Full Text / Transcription of https://coleccion.aw/show/?ANA-DIG-THENEWSARUBA-D0068-01-20070216-DOC
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Arubabank celebrates Carnaval! An annual tradition, the Arubabank crew takes over the back room at Club Bahia to hold their
rousing Carnaval party, and this year was another success as the employees from their many branches danced the night away to the music of the Tsunami band. Each Arubabank branch organizes a presentation as does the various groups that take part in the
official Carnaval events, with the employees garbed in themed costumes, and presenting an Arubabank Carnaval Queen candidate. They compete in their presentation of being Most Lively Branch, Best Costumes, etc, just as do Carnaval groups. It is great fun for all the staff, and infuses everyone with the Spirit of Carnival. Beautiful costumes, lovely queens, and big smiles as they danced the Carnaval dances ruled the
night at Bahia last Friday evening, a wonderful start to the final Carnaval weekend, and a great prelude to Jouvert Morning!