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Lago Oil & Transport Co., Ltd.
‘Aruba, Netherlands Antes
Editor : A. Werleman
Co-Editor : Miss L. I. de Lange
Photographer : J. M. de Cuba Printed by : Verenigde Antilliaanse Drukkerijen N.V.
Nick Ecury Nombra Zone Supervisor Di Construction & Contract Group
Efectivo Februari 1, 1974, Reuben N. D. ("Nick") Ecury a ser promovi pa Zone Supervisor di e Construction & Contract Group di Mechanical- Construction & Turnaround/Facilities Division.
Nick tin 26 anja di servicio cu Lago, incluyendo hopi experiencia varia den mayoria di fase
a, eo es og
R. N. D. Ecury
nan di operacionnan di compania. El a cuminza su carrera na Lago den Machine Shop caminda el a progresa pa Machinist "C” e mesun anja ey. Na 1947 el a transferi pa T.S.D. - Process como un Engineering Trainee "C' y a bira un Jr. Engineering Assistant "B’” na 1950.
Antolin Ridderstaat (c) of Mec receives his service watch from Materials Division Superintendent L.S.F. Anjie on the occa sion of his 25th service anniversary on Feb. 18. Looking on is A. Yarzagaray, Section Head-Ope
Nick a progresa den e varios categorianan di engineering assistant te cu su promocion pa Sr. Engineering Assistant den Technical- Engineering Project Division.
Mas despues el a ser asigna den Mechanical -M&C_ Division como Contract Coordinator. Aki despues el a ser promovi pa Engineering Technician. Nick su experiencia den e departamento aki ta inclui asignacionnan ariba e proyecto di Modernizacion di Finger Pier y ariba construccion di Sea Berth. Un Mechanical Supervisor durante di construccion di unidadnan di e proyecto HDS-l, el a encabeza e Construction & Contract Group re-organiza for di 1973.
Nick, kende a ser educa na Hulanda caminda el a completa HBS, a sigi varios curso di Lago den Refinery Chemistry & Process, Process Engineering Assistant y Industrial Power Distribution.
Un amante di lama, Nick a participa den varios concurso
(Continua na pag. 12)
March 8, 1974
W. L. Terrell Accepts Position With New Coal Gasification Plant
Mr. Walter L. Terrell, Lago’s Mechanical Manager, has accepted the position of Mechanical Superintendent of the new Coal Gasification Demonstration Plant to be built near Houston, Texas, by the Carter Oil ComPany and Esso Research and Engineering Company. Mr. Ter
a eae, |
W. L. Terrell
rell will leave at the end of April to assume his new duties
in Houston. The product of a coal gasification plant is a synthetic crude oil which can be further refined into gasoline and other fuel products. Such plants would use the extensive coal reserves available in the U.S.A. While in Lago's Mechanical Department, Mr. Terrell was instrumental in restructuring the department organization to place greater emphasis on planning of maintenance work. He has also stressed improved equipment and unit reliability and refinery housekeeping. Walter and his wife Mattie have been very active in Community affairs. Walter is credited with reactivating the Aruba Gun Club and has been an active member of the Aruba Golf Club The
been in Aruba nearly
and will be greatly
all of their friends
W. L. Terrell Ta Accepta Posicion
Cu Planta di Gasificacion di Carbon
Sr. Walter L. Terrell, Lago su Gerente Mechanical, a acepta posicion di Superintenc
Demonstracion di Gasificacion
di Carbon cu lo ser construi
cerca di Houston, Texas, door di Carter Oil Company y Esso Research and Engineering Com
pany. Sr. Terrell lo bai na fin di
Francisco V. Koolman, Process-Utilities, Acid &
Edeleanu, is presented his 25-year service watch by Process Manager Ted R. Burton in the presence of Gregorio Willems and Utilities Div. Su
perintendent T. C. Fredrickson, at left.
servicio di Me Sr. Terrel
tabi a If u gen reor nizacion di e departament pone mas e ariba planeamento di trabao di mantenecion Tambe el a pone a nto ariba di unidad
equipo y confiabili
nan y limp fineria Walter y su esposa Mattie tabata masha activo den asunto
nan di comunidad
Walter ta ser credita pa reactiva e Aruba Gun Club y el tabata un miembro activo di Aruba Golf Club. € familia Terrell ta estableci na Aruba pa casi
cuatro anja y nan lo ser falta
hopi door di tur nan amigonan
March 8, 1974
Lago Helps Aruban Youth Acquire lo and DLE Facilities
club building and
I a fe le, while
4 Ss at prek [ scouthouse
an old bar
| be built by i ange for the piece Lago fence
hold regular
= FF , = Process Foreman
: Julio Curiel (r) hands this lovely trophy to Process | Manager Ted R. Burton, whose department won the first Lago Di
visional Bowling Tournament held at the Esso Club Bowling Alleys : late last year.
Process Foreman Julio Curiel (dr) ta entrega e bunita trofeo aki na , Process Manager Ted R. Burton, kende su departamento a gana e | Promer Torneo di Bowling Divisional di Lago, teni na canchanan di Bowling di Esso Club anja pasa.
| Bowling Trophy Won by Process | Turned Over to Department Manager
4 In a surprise gesture, Julio Cu| riel of Process - HDS recently turned over the trophy won by his bowling team to the Process q Department. The trophy, won by an eight-man team in the
sented the Process team which was formed by Gus Genser, Joe Carroll, Chet Rogers, Bill Eagan, Carlos Kwidama, Martines Leo and Steve O'Mara.
Organized by Rudy Amaya
first Lago Interdepartmental and Frankie Kock of the Esso 4 Bowling Tournament held last Club Bowling Committee, the | year, was presented to Process tournament was held at the
i Manager Ted R. Burton in his t Office in the General Office : Building recently. Julio repre
club’s modern Bowling Alleys every Thursday during an eightweek span during the latter part
Lago Vice President Henry V. Mowell hands a check to Scouts District Commissioner D. Vrieswijk during a recent scout gathering at the Santanero Group facilities at Dakota.
Vice Presidente di Lago, Henry V. Mowell ta entrega un check na Comisario di distrito D. Vrieswijk durante un reciente reunion di padvinders na e facilidadnan di grupo Santanero na Dakota.
Lago Ta Yuda Hubentud Arubano Logra Mas y Mehor Facilidadnan
Un otro esfuerzo di Lago pa yuda hubentud di Aruba tabata un reciente presentacion di un check na Sr. D. Vrieswijk, e Comisario di Districto di Padvinders di e Seccion di Aruba di Antilliaanse | Padvindersvereniging (APV), door di Vice President di Lago Henry V. Mowell.
Haciendo e presentacion na e facilidadnan di Santanero Groep na Dakota, Sr. Mowell a remar
a: "Nos ta masha contento di por asisti e organizacion pa desaroya mehor facilidadnan pa hubentud di Aruba y pa e movemento di padvinders en particular.”
E Padvindersvereniging na Aruba tin un total di mas of menos 300 padvinders parti den cuatro grupo. E grupo di Baden
Powell tin un club chikito y tambe un veld di voetbal na Eagle, mientras cu e Grupo Santanero actualmente ta trahando un cas di padvinders na Dakota pa reemplaza un barak bieuw.
San Nicolas tin dos grupo, e grupo di Arowak y e grupo di St. Joris. Nan tambe pronto lo haya un troepenhuis nobo na Lago Heights. Esaki lo ser traha pa Lago en cambio pa un pida terreno cerca di muraya di Lago, unda APV_ actualmente tin un cas bieuw pa padvinders.
E padvinders di APV ta tene reunionnan regular, kampvuur, programanan social y actividadnan di entrenamento, cu cooperacion di como binti lidernan di padvinders.
of the year.
A total of 65 bowlers, all Lago and TOA personnel, participated in the tournament, representing twelve company departments and divisions. These were : Process, Technical, Comptroller's, PR/IR - Marketing, Mechanical - M&C, MCS-Comptroller’s teams | and II, Process Engineering teams | and Il, Mechanical Engineering teams |, Il and Ill, and Esso Research.
Sub-champion of the tourna
ment was MCS - Comptroller's team |, with 2006 pins against
the Process team’s 2158.
CREDITS Our full-color cover was reproduced from slides taken of the 1973 Carnival by our photographer J. M. de Cuba. Most of the pictures of the 1974 Carnival activities were taken by free-lance photographer Janchi Tromp.
ARUBA ESSO NEWS March 8, 197
* Children’s Carnival +
Arabian Sheiks
Mexican Group
a (of ‘OWS
March 8, 1974 ARUBA ESSO NEWS
Oranjestad - Feb. 17
oy, L “ \S . by y 4 f { \ ¥ +3 a
‘. EE 17? hs f 4 Sagi i= a | .¥ (& | Wie © wagers . , 4 j — He <3
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The 15-year-old Queen _is| congratulated by Lago Vice President Henry V. Mowell, who performed the coronation ceremonies. Runner-up at left is Undina Harms of the Caribe Club. At right outgoing Youth Queen Glen. da Croes. The new Youth Queen is daughter of Crisostomo A. Croes, TechnicalLabs.
Below, 1974 Youth Carnival Queen Helene Croes and
Helene Croes of the Caiquetio Club of Paradera, ; runner-up Undina Harms.
here with Youth Prince and Pancho, is proclaimed 1974 Youth Carnival Queen in the Wilhelmina Stadium before a huge crowd on Feb. 20.
Participants in the Youth Carnival Queen election, are: Omaira Harms (La Salle College), Undina Harms (Caribe Club), Clara Arends (Estrella), Helene Croes (Caiquetio Club), Barbara Halley (Colegio Arubano), Osyth Henriquez (Tivoli Club), Gerda Bosnie (Suriname), and Brenda Croes (Connie Francis Teeners Club).
Queen of costumes elected at the 1973 Carnival Queen Pamela Wilhelmina Stadium Feb. 22. An In- Browne ’jumps up” in the ca Sun Queen, she represented the Grand Parade in the Circus Group ”The Golden Age of Incas”. Fantasy Group. A Temple of Bali with Goddess
Grecelle Croes of Caribe Elected 20th Aruba Carnival Queen Feb. 21 |
At far left, Grecelle Croes of the Caribe Club is crowned by the Lt. Governor of Aruba, Jossy Tromp. Grecelle was elected Aruba Carnival Queen by an international jury in a jam-packed Wilhelmina Stadium on February 21. At left, Grecelle is congratulated by the Governor. At right, Esther Marugg of the Esso Club who was runner-up.
Na mas robez, Grecella Croes di Club Caribe ta ser corona door di Gezaghebber Jossy Tromp. Grecella a ser eligi Reina di Carnaval di Aruba door di un hurado internacional den Wilhelmina Stadion Feb. 21. Na robez, Grecelle ta ser felicita door di Gezaghebber. Na drechi, Esther Marugg di Esso Club kende a keda na segundo lugar.
i ys , } 4 ial | aueen candidates (from | to r): Mevis Dirksen (Sta. Cruz), Elfrida Dubero (Esrella), Lourdes Petrochi (Caiquetio Club), Ada Luidens (Connie Francis Club), Milda Maduro Oranjestad), Sixta Franken (Noord), Astrid Croes (Brazil), Grecelle Croes (Caribe), Palmira Carnival Prince Lenga and runner-up Esther heysen (San Nicolas), Elke Heemels (Tivoli), Esther Marugg (Esso Club), Emily Oduber Marugg flank Aruba’s 20th Carnival Queen (Paradera), not in picture: Elvia Croes (Savaneta), and Yvonne Guicherit (Marines). Grecelle Croes.
Aruba’s Carnival Queen for 1974, Grecelle Croes, with other Caribe Queens, during the Carnival Parade in San Nicolas on February 23.
s of Thunder Esso Club’s ’The Hmong of Laos”
ARUBA ESSO NEWS March 8, 1974
at ail
Colegio Arubano School Fantasy
Jee ever dvevguow herr
Ee ey eee vee yee ove
ad IE 21 at
Local and Foreign Queens
Outer Space Group
ug; Ry
oe on Jupiter Life Under Water
Brazil District Queen
ARUBA ESSO NEWS March 8, 1974 |
Life Under Water Group
= pet TT
Marines’ Queen
Cannibal Beach Party Fountain Fantasy Toyota
MB arch 8, 1974
wv zi omg ttn
Nightfall On Uranus
Saturn Connie Francis Queens
Secrets Of The Sky
Nick Ecury Named Zone Supervisor Of Construction & Contract Group
Effective February 1, 1974, Reu
ben N. D. (Nick”) Ecury was promoted to Zone Supervisor of the Construction & Contract Group of Mechanical-Construction & Turnaround/Facilities Division.
Nick has 26 years of Lago service, including wide and varied experience in most phases of company operations.
He started his Lago career in the Machine Shop where he progressed to Machinist "'C” that same year. In 1947 he transferred to T.S.D.-Process as an Engineering Trainee "'C” and became a Jr. Engineering Assistant "’B” in 1950.
Nick progressed through the various engineering assistant categories until his promotion to Sr. Engineering Assistant in Technical- Engineering Project Division.
He was subsequently assigned to the Mechanical - M&C Division as a Contract Coordinator. Here he was later promoted to Engineering Technician.
Nick’s experience in this department includes assignments on the Finger Pier Modernization Project and on the Sea Berth Construction.
A Mechanical Supervisor during the HDS-I project unit construction, he has headed the reorganized Construction & Contract Group since 1973.
Nick, who was educated in Holland where he completed high school, has followed Lago courses in Refinery Chemistry & Process, Process Engineering Assistant and Industrial Power Distribution.
A sea lover, Nick has participated in various international fishing contests. He enjoys skindiving, waterskiing and doing handicrafts. Every other year he goes snowskiing in Sdlden, Austria, during the wintersport activities there.
Nick and his wife Paula live at Ponton. They have one son, Jorge, and three daughters * Catherine, Monique and Chantal
Trofeo di Bowling Gana pa Process Entrega na Gerente di Departamento
Den un gesto di sorpresa, Julio Curiel di Process-HDS recientemente a entrega e trofeo gana door di su equipo di bowling na Process Department. E trofec, gana door di un equipo di ocho persona den Lago su Promer Torneo Interdepartamental di Bowling teni anja pasa, a ser presenta na Gerente di Process Ted R. Burton den
su oficina den Edificio Principal recientemente. Julio a representa e team di Process cual tabata forma door di Gus Genser, Joe Carroll, Chet Rogers, Bill Eagan, Carlos Kwidama, Martines Leo y Steve O'Mara. Organisé door di Rudy Amaya y Frankie Kock di Esso Club Bowling Committee, e torneo a ser tenf den e club su moder
March 8, 1974
During a press luncheon at the Esso Club on February 20, Lago’s new Vice President Henry V. Mowell was introduced to the local press members. At left, Mr. Mowell welcomes Donny Laclé (Beurs) and Tommy Pietersz (La Prensa). At right, he greets Sonny Salas (Tele-Aruba), while Jim Pietsch (Radio Victoria), at left, and PR Manager M. Henriquez
look on.
In a belated presentation, Jacobo de
Trades, was awarded his 30
Materials Division Superintend Nicolaas of Mechanic
Den un presentacion un poco
Metal Trades, a haya su certific
vicio for di Materials Div. Superintend
di R. Nicolaas di Mech.
no canchanan di Bowling tur Diahuebs durante un periodo ocho siman durante ultimo par ti di anja
Un total di bowling, tur p TOA, a participa den e torne ntando diezdos de Nan ta
hungador di onal di Lago y internaci repr gusta sa mentos y division cess, Technical, Comptroller's un PR/IR - Marketing, Mechanic sneeuw M&C, MCS-Comptroller’s ly Il, Process Engineering team ly Wl, Engineering team |, Il y Ill, y Esso Research. na Ponton. Nan tin un yiu hom- | Sub-campeon di e torneo ta- ber, Jorge, y tres yiu muher: bata MCS-Comptroller’s 1, cu Catherine, Monique y Chantal
haci obra di man pasa anja el i ski ariba Austria, du
di winter- |
team rante inan spor Mechanical Nick y 4 Paula ta biba |
MARCO ANGELA died in Aruba on December 29, 1973 at the age of 57. He had been working in Mechanical-Bollermaker Shops until his retirement on December 1, 1966. He had 22 years of service.