Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
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September 17, 2024
Do you know the 3 branches of US government? Many don’t, leading to a push for civics education
This photo made available by the U.S. National Archives shows a portion of the first page of the United States Constitution. Associated Press
By A.G.BREED/T.SULLIVAN AP National Writers BLUFFTON, South Carolina (AP) — On the first day of his American National Government class, Prof. Kevin Dopf asks how many of his students are United States citizens. Every hand shoots up. “So, how did all you people become citizens?” he asks. “Did you pass a test?” “No,” one young woman says tentatively. “We were born here.” It’s a good thing. Based on his years of making his students at the University of South Carolina Beaufort take the test given to immigrants seeking U.S. citizenship, most would be rejected. “Thirty, 35% of the students will pass it,” says Dopf, a retired Army lieutenant colonel and former West Point instructor. “The rest of them are clueless. I mean, they’re just clueless.”
Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort Embarks on Renovations for Enhanced Dining Experience at its Famous Tara Lounge
and Elements Restaurant
Page 7
Continued on Page 2
UP FRONT Tuesday 17 sepTember 2024 A2
Do you know the 3 branches of US government? Many don’t, leading to a push for civics education
Continued from Front
Most states require some sort of high school civics instruction. But with a recent survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center showing that about a third of American adults can’t name the three branches of the federal government, many think we should be aiming higher. Over the past few years, a small but growing number of states have begun requiring students at publicly funded colleges to complete a civics requirement. That comes as polling indicates civics education is wildly popular across the political spectrum. Civics — the study of citizens’ rights and responsibilities — fosters a sense of unity, advocates say, and an ability to deal with disagreement. It empowers citizens, and many people believe it could help heal America’s divides. Having it in higher education means they can look at issue in more sophisticated ways, perhaps weaving it into other classes. “I feel we are in the business for making a case for America,” said Louise Dube, head of iCivics, which promotes civics education. But what does it mean when those talking about civics often can’t be, well, civil? Take North Carolina, where lawmakers and academics got into a heated battle over who should decide how civics would be taught. Last year, North Carolina Republicans introduced the REACH Act, an acronym for “Reclaiming College Education on America’s Constitutional Heritage.” The bill required undergraduates to take at least three credit hours in American government and read a series of major U.S. history documents, from the Declaration of Independence to Martin Luther King Jr.’s 1963 “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” They would also have to pass a final exam worth 20% of the final grade. If the bill seemed anodyne on the surface, it met with intense pushback. Critics pointed to the bill’s “reclaiming” title, its attempt to dic
tate curriculum usually set by professors and that it was drafted by Jameson Broggi, an avowedly conservative U.S. Marine Corps captain and lawyer who has said curriculum must include “devotion to American institutions and ideals.” The North Carolina act easily passed the state House in March 2023 and a first reading in the Senate. It seemed on its way to victory. University of North Carolina officials and faculty were not happy. “We tried to slow this down in House but had zero success,” Bart Goodson, senior vice president of government relations for the 16-school UNC system wrote to a fellow administrator in an April 2023 email, obtained by Broggi through an open records request. “It was a ‘wrap yourself in the flag’ type bill and anyone who spoke against was essentially viewed as nonAmerican,” Goodson wrote. So, as the idea moved slowly through the legislative process, UNC faculty took matters into their own hands. Wade Maki, chair of the UNC faculty assembly, worked with professors from four other campuses, including two historically Black universities, to draft a set of learning outcomes. They studied what’s being done in other states. The resulting proposal, called the “Foundations of Ameri
can Democracy,” mirrors the REACH Act in many ways. They even added Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address to the list of required documents. It seemed like everyone wanted the same thing. But supporters of requiring civics through legislation were troubled – why did the faculty object to their version? “What are these people afraid of?” asked Michael B. Poliakoff, president and chief executive officer of American Council of Trustees and Alumni, which helped Broggi draft the North Carolina act and a similar one that passed in South Carolina three years ago. “As if understanding the founding documents and the pivotal moments in our history, culminating with letter from Birmingham Jail, would be too disturbing, too retro.” That’s not the point, the academics say. Unlike standards in K-12 schools, college faculty typically decide the content of individual courses. It’s seen as a core of academic freedom. “Faculty are the primary owners of the curriculum.” says Maki, who teaches philosophy at UNC-Greensboro. “We know what works in ways that sometimes someone outside of higher ed may not know what works.” The UNC board of governors, all 24 of whom were appointed by the GOP-led
legislature, unanimously approved the plan in mid-April. Details are still being ironed out, with the requirement applying to students entering the system starting July 2025. (The NC REACH Act’s sponsors, displeased with the UNC plan, have vowed to revive the legislative effort next year.) According to the conservative, New York-based Civics Alliance, legislation in at least 10 states — Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Missouri, Nevada, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming — require undergraduates at public universities to take at least one American history and/or government course. The requirement is being enacted, or at least discussed, in other states. And the Alliance — which rails against “identity politics” and “radical New Civics activists” — is looking to spread the word. The organization has created model legislation that calls for the “’study of and devotion to America’s exceptional and praiseworthy history.’” David Randall, the alliance’s executive director, said its materials had “informed” legislation in Florida, Iowa and Texas, but declined to say what other states might have reached out. Some state college systems, like UNC, haven’t waited for a legislative mandate to act.
For example, students at Indiana’s Purdue University and its satellite campuses can choose from three paths — write reflections after attending six approved civicsrelated events, listen to 12 podcasts and take a series of quizzes or complete one of 13 politics or history courses — and pass an exam. University of Arizona system faculty are currently developing “American Institutions” curricula to fulfill a requirement from the board of regents. Professors acknowledge not all students appreciate the forced civics learning. “Some view it as the vegetable in a meal, some view it as the dessert. For some, the goal is just to finish the meal,” said David Reingold, dean of Purdue’s College of Liberal Arts, who oversaw the implementation of the system’s civics program. The Civics Alliance says America’s colleges, which train K-12 teachers, have been “taken over by a radical establishment determined to replace proper civics education with pedagogies such as Critical Race Theory and action civics ...” Whitney Ross Manzo, an associate professor of political science at Meredith College in Raleigh, says fears about political indoctrination assume “a power that faculty simply don’t have.” “If I could force something on my students, it would be to read their syllabus and do their homework. I don’t have the power to change their political ideology,” said Manzo, who once taught in Texas. Back in Bluffton, Dopf has his work cut out for him. After some introductory remarks, Dopf tells his students to take out a piece of paper and pen. “This is your first test.” The 14 questions are relatively simple: How many members in the U.S. Senate? What are the requirements to be president? How long is the term for members of the House of Representatives? Would-be citizens must get six of 10 answers correct to pass. Dopf holds his students to a lower standard — just seven of 14. As he expected, about 70% flunked.q
Professor Kevin Dopf lectures his American government students at the University of South Carolina Beaufort in Bluffton, S.C., on Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2024. Associated Press
U.S. NEWS A3 Tuesday 17 sepTember 2024
By DAVID SHARP Associated Press PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — A bill introduced after a mass shooting in Maine would require the Army to use state crisis intervention laws to remove the weapons of a service member who is deemed to be a serious threat to themselves or others, U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, the bill’s sponsor, said Monday. The Armed Forces Crisis Intervention Notification Act is aimed at addressing missed opportunities by the military and civilian law enforcement to intervene before an Army reservist who had spiraled into psychosis opened fire at two locations in Lewiston, Maine, killing 18 people and injuring
13 others on Oct. 25, 2023. “We have a chance to help service members in crisis. We have a chance to help protect our neighbors and families. We have a chance to save lives,” Collins said in a statement. Maine’s other senator, independent Angus King, is a co-sponsor of the bill. This bill seeks to ensure communication between state agencies and military service branches after criticism that the Army wasn’t as forthcoming as it could’ve been with state law enforcement officials about the gunman, 40-year-old Robert Card, before the shooting rampage. It requires the military to participate in state crisis actions, including so-called
red flag or yellow flag laws aimed at removing weapons from someone who’s experiencing a psychiatric emergency. Law enforcement officials had known about Card’s growing paranoia, and Card had been hospitalized last summer while his reserve unit was training in New York state. Health care providers who assessed him said he was psychotic and had a hit list, and recommended that he not have access to weapons. Military officials restricted Card’s access to military weapons but Card still had access to privately owned weapons at his home in Bowdoin, Maine. The Army had no immediate comment.
The Sagadahoc County Sheriff’s Office was asked to go to Card’s home and check on his well-being after he’d threatened to “shoot up” the home of his Army Reserve unit, but a
deputy who tried to meet with Card was unaware of details about what happened in New York state or the extent of his mental health crisis.q
By WAYNE PARRY Associated Press ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) — Allowing people to bet on the outcome of U.S. elections poses a great risk that some will try to manipulate the betting markets, which could cause more harm to the already fragile confidence voters have in the integrity of results, according to a federal agency that wants the bets to be banned. The Commodities and Futures Trading Commission is trying to prevent New York startup company Kalshi from resuming offering bets on the outcome of this fall’s congressional elections. The company accepted an unknown number of such bets last Friday during an eight-hour window between when a federal judge cleared the way and when a federal appeals court slammed the brakes on them. Those bets are now on hold while the appellate court considers the issue, with no hearing scheduled yet. At issue is whether Kalshi, and other companies, should be free to issue pre
dictive futures contracts essentially yes-no wagers on the outcome of elections, a practice that is regulated in the U.K. but is currently prohibited in the U.S. The commission warns that misinformation and collusion is likely to happen in an attempt to move those betting markets. And that, it says, could irreparably
harm the integrity, or at least the perceived integrity, of elections at a time when such confidence is already low. “The district court’s order has been construed by Kalshi and others as open season for election gambling,” the commission wrote in a brief filed Saturday. “An explosion in elec
tion gambling on U.S. futures exchanges will harm the public interest.” The commission noted that such attempts at manipulation have already occurred on at least two similar unapproved platforms, including a fake poll claiming that singer Kid Rock was leading Michigan Sen. Debbie Stabenow, which moved the
price of re-elections contracts for the senator during a period in which the singer was rumored to be considering a candidacy. He ultimately did not run. It also cited a case in 2012 in which one trader bet millions on Mitt Romney to make the presidential election look closer than it actually was. “These examples are not mere speculation,” the commission wrote. “Manipulation has happened, and is likely to recur.” Unlike unregulated online platforms, Kalshi sought out regulatory oversight for its election bets, wanting the benefit of government approval. “Other election prediction markets ... are operating right now outside of any federal oversight, and are regularly cited by the press for their predictive data,” it wrote. “So a stay would accomplish nothing for election integrity; its only effect would be to confine all election trading activity to unregulated exchanges. That would harm the public interest.”q
Reflected in a mirror, people watch the presidential debate between Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris, Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024, at the Gipsy Las Vegas in Las Vegas.
Associated Press
Betting on elections threatens confidence in voting and should be banned, U.S. agency says
Law enforcement gather outside Schemengee’s Bar and Grille, Thursday, Oct. 26, 2023, in Lewiston, Maine. Associated Press
After mass shooting, bill would require Army to use state crisis laws to remove weapons
U.S. NEWS Tuesday 17 sepTember 2024 A4
By PATRICK AFTOORA ORSAGOS and MICHAEL RUBINKAM SPRINGFIELD, Ohio (AP) — An Ohio city at the center of a political furor over Haitian migrants canceled
its annual celebration of cultural diversity on Monday in response to days of violent threats that have closed schools and government offices. The governor, meanwhile, said resources
would be surged to Springfield to help city officials deal with the fallout. Springfield’s two-day CultureFest, which highlights diversity, arts and culture, had been scheduled to begin Sept. 27 but was canceled “in light of recent threats and safety concerns,” the city announced. “We deeply regret having to cancel CultureFest, as we know it is a beloved event for our community,” City Manager Bryan Heck said in a statement. “However, the safety of our residents and visitors must come first.” Springfield has been the focus of intense attention in recent days after former President Donald Trump, his running mate JD Vance, and the Republican presi
dential campaign have amplified debunked claims about Haitian immigrants eating domestic pets and waterfowl. Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, a Republican, has denounced the false rumors, saying there is no evidence of it. He said at a news conference in Springfield on Monday that dozens of members of the Ohio State Highway Patrol will be stationed in Springfield schools starting Tuesday, sweeping each building every morning before the arrival of faculty or students. Security cameras have also been stationed at various spots in the city. Springfield City Hall, several schools, and state motor vehicle offices in Springfield were forced to evacuate last week after receiving
bomb threats. At least 33 separate bomb threats were made in recent days, all of them hoaxes, DeWine said. He said some of the threats came from overseas, but declined to name the country. “We cannot let the bad guys win. Our schools must remain open. They are going to remain open,” DeWine said. Two colleges in Springfield held classes virtually on Monday. Wittenberg University said it received two threats over the weekend, “both of which were targeted toward members of the Haitian Community.” Clark State College said it would operate virtually through Friday “due to recent events in Springfield.”q
Republican Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine holds a news conference Monday, Sept. 16, 2024, at city hall in Springfield, Ohio. Associated Press
Ohio town cancels cultural festival after furor over Haitians
By DAVID SHARP Associated Press U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy assured state election officials in a letter released Monday that he’ll work with them to handle their warnings of problems with election mail delivery during the primary season, while insisting that the Postal Service will be ready for the flood of mail-in ballots ahead of the November election. The Postal Service already dealt with most concerns raised by election officials, he said, after they warned that properly addressed election mail was returned a problem that can cause voters to be automatically placed on inactive status and that mail-in ballots were postmarked on time but arrived after election deadlines. DeJoy said that training is already being beefed up for postal employees and that the Postal Service is already in constant contact with election officials and will work them to address quality problems that caused incorrect deliveries or mail to be returned to sender. He also said he’d work with them to avoid
a repeat of “flawed ballot envelope designs,” though many envelopes were already designed and printed, officials said. The Postal Service also has teams in place to tackle mail flagged as “undeliverable as addressed,” or any other problem that might arise with election mail, DeJoy wrote. The concerns were raised by the National Association of Secretaries of State and the National Association
of State Election Directors, even as former President Donald Trump continues to falsely claim he won in 2020 and seized upon the mail delivery troubles to sow doubts about the upcoming election. He repeated his claim Sunday on social media that the Postal Service is not up to the task. In 2020, amid the coronavirus pandemic, election officials reported sending just over 69 million ballots in the mail, a substantial increase
from four years earlier. While the numbers this year may be smaller, many voters have embraced mail voting and come to rely on it. And both Democrats and Republicans have launched efforts to push supporters to vote early, either in person or by mail to “bank” their votes before Election Day on Nov. 5. In a sign of how quickly Election Day is approaching, the first batch of mail ballots were sent last week to absentee
voters in Alabama. Steve Simon, president of the National Association of Secretaries of State, on Monday stood by his assessment that the Postal Service has been slow to respond to concerns. He said that localized problems can be easily addressed but that “larger issues still remain.” “If the nation’s election officials felt these issues had been properly addressed with USPS staff over the last year, then there would have been no need” for the election groups to air their concerns last week, he said. Mandy Vigil, president of the National Association of State Election Directors, agreed “that the issues we’ve raised have not been resolved adequately going into the November election.” In his response, DeJoy acknowledged that a massive network reorganization caused some temporary problems but assured the two bipartisan election groups that changes are now being limited to avoid slowing election mail ahead of the November election.q
U.S. Postal Service trucks park outside a post office in Wheeling, Ill., Monday, Jan. 29, 2024.
Associated Press
Postal Service insists it’s ready for a flood of mail-in ballots
WORLD NEWS A5 Tuesday 17 sepTember 2024
By REGINA GARCIA CANO Associated Press MEXICO CITY (AP) — Venezuela’s main opposition coalition on Monday called on the U.S. to cancel the licenses that allow Chevron and other energy companies to operate in the South American country to pressure President Nicolás Maduro to negotiate a transition from power. The appeal came from an adviser to the campaign of Edmundo González Urrutia, who represented the Unitary Platform coalition in the July 28 election, and his main backer, opposition leader Maria Corina Machado. González and Machado claim their campaign won the vote by a wide margin, contradicting the decision of national electoral authorities to declare Maduro the winner. “We want them canceled … this is a lifeline to the regime,” adviser Rafael de la Cruz said in reference to the licenses during a panel discussion hosted by a Washington-based think tank. “We want all the oil companies to go to Venezuela. So, it’s not about the companies. It’s about the situation that is impoverishing
the country so badly that practically the whole population wants this regime gone.” California-based Chevron is the largest company to have received an individual permission from the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden to do business with Venezuela’s state-owned oil company Petróleos de Venezuela S.A., better known as PDVSA. The Treasury Department sanctioned PDVSA in 2019 as part of a policy
punishing Maduro’s government for corrupt, antidemocratic and criminal activities. Chevron’s license was issued in 2022 after Maduro and the opposition coalition jumpstarted a negotiation process. In October, the Treasury Department granted Venezuela a broad reprieve from sanctions after Maduro and the opposition agreed to work to improve electoral conditions ahead of the 2024
presidential contest. But as hopes for a democratic opening faded, the Biden administration clawed back the relief. The White House left open the possibility for companies to apply for licenses exempting them from the restrictions, which could attract additional investment to the country with the world’s largest proven oil reserves. European companies have benefited from individual licenses.
De la Cruz said the González-Machado campaign wants “to find common ground” with oil companies. But, he said, their presence in Venezuela at the moment give Maduro the ability to try to “normalize … de facto dictatorship that he is trying to set up in Venezuela.” Chevron did not immediately respond to an emailed request for comment from The Associated Press. Venezuela’s electoral authorities declared Maduro the victor hours after polls closed on July 28 but unlike previous presidential elections they never released detailed vote tallies to back up their claim, arguing that the National Electoral Council’s website was hacked. To the surprise of supporters and opponents, González and Machado shortly afterward announced not only that their campaign had obtained vote tallies from over two-thirds of the electronic voting machines used in the election but also that they had published them online to show the world that Maduro had lost.q
By NASSER KARIMI Associated Press TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran’s new reformist president insisted Monday that Tehran didn’t want to enrich uranium at near-weapons grade levels but had been forced to by the U.S. withdrawal from its nuclear deal with world powers. The comments by President Masoud Pezeshkian, in response to a question by The Associated Press at his first news conference, underlines a campaign promise he made to try to see international sanctions on the Islamic Republic lifted. However, it remains unclear just how much room for negotiation Pezeshkian will
have and just who will be in the White House come next year. “I think, we said many times, we don’t want to do this at all. We want to solve our technical and scientific needs, we are not looking for nuclear weapons,” Pezeshkian said. “We adhered to the framework written in the (nuclear deal). We are still looking to maintain those frameworks. They tore them, they forced us to do something.” He added: “If they don’t continue, we will not continue,” Pezeshkian’s comments came as Iran enriches uranium up to 60% purity, which is just a short, technical step
away from weapons-grade levels of 90%. Iran long has insisted its nuclear program is peaceful, but Western nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency say Iran had a military nuclear program up until 2003. Iran’s supreme leader, the 85-year-old Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has opened the door to possible negotiations by earlier telling its civilian government there was “no harm” in engaging with its “enemy.” There have been indirect talks between Iran and the U.S. in recent years mediated by Oman and Qatar, two of Washington’s Middle East interlocutors when it comes to Iran.
Pezeshkian’s new foreign minister, Abbas Araghchi, also was deeply involved in negotiating the 2015 deal. Pezeshkian, asked if he’d meet or talk with U.S. Presi
dent Joe Biden or whoever wins the November election, said that Washington should return to the nuclear deal first, then “we will talk, there is no dispute”.q
Gas is flared at the Jose Antonio Anzoategui oil complex in Barcelona, Anzoategui State, Venezuela, Tuesday, Jan. 9, 2024.
Associated Press
Venezuelan opposition calls on U.S. to cancel oil company licenses to pressure Maduro
Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian speaks during his press conference in Tehran, Iran, Monday, Sept. 16, 2024. Associated Press
Iran’s president insists Tehran wants to negotiate over its nuclear program
WORLD NEWS Tuesday 17 sepTember 2024 A6
RABAT, Morocco (AP) — Moroccan security forces stopped groups of people who sought to force their way across the border into
Spain’s North African enclave of Ceuta following a call on social networks for a mass migration attempt, authorities said.
Some attempted to breach a border fence that has long been a flashpoint for sporadic migration tensions, but none successfully made it into Spain, the Spanish Interior Ministry said Monday. It said Spanish and Moroccan security efforts over recent days “allowed the situation to be brought under control.” Online messages in recent days had called for people to head for Ceuta on Sunday to cross the border into Europe. Videos posted by local networks showed groups of people in the hills around the Moroccan border town of Fnideq, and a heightened Moroccan security presence, including heli
copters. Moroccan authorities also arrested 60 people suspected of inciting a mass migration attempt on social networks, Moroccan intelligence agency DGSN said in a Facebook post. On Monday, scores of security personnel were deployed to the area. Groups of people, who had heeded the calls on social media to breach the border fence and reach Spain, dispersed. Still, some attempted to cross but were thwarted by security forces that maintained a strong presence on land and sea along the border at Ceuta, activists said. Many of those who headed to the border on Sunday
from Fnideq and beyond were Moroccans of all ages, including minors, said Achraf Mimoun, a Moroccan human rights activist. The groups also included migrants from sub-Saharan Africa, Algeria and other places, who have lived in the region, waiting for the opportunity to cross into Europe, Mimoun said. “This is not the first anonymous invitation promoted on social media networking sites,” Mimoun said. Such campaigns were disseminated before, and there are “social and economic reasons” behind large groups of people attempting to breach the border fence at any cost, Mimoun said.q
By LORNE COOK Associated Press BRUSSELS (AP) — An influential French member of the European Union’s powerful executive branch resigned on Monday, criticizing the leadership of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen just as she tries to assemble a new team for the next five years. Thierry Breton, a French business executive and commissioner for the EU’s vast internal market who recently clashed with tech billionaire Elon Musk, suggested that von der Leyen had gone behind his back to get another French official named in his place to the next commission. In a post on X that contained his resignation letter to the EU’s top official, Breton said that von der Leyen’s move was “further testimony to questionable governance I have to conclude that I can no longer exercise my duties in the College.” The commission proposes legislation for the EU’s 27 member countries and ensures that the rules governing the world’s biggest trading bloc are respected. It’s made up of a College of Commissioners with
a range of portfolios similar to those of government ministers, including agriculture, economic, competition, security and migration policy. Breton’s surprise resignation came just 24 hours before von der Leyen was due to announce her new team to the European Parliament. The commission was sched
uled to start work on Nov. 1, but speculation is rife that it might not get down to business before January. European Commission spokeswoman Arianna Podesta said that von der Leyen had accepted Breton’s resignation and thanked him for his work during her first term. Podesta declined to com
ment on his very public criticism of the president’s leadership. Within hours, President Emmanuel Macron nominated France’s foreign minister, Stéphane Séjourné, in Breton’s place. The commission couldn’t say who might take over Breton’s responsibilities, which have included efforts to expand
Europe’s defense industry to make more weapons and ammunition for Ukraine. With an eye to keeping a gender balance within the commission for her second term at the helm, von der Leyen had asked each member country to supply the name of a male and female candidate for policy commissioner. Most only proposed one candidate, often a man. Von der Leyen, a former German defense minister, has been pressing smaller countries to change their minds. In recent weeks, a man who was the preferred candidate of the government in Slovenia withdrew and a woman was proposed in his place. But France is no small EU country. It ranks, along with Germany, at the top of the bloc’s political heavyweights. Von der Leyen decides which country gets which portfolio, and some of them, like those involving trade or finance or EU enlargement, are coveted by certain countries. Plum jobs like the post of vice president the commission has seven of these are also much sought after.q
European Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton speaks with the media as he arrives for a meeting of EU foreign and defense ministers at the European Council building in Brussels, on Nov. 14, 2023.
Associated Press
A French member of the European Commission resigns and criticizes President von der Leyen
People thought to be migrants stand on top of hill at the Tarajal border in the Spanish enclave of Ceuta, Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024.
Associated Press
Morocco stops migration attempt into Spanish enclave of Ceuta
LOCAL A7 Tuesday 17 sepTember 2024
Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort Embarks on Renovations for Enhanced Dining Experience at its Famous Tara Lounge and Elements Restaurant
Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort is embarking on a dynamic dining transformation, featuring both interior and exterior renovations along with refreshed, planet-forward menus designed to delight the senses and enhance the guest experience. The transformation kicks off with renovations at the resort’s Tara Lounge, home to its renowned Sunday brunch, which will be completed by October 15th, 2024. Following this, the beachfront Elements Restaurant—famous for its "View to Dine For" and recognized as one of TripAdvisor's Top Date Night Spots in the World—will undergo its own transformation from October 15th to December 15th, 2024. During this time, Tara Lounge will temporarily serve as the dining venue for Elements, ensuring a seamless experience for our guests. Both venues will not close simultaneously, and we look forward to unveiling these upgraded, upscale spaces just in time for the holiday season.
An artisan approach befitting this one-of-a-kind resort Ranked as Tripadvisor’s No. 21 Best Hotel in the World, Bucuti & Tara continues its dedication to providing world-class experiences, partnering with like-minded vendors and suppliers who share its commitment to excellence and sustainability.
The resort’s award-winning Elements Restaurant and Tara Lounge are undergoing a design renewal in collaboration with the Netherlands-based interior architecture firm FG Stijl. Known for crafting luxurious, bespoke interiors in boutique hotels around the world, FG Stijl’s founder Colin Finnegan brings his signature blend of elegance and functionality to Bucuti & Tara. Every detail is designed with care, incorporating custom-made furniture and artisanal craftsmanship to create spaces that feel both unique and timeless.
Bucuti & Tara community-first ap
proach and commitment to supporting the local economy sees it exclusively employing Arubabased construction vendors and tradespeople for the renovation projects. A firm follower of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, Bucuti & Tara’s proud investment in the local workforce exemplifies SDG 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
A View to Dine For: A new look for laidback luxury In a world where time and space are the new luxuries, comfort reigns. Functional, yet captivating, the renovations will create spaces where guests feel welcomed as close friends, where they can relax in the present and savor their meals as much as their conversations. Each of the materials, textures and colors draw on Aruba’s rich history and its very nature that Bucuti & Tara works tirelessly to protect.
The Tara Lounge, adorned with a palette of soft whites, creams, and dark wood tones, will feature a vaulted ceiling that allows sunlight to pour in. Thickly webbed chairs and plush cushions invite guests to relax and linger in comfort.
Elements Restaurant will feature a new live-cooking buffet placing guests in the heart of the culinary experience. The restaurant will be rejuvenated with a refined color scheme of rich browns, soft neutrals and delicate touches of lush color, all enhanced by subtle, ambient lighting. Guests can enjoy a mix of cushioned settees and webbed chairs, set against the backdrop of the restaurant’s expansive deck
that overlooks the resort’s masterpiece - its prized stretch along iconic Eagle Beach with its white sands and turquoise waters.
As the Caribbean’s most eco-certified property and the region’s only carbon-neutral hotel, Bucuti & Tara is committed to sustainability. All materials used in the renovations align with globally recognized LEED standards, ensuring that environmental impact remains at the forefront of this project.
Elevated surroundings complemented by new dining experiences Accompanying the new look and feel of Bucuti & Tara’s dining spaces will be refreshed culinary offerings. The resort’s culinary team will debut new menus that will continue its pioneering commitment of offering planet-forward, sustainable dishes. Guests can select from nutritious options and plant-based dishes, with new offerings such as açaí bowls, watermelon bruschetta and beetroot hummus with vegetarian falafel.
The new culinary creations will feature close partnerships with local producers, fostering continued growth and support for the local community. Examples include vegan based ice cream cocktails, locally-grown microgreens, fresh handmade pasta and sustainably sourced protein.
This invigorating new chapter at Bucuti & Tara promises to provide an unmatched sensory experience where design, cuisine, and sustainability meet.q
To learn more, visit
LOCAL Tuesday 17 sepTember 2024 A8
Aruba to me
ORANJESTAD — You are back and we would like to portrait you! By inviting you to send us your favorite vacation picture while enjoying our Happy Island.
Complete the sentence: Aruba to me is ……. Send your picture with that text (including your name and where you are from) to:
[email protected] and we will publish your vacation memory. Isn’t that a special way to keep your best moments alive? Please do note: By submitting photos, text or any other materials, you give permission to The Aruba Today Newspaper, Caribbean Speed Printers and any of its affiliated companies to use said materials, as well as names, likeness, etc. for promotional purposes without compensation. Last but not least: check out our website, Instagram and Facebook page! Thank you for supporting our free newspaper, we strive to make you a happy reader every day again. For today we received a lovely message from Shannon Flaherty from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
She wrote to us saying: “Aruba to me is fun with family and friends! This was my parents 30th visit…we were celebrating the birthday girl Anne’s birthday last week. We’re from Boston we loved the vibes with our friends/family.”
Thank you for sending us this wonderful message sharing what Aruba means to you with us and our readers!q
Aruba Astro Research Int.: Tonight, a very limited Partial Eclipse, Saros 118, will take place
(Oranjestad)—Aruba Astro Research Int. wants to inform the community that tonight, Tuesday night, September 17, 2024, a Partial Lunar Eclipse of Saros 118 will occur, covering North America, Central America, the Caribbean, South America, Africa, and Europe.
In Aruba, the partial eclipse will begin at 10:12 PM, with the maximum eclipse at 10:44 PM, and it will end at 11:16 PM. The penumbral phase will conclude at 12:47 AM on the early morning of Wednesday, September 18, 2024, here in Aruba. Aruba Astro Research Int. will cover the event by taking photos,
making recordings, and attempting to broadcast the event through images via
AAR's Facebook webpage. The event will also be transmitted on TOP FM 95.1 dur
ing the program Hit Express in the Astro News segment.
The shadow that will cover the moon's surface will be only 8% at the edge of the moon. As the moon will be full and a supermoon on September 17, 2024, at 10:34 PM AST (Atlantic Standard Time, local time in Aruba) and 2:34 AM UTC (four hours ahead of our region), this celestial event of a partial lunar eclipse will take place in the south as the moon transits the southern sky, and it will also be a supermoon. We hope the weather will cooperate, and clouds will not block the view. This will be a very limited partial eclipse, with only 8% shadow coverage, making it one of the most limited eclipses in history for Earth's shadow.q
LOCAL A9 Tuesday 17 sepTember 2024
Paseo Herencia; An exciting destination for leisure and entertainment
NOORD — Paseo Herencia, situated in the heart of Palm Beach and within walking distance from the high-rise hotels, beckons with a diverse array of shopping, dining, and entertainment options in an outdoor setting.
Shopping Paseo Herencia presents a captivating selection of stores catering to various preferences, encompassing beachwear, apparel, fragrances, footwear, jewelry, keepsakes, and much more. Unwind at Maggy’s, indulging in their salon services while exploring a range of beauty products. For a memorable gift crafted from natural ingredients, explore Aruba Aloe's offerings. Iconic brands like Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein, Aldo, Carmen Steffens, Nike, and Pandora stand among the favorites.
Dining Embark on a global culinary journey at Paseo Herencia's diverse array of restaurants, each offering a unique dining experience. From the vibrant flavors of Iguana Cantina's Mexican cuisine to the Spanish elegance of Xixon Spanish Restaurant, the innovative fusion of Pizza and Sushi at Fusion Cuisine, the grilled delights of Skewers Grill, the comfort of The Lazy Turtle, the creativity at Drunk's Denial, and the seafood sensation of Sexy Shrimps Bar, and the familiar warmth of Starbucks, indulge in an unforgettable gastronomic adventure that spans the world's finest cuisines, all within the charming ambiance of our outdoor center.
VIP Cinema Indulge in an unparalleled cinematic experience at Caribbean Cinemas VIP, nestled on Paseo Herencia's second floor. Relax in supremely comfortable reclining seats while enjoying movies on high-quality screens with state-of-the-art projection and 7.1 Dolby surround sound. Don’t forget to relish the delectable buttery popcorn.
Entertainment Paseo Herencia offers live entertainment from Monday to Friday at 8pm on the center stage, as well as captivating nightly watershows at 7:30pm, 8:30pm, and 9:30pm. Thrill-seekers can explore the Airsoft experience, located behind The Lazy Turtle. For picture-perfect moments, capture Instagram-worthy shots at the Angel Wings installation between Pandora and Free Spirit, or amidst the Flying mosaic hearts behind King Churros. There's more fun in store with delightful kids' activities, including a Kid’s carousel and train ride, available every day from 6 pm to 10 pm.
Parking is complimentary for up to two hours when shopping, dining, or enjoying a movie at Paseo Herencia. Simply present your purchase receipt to the parking cashier. For more details on specials and events, visit the Paseo Herencia website at
LOCAL Tuesday 17 sepTember 2024 A10
The stories of “Compa Nanzi”
(Oranjestad)—The most popular character you may hear about in the Caribbean is Anansi, known locally on Aruba as “Compa Nanzi”. Local children grew up hearing the tales of the conniving spider, and his legacy forms part of the oral narrative tradition that is common in Aruba.
Although the stories are most popular in the Caribbean, “Compa Nanzi” is not entirely unknown globally, especially not in the West African region. Brought to the “new world” by enslaved Africans from Ghana, the historical thread of how Nanzi was introduced on Aruba follows the enslaved Africans in Curacao during the colonial era, which saw the biggest population of enslaved Africans in the Dutch Caribbean. The stories of Compa Nanzi were a sign of hope for freedom among the slaves, who passed around different stories involving the famous spider through word of mouth, due to not being able to express their native culture in the new world. These stories were a way to not only preserve their culture, but it acted as a medium for relief during the harsh treatment to which they were subjected to. It wasn’t until the end of the nineteenth century that the stories of Nanzi were written down in different languages. However, not all stories are completely alike in every country, as is the risk of oral story telling. However, one thing will always be dominant in Compa Nanzi’s stories: his sneaky ways to get what he wants! How Nanzi fooled the king One day Nanzi was taking a stroll near the castle of Shon Arei, the king. He had this sudden urge to walk in. He didn’t think too much about it and committed to what he had in mind. It was a warm afternoon, and the castle personnel were taking their afternoon nap. Even the soldier guarding the castle door was fast asleep, snoring so loud that his beard bounced up and down on his chin. Nanzi just slipped past him, looked
back for a moment then walk right on in. Nanzi stumbled upon the king’s quarters. With all his excitement he sat in the king’s throne, and put on his crown that was hanging on the side of the throne. It was very hot that day, and it wasn’t long until Nanzi too fell asleep, right there on the king’s throne. He was so deep in sleep and snoring so loud, that even when the king found him in his seat, Nanzi did not even notice. Shon Arei was flabbergasted by the sight of Nanzi on his throne, wearing his crown. How disrespectful! “Soldiers, get him!” he commanded. Nanzi was sound asleep, but when the soldiers picked him up, he jumped from fright. By then though, the soldier already had him in their hold. “Put him in a sack, stitch it up and throw him in the ocean!” the king said furiously. Two soldiers immediately entered the chamber, took the crown off Nanzi’s head and pushed him in a sack. Nanzi was terrified; it looks like this time he won’t get away with his schemes. To get to the ocean, the soldier walked a long distance, and where beginning to feel very thirsty. Luckily they passed by a pub, and decided to have a nice cold beer. They set the sack with Nanzi in it outside and went to enjoy the refreshments. Nanzi was still trembling with fear in the sack. What is that he hears? A herd of sheep walking by? “Compadre, listen here!” Nanzi screamed as loud as he could. The sheep herder got close to the sack. “What is this?” “Man, there is something very beautiful in here that you can see. It’s very rare and strange, but indeed, there is something so beautiful in here that you’ve never seen or will ever see,” Nanzi told the herder. The herder, very dumb, believed Nanzi’s word. “Let me see!” he said. “Well if you must insist,” Nanzi said, “I’ll let you take a look, but only for a quick second.” The herder
opened the sack, and Nanzi immediately jumped out. Before the herder could even take a look into the sack, Nanzi pushed him in it, and the herder fell head first in. Nanzi didn’t waste any time, and closed off the sack real tight. He then picked up the herder’s hat and starting walking behind the traveling sheep as if nothing happened. After a little while, the soldiers headed back outside to continue their journey. As they picked up the sack, the poor herder started screaming to let him out, but the soldiers ignored him, thinking it was Nanzi. Shon Arei went strolling a while later. He thought to himself: “This time Nanzi could not get away with his foolishness. He probably drowned in that sack ages ago.” That is why, when he saw Nanzi walk behind the herd of sheep on the street, he was flabbergasted again. “Nanzi! Aren’t you suppose to be at the bottom of the ocean floor?” “I was, Your Majesty,” Nanzi replied. But you know what, there is so many things to see down there in the sack! Like this herd of sheep. Seeing that they had no herder, I started walking behind them and gained their trust pretty quickly. At the bottom of the ocean there are so many wonderful things, like diamonds, and bags of gold. Chests of silver and other precious stones,” Nanzi told the king. “What is that you say?” the king was intrigued. “I want to see it too!” The king immediately demanded to his soldiers to be put in a sack and be placed in the ocean. Naturally, Shon Arei died because of this. He was never found again. Nanzi followed the soldier back to the castle, where sat once again on the late king’s thrown and put his crown on. He took possession of all of Shon Arei’s belongings, and lived the rest of his life as king. Story and pictures are from “Kon Nanzi a Nek Shon Arei (i otro kuentanan antiano di e araña sabi)” by Nilda Pinto.q
LOCAL A11 Tuesday 17 sepTember 2024
The legend of the Kibrahacha tree
(Oranjestad)—The Kibrahacha is a famous tree known locally for its bright, yellow flowers that blooms for just three days. Scientifically known as Tabebuia billbergii, and in English as the Yellow Poui, this tree is native to the Caribbean islands of Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao, and is considered among locals as one of the most spectacular trees on the island. But did you also know that the beautiful yellow flowers have a story behind them?
The Kibrahacha is said to have extremely hard wood—so hard that it can break an axe. In fact, that’s what its name means in Papiamento: “kibra” (break) “hacha” (axe). The flowers bloom around April and May, but this only last for about three days, as the flowers start to fall off and the tree starts growing its green leaves. The Kibrahacha is especially particular, as it’s the only one among its neighboring trees to starts blooming first.
The legend of the Kibrahacha Written by Hubert (Lio Booi)
One day Aterima, who lived west of the hill Sero Warawara, woke up one day to find her father sleeping in his hammock, suffering a bout of terrible fever. Her mother was very worried, and as was the custom in the olden days, asked Aterima to go fetch Kudawecha, who was a epistemophile, to come see his father.
Aterima wasted to time and went to go fetch Kudawecha. Upon telling Kudawecha that her father was sick, he immediately accompanied Aretima back to her hut, where he encountered her father in a bad state. Not willing to waste any time, he told Aretima that the only thing that can cure her father is a home-made potion made out of the Kibrahacha flower. At the time the Kibrahacha was not yet in her blooming season, but the stubborn Kudawecha was determined to bring back Aretima’s father back to health, and so off they went to the nearest Kibrahacha tree.
When they arrived at the tree, they saw that it was covered head to toe in thorns, with only a few closed flowers at the very top. Kudawecha, experienced veteran in all things Aruban flora and fauna, told Aretima to start plucking the thorns of the tree to climb to the top where the flowers are. Aretima, just as determined to save her father, didn’t hesitate to start.
To her surprise, every time she plucked a thorn of the tree, a bright, yellow flower bloomed in its place. The thorns were hard to pluck out, but Aretima continued plucking with enthusiasm and wonder at the unfolding sight before her. Not too long after she was able to fill her entire satchel with the yellow flowers. Kudawecha, satisfied to see Aretima so happy and encouraged to help her father, took her back to her hut.
Upon arriving back at the hut, Aretima’s mother quickly made a tea out of the flowers and gave it to her sick husband. Miraculously,
after just one sip of the tea, the father’s fever left his body immediately, and he opened eyes and sprung up feeling new.
The next morning, they all visited the same Kibrahacha tree that saved the life of Aretima’s father and they saw another miracle. The tree was covered again in the same bright, yellow flowers, with not a thorn in sight. And as the legend goes, from that day on, the Kibrahacha tree no longer produced any more thorns.q
How Aruban beaches came to be!
(Oranjestad)—We’ve talked about the best beaches to visit on the island before, but have you ever wondered how Aruba got its white, sandy beaches, and why there’s a clear difference between the northern and southern shores? Here are some fun facts about the development of Aruban beaches.
How did Aruba get its white, sandy beaches? Aruba’s beaches have de
veloped over the span of thousands of years. Waves crashing on the rocky formations along our coast line (which consists mainly of coral reefs) have started to wear and tear the reefs over time, resulting in its gradual breakdown. Fish that feed off corals also contribute to this, one small bite at a time. Over the course of thousands of years, as waves continue to crash and fish continue to eat off the corals,
sand starts to accumulate around the area. However, whether the sand stays there is another question to be answered, and this is where we highlight the biggest difference between the northern and southern coast of the island.
The sand that accumulates around a torn coral reef is swept away along with the debris by the ocean stream. However, in areas where it’s shallow and the
stream is weaker, the sand tends to sick to the bottom faster. This is why the beaches in the south—the areas with weaker stream and shallower ocean floors—has sand that stretches for miles. In contrast, the northern area, where the stream is much stronger and the ocean floor is much deeper, there is no sand present—they were swept away with the current!
Why north deep, but south shallow? Ah! Good question…and
interesting phrasing.
Aruba is a continental island. The island actually forms part of South America, and the space between Aruba and the South American continent is simply referred to as land that runs under the ocean. This is why it gets gradually deeper in the south, whereas the ocean floor in the north runs steeply to the bottom. q
Source: archival document provided by the National Archive of Aruba (ANA).
service Tuesday 17 sepTember 2024 A12
Helpful tips for your stay on Aruba
Supermarket hours
Supermarket hours may vary depending on where you are staying on the island. Generally though, most supermarkets are open from 8am to 9 or 10pm, Monday through Saturday. On Sundays, supermarkets generally close earlier; mostly around 2pm.
Since February 2024, Aruba has been categorized as the safest country in the Caribbean by The Telegraph, and many tourist that visit have often told us how they feel safe to explore the island or walk around at night. However, rare incidents do occurs, so keep yourself and your belongings safe.
(Oranjestad)—When traveling to another country, especially for the first time, it is always better to be over-prepared than underprepared. That is why we have a list of basicbut important information that we think may come in handy to Aruba’s visitors.
Electrical power
Aruba generally operates on 110V to 127V supply voltage and 60Hz. There are also three types of out
lets used on the island: type A with two flat prongs; type B with two flat and one grounding prong, and on occasion, type F with two round prong and two earth clips on the side. However, Type A is most commonly found in homes and establishments.
Drinking water
The water that flows through the sinks of every house, hotels and other establishments is distilled and perfectly safe to drink. Aruba’s drinking water exceeds WHO’s international standards for water quality, so there is no need to buy bottled water from the store.
Cruise ship Schedule: September 03 - 24 2024
A13 Tuesday 17 sepTember 2024 BUSINESS
San Nicolas
Police 100 Oranjestad 527 3140 Noord 527 3200 Sta. Cruz 527 2900 San Nicolas 584 5000 Police Tipline 11141 Ambulancia 911 Fire Dept. 115 Red Cross 582 2219
Women in Difficulties PHARMACY ON DUTY
TAXI SERVICES Taxi Tas 587 5900 Prof. Taxi 588 0035 Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300 Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232 A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
Aruba Airport 524 2424 American Airlines 582 2700 Avianca 588 0059 Jet Blue 588 2244 Surinam 582 7896
FAVI- Visually Impaired Tel. 582 5051 Alcoholics Anonymous Tel. 736 2952
Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
Centre for Diabetes Tel. 524 8888
Narcotics Anonymous Tel. 583 8989 Fundacion Contra Violencia Relacional Tel. 583 5400
Dental Clinic 587 9850 Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002 Urgent Care 586 0448 Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic +297 588 0539 Women in Difficulties EMERGENCY
Women in Difficulties TRAVEL INFO
Women in Difficulties AID FOUNDATIONS
Child Abuse Prevention Tel. 582 4433
Women in Difficulties General Info
Phone Directory Tel. 118
Oranjestad: Oduber : Tel.582 1780 San Nicolas: San Lucas:Tel. 584 5119
Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm Tel. 527 4000
Imsan 24 hours Tel.524 8833
Aruba Food Bank Tel. 588 0002
By LAURA UNGAR AP Science Writer Neuroscientist Liz Chrastil got the unique chance to see how her brain changed while she was pregnant and share what she learned in a new study that offers the first detailed map of a woman’s brain throughout gestation. The transition to motherhood, researchers discovered, affects nearly every part of the brain. Although the study looks at only one person, it kicks off a large, international research project that aims to scan the brains of hundreds of women and could one day provide clues about disorders like postpartum depression. “It’s been a very long journey,” said Chrastil, coauthor of the paper pub
In this photo provided by Liz Chrastil, a neuroscientist with the University of California, Irvine, she her holds her newborn son in May 2020.
Associated Press
Scientists show how pregnancy changes the brain in innumerable
lished Monday in Nature Neuroscience. “We did 26 scans before, during and after pregnancy” and found “some really remarkable things.” More than 80% of the regions studied had reductions in the volume of gray matter, where thinking takes place. This is an average of about 4% of the brain nearly identical to a reduction that happens during puberty. While less gray matter may sound bad, researchers said it probably isn’t; it likely reflects the fine-tuning of networks of interconnected nerve cells called “neural circuits” to prepare for a new phase of life. The team began following Chrastil who works at the University of California, Irvine, and was 38 years old at the time shortly before
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she became pregnant through in vitro fertilization. During the pregnancy and for two years after she gave birth, they continued doing MRI brain scans and drawing blood to observe how her brain changed as sex hormones like estrogen ebbed and flowed. Some of the changes continued past pregnancy. “Previous studies had taken snapshots of the brain before and after pregnancy, but we’ve never witnessed the brain in the midst of this metamorphosis,” said co-author Emily Jacobs of the University of California, Santa Barbara. Unlike past studies, this one focused on many inner regions of the brain as well as the cerebral cortex, the outermost layer, said Joseph Lonstein, a professor of neuroscience and psychology at Michigan State University who was not involved in the research.q
BUSINESS Tuesday 17 sepTember 2024 A14
By HALELUYA HADERO AP Business Writer Amazon is reverting to its pre-pandemic policy and will require corporate em
ployees to be in the office five days a week starting next year, CEO Andy Jassy said Monday. Jassy said in a message
shared with employees that the company’s leadership had been thinking in recent months about how to better “invent, collaborate and be connected enough to each other” to deliver the best results for customers and the business. The company decided that bringing employees back into Amazon offices five days a week instead of the three currently required was a way to address that issue, the CEO said. “When we look back over the last five years, we continue to believe that the advantages of being together in the office are significant,” Jassy wrote in
the memo, which Amazon also shared on its website. The policy takes effect on January 2, 2025. Like many other companies, Amazon’s corporate employees worked remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the company saw massive gains from a boost in online shopping. In 2021, the tech giant implemented a policy that allowed leaders to determine how their teams worked. In February 2023, Amazon asked all employees to come back to the office for three mandatory days, resulting in some protests from workers. A few months later, Jassy
said employees who were not happy about the change should learn to “disagree and commit.” He also issued somewhat of a subtle threat, saying it was “probably not going to work out” for those who refused to do so. In his note on Monday, Jassy said the company has observed that it is easier for employees to “learn, model, practice and strengthen” Amazon’s culture and brainstorm when they’re together in person. “If anything, the last 15 months we’ve been back in the office at least three days a week has strengthened our conviction about the benefits,” he said.q
By STAN CHOE AP Business Writer NEW YORK (AP) — Maria Lettini already knew of the backlash against ESG investing when she took over as chief executive of US SIF last year. US SIF is an advocacy group that supports sustainable investing, which encourages investors to consider a wider set of risks including the environment, social issues and corporate governance in hopes of improving their returns. But returning to the U.S. after several years working in the U.K., Letting wasn’t prepared for how widespread the backlash against ESG was. Lettini spoke with The Associated Press about that and sustainable investing generally. The conversation has been edited for clarity and length. Q: Is it true that investors in the U.K. and Europe are more into sustainable investing than in the U.S.? A: In the U.K. and E.U., I would say I think the normal everyday population really cares about those issues. They care about the climate and impacts of climate change. They care about where their food comes from. They
care about workers and a living wage. They care about what they’re doing in their communities and in their own backyards and importantly how that influences and destroys nature not only for their families but also further afield. I don’t think that’s much different than in the United States, if you start from the bottom up. You’ve seen recent polls showing people believe the U.S. needs to do something about cli
mate change. Even if it’s a very partisan issue, the general public recognizes there’s a problem. Where I think you do see some of the difference is as you start to move up the chain. The government is working on two sides. Some parts of the government are very engaged in responding to climate change. Others aren’t. Q: And specifically for investors? A: Globally, I don’t think
there’s a huge divide and chasm between both sides of the pond. But I think there are some hurdles and a bit of a difference in the appetites of some of their clients. Many clients in Europe and the U.K. expect that there will be a consideration of environmental and social risks and opportunities and are whole-heartedly supportive and believe their money managers are taking these criteria into ac
count in a way that will complement their already existing investment philosophy and contribute to outperformance. In the U.S., and a lot of it is probably because of political posturing, there’s a an onus to make sure every single consideration now has a financial impact on bottom lines in the short term. And frankly some of these risks and opportunities will have a longer term horizon. Q: Were you surprised by the volume of anti-ESG movements in this country? A: It was definitely more than I expected. Maybe that’s heightened because I now sit in Washington, D.C. Especially during the height of the ‘anti-ESG’ month in the House last year. I guess I was surprised by the breadth and depth of the pushback. I was surprised, and probably not as well-educated, about how well funded the pushback campaign is, and how politically charged it actually has been. What wasn’t surprising is that it didn’t really stir the pot that much. It didn’t gain momentum. It also didn’t feel like it was consistent with their freemarket discourse. q
Associated Press Illustration/Jenni Sohn)
Sustainable investing advocate says ‘anti-woke’ backlash in U.S. won’t stop the movement
The Amazon campus outside the company headquarters in Seattle is shown on March 20, 2020.
Associated Press
Amazon is requiring workers to be in the office five days a week starting next year
SPORTS A15 Tuesday 17 sepTember 2024
By DOUG FEINBERG AP Basketball Writer NEW YORK (AP) — Caitlin Clark and the Indiana Fever have clinched the sixth seed in the WNBA playoffs. They won’t know where they’re headed for the opening round until at least Tuesday as six of the other seven postseason spots are still undecided. Diana Taurasi and Phoenix are locked into the seventh seed. The WNBA regular season comes down to the final four days this week with all 12 teams playing Thursday to close it out. The postseason begins Sunday. The Fever most likely will be headed to Connecticut, which right now sits as the No. 3 seed. Clark’s WNBA career got started against Connecticut back in May. Clark had an incredible
season, setting both the WNBA single-season assist record as well as the league’s rookie scoring record. She broke the scoring mark on Sunday when she had a season-high 35 points, passing Seimone Augustus’ 744 set in 2006. Clark has 761 points on the season. The Sun trail the Minnesota Lynx for the No. 2 seed by two games with two left. The two teams play each other on Tuesday in Connecticut. The Sun do own the tiebreaker between the two teams. Minnesota could still earn the top overall seed after Sunday’s win over New York. The Lynx trail the Liberty by two games and own the tiebreaker. New York would have to lose at Washington on Tuesday
and at home to Atlanta on Thursday as well as Minnesota win its final two games for that to happen. Who the eventual No. 1 team plays is also still up in the air. Chicago, Washington and Atlanta all sit tied in eighth right now for the final playoff spot. The Dream stayed alive by beating the Mystics in overtime Sunday. Chicago had a chance to go a leg up on the other two teams, but lost at home to Phoenix. Chicago plays at Atlanta on Tuesday with the winner having the upper hand for the final playoff spot. Washington hosts league-leading New York on Tuesday and Clark and the Fever on Thursday. Chicago visits Connecticut that same night. Las Vegas is currently the
four seed. The two-time defending champions could move up to third with two wins and also two losses by Connecticut. Assuming that doesn’t happen,
they’ll face Seattle. The Aces have a one-game lead on the Storm and the two teams play each other on Tuesday in Seattle.q
Las Vegas Aces center A’ja Wilson (22) poses after an WNBA basketball game against the Connecticut Sun, Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024, in Las Vegas. Associated Press
WNBA playoff seeds mostly still undecided as league enters final week of season
By WILL GRAVES AP Sports Writer PITTSBURGH (AP) — Sidney Crosby isn’t sure how much longer he’s going to play hockey. He remains certain, however, where he wants to do it. The Pittsburgh Penguins star signed a two-year contract extension on Monday that runs through the 2026-27 season. The deal, which carries an average annual value of $8.7 million, would keep Crosby in Pittsburgh until nearly his 40th birthday. The agreement came on the eve of Crosby’s 20th training camp with the Penguins, who took him with the first overall pick in the 2005 draft. Crosby had been eligible to sign an extension on July 1. While talks dragged on longer than expected, Crosby said last week he was “pretty optimistic” about something getting done before the season began. Crosby indicated the holdup was merely his lack of clarity on how much longer he intends to play. “Trying to project how you’re going to feel in a
number of years, it’s hard,” Crosby said. “Just making sure that it’s something that made sense for both myself and the team.” The 37-year-old Crosby, a three-time Stanley Cup winner and two-time league MVP, didn’t ask for a raise even though he remains one of the most productive players in the NHL. Crosby
led the Penguins in goals (42), assists (52) and points (94) last season, well clear of the rest of an underachieving club that missed the playoffs for a second straight year. “Sidney is the greatest player of his generation and one of the greatest players in the history of the game,” general manager Kyle Du
bas said in a statement. “His actions today show why he is one of hockey’s greatest winners and leaders. Sid is making a tremendous personal sacrifice in an effort to help the Penguins win, both now and in the future, as he has done for his entire career.” Crosby’s salary staying flat gives the Penguins a little
more wiggle room as the NHL’s oldest team tries to figure out a way to get back into contention. Pittsburgh has missed the playoffs each of the last two seasons after making it 16 consecutive years between 2007 and 2022. Crosby said he received reassurances from Dubas during the negotiating process that the club remains committed to being competitive while trying to build a younger core around Crosby and longtime teammates Evgeni Malkin (38) and Kris Letang (37). “There’s still hunger from the organization (and) ownership to win and a commitment,” Crosby said. “From the time I’ve been here, that’s the case and that’s been there. That’s important.” Dubas said Crosby’s decision to stay at $8.7 million a cap hit that ranks outside the top 40 in the NHL despite having perhaps the most accomplished resume of any active player is symbolic of Crosby’s commitment to helping Pittsburgh rebuild on the fly.q
Pittsburgh Penguins’ Sidney Crosby looks on during the second period of an NHL hockey game against the New York Islanders, April 17, 2024, in Elmont, N.Y. Associated Press
Sidney Crosby signs two-year extension with the Pittsburgh Penguins that runs through 2026-27 season
SPORTS Tuesday 17 sepTember 2024 A16
By ROB MAADDI AP Pro Football Writer It was a rough Sunday for some of the NFL’s best teams in 2023. The 49ers were stymied by the Vikings on the road. The Cowboys got destroyed by the Saints at home. The Ravens blew a double-digit lead in the fourth quarter against the Raiders. The Lions messed up in a home loss to the banged-up Buccaneers. New season. Different challenges. Last year’s records don’t matter. Even Patrick Mahomes and the two-time defending Super Bowl champion Chiefs struggled. They barely escaped with a win over the Bengals when Harrison Butker kicked a last-second 51yard field goal after a defensive pass interference on fourth-and-16 gave them a chance. And, the Houston Texans needed a defensive stand in the final minute to hold off Caleb Williams and the Bears for a 19-13 victory in the last game of the day. Las Vegas, Tampa Bay and New Orleans were the three biggest underdogs in Week 2, according to BetMGM Sportsbook.
So much for point spreads. Gardner Minshew rallied the Raiders (1-1) back from a 23-13 deficit at Baltimore, leading the offense on three scoring drives in the final 12 minutes of a 26-23 victory. Reigning NFL MVP Lamar Jackson couldn’t do much to prevent the Ravens, who were 8 1/2-point favorites, from their first 0-2 start since 2015. Baltimore led the NFL with 13 wins last season and
reached the AFC championship game before losing to the Chiefs. Now, the Ravens have to climb out of a huge hole. Of the 32 teams that have started 0-2 since the NFL expanded to 14 playoff teams in 2020, only Cincinnati in 2022 and Houston in 2023 made the postseason. Just five of the 32 teams even finished with a winning record. “We’re not going to be defined by everyone that’s
saying we’re not any good, that we’re good (or) that the season is over after two games,” Ravens coach John Harbaugh said. “That’s what’s going to be said, and we understand that, but they’re not here; they’re not inside. No one inside is going to say that. We know that we’re a good football team, and we’re going to go keep getting better and better and bet
ter and define the season by the way we play.” The Cowboys (1-1) had won 16 straight regular-season games at home and were 6 1/2-point favorites over New Orleans, which demolished woeful Carolina in the season opener. But Derek Carr and the Saints ran over Dallas the same way Jordan Love and the Packers did in the same stadium in the playoffs last January. Carr, Alvin Kamara and Rashid Shaheed were unstoppable in a 44-19 rout, scoring touchdowns on the first six drives. Saints offensive coordinator Klint Kubiak outcoached Cowboys defensive coordinator Mike Zimmer and New Orleans made a statement against Micah Parsons and Co. “There is a lot of things in this offense the way Klint does things, the way he sets me up for success, puts me in position for success, it allows me to do a lot of things I enjoy doing as a quarterback,” Carr said. “It’s been a really cool marriage of that. And me and Klint are just getting to know each other. We’re only two games in, and so we are still learning each other.” q
New Orleans Saints quarterback Derek Carr reacts after scoring on a keeper against the Dallas Cowboys during the first half of an NFL football game, Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024, in Arlington, Texas.
Associated Press
A rough Sunday for some of the NFL’s best teams in 2023 led to the three biggest upsets