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Dialuna, 18 September 2023 588-0022 HaYa nOS riba: WWW.AWEMAINTA.COM [email protected] AWEMainta
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Dialuna, 18 September 2023 LOCAL 2 AWEMainta
P artido politico di Geert Wilders, esta Partij Voor de Vrijheid, ta den campaña electoral caba pero tin un diferencia grandi den PVV su programa di gobernacion, esta cu practicamente e no ta duna atencion pa e islanan den Caribe, loke ta conoci como Caribe Hulandes.
Wilders kende ta un politico hopi controversial, recientemente a mira Corte di Husticia haya culpabel un di e personanan kende a menasa su periodo y mientras cu e ta trahando duro pa e partido crece, e lider di PVV a dicidi di traha un programa di gobernacion cu ta dedica totalmente na Hulanda.
Ya for di luna di Februari caba di e aña aki, Wilders y su partido mirando cu Gabinete Rutte IV lo tin mucho tempo di biba mas, a cuminsa emiti posternan politico entre otro pidiendo pueblo votado pa sostene su partido: “Stem Ze Weg, Stem op PVV.” Wilders algun tempo atras a mustra cu el lo por a siña algo di un lider politico di Aruba ora cu despues di caida di gobierno di Mark Rutte, el a declara lo siguiente: “Nederland is weer van Ons.”
Un grito cu ta pone hende corda Prome Minister Evelyn Wever Croes na momento cu den un reunion di Parlamento, a declara relaciona cu e contracto cu su gobierno a logra di kibra cu e compania petrolero “CITGO” bisando Parlamento: “E refineria atrobe ta di nos” indicando cu e logra di termina e acuerdo cu e compania Mericano.
POCO ATENCION For di loke por a saca afo di e programa di gobernacion di PVV, ta e hecho cu nan no ta dunando mucho atencion na e islanan di Caribe, paisnan miembro di Reino Hulandes y manera ta su estilo, Wilders ta sostene e hecho cu su e islanan di Caribe
kier ta cu Hulanda nan tin cu acepta Hulanda su cultura, acepta e identidad y cultura Hulandes.
Den e programa di gobernacion di PVV cu ta carga e nomber di “Nederlanders weer op 1,” ni un solo letter ta ser dedica na e relacionnan den Reino pero solamente ta menciona cu “excuus cu a wordo duna recientemente relaciona cu e pasado di sclavitud pa Rey Willem Alexander, tin cu wordo anula. E ta haya cu e islanan di Caribe tin cu siña biba cu e pasado aki, aunke cu e no a bisa esaki den asina hopi
palabra.Motibo di esaki ta cu e lema principal di PVV ta lo siguiente: “De PVV houdt van Nederland. Wij zijn trots op onze cultuur, identiteit en tradities,” loke varios medio di comunicacion ta constata cu e programa aki ta promove hopi intolerancia politico sigur cu loke ta paisnan di Caribe Hulandes. Ta un hecho cu nunca Wilders a sostene e parti di Caribe aki, cuestionando den pasado e motibo di con ta sigui cu e relacion aki pero nunca el a bay den profundo pa vocifera si realmente e ta pro e relacion aki of no.
Geert Wilders kier pa anula disculpa di Rey Willem Alexander
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 AWEMainta LOCAL 3
T a un hecho historico cu nunca lo haya solucion pero cu pais Aruba ta un di e tantisimo paisnan rond mundo cu semper lo sigui padilanti cu “debenan grandi”, ta sin duda ya cu semper e isla aki mester a presta placa pa haci inversion, pa drecha loke tin cu drecha y haci cosnan cu tin cu haci e pais grandi.
Loke a bira e problema awendia ta e partido politico cu a inventa e lema politico di “mega debe”, awe ta para dilanti di un mega debe cu e partido di MEP aki mes a busca y acepta dor di Prome Minister Evelyn Wever Croes, lider di e partido geel.
Notabel ta e hecho cu ainda e partido ta purbando di bende e mega debe riba Mike Eman pero en realidad no tin comparacion pa haci ya cu partido MEP mes a hinca su curpa den un situacion politico cu na e momentonan aki, e no por saca su curpa afo.
Proyectonan di PPP cu ta ser cuestiona ultimo tempo, a inicia inicialmente cu gobierno di Nelson Oduber, pues un gobierno di partido MEP cu a construi entre otro varios proyecto di e sistema aki, entre otro e centro Hudicial na Santa Cruz y algun otro proyecto.
Partido AVP di Mike Eman tambe a logra varios proyecto cu e sistema aki cu e sistema aki, entre otro e proyectonan di oficinanan di MFA den varios bario, e proyectonan grandi di Green Corridor y Watty Vos Boulevard y algun otro, cu a percura pa aumento di debe di e pais pero cual ta proyectonan cu for di algun tempo caba ta confirmando nan balor pa comunidad. CAft y gobierno Hulandes a dicidi cu Aruba no por haci uzo di e sistema aki mas, esta e PPP pero realidad di e caso ta cu na 2017 e gobierno di coalicion di MEP-POR-RED, a aproba un impuesto nobo cu segun e politiconan di e tres partidonan cu a forma e coalicion, lo recorda pueblo semper di loke AVP a haci cu e proyectonan aki.
Awor a bin resulta cu e impuesto cu a haya e nomber di BAVP, tur aña ta haya miyones na impuesto pa cubri gasto di e proyectonan aki cu AVP a ehecuta y na algun ocasion a drenta miyones mas cu a ser anticipa cu e impuesto aki, loke a permiti gobierno di por a crea un fondo pa cubri varios di e proyectonan aki sin problema. Gobierno di MEP for di 2017 sinembargo nunca a duna
cuenta kico a haci cu e impuesto cu a drenta di mas pa loke ta e proyectonan di PPP mientras cu CAft tambe a yega di haci mencion di esaki den un reportahe.
Mayoria pais na mundo tin cu presta placa ora cu tin cu ehecuta n of otro proyecto y Merca ta un di e paisnan cu tin e debe di mas grandi pero na mes momento nan tin mucho mas recurso di pais Aruba pa para responsabel pa esakinan.
Sinembargo no por perde for di bista cu mientras cu CAft, gobierno Hulandes y Tweede Kamer ta preocupa cu financia di pais Aruba, ta un hecho cu for di momento cu e isla aki a haya su autonomia den Reino Hulandes, nunca ningun gobierno a keda sin paga su debenan na tempo. “Coronalening” ta algo totalmente diferente ya cu bou di ningun circunstancia y “ayudo financiero aki den pandemia di covid” lo a bira loke el a bira awe, esta un forma pa gobierno Hulandes drenta den autonomia di e isla aki, pa nan tene un bista con pais Aruba cu tin su “budgetrecht” segun Constitucion mientras cu esaki tin cu sigui keda e trabou di Parlamento di pais Aruba.
No mester di Hulanda, e problema cu tin ta aki na Aruba mes, caminda Parlamentarionan mes tin cu realisa cu na momento cu nan huramenta como miembro di Parlamento, na ta ‘in feite’ sirbidonan di pueblo y no di partido.
Nan tin cu hala atencion di nan propio gobierno, hala atencion di por ehempel un Prome Minister cu a biaha pa Hulanda na cantidad di ocasion sin cu Parlamento tabata na altura di kico e tabata bay firma, kico e tabatin mag di firma y kico no. Awor a tuma un posicion relaciona cu e RAft loke sin duda ta na su luga pero e responsabilidad aki mester ta pa tur momento y tur decision cu por afecta pueblo en general.
Impresionante preocupacion pa 30 miyon di interes pa Hulanda
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 LOCAL 4 AWEMainta
P artido Direccion Politiea di e Leonardo Figaroa, ainda no a registra ni un voto oficial riba su nomber ya cu ainda e partido tin cu bay participa den su prome proceso electoral cu te aworaki lo tin cu tuma luga na 2025. Sinembargo e partido cu ainda no a bira oficial, ta determina pa participa den e proximo proceso electoral y segun sr Figaroa, e ta bin pa haci un cambio radical den politica aki na Aruba. Cu e no falta curashi ta sin duda pero PDP y su lider tin un caminda largo pa cana sigur mirando kico un organisacion politico ta rekeri pero den e caso di sr Figaroa, e ta mustrando cu ta den e
‘trend’ di ultimo tempo, esta di crea un organisacion politico cu lo por produci un of dos asiento, pa asina carga e posibilidad di por bira partner di un partido grandi y asina forma parti di gobierno.
Diabierna ultimo na momento cu e lider di PDP ta dunando declaracion relaciona cu celebracion di Dia Internacional di Democracia, el a bay un tiki leu politicamente na momento di mustra cu riba e dia aki, su persona y tur otro hende, “ta celebra e tirania di e mayoria.” Tirania ta un palabra hopi grandi, hopi pisa ya cu entre otro Figaroa tin cu corda cu e mayoria tirano aki, na cual e ta referi, ta un mayoria minimo cu a haya sosten di e pueblo votado y ta un decision di pueblo y tin cu respeta esaki.
Cu Gabinete Wever Croes II a bin ta fayando formalmente ta un hecho pero na mes momento e gobierno aki ta conta c’un sosten cu e sistema di nos proceso electoral democratico ta para p’e, ta esun cu tin cu wordo respeta. E meta di e partido PNP ta bisto caba, esta aki tambe tin un politico cu ta buscando pa haya sosten pa sikiera haya un asiento of mas pa asina drenta Parlamento of drenta forma parti di un gobierno di coalicion, loke ta na moda ultimo añanan.
Partidonan chikito cu a participa na ultimo proceso electoral di 2021, no ta trahando na e momentonan aki, pa amplia nan partido pa asina traha un lista cu suficiente candidato riba dje, cu cual nan por cambia e situacion cu tur chikito aki ta cuestiona, pero cu no ta presentando e famoso cambio cu ta ser menciona pero no formula. Ta sigui cuestiona e dos partidonan grandi di MEP y AVP pero ningun momento e politiconan aki ta mustrando un iniciativa politico solido cu cual por percura realmente pa un cambio drastico.
PDP tin asina curashi di hasta defini for di prome cu el a ricibi su prome voto di pueblo, ya el a dicidi riba su mes cu e lo traha c’un asina yama “zakenkabinet” sin pensa cu si realmente e logra un of dos asiento den proximo eleccion, e lo por bira un partido cu solamente por participa na un gobierno di coalicion pa forma un mayoria den Parlamento, loke a bin ta e caso ultimo dos periodo di gobernacion.
Loke e lider di PNP Leonardo Figaroa ta presentando na e momentonan aki, no ta algo nobo ya cu tur politiconan na momento di presenta nan partido nobo, lo realisa despues di eleccion cu realmente nan no ta asina grandi y lo pasa loke a bin ta pasando, esta cu partidonan c’un asiento lo acepta pa bira partner di coalicion, aceptando loke partido grandi ta duna nan pa forma parti di gobernacion.
bin bishita nos y probecha!
Paña di bon calidad na bon prijs.
Adres: Avenida Milio J. Croes 47 local 3 Telefon: 5646733 – 5653466 E-mail: [email protected]
Partido Direccion Politiea sin asiento ainda pero cu exigencia!
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 AWEMainta LOCAL 5
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 LOCAL 6 AWEMainta
Peticion pa aprobacion di un plan di parcelación na Oranjestad conforme art. 33 di e Ordenanza di desaroyo teritorial (LRO). E concepto di e plan di parcelacion ta poni pa inspeccion publico na DIP, Sabana Blanco 68, cu reserva di tur derecho cu cambionan por wordo hasi na e parcelacion, durante un luna desde dia 18 september 2023 durante oranan di trabao. Tambe e plan por wordo mira riba www.dip.aw. Interesadonan por entrega te cu un luna despues di e termino aki nan punto di bista por escrito tocante e concepto di e plan di parcelacion serca Ministro di Desaroyo Teritorial, Infrastructura y Medio Ambiente pa medio di e director di DIP.
A ccion contra cacho los of diferente infraccion tocante ley di cacho ta sigui. Cuerpo Policial Aruba tin un team special cu ta haciendo diferente control den bario y a multa diferente persona cu ta iresponsabel cu nan cacho.
A haci diferente control den bario nan di San Nicolas manera: First Stick Hillweg, Saint Peter Hillweg, Diamantbergweg, Red Rock Hillweg, Rooiweg, Weg Fontein, Great Hillweg, Bottom Hillweg, Weg Sero Blanco, Kiviti, Brasil, Caya Bernadina Grovell, Rooi Kochi, Savaneta, Pos Chiquito, Spaans Lagoenweg, Betonicastraat y Sabana Basora.
Binti shete (27) habitante di diferente bario a wordo atendi riba nan cachonan cu ta riba caminda publico di cual bintiun(21) a haña multa y seis (6) diferente habitante a haya un aviso.
A constata cu mayoria hende a haya multa pa no pone suficiente precaucion pa nan cacho sali riba caminda publico of riba tereno di otro persona. Tambe a constata cu dos cacho pitbull a ser laga
KPA ta sigui cu accion represivo
27 Habitante a wordo atendi pa cu nan responsabilidad di nan cacho
atras na un cas na Sabana Basora di cual e doñonan a bandona Aruba y a laga e cachonan pa nan cuenta. A logra hiba e cachonan na Centro Control di Cacho caminda lo busca un doño of persona responsabel pa nan of nan lo por ser adopta.
E controlnan aki lo continua den otro barionan. Nos ta haci un suplica pa cuida bo cacho, mantene bo mes na e ley y reglanan y preveni di haya un multa in desea. E multa ta halto y lo por tin consecuencia pa bo cartera.
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 AWEMainta LOCAL 7
Ten overstaan van notaris mr Chamila Agnella Tromp of haar waarnemer zal op VRIJDAG 20 OKTOBER 2023 om 10:00 uur 's-morgens bij de Kamer van Koophandel (Auditorium) aan de L.G. Smith Boulevard 10, Oranjestad, Aruba, in één zitting bij opbod en afslag in het openbaar worden verkocht, ex artikel 3:268 van het Burgerlijk Wetboek van Aruba: SAVANETA 175-L
een woonhuis met verder toebehoren staande op het recht van erfpacht tot 27 januari 2060 op een perceel domeingrond groot 488 m2, gelegen te Savaneta in Aruba, kadastraal bekend als Derde Afdeling Sectie G nummer 2270
richtprijs: Afl. 229.000,-
- Een onherroepelijk en onvoorwaardelijk onderhands bod kan worden uitgebracht tot en met uiterlijk donderdag 5 oktober 2023 ten kantore van NewLeaf Notary of via email [email protected]. Het biedingsformulier is zowel op het kantoor van NewLeaf Notary alsmede op de website www.newleafaruba.com verkrijgbaar. - Iedere bieder is gehouden, zowel bij het uitbrengen van een onderhands bod als op de veiling zelf, zich te legitimeren met een geldig paspoort of ID en middels een bereidheidsverklaring, een bankgarantie of andere vorm van zekerheid aan te tonen aan de Executant in staat te zijn tot nakoming van zijn bod en de bijkomende kosten. - De Executant behoudt zich het recht voor de executieveiling uit te stellen dan wel op te houden zonder daarvoor de reden te noemen. - Op de veiling zijn van toepassing de Algemene Veilingvoorwaarden voor Executieveilingen (AVVE) en de Bijzondere Veilingvoorwaarden zoals vastgesteld door notaris mr. Chamila Agnella Tromp. Voor vragen of meer informatie kunt u een email sturen naar [email protected] of de volgende website bezoeken:
CliCK aKi pa manDa bO OpiniOn OF COmentariO AWEMainta
e-mail na [email protected]
OpiniOn publiCO
A preciabel redaccion di AWEMainta, mi kier duna un opinion riba ultimo desaroyo politico. A bira tempo pa Gobierno Hulandes, Secretario di Estado, Alexander van Huffelen, Parlamentarionan di 2de Kamer, y 5 Parlamentarionan Arubano, pa nan tuma  tempo, studia e verdrag di Reino y Aruba su Status Aparte di 1983. Cu a drenta na vigor 1-1-1986 y adapta na 1-11996 y nan lo compronde no t’asina facil torno n’esey na nos Status Aparte Arubano.
Prome Minister ta declara cu Aruba no mester tin miedo. Pasobra nunca Hulanda a fia Aruba placa for di 1986 te awe, cu excepcion di e Covid lening. Pa hinca Aruba den un RAFT, manera ex Antillas Hulandes. Semper Aruba a paga 6.5%. Mercado internacional. Awe cu esaki lo no ta diferente.   Redaccion siman pasa mi por a lesa riba pagina 4 cu Cas-Landen Corsou, Aruba, y St.Maarten. Conseha su hendenan di AWEMainta, tuma e curashi di Skirbi semper ACS-Landen Aruba, autonomo 1986. Corsou Semi Autonomo 10-102010, St.Maarten Semi Autonomo 10-10-2010.
Aruba a bira Autonomo na 1986. Anto dicon ta papia di CAS-Landen ta wak con Hulanda y Corsou kier tuma nos pueblo haci lolo di awa. E cos aki mester ta ACS-Landen mescos cu BES-Eilanden.
Mi ta imagina nan bisa SEB-Eilanden Saba, Eustatius, y Boneiro. E no ta bay toch. Awor di con Corsou ta wordo menciona prome??? Laga a bosonan haci e diferencia. Cambia e cos aki.
Pa respeta otro
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 LOCAL 8 AWEMainta
R ecientemente altocomisario di polis drs. Ramon Arnhem a reuni cu Amnesty International. E directora di Amnesty International sra. Dagmar Oudshoor y lider di proyecto Tamara Paul a haci diferente bishita den e region Caribense. Den un combersacion ameno diferente temanan a bin dilanti. Tabata tin temanan cu a ser discuti profundo y critico. Cuerpo Policial Aruba como tambe pais Aruba ta para pa e bienestar y cuido di cada derecho di un ser humano.
“E derechonan aki a wordo logra hopi añanan atras cu sanger, sodo y lagrima. Nos tin di keda mantene e balornan aki y pa cu esaki mester keda refleha criticamente sin cu tur biaha ta e caso.” Tabata palabra di altocomisario drs. Ramon Arnhem, durante e bishita di Amnesty International na Aruba.
Amnesty International a bishita KPA
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 AWEMainta LOCAL 9
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 SUCESO 10 AWEMainta
Chauffeur burachi causante:
Dama y menor di edad herida den accidente na Moko
D iadomingo merdia den careda di 1’or polis y ambulance a bay cu urgencia altura di Moko Market, pa un accidente serio di trafico. Na yegada polis a laga cera ambos banda di caminda, debi cu e auto tawata ariba caminda y no por move.
Tawata trata di un Kia Optima y un Chevrolet Aveo.  Locual a sosode ta cu e Aveo tawata na e market y lo a reverse pero no a tene cuenta cu trafico. E Kia na su turno a trata di evita e boksmento pero envano. Esnan herida tawata den e Kia, tawata un dama y menor di edad.
Na e sitio a yega e ambulance y un Rapidresponder di Imsan, cu ta esun cu a bay atende cu e menor. Por a mira cu tanto e dama y e mucha a bay den ambulance unda cu Paramediconan a atende cu nan. Mientrastanto polis di trafico a yega y mesora a bay atende cu chauffeur di e Aveo. A bay over na test e cu Alco-Sensor y manera nan a sospecha e la surpasa e limite stipula.
Eynan mes e la wordo deteni y a pidi transportwagen pa hib’e warda di polis, unda cu un Subfiscal lo atende cu ne.
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 AWEMainta SUCESO 11
DIGICEL - Data sin fin- Generic PREPAID - 3kl x 150 mm - sept 2022
Monday, September 26, 2022 10:57:41 AM
Accidente entre auto cu brommer
Motociclista levemente herida y brommer confisca
D iabierna den careda di 10’or  y mey di anochi a sosode un accidente entre un brommer  BMW cu un Hyundai Accent, na altura di Certified Mega Mall. Chauffeur di e Hyundai lo a baha caminda y a dal contra e brommer, e motociclista tabata levemente herida. Mesora a pidi pa presencia di polis y ambulance na e sitio. Na yegada ambulance a trata e motociclista na e sitio y despues a transport’e pa hospital.
Polis a cera e caminda, mientras cu polis di trafico a atende cu e accidente. E brommer a wordo tuma den beslag, mirando cu e plachi number no tabata cuadra cu e brommer. E brommer a wordo hiba cu takelwagen pa warda di polis.
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 SUCESO 12 AWEMainta
$ 1 1 0 P E R C O U P L E | C H A M P A G N E I N C L U D E D 1 1 : 4 5 A M - 3 P M | A D U L T S O N L Y | C A S H L E S S
A C I N D O O R & O U T D O O R S E A T I N G
e l e m e n t s a r u b a . c o m | + 2 9 7 5 8 3 - 1 1 0 0 e x t 3
D iasabra marduga algo pasa di 1’or, varios unidadnan policial por a wordo mira cu zwaailicht cendi altura di e pompstation na final di caya. Ta asina cu durante un control polisnan a mira un grupo conoci pa nan, y a dicidi cu lo bay tene un control. E grupo aki segun nos a compronde na e sitio lo tawata haci of a causa problema un rato prome ey mes na e luga di gasolin.
Nissan Fuga Polisnan a blokea e Nissan Fuga momento cu e la subi caminda y asina unidadnan di K9, Santa Cruz y Playa a bay over na baha tur esnan den e auto. Durante e ristamento den e auto a bin haya un arma di candela y algun cos mas cu por a wordo mira ariba e dak di e auto.
Transportwagen a presenta y a bay cu un, mientras e otro dos a wordo hiba den diferente autonan di polis pa warda. Pues tur a wordo separa di otro. A pidi pa takelwagen y tambe pa departamento tecnico cu lo mester haci su parti.
Polisnan atento:
Tres detencion y arma di candela haya den un auto
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 AWEMainta SUCESO 13
D iabierna anochi laat polis di Noord y tambe di trafico mester a bay na e ultimo cas ariba e caminda cu ta bay pa Kapel di Alto Vista. E motibo tawata cu e Ford Explorer color blanco a basha un porta grandi di un cas abou.
Na prome instante a pensa cu lo tin hende herida, pero esaki no tawata e caso. Na yegada di polis di Noord nan ta topa cu un porta grandi benta abou y un auto Ford Explorer para no mucho leu di e porta.
Polisnan mesora a constata cu e chauffeur ta bou di influencia. Ta asina cu a chauffeur bastante bebi lo tawata direccion di e Kapel, pero pa un of otro motibo e bira na su mas robes y ta drenta un caminda di tera. E caminda aki prome cu e yega e cas tawata tin un cadena pa evita auto drenta; pero esaki no a wanta e Ford Explorer cu a ranca esaki y sigui bay bashando un porta grandi abou.
Na yegada di polis di trafico e la pone e chauffeur supla, mientras transportwagen ya tawata yegando. Su yegada e la wordo hiba na e transportwagen unda cu despues nan sali direccion warda di Shaba cu ne. Takelwagen lo mester a bin busca e auto.
Chauffeur burachi a kibra porta di cura di e ultimo cas situa na Alto Vista
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 SUCESO 14 AWEMainta
D iasabra atardi automobilistanan den Playa a tuma nota cu algo lo tawata pasando den un tienda grandi situa den Oranjestad. Por a mira presencia di dos unidad di Brandweer y varios hende a pensa cu e edificio tawata na candela. Pero tambe por a mira ambulance y polis. Locual cu a sosode tawata cu un persona den e luga full ariba a bira hopi malo, y no tawata reacciona. Parce cu e lo no tawata halando rosea, ta trata di un dama.
Mirando unda e la bira y cu e Paramediconan nan so lo no por bah’e, a solicita presencia di nan coleganan di Brandweer. Esakinan mester a yega lihe pa asina uza un stretcher special pa carga e persona y trece full abou unda e ambulance tawata.
Di eynan una bes den e ambulance esaki a sali direccion Hospital cu e persona pa ricibi tratamento medico mas avansa.
Bomberonan mester a yuda baha persona cu a bira malo na piso 4 di tienda
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 AWEMainta COMUNIDAD 15
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 COMUNIDAD 16 AWEMainta
D iabierna atardi, Prome Minister Evelyn Wever-Croes a ricibi e yabi di e edificio completamente remodela di Bureau Interne Diensten (BID) / Magazijn. Prome Minister a indica cu tempo el a bira e minister encarga cu BID Magazijn, e la haci un bishita na e edificio, pa mira e circunstancianan cu e empleadonan tabata traha aden. Na e momento ey, el a haci un promesa na cada un di nan, cu e lo percura, como Minister encarga, pa drecha e edificio y hacie un luga di trabou mas eficaz. Awe cu hopi orguyo, Prome Minister ta ricibi e yabi di su promesa haci y cumpli.
Prome Minister a indica cu BID / Magazijn ta e luga encarga pa cumpra y maneha tur producto necesario pa tur departamento di gobierno. E productonan aki ta varia di pen, potlood, y papel, te na productonan di limpiesa. Gobierno no solamente a remodela e edificio sino a traha un magazijn hopi mas grandi pa nan, creando oportunidad pa amplia e cantidad di compra. Cu e opcion pa cumpra na cantidadnan mas grandi, e prijs di producto lo baha, faboreciendo asina e caha di gobierno. Tambe esaki lo yuda na sirbi e necesidadnan di tur e departamentonan di gobierno mas eficiente.
“E compromiso di Gobierno ta pa percura cu tur empleado publico tin un espacio comfortabel pa traha aden, creando
asina un ambiente mas bunita y agradabel. Mi ta spera cu e edificio nobo aki, crea e ambiente y motivacion necesario pa cada empleado sigui sirbi tur e departamentonan di gobierno y comunidad en general, di e mes manera di loke nan ta bin ta haciendo. Mi ta gradici BID, DOW, y VKH (Van Kessel Havenbouw) pa por a haci e proyecto aki posibel. Tambe na cada empleado cu a traha pa añas largo den circunstancianan menos agradabel, hopi pabien cu boso edificio nobo y un danki di curason pa e trabou cu boso ta bin ta eherciendo” Prome Minister a expresa.
Gabinete Wever-Croes a priminti, y a cumpli!
Edificio di BID/Magazijn a wordo completamente remodela
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 AWEMainta DEPORTE 17
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 DEPORTE 18 AWEMainta
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 AWEMainta DEPORTE 19
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 20 AWEMainta
Fortaleza pa Famia
Sinceramente, Pastor Marcel Balootje
GLORIA na Dios Tata, Yiu y Spirito Santo, Señor nos ta reconoce cu nos mester di Bo. Nos ta wordo bombardia constantemente cu tentacion y mal pensamento cual ta hiba nos na pica y ta daña nos relacion cu Dios. Nos mester arepenti pasobra arepentimento ta haci nos humilde, y ta hiba nos bek na e caminda cu nos por scucha e bos di Dios. Arepentimento ta nifica, conoce nos pica y aparta for di dje, y nos por spera pordon di Dios, un bida confortabel y bendicion.
No tin ningun ganashi den un bida di pica y inmoralidad, mentira, falsedad, apoya maldad mientras cu nos conoce e berdad. Nos tin cu tene cuenta pa nos no cay den e sistema di mundo, pasobra e spirito di seduccion mundano, ta scondi den placa, posicion, orguyo y arogancia, y materialismo.
P’esey Dios ta yama tur hende na arepentimento, pasobra nos tur a peca. Si nos bisa nos no tin pica, nos ta gaña nos mes, y e berdad no ta den nos (1 Juan 1:8).
P’esey Dios den su inmenso amor ta yama nos na lo siguiente: Repenti anto y comberti, pa boso picanan por wordo kita, pa temponan di refrescamento por bin for di e presencia di Señor, pa e por manda Hesus e Cristo destina pa boso (Hechonan 3:19).
Asina Señor di ehercitonan ta bisa; Bolbe cerca Mi, e Señor di ehercitonan ta declara, pa mi bolbe cerca boso, e Señor di ehercitonan ta bisa. (Zacarias 1:3).
Si nos confesa nos pica, E ta fiel y husto pa pordona nos, nos picanan y pa limpia nos di tur inhusticia (1 Juan 1:9). Esun cu sconde su picanan lo no prospera, ma esun cu confesa, y laga nan lo haya misericordia (Proverdionan 28:13).
Si boso ta dispuesto y ta obedece, boso lo come e miho di e tera, ma si boso nenga y rebeldia, spada lo devora boso. Di berdad e boca di Señor a papia (Isaias 1:19-20).
Salmo 103 ta duna nos un pakete completo di e beneficio di Dios ora nos arepenti. E ta demostra nos cu Dios ta pordona, Dios ta separa nos picanan for di nos, Dios tin compasion di nos, mescos cu un tata tin compasion di su yiunan. Tambe E ta corda nos un biaha mas cu Dios ta sana tur malesa y pordona tur pica. Pasobra satanas y su mentiranan ta avansando den mundo, pa degenera e creacion di Dios, poniendo den mente di hende cu nan no ta e creacion cual Dios a crea nan. Asina cu hende ta cuminsa, actua, biba y manifesta den un rebeldia completo contra di nan Creador.
Arepentimento ta duna nos un bista ken Cristo Hesus ta den nos bida. E ta kita e miedo cu pica a trece. Pasobra pica ta trece miedo y berguensa, (Genesis 3:10) y ta e causa cu hende no kier confesa, p’esey nos tin di arepenti diariamente pa e diabel no coy e bentaha riba nos.
Tur caminda di hende ta recto den su mes bista, ma Señor ta pisa curason (Proverbionan 21:2).
Mi admiti mi pica na Bo, y mi inikidad mi no a sconde: Mi a bisa lo mi confesa mi trangrecion na Señor y Bo a pordona e culpa di mi pica (Salmo 32:5).
Nos ta trangresa y ta nenga Señor, y ta bira for di nos Dios, nos ta papia di opresion y rebeldia, y ta pensa y papia palabranan di mentira, cu ta origina den nos curason. Huicio ta wordo rechasa, y husticia ta keda para leu, pasobra berdad a trompica den caya, y integridad no por drenta (Isaias 59:13).
Ta tempo pa arepenti.
E beneficio di arepentimento
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 AWEMainta 21
Acto di entiero lo tuma luga riba diaranson 20 september di 14.00 or pa 14.45 na crematorium DELA Eikelenburg, Eikelenburglaan 7 Rijswijk. Despues nos ta topa otro den e ontvangstruimte. In bez di flor nos lo aprecia un donaction na KWF. https://www.kwf.nl/donatie
casa di Rosita Alida Franken-Jacobs
c Zoetermeer , 13 september 2023
5 Aruba, 25 april 1951
Daniel Marco Franken Dani
Su recuerdo lo no kita nunca for di nos. Bo tabata un bon tata. Un bon famila, tur hende cu a conoce bo a hari. Nos lo no lubidabo nunca.
Nieta y nietonan:
Daniela en Pablo Manuela a Rafael (Lito)
Darwin, Björn, Kezia, Camron, Cezron en Bryce
Mama: Barbara Giel a Tata: Manuel Franken a
Rumanan: David &Alida, Jacinta Rosendo a Henry & Yvonne
Subrino y subrina: Aaron, Oscar, Kimberly
Omo, tanta: Rita & Raymond y yuinan, Aida, Anna, Arie, Dick, José
Compere: Tilo & Mimi Iha: Aaron
Bon amigo: Domi Dijkhoff
Prima y primonan, amigonan y conocir Di mas famia: Franken, Giel, Jacobs, Heyden, Farro, Tromp, Schlingmann, Maduro, Mansell, van der Bliek, Beckers, van den Ende, de Pool, Corales, Dijkhoff, Bermudez, Bergrok, Odor, Thijzen
Nos ta pidi nos disculpa si den nos tristeza nos por a lubida un of otro famia.
ex trahador di Setar
WILLEMSTAD - Diadomingo 17 di september 2023 alrededor di 02.34’or, despues cu Central di Polis a ricibi informacion di un vehiculo den cua tabatin cuater homber cu tabata den posicion di armanan di candela, un unidad policial a topa e vehiculo aki na altura di un pomp di gasolin na Bottelier. Mesora a cuminsa un persecucion tras di e vehiculo aki cu a bin termina na altura di Pletterijweg, na unda polis
Homber ta fayece debi na corto circuito di fan
WILLEMSTAD - Diasabra 16 di september 2023 alrededor di 22.03’or, Central di Polis a dirigi un unidad di warda di polis di Montaña pa un cas na Caya Sero Grandi, na unda lo mester tin un persona for di su conocemento.
Na yegada, e unidad a bin topa un homber for di conocemento drumi abou. For di investigacion a sali na cla cu un fan den un camber di e cas a kima debi na corto circuito y a cuminsa produci un cantidad grandi di huma. Prome cu e habitante aki por a logra sali pafo, probablemente el a inhala hopi huma cu a pone bay for di su conocemento.
Personanan na e sitio a trata na re-anim’e y despues tambe personal di ambulance cu a yega, pero sin resultado. Dokter di polis cu despues tambe a presenta, a constata morto di e homber Jaseron Rofino Wederfoort nace dia 26 di juli 1988 na Corsou. Investigacion den e caso aki ta continua.
Cuater persona deteni pa violacion di ley di arma di candela y ley di opio
a detene e cuater homber den e vehiculo.
Ta trata di e homber sospechoso F.W.B. di 34 aña di edad nace na Republica Dominicana, S.B. di 21 aña di edad nace na Corsou, T.C.A.K. di 25 aña di edad nace na Hulanda y e hoben J.A.R. di 13 aña di edad tambe nace na Hulanda.
Durante di control den e vehiculo, polis a bin topa un arma automatico y un arma di co’i hunga. A confisca ambos. Continuando cu e investigacion den e caso aki, Timd y Aresto hunto cu e personal di e Division Crimen Organisa a tene entrada hudicial den oranan di marduga y mainta na cuater (4) adres den area di Sero Fortuna y na un di e adresnan aki, a haya y confisca un cantidad di balanan skerpi y dos paki di hash.
A presenta e cuater dilanti di un fiscal auxiliar cu a ordena su encarcelamento pendiente di mas investigacion.
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 OBITUARIO 22 AWEMainta
Laga tur loke ta spera mi ta bunita Laga tur locual cu mi encontra na caminda ta bunita Laga tur locual cu mi laga atras keda bunita y Laga esakinan termina den tur buniteza. Autor: Cado Wever.
Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa fayecimento di nos ser stima:
Yolanda F. Webb-Brete Cariñosamente yama “Mama, Mama bieuw, Mama Aya, Tante Yolanda” *10-09-1945 - †11-09-2023
Na nomber di su: Yiunan: Ivy Webb Desiree Webb Soraya Webb
Mescos cu yiu: Edwirah Brete y famia Carianne Rivero y famia
Nieto y nietanan stima: Karolyne y Giovanni Koolman, Kiandrah Webb, Zaylis y Whilmerd Croes, Shaqion Webb
Bisanieto y bisanietanan: Kayra Koolman, Gion Koolman, Zayenne Croes, Xayvion Kock, Raylinne Trimon
Mescos cu nieta: Stefany Maduro, Sheila Beddo, Belki Jose Pelayo
Rumannan: †Mario y Elda Brete y famia Elizabeth y †Adelbertus Britten y famia †Ronny y †Helena Brete y famia Milda y Lucas Maduro y famia Greta y Nico Lampe y famia Edwin y Carina Brete y famia Rudy y Lourdes Brete y famia Michael Lampe
Sobrino y sobrinanan: Elton y Rubiela Lampe y famia Jeremy y Sobella lampe y famia Rayen y Jovanca y famia Ruthlina Brete y yiunan Jordan Brete y yiu Ricky Brete y yiunan Shirley Brete y yiunan Ronulfo Maduro y yiunan Marcelino y Bianca y yiunan Julaica y Marcial y yiunan Sheila Maduro Elvis y Ligia Brete y famia Mayra y Robert Ras y famia Mirelfa y Jairo Kelly y famia Efrem y Elisette Britten y famia Alvin Webb y yiunan Joslin Giel y famia Francis Webb y Astrid
Ihanan: Fabiola Danies -Thiel, Lisette Danies-Quihada Primo y primanan
Amiganan serca: Ina Tromp, Elmira Colmenares
Bisiñanan: Dennis y Frida de Mei y famia, Cristian y Dora Mejia Ex suegra: Clara Maduro
Famia na Venezuela: Pelayo, Colina, Saloni, Hernandez, Noroño
Demas famia: Webb, Brete, Koolman, Britten, Petrochi, Maduro, Lampe, Orman, Erasmus, de Mei, Danies, Giel, Kock, Trimont, Tromp, Franken, Semeleer, Rivero, Kelly, Chiquito, Quant, Silvania, Luidens, Ras, Croes, Rosina, Laclé, Jansen
Ta invita pa acto di entiero cual lo tuma lugar na Misa Juan Pablo II na Tankileendert, dialuna 18 di september 2023 di 2’or pa 4’or di atardi. Despues lo sali pa Santana Catolico na Noord.
Condolencia lo tuma lugar na Aurora Funeral Home diasabra 16 di september 2023 di 7’or pa 9’or di anochi.
Disculpa nos si den nos tristesa nos por a lubida algun famia of conocir.
“ Señor ta husto y E ta gusta un conducta cu ta husto. Hende sincero lo mira su cara” Ps 11:7
Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa fayecimento di nos ser stima:
Juan L. Cuba Cariñosamente yama “Juancho” *09-07-1945 - †09-09-2023
Na nomber di su: Yiunan: Gregory L. Cuba Calvin L. Cuba y Kathrin Richardson Vidal Cuba
Nieto(a)nan: Anaïs Jordan Chakian Jeziene Nathania
Rumannan: Vale Cuba Lola Cuba
Sobrino(a)nan: Germina, Billy, Melinda, John, Jessica, John John, Melissa, Prescila, Ghislaine, Raiza, LeeAnn, Jilliann
Primo y primanan, ihanan, sua y cuñanan, amigonan y conocirnan.
Demas famia: Cuba, Thiel, Richardson, Werleman, Krist, Vrolijk, Panneflek, Ridderstaat y demas famia.
Ta invita pa acto di entiero cual lo tuma lugar na Aurora Funeral Home dialuna 18 di September 2023 di 2’or pa 4’or di atardi.
Despues lo sali pa Santana Central Sabana Basora.
Disculpa nos si den nos tristesa nos por a lubida algun famia of conocir.
“Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega. E ta hibami na awa trankil, Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”. Salmo: 23
Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:
Henk Stanley Vreeswijk *21-04-1957 - †14-09-2023
Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.
“Jehova es mi pastor, nada me faltará en lugares de delicados pastos me hará descansar” Salmo 23.
Con inmenso tristeza en nuestros corazones anunciamos el fallecimiento de esposo amado y padre querido,
Andres Almarracin Acuña 11-08-1956 – 07-09-2023
Esposa: Ana Cruz Mamani
Hijos: Sebastian Joao Almarracin Cruz Joshua Andres Almarracin Acuña Nicolas Alex Almarracin Acuña Rashid William Almarracin Acuña
Les agradecemos a todos que de alguna u otra forma hayan compartido con él los momentos felices de su vida.
La noche de pésame y despedida tendrá lugar el lunes 18 de septiembre 2023 de
18:00~21:00, Royal Funeral Home, Cumana 44, Oranjestad, Aruba.
588-0022 [email protected] News in English
31 35 37
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 LOCAL NEWS 24 AWEMainta
ACTION against pet owners committing various violations of the pet laws continues as the Aruba Police Force (KPA) remains proactive in enforcing responsible pet ownership. A special team within the police force has been conducting various inspections in neighborhoods, resulting in fines for irresponsible pet owners.
The KPA carried out inspections in the San Nicolas area, including First Stick Hillweg, Saint Peter Hillweg, Diamantbergweg, Red Rock Hillweg, Rooiweg, Weg Fontein, Great Hillweg, Bottom Hillweg, Weg Sero Blanco, Kiviti, Brasil, Caya Bernadina Grovell, Rooi Kochi, Savaneta, Pos Chiquito, Spaans Lagoenweg, Betonicastraat, and Sabana Basora.
Twenty-seven (27) residents from different neighborhoods had their pets attended to, with twenty-one (21) receiving fines and six (6) others receiving warnings.
It was observed that the majority of individuals were fined for not taking sufficient precautions when allowing their pets to roam on public roads or the property of others. Additionally, two pitbulls were discovered abandoned in a residence in Sabana Basora, with their owners leaving Aruba. The abandoned dogs have been taken to the Pet Control Center, where efforts will be made to find responsible owners or potential adopters.
These inspections will continue in other neighborhoods. We urge all pet owners to take care of their pets, adhere to the laws and regulations, and prevent receiving unwanted fines. Fines can be substantial and can have consequences for your wallet.
KPA Continues with Repressive Action:
27 Residents Held Accountable for Pet Ownership
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 AWEMainta LOCAL NEWS 25
AMNESTY International’s recent visit to the Aruba Police Force (KPA) was a crucial dialogue on human rights. Dr. Ramon Arnhem, the Chief of Police, met with Amnesty International’s Director, Ms. Dagmar Oudshoor, and Project Leader Tamara Paul during their Caribbean tour. Their discussions delved into various critical topics.
The KPA and Aruba share a deep commitment to human rights and individual well-being. Dr. Arnhem stressed the importance of continuously upholding these values, earned through historical struggles and sacrifices.
Amnesty International’s visit underlines their global mission to protect human rights. Such engagements foster dialogue between law enforcement and human rights advocates. They provide a platform to exchange ideas on account
ability, transparency, and preventing power abuses.
This collaboration showcases the significance of civil society and law enforcement cooperation. Balancing effective policing with protecting individual rights is an ongoing challenge. Engaging with organizations like Amnesty International allows agencies to assess their policies against human rights standards.
In conclusion, Amnesty International’s visit reaffirms the joint commitment to uphold and promote human rights. It emphasizes the pursuit of justice and dignity for all, even in the face of past challenges. These dialogues are vital in creating a society where human rights are paramount, and everyone’s freedoms are preserved.
Dialogue on Human Rights
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 LOCAL NEWS 26 AWEMainta
IN the picturesque island nation of Aruba, with its sunkissed shores and arid climate, the importance of soil quality and homemade compost cannot be overstated. This small Caribbean gem faces unique challenges, including limited natural resources and water scarcity, enhancing soil quality is a linchpin for sustainable development.
Limited Natural Resources: One of Aruba’s significant challenges lies in its restricted access to fertile soil. As a small island nation, Aruba has a limited acreage of arable land. Consequently, optimizing the quality of existing soil becomes imperative to support agriculture and food production.
Water Conservation: Aruba grapples with water scarcity, a common issue in many island nations. Enhancing soil quality can play a pivotal role in water conservation by improving water retention capabilities. This, in turn, can help reduce the need for excessive irrigation and contribute to the island’s efforts to conserve its precious freshwater resources.
Waste Reduction and Recycling: Homemade composting is a potent tool in Aruba’s environmental arsenal. It empowers residents to recycle organic waste, such as kitchen scraps and yard debris, diverting these materials from landfill sites. By reducing the burden on these disposal sites, Aruba can cultivate eco-friendly waste management practices.
Sustainable Agriculture: Healthy soil forms the bedrock of successful agriculture, and homemade compost is the elixir. Enriched with organic matter, homemade compost enhances soil fertility and structure. This ensures that crops can thrive in Aruba’s challenging environment, securing a stable food supply.
Resilience and Biodiversity: In an island ecosystem susceptible to unpredictable weather patterns, resilient crops are a necessity. Nutrient-rich soil, nurtured through homemade composting, fortifies crop resilience and yield. Furthermore, it fosters a diverse range of plants, including native species, which safeguards against soil erosion and desertification, promoting biodiversity.
Food Security and Economic Prosperity: Aruba’s reliance on imported food exposes it to supply chain disruptions. Bolstering soil quality and local food produc
tion can enhance food security and self-reliance. This, in turn, creates opportunities for local farmers, diminishes dependence on imported food, and may even open doors for exporting high-quality produce, bolstering the island’s economy.
Environmental Sustainability and Climate Mitigation: Healthy soils, nourished through composting, align with Aruba’s broader environmental sustainability objectives. This practice reduces reliance on synthetic fertilizers and chemical pesticides, minimizing harm to ecosystems and human health. Moreover, healthy soils act as valuable carbon sinks, sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and contributing to climate change mitigation.
In conclusion, Aruba’s path to sustainability is intricately linked to the nurturing of its soil and the promotion of homemade composting. These practices foster sustainable agriculture, conserve water resources, reduce waste, enhance food security, support biodiversity, stimulate economic growth, and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Aruba’s embrace of these sustainable practices embodies its commitment to a greener, more prosperous future.
The Vital Role of Soil Quality and Homemade Compost in Aruba’s Sustainability
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 AWEMainta LOCAL NEWS 27
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 ECONOMY 28 AWEMainta
IN a bid to combat poverty, the upcoming 2024 budget will see a significant boost in government spending, to raise purchasing power by an average of 1.8% for the following year. This move comes as part of the outgoing caretaker cabinet’s commitment to addressing the pressing issue of poverty.
While the government is set to unveil its 2024 spending plans on Tuesday, it’s important to note that no major new policy measures are expected due to the caretaker cabinet’s position ahead of the November general election. Nevertheless, details about the budget have started to emerge through leaks and reports, including statements from the finance minister.
Caretaker Finance Minister Sigrid Kaag highlighted the gravity of the poverty situation, stating, “Too many adults and children are living in poverty. They can barely pay their fixed costs and have no money left for healthy meals or new clothes.” The minister deemed this situation “unacceptable” and emphasized the government’s commitment to addressing it. According to the Central Planning Bureau (CPB), without intervention, nearly one million people in the Netherlands, out of a population of 17.6 million, would fall below the poverty line. To tackle this issue, the 2024 budget intro
duces several measures, including increased child benefits for the neediest families, higher housing benefits, and the continuation of the energy bill assistance fund.
Finance Minister Kaag noted that much of the funding for these initiatives will come from redistribution, with higherincome individuals expected to contribute slightly more. The government anticipates generating €1.6 billion by adjusting the higher tax band, which will trigger the 49.5% upperincome tax rate at a lower income threshold.
Additionally, taxes on tobacco and alcohol will see increases, contributing an additional €100 million in revenue. The leaked documents also indicate positive economic prospects for the Netherlands in 2024, with an estimated 1.5% economic growth rate and a declining national debt, falling below 47% of GDP, well under the EU’s 60% maximum limit. However, the budget deficit is expected to rise to 2.9%, remaining below the EU’s 3% limit.
In summary, the 2024 budget reflects the caretaker cabinet’s commitment to addressing poverty by boosting purchasing power and implementing measures to support vulnerable families. While no major policy changes are expected, these initiatives aim to alleviate financial hardships and create a more equitable society.
Purchasing Power to Increase
2024 Budget Focuses on Fighting Poverty
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 AWEMainta 29
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 INTERNATIONAL 30 AWEMainta
IN a solemn moment that reverberates through the global art community, we mark the passing of the distinguished Colombian artist, Fernando Botero, renowned for his distinct and captivating style characterized by the portrayal of corpulent and magnified figures. Mr. Botero’s demise at the age of 91 signifies the conclusion of a chapter in the world of art, leaving behind a profound artistic legacy that encompasses creativity, wit, and incisive social commentary.
Born on April 19, 1932, in Medellín, Colombia, Fernando Botero embarked on his artistic odyssey at an early age. His craftsmanship evolved, blending influences from Latin America and Europe, eventually crystallizing into what has become known as “Boterismo.” This distinctive approach, hallmarked by its deliberate exaggeration of proportions, abundant subjects, and a nuanced sense of levity, catapulted him into a realm of artistic prominence.
Botero’s artistic oeuvre transcended a multitude of creative mediums, encompassing painting, sculpture, and the art of drawing. His subjects, ranging from generously proportioned individuals to robust fauna and opulent produce, bore the hallmark of whimsy and, on occasion, a subtle undercurrent of satire. This unique style allowed him to delve into an eclectic spectrum of themes, from political discourse to art
historical references, captivating a global audience.
A prominent facet of Botero’s artistic repertoire resides in his monumental sculptures that grace public spaces worldwide. These sculptures, imbued with the same discerning humor and whimsy as his other works, served to imbue urban landscapes with an unparalleled artistic vibrancy.
Beyond his artistic pursuits, Mr. Botero was a distinguished philanthropist. He bestowed a substantial portion of his personal art collection to the Museum of Antioquia in Medellín, Colombia, allowing visitors to partake in a comprehensive exhibition of his artistic legacy.
Furthermore, he founded the Botero Foundation, dedicated to the advancement of education and the arts within his native country.
As the news of Fernando Botero’s passing permeates the artistic community, we collectively mourn the loss of an artist whose unparalleled creativity, originality, and talent for stimulating contemplation through his art profoundly touched hearts and minds on a global scale. His artistic contributions will endure, a lasting testament to the indelible mark left by a truly extraordinary artist.
Demise of Colombian Art Luminary, Fernando Botero
Known for His Iconic Portrayal of Rotund Figures
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 AWEMainta INTERNATIONAL 31
IN a truly astonishing turn of events, Dutch youngsters have embarked on a reading revival, leaving many pleasantly surprised. Recent research conducted by the book industry authority, KVB Boekwerk, has revealed that today’s Dutch youth are more likely to delve into the world of books compared to five years ago.
The findings are nothing short of remarkable, with KVB Boekwerk reporting that almost half of those aged 12 to 25 now embrace reading as a regular pastime, with at least one book per week. This marks a significant increase from the 39% reported in 2018.
But what genres are captivating the imaginations of these young readers? Hold onto your seats; thrillers reign supreme, captivating a whopping 41% of these budding bookworms. Young adult fiction closely follows with 32%, while the enchanting realm of fantasy captures the hearts of 29%. Poetry, horror, and chick lit, it seems, have taken a back seat in the popularity race, according to KVB Boekwerk.
Surprisingly, youngsters in their early 20s are delving into
books about psychology and self-help in numbers that have raised more than a few eyebrows. In this digital age, platforms like TikTok and Instagram have played an instrumental role in fostering a renewed love for reading among the youth. The TikTok book community, #BookTok, in particular, has emerged as a beacon, guiding readers to captivating literary adventures.
The research also unveiled another astonishing revelation: one in three young readers prefers to devour books in English. While part of this can be attributed to the online promotion of English books, there’s a genuine fondness for reading in the original language, noted KVB Boekwerk.
This resurgence in reading among Dutch youth brings hope and excitement. It’s a delightful shift after years of declining readership among teenagers and young adults. As Lynn Kaplanian-Buller, director of the American Book Center, aptly puts it, “After years of declining teen and young adult readership, we’re just glad they’re reading in any language.” The literary world eagerly awaits what these young readers will discover next in the captivating pages of books.
Dutch youngsters have embarked on a reading revival
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 INTERNATIONAL 32 AWEMainta
IN a momentous decision, a United Nations conference convened on Sunday and voted to bestow the prestigious status of a World Heritage Site upon the prehistoric ruins adjacent to the ancient West Bank city of Jericho, a location now firmly associated with Palestine. This significant development is expected to provoke concern within Israel, which exercises authority over the region and has yet to formally recognize the existence of an independent Palestinian state.
Jericho, celebrated as one of humanity’s most ancient and continuously inhabited cities, occupies a portion of the Israeli-occupied West Bank under the governance of the internationally acknowledged Palestinian Authority. The crux of this designation revolves around the Tell es-Sultan archaeological site, renowned for its prehistoric remnants dating back to the ninth millennium B.C. It stands just beyond the precincts of the storied city of Jericho.
This momentous decision was reached during a gathering of the U.N. World Heritage Committee, hosted with distinction in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and conducted under the auspices of UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization). It is worth noting that Israel disen
gaged from UNESCO in 2019, citing perceived bias and a perceived erosion of its historical linkages to the Holy Land. Nonetheless, Israel continues to participate in the World Heritage Convention, as exemplified by its delegation’s attendance at the Riyadh assembly.
The backdrop against which this decision unfolds is steeped in the enduring Israeli-Palestinian conflict, where both sides have employed archaeology and heritage preservation to underscore their unique connections to the Holy Land. The Palestinian Authority, having secured nonmember observer state status from the United Nations a decade ago, warmly welcomed the Tell es-Sultan designation. In doing so, it reaffirmed its unwavering commitment to safeguarding this exceptional site for the betterment of all humankind.
Jericho, replete with its cultural and historical treasures and its proximity to the Dead Sea, holds considerable allure for tourists venturing into the Palestinian territories. The resolution to elevate Tell es-Sultan to World Heritage status underscores the profound cultural and historical importance of this region, underscoring the intricate and delicate nature of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Jericho, World Heritage Site
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 AWEMainta INTERNATIONAL 33
THE year 2010 marked a harrowing chapter in Haiti’s history, as the nation grappled with the aftermath of a catastrophic earthquake that struck its capital, Port-au-Prince, leading to the loss of countless lives.
This dire situation prompted a robust humanitarian response, drawing a multitude of relief workers and aid organizations to the scene. Among them, United Nations peacekeepers arrived with the noble mission of aiding the beleaguered nation. However, their presence unwittingly triggered a calamitous cholera epidemic, which claimed nearly 10,000 additional lives, compounding Haiti’s woes.
Within the framework of this tragic narrative, the United Nations assumes a pivotal role in acknowledging its responsibility for what it categorizes as “sexual exploitation and abuse.” Back in 2003, then-UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan issued a directive explicitly discouraging any form
of sexual relations between UN workers and the individuals they were sent to assist. This policy astutely recognized the inherent power imbalances within such relationships and the corrosive effect they could have on the UN’s credibility and mission integrity. It also laid down strict prohibitions for peacekeepers and military police, against any kind of “fraternization” with civilian populations.
In light of these profoundly distressing circumstances, the onus rests squarely on the United Nations and the global community to address this issue with the urgency and compassion it so rightly warrants.
A paramount concern is to ensure the protection of the rights and well-being of the mothers and their children who have been deeply affected by these unfortunate events. It is a moral imperative to rectify these wrongs and uphold the principles of dignity, equality, and justice for all.
Sexual exploitation and abuse
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 SPORTS 34 AWEMainta
IN an electrifying Singapore Grand Prix, Carlos Sainz claimed a nail-biting victory for Ferrari, marking his first win for the team and the second in his Formula 1 career. Sainz’s triumph was secured by a razor-thin margin of just 0.812 seconds, as he led from lights out to the checkered flag.
Notably, Sainz played a pivotal role in assisting his former McLaren teammate, Lando Norris, in defending against the relentless pursuit of the two Mercedes drivers. In a dramatic turn of events on the final lap, George Russell’s ambitious efforts to catch Norris ended in a crash, paving the way for Lewis Hamilton to secure the third spot on the podium.
An ecstatic Carlos Sainz shared his sentiments after the race, stating, “An incredible feeling, incredible weekend. I want to thank everyone at Ferrari for making this huge effort to turn around and win this season after a tricky beginning.” He emphasized the significance of the victory and the pride it brings to Italy and the Ferrari team.
Meanwhile, Red Bull Racing’s record-breaking winning streak came to an end, with Max Verstappen finishing in fifth place. Charles Leclerc, driving for Ferrari, found himself in fourth after losing positions during pit stops following an early Safety Car period. The race dynamics were further complicated by a late Virtual Safety Car caused by Esteban Ocon’s halted Alpine, leading
to strategic pit stops for Russell and Hamilton. This strategic gamble by Mercedes set up a grandstand finish, with both drivers swiftly passing Leclerc and Norris, setting the stage for a thrilling final few laps.
Ultimately, it was a heart-pounding conclusion to the Singapore Grand Prix, with just 1.2 seconds separating the top three. Carlos Sainz’s victory brought an end to Ferrari’s win drought, marking their first win since the 2022 Austrian Grand Prix.
In the world of Formula 1, where milliseconds can decide victories, this race will be remembered as a testament to the skill and tenacity of the drivers and the excitement they bring to the sport’s global fan base.
Singapore GP result 1) Carlos Sainz, Ferrari 2) Lando Norris, McLaren 3) Lewis Hamilton, Mercedes 4) Charles Leclerc, Ferrari 5) Max Verstappen, Red Bull 6) Pierre Gasly, Alpine 7) Oscar Piastri, McLaren 8) Sergio Perez, Red Bull 9) Liam Lawson, AlphaTauri 10) Kevin Magnussen, Haas
Carlos Sainz Secures Thrilling Victory for Ferrari in Singapore Grand Prix
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 AWEMainta TECHNOLOGY 35
IN an increasingly interconnected world, the importance of cybersecurity has transcended from being a niche concern to a fundamental pillar of modern society. As our reliance on digital technologies continues to grow, conversations surrounding cybersecurity are poised to revolve around data privacy, the ever-looming specter of cyber threats, and the imperative for robust security measures.
Protecting the Digital Realm: The digital realm has become an integral part of our daily lives. From online banking and healthcare data to smart home devices and critical infrastructure, almost every facet of society is connected to the digital ecosystem. This pervasive digital presence has made cybersecurity a matter of paramount importance.
Data Privacy as a Human Right: Data privacy has emerged as a fundamental human right in the digital age. Individuals and organizations are increasingly aware of the value of their personal and sensitive data. As a result, discussions surrounding data privacy are no longer limited to niche tech forums but have entered mainstream discourse. Stricter regulations like the European Union’s GDPR and California’s CCPA reflect the growing emphasis on safeguarding personal information.
The Evolving Cyber Threat Landscape: The landscape of cyber threats is constantly evolving,
becoming more sophisticated and adaptable. From ransomware attacks that hold critical data hostage to state-sponsored cyber espionage, the spectrum of threats is vast. The fallout from such incidents can be financially devastating and have far-reaching implications for national security. As a result, the conversation about cybersecurity now extends to include not just individuals and businesses but governments and international organizations.
Robust Security Measures: The need for robust security measures has never been more pronounced. Organizations, both large and small, are investing heavily in cybersecurity infrastructure. This includes advanced threat detection systems, encryption protocols, and employee training programs. Cybersecurity professionals are in high demand, and the field continues to evolve with new strategies and technologies.
In conclusion, cybersecurity is no longer confined to the realm of IT specialists; it is a matter that concerns us all. The ubiquity of digital technology, coupled with the growing awareness of data privacy, means that conversations around cybersecurity will only intensify.
Vigilance, investment in security infrastructure, and collaboration at national and international levels will be essential as we navigate the digital frontier and seek to protect our interconnected world from ever-evolving cyber threats.
The Ever-Growing Significance of Cybersecurity in an Interconnected World
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 HEALTH 36 AWEMainta
INTERMITTENT fasting (IF) has emerged as a prominent dietary trend in recent years, capturing the imagination of those seeking weight loss and improved health. This dietary approach, characterized by cycles of eating and fasting, presents both a trend-driven and scientifically supported facet of modern nutrition.
The Trend Aspect: IF’s ascent to dietary stardom cannot be denied. It has swept through social media, gained celebrity endorsements, and spurred a proliferation of diet books and programs. The trendiness of IF is epitomized by its diverse array of fasting regimens, including the 16/8 method (16 hours of fasting, 8 hours of eating), the 5:2 diet (five days of regular eating, two days of severe calorie restriction), and the eat-stop-eat approach (periodic 24-hour fasts).
What fuels this trend are the tantalizing health claims that surround IF. Some advocates assert that it boosts metabolism, extends lifespan and enhances insulin sensitivity. While research has provided promising insights into these areas, it’s crucial to recognize that not all claims have received definitive validation.
The Factual Foundation: Beneath the trendiness lies a solid foundation of scientific research. Studies have illuminated the potential benefits of intermittent fasting, including weight loss, improved metabolic health, and a reduced risk of chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. These findings are grounded in the physiological changes that fasting triggers
within the body.
During periods of fasting, the body undergoes notable shifts in physiology. Autophagy, the cellular cleanup process, becomes more active. Insulin sensitivity improves, helping regulate blood sugar levels. Ketone bodies, a byproduct of fat breakdown, become a source of energy. These physiological responses have been thoroughly documented in research.
Equally significant are the testimonials from individuals who’ve reported favorable outcomes from IF, such as weight loss and better control over eating habits. However, individual responses to fasting can vary, underscoring the importance of personalized dietary choices.
Nevertheless, a cautionary note must be sounded. Intermittent fasting isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. For some, it may not align with their medical conditions or lifestyles. Consultation with a healthcare provider is imperative before embarking on any fasting regimen.
In conclusion, intermittent fasting embodies a harmonious blend of trend and fact. Its trendiness has made it a captivating dietary phenomenon, yet it is rooted in scientific exploration that hints at tangible health benefits.
It underscores the dynamism of modern nutrition, offering individuals both an avenue for dietary experimentation and an opportunity to reap the rewards of evidence-based health improvements.
Unpacking the Science and Trend of Intermittent Fasting
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 AWEMainta HEALTH 37
FUNCTIONAL fitness, a rising star in the fitness world, places a strong emphasis on exercises that closely mimic real-life movements. Unlike traditional weightlifting or bodybuilding routines, functional training isn’t solely about building muscle for aesthetic purposes. Instead, it’s geared towards enhancing your overall strength, mobility, and agility to better perform daily activities and reduce the risk of injury.
The core philosophy behind functional fitness is to train your body in a way that translates directly into improved functionality in everyday life. This means movements like squatting, bending, lifting, pushing, and pulling are integrated into workouts. For instance, a squat in functional fitness isn’t just about leg strength; it’s about the ability to bend down and lift objects off the ground safely and efficiently.
One of the key benefits of functional fitness is its practicality. Whether you need to carry groceries, lift your child, or perform physically demanding tasks at work, functional training equips you with the physical capabilities needed to tackle these challenges with ease. This practicality extends
to older adults, too, as it helps maintain independence and reduce the risk of falls.
Furthermore, functional fitness is adaptable to all fitness levels and ages. Exercises can be modified to suit beginners, advanced athletes, and seniors alike. It’s an inclusive approach that prioritizes long-term health and wellness over short-term gains.
Functional fitness routines often incorporate a variety of equipment, such as kettlebells, medicine balls, resistance bands, and bodyweight exercises. This versatility keeps workouts engaging and prevents boredom, which can be a common roadblock to consistent exercise.
In conclusion, functional fitness is more than a trend; it’s a holistic approach to exercise that enhances your body’s ability to perform real-world tasks efficiently. By focusing on functional movements, you’ll not only build strength and mobility but also improve your quality of life and reduce the risk of injuries, making it a valuable addition to any fitness regimen.
Functional fitness is a rising star in the fitness world
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 LIFESTYLE 38 AWEMainta
IN a world often dominated by visual and performing arts, the art of reading sometimes takes a back seat. However, beneath the pages of a book lies a realm of creativity and interpretation that is no less artistic than a painting on a canvas or a symphony in a concert hall.
Interpreting the Text: The essence of reading as an art form lies in the reader’s ability to interpret and engage with the text on a personal and emotional level. When one opens a book, one embarks on a creative journey, interpreting words and sentences through their unique perspective. Just as art enthusiasts analyze paintings for hidden meanings, readers decipher symbolism, metaphors, and underlying themes.
Cultivating Imagination: Reading is an exercise in imagination. As readers absorb the words on the page, they engage their imagination to create vivid mental images of characters, settings, and scenes. This imaginative process is akin to visual artists who paint mental pictures before their ideas ever touch the canvas.
Emotional Connection: Great literature elicits emotions. Readers laugh, cry, feel anger, and experience joy as they navigate the pages of a book. The ability of words to evoke such emotional responses mirrors the emotional impact of a well-crafted piece of visual art or a moving musical composition.
Recognizing Craftsmanship: Authors employ various literary techniques to craft their narratives, much like artists use specific techniques to create their masterpieces. Recognizing an author’s style, voice, and craftsmanship is akin to appreciating the unique style of a painter or sculptor.
Critical Analysis: As in the world of visual arts, where critics analyze and critique artworks, literary critics engage in the critical analysis of literature. They delve into themes, character development, and narrative structure, enriching our understanding and appreciation of a work.
A Shared Expression: Discussing a book with others or writing about one’s thoughts and feelings regarding a book is a form of expression and connection. In book clubs and literary discussions, readers come together to share their interpretations, much like art enthusiasts gather to discuss and appreciate artworks.
In conclusion, reading is a profoundly artistic endeavor, an act of creation and interpretation that occurs within the vast landscapes of our minds. It invites us to engage our imagination, emotions, and critical thinking in a way that mirrors the creative processes of other art forms. As we immerse ourselves in the pages of a book, we partake in a unique and deeply personal form of artistic expression.
Unlocking the Artistry of Reading: How Literature Becomes an Expression of Creativity
Dialuna, 18 September 2023 AWEMainta LIFESTYLE 39
MAINTAINING the spark of romance in a marriage that has spanned several years is a beautiful journey that requires dedication and effort from both partners. Communication is the cornerstone of this endeavor. Open, honest, and heartfelt conversations are essential. Sharing your feelings, desires, and expectations can bridge any emotional gaps that may have developed over time. Equally important is listening to your spouse’s thoughts and concerns, creating an atmosphere of understanding and connection.
Quality time spent together is the canvas on which you paint your romantic moments. Date nights, weekend getaways, or simply setting aside undistracted moments can rekindle the flame. Surprises play a pivotal role in sustaining romance. Small, unexpected gestures of love, such as love notes or thoughtful gifts, remind your partner of your affection and keep the relationship feeling fresh.
Physical intimacy is another vital component. Nurturing the physical aspect of your relationship by being affectionate and intimate with your spouse strengthens the emotional
bond. Shared interests and hobbies provide common ground for you both to connect on a deeper level. Exploring new experiences together, whether in the bedroom or everyday life, adds an element of adventure to your relationship.
Appreciation and gratitude are the glue that holds it all together. Regularly expressing your love and gratitude for your partner reminds them why they fell in love with you in the first place. Laughter, too, can be a powerful tool in reigniting romance. Sharing humor and light-hearted moments can strengthen your connection and relieve stress.
In moments of hardship, be a pillar of support for your spouse, and celebrate each other’s successes. If the challenges seem insurmountable, seeking the guidance of a marriage counselor or therapist can provide valuable tools and insights to improve your relationship. Remember, keeping the flame of romance alive in a longterm marriage is an ongoing journey, requiring continuous nurturing, adaptation, and unwavering commitment from both partners.
Keeping the Flame Alive
Reigniting Romance in Long-Term Marriages