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l i *|
i De Heer Dr. J.Hartog
■ Bibliothee’caris ; Oranjested
View on Princess Beatrix Airport of Aruba.

For Your Airline Reservations
K. N. S. M.
K.L.M. L.A.V. B.W.I.A.
PHONE 5296 PHONE 1773
A. Groder, Prop.
Phone 5131
, I n c.
Nassaustraat 47
Barteljorisstraat 2
Phones: 1193 2193
Phone: 13004
N. V. BOHAMA (Aruba)
Building and reinforced concrete works repairs and maintenance
Bilderdijkstraat 3
Oranjestad. Aruba, Neth. Ant.

ri i r n i Voi. i No. 4
hicho or Hruba N0V 1959
Stichting Echo oi Aruba
P.O. Box 200,
St. Nicolaas, Aruba,
Netherlands Antilles
Contents of this Issue
Page 5.
Phone: 5558
Pag. 7.
(Formerly Aruba Merchants Association)
January 24, 1959
Dr. C.W.W.J. Heuike
Page 8.
Page 11.
Page 12.
L. Kuiperi
M. D. Maduro
M. Serphos Jr.
Page 13.
C. Whitiield
Page 13.
Morris Serphos Jr.
Page 14.
C. Bastiaanse
Page 14.
C.W.G. Schotborgh
Page 16.
Daal Publishing and
Pag. 17.
Trading Company
Pag. 17.
Do you like the ’’Echo”? Do you wish to support the ideals of the ’’Echo”?
Here is what you can do:
1) Join the Aruba Trade and Industry Association.
Yearly dues are very reasonable: FI. 40.00 small enterprise FI. 60.00 large en
2) Contract your advertisements, beamed to foreign countries, with the ’’Echo”. Ad rates are very reasonable Inquire with the Administration of the ’’Echo”, P.O. Box 200, St. Nicolaas Aruba, Netherlands Antilles.
Foreign Companies sollicking legitimate and bonafide agents, representatives or distributors, in Aruba, place an ad in the ’’Echo” of Aruba”. The charge is only US$35,00 per placing. Check should accompany your text. All businessmen in Aruba are ”Echo”readers. Results will be very satisfying.
Address: P.O. Box 200 St. Nicolaas, Aruba Netherlands Antilles, c/o Administration.
1 Auk!
New "escape” spot for pleasure seekers! A completely different resort hotel-the flavor of the West Indies mixed with a dash of Holland hospitality-on an island famed for its beauty and heavenly weather!
• FREEPORT SHOPPING-wonderful savings!
• Excitement in a thrilling Casino!
• 1500 feet of the whitest sand beach
• Unique raised pool; Cabana Colony
• Delightful studio guest rooms
• Incomparable food • Cocktail lounge
• Klompen Klub for dancing and entertainment PLUS-new sights to see, and excellent swimming,
surf-riding, sailing, fishing, golf and tennis! Beautifully illustrated full color brochure on request.
Tel. 1080-1081 -1180
Call us for free home delivery of your drug and cosmetic requirements.
No. 1 Store

By: Morris Serphos Jr.
Aruba’s tourist promotion received an important boost with the announcement, by AVENSA, Aerovías de Venezuela S.A., and L.A.V., Linea Aeropostal de Venezuela, of the intended initiation of regularly scheduled flights between Caracas and Maracaibo, to our Princess Beatrix Airport in Aruba.
It might be of interest to know, that Pan American World Airways has been instrumental in the original establishment of AVENSA; the L.A.V. on the other hand is a 100% Government owned national_Venezuelan Airline. Both Airlines are creating a great deal of favorable publicity for Aruba and they are intending to offer complete package tours and charters in cooperation with the Aruba Caribbean Hotel and Casino.
AVENSA is using the famous Fokker Friendship F-27 turboprop plane, which plane was a novelty at our airport.
We have always considered it most unfortunate, that K.L.M. Royal Dutch Airlines have not been able to satisfy demand for air travel between Aruba and Venezuela. We must not forget however, that K.L.M. originally took Aruba out of its isolation. At this time we also wish to send our heartiest congratulations to K.L.M. on their 40th anniversary, which is a world record.
The Circulation Bank of the Netherlands Antilles, De Curacaosche Bank N.V., published its annual report over the year 1958. The most interesting fact of our financial position is that during 1958 the Netherlands Antillian Guilder or Florin remained 100% backed by gold and foreign Exchange
deposits. There existed a slight inflationary- tendency through a 3% increase of bank note circulation, from fl. 46.128,155,- to fl. 47,328,155,-. As such our currency continued its historic good standing of the last decades. The Florin is included in the dollar area with a practically free convertibility; foreign investors are protected by law to transfer their profits anywhere in the world.
We would like to put our spotlight on some of our newly acquired contributing authors, such as Monte Maduro, Dr. P.H.A. Tuin and Dr. H.C. Willemsen.
Mr. Maduro is a member of the Board of Trustees of the ’’ECHO” and figures prominently in local business circles. He currently specializes on local business notes and social items of interest to our read, ers. Dr. Tuin, the Head of Aruba’s Economic Department, has been active in tourist promotion and attraction of new industry, to broaden the base of our economy. His subject in the ’’ECHO” relates the all important connection Aruba endeavours within the European Common Market, in which Venezuela’s crude oil figures to the extend of the local refining facilities of ESSO and SHELL.
Dr. Willemsen is a Doctor at Law, graduated from a Netherlands University and recently retired as Commisioner of Police of Aruba, after a distinguished career as police officer, promoted through the ranks. He will shortly open his own law offices to practice before the Courts of the Netherlands Antilles. He will focus attention in his articles in the ’’ECHO” on problems and their solutions, which are of interest to business circles of Aruba in relation to laws in force and jurisprudence.
Modern turboprops maintain connection by air with Venezuela.

N. V. Bouwmaatschappij Aruba
Construction of every kind Hotels
Reinforced concrete
Housing projects and custom built houses Factories
Maintenance and repair Your inquiries are kindly invited
F. LOONSTRA, Managing Director

N. V. Electriciteits-Mij Aruba "ELMAR”, O’stad, Aruba
the Electric Power Company of Aruba
offers attractive facilities tor new Industry and an experienced technical stall tor your electrical problems
(— Pagina de los Publicadores —)
^--Por: Morris Serphos Hijo-'
De suma importancia para la promoción del turismo en Aruba es el anuncio hecho por Avensa, Aerovías de Venezuela S.A., y L.A.V., Linea Aeropostal de Venezuela, de la iniciación de vuelos regulares entre Caracas y Maracaibo y nuestro aeropuerto Princesa Beatrix.
Le interesará saber que la Pan American Airways fué la compañía que contribuyó en su inicio al establecimiento de la Avensa; la L.A.V. por otra parte es una compañia de aviación netamente nacional. Ambas compañias vienen creando mucha publicidad favorable a Aruba y piensan ofrecer interesantes jiras en cooperación con el Aruba Caribbean Hotel y Casino. Avensa está usando para sus vuelos los famosos Fokker Friendship F-27 (turboprop), avión que es una novedad en nuestro aeropuerto.
Siempre hemos considerado un hecho muy desafortunado el que la K.L.M. Compañia Real de Aviación, no haya podido satisfacer debidamente la demanda para viajes aéreos entre Venezuela y Aruba. Sinembargo no hay que olvidar que la K.L.M. originalmente libró a Aruba del aislamiento. Creemos oportuno hacer llegar en esta ocasión a K.L.M. nuestras mas sinceras felicitaciones con motivo de la reciente celebración de su cuadragésimo aniversario, el cual constituye un record mundial.
El Banco de Circulación de las Antillas Holandesas, el Curacaosche Bank N.V. publicó recientemente su informe anual concerniente al año 1958. El factor mas importante de nuestra posición financiera es que durante el año 1958 el florin Antillano quedo cubierto por un 100% por oro y moneda extranjera. Existió una ligera tendencia de inflación debida a un aumento del 3% en la circulación de billetes
bancarios de fls. 46.128.155 a fls. 47.328.155. Como tal nuestra moneda continua su histórica posición firme de los últimas décadas. El Florin está incluido en el área del dollar con una convertibilidad prácticamente libre. Inversionistas extranjeras están protegidos por la ley para transferir sus ganancias a cualquiera parte del mundo.
Quisiéramos enfocar nuestras cámeras en algunos de nuestros autores contribuyentes recientemente adquiridos, tales como el Sr. Monte Maduro y los Doctores P.H.A. Tuin y H.C. Willemsen. El Sr. Maduro, miembro de la Directiva del Echo, es figura prominente en los círculos comerciales locales. Especializa en noticias del comercio local y asuntos sociales de interés para nuestros lectores. El Dr Tuin, Jefe del Departamento de Asuntos Económicos de Aruba, ha sido muy activo en la promoción del turismo y la atracción de nuevas industrias, para ensanchar la base de nuestra cconomia. Sus artículos versarán sobre la conexión tan importante que representa Aruba en el mercado común europeo, en el cual figura el petróleo crudo de Venezuela, relacionado con las refinerías locales de la Esso y la Shell.
El Dr. Willemsen, Doctor en Leyes, graduado en una Universidad en Holanda recientemente se retiró como Comisario de la Policía en Aruba, después de una larga y distinguida carrera como oficial de la policia habiendo pasado por todos los rangos de la misma. Hace poco estableció su propio consultorio jurídico y ahora ejerce la profesión de abogado ante la Corte de las Antillas Holandesas. Sus artículos en el Echo tratarán de los múltiples problemas jurídicos y sus soluciones, tan interesantes para los círculos comerciales en conexión con las leyes vigentes y también de la jurisprudencia.
F. J. C. Beaujon Appointed Lt. Governor
It was officially announced by Royal Decree on October 31st, that His Excellency Mr. Frederick J.C. Beaujon Minister of Traffic & Transport in the Netherlands Antilles government, had been appointed Lt. Governor of Aruba. The appointment brings to an end the two year period that Aruba has been without a permanent incubent in the position since the retirement of Dr. L.C. Kwartsz in 1957.
Mr. Beaujon was born in Aruba on April 7, 1907. He went to Naval School in Curacao for two years
and after that worked for the K.N.S.M After an absence in Venezuela he returned to Aruba to take up employment with the Lago Oil & Transport Co. Ltd. which association lasted 25 years. In 1954 an appeal was made to him to accept the appointment of Cabinet Minister.
In the Antillean Cabinet he has held the portfolios of Finance, Public Health, Traffic and Transportation.

The Free Trade Area in Europe
(Dr. P.H.A. Tuin)
In our article of last month about the so called ’’Common Market” we have given a description of the political and economical cooperation between the six countries, Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg, France, Italy and West-Germany. The treaty was signed in 1957 and it started in 1958. This treaty has not only an economic significance but also a political one. The group of six will be run by a number of institutions with supra national caracteristics. It is meant as a first step to form a new European community with a common economic and trade policy and the idea is to come to a sort of federation where there will be a free flow of labor, money, services and goods. At the end of the article of last month it has been announced that this month we shall tell you something about the free trade area.
Even before the signing of the ’’Common Market” there were already negotiations for an association in which trade would flow with an absolute minimum of restrictions and where much more countries would involved than in the European Economic Community. It was apparent that in the long run other Western European countries would have strong economic motives to associate their economies more closely .with the community.
The initiative came mainly from the United Kingdom.
Britain has been trying to find a way to reconcile its obvious interest in joining the new European developments with the preservation of what is left of commonwealth economic cooperation. The British solution for this is the scheme for a Free Trade Area in Europe. In such an area tariffs between European countries would be removed as in the new economic community and this would mean that Britain would not be shut out of the industrial market in the new community.
Any member of the Organization For European Economic Cooperation (O.E.E.C.), that would wish to join, could share the benefits of increased trade and greater competition which the removal of tariffs may bring. On the other hand a Free Trade Area would have no common external tariffs against the world outside. By this formula Britain could still maintain tariff preferences for imports of commonwealth manufactures against all areas except Europe. However, Britain wants to exclude agriculture all together from the scheme in order to protect commonwealth farmers and domestic agriculture.
Both plans, the ’’Common Market” and the Free Trade Area, are closely related. They are both schemes for the removal of customs tariffs and quota restrictions between the membercountries over a period of time. Both involve a growing political cooperation, but there are three basic diferences between the two schemes:
1. In the Free Trade Area, while tariff barriers between members would be removed, their existing national tariffs against third countries,
which are not members, would be retained.
In the ’’Common Market”, national tariffs against third countries would be gradually replaced by a common external tariff wall, so that the six countries form in time a single customs union.
2. In the ’’Common Market” arrangements are made for agriculture as well as industry. In the Free Trade Area Britain wants it to apply to industry alone, other countries disagree.
3. The ’’Common Market” will embrace overseas territories of members; no such inclusion is envisaged for the Free Trade Area.
In order to give i rough idea of the significance of both schemes the following figures are most cla rifying.
Common Total USA Market OEEC —
Population (millions) . 164 287 168
National income per head (£) . 235 298 730
Steel (million tons) . 56 81 103
Coal and lignite* (million tons) .... 302 554 472
Crude oil (million tons) . 6.3 9.8 348.8
Electric power ('000 million KWH) .. 200 374 683
Cars & commercial vehicles (millions) 2.2 3.2 6.9
External trade:
Imports (£'000 million) . 4.9 8.4 4.5
Exports (£'000 million) . 5.8 6.4 6.8
*One ton of Lignite is assumed to be equivalent to three tons of coal.
In an undertaking which has as far reaching consequences as the economic interrelations of 17 countries, it is inevitable that differences of opinion will arise on practically every point under discussion. Each country will have a different approach to the overall problem and this approach will be based on its historical precedents and interests.
It was very clear that the main area of this agreement was one of political philosophy. The Six from the ’’Common Market” felt that the organization of the economic community had only been possible because each of the memberstates had been willing to forego sovereign rights over a specific number of economic activities, by transferring final jurisdiction in these fields to a supra national authority.
The Eleven wanted to obtain the same advantages enjoyed by the Six, but without the compensating concessions. In other words the ’’Eleven” wanted the benefits of the ’’Common Market” without paying for them. During the many negotiations attempts have been made to arrive at a solution which would not involve transfer of sovereignty to supranational institutions while at the same time the greatest possible advantages of multilateral integration. One of the greatest problems is a consequence from the fact that in a Free Trade area only internal tariffs between the members are abolished while each member retains freedom of action as to its ex

ternal tariffs. This is the essential difference between the Free Trade Area and the customs union (such as the common market) in which internal tariffs are abolished and uniform external tariffs are adopted.
For imports from outside countries the Free Trade Area would have at ieast twelve distinct tariffs consisting of the common tariffs of the Six and the individual tariffs of the ’’Eleven”. It is clear that the existing of so many individual tariffs would present a lot of difficulties. The most serious of them are the probabilities of deflections of trade. It is evident that trade will ordinary flow to the country with the lowest tariff. The imported merchandise could then be transhipped free of custom duties to the higher tariff partners. Another possibility would be that imported unfinished products would be used for manufactures, which then could be exported freely to the other countries at a competitive advantage over their domestic industries.
The problem which is not yet solved has been to find means of preventing such deflections. The first attempt has been to find the formula by which goods originating in any other member country would be permitted duty-free entry into the other member countries. Merchandise not originating in the area would be assessed custom duty and other charges, as if they were being imported directly from an outside country. The certificate of origin would be the free pass for the goods to circulate within the Free Trade Area.
This leads us to the question: What is the origin of the product? When should a product get a ’’membercertificate of origin” and how much value must be added to imported raw material before it can become a Free Product with a certificate of origin.
Many solutions of this problem have been offered, but none of them was accepted as a suitable protection against serious deflections of trade.
The majority of the six countries which form the ’’Common Market” wanted the Free Trade Area to go into effect the same time as the ’’Common Market” would come into life.
Unfortunately this has not been possible. Negotiations about the Fiee Trade Area continued but in the meantime a group of countries in West Europe decided to do something to keep pace with the tariff cuts and the free trade moves of the ’’Common Market” group. Seven countries, viz, Britain, Switzerland, Austria, Portugal, Denmark, Norway and Zweden formed a free trade association which is indicated as the ’’Seven”. This treaty is drafted in Stockholm. It is expected to be signed by the 1st of December and it is limited to reduction of tariffs and quota restrictions on trade among the members. The Seven do not propose economic integration as undertaken by the ’’Common Market”.
The tariffs on mutual trade in industrial goods will be eliminated. The first cut of 20% would be made July 1st, 1960 and thereafter there will be ieductions at the rate of 10% a year. However, the Seven governments will retain their own individual existing tariffs for commerce with non-memberstates.
Instead of One Free Trade Area, which would unite Europe as far as trade is concerned we now seem to get two separate trade areas, the Six and the Seven. To avoid that these two groups will grow into two different competing commercial blocks, Switzerland and Denjmark, both a member of the Seven, are making an appeal in order to stop an impending trade conflict in West Europe. They want to make another try to come to one huge free trade association.
The fact that the Seven have been able to find a way out of the difficulties which seemed to be an unsurpassable barrier for the ’’Eleven” might lead to the reopening op discussions in order to establish at last one Free Trade Area between the ’’Seventeen”.
Facts About Aruba
The climate is, for an island under circumstances of Aruba, very mild. The heat of the sun is cooled off during almost 12 months of the year by North East Trade Winds.
Max. Min. Average
Temperature (Fahrenheit) 92 73 83
Humidy 80 64 73
Rainfall (annually) 17.6”
Sun Ratio: Over 90%
ETHNOLOGY: The Aruban of today is a descendant from the original indigenous Indian tribe mixed with Spanish and Dutch blood of the early colonizers. It is a strong race, preponderently fair coloured, honest, thrifty and labourous. They number 36.000.
Total: 1950 - 53.200
1951 - 54.624
1952 - 56.206
1953 - 57.303
1954 - 55.912
1955 - 55.483
1956 - 56.050
1957 - 57.213
1958 - 58,486
THE LANGUAGE: The native language is Papiamento, a mixture of Spanish, Portugese, Dutch and a sprinkling of African words. The official language is Dutch, the trade language is mostly English and Spanish.
ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW INDUSTRIES: There is a tax exemption law, which grants a 10-11 year tax exemption to new industries, hotels included. Also such owners of new businesses and hotels were exempted of paying duties on the imports of furniture, furnishings and machinery for their establishments and also for all replacements of such goods during the first ten years of operation; this is for -capital investment of fls. 100.000.00 for industries and fls. 500.000.00 for hotels or more.
In Aruba agriculture concentrates mainly on growing sorhum or millet. The local name is ’’Maishi Rabo”. The flour is generally used for making a sort of porridge and also a sort of pancake or ’’pan Bati”. Predominant however, is a”funchi” another national dish made of imported coarse grain corn-flour. Another crop abundant on the more arid grounds
The Free Trade Area in Europe
(Dr. P.H.A. Tuin)
In our article of last month about the so called ’’Common Market” we have given a description of the political and economical cooperation between the six countries, Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg, France, Italy and West-Germany. The treaty was signed in 1957 and it started in 1958. This treaty has not only an economic significance but also a political one. The group of six will be run by a number of institutions with supra national caracteristics. It is meant as a first step to form a new European community with a common economic and trade policy and the idea is to come to a sort of federation where there will be a free flow of labor, money, services and goods. At the end of the article of last month it has been announced that this month we shall tell you something about the free trade area.
Even before the signing of the ’’Common Market” there were already negotiations for an association in which trade would flow with an absolute minimum of restrictions and where much more countries would involved than in the European Economic Community. It was apparent that in the long run other Western European countries would have strong economic motives to associate their economies more closely .with the community.
The initiative came mainly from the United Kingdom.
Britain has been trying to find a way to reconcile its obvious interest in joining the new European developments with the preservation of what is left of commonwealth economic cooperation. The British solution for this is the scheme for a Free Trade Area in Europe. In such an area tariffs between European countries would be removed as in the new economic community and this would mean that Britain would not be shut out of the industrial market in the new community.
Any member of the Organization For European Economic Cooperation (O.E.E.C.), that would wish to join, could share the benefits of increased trade and greater competition which the removal of tariffs may bring. On the other hand a Free Trade Area would have no common external tariffs against the world outside. By this formula Britain could still maintain tariff preferences for imports of commonwealth manufactures against all areas except Europe. However, Britain wants to exclude agriculture all together from the scheme in order to protect commonwealth farmers and domestic agriculture.
Both plans, the ’’Common Market” and the Free Trade Area, are closely related. They are both schemes for the removal of customs tariffs and quota restrictions between the membercountries over a period of time. Both involve a growing political cooperation, but there are three basic diferences between the two schemes:
1. In the Free Trade Area, while tariff barriers between members would be removed, their existing national tariffs against third countries,
which are not members, would be retained.
In the ’’Common Market”, national tariffs against third countries would be gradually replaced by a common external tariff wall, so that the six countries form in time a single customs union.
2. In the ’’Common Market” arrangements are made for agriculture as well as industry. In the Free Trade Area Britain wants it to apply to industry alone, other countries disagree.
3. The ’’Common Market” will embrace overseas territories of members; no such inclusion is envisaged for the Free Trade Area.
In order to give i rough idea of the significance of both schemes the following figures are most cla rifying.
Population (millions) .
National income per head (£) .
Steel (million tons) .
Coal and lignite* (million tons) ....
Crude oil (million tons) .
Electric power ('000 million KWH) .. Cars & commercial vehicles (millions) External trade:
Imports (£'000 million) .
Exports (£'000 million) ..
*One ton oi Lignite is assumed to be of coal.
Common Total USA
Market OEEC —
164 287 168
235 298 730
56 81 103
302 554 472
6.3 9.8 348.8
200 374 683
2.2 3.2 6.9
equivalent to three tons
In an undertaking which has as far reaching consequences as the economic interrelations of 17 countries, it is inevitable that differences of opinion will arise on practically every point under discussion. Each country will have a different approach to the overall problem and this approach will be based on its historical precedents and interests.
It was very clear that the main area of this agreement^ was one of political philosophy. The Six from the Common Market” felt that the organization of the economic community had only been possible because each of the memberstates had been willing to forego sovereign rights over a specific number of economic activities, by transferring final jurisdiction in these fields to a supra national authority.
The Eleven wanted to obtain the same advantages enjoyed by the Six, but without the compensating concessions. In other words the ’’Eleven” wanted the benefits of the ’’Common Market” without paying for them. During the many negotiations attempts have been made to arrive at a solution which would not involve transfer of sovereignty to supranational institutions while at the same time the greatest possible advantages of multilateral integration. One of the greatest problems is a consequence from the fact that in a Free Trade area only internal tariffs between the members are abolished while each member retains freedom of action as to its ex

ternal tariffs. This is the essential difference between the Free Trade Area and the customs union (such as the common market) in which internal tariffs are abolished and uniform external tariffs are adopted.
For imports from outside countries the Free Trade Area would have at least twelve distinct tariffs consisting of the common tariffs of the Six and the individual tariffs of the ’’Eleven”. It is clear that the existing of so many individual tariffs would present a lot of difficulties. The most serious of them are the probabilities of deflections of trade. It is evident that trade will ordinary flow to the country with the lowest tariff. The imported merchandise could then be transhipped free of custom duties to the higher tariff partners. Another possibility would be that imported unfinished products would be used for manufactures, which then could be exported freely to the other countries at a competitive advantage over their domestic industries.
The problem which is not yet solved has been to find means of preventing such deflections. The first attempt has been to find the formula by which goods originating in any other member country would be permitted duty-free entry into the other member countries. Merchandise not originating in the area would be assessed custom duty and other charges, as if they were being imported directly from an outside country. The certificate of origin would be the free pass for the goods to circulate within the Free Trade Area.
This leads us to the question: What is the origin of the product? When should a product get a ’’membercertificate of origin” and how much value must be added to imported raw material before it can become a Free Product with a certificate of
ny solutions of this problem have been offered, but none of them was accepted as a suitable protection against serious deflections of trade.
The majority of the six countries which form the ’’Common Market” wanted the Free Trade Area to go into effect the same time as the ’’Common Market” would come into life.
Unfortunately this has not been possible. Negotiations about the Fiee Trade Area continued but in the meantime a group of countries in West Europe decided to do something to keep pace with the tariff cuts and the free trade moves of the ’’Common Market” group. Seven countries, viz, Britain, Switzerland, Austria, Portugal, Denmark, Norway and Zweden formed a free trade association which is indicated as the ’’Seven”. This treaty is drafted in Stockholm. It is expected to be signed by the 1st of December and it is limited to reduction of tariffs and quota restrictions on trade among the members. The Seven do not propose economic integration as undertaken by the ’’Common Market”.
The tariffs on mutual trade in industrial goods will be eliminated. The first cut of 20% would be made July 1st, 1960 and thereafter there will be ieductions at the rate of 10% a year. However, the Seven governments will retain their own individual existing tariffs for commerce with non-memberstates.
Instead of One Free Trade Area, which would unite Europe as far as trade is concerned we now seem to get two separate trade areas, the Six and the Seven. To avoid that these two groups will grow into two different competing commercial blocks, Switzerland and Denimark, both a member of the Seven, are making an appeal in order to stop an impending trade conflict in West Europe. They want to make another try to come to one huge free trade association.
The fact that the Seven have been able to find a way out of the difficulties which seemed to be an unsurpassable barrier for the ’’Eleven” might lead to the reopening op discussions in order to establish at last one Free Trade Area between the ’’Seventeen”.
Facts About Aruba
The climate is, for an island under circumstances of Aruba, very mild. The heat of the sun is cooled off during almost 12 months of the year by North East Trade Winds.
Max. Min. Average
Temperature (Fahrenheit) 92 73 83
Humidy 80 64 73
Rainfall (annually) 17.6”
Sun Ratio: Over 90%
ETHNOLOGY: The Aruban of today is a descendant from the original indigenous Indian tribe mixed with Spanish and Dutch blood of the early colonizers. It is a strong race, preponderently fair coloured, honest, thrifty and labourous. They number 36.000.
Total: 1950 - 53.200
1951 - 54.624
1952 - 56.206
1953 _ 57.303
1954 - 55.912
1955 - 55.483
1956 _ 56.050
1957 - 57.213
1958 - 58,486
THE LANGUAGE: The native language is Papiamento, a mixture of Spanish, Portugese, Dutch and a sprinkling of African words. The official language is Dutch, the trade language is mostly English and Spanish.
ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW INDUSTRIES: There is a tax exemption law, which grants a 10-11 year tax exemption to new industries, hotels included. Also such owners of new businesses and hotels were exempted of paying duties on the imports of furniture, furnishings and machinery for their establishments and also for all replacements of such goods during the first ten years of operation; this is for -capital investment of fls. 100.000.00 for industries and fls. 500.000.00 for hotels or more.
In Aruba agriculture concentrates mainly on growing sorhum or millet. The local name is ’’Maishi Rabo”. The flour is generally used for making a sort of porridge and also a sort of pancake or ’’pan Bati”. Predominant however, is á”funchi” another national dish made of imported coarse grain corn-flour. Another crop abundant on the more arid grounds

the Lago Oil & Transport Co., Ltd will permit employees to withdraw 2/3 of the extra company contribution during the beginning of December
and that past experience indicates that approximately 90% of this amount will be withdrawn amounting to about Afl. 1.2000.000.—
and that this marks the fourth special Xmas withdrawal program of Lago Thrift Foundation
Aruba’s oil refinery is replacing its present acid plant facilities
and that Lago would like to invite bids for selling its surplus sulphur
and that small quantities are available for sale now on an as-is where-is basis
and that there will be 30 to 40 tons available for sale by next spring (1960)
and that this sulphur can be used as a raw material for making sulphuric acid etc.
and that this sulphur can be exported as well
and that there are several local firms experienced in handling this product in preparing it for shipment abroad
and if you are interested in this product you can address inquiries to Lago Oil and Transport Co., Ltd,. Mr. Odis Mingus, president
and that we would like you to mention the ECHO OF ARUBA as a source of this information
there is a one half of one million tons of pitch stored on Aruba’s south coast (at the western part of the oil refinery) (pitch is the last by-product after refining crude oil)
and that this surplus pitch has been there ever since World War II
and that one can make pitch brickets out of that pitch for heating purposes
and that those brickets might be used by Aruba’s aloe planters for hardening the aloe oil so that it can be shipped in solid state
and that this pitch contains a lot of rare metals such as vanadium and that this pitch is almost entirely pure carbon content
and that for local consumption one should contact Lago Marketing Division
and that all export sales are handled by PENOLA OIL COMPANY, 15 West 51 Street New York 9, New York, United States of America
and that the ECHO OF ARUBA will be glad to be of assistance or to find a local sub-agent who will handle packaging and trucking of this product and that in any case the ECHO OF ARUBA would like to be mentioned in your direct inquiries
Aruba has more than 3.000 acres with aloe plants and that aloe is being produced contineously
and that the aloe planters themselves extract the aloe oil
and that this aloe oil is being boiled by the aloe planters till it becomes hard and dark colored in substance
and that this waxy product is packed in so-called kerosene cans and crated in 110 lb. boxes
and that those filled crates are sold by the aloe planters for $ 55 fob Aruba
is ’’Aloe” of which a cathartic is made.
A 24 acres hydroponic farm is now in operation. The only plant in the world, using distilled sea-water on a commercial basis.
On October 3rd, the Temporary Lt. Governor Eric Arends passed away at the San Pedro Hospital. One of the largest funerals took place the following day, well representated by persons of all Government offices, Consular Corps, Headed by H.E. Governor Speekenbrink of Curacao. Mr. Arends better known as ’’Tushi” was very well known in all circles and very highly respected. The Board of the Merchants Association convey their deepest condolence to his widow Mrs. Arends and nine children.
Phone 1117 Phone 5128
39 Jewels
For the first time in world history Girard-Perregaux creates the 39 jewel self-winder — a watch of unsurpassed performance and breathless beauty. This new Girard-Perregaux 39 jewels runs off your slightest gesture, thanks to its jewel roller bearings. Invented, patented and used exclusively by Girard-Perregaux under the names of GYROTROÑ, the device eliminates wear and friction to usher in the new era of automatic watches.

Dateline Manhattan
by: Max Tak
August 17 1959 was an important date in the life of Egon David Baiz. On that day he arrived in New York to join the Netherlands West Indies Tourist Bureau, which had been conducted from the very beginning by Leo Bouman, during eleven years.
As of November 1 1959 Leo Bouman was no longer in charge of the Buieau. Already two years before Mr. Bouman expressed the wish to retire after a life devoted to the K.L.M.-interests in the Antilles and Antillian interests in the U.S.A.
This writer has known Leo Bouman for many years as one of the ablest, one of the most integer personalities of the tourist profession. It was unthinkable that Leo Bouman could have divorced himself completely from the Bureau, which he brought to its present importance. The many friends he has made are gratified that Mr. Bouman will serve as an adviser to the Bureau in the future.
The board which chose Bouman’s successor may be congratulated. Its choice is an exellent one. Mr. Baiz is the owner of an haimonious combination of abilities. He not only is deeply interested in the problems of modern tourism, but as a former attorney in the Antilles, possesses the profound knowledge of judicial and legal problems. He also enjoys a commercial background.
This writter who has lived in Cuiacao for some time, and has known him there, detected during the recent conversation also a gift for diplomatic phrasing of reactions to questions in him. The new Director brings another indispensable gift to his job: he has an outspoken instinct and urge for news. Especially for everything new which is of importance to the Antilles. He is a born Antillian.
A short talk with Mr. Baiz started with the question what basic activtiies are involved in conducting the Bureau.
”To maintain and strengthen everything which belongs to the domain of public relations”- is the answer.- ’’Everyday at least one hundred inquiries have to be handled. People ask all kinds of information about the Antilles. They even want to know details about the local electricity. The big modern hotels such as the brand new Aruba Caribbean Hotel and Casino offer tourists much bigger facillities than were possible before. The Bureau distributes a newsletter which goes to all newspapers and magazines. A circular letter goes to the travel agencies. Not only tourists however, are interested in the Bureau. We get many inquiries about economic matters.-”
—”How do you consider the possibilities of your organisation?—”
—’’They are unlimited. I hope to explore as many as I am able to. The increasing importance of the Netherlands Antilles is expressed of course in impressive figures. When you note that in
the Aruba harbor alone this year 8 special tourist ships anchored and that last year only one such ship brought tourists to the island and that in addition Grace Line and Royal Netherlands call weekly on the island, then this relatively tremendous increase of international interest makes one optimistic about Aruba as a future attraction. Of course, the splendid initiative of the Condado concern inspires this optimism. I am convinced that the economic outlook of Aruba is highly promising. The local situation is healthy. The daily production of 450.000 barrels of refined oil speaks for itself. The airline connections bring numerous visitors from the U.S.A. to the Antilles. The interlocal planes are usually fully occupied.—”
—”1 learned that there is a rapidly growing interest in the real estate possibilities of St. Martin—.” —’’You can say that again—”, Mr. Baiz laughed. —”On these possibilities many eyes are fixed. Especially American eyes. Till now St. Martin has four times weekly an airline connection by Caribair. The island gets in this way a splendid expansion, because starting on December 1 Caribair will fly daily from San Juan, Puerto Rico, to St. Martin. Its airfield has been rebuilt to enable big aircrafts to land. I presume that the future of St. Martin is rosy to say least. Real estate speculation and investments are already in full swing. Just before we met today, a gentleman came in and showed a profound interest in St. Martin’s real estate situation. He wants to invest there.—” Mr. Baiz also elaborated on the prospects of the -other islands of the Netherlands Antilles.
After this conversation one feels that everything which can boost the Antillian interest in the U.S.A. will be explored by the Netherlands West Indian Tourist Bureau.
The foremost Furniture Store in Aruba
_ Specializes amongst other in Furniture manufaced in Holland in many beautiful styles and com^ binations.
Emmastraat 6A, ORANJESTAD,
The well-written and interesting report of the Central Bank of the Netherlands Antilles, the Curacao Bank, has a chapter that deals with the monetary system of the Netherlands Antilles and with taxes.
As we think that part might he of interest to our readers, here and elsewhere, we would like to discuss this chapter at some length. The monetary unit of the Netherlands Antilles is called: ’’guilder”, written ƒ (florin) or NA/ (Netherlands Antillian florin).
A coin of that name is in circulation. Other subsidiary coinage are: kwartje (34 of a guilder), dubbeltje (one thenth), stuiver (one twentieth), 2Vi cent (one fortieth) and cent (one hundredth of a guilder).
The total circulation of coins was ƒ 3.417.500 per ultimo December 1958 and of treasury Notes ƒ 1.692.900, but ƒ 850.000 of this last amount were out of circulation and deposited in the safes of the Curacao Bank. Those are paper guilders, replaced by coins a few yers ago. Consequently the total circulation of coins and Treasury notes was per end December about 434 million.
The Central Bank, the Curacao Bank, issues Bank Notes with the following denominations: ƒ 5, ƒ 10, ƒ 25, ƒ 50, f 100, f 250 and f500. Per 31 December 1958 the total circulation of Bank Notes amounted to ƒ 47.328.000 and of deposits to ƒ 15.155.000, together ƒ 62.483.000. Against these liabilities the Bank has a gold íeserve of ƒ 35,500.000 and a hard currency reserve of 29.564.000, together ƒ 65.064.000. In other words the bank notes in circulation and the deposits were covered for more than 104%.
Taking only the gold-reserve into account, the coverage is already more than 57%.
Holding foreign currencies to supplement gold as a reserve, is known as gold-exchange standard. The world is again on this standard and thereby the currencies are leaning against each other, with the emphasis on dollars and pounds. Like a building made of cards. When you take one card away (attack one currency by converting that on a large scale in. to another currency or into gold), the whole building falls to pieces. That happened in 1931. In the pictures you saw Mr. MacDonald, prime minister, waving a pound note and solemnly declaring: a pound is still a pound. Whatever you may think of this remark, it was probably effective as a needed shock absorber, for overnight those with saving accounts and pensioners had lost a good deal of their purchasing-power. The chances are that such an injustice under the gold-exchange system, now in force, will not happen again. The name may be the same, for lack of a better one, the situation is vastly different. Monetary authorities have the lessons of history at their disposal. More important, the international ties are stronger since Bretton Woods (International Monetary , Fund, World Bank).
For instance, the US dollar, still the strongest standard, is weakening at the moment. The word
’’weakening” in a relative sense. It means that Euroean currencies are now stronger than they used to e in relation to the dollar. Mr. Anderson, Treasury Secretary, reacts by inviting European countries to take over part of the burden resting on the dollar. The other countries agree in principle. In short the situation now cannot be compared to that of 1931. This in answer to a. question an Aruban merchant put to us with regard to the hard currency reserve and to the dollar in general.
Reverting to the report of the Curacao Bank, we now observe that the traffic in foreign exchanges during 1958 was in millions: Receipts 262,4, disbursements 250,- The already favorable foreign exchange position improved by 12,4 million.
Under the sub-heading ’’Tax facilities”, the report mentions that since 1953, the year in which tax facilities for new companies were installed, 512 Investment Trusts established themselves in the Netherlands Antilles, due to the fact that the ’’Winstbelasting”, tax on profit, corporate tax, is only 2,4% on the first ƒ 100.000 and 3% on the excess thereof. During 1958 the favorable trend continued. 121 Investment Trusts were founded.
The same tariff is also applicable to patent compa. nies. The Insurance Companies, now already operating in the Netherlands Antilles, were granted a lower tariff of the ’’Winstbelasting”.
In order to stimulate the traffic of merchandise via the Netherlands Antilles, free zones were installed in Aruba and Curacao. Companies operating in the free zone pay only one third of the tax tariff in force. In order to make it worth while for new industries to settle in the Netherlands Antilles, the Government decreed a ’’Tax Holiday”. Under this decree new industries have a tax freedom for ten years. The results of this decision have been very good already. The new Amstel Brewery will soon be constructed and put into operation, three new first-class hotels have been built (Amba, Curacao and St. Maarten) and one very big hotel will be built at Bonaire.
To make that ’’Tax Holiday” stick, the Government of the Netherlands Antilles guaranteed that no higher taxes would be levelled during ten book years than those in existence for the first book year. Various small industries, one big industry, three first class hotels, of which two with casinos, one hotel planned for speedy construction, not to mention the middle class hotels, renovated, in construction or in planning, those are now already the tangible results of the ’’Tax Holiday”.
The endeavours of the Government to create a favorable tax climate in order to widen the economical basis of the Antilles, are certainly meeting with success. The opportunities are there. It is now up to private companies and private organizations to avail themselves of these opportunities in a still higher degree.

Ministerial Delegation to the Netherlands
During the latter part of October a ministerial delegation consisting of Mr. }.E. Yrausquin, Minister of Finance and Mr. C.D. Kroon, Minister of Social and Economic Affairs, left for the Hague, seat of the Netherlands Government.
If we are well informed, the purpose of the delegation is to discuss mutual problems within the sphere of the Kingdom Constitution (Statuut) of 1954. Incidentally, this Kingdom Constitution will enjoy its Fifth Anniversary on December 15 of this year.
Among the topics that will be discussed, no doubt the following will figure prominently.
1. The possibility of another loan running into tens of millions of guilders, to be guaranteed by the Netherlands Kingdom, with an international lending organisation or group of banks.
The proceeds of this loan will be applied toward the economic development of the island Bonaire and the Windward Islands of the Netherlands Antilles, such as: St. Martin, Saba, and Statia. (The Government information service published sketches of a proposed Hotel in Bonaire a short while ago, a project of about US$3V2 million).
If the proposed projects of these islands fulfill expectations, then a heavy drain on the budget of the Netherlands Antilles will be eliminated in the future. In the past, the islands of Aruba and Curacao suplied the funds necessary to close the gaps in the udget of the Windward Islands and Bonaire.
2. To have the European Common Market include the Netherlands Antilles. The affiliation is possible according to the treaty of the European Common Market, which specifies that overseas parts of mem bers of this organization may join under ceitain conditions. The European Common Market is an economic no-tariff or low-tariff union of France, Italy, Western Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium,
Luxemburg, the so-called six countries. The connection of the Netherlands Antilles to this association of countries with a market of 170 million people, roughly comparable to the United States of America, would open great opportunities for export from the Netherlands Antilles of raw materials, semi- manufactured and manufactured goods and triangular trade, with the Netherlands Antilles in a osition as center of industry and trade, a liaison etween the raw materials-producing countries of Latin America and the consumer market of continental Europe.
3. The position of K.L.M. Royal Dutch Airlines in the Netherlands Antilles in general and Aruba in articular. The Government of the Netherlands as a majority interest in K.L.M. During recent months Avensa and L.A.V., two Venezuelan Airlines and a major U.S. Airline as well as a non-scheduled U.S. Airline, have requested routes to Aruba. The sudden interest is due to the recent opening of the Aruba Caribbean Hotel and Casino, which is expected to increase the importance of Aruba as a tourist resort. Since the Netherlands Government will open negotiations in December with the U.S Government regarding landingrights for K.L.M. in the United States and the United States Government expects reciprocity with regard to aditional rights, the outcome of such negotiations both in the Hague and Washington will be of the utmost importance to Aruba.
It is interesting to note that shortly upon arriving in the Netherlands the ministerial delegation was received by Prof. Di. de Quay Prime Minister of the Netherlands.
Till this moment the Government Information Service has not made public the results of the visit of the ministerial delegation, but as soon as they are announced, the ”Ecno” will publish them.
Communication to our Members Ziekteregeling Perikelen
De Ziekteregeling 1936 en de Ongevallen verzekering 1936 vormen de laatste jaren meer en meer een zeer kostbare operatie ten laste van de begroting van de Nederlandsche Antillen. Ondanks premieverhogingen gedurende het jaar 1959 van 50% tot respectievelijk 5% en ongeveer 3% over uitbetaalde lonen, waaraan alleen door de werkgevers wordt bijgedragen, wordt het tekort over het lopende jaar wederom op enkele millioenen guldens begroot.
'Thans hebben de autoriteiten gemeend de kosten van de Ziekteregeling te kunnen beperken, door middel van het beknotten van de behandelende geneesheer in het voorschrijven van de te gebruiken medicijnen, welke naar wij vernemen, zo drastisch wordt toegepast, dat behandelende geneesheren ten zeerste
aan banden worden gelegd bij de behandeling van hun patiënten. Het is een bekend feit, dat de nieuwste en beste medicijnen veelal de kostbaarste zijn. Dit mag echter geen reden vormen bij de behandeling van patiënten van de Ziekteregeling. Immers, wanneer geneesheren worden genoodzaakt praktisch alleen aspirines e.d. voor te schrijven, zal de te volgen behandeling van patiënten alleen veel langer duren, waardoor de uit te betalen lonen ten laste van de Ziekteregeling aanzienlijk zullen stijgen.
Wij zien meer baat bij een strengere controle van die patiënten, die arbeidsongeschikt zijn verklaard. Een strenge controle op dergelijke patiënten bij bioscopen, sportfestijnen, etc. is zeker op haar plaats. Ook een strengere controle van de controlerend geneesheer op de arbeidsongeschikte werknemers is
een grote noodzakelijkheid. Op Aruba wordt de functie van controlerend geneesheer in het geheel niet vervuld en dit is onzes inziens een grote leemte in de administratie van de Ziekteregeling.
Wij zouden de bevoegde autoriteiten in overweging willen geven, op korte termijn over te gaan tot het
invoeren van genoemde strenge controlemaatregelen, en de beperkingen, welke aan de behandelende geneesheren in de weg worden gelegd, op te heffen. Wij zijn ervan overtuigd, dat het resultaat van deze maatregelen niet zal uitblijven, namelijk een verlaging van het tekort op onze sociale verzekeringen.
Wijziging Arbeidsregeling 1952 binnenkort te verwachten
Naar wij uit betrouwbare bron vernemen, zal binkort door de Ministerraad van de Nederlandse Antillen, de langverwachte wijziging van de Arbeidsregeling 1952, ter goedkeuring aan de Staten van de Nederlandse Antillen worden aangeboden.
De wijzigingen zullen van groot belang zijn voor alle zakenlieden, want o.a. zijn hierin de voorstellen van de Arubaanse Vereniging voor Handel en Industrie verwerkt, met betrekking tot de te verlenen toestemming aan toeristenzaken, deze tot een later uur geopend te houden op z.g.n. ’’toeristendagen”, en ’’walvisvaardersdagen”.
In dit verband treedt de wijziging van Artikel 1, IV, tweede lid naar voren, hetwelk als volgt zal worden gewijzigd:
”2. Voor de toepassing van het bepaalde bij het voorgaande lid wordt onder nacht verstaan:
A. voor jeugdige personen de tijd, volgende op 19 uur en voorafgaande aan 7 uur;
B. voor vrouwen de tijd, volgende op 20 uur en voorafgaande aan 7 uur. Deze tijd kan door de bevoegde autoriteiten voor de arbeid in bepaalde ondernemingen of groepen van ondernemingen worden gesteld op de tijd, volgende op 22 uur en voorafgaande aan 9 uur. Aan zodanige verschuiving van deze tijd kunnen voorwaarden worden verbonden.”
Alsmede no. V hetwelk luidt als volgt:
”Ook mag het tijdstip van aanvang van de dag, als omschreven in artikel 4, op een ander uur worden gesteld”.
Aan de langdurige wens van het Arubaanse Zaken leven wordt bij deze wijzigingen dan voldaan, want hierdoor kan het verstrekken van dergelijke vergunningen tot het later openblijven van derzelve bedrij. ven, praktisch niet meer worden geweigerd, al zullen hieraan dan ook zekere voorwaarden kunnen worden verbonden. Van groot belang is ook de toevoeging van een nieuw lid aan Artikel 5, hetwelk als volgt zal komen te luiden, uiteraard op voorwaarde, dat de Staten van de Nederlandse Antillen dit genoemde voorstel goedkeuren:
”3. In Afwijking van het eerste lid van dit artikel mag negen uren arbeid per dag worden verricht, indien de arbeider volgens de voor hem geldende werktijdenregeling op m-t meer dan vijf dagen per week arbeid verricht”.
Gelukkig heeft hiermede de wetgever de bedoeling, de werkgever deze optie te verlenen, doch haar niet verplichtend te stellen. Zijn wij goed ingelicht, dan berust de voorgestelde toevoeging van dit lid, op verzoek van bepaalde zijde op Curacao. Zij schept de mogelijkheid van vergroting van de werk capaciteit op zekere dagen, alhoewel daartegenover staat, dat de mogelijkheid van een 5 daagse werkweek wordt geschapen, van 45 uren. Deze toevoeging kan van groot belang zijn voor bepaalde industrieën op dit eiland, alreeds gevestigd, of nog te vestigen. De detailzaken, zullen uiteraard meer voor het huidige geldende voelen, daar zij hierdoor een 6 daagse werkweek van 45 uur behouden.
Concluderend kunnen wij stellen, dat de voorgestelde regeling een grote verbetering zal vormen, en wij hopen dan ook, dat de Staten van de Nederlandse Antillen het ontwerp zullen goedkeuren.
Enkele aspecten met betrekking tot de Internationale Burgerluchtvaart
door C. W. G. Schotborgh
Nederland heeft een 6-tal luchtverkeersbeveiligingsstations, t.w. Schiphol, Eelde, Eindhoven, ZuidLimburg, Vlissingen en Noordwijk. Daarnaast vinden wij de twee weerschepen, ss. ’’Cumulus” en ss ’’Cir rus”, die voornamelijk als stations ten behoeve van meteorologische waarnemingen kunnen worden beschouwd.
Naast het feit, dat het LVB-station Schiphol, ge

zien het internationale karakter van deze luchthaven, verreweg het grootste en belangrijkste van genoemde zes stations is, zien wij bovendien, dat hier de zetel van de Algemene Verkeersleiding van Nederland gevestigd is, die over alle technische hulpmiddelen beschikt, welke meestal bij eerste klas luchthavens worden aangetroffen. Wij hebben eerder verwezen naar annex 2 van de ICAO, waarin o.a. de eisen vermeld staan met betrekking tot de beveiliging van het luchtverkeer.
Alvorens in het kort na te gaan, wat het LVBstation Schiphol inhoudt en hoe deze organisatie werkt, moeten wij uitgaan van de basis, waarop dit station is opgezet. De drie ’’zuilen”, waarop alle werkzaamheden en activiteiten steunen, zijn:
1. Bureau Verkeersleiding,
2. Bureau Communicatie,
3. Algemene zaken en secretarie.
Het Bureau Verkeersleiding is onderverdeeld in:
1. De Plaatselijke Verkeersleiding,
2. De Algemene Verkeersleiding,
3. De Naderingsverkeersleiding.
In het kort kunnen wij zeggen, dat de werkzaamheden van dit Bureau, tot doel hebben, om op basis van voorschriften en wettelijke of anderzins vastgestelde regels, datgene te ondernemen, teneinde onder alle omstandigheden, de veilige uitoefening van de luchtvaart in het Algemeen Nederlandse Verkeersgebied en luchtwegenstelsel binnen de grenzen van het redelijke en mogelijke te kunnen waarborgen. Wij kunnen zeggen, dat de activiteiten met betrekking tot de Plaatselijke verkeersleiding zich afspelen in een gebied, waarin vliegtuigen direkt betrokken zijn bij een landing of een start of waarin voorbereidingen getroffen worden tot de direkte uitvoering van een dezer twee genoemde situaties.
De Algemene verkeersleiding houdt zich bezig met alle vliegtuigen, die in het Nederlandse Algemene Verkeersgebied voorkomen, zonder dat een start het gevolg is of een landing het doel uitmaakt van de aanwezigheid van desbetreffende vliegtuigen in dit gebied met hierbij inachtneming van het soort ’’toezicht”, n.l., respectievelijk op het verkeer in het luchtwegenstelsel en op dat in het Nederlandse vluchtinlichtingengebied. Het innemen van ’’flightplans” en de ’’briefing” van gezagvoerders van vertrekkende vliegtuigen, behoort tevens tot de taak van de Algemene verkeerleiding.
De Naderings-verkeersleiding draagt de zorg voor die vliegtuigen, welke voorkomen in het Nederlandse luchtwegenstelsel en de wens hebben kenbaar gemaakt, dat zij hun vlucht op een, in dit gebied gelegen, luchthaven willen onderbreken of beëindigen. Zij vormt als zodanig een' schakel tussen de Algemene- en de Plaatselijke Verkeersleiding.
Deze ’’verkeersleidingen” zijn alle in de verkeerstoren ondergebracht. De Verkeersleiders van de Plaatselijke-, Algemene- en Naderingsverkeersleiding worden door één of meer assistenten bijgestaan, die er zorg voor dragen, dat de luchtverkeersleiders in staat zijn, om op ieder ogenblik over correcte gegevens te kunnen beschikken voor wat betreft die vliegtuigen waar zij toezicht op uitoefenen of zullen gaan uitoefenen. Het hoeft geen betoog, dat een soepele,
onderling cordinatie tussen deze drie ’’verkeersleidingen” noodzakelijk is.
Er bestaat uiteraard een nauw contact met de verkeersleidingscentra der omringende landen, zoals die van Engeland, Denemarken, Belgie en Duitsland. Dit contact omvat alles, wat te maken heeft met bemoeienissen van deze centra met betrekking tot vliegtuigen, komende van of gaande naar genoemde landen. Bij elke vlucht, die als oorsprong Schiphol heeft, moet één van de hierboven genoemde centra worden ingeschakeld. Het zelfde geldt voor Schiphol, wanneer er een buitenlandse vlucht met bestemming Schiphol plaats vindt en één der centra inlichtingen hierover verstrekt. Welk centrum dit doet, hangt natuurlijk af van de route, bestemming of land van herkomst van het betreffende vliegtuig. Het Bureau Communicatie is onderverdeeld in een afdeling belast met radiotelegrafische-, radiotelefonische- en teletypeverbindingen. In het kort komen de werkzaamheden neer op het onderhouden van radiotelegrafische verbindingen met luchtvaartterreinen, met luchtvaartuigen op lange afstand, met de weer schepen en neemt men de meteorologische berichten op. Tevens worden er lijn- en radioteletypeverbindingen onderhouden met luchtvaartterreinen en seint men voortdurend meteorologische berichten over.
In het Bureau Algemene Zaken en Secretarie is ondergebracht de administratie en tevens de opleidingen van personeel. De werkzaamheden houden o.a.
a) Het behandelen van personeels en comptabele aangelegenheden (voorzover deze onder de bevoegdheid vallen van de Chef van het station)
b) Huishoudelijke zaken
c) Alle administratie met betrekking tot de ex
ploitatie van dit station.
De werkzaamheden van het LVB-station Eelde bestaan voornamelijk uit het uitoefenen der verkeersleiding in het plaatselijke- en naderingsgebied Eelde. Hieronder wordt ook verstaan het onderhouden van radioverbindingen met luchtvaartuigen in deze gebieden en van radio- en lijnverbindingen met andere luchtvaarttereinen. Zoals bij ieder LVB-station maakt de vluchtvoorlichting en het opnemen van meteorologische berichten bovendien een onderdeel der werkzaamheden uit.
De werkzaamheden van het LVB-station Ypenburg beperken zich tot het uitoefenen van de plaatselijke verkeersleiding, waarbij er radioverbindingen met luchtvaartuigen in dit gebied worden onderhouden, radio- en lijnverbindingen met andere luchtvaartterreinen worden gemaakt en tevens worden weerberichten samengesteld.
Het LVB-station Noordwijk heeft in vele opzichten een uitgebreider taak dan de andere LVB-stations en wel doordat dit station o.a. belast is met de ontvangst van radiotelegrafische en radiotelefonische berichten afkomstig van luchtvaart- en luchtvaartuigstations op grote afstand ten behoeve van het LVB-hoofdstation Schiphol, met inbegrip van radioteletypeberichten. Er wordt controle uitgeoefend op de kwaliteit en de frequentie der uitzendingen van de LVB-stations en luchtvaartstations, waarbij vaak een onderzoek moet worden ingesteld inzake de verbetering van bestaande verbindingen en wanneer dit nodig is, pogingen

moeten worden gedaan, om de storende stations op de (bij de LVB-tations) in gebruik zijnde frequenties te indentificeren.
Het LVB-station Zuid-Limbmg doet in voorkomende gevallen dienst als hulpstation voor het LVBhoofdstation Schiphol. Het onderhoudt radioverbindingen met luchtvaartuigen, radio- en lijn verbindingen met luchtvaartterreinen en is behalve met het uitoefenen van de luchtvaartterreininlichtingendienst belast met de radiopeildienst.
De werkzaamheden van de stations Eindhoven en Vlissingen zijn beperkt tot het uitoefenen van de
radiopeildienst en in voorkomende gevallen tot hulpstations voor Schiphol.
De werkzaamheden van de LVB-stations a/b van het ss ’’Cirrus” en het ss ’’Cumulus” liggen in de eerste plaats op het terrein van luchtvaartmeteorologie en in verband hiermede worden er radioverbindingen met luchtvaartuigen, luchtvaartstations en kuststations onderhouden. Het bedienen van radiobakens en radarinstallaties, alsmede het uitoefenen van de radiopeildienst, kunnen beschoud worden als secundaire taken.
wordt vervolgd
Derden-beslag en de Ambtenaar
(Mr. H.C. Willemsen)
Thans het vonnis van het Hof van Justitie in deze materie. In het vonnis van het Hof vraagt het Hof zich af of het hiervoren geciteerde artikel 620 Rechtsvordering op elk beslag op de bezoldiging van een ambtenaar toepasselijk is, met andere woorden of dit artikel beslaglegging op de bezoldiging van een ambtenaar verbiedt, als een dergelijk beslag niet zijn regeling vindt in een algemene verordening,
Deze vraag, zo stelt het Hof, vindt de beantwoording in artikel 353c Rechtsvordering - welk artikel overigens niet door partijen was aangehaald - omdat dit artikel in zaken onderhoud betreffende, de beperkingen die algemene verordeningen stellen ten aanzien van de wijze waarop en de gedeelte waartoe op loon en andere periodieke uitkeringen executoriaal beslag mag worden gelegd, buiten werking stelt.
Dit artikel luidt :
”De bepalingen van algemene verordeningen ’’krachtens welke schuldeisers niet of alleen bin”nen de daarin aangegeven grenzen of op de ’’daarin bepaalde wijze ten aanzien van loon en ’’andere periodieke uitkeringen rechten kunnen ’’doen gelden, blijven te dezen buiten werking.
Derhalve blijft volgens het hof - daar het ook hier handelt over zaken onderhoud betreffende - artikel 620 Rechtsvordering buiten werking.
Het Hof overweegt dan ook dat uit artikel 353c Rechtsvordering mag worden afgeleid, dat een schuldeiser van een uitkering tot levensonderhoud op normale wijze op het loon van zijn schuldenaar, ook indien deze ambtenaar is, executoriaal beslag kan leggen.
Op een andere grond dan de eerste rechter komt het Hof tot de nietigheid van het beslag en wel omdat het beslag was gelegd onder de Landsradio- en Telegraafdienst.
Ten aanzien daarvan overweegt het Hof”
”. post alia .
”dat deze dienst geen rechtspersoon is, daar ”zij geen afgescheiden vermogen heeft, immers ’’haar ontvangsten en uitgaven opgenomen
’’worden in de Landsbegroting, zodat zij ook ’’geen openbaar lichaam is, maar slechts mid” dellijk van een openbaar licham, het Land, ’’uitgaat;
Overwegende, dat derhalve het beslag niet ’’gelegd had mogen worden onder genoemde ’’dienst, maar dat dit onder het Land zelf ”had dienen te geschieden, zodat het deswege ’’niet het beoogde rechtsgevolg kan hebben;
dat derhalve dit beslag nietig is en behoort ”te worden opgeheven;
Zoals reeds werd gesteld dient dus onderscheid te worden gemaakt tussen beslagen op de salarissen van ambtenaren :
a. betreffende verhaal tot levensonderhoud (vide aangehaald vonnis van het Hof van Justitie) op normale wijze kan executorial beslag gelegd worden;
b. betreffende andere zaken - (vide artikel 620 Rechtsvordering) bij algemene verorning dient te worden bepaald in hoeverre en op welke wijze beslag kan worden gelegd - een dergelijke algemene verordening ontbreekt tot op heden
Het is echter bekend dat in het in behandeling zijnde ontwerp ’’materieel deel Ambtenarenrecht” op soortgelijke wijze als in de Ambtenarenwet 1929 in Nederland in de nu bestaande leemte zal worden voorzien.
Tenslotte moge nog de aandacht worden gevestigd op artikel 38 van de Landsverordening ”Comptabiliteitsvoorschriften eilandgebieden” (P.B. 1953
No. 174), waarbij beslag verboden wordt ten aanzien van gelden, geldswaarde hebben papieren, roerende of onroerende zaken of zakelijke rechten, het eilandgebied toebehorende en onder de administratie of onder derden berustende, alsmede ten aanzien van gelden, geldswaarde hebbende papieren, roerende of onroerende zaken, onder de administratie berustende, of ook op gelden door derden aan het eilandgebied verschuldigd.

Our advertisers of this month are listed underneath in alphabetical order.
Amsterdamsche Ballast Maatschappij N.V.,
Hotel Casino Aruba Caribbean
Arturo M. Arends
Kan Inc.
Astoria Hotel - Restaurant
N.V. Bohama (Aruba)
Mirep Store Ltd.
Botica Aruba N.V.
Panama Store
N.V. Bouwmaatschappij Aruba
Spritzer & Fuhrmann (Aruba) Ltd.
Contal Agencies
The Pearl of the Orient
Texas Furniture
Fuchs & Gelbstein
De Wit’s Stores
Hollandsche Bank-Unie N.V.
Winkel’s Handel Mij. N.V. (Camel)
V___——-__ J
cos de la Compañía Real Holandesa de vapores hacen escala en los puertos de la costa oriental de los
Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, y del Golfo de
México, y desde diversos puertos del Canadá se dirigen también al Caribe y Venezuela.
Precisamente estos dias vino a sumarse a la flota de la K.N.S.M. el quincuagésimo barco construido después de la guerra, la motonave ’’Achilles”, destinada especialmente para los servicios a la costa septentrional y occidental de la América del Sur y al que seguirán pronto otros seis barcos que se hallan actualmente en construcción. Esta serie de barcos, así como los demas que fueron construidos después de la conflagración mundial, pertenecen a los más modernos que surcan los mares. Disponen de escotillas patentadas MacGregor, instrumentos de carga modernos de funcionamiento électrico y pueden desarollar una velocidad de 16.25 millas por hora.
Poseen, además, un timón automático, radar y conexión de radio-telefonía, debido a lo cual desde estos barcos es posible telefonear a grandes distancias. Esperamos muy de veras que estas comunicaciones con las Indias Occidentales y Suramérica que existen desde hace 75 años sean tanto para los países aludidos como para Holanda no sólo de gran importancia económica sino que hayan contribuido y contribuyan aún más en el futuro a estrechar los lazos culturales y a consolidar la amistad recíproca entre todos esos países amigos y Holanda.

Van Renselaerstraat 7 - St. Nicolaas PHONE 5132
Amsterdamsche Ballast Maatschappij N.Y.
now dredging the St. Nicolaas Harbor of Lago Oil and Transport Co., Ltd., Aruba with its brand new super modern equipment, is the foremost in the field of general Dredging of harbors. We are available at all corners of the world.
C/o Lago Oil and Transport Co., Ltd.,
St. Nicolaas, Aruba, Netherlands Antilles.
Lark 1960
Soon on display
Lark Convertible
The only Convertible in the American economy class.
Korteweg 2 - 4
Phones 1073-1074.
Spritzer&Fuhrmann (Aruba)Ltd.
Nassaustraat Mainstreet
Phone 1320 ARUBA N.A. Phone 5014
Patek Phillipe - Vacheron & Constantin - Audemars Piguet - Omega - Gubelin - Jeager Le Coultre Movado - Eterna - Ernest 3orel - Mido - Tissot Nivada.
set and unset.
George Jensen - Hans Hansen - Frygast Morgensen - Royal Dutch Silverworks and other Continental silverware.
Dinnersets, figurines in Bing & Grondahl Royal Copenhagen - Rosenthal - Limoges - Wedgwood Royal Doulton - Minton - Royal Worcester - Spode Dresden etc.
Lalique - Baccarat - Leerdam - Holmegaard' Murano - vases, dishes, wir$é & liqueur glasses, ashtrays...
with French Beaded Beauvais embroiderie - Viennese "Queen of Petit Point".
exquisite in design and variety.
Delftblue handpainted - Old Dutch gift articles Zeiss Binoculars - Travel Alarm Clocks - Leather goods - Dolls - Souvenir Articles.
Contal Agencies
IMPORT — EXPORT LTD. (Formerly Continental Agencies)
87 Nassaustraat, Aruba, N.A.
Cables: Contal, Aruba.
For Curacao: Contal, Curaca.o
General Milk Co.
Evaporated milk - Pet and Carnation
Vaseline Hair Tonic, Hair Cream White Petroleum Jelly, etc.
Johnson’s Wax
Household and Automotive Waxes
Raid Insecticides and Glade Air Refreshner
Anton Hunink
Meat products
Vettewinkel paints etc. etc.
Agents - Distributors - Importers - Exporters
We offer you:
With own offices in;
The Netherlands
Neth. Antilles
or You Too ; the HBt^^
De Wit’s Stores
Mainoffice, Nassaustraat 94 Oranjestad — Aruba.
Booksellers - Printers - Publishers - Importers of Toys and Gilts.
Besi address for
Mirep Store, Ltd.