemento di esclavo, Klarissa a duna luz na e siguiente yiunan: 1 Magriet Gabriela, 18 di maart, 1840; 2 Emerenciana (Emerencia den registro di liberacion), 23 di januari, 1842;
3 Juliana Damasia, 11 di december, 1843; 4 Regino Paulo, 7 di september 1845. E ta muri prome cu liberacion 11 di mei, 1857;
5 Maria Cayetana, 7 di augustus 1847. E ta muri prome cu liberacion 15 di augustus 1847;
6 Maria Victoria, 28 di juli 1948. E ta muri prome cu liberacion 2 di augustus 1848;
7 Isabella, 8 di juli 1851; 8 Juana, 27 di mei 1853; 9 Colastica, 10 di februari 1855; 10 Remio, 1 di oktober1857. E ta muri prome cu liberacion 12 di maart 1859;
11 y 12), Lorenzo y Justiana, 4 di september 1859; 13 Elizabeth, 7 augustus 1861.
Justiana (#12) no ta aparece den e registro di fayecimento, ni tampoco den esun di liberacion. Ademas su edad ta hopi jong pa a ser bendi sin su mama. A no ser cu e mama a duna permiso pa esaki. Mester investiga mas leu kico a pasa cu Justiana. Otro yiu di Klarissa cu no ta cuadra ta Eusebia. Eusebia ta parece
den registro di liberacion como yiu di Klarissa.49 No tin registro di nacemento pa Eusebia. Ademas si bo wak fecha di nacemento di Emerencia, 7 januari 1842, ta practicamente imposibel pa Klarissa duna luz na Eusebia 7 luna despues, 7 Augustus 1842. No ta bolbe encontra Eusebia den nin
49 Registro di liberacion #7.
gun registro mas, despues di liberacion. Ta existi e posibilidad cu Eusebia lo no ta yiu di Klarissa y cu kisas el a haye pa cuida. Lo mester haci mas investigacion riba Eusebia.
Tin evidencia di un probable yiu di Klarissa Bylo di nomber Magdalena, cu a encontra su actanan di venta pa puro casualidad ora di investigacion. Dos acta, uno ora e tin 15 aña y otro ora e tin 18 aña. E di dos venta di Magdalena tawata cu un shon di Corsou, sr. Jan. v.d. Singel. No a haya ningun informacion cu Klarissa por a haya mas yiu
despues di 1861. Ta existi e posibilidad cu mas yiu di Klarissa a ser bendi na edad jong, como esclavo. Lo mester haci mas investigacion riba e parti aki.50 E yiunan di Klarissa cu ta biba pa haya liberacion na Aruba ta pasa na carga e fam Bylo, mescos cu Klarissa. Despues, 2 di mei di aña 1866, Klarissa ta casa cu Daniel Croes y e yiunan di Klarissa libera bou di e fam Bylo ta bay carga e fam Croes. Daniel Croes casa di Klarissa Bylo, su nomber ta skirbi den algun documento como Daniel Tromp. Esaki ta entre otro ariba e documento di fayecimento di e yiu Emerencia. Daniel Croes ta yiu di Elizabeth Croes. No por haya mucho informa
cion di Elisabeth Croes. Solamente ta haya otro yiu di dje cu ta ser referi na dje como Jantje Croes Elisabethszoon. No a encontra, den investigacion, te aworaki ken ta tata di Daniel y Jantje. Falta mas investigacion riba e famia di Daniel, Jantje y Elisabeth Croes. Klarissa Bylo ta yiu di Maria Magdalena Martines (z, Martien/Martin?) â Gilina â Maria Magdalena Gilina.51 Maria Magdalena Gilina ta yiu di Maria Gilina.
E siguiente tres cartanan ta peticion di manumissie pa Johannes C. Dubero door di herederonan di J.A.Oduber. Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba 1816-1939 (1945), Inventaris nr. #972.
50 Anexo 14 Cartanan di venta di un posibel yiu di Klarissa Bylo, Magdalena, cu no ta den e registro di nacemento, ni tampoco di liberacion. Di puro casualidad a encontra cu ne. Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba 1816-1939 (1945), Inventaris nr. #967 Protocol notariel 1851-1852 (Documento #37, 20 November1852) y Inventaris nr. #968 Protocol notariel1853-1855 (documento #47,1 november1855). 51 Acta fayecimento # 36.2, 1869, ANA.
Introduction: The Slave Register: Liberation, Birth and Death, Aruba, 1840-1863.
English Summary
TThe slave register is an original government document “Geboorten en
overlijden van slaven op Aruba, 1840-1863” (“The birth and death of slaves in Aruba, 1840-1863”). Only births and deaths are mentioned in the title, still the document contains three different types of registrations ”Slaves to be liberated on July 1st,1863”; “Birth of slaves 18401863” and “Death of slaves 1840-1863”. There are some notes made after the liberation, in the register
“Slaves to be liberated on July 1st 1863”. Most of these notes refer to the marriages that took place after the liberation and the registration of children by their father/husband as his children.
Slaves were registered, however they were not registered in the civil register, like the free/white population. There was a separate register for the slaves, a register like the one you will see in this book. A remarkable distinction between the civil register being: that you will not find the father’s name in the slave’s birth and death register, you will find the owner’s name; you will only find a last name for the slave in the register for liberation without an address. The slave was not a free member of society, a citizen, with the
same rights and obligations as the “masters”, of the society they lived in. The fact that the slaves did not have the same rights and obligations as the free men did not mean that there were no laws and regulations regarding slaves and slavery. In the early 1990’s a National Archives Aruba (ANA) co-worker,
Mr. Bartholomeo “Toochi” Kock, found the slave register “The birth and death of slaves in Aruba, 1840-1863” in the dump nearby the Council of Ministers building. Aware of the importance of this kind of document he brought it to the office to be safeguarded by the National Archives of Aruba (ANA). Mr. Henk Ooft, specialist in the restoration of old documents, restored the registry book. No further investigation was done on the document. The slave register belonged to the Colonial Era and is part of the “Archivo di Comandeurs y Gezaghebbernan di e Koloniale tijdperk” (Colonial Archives).
The original document was used: in the 2008 exhibition on slavery; by researcher Mr. Luc Alofs; by visitors of the National Archives of Aruba (ANA) and co-workers of the genealogy section.
In 2011 a petition was send to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for the incorporation of the slave register, considering its historical importance and uniqueness, in the “Memory of the World” program. The UNESCO recommended more investigation. Mrs.Rosa M. Arends, researcher by the National Archives of Aruba (ANA) was responsible for preparing the necessary documentation for the petition to the UNESCO and took the initiative for the digitalization and research on the document/register.1
It is important for the Aruban people to get to know their roots. These documents contain important information on our roots. On a daily basis The National Archives Aruba receives visitors: students; researchers; hobbyist’s; etc. Many of the visitors are seeking information on their genealogy. With this publication the registers are made accessible and readable to the public. All members of the family can use this book. This book contains the registers, entered literally in digital form,
some literature on the contents and information on how to use the registers. One of the objectives is to give some guidance to beginner /hobbyist genealogist on the use of this book. We emphasize that the focus of this book are the registries. It is not intended as a genealogy instruction book. This book (“The birth and death of slaves in Aruba, 1840-1863”) contains the three registers: ”Slaves to be liberated on July 1st 1863”; “Birth of slaves 1840-1863” and “Death of slaves 1840-1863”. The law sustained all three registers in this book.
Law sustained the birth and death registers.2 These registers were mainly related to the slave population count. The information registered in the death and birth register, are described in art. 3, numbers 1 and 2.
1 Next steps for presenting this document to UNESCO will be: 1. Find out if all the other islands have these registers: 2. bring the (copies) registers together and fill the required forms asked by UNESCO and 3. Present the new package of documents with the required information to UNESCO with the petition to incorporate it in the “World Memory Bank”. 2 Annex 4: publicized under #7 in the ”Curaçaose Courant”, Saturday 14th of October 1837 No. 14.
An Interesting fact is that Curaçao has its death and birth register starting in 1838, but they do not start registering the name of the baby in the registers until 1840. The birth and death register of 1838 and 1839 for Aruba have not been found (yet). They were also not found in the Archives of Curaçao. We will continue searching.
The law regarding the liberation of slaves on July 1st 1863 had different requirements for liberation. These requirements were stated in the Law of August 8th 1862 (Emancipation Law).3 The Emancipation Law, chapter 3 art.16 sustained the register of slaves to be liberated. The register for liberation fits the requirements stated in the Law of August 8th 1862, “Law for the abolishment of slavery”, chapter 3, art. 16.
Remember, the last names in this book are not the only last names given to the slaves. All liberated slaves, including the slaves freed before July 1st 1863, all got a last name. In some cases the liberated slave changed his/her last name. Some liberated slaves also changed their last names, because their father registered them after the liberation or through marriage with their mother. In some instances a mother and a child were liberated on different dates, with different last names. In some instances the child chose to change his/her last name to that of his/her mother. This could only be done through a legal petition and proper registration.
Another source on the liberation of slaves is “Curaçaose Vrijbrieven”, 1722-1863, T. van der Lee, Algemeen Rijksarchief, Den Haag 1998.4 In this register you will find all the slaves liberated before July 1st 1863. The slaves registered to be liberated on July 1st 1863 are not in the publication Curaçaose Vrijbrijven. According to Mr. Gibbes, former Director of the National Archives Curaçao, slaves liberated on July 1st 1863 are not included, only slaves liberated before July 1st 1863 with a “vrijbrief” (letter of liberation/Manumission letter5) were included in “Curaçaose Vrijbrieven”.
3 Annex 3: “Slavenverordeningen 1849-1862” A 1862 No. 15, Publicatie-Blad, PUBLICATIE, waarbij afgekondigd wordt de wet van den 8 augustus 1862 (staatsblad No.165.) houdende opheffing der slavernij op de eilanden Curaçao, Bonaire, Aruba, St. Eustatius, Saba and St. Martin (Dutch Territory.) ANA). 4 “Curaçaose Vrijbrieven 1722-1863” most complet publicacion on liberated slaves for islands Aruba, Boneiro, Curaçao, St. Maarten, St. Eustasius and Saba, 1722 te cu 1863, with exception of those liberated July 1st 1863. 5 Manumission letter (letter of liberation): Document that certifies that a slave was freed.
This document will make many people realize that the beautiful suntan color of their skin has nothing to do with being born in the Caribbean, but it is the heritage left to them by that great, great, grand parent, who was never mentioned or of whom they only know half the truth. There should be no shame. The slave was the victim of circumstances he did not create. The reality is that our ancestors, master or slave, are the roots of a strong nation. The descendants, the Aruban people, should not negate his/her roots.
The Slave Register: “Geboorten en overlijden van slaven, 1840-1863”
The original slave register, found by Mr. Kock, is a legal document, signed by government officials. It served for the registration of birth and death of slaves between 1840 and 1863. Included in this document was the registry for emancipation/liberation, which was to take place on July 1st 1863. An important finding in the investigation was the fact that these registers were required by law and as such all the other five Islands (Dutch Colonies), Curaçao, Bonaire. St. Martin, Saba and St. Eustatius should have had these documents for their respective islands. All the islands should have had in their archives a copy of the original documents pertaining to their island and the originals stored in the archives of Curaçao or Holland. Neither the original, nor a copy of these documents were found in
the National Archives Curaçao. The registers of the other islands were not to be found either. There is a possibility that they are in the archives in Holland. The register of liberation of Curaçao is a little different to the reg
ister of Aruba, the difference is that in the remark section, the Curaçao registers contain information on who the owner was. In the slave register for (Aruba), as stated before, the remark section contains only information on marriages and registrations by the father after liberation.6
6 Annex 1: Slave register for liberation in Curaçao).
The origin of the registers.
The Slave Register contains three types of registration regarding slaves: “Register of Slaves to be liberated on July 1st 1863” (with last name included), “Register death of slaves 1840-1863” and ”Register birth of slaves 1840-1863”.
We might never find out why such an important slave registry book ended up in the dumpster, but what we can investigate is why these registers were made. With not much of a clue on where to start, the decision was made
to start reading the correspondence at that time between government officials, starting with the letters dated closest to the liberation date, July 1st 1863, and then going backwards. In a letter dated April 30th 7 1863 a reference was made to art. 16 of the Emancipation Law. A copy of the Emancipation Law, also referred to as ”the Law of August 8th 1862”, was found in the National Archives Aruba (ANA) library.8
The slave register on the slaves to be liberated was sustained by the Emancipation Law (Law of August 8th 1862), chapter 3 art.16. For the first time a slave would receive a last name, which identified him/her with the rest of the family. The registry is of great historical importance; it marks the transference from a slave to a freeman, a citizen with obligations and rights like all other men on the island. As mentioned before, slaves were not registered in the civil register. They were registered in separate birth and death registers, the slaves register.
Taking into account that both the birth and the death register started in 1840, an investigation was started on the laws regarding slaves/slavery dating back to 1839. Information was found that indicated that both registers in the registry book, the birth register and death register were
7 Annex 2: ANA Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba 1816-1939 (1945), Inventaris nr 34, Registers, 32-41 jaar 1863, 30 april 1863, no.13-10/38. 8 Annex 3: “Slavenverordeningen1849-1862”A‘ 1862 No. 15, Publicatie-Blad, PUBLICATIE, afgekondigd wordt de wet van den 8 augst.1862 (staatsblad No.165.) houdende opheffing der slavernij op de eilanden Curaçao, Bonaire, Aruba, St. Eustatius, Saba en St. Martin (Ned. Ged.) ANA.
sustained by law.9 The birth and the death registers were mainly related to the count of the slave population. An interesting fact is that Curaçao has death and birth registers dating back to 1838. As for Aruba, we only have the registers starting in 1840. More research is necessary in Curaçao and Holland to find out if there are registers from earlier dates.
Content of each register.
For translation of the Dutch words in the slave register see annex #16
Title: “Register of the slaves to be liberated”(In this book pg. 29-45). Liberation of Slaves took place on July 1st. 1863. A total of 487 slaves registered were to be freed. The register was made with details such as: 1 Last name;
2 Mother’s name;
3 Name of child;
4 Birthdates or approximate age;
5 Notes were also made in the years following the
liberation, on marriages and registration
of the children after the liberation
It should be noted that in the written report after the liberation, the number of liberated slaves was indicated to have been 493. This is six more than the number registered before in this register. The complete report can be seen in annex 8 documents K. Interesting is that the name of the owner was not registered in this document. There must be another document that indicates who owned who. Some letters in the Colonial Archives indicate that such a document exists. Without such a document no control could have been possible at payment. A search in the Curaçao Archives did not produce any results. Investigators in Curaçao believe that Aruba’s documents are in the Dutch Archives.
9 Annex 4: Publicized under #7 in the ”Curaçaose Courant”, Saturday 14th of October 1837 No. 14.resource “Koninklijke Bibliotheek.nl”.
The name of the father was not registered, as the slaves were not allowed to marry. Maybe if the name of the fathers had been registered, some owners or free men might have gotten themselves in ”hot waters”
In Curaçao the registers (borderel aangifte) of slaves to be liberated, were registered according to the plantation and its owner. The slaves belonging to Curaçao are in those archives; these registers only registered the slaves of Curaçao10. On the Internet you can find in “Roots Family Pinas”, an example of a “borderel aangifte” belonging to Surinam. The “Borderel aangifte” of Aruba could not be found in Aruba or in Curaçao. More research is necessary. Curaçao found theirs in the Archives of the “Algemene Rekenkamer”. We do not have the Archives of the “Algemene Kamer” in Aruba. If they are not in Curaçao, there is a chance they might be in the archives in Holland.
Assumption is that the registration took place in the last months of 1862 to June 1863. The last registration was of Euvrosina Eustacia Palma born in November 1862 (register Slaves to be liberated # 43). Euvrosina was not registered in the slave birth register. On further investigation you will find that in chapter 2, art. 7d of the Emancipation Law it states that the owners will not be compensated for the children born after the publication of this law. A letter dated September 29th 1862, states that children born after the publication of the Emancipation Law should be registered as free in the civil registration.11
It cannot be said for sure when the registration took place, but it is possible it took place between November 1862 and June 1863.
The law was published in the Curaçaose Courant on October 4th 1862 this is probably the reason why Euvrosina was not registered as a slave at birth. However, she was registered for liberation. The question remains,” was the owner paid for Euvrosina’s liberation?” It seems that there were many dubious registrations. It turns suspicious
10 Annex 5, Archief Burgelijke stand, register van vrijgemaakte slaven 1863 #69, Koloniaal Archief, Curaçao. 11 Annex 6: Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba 1816-1939 (1945), Inventaris nr. 160, jaar 1862, briefnummer 29-25/60.
if some owners might have wanted to cash in on a little bit more than what they were supposed to get. On the contrary we see Mercelina, born in June 1863, daughter of Johannes C. Dubero and Emerencia Bylo was rightly registered as free in the civil registry, but with no last name.12
Title: “Slaves Birth Register (In this book pg. 47-71), 1840-1862”. Four hundred and thirty one registrations took place over a period of 23 years on average 18.7 births a year. The number of birth registrations during these 23 years might give the impression that most of the slaves registered for liberation (487) were young people and children. One should remember that childcare and survival in that period was not what it is today, besides there was liberation before 1863. Another possibility is that a slave could have been sold and sent to another country/island. Slaves that are in the births register, but not in the deaths and the liberation register might have been sold and/or exported. Likewise if a slave is in the register for liberation but not in the birth register, and is under 23 years of age, he/she might have been imported.
The birth register contains more information compared to the register of liberation (part 1), for example: a) date of registration, b) name of the person registering the birth; c) date of birth, d) sex of the child; e) name of the mother or the care taker; f) name of the master and g) notes. The odd fact is that the name of the child is registered as a notation. Some secondary information you can deduce from this document is i.e. the lapse of time between the birth and the name of the midwife in that period of time, etc. This makes the slaves register a possible source for researching information other than genealogy. You can also see if a slave changed owner as the owners name is registered at birth. This register, even though not a civil register turns out to be a good source of information, useful in the search of slaves as individuals and as members of a family.
Title: “Slaves Death Register (In this book pg. 47-71), 1840-1863”. A total of 172-death registrations took place between 1840-1863, on aver
12 Birth register, #44 ANA .
age per year 7.2. The registration of deaths contains the following information: a) date of registry, b) name of the person registering the death(s); c) name of the deceased; d) name of the mother; age or approximate age, f) date of death; g) name of master; h) notes, example: sex of the deceased. Like in the birth register, you are able to get quite some information from the register. Letters found in the Colonial Archives show that the slaves’ death and slaves’ birth registers were sent to Curaçao every year not in its original form (as it appears in this book. Annex 7b- 7c are letters showing the information that was sent on a yearly basis to Curaçao), it is nothing like the register we have in this book.13 In the Curaçao’s Archives they only have the registers of Curaçao, but no registers of the other islands. You can ask, “What is the importance of the name of a slave who died so many years ago?” There are many reasons, for example: Why a certain name is used in the family, where did it come from; confirm with the family (hi)story; This will save you time when searching for someone in the registers.14
Annotation in the liberation register.
In the registry of slaves to be liberated you can see annotations made after the liberation. These annotations are on marriages and the registration of children, by the father/husband, after the marriage. Before the liberation slaves were not allowed to marry. Still they
did so with the blessing of the churches, clandestine marriages. Some families oral history, suggests clandestine marriages also happened between free men and slaves, yet there is no solid proof. More research is necessary on this matter. The clandestine marriage of an ancestor can be best proven
through the marriage books of the church. To our disappointment the National Archives of Aruba (ANA) has not been able to get the churches
13 Annex 7 : Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba 1816-1939 (1945), Inventaris nr.237, jaar 1860, january 9, no.7. 14 In the chapter on the Dubero Vries family you will see how a family’s oral history will be proven wrong when the person told about in the story is proven death before liberation.
of the different religions on our Island, to store their (old) documents, of great historical importance, in the National Archives of Aruba (ANA). Some church documents were probably lost in the fire of May 30th 1969, in Curaçao. On the other hand the National Archives of Aruba (ANA) has been informed that there is a great possibility that many of the old church registers/documents might have been thrown away. However, if you are looking for the religious marriages of your ancestors, it is worth a try to find out if at your specific church they kept their documents.
Before the 1863 liberation, some slaves obtained their freedom because of good behaviour, it was either paid for or had some other reason. Their freedom could be paid for or stipulated in the last will of their “master”. Slaves were treated as a piece of property and as such they were included in the testament/last will as property. It happened on some occasions that they were included in the testament not as property, but as the “masters” heir. Some of the people freed before the 1863 liberation also married into the “white families”, “masters” or none slave families. The inclusion of slaves in the testament to get their freedom or to be
an heir and the marriages after the liberation with “white people”/”master” leads to speculation of the possibility, that there was more than a good slave-master relationship. The union between “free men” and former slave families became obvious after the liberation on July 1st 1863. In many cases you will see by the last names that the partner is not of a slave family. Many times you can see that the children that were born during slavery, were registered by the husband, at marriage. Some last names that are mentioned are Maduro and Croes. Also free female (of non slave families) married former slaves.
The registers help in verifying many oral histories. Some of the oral histories only tell part of the story or partial truths, leaving out the slave part or twisting the reality a bit .The half-truths suppress the reality of the formation of our nation, our roots and who we are today. With the publication of this document, “Slave Register: Liberation Births and Deaths, Aruba 1840-1863”, we will free the truth; it is practically a second liberation.
The detailed information in this book of the slave registry makes it an important source for genealogy and family formation on slave families in Aruba. The information it provides also facilitates the investigation into other sources. With this register you can trace back 3-4, sometimes more generations of slave families. Without this document many family links, between slaves and today’s Aruban families, might have been lost. The information in these documents gives you a better understanding of the living circumstances of the slaves, their social/family relations, etc. The registrations (births and deaths) make it possible to see if the slaves changed masters during the years, how families were separated etc. The information you obtain through these documents, including dates, facilitates the search in other documents such as: letters of liberation and notary documents.
How to use the information.
The original registry book is handwritten; this makes it somewhat difficult to read. There are other facts that make reading of the original document difficult to access and use. To mention some examples: the paper is old delicate and stained; the handwriting varies according to the person making the intake, in cleanness/correctness; the letter type changed during the decades; some letters are difficult to distinguish from others or to recognize; the spelling of names varies; the name of one person can be written in various forms throughout the register. As a temporary solution, the public obtained access to the document through a photocopy. With the publication of this book the National Archives of Aruba (ANA) made the slave register more readable and accessible to the general public.
You can search by: last name; name of the individual; name of the mother; name of the master; date of birth and also the name of the person who entered the registration. All of which can help you find the person or information you are looking for. The more data you know, the easier it is to search the register and the less
time it will take to find what you are looking for. For example, if you have a date you can go directly to that date in the registers of birth and death. The date takes you to a specific year reducing your search field considerably. To facilitate search of the document a PDF version will be available on c.d.
Last names given to freed slaves. Knowing last names makes the genealogy search all the easier. In the slave register you can see the last names given to slaves and their children at the liberation, in 1863. The Emancipation Law required that as many families as possible be registered under the same last name. This did not happen with all families/family members. In some cases the last name was only for the children. The mother might have another last name, as shown in the following examples:
Registry of liberation: #20, Narcissa listed under the last name Bak, however, we will find the same Narcissa under the last name Wernet at # 164, #165, #168 and #172, in the liberation register. You might also find documents that refer to her as Maria Narcissa and/or with the last name Weller, for example: or her daughter’s, Clara Vrolijk, birth certificate, #180, 1865,who is listed as Weller. On December 16th, 1876, Narcissa married Jan Pieter Vrolijk. As an alias she also used Maria Narcissa.
Registry of liberation:#241, Maria Rosaria. What seems to be a second name for Maria might also be considered a last name. In the death certificate of her son Bartholdo Moerdijk or Moerdyk, #13, 1864, she was registered as Maria Rosario.
Through the name and last names we are able to deduce that it is the same person.
There are cases whereby the slaves were separated/exported before the liberation. At the liberation they did not receive the same last names as their family.
Example Magdalena: Magdalena the daughter of Klarissa. She was sold twice and at 19 years she was sent to Curaçao. Her last known owner was Mr. Singel. We were not able to find information on Magdalena in Curaçao after 1859, but we see that Mr. Singel liberated a baby, named Maria Bernadina (van) Sing, daughter of Magdalena, in 1859. We deduce that Magdalena is the daughter of Klarissa Bylo, since the owner of Klarissa and Magdalena did not have another slave named Klarissa, only the Klarissa who at the liberation got the last name Bylo. So we can say that in all probability Magdalena was the daughter of Klarissa. On the other hand, we do not know or have the names of the slaves of Mr. Singel, so we cannot deduce that Maria Bernadina is the daughter of Magdalena, who is the daughter of Klarissa. There is still research to be done in the archives in Curaçao.
Example: Virginia Demetricia and her brother Juliaan. Virginia was born on December 22nd 1842 in Aruba, according to the slave birth register, 1842. You will not find Virginia, or her brother, in the Aruba liberation register. Neither will you find them in the slave deaths register. There are two possibilities: They were liberated before July 1st 1863, or they left the island. We were able to find the notary documents stating that Virginia
was sold to Mr. Jesserun of Curaçao and Juliaan, in another document, was sold to Mr. Naar. Virginia, according to Luc Alofs, was a slave that encountered many problems with her owner as well as the law due to her attitude/behaviour. Virginia belonged to Mr. Jan Hendrik van der Biest before being sold to Mr. Jesserun. She was liberated in Curaçao on July 1st 1863, with the last name Gaai. Her brother was liberated with the last name Liprandi, according to information received from Mrs. Helma Maduro Molhuijsen and Mrs. Els Langenfeld, volunteers/”Friends of the Archive Association”, of the National Archives of Curaçao.
In the liberation register we see that the brothers and sisters of Virginia and Juliaan were liberated in Aruba with the last name Bikker. We found nothing that indicates that Juliaan and or Virginia might have had any
contact with their families in Aruba. Juliaan was Juliana’s twin brother. Juliana who stayed in Aruba was liberated with the last name Bikker.
The family link between separated family members was not only lost because of the last name, but because communication from a distance was very difficult, especially if one or more were sent to another land or island. The communication would depend on letters. Not everyone knew how to read and write, especially amongst the slave/liberated slave population, there was a high, if not 100%, illiteracy. Travelling overseas to your family involved a lot of money, which a poor slave would not have. The slave went from slave to poor, since they did not have much property at the time of their liberation. Another reason could be that they had already formed a family in the new land. Each person had his or her own individual reason for possibly losing the family link. The case of Virginia and Juliaan shows why the Emancipation Law, chapter 3, art 6, states that family members” be listed under one last name “as much as possible”. In some cases it was impossible to do so. When researching a family, you have to take into account that not all members were liberated under one last name.
Slaves liberated before July 1st 1863 also received a last name at the time of their liberation. The last names of slaves were, in Aruba, many times derivative
from the last name of the masters; such is the case with Dubero (slave) and Oduber (master); Thiele (slave) – Thielen (master). In Curaçao you can notice that the last names of many slaves are women names. In some instances you can see in the registers of Curaçao, that some last names seemed to reflect the character or the concept the owner or the one who named them might have had of the person, annex 5 has some examples of this. Not all slaves liberated under a specific last name belonged to one family. Family relations have to be proven by documents or other legitimate proof such as DNA.
Example family Dubero: At least two male slaves received the last name
Dubero before 1863. In “Curaçaose Vrijbrieven”, we can see that M.E. Oduber liberated Camilo Agapito, son of Carolina in 1853 with the last name Dubero. In 1862, Johannes Constantijn also received the last name Dubero, his mother’s name was Plantina. Members of the Oduber family liberated him. There were also slaves liberated on July 1st 1863, with the last name Dubero. (See the slave registry book). So far no family links have been found between those liberated under the last name Dubero.
Take good notice that in the liberation register you have two columns of names: last names and mothers name and the other is first names. Only those listed on the second column, first names, received the last name.
Example: Martina is listed under mother in the register for liberation (#99-103), but she is not registered in the second column (first names) this means she is not registered as Vries. You will find her listed under first names at #49, in the same register, under the last name Vos.
The fact that, in some cases, the slave is registered in two registers (birth / death / liberation) and that the mothers name was also registered, makes it easier for research. The information can also be used to verify information and findings obtained from other sources. The Mothers name is also stated in the notary documents for selling and for liberation, before July 1st 1863.
There is also a different spelling for the same person with different names. If we take the last slave to die before the liberation, Soraida Eustacia, her registration at birth was as Zoraida Eleutharia, born February 20th 1862. There are different spellings used or maybe errors, but because the information taken at the registry is so extensive, you can still deduce if it is the same person when comparing the registries. Remember we cannot assume it is the same person, we have to deduce with the help of other entries in this register or other documents to conclude, if this is the same
person or not. During the centuries handwriting the symbols representing the letters have changed dramatically. In addition, the spellings of many words have changed. With the example below, we would like to show you how the handwriting was when this register was in use.
Example pronunciation of Klarissa: The descendants and people who knew Klarissa (Bylo) pronounced her name as Klarisja. When her name was found in the register it was assumed that the letter following the s was a j, in accordance with the pronunciation (R.M. Arends is a descendent of Klarissa). Mr. Henk Ooft, who studied palaeography and is in charge of restoration at the Aruba National Archives (ANA) explained the fact that the second letter might look like a j, but is an s. Another example is the last name Hassel that also appears in the registry book.
Example the letters y and i: In this registry, you can see for example the months July and June written as Julij and July or also Junij or Juny. It does not make a great difference because we know that it refers to the months June and July. Confusion starts when these letters, y and ij, are used without discrepancy in names and last names. For example, the last name Bylo and Bijlo.
Discrepancies in handwriting and spelling should be taken cautiously and consulted with someone and/or resources on palaeography, if the script used is from another era. Keep in mind the fact that there are names that no matter the fact, are pronounced the same, they can be written differently.
Examples: Fransisca and Francisca: Elizabeth and Elisabeth.
The use of different languages on the Island had its effect on the writing of names. The names were used in different languages. It is the same name, but one is in Spanish and the other in Dutch.
Example: Juan or Jan and Pedro or Pieter.
Although the Island was a Dutch Colony there was some Spanish influence in the language spoken, because it was once a Spanish colony. Another influence we should not forget is the geographic position to mainland (Venezuela) and the “coming and going” of Spanish speaking people from the mainland. Besides, by the last names you can tell that some of the free people on the island were of Spanish/Latin descendants. Take into consideration that the name may vary from document to document.
Example: Juan Pedro Wernet born to Reina on June 2nd 1847. He was registered (#161) and be freed with the name Juan Pedro, but in the birth registry he was registered as Jan Pedro. To make certain, you have to verify if it really is the same person. This is possible by tracing the name of the mother, birth dates, etc.
Keep in mind that the above mentioned variations and changes not only apply to names, but in some cases to last names. The use of aliases can also bring confusion when doing research for genealogy. Alias, a.k.a. or nickname is a name/last name by which someone identifies him/herself or is known by, but that is not his or her official/legal name/last name.
In some registries and older documents on the island, we can see aliases used on legal documents, as is the case in this slave register. Many of the descendents of Narcissa Wernet, mentioned before in this document, were using the last name Weller. Johannes, son of Florentina Wernet (in the slave register), was registered with the last name Weller at birth in the island’s register. He did use the last name Wernet with an alias, Jan. At birth some of his children were registered with the alias Jan Wernet and others as the child of Johannes Weller. As a result, you have children, of the same mother and father, with different last names. In some documents they gave the names, the legal name as well as the alias. The â sign in front will indicate that it is an alias. The use of the first name or not, sometimes brings difficulties in research. Sometimes people omit the use of their first name and use the second
name. When the use of only the second name happens in writing, it might bring confusion for the person doing the research.
The text above is to make clear with the examples, that you should not be discouraged when you cannot find a name. Take the above mentioned possibilities in mind when you do your search. Take also into consideration that you might not find a last name because: the family or person carrying the last name moved away; the last named “died” out; after the liberation they choose another last name; there were no more descendents or the descendents were all women and changed their last name at marriage.
Annotations regarding marriages and child registration by father.
The annotations on marriages help to clarify the fact that some liberated slaves carried different last names after the liberation. An example would be Emerencia Bylo. Emerencia was registered as Bylo in (#2) the registry for liberation. In the same registry (#6) there is a note indicating that Emerencia and her other siblings were given the last name Croes after the marriage of Daniel Croes to Klarissa Bylo, May 2nd 1866. A note at #2, register for liberation, also indicates that on the 21st. of April 1877 she married Johannes Constantyn Dubero, hereby receiving the last name of her husband, Dubero. The daughter of Emerencia, Sanblasa, was born before the liberation and she went through the same last name changes as her mother, except that at the end she also got her husband’s last name, Fingal.
Age calculation.
In the registry for liberation some slaves were not registered with a birth date, but with an age. The calculation of their age is therefore done as follows. Take as example Guillermo Vogel, son of Maria Gracia Vogel, and #18 in the register for liberation. Guillermo was registered as being 48
years old. To know his birthyear, subtract his age from 1862, give and take a year in case the registration took place in 1863, this will mean that Guillermo was born in1814. In some instances there might be a year difference, depending on the date the intake for liberation was made. We are not sure of the exact date each person was registered. If the registration was done in 1863, it means he/she was born a year later. In the case of Guillermo this would be 1815. With the death registry we can do the same: subtract the age given from the year of registry. Example: Maria Theodora, alias Gilina, #6 register of death, age 42 date 19 October 1853, 1853 - 42=1811.
Who was the “master”?
The name of the master is reported in the birth register and in the death register. If the female slave was in her productive years, during 18401863, you can find out by looking from birth to birth if she changed owner. For example: she had a baby in 1841 and the next baby was 2 years later 1843. In the birth register you can see if the name of her owner at birth in 1841 is the same as in 1843. If the owner is not the same, it means that you can limit your search for the notary papers (selling of slaves was carried out like all other legal property sale) to the time period between the two birth dates. The law published on October 14th 1837, art 6. required all owners to make a yearly inventory of the slaves he/she owned. The inventory was carried out for tax purposes, but it was also a source to find out if a slave belonged to a certain owner. Example: Klarissa gave birth in 1847, her master at the time was Hendrik Croes. In 1848 she gave birth again, but her master was registered as L.F Scholte. With this information we can limit our search in the notary documents to the time laps between these two births. We were able to find the documents regarding the selling of Klarissa and two of her children.
Who is missing?
If you compare the birth to the death register you can deduce if there are slaves that might have been liberated before 1863 or have abandoned the island. If the person was born here, and is not registered in the death registry and does not appear in the registry for liberation it might be an indication that he/she had abandoned the island or was liberated before 1863. If you find a person younger than 23 years registered for liberation, but not registered in the birth registry, it might indicate that he came from abroad. Both these cases are important, as it might be necessary for you to search for your ancestors in other countries.
Content of the registers.
The information this document provides helps us complete that puzzle of who we are as a nation and as individuals. This slave register will help us in completing the “family picture”. When a person is conducting a research on his family genealogy
and cannot find information on his/her family, we will suggest him/her to use the slave register. Usually they will be surprised when they find information on their family in the slave register, because they are unaware that some of their ancestors were slaves.
This document helps us to better understand our grandparents, greatgrandparents, probably the first free members of the family, after many decades and centuries of slavery. It helps us to understand and respect their silence, their shame and their pride. This slave register shines a new light, so we can understand and
appreciate our culture; our music; the way we express ourselves; our language; our hair; our colour; our identity; our people. These types of documents help us to understand the individual and the people of our nation, as it also gives us more knowledge and a better understanding of the similarities that exists among the people, the nations of the Caribbean, Latin America and the European traces that exists in the individual and in our nation.
The slave register is a small piece of our slave history, but a great source of information. It is like discovering a world in a matchbox.
Liberation did not just happen.
A lot of discussions were going on in the 1840’s all through 1850’s and early 1860’s, regarding the emancipation and slave liberation. A good resource to read on the subject would be: ”’Vrije’ Slaven”, written by A.F. Paula. The book addresses the Emancipation in The Dutch territory on St. Martin. A lot of planning took place to provide for the new citizens, the
free slave’s, wellbeing. In the emancipation law you can find many of the requisites that needed to be arranged, applied, etc.
Examples of these requisites were: Slaves with certain diseases could not be liberated until they were healthy and cured of these diseases; social security for those who could not afford the cost of living (free); the former owner should provide a living space for the liberated slave if necessary, in compensation thereof, the former slave would work four days a week for the former owner; schooling possibilities were arranged for the liberated children.
The Government controlled these requisites to assure that all went according to plan. Documents in the archives show that the liberation did not just happen, a lot of planning and preparation happened before the liberation and even after the liberation adjustments had to be made. Annex 8 shows documents relating to planning, preparation, etc., for the liberation
A. Letter regarding the proclamation for July 1st 1863.
B. (1-2) Proclamation Dutch and English.
C. (1-2-3) Liberation songs 1863, 1888, 1913,
D. Letter of the Governor requesting a list of slave owners.
E. (1-2) Letter regarding medical commission for the examination
of slaves.
F. (1-2) Letter regarding the necessary documents for
registration of those who would be liberated and the
document that confirmed the liberation of the individual.
G. Letter regarding Social Security for those in need.
H. Letter regarding former slaves who were to receive social
I. (1-2) Letter regarding schooling for the children of the
liberated slaves.
J. Letter prohibiting the selling of alcohol on the day of the
liberation and the days following liberation.
K. Report made after liberation.
Anexo 1. Registro di esclavonan pa ser libera (Corsou).
Anexo 2: Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba, 1816-1939 (1945).”, Inventaris nr. 34, jaar 1863, 30 april 1863, no.13-10/38.
Anexo 3: A 1862 No. 15, Publicatie-Blad, PUBLICATIE, waarbij afgekondigd wordt de wet van den 8 augustus 1862 (staatsblad No. 165.) houdende opheffing der slavernij op de eilanden Curaçao, Bonaire, Aruba, St. Eustatius, Saba en St. Martin (Ned. Ged.) ANA coleccion “Slavenverordeningen 1849-1862”.
Anexo 4: Publicacion No. 7 di 1837, ”Curaçaose Courant”, diasabra 14 di oktober, 1837, No.41, recurso: KB.nl.
Anexo 5: Archief Burgelijke stand, “Register van vrijgemaakte slaven 1863” #69. Koloniaal Archief, Curaçao.
Anexo 6: Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba, 1816-1939 (1945)”, Inventaris nr. 160, jaar 1862 ,briefnummer 29-25/60.
Anexo 7: Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba, 1816-1939 (1945)”, Inventaris nr.237, jaar 1860, january 9, no.7.Muestra di un carta manda door di Gezaghebber di Aruba pa Gobernador na Corsou 9 di januari 1861, unda cu ta indica cu entre otro registro y documentonan referente nacemento y fayecimento di esclavo
Anexo 7a: Archivo Nacional Corsou muestra con e fayecimento di esclavo di Aruba tawata ser raporta na Corsou. No a logra haya e registronan cu e documento na anexo 7 ta referi na dje, cu ta registro. (Koloniaial Archief, Arbeid #25)
Anexo 7b: Archivo Nacional Corsou muestra fayecimento di esclavo di Aruba tawata ser raporta na Corsou e periodo 1840-1850. (Koloniaal Archief, Arbeid #25)
Anexo 8: Siguientemente tin algun documento cu ta mustra algun di e preparacionnan of trabounan haci relaciona cu liberacion:
A - Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba, 1816-1939 (1945)”, Inventaris nr. 34. Carta referente proclamacion di libertad dirigi na Gezaghebber. B1 y B2 - Proclamacion di libertad di 1 di juli 1863 dirigi na e esclavonan libera na Papiamento y Ingles. A bin adunto cu (A) Archivo Nacional Aruba”, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba, 1816-1939 (1945)”, Inventaris nr. 34. Carta referente proclamacion di libertad dirigi na Gezaghebber. C1- Cantica di liberacion. E cantica tawata aregla pa canta den tono/ritmo di Wilhelmus. C2, y C3 - ta canticanan pa celebracion 25 aña y 50 aña di liberacion, encontra na e archivonan di Corsou. Ta parce cu nan ta traha special pa Corsou ora bo lesa e letranan D - Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba, 1816-1939 (1945)”, Inventaris nr. 160. Carta di gouverneur pidiendo lista di e doñonan di esclavo na Gezaghebber di Aruba. E (1-2) - Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba, 1816-1939 (1945)”, Inventaris nr. 34. Carta referente na Comision di e dokternan, pa e control di salud di esnan cu lo a ser libera. F1- Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba, 1816-1939 (1945)”, Inventaris nr. 34. Post conteniendo formulario pa inscribi esnan libera y tambe documento cu ta mustra cu nan ta liber. F2 - Documento cu ta mustra/prueba cu nan ta inscribi pa haya libertad dia 1 di juli 1863. Cu e documento aki nan por a inscribi den registro civil. Documento haya for di un persona priva ora di investigacion den bario. Cortesia di Helma Maduro, Amigonan di Archivo di Corsou. F3 - E esclavonan libera prome cu 1 di juli 1863 a haya un manumissie manera esun ilustra na F3. G - Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba, 1816-1939 (1945)”, Inventaris nr. 34. Carta cu referencia na asistencia social pa esnan libera. H - Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba, 1816-1939 (1945)”, Inventaris nr. 34. Carta referente na onderstand duna na dos esclavo despues di liberacion. I(1-2) - Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba, 1816-1939 (1945)”, Inventaris nr. 34. Carta referente na e preparacion pa duna e muchanan libera tambe e oportunidad na educacion. J - Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba,“Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba, 1816-1939 (1945)”, Inventaris nr. 443. Carta prohibiendo venta di alcohol na cierto dia y oranan K - ”Verslagomtrent de uitvoering der wet houdende opheffing der slavernij op de eilanden Curaçao, Bonaire, Aruba St. Eustasius, Saba en St. Martin.”
Cu e documentonan aki kier duna un ehempel di loke tawata tumando luga net prome cu of net despues di liberacion. Archivo na Aruba y otro islanan y Hulanda ta yen di e carta /documentonan aki.
A - : Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het Land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba, 1816-1939 (1945)”, Inventaris nr. 34. Carta referente proclamacion di libertad dirigi na Gezaghebber.
B1 - : Proclamasjon na Papiamento
B2 - : Proclamasjon Ingles
C1 - : “Kantika pa e santoe fiesta di libertad”.
C2 - : Cantica pa celebracion 25 aña di liberacion. Encontra na archivonan di Corsou. Ta parce cu nan ta traha special pa Corsou ora bo lesa e letranan.
C3 - : Cantica pa celebracion di 50 aña special pa Corsou ora bo lesa e letranan, Encontra den Archivo di Corsou
D - : Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba, 1816-1939 (1945)”, Inventaris nr. 160. Carta di gouverneur pidiendo lista di e doñonan di esclavo na Gezaghebber di Aruba.
E1 - : (E 1 y 2) Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba, 1816-1939 (1945)”, Inventaris nr. 34. Carta referente na Comision di e dokternan, pa e control di salud di esnan cu lo a ser libera.
E2 - : (vrvlg. E1).
F1 - : Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba, 1816-1939 (1945)”, Inventaris nr. 34. Post conteniendo formulario pa inscribi esnan libera y tambe documento cu ta mustra cu nan ta liber.
F2 - : Documento cu ta mustra/prueba cu nan ta inscribi pa haya libertad dia 1 di juli 1863. Cu e documento aki nan por a inscribi den registro civil. Documento haya for di un persona priva. Esaki ta e unico encontra te awor aki na Aruba. E a ser entrega na archivo door descendiente di famia Davelaar Helder.
F3 - : Ehempel di un manumissie. Carta di libertad duna na esnan libera prome cu 1 juli 1863, Archivo Nacional Corsou.
G - : Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba, 1816-1939 (1945)”, Inventaris nr. 34. Carta cu referencia na asistencia social pa esnan libera.
H - : Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba, 1816-1939 (1945)”, Inventaris nr. 34. Carta referente na onderstand duna na dos esclavo despues di liberacion.
I1 - : (1-2) Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba, 1816-1939 (1945)”, Inventaris nr. 34. Carta referente na e preparacion pa duna e muchanan libera tambe e oportunidad na educacion.
I2 - : (vrvlg I1).
J1 - : Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba,“Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba, 1816-1939 (1945)”, Inventaris nr. 443. Carta prohibiendo venta di alcohol na cierto dia y oranan.
K - : Verslag omtrent de uitvoering der wet houdende opheffing der slavernij op de eilanden Curaçao, Bonaire, Aruba, Saba, St Eustatius en St. Martin, Archivo Nacional Corsou.
Anexo 9 - : ANA, Genealogia Rosa M. Arends.
Anexo 9a - : (continuacion di anexo 9).
Anexo 10 -10a - : Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba, 1816-1939 (1945)”, Inventaris nr. 970. Carta di venta di Thomas Vries.
Anexo 11 - : Genealogia famia Vries.
Anexo 13 - : Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba, 1816-1939 (1945)”, Inventaris nr. 966. Carta di venta Klarissa Bylo y dos yiu.
Anexo 14 - : Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba, 1816-1939 (1945)”, Inventaris nr. 966. Documento di benta di Magdalena, probablemente un yiu di Klarissa Bylo.
Magdalena ta ser bendi un biaha mas . E biaha aki e cumprador ta di Corsou y probablemente Magdalena a ser hiba Corsou. Ta haya un Magdalena serca Jan v.d. Singel na Corsou. No por a verifica cu ta mesun Magdalena. Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba, 1816-1939 (1945)”, Inventaris nr. 968.
Anexo/annex 15. Translation to English of the Dutch words in the slave register.
Register: liberation.
• Inschrijvingsnummer: Registration number
• Namen en moedersnamen: Lastnames and name of the mother.
• Voornamen: Firstnames.
• Datum van geboorte of vermoedelijk ouderdom:
Date of birth or presumed age.
• Aanmerkingen: Comments.
Register: birth.
• Datum der aangifte: Date registered.
• Naam van de aangever: Name of the person that is
registering the new born.
• Datum van geboorte: Date of birth.
• Geslacht: Sex.
• Naam van de moeder des geborene, alsmede die welken haar
in de wandeling gegeven wordt: Name of the mother.
• Naam van de meester: Name of owner/master.
• Aanmerkingen (het kindsnaam): Comments, name of the child.
Register: death.
• Datum der aangifte: Date registered.
• Naam van de aangever: Name of the person that is registering
the death.
• Naam der overledene: Name of the deceased.
• Moedersnaam: Name of the mother.
• Bekenden of gegisten ouderdom: Age or presumed age.
• Datum van overlijden: Date of decease.
• Name van de meester: Name of owner/master.
• Aanmerkingen (het kindsnaam): Comments, sex of the child.
Anexo 16 - : Archivo Nacional Aruba, Archieven van het land Aruba, “Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba. 1816-1939 (1945)”, Inventaris nr. 971. carta di venta Virginia Demetriacia.
Alofs, Luc. Publicacion Exposicion “Herencia di Sclavitud Aruba” (“Heritage of Slavery in Aruba”), Aruba, 2010.
Alofs. Luc, Edicion Educativo 2, “Slaven zonder plantage”, Aruba, VAD Drukkers, 1996.
Henriquez, Felix R. “Archief inventaris van de Commandeurs en Gezaghebbers van Aruba in de Koloniale Tijdperk
1816-1839 (1945) ” (Koloniaal Archief)), Inventaris 4-10,
ARUBA, Publicatie National Archief Aruba, 2007
Koloniaal Archief, ANA Slaven Register: Geboorten- en overlijden van slaven, 1840-1863”,
Koloniaal Archief, Inventaris van het Archief van de Gezaghebbers van Aruba,
Diverse stukken: 1.Stukken van Algemene aard, Registers: #20, #32 - #34, #44 #44; #48, Journalen: #63 - 65;
Brievenboeken: #79 - 87, #134 - 135, #151-164,
#230 - 240, #281,); Brieven en rekwesten
(verzoekschriften): # 319-322; Statenboeken: #399 – 340;
Bekendmakinen: #443; Geldelijk beheer, Financien:
#501-504; #522, #531, 532, 533; Koloniale Verslagen:
#635; Taakuitvoering(belastingen: #781-784
Koloniaal Archief, Inventaris van het Archief van de Commandeurs van Aruba.
Diverse stukken: Register van ingekomen (dispositien) e missiven..., #7,; Register, betreffende betaalde belasting op Slaven
1845-1860, #8; Bijzondere onderwerpen: #14, #17, #19.
Nooien, R.H., “Millefiori di Aruba”, (IMPRIMATUR) J.M.Holterman, Epesc. Guill. 10-01-1965.
Paula, A.F. “ ‘vrije’ Slaven”, Centraal Historisch Archief, Universiteit van de Nederlandse Antillen, Walburg Pers. (Proefschrift
“Van Slaaf tot Quasi Slaaf” verdedigd aan Rijks universiteit
Utrecht 12 juni 1992).
P.B’s 1816-1851, Lijst van Publicatien, Notificaten, Reglementen, Tarieven, Ordonnantien en andere wettelijke verordeningen
op Curaçoa, Bonaire en Aruba, van af 1816 tot en met 1851
van der Lee, T. Onderzoekgids: “Curaçaose Vrijbrieven 1722-1863”, Den Haag, Algemeen Rijksarchief, 1998.

• Genlias.nl ( reemplasa pa Wie was wie.nl)

• Ancestry (www.ancestry.com)

• Koninklijke Bibliotheek (www.kb.nl)

• Ga het na Archief (www.gahetna.nl)
D Durante e trabounan riba e buki aki mi a siña conoce y reconoce mi
raiz den mas profundidad. Mi rumannan y ami tawata tin e suerte
di cu mi wela a bin biba su viejez cerca nos. Tawata frecuente e ano
chinan cu esnan mas hoben den famia tawata sinta
abou den veranda pa scucha e storianan / histor
ianan cu mi wela, Anna Clara Dubero-Vries, tawata
conta. Tin anochi e storianan no tawata di famia,
pero di voorboor, bola di fuego of otro misterio di
nos isla. Despues di scucha storia bo ta subi cama
yen di miedo. Otronan mester a wordo hiba cas,
paso nan tawata tin miedo di bay na pia den e scu
ridad. Pa mi tawata interesante scucha e storianan /
historianan di famia. Mi tawata scucha bon y mañan
lanta y cuminsa haci pregunta. Mi mama, Olga, tawata bisa mi: “laga
e defuntonan sosega”.
En todo caso, mi tawata pone bon atencion na e storianan / his
torianan di famia, cu awor ta sirbi mi di guia den e buskeda di mi
raiznan. Cu e berdadnan y e mitar berdadnan cu mi a scucha den mi
infancia, encuanto mi grandinan, mi a cuminsa mi buskeda.
Algun hayazgo a sorprende mi, pero ningun a bergonsa mi.
Ta gradici: Directiva di ADA Aruba y Sr. Raymond Hernandez, Hefe di
Archivo Nacional Aruba, cu a confia den mi pa a guia e proyecto aki;
Amigonan di Archivo Aruba pa e inversion haci; coleganan di Archivo
Nacional Aruba, voluntarionan di Archivo Nacional Aruba: Shon Fi
Angela y Ronni Marugg, Departamento di Enseñansa di Aruba: Sec
cion di Desaroyo di Curiculo y Sra. Aurita Arends pa e respaldo duna
den e realizacion di e proyecto aki. Archivo Nacional Corsou: Sr. E.
Gibbes, Sra. Modianne Cathalina y sra. Jeanine, Amigonan di Ar
chivo di Corsou: Sra. Helma Maduro Molhuijsen, Sra. Els Langenfeld,
kendenan a duna un man pa saca e ultimo informacionnan rekeri pa
finalisa e publicacion aki, for di Archivo Nacional Corsou.