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beginning 2 April
25 August
v. Banz
Saba 2d April 1825
I avail myself of this conveyance to
inform your Excellency, that the new ergulations
I„e which you spoke of when had to have
establishment are much requird; and I beg have
to ask, that you will be pleased to make my
time of appearance before your Excellency to
receive the same as early as may be convenient,
especially as I have some thing of Consequence
to lay in for you
I have the honor to remain
Your Excellency's
Most H. Servt.
C. Dieks Ir. His Excellenz
V. C. ad Julium W.F.Jn Spengler,
Gorr. d. Cust. S. Martin.
d Saba &c. & d
Jaba 22d April 1821
I have the Honor of acknowledge
the rreusit of your Excellency's Lett
of the 21th. Inst and to inform that I have
sucended in arranged the claim when
Saba 10 febr 1828
Mr Farira hald agniest mr. Puyst
to the satisfaction of both parties_ Sir
have the Honor to remain
In of a dinner to your Excellencyes orders Your Excellency’s
of the 7 Sept. last year, I beg from to inform His Excellers Most Ob: & V. A. Sur
that I have sent in charge of Cap. I. James Wm Spinger
Ed Reake Ir Gor. J. Gust. S. Martin Summons ^ It„ avegro man who calty himself
V.C.ad. Interim. dSaba etc. & d —
Situs. Die Proßertsz Colonel Gambes Anguilla
he absconcted from said Island in the year
Saba 18 October 1825 1821. with five others, who were immediately
apprehended & sent to their respective owners Sir!
but the our in question escaped & from weeks
past deliv'd himself up. I therefore have I have the Honor to act asule
would myself of the first suiteable Conveyance the receipt of your Excellency's letter of
7 Sept. with the Enclosury, and to inform that
to send him to your excellency.
I lost my time in taking such steps according
I have theDenor to be to the local Circumstances of the Island to prevent
the deserting of any slavery, and that I shall Sir Your Excellency's
attend you may be apurd, to your Excellency's
M. G. und spengler Most Ob. d. v. St. Sub.
Nie Excellenz
in this orders when an oppe offers —
Persiring your Excellency to any Gor. d. Cust. Separten. Riaksch.
Letter of 20 april, I beg have to add, that Saba etc. &c.
V.C. ad Interem
inconsiquence of some unpliasant occurence
with Mr. J.D. Horton Ir, I feel a great wish
to Sir your excellency, and to Subiect the same to Saha 15 Juni 1826
J. G. Gropbe Es qn
Your Excellency's Consideration F. Eustn.
I have the House to be
In answer to your esturmad fitt Sir
Sir your Excellency
His Excellency of the 31 ulto. I beg have to inform, that
M. Abt. & St. Secr. M.A.m Spinglin Captain A. Blyden died was an Heer to
Sor. Frust. S. Martin Praks Ir Haba Le &c
with many many others to as pot of Land
in this Island, from his Grand father MrI kam
Sommons alias Boerzond, situate en aplai a euw
the Ladder, the value of it I presume to be about
16 ff - there are is also an other spot in Fils
Quarter, formerly the property of Mr & Mrs
Blyden died, which was not notierd when a division
tok plan of the Epeets of said Estate after
the drath of Mr A. Blyden also I.vand father
to said Conf. D. Blyden deed:) however some time
having Aapsid when his widow Mrs. Joanna
Blyden Author vynd Mr. A. Hassel of this
Island the Letter to receive his proportion of
Provis. de raisd from said and the value is supposed
to be $16 you will therefore be able to be
find, in your Island of Cap. Blyden is an
Hier to Widdland from his Grand father Br. A Blyden
waiting your further orders on the subject
remain Sir! Your M. v. Surz
Riahs Ir
N. C. ad Intirem.
15e Juin 1836
T. B. Graecke Esqre.
your favor of the 31 ulto I have
had the pleasure to receive, & conformable
to requist of His Excellers orc.
I haar Sint Mr. Fabios boy advicr is
in charge of Cap. P. Darsey
I have the honor to be
Sir Your M. OSeir
Draks In.
V. C. ad Interem
Seba 21 July 1826
Mrs. Saliz
This will be brauchd you by my
Brothern in Law Mr. O. Darsey, to whom you
will have the Renduiss to pay your Three years
Taxes the present in chided, amountg to $19.
Madam your Monsieur
& oblige
Riaks dr
Saha 10 Aug. 1826
Jas. D. Hartow Dr. Esyn. haver in ihr
my, that a certain open boat which I sold
him 25 may last, built in this Island per detaind
at Great Bay S martin on British protesti
and has requested me to address your Excellency
on the Subject, in orders pure that the boast
in question is absolutely his property and the
very our sold purchased of me, which I
assure your Excellency to be the Case
Mr. St. having business to be attho rtansait
in anguilla, taught the best to attend him,
when regard, and the documents which he
will have the Honor to lay before your
Excellency will I presume oftener that he
it a Dutch subject, and thereby enable him
to obtain the boat
I have the honor to remain
Gv. Wis Excellen
Sir Nr. Jn Komondt Your Excellency's
Gorr. S. Martin
Mark Ob. & H Su.
Saba 10 Aug. 1826. Sir
The heaven I.D. Harton Ir. Esqr.
Purchs? from mr 25 may last-gnopen Boat
Liuilt on this Island, which he informes my is
detaind at Great Bay & Martin of bristish propits
I have written Niz Excellg. Goor Romondt on the
subject in this Conveyance - but I however Concure
that your Excellency's intervenes will be of
Wm. Hr.
misch importance on the Case, & I therefore
beg have to belieut it as far as the nature
of the business will merck
I have the Honor to be
Wis Exellis Sir Your Excellenz
W. A. zu Spengler.
Most Ob & N. Ser Govr. J. Gust. S. Martin &
saba de de de E
Saba 14 Nov. 1826.
I have the Honor to acknowledge
the receipt of your Excellency's Letter under
date of the 13th inst. and particularly note its
contents - the run away which your Excellency
allude to are on the Island, but I could not
sucired in having them apprehended to be sent
with the braver of your Letter, yet I trust
in the course of aprin days to be in possession
of them, when I will send them to St Barts conformable
Wm Doctor Luven's Litter as also the Boat - there Penses
will be asannate as possible of which I shall
inform your Excellency
I have the honor to remain
Your Excellency's
Hn. Excellenz
Most Obt. & N.N. Sir
W. A. v. Spenglin.
D Claks Ir. Gom Fr Eust Sommertin
t Suba &c de Rthl. C. ad Intru
Saba 2d. January 1828
I have the honor to inclose to your
Exeally: a petition I have recd. from
Mr. P. Maresal a Burgher & Inhabitant
of St. Eustatius, by which your Excellency
will perceive, that his Brig was taken
out from the ascherage of this Island
by her Crew, Compas'd principallz of
Blacks on the night of the 26 ulto,
and as I am aware a that a Sale of
this Vessel was pass’d before the Secretaris
of this Island to Mr. P. Marcial, I put
it a duty oneumbent on me, to recommend
Mr. Marcial to your Excelléz: so that
hr may obtain such documents from
you as will enable him to claim his
where she may he found
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's
Most Ob, & v. H. Sur His Excellers
N. Denks Ir W. A. Yn Spengler v. C. ad Intu
Gom. S. mit:
St Martin Saba
de &c.
Gaba 19 Jany. 182
I beg have to inform your
Excellency, that having received information
of a Bary being in this Road totally abandoned,
and after ascertaining the fact, by the report
of the Marchal, who I sent to inspect her
I have thought proper for the securitie
of the vessel, and for the benefit of all chose
who may be concernd to take possession of
her- I have accordingly plaed onbrand
a Conf 18dential man with a sufficient
I er ave your excellency dreu
directions on this Subject
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's
Most Of. & V. H. Sitz
rd P raks In
7. C. ad Intz
His Excellers
W. A. T. Spengler
Governor In Eust:
Sr Martin Saba
Acta 29 January 1828
I have the honor to a knowledge
la néresepte et vous Excellencyd d’etre même
sant of theâthos, mett 15 en clarens, and
I have acted with the same Conformeer to your
Copeil méro direction, a) also en forma, ils servitez
a <gap/> of the Brig takeh fussion of
I have the honor to be on the 19 Just.
Mons t O
Mr Excellency
M. A. Gestrenght
Jorn. Pl. Eust. d. Marten.
Saba 15 feb. 1828.
Conformable to your Letter of the
14 Inst. I beg have to hand you herewith
an account of Expenses, against the Brie
taken possession of on the 19 alto up to
date amountz to $281.4
I have the honor to be
To Sir Your Obr H Sen
J. G. Groebe Esqne a Dm Srs Jn O. vnd Int.
orig. Jn. Cap Sommers Saba 27 April 1826
Duplie. Jai Cap. Hortow.
on the 22d. May
I beg have to inform your Honor of
the arrival in this Port of a Pizes ship, from St Eustr
on her way to Puerto Cabello in distress, her forrmast
by raport
being materially injurird-likewise four other vissets
under similar Circumstances have auchor in the road.
all of which I have orderd off, two have abey'd and
the others are yet here. I draw it my duty to give
Your Honrs this information - and with Sentiments
of the highest Consideration _
I have the honor to be
Hij Honor.
Sir! Your M. Osn. N.J.L.Sr. Raders
Commandeur of the
Islands, Trubst & Saba
Saba 19 May 1828
Having been inform'd by Mr. Moses Levenock
that himself, and afur more of the Inhabitents
had brought to Auchor in the Port a Brig under
Bulck Colours, who's Orar Consisted only of Tins
frenchmen & our Spaniaud, or this report
and that said Brig was found without any Author or
Cable, on this report
Sorderd the drew before me, and the only paper
they had relating to said Vessel is the Inilood
our - finding it not sufficient to permet me to
Suffer said Vessel to depart. I have thought
proper for the security of the Wissel, and for
the benefit of those who may be concernd to take
Possession of her, and have accordingly plac'd
on board a Confedontial man with a Suppecant
Your Honor will herr with receive Creu
also, a Liste aj far ay Can de as certaind at present
of the article In board.
I tharfore Craue Your Honors
derretions on this subject, and with sentiments
of the highest Consideration
I have the honor to be
Jour M. o. Ser. Hij Honor
I Prakot W. I. L. Jn. Raders
Commandeur of the
Islands St. Kustatius
Saba 22d. May 1820
Consolut of the Letter. Sir
In reply to your letter of yesterday, I have
the honor to inform, that the Captain of the Brig
and our of the men absconded in a Boats on the night
of the 20th. Inst. the other one I have sent up in the
Sloop Elizabeth for examination, as the Brig will
vigaire a few days to put her in order, to proceed to
Dr. Eust. Mr Moses Leversch cannot make
it concerning me to depart to day, but will accompany
me in the course of those of four days, as I dieu it
Lighly necessary to see Your Honor on the Subject
myself- Cape John Hassel being the heaven
herrof, being one of the men thatâssisted in
bringing in said Brig, will declare what
he knows on the Subject
I have the Honor to be
Jour M. Osw. hir
Sr Drake Sr. His Honor,
7. c. N. S. L. Jn Raders
Commandeur of the
Islands So. Lurtatus & Sala.
Suta 14th. August 1828
I am it my duty to inform Your
Honor, that a Brig an chord at the N.W.
part of the Island yesterday shewing no officers
and that as yet no report has been made by
the Captain of her arrival but from the various
Accounts in Circulation respecting said Vessel,
I am led to suppose that she is not in rule
Your Honor will please therefore give
Mr directions how to proceed with her, in
case I should find her not regularly estumented
I have the Honor to be
Ais Honor Sir
J. P. Buchardson Esqr Jour M. Oder
Commandor ad Intud. P. Denke dr.
of the Islande F. Lust
E. G.
H. Suba
Saba 16.th August 1828
Privions to receiving your letter
Pr.Cis. Chs. Musienden, I recd. the Inclusd
Depost from the Commander of the Brig
and in a short time after information was
given me of said Vessel being abandonnate,
In conséquence of which Immedentitz
Sward her, for the briefet of those whom
it may concern – and have according to
your directions & did by Cap: mussend in
endeavrund t'ascertant her character; but
not finding any Documents sufficient
to prove it I have accordingly plaid
her in charge of Captain Muszenden with
a sufficiunt creu to take her to Sr. Eustation
Tresir you to Cap. Mussenden for further
I have the honor to be
Your M. O. Servt.
T. Dirks Ir
v. C.
His Honor
J. P. Richands an Esqr.
Commander ad Actui
of Mr. Islande S. Gust.
J Saba
Jahn 5th Decr 1828
In reply to your Son ors Lett
of the 10 also, I beg brave to inform
that on receipt of if I immediately cause
Mr Onblication it contained to
promis qu'il
promulgates. and you may be assur'd, that
I will most struckly attend to your orders
otherment express'd in said Letter
I have the Honor to be
Jour M. O. Prot.
S. R.mtw. Dr. To
Vier Commid. His Honor
W. J. L. vn Raders
Commander of the Island
St. Emitatius & Saba
Saha 12 Decr 1828
I have the Honor to inform
that a man named Jno M Gert, arrived
here in an open Boat on Sunday past, &
y far, as I can as certain, he also can did from
The English Ship William Lussington neam
at Sr. Killi-inconinquiner of ite treasment,
I have however sent him up to your Honor
son für cher éxamination in charge of Cese.
I have the honor to be Johannes Darsch
Jom M. Oser
C. Dinkow His Honog
W. P. K. Zn Raders
7. C
Command of the
Islands S.t Eustatius Raba
Inba 20 January 1829.
Jn. Mr. Smith Sir
I have the honor to acknowledge the recisst
of your Letter of the 5 last handed me in Council
on the 6th and to inform that Timmedeatelz Coopier
with the Resolve of His Excellency the Prar
Admiral Governor General of the Witherland
West India Colonis, in risiquina provisimalis
My Situation as vier Comrs. of this Island
With Sentiments of Dispect I am
Jour M. O. Sw.
To His Henry
Commandeur af der Blands d.d. Diaks dr W. I. L. M. Radens
St. Eust. Saba
Scha 21 January 1829.
Agverable to your request I have
Sent that Sailor keep in charge of Mr.
With much Estrin Iam
Smith Sir
Your M. O Sir
J.d. Denks dr.
His Honor
W. J. L. Mc Raders
Commandeur of
the Island. Dr Eust. & Saba
Saba 19 Feby. 1829.
S. G. Gronbe Esqr / pr Cap. et H. Hassel.
You will please inform the Court
of Justice of Sr. Eust. that the Asolutions of
Rehns. the Court of said Island under date of the
4 January 1828, regarding this Island, was
Publiced here, on the 24th said on the 1828
With respect I am
Jour M. O. Sir,
P Dicksh
Salen 15 Juni 1836
I take the rarluit opportune
to inform your Excellency, that the
Marienorge Commung of Mr. Ed. Killy
and Mrs Mary Johnson was performd
by the Secretary; by orders of Hy Hasst
Sr. Esqr. previous to the Publication
Herrn Made known Iask therpon
of your Excellency, whether I shall
give Coqnizand to the same or not
Weth Sentiments of Respect
I am Sir
Your Excellency's
M. Ob. & V. N. S. W.
Comm. ad Intru
His Excellency
C. G. Großg.
Lieut. Gorr. d.
Inten. of S' Enste Saba.
Spha 15 Juni 1836
I have the honor to hand her work
the Publication, Pigned by the Secretaris
With Sentiments of M. Gereckd
Cotum. I am Sir
Pour M. asul J’us Honor
T Sinko P.D.S.M. Sperd
wand, ad Intim.
habe 11 Octobre 1836
^ the 11 Augs. no. 192/87 and
your private letter
Your communication of your best
I have had the honor to received
Ihr Man Oomba quis up
by this conveyance, & his master Mr
Mrs is [illegible] Concuring it pu cessant
to see you on the Subject himself,
has profeted of the apportunity
Witt. Inspect. I.
Your Excellinens Wie andere
Mock O. Sw
P. Denks.
Commander ad Intru 2.
In Excellency
J. G. Graige
Lieut. Gorr. ad Intru
of St Enst. & Sala
Saba 12 Oct.r 1836
Hy Hasort dr Es que
1st at 10 on the
application you made to me this morning
to perm it the Ours of Boats to be left
on the Black by the Proprietors of Baab
In answer thereto, I beg hand to say
that as the publication of the 14th July
last, not only Eliz interest the owners
of Boats, but also the owners of Claris,
if the same is not adherd to, — That
such permission is entirely out of
My power to grant, without a petition
being presented to me praying to allow
the Oars, to be left on the Bay, and
the Petition signed by all ouners of
Staves & the owners of the Brats
With Sentiments of Respect
Herrn M. O.Sie
Gr Bintri
Comm. d. ad Int.
Saba 10th February 1837
Votre The following Slaves Wizt.
Phoenix the property of Adam
Davis. Lucretia property of John
Timmons. Joe, Maria, & her five
Children, Hannah, Peter, James
Thomas & Ann the property of Re
beeca Simmons, Widow of Thomas
Dinyer Winfield Louis the proper
of Elizabeth, Timmons. Salley,
& Alexander the property of Anna
Diaks Widow of Peter Darsey.
The King's ettqr. Reing about to leave this Island
of the Collony of for the purpose of being 'Sold
St: Eustatius & and expected from St. Eustation
I have to inform you, that the expect duty has
been paid here and that after aproper and
n Gem in vestation it was proved to me, that
they were legally known here as Slaves, and that
the laws relative to the illicit trafick in that
discrption of persons have not been violated,
to the Contray, that they belong to that Clasp of
Slaves spoken of by the 5th article of the Royal
Dicree of the 17th. September 1818 No 76
I make this Communication to you with
arrew, that the propriators of said Slaves, may
be enable to Complz with the requissions of the
4th. article of 26/29 October 1830 No 16.
The Commander ad Int„
of Saba.
# 1
Saba 14th February 1837.
The following Slaves Wizt William
John, and Adolph the property of William
Donoghue taken to St. Custatius for the pur
-pose of being reported the export duty thereon I
have to inform you has been paid here, and the
after a Strict investigation, it has been proved
to me, that the laws relative to the illicit trafick
in Slaves, have not as regards any of aforenamd
persons been vislated.
The Commander ad Intn.
of Sabas
Braks To
The Sling's attoency
of St. Custatius &
Saba # 11 March 1837
The following slaves £15: st/ Prince, Domsauge
Mathew Benon, Falsmaek, Jan Willam, Tied
Petr, Henry Minina, Abraham Jacob Louis, John
Hannahth Isaac - the property of William O'Borg
taken to St Custations as the purpose of being reported
the exzortation for the thereon I have to inform you
is paid here. – and that after a street investagation is
Saba #1 March 1837.
The following Slaves & Vizt Prince, Dominique,
Mathew Denon Jalamack, Jacob William Treda Peter, Henry, Minina, Adam Jacob. Louis John
Hannah, Isaac Shanton, and her three children
Named, Roseabella, John Bruly & Antoennette
the property of William O'Donaghue taken to
St. Eustatius for the purpose of being expected the
export duty I have to inform you has been paid
here and that after astut investigation it has
been proved to me, that the laws related to the
illicit trasick en slaves, have not as regards any
of the asforementioned persons been violated
The Commander
Ad. Intm
Rraks The Kings attornez of
The Collony of St. Eustatius II d. Saba
Saba 21st. Sept. 1827
I have the honor to acknowledge the rec
of your communication of the 15th July Ao. 1591/91 with
inclusures, and to inform that I have acted according
to your directions- as also to make known to your
Excellency, that the Prison recently commence & but
ing in this Island is completely finished
The Commander of the Island
Sign'd Edward Beaks To
His Excellency
Johs. de Veer
Major, Chief of the Island
St. Eustatius & Saba
Saba 15th. Nov. 1837
I have the honor to acknowledge the rec
of your Excellency's Letter of the 20sh. ulh. No. 500/117 in
its Helocures, and to inform that I have acted accor=
to your directions
The Commander of the Island
C. Braks To
His Excellency
Johs. de Vers.
Major Chief of the Lola, & I think
Saba 18 stv. Nov. 1837.
Your Excellency's dispatch of 17th. Inst.
20/127 was handed me this morning, by the under Scou 1. Huybers of your Island, having in charge John Every
of this Island to be so placed in Prison, which Simmediate:
is attended to- and further I assure your Excellency that
"shall see the decree of the Judge serictly completed with
The Commander at Intm of the
To Island Saba
His Excellency E. Beaks
Johs. de Veer
Major, Chief of the Ilands
St. Custatius & Saba
St. Custatius 19 sh. Nov. 1837.
On the receipt of your Excellency's dispatch
I hasten'd to this Island for l 15th. Instant No. 600/126
purpose of giving the necessary Hucidations relative
the case of 8. I. Jacobs of Demirara and myself.
In the conference I had the honor of holding with your
allency this morning. I produced some Papers touching
a transaction, - which I now beg leave to say is perfectly
mercial, that the balance dur said individual, which
not erceed $600 will be paid by me to any person
properly authorized to receive the same
I have the honor to be
To Your Excellency
His Excellency Very Obt. Servt.
Johs. de Vere The Commander ad. Intn.
Major, chief of the E. Braks
Islands St. Cust. & Saba
Saba 3d. Jany. 1838.
aving some private business to arrange in
Surinam, which require my presence- I beg leave to so
licit Your Excellency’s permission to visit said [clony] next
nonth, for that purpose
The Commander ad. Intn of the
Island Saba To
E. Deaks His Excellency
des Heer
Major, Chief of the Ilands
St. Eustatins & Saba
Saba 3 d. Jany. 1838.
Your Excellency's dispatch of 18th Dec. 1837 No. 661/137.
inclosing a Law relative to the civil State in the colony
of St. Eustatius & Saba - I have had the honor to receive
nd will have the same duly published and affized
The Commander ad. Intm. _
of the Island Saba
E. Draks His Excellency
Johs. de Vers
Major, Chief of the Island
St. Eustahius & Saba
Saba 5th. Feby. 1838
The slave named Thomas placed in your
list, I have to inform, cannot be considered your prop
=ty until you obtain a legal Bill of Sale for him
The Commander of the Island
E. Braks
Mr. William Laverock —
Saba 5th February 183
I have to inform you, that the man named Scip
mentioned in your list, cannot be considered as your property
until you obtain a legal title for him
To (digned) The Commander of the
Mr. Thomas Johnson Island Sata
Edward Beaks
Saba 5th. February 1838
The following Slaves Tumpy, Peggy, and George Me
tioned in your list- I have to inform, cannot be considered as
your property, until a legal Bill of Sale be obtained for them
(Signed) The Commander of the
Island Saba.
James B. Hassel Esqr
Edward Beaks
Sald 8th February 1838
Your Excellency’s dispanches of the 28th ulto. No 50/120
88/17. I have had the honor of receiving, & shall attend to you
direction, in having having the Lawo respecting the punishment
in the according of Slaves, & the payment of Expences in civi
inal prosecutions promulgdled & in forced.
The Commander of the Island
4. Die Excellency, Johl. de Vier Edward Beaks
Major, Chief of S. Enstatius & Sata.
Saba 3d May 1838
The following slaves Firt. Benjamin March,
David, Henry, Thomas, Phoenix, Jacob, Jacks, Janky,
Abram, Sofinner, Jane, Susanna, Sally. Olive, Lydia,
Elizabeth Parish, Sally, & Charlotte - the property of John
Chisholm, Esqr taken to Saint Eustatius for the purpose of
being reported _ the report duty I hereon I have to inform you
has been paid here, and that after a strict envestigation, it has
been proved to me, that the law relative to the illicit trafick in
slaves, have not as regards any of the aforementioned persons
been violated_ The Commander of the
To Island of Saba
His Honor Edward Beaks
The King's Attorney of Sr. Eustatus & Saba
nun verwandten wurde sie von der
### 11th May 1838.
The Slaves hereafter names
Voyr. James, Samuel & William, the
Property of John Chishalen Esqr also
Maria & her Two Children, Zabeth
& Mary, the property Mr. Saml
Johnson, pounds to St Eust. for the
parposa of being reported - I have
the honor to inform, that after
& Strickmoestigation it has been chance
proved to me, that the laws relative to the
elberttraffich in Slaves. Land
not as regards any of the aforeing
ben wolated.
Ihr Commanden of the
Johand Saba
J Die Hovem
The King's Ath.
of St. Eust: & Sahn
Saba 28th Jany. 1839
Your Excellency dispatch of the 11th ulto.
No. 616/79 Inclosing extract of your Journal No. 615/216 of
same date, as also a Petition of Daniel Every Sr. of this
Islands, praying for the remoral of his son John Ever,
from his present place of confinement, as his situation
became worse, forwarded to me for the purpose of reporting
and giving my consideration thereon, I have had the Honor to
receive. aving therefore in compliance
with your Excelleneys request, given the Petition of said Danl
Enery St. my nature consideration, beg leave to report.
That the said prisoner John Every is worse than
when placed in prison, in so much, that some of his fingers
are ulcerated, also his Toes and legs, and from appearan
his hands partly lame the small occasioned from his
it is very dischargeable, which in my opinion, would
Lifferung to to Confi in the adjoints
department (in case it be required:)uliease is very disaquelle
nd in consequence of the place of consinement being small
must have a tendency to increase his malady.
The Commander of the
His Excellency Island Saba.
Joh. de Veer, Edward Beaks.
Major Chief of S. Enstatius.
& Saba
Saba 28th Feby. 1839.
I have the Honor to acknowledge receipt of your
Excellency communication of the 20th. Alto. No. 624/80
enclosing two Publications of the same date No. 5 Mr. 6.
which conformable to your Excelleneys directions have been
duly published and affixed at the usual places.
The Commander of the Island To
Saba His Excellency.
Edwd Beaks Johs. de Veir
Major Chief of St. Eustatius & Saba.
Saba 28th. April 1839.
I avail myself of the earlier conveyance to
inform your Excellency, that Mr. John Every absconcted
from prison last night_ It appears that some person or per
must have added him in making his escape, by the Stape
being brooke- on receiving the report from the Scout- Timmedia
„ately assembled a body of men, and made the ness necessary
Dearch for him_ and as far yet have not been able either to
sind him, or gain any a information where he is secreted. I
have a Guard Stationed a round his Father's Dwelling_ I
wait your Excellency's orders on the subject.
The Commander of the
Island Saba. His Excellency
Johs. de Veer, Major, Chief Edwd Beaks
of Sr. Eustatius, Haba.
Saba 5th May 1839
Your Excellency's dispatch of the 4.th Instant Ao. 229/43. I have
had the honor to receive. In reply beg leave to inform, that I had
"already taken the step proposed by your Excellency, in offeris
a reward of £100. to any person or persons, that will apprehend
the criminal John Every, or give such information that will
lead to his apprehension, and further Iassure your Excellency
that I shall continue to use all means in my power, to kan
him if possible apprehended, as also those to gain information
of him, or those that added said John Every in making his escape.
The Commander of the Island
His Excellency Saba.
Johs. de veer Major, Chief Edwd Beakt
of St. Eustatius & Sala.
Saba 22de July 1839
Your Excellency's dispatch of the 10th. Instant
No. 298/62, I have had the honor to receive, and agreeable
to your request forward herewith, the names of the two
persons to be uominated as members of the deligated
Benehof Justice of this Island, also the names of
the four assessors and theershal.
The Commander of the
Henry Hassell Senior Island Saba.
Hy Johnson Hassell Persons Edward Beaks
to be nom
„inatea as members of the deligation
Beneh of Justice of this Island.
Josiah Peterson
Hercules Hassell Junior
William Simmons assessois.
Richard Horton Hinfield
Abraham Davis (Marshal
Saba 1st Sept. 1839.
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt
of your communication of the 13rd. ult, and to inform, that
Mr. Hererles Hassell Junior, is the person killing the sit
nation of bolonial Clerk of this Island- and according to
your request beg name leave to name Mr. Moses Levenock
in hisernad, to be lominated as an assessor of the deligated
Benck of Justice of this Island.
I have the honor to be. to
Your Obt. Servt.
John Ellis Esquire. The coning of the Island fabac
Edwd Beaks. Acting Colonel Secretary.
F. Custatius
Saba 8th. October 1839
I have the honor to acknowledge receip
of your Excellency's dispatch of the 26th. Ulk. accompanying
extract of your Journal No 315/161 of same date, and she
regulations and Tariff, for the flegated Bench of Justri
of this Island, and to inform, that I have this day in accord
dance with your Excelleneys directions Sworn into office
the members, and assessors &d and laestituted the delegat
Besch of Justice- the Oath respectively taken and sign
by the said members and assessors &c. I beg to inclose here
with to your Excellency.
The Commander of To.
the Island Saba His Excellency.
(Sign'd) Edward Beake Johs. de Keer
Major Chief.
of Sr. Custatius & Saba
Saba 23h November 1839.
Your Excellency's dispanches of the 2nd 5th & 9th Instan
with their Inclosures I have had the honor to receive, and in accordance
to your directions caused the publication to be made known to the Inhabition
of this Island regarding the giving over of the administration of the Government
by His Excellency P. de Kanter Governor General dd. into of the Retherlande
W.I. Possessions to the late appointed Governor General His Excellency
J.C. Ryk, Rear Admiral pd do, and that he had assumd the Government
of the Nesherland W.S. possessions together with the Command of His
Majestys Land & sea forces therein, on the 18th July 1839.
The Commander of the Island Saba
His Excellency (Sign'd) Edward Beaks.
Johs. de Vier
Major Chief of
Sr. Custatius & Saba
Saba 3de. January 1840.
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your Excellency's
dispatch of the 14th Ulto. Nr.sa/71 containing Law Mr. & relative to the ab
scending of Havens from the Island of St. Eustatius & this Island. & to
inform your Excellency that according to your directions I have had said
Law duly published taffix'd in the usual manner.
The Commander of the Island Sa
His Excellency.
/Signed/ Edward Beaks.
Johs. de Neer
Major, Chief of
Sr. Constatius & Saba
Saba 3d January 1840 tir
Henry Johnson Hassell Esquire being indis
posed & thereby not able to proceed to Sr. Custatius to have the
Register of his Schooner Susan Carriewd has requested that I
make the same known to your Excellency and to Iolicit your
Excellency's kindness in having said Registerdieuw'd
and returning the same Commander, & you will confer
Your Excellency's afavoe on
Most Obt. very Humble Sir To
^ The Counclander of the Island Saba
His Excellency (Sign'd) Edward Beaks
Johs. de Keer
Major Chief of
Sr. Eustatius & Saba.
Saba 26th January 1840.
Iarail myself of the present opportunity to inform
your Excellency of the death of Mr. Richard Hoiton Winfield
an assessor of the Delegated French of Justice of this Island.
He made his exit on the 8th Instant I beg leave to propose
so your Excellency Mr. Abraham Simmons, in the steade of
said Richard H. Winfield deceased.
The Comn under of the Island
To Saba
His Excellency /Signed/ Edward Beaks.
Johs dekeer
Major Chief of
Sr. Custatius & Saba.
Saba 22e. April 1840
I have the honor to acknowledge
receipt of your Excellency's dispanches of the 9th & 15th
Instant, with their enclosures and to inform, that
I have acted according to your Excellency's directions
therein contained.
The Commander of the
Island Saba. To /Sign'd/ Edwd. Beaks
His Excellency
Johs de Keer
Major Chief of
S: Eustatius & Saba
Den 15t 8ch. 1840 Ja. Herp Mada
d.Vur! d. Juni
I have the honor to acknowledge
the receipt of your Excellency's des
=patches of the 23th June – 15 Augt. & 9th.
Wch eneltsing the following extraits of
Your Excellency's Journal your No. 65/57. &
70/53. 107/89. & 123/105 and to inform that I shall
follow your directions there in contained
Ihr Comm d. 7
Haband Salu
die Excelles.
Johann de Vun
Major macht of
St Turf & Salc
Sahn 29th. October 1840
In reply to the cellinays communication
of the 17th Inst. I have to inform that I have
made enquiry respecting the persons you wish to employ
this Island and as yet I have not been able from Rat am
to find any willing to accept your offer. I shall
however continue my exertions to effect if possible
your desire, and in case Iüwand, will give you
The Commander of the Island Notice thereof.
Jaha Daaks
Jn. Cust. Derweg & loco Anno
Jahr 25th Novr 1840
Your Excellency despatches of the 14th
Inst. were hundred me by last evening by
Capnoren of Sloop Anne – One Ewelesing
An Majesty's resolution of the 21 July Ao. 75
78 & 79, also an Extract of your Excellencyd
Journal No 140/118 - which I shallchenkly
attend to as directed. The other cavereing
Sundry document relative to a claim against
Mr. by S.G. Jacob's Diverner by likewise
an Extract of your Journal Ao 14 2/120. In
veply thereto beg leave to State - that in order
to give Your Excellency afurther & minute detail
of every Circumstance respecting said deman
of S.G. Jacobs - Idem it necessary to wait
on you in Person, which I will do in of ew day
hence not being able at present to have the isle
and will lay before you proof in a addition
to those already in possession of in poss
of your Excellency - that S.G. Jacobs pre
tensions are by no mean such as he has
ensmit to His had theparage ge
Excellency The Gem. Genl, and by which
I flatter Myself, you will be able to vindied
My came to the entire satisfaction of His
Excelly. The imo. Gent and maintaing
the Honor & Integrity of our of His Majestys
The Comrs. of the Island
Salvo Deuks
His Excelly. John. Ocken
Major, Chief of S t Eust & Sala
St. Eustatius Sch. Dec. 1840.
Is accordance with my communication
of the 28th Ultimo, I have waited on Your Excellency as
early as possible for the express purpose of laging before you
minute & accurate statement of my leanactions with S.
G. Jacobs Demarara
In the month of March 1835. I visited the colon
Demerara, in the Schooner Duke of Skane under my direc
tions, while there, I received from S.G. Jacobs sundry ar
ticles on joint concern & also on his private account, & at
tame time "contracted a debt to him, amounting to f.4.14. demerara burency —
Contiary to my expectations, I was disappointed in
returning to Demerara, as I had anticipated, and I was
Mr. Jacobs of my disappointment the Gale of the 12th Augt.
1835. caused me no longer to have the Schr. Duke of Skane
under my control; finding therefore the improburality of
being able to return to Demerara without much expens
in order to deliver the goods unsold, and to arrangs our trans actions - Civicts Mr Jacobs via St. Thomas to appoint
temi person in St. Custatius, to represent him, to that our
– business might be closed - I rec'd some time after a letter
ficin S.P. Jacobs datso Demerara 13th. Jany. 1836, taxing
my character in a mostulhamefull & degrading manner
The matter restored until the month of July 1837, when I rec'd
notier from John Martins Esqr. of St. Eust, that Mrs. Sara
Haag of said Island, had received some directions from
said Mr Jacobs relative to my business with him, and ad
„vised me to send her the Goods which remained unselen,
Altho' Mrs. Haag had made no application to me in behalf
of Mr. S. – I followed the advice of said Gentleman, and
Ihr'o him the Goods that were remaining to Mrs. Haag
and at same time addressed her by letter "stating" that
I had some time past written Mr. Jacobs requesting him to
appoint some person in St. Custatius to represent him, so
that our business might be finally closed. It appears by
letter of said Mr. J. dated Demerara 11oh Sept. 1837.
that He at that period, authorized Mr Haag to ac
"cept a certain amount in lieu of his claim against me, Mr.
W. nevertheless made no demand of me whatever, from
which circumstance it appeared, that said Lady de
clined having any thing to do with the tranaction
in behalf of Mr. T. and I remained ignorant of the sum
that said S.G. Jacobs was inclined to receive
On the 18th Nov. 1837. I received an official
despatch from Your Excellency dated the 15th of said
month, enclosing a Petition from S.G. Jacobs to your
Ceellency (without date) relative to my leanactions
with him, with aparticular request, from Your Cx
„cellency, that I should with the least possible
felay report on the case- on the very day I received
your despatch, Sembarked on board the Wetherland
Gagle Commanded by Thomas Darsey, & arrived at H. Cust
on the morning of the 19th. I immediately waited on Your C
„cellency, and gave you the required & I hope <gap/>
elucidations on the subject of my dealings with Mr. Jacobs, and
previous to my departure addressed you an official letter, a
which I stated, "that the balance due Mr. I. notexceeding
f 600. would be paid to any person, duly authorized to recei
the same
On the morning of the 30sh. May 1838 Mr. Berg
Jacobs waited on me at Dabao, Empowed by his Brother
B. G. Jacobs to settle accounts, in a few days hours after,
handed him afd Aales of Goods on joint afd, and on his
Brothers private a/d. also astatement thewing abalance do
of f 382.972/and no more payable in doubloons e 40 f eachs
which amount I tendered him. He refused to receive it,
holding out a demand against me for Interest, Cost of Por
of Attorney &c &c. which I considered by no means just, or in
accordance with mercantile leansactions of such a nature, &
especially as I had used my best vertions, to bring the affa
to a close, prior to said period, and not withstanding the Gr
and insulting language made use of by Mr. S.G. Jacobs against
as will be seen by the letters exhibited to your Excellency, of
the 23rd Jany. 1836 and 11th Sept. 1837
He Mr. B. Jacobs returned to St. Cust, and re
a letter from him dated 8th. June 1888. offeing to make a sm
deduction from the sum claimed by his Brother, which I ever
to accede to, and transmitted John Ma ins Esqr. St. Cust. the 7
aforesaid sum of f 882.972/2 to be again tendered P. Jacobs de la de ses
Your Excellency will perceive by copies of Letters herewith
Mess. John Martins & B. Jacobs, which he B. Jacobs the de
time refused receiving, & Mr. Martins returned me the
by Capt. Engle Heyliger, and declared having any the
further to do in the business
The foregoing, Your Excellency are the fact
as I would not consent to pay an injust demand. I tender=
ed the full amount of what I sowed in hard money, to the
Hother of D.G. Jacobs, he refused it, & in order nothing should
wantng on my part, I sent the money to I. Martins Esqr. who
also tendered it and it was again refused - what more could I do
was I tamely to submit to be etullied by Mr. Jacobs into a compli=
ance with his injust demand, or was I to stand, family and resist
to the end, such abase attempt to impose upon me_ Your Excel=
lency is well aware that my knowledge of mercantile trans=
action is at least equal to that of the individual who is now en=
deavouring toassure me, and that had I complied with his de=
mand, I should have merited all he has said of me, but know
ing myself to be in the right, I have not shiunk from any in
vestigation of the affaire, on the contrary I am glad, that His
Excellency the Governor General has taken notice of it, as he has
done - it is the only & best means that could have been adopted
for me, because His Excellency, will be put in possession of the facts
of the case, and will speedly see, that the claim of Mr. Jacobs, as
he has laid it is injust, and that he is acting with a vindicit
new to impugn my character, and not for the purpose of
re Justice- I am now ready to pay down the amount
use to Mr. Jacobs, which is no more than F 3829.972 and if Your
Excellency thinks proper, I will lodge the said amount in
our hands for the purpose of its again being offered to Mr. I
The Document which relate to this affair, I lay over here
with. It will by them be plainly seen whether I have been rig
not and I dont doubt not, that after a perusal of them by His
cellency the Governor General, he will use such measures as
U perfectly vindicate my character against the ruffianly attack
ade by Mr. Jacobs against it.
To The Commander of the
His Excellency Island Saba.
Johs. Dr. Veer Senki
Major, Chief of St. Eust. & Saba
Saba 23d. Masch 1841.
Tavail myself of the present conveyance to infor
Your Excellency, that the Kegulations for the flegated Iench
justice of this Island, will in my opinion answer the purp
for which they are intended.
The Commander of the
His Excellency Island Saba.
Johs. De Veer
Major, Chief of St. Eust & Saba
Juhr 19th May 1841. Jn. Capn. Dany.
Your Excellency's despatches of the 23 Apl
and 10 Inst enclosing Extracts of Your Excellys
Journal No 42/33 & 44/35, and other documents &
had the honor to received on the 18th Inst.
On Monday the 17th I apend a Putkentier
ordering that all his Majesty's White & from
Chld. Subjecte (malix) from the Age of 16 upon the
should make their appravained at my resident
the following morning at 10 o'clock to take the
oath of allegraned to His Majesty King William
2d. In accordand with said Publication (from
(excepted) they appeared. The Pivelamas
and Publications No. 1.2 & 3 won rend to them
and the onk taken by all present as Your Excellency
dirr And & a Salute find to iwil offnunst, The fallan
are the names of the employes that were s
Hy Hassell & Hy Johnson Hapell Esqr.
of the frligated Berich of Justice of this In
Wm. Simmens, Josialo Peterson, & Adm. Sommens
assessors of said Binch —
Abraham Davis Marshal
cordat Ai Hapell Jn. provisional Secret. Ee
Pestant to the deligated lands of Justic Sr.
officer of the Civil State, of the Colony of
Tuss: t Salm and Ien dui Master
Abraham Jams Haughn serat
The letters addressed to Mipsn Hy: Hapell or
Hy Johnson Hassell, William Simmons, &
Josiah Oeterson, were handed them
Moses Sernock Esqr. apeper, being absent,
The Oath will be l’administered to him, and
the letter, addressed to him delovd. on his arrival
A copy of your letter Excellency's letter to him
Wm Satchill of your Island, was was directed
to Revd. John Coland of this Island. Appointing
Sunday as a day for Solem. Orayers in the
tho 23rd. Inst.
Church on the occasion
I have the honor to hand herewith to Your
Excellency My Oath, to His Majesty King
William 2d. - with my warmest wishes for
along and prosperous any of His
The Commrs. of the Island Mapsly
Salra Perks
To Stis Exelly
Johr. dr Nur.
enjor, Christ of St. Eustatius.
L Sehn.
Jn. Schr. "Argo" Cnfr. Hg: Hassell Gr.
habe 27 tn. Octruf 43.
Your Excellency's letter of
the 17âche et a 165 frs. I had the Honor to receive
on the 24th and agreable to your directions, I
and published your Order relative to the Qua=
=vantine in Sr. Inst. and this Island, and will hand
the same carried in effect here, as far as I am
able to do - and will attend to your further orders
contained in your Exertbereys letter of the 1.st the report
As respects in your Island of the
small pox being here, "I they have to assure Your
Excellg: that such report is rutirrly incurracts as
We have no case whatever of it in this Island.
Ihr Commd. af the
Jaland Saha.
de Porks His Excellg.
Johr. Dr Wren.
Lieut. Vor. S. Euch & Saba.
Faba 1t Nov. 43.
Sie zu Strafe
davail myself of the first conveyance
to inform Your keally: that the said two cases
of the small pox in this Island, which made
their appravated on the 30 & 31th. Alto. - I im=
= medientely had plam parrichd for said persons,
entirly out of the way of any communication
weil der
with the rest of the Inhabitants except with the person
to care then:) and I have also a guard
over them. I am therefore fully persunded that
from the Cautions manner in which I have acted
and will continue to such with said cases, that no in= =fection will be taken from them; The Com. of the
Hland Salia &
Jahn 2d. January 1744.
I profit of the first conveyance
to inform your Excellency, that a
Nau encr of the small pox made
it's appranied on the 3 oth. ult. - and
I hard taken the same stifrs with it, as the form is ones
The Commt. of the
Johann Suba
Wie Excellans Druks
Joh. Drken.
Gernt. Gorr. Str. Encte & Faber.
Jahre 12.th March 18/44
gehägte Sir
Ihrem tho With much pleasure I informed
Your Excellency that the small
Pox has in truly grand in this Island.
"The last case was̄ ewird on the
12 Ulto. I sauenly hope that am
intircourse will not again be intirrupted
by any such de radful disence.
Ihr Comm d. a so Ihr
Inland Salen.
Jos Excelles:
### Binter.
Lehr. DzNein
Lantsau & Euch.
Saba 4th Sept 1844
On the night of the Qullo five slaves
/4 miles & 1 female/ as hereafter specifed, absconded in an
open, Boat belonging to Capt B. Heyliger and being informed
that the said slaves are at H Croix in Iail. The propici tois have asked, that I would address your Excellency on
the subject, andlicit your kindness in claiming them
as also the boat, which I beg leave to do- The bearer Capt
Abm Simmons, will take charge of your Excellency's letter
and receive from the authorities of H. Croix, the Haves and boat.
Naraes of the slaves & proprietors
Simon/ alias samon – Abm Savis
Risker- The heirs of the Estate of A. B. Hassell deed Peter
Rebicca Horton
Rebicca Simmen Angilla
Thomas Timmons.
The Commander of the Island faba dh. Hn. Excellÿ.
Johr. Dr Kar
Laut; sov. Flück & Laba.
Sie! Saba 8th November 1845.
I have the honor to acknowledge the
accept of your Excellency's letter of the 26th August
No. 97/6 with the enclosures, have been on the
October, and to inform that I will Johitly atten to your Excellinys request
To His Excellency
The Commander of the Johs de Veur
Johann Sabas. To S r Enstalmitteln.
Sate 2d. Jany /97
Jn Sche "Argo" Sir
In accordance with Your Excellys
I quest of the 26 Augs past.
have the honor to hand herewith a General
Statiment of the Papulation of this
Jaland, & a General Register of the Brithe
and Deaths for last year, both in triplicale
The Comen? of the
Johand Saba
Hir Excelles.
Johr. Dekan
Lunk. Gone of Dr. Aachttaha
Fahr 18.th Jany/48
(In Schm. "Argo" Sir
I have the honor of standing
Your Excellg: herewith a General
Statement of the Papulation of
this Island, and a General Register
of the Drittes & Deaths for the last
Grar in triflicate Ihr Comm. d. a. h. Ihr
To His Excellg Jaland Laha
Johr. D.Kerr
Jn. Bruhs
Lieut. Gone of S.D. Guch H. Labd
Saba 7th. February 1848.
I beg leave to request of Your Excellency to inform
me, whether it is also necessary to give Bond, for a Have or Haves
to be sent from this Island to St. Custatius, for the purpose of
having out. The Commander of the
Island of Saba
Sabatst. April 1848.
I beg leave to inform your Excellency that the slave
named Charles, embarks on board the Dutch Schooner Anna
when registered, with permission of his owner to be placed
on her Roll as MarinerThe Commander of the
Island of Saba
Saba 21 St. June 1848.
A report is in circulation here, that
the proprietors of the Slaves at St. Eustatius, are about
entering into an arrangement for the purpose of
iorating the con <gap/> in approbition of their Slaves, & which is to take
place 1st August, & as I have been requested to make the
necessary enquiry of Your Excellency relative there to, I been
it my duty to do so, & to ask of Your Excellency, if such
be the case, that you will be pleased to inform me
en lime
the particulars thereof, that I may sake the same This Jeland
known to the proprietors of the Slaves were in time
for their consideration as the Slaves in this I
will no doubt, seek to be plac'd on the same
footing as those of St. Eustatius
He His Excellency The Commander of the
Island of Sala Joht De Veer
Lieut. Governor of St. Cust. & Saba
Jaba 11th July 1848
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt
of Your Excellency's communication of the 4th Inst.
enclosing two Publications No. 2d3, & informing me
that one contained the introduction of the Regula=
=tions for the administration of the Government of
Curaçao & its dependencies arrested by His Majesty's
resolve of the 27th Jany. /48, & the other including certain
Stipulations to issue the execution of the said new
Regulations, with request to have the same published
without delay & put in force the day after In reply.
there to beg leave to express my sincere regret that I am
not acquainted with the Dutch language, nor any
individual in the Island, & that inconsequence
thereof, that I am under the necessity of returning
said Publications to Your Excellency,, soliciting your
kindness in having and then I am I am "Pablications translated" in
English & forwarded to me as early as possible, assuring
Your Excellency, that on receipt thereof, that no time
will be lost in having them published & put in force
agreeable to Your Excellency's request of the 4th Inst.
further I beg leave to name Messrs James Benjamin
Hassell & Jacob Every Hassell to fill the situation of
an advising committee. The Commander
of the Island of Saba.
His Excellency
Johs. De Veer
Lieut. Governor of H’Eust, & Saba
Laba 15th May / 48 Comitted
Wm. Simmons Esqr. on a pepor of the
delegativ Berich of Quoten of this Jalard
has made known to me his desire of designing
his situation as such, giving for Prison's
that he has serod "upinards of 8 Grars &
that it is very inconvenient to him to
Continu any longu, & prays that I may
accept his signation - I therefore make
this known to your Excellency, & if
you diein it propie to accept of the
Erignation of said Assessor, your
Excelly. will be phaad to name our of
the three Gentlemen here mentioned in his
Strad. The Common of the
Island Saha
Prahs Mrs. Excelles.
Johr. de Fevre
Lieut. Goven S. Euch. & Saha.
Saba 5th. October /48
In reply to Your Excellency’s commu
nication of the 16th July, receiv'd the 2nd September
notifying to me, that the Expenses attending the
translating of the "publications forward" to your
Excellencys the 11th July would be one Guilder
and fifty cents per page, and which would necessa
irily come against the Island under my comm
and-there, being him, I have a proper to awart my ansion
that your Pro-Sworn Translator in St
Eustatius- I therefore beg leave to say, that I am
perfectly satisfied, that the Expenses be brought
against the Island under my Command, and
I entreat Your Excellency to have said publication
translate as early as possible, and forwarded
to me, in order that I may have them published
ed and put in force.
The Commander
of the Island Saba
Saba 19th October /48
I have the honor to inform you, that
I have receiv'd an appointment for you, from his
Excellency The Governor of Curacao and dependences
forw'd to me by His Excellency John Dekeer Lieut
Governor of St Cust & Saba, as de member of an
advising Committee. You are therefore hereby re
quested to appear bfore me without delay to take
the Oath required and receive your appointment
The Commander of
the Island Saba. To
J. B. Hassell
Saba 19th. October 148
I have the honor to Inform you, that
I have received from His Excellency the Governor
of Curacoa and dependenceis, forwed to me by His
Excellency Johs. Deker Lieut Governor of St Cust and Laba,
an appointment for you as a Dr. member of an advising
Committee;- You are therefore requested to appear
before me without delay to take the Oath required
and receive you appointment.
ho The Commander of
the Island Saba. J. E. Hassell
Saba 23rd. November /48
I have the honor to acknowledge
receipt of Your Excellency's despatches of the 10th &
18th ulto; the former enclosing the appointments
of Messrs James B Hassell & Jacob E Hassell as
members of the advising Council of this Island, and
the latter, the Publications No. 1& 2, and to Inform
“mulgated on the 20th and the Oath of allegiance
Your Excellency, that I had said Publications pro=
taken by Messrs James B Hassell & Jacob E Hassell.
I beg leave also, to make known to Your
Excellency, that Henry Hassell Sr Esqr. late senior
number of the Deligated Besch of Justice of this
Island made his erit on the 7th. ults.
fully persiraded that Your Excellency, will never
suffer one of His Majesty's Officers under you, to
be thus trified with undeservedly_ I shall asail
myself of the Graslest first suitable conveyance to see
Your Excellency on the subject, & to give you a more
explicit detail of the occurances in the case.
The Lieutenant Governor
of the Island of Saba.
Hn Excellg: Brakt
Johr. de Ren. Dr. Gour. of
Sr Lieut. & Salw.
Saba 12th. June 1849.
Sir In Sloop Engh
Your Excellency's despatch of the 28th.
ulto. & the malancholy publications relative to the melan=
"choly demise of His Majesty. King Hilliam the 2,e & the
Vocession to the "Throne of His Royal Highness the Prince of
Orange under the title of King William the 3d. – I had the
honor to receive the 3rd Inst. / Sunday/. On the 4th I issued the
necessary publications at the different district for the ap pearance on the 6th of all the free male Inhabitants of the
age of 16 years uswards to take their oaths agreeable to
Your Excellency's directions_ In accordance with said
orders many of them appeared, the publications were
read to them & their oaths taken_ Three of the member
of the Court from indisposition &c being absent, then
oaths will also be taken as early as possible- Your further
directions respecting the Hag, Bell, & the Clersgy etc. are being
attended to- I have the honor to hand herewith in
licate my oath to His Majesty King Hilliam the 3d
with my warmest wishes for along & prosperous reign
of His Majesty. Ihr Lieut. Governor.
J e His Excellency Joht. DeVier of the Island of Heba!
Lieut. Govr. of H. Christ & taba
Your Excellency will receive herewith the names
of three individuals of which Your Excellency
will please lominate one, to fill the situation of
said Henry Hassell Sr. Esqr. / Decd/
Saba 294 January 149
I have the honor to forward here
with to Your Excellency a General Statement of
the population of this Island, & a general Register of the Bath
& Deaths for the last year in Iuplicate
His Excellency
Johann De Veer
Lieut. Governor of S-t Eustatus & Sata
Saba 21st. Feby. 1849.
I avail myself to the earlier conveyance, to
bring to Your Excellency's knowledge, the treatment
I have lately received by a Mr John W. Simmons of
this Island, which Your Excellency will clearly perce
by the enclosed minutes of the Court the 15th. Inst &
I beg leave farther to add, that never has the authority
invested in me, by our Gracious Sovereign been treate
with such indignity, as in the present case I
understand that the said Mr. John W. Simmons
goes up for this opply & will no doubt call on Your
Excellency on the subject, for which reason I doesn't
it necessary to forward now the minutes. & I feel
Saha 18th. Novr /49.
I avait myself of the present conveyance
to inform Your Werlly that Mr Abm. Davis
Marihal, has requeited have to reign his situation
as such, giving for raions that of his having send
Mavly 20th. & it is now attended with much in=
convenance to him to hold situation any longer
Shoute it therefore I am with your Excellency's
=probation to grant the Traignation of Mr. A.
Davis on Marihal. I beg to land Mr
John Octerson as ackitable person to fill that
officer- Your Excellency will place for
Mr Your answer you first Conveyance
Wm Dr. Governor of
the Island Saha Ihr
I. Stuhl
This Excelles.
Johr. dritner
Dr. Gove. Sie Ende & Saha.
Saba 12th Jany. /50
Messrs Peter & James Hassell
Being inform'd officially by Mr.
C.S. Hassell, relict of Capt. John George Hassell that she intend
to be married, & there being an Orphan Child of the said
Capt. J.G. Hassell/dec.d/ & Mrs. C.S. Hassel, & lawful Heir to the
property appertaining to said Estate &c & it being necessary
that Guardians be appointed without delay for the
Orphan; I do hereby authorize & appoint you as such sub=
"ject to the lpproval of the Court:) granting you the full
power & authority provisionally to act in your aforesaid
qualities as Guardian to the said Orphan Elizabeth Hassell.
i I am- with respect.
Gentlemen! Mr
The Lieut. Goor of the Island Sabain
Jaha 2d Feby /50
de me
Javail myself of the first conveyance
to acknowledge the Neupt of Your Excellency’s
despatch of the 8 Elts handed me on the 12 th
Containing Copy of a letter addressed to Your Exelly
by Ense English Heyliger. Comselaining of my having
dispos'd of a certain tract of land Coll'd the Company's
land, & subjecting your Exerlly to invertegate the
omness for the William of the Inhabitants & the
Island &c In reply thereto I beg leaue to statu
that I will shall as early as possible for wd to
Your Excelly: My answer to besoansmitted to
His Excellg. The Gove of Curacao & dependenens
to be to an [illegible] Yours Exelly will receive your
this Conveyances a General Statment of the
Papulation of this Ils and, & a General Register
of the births & draths for the Gran past in triplicate
Ihr Dr. Governor of
the Island Saha
Hr. Berthg. I: Stakes
Joh. dit Ver Dr. Governor of
Just. & Salra.
Laha 9th. July 150
In accordance with my communication,
to your Excellency of the 2d. Inst. I have the
honor to hand hurmeth to your excell: a letter
for His Excellg. Ihr vovernem of Curatead & defendeurs
Accomp. with Certificates &c & Inlative to the Salr
of the land called the Company's land, Complaind
by Mr. H. Heylager, for Louis Excellys's General
Soliciting at same time Your Exellys favorable
Considerations thereon, & to be form to His Excelles.
The Toor of Curacao, & dependin in the same
at Your Excellencye sartiest conveyance.
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's
Maile Obe Seul. To
Ihr Le. Governor of His Tyerllijr
the Island Saha. John. de Kurv.
Dr. Governor of Prake
the Istands S. Eush.
S. Salia
Faha 9th. July 150.
I have the honor to inform your Exerlly
that on the 12 alto. I received from His Ex. Bly.
Major John de New Dr. Governor of St. Mal
a letter dated 8 unto accompained with a Cossy
of our from Mr English Heyliger of this Ial and
=dated at St. Eust. the 7. Ultos. in which Mr. Huyss
inform it His Excellers that I had sold a tract
of land situate in the San chirn part of this Island.
Call'd the Company's land, & which had him Con
=sedered by all former Revernors, as belonging
to the Crown; the sale of which he stated had cause
much dissatiafaction amongst the generality
of the Inhabitants & payed that His Exelling,
wont invertigat the business for the wilfare
of the Inhabitants & the Island: I therefore now most & submepinely
beg have to make your Excellency acquaents
with the following forty relative to the sale of the Law Land by Mr. In the Month of Juni 1887 I do't at public acietion in loto; for the himself
of whom it may Ernceon after it's having been due
advertired, a trait of land Litteraten in Gallass
Quantor at the Southorn part of this Jeland for
the sum of £1059. 50, an amount much.
brijond des zeal valeur, & much more than
I ententated it would sell for; & which land was
Furchand by six different individuall of this deland
I making this sale I beg have to assure Your
Excellency that I was under the impression &
that the land had been orignally the property of some
prevate individual, and had vemaint untelaim'd by
the probrerter for a period of fifty or am, & asewards,
and your Excell: will percune by the Certificate
I have the honor to hand herewith, that the San
Opinion parvait vous entertaind hy many others, &
that Ormequently I had a right to dispose of it
at any time & appropriate the proends or any part, therof for the benefit of the Island; & being at that
time in want of means to pay a debt I had
Contractio from 1837 to 1839. for an Extras Expensi
Wighn Island had been subjected to of f 169.87 1/2 a
portion of the Cost of building a prison for this re=
=cusation of the Creminal Sohn Gvery, & of F 240
les attendues
for the Serven of A. Jann &c
the Prison during the time that the said John Every
was Confined therein. I keppropreated the sum of
of f409.87 1/2 to pay these amuants having no other
means to pay them amunto do so without reserad
the hala F 649. 62½ for the use of the Island
having recd. a letter from dated the 8 March
1837. from the then Dr. Governor a 1 of St Eust ntij
G. Groebe Esqu directing that tho on the eff
of Stern from Krace to S. Eust. should be paid
at Sr. Eust. to assist in paying the expenses incured
at that Island in Hermenting the Everys, Criminali inhabitants of this Island, the province of this Good
dern unter der
had been redward some what in Conséquence of
bung dessiev'd of the said duty of f 15. Ju hrad on
all slaves expected from hence to St. Eust., & My
income much impacred therefrom.
I try to assure Your Excellency I was not
amare at the time I sat this land that there existed
any express proposition to the Sale of any lands
Letonging to the Country, never having recd. any
instructions for on the subject, a copy of the
General instructions for the Lovr of Curacao &
ils dependenéirs furmeté sur un in 1848. ting the
norant of such
first received I was therefore
prohibition, & should Your Excellency Consider that I have acted wrong (in setting this land; I
beg respectfully to inform Your Excelly: that
the land can be immediately restand to its former
Stak, the purchasees being quite ready and
willing to return it to me for that purpose.
How the Salt of this land could in any
way affect the Welfare of the Island & its inha=
obitants I respectfully assure Your Excellency
I am at alop to understand, for the revenues
Arrived from it prensans to its being sold which
never exerided f 24 zu Auneum, were rod to a just
in defraying the Expenses of Government, Con sequently, no individual whatever was, or
Conto he insured by the salt. At the period
I sold this land Juni 1839. this Island was
immedeately under St. Eush. & form apart of
the Gout of His Excellers &: Don: Antirr, I had
it publiely, the Circumstance was known
through out this Island, & generally at St Eush.
him as it is to be supposed that had there been any
dissatisfaction felt by the inhabitants on
the occasion, that some représentation
woets have been made to His Kelly. Lieut.
Gove. de l’on prinsons to the ou M r Neyle pro
of the 7 January last, which occurred after
au plasse of 10 1/2 lb. Nor would Mr. Heyliger
exerty for the Welfare of the Inhabitants &
the Zaland have even thus late born drawn natur arriv out, had not a quart of a private dec bsturra this individual & myself at a dinner
party the night of the 31st Dec. last, who it
mened him to address Mr a letter dated the 2
Jany last, a Ensay of which I also have the
honor Mrewith to hand your Exerly from a
Fernsal of which your Excellency will tradist
percure that Mr. Heyliger is acting from no patri
=o tic furi & dis interest motives, but that he is
solely actulated by a Spirit of Ervenge, rminating
from the occurener of the night of the 31st. Decr last.
White I have the honor to submit the forigring
to Your Excell: "I at the same time most respectfully
soluit. Pour Excellen eys favorable consideration
I have the honor to be of the Carr
Your Excellency
Mst Obh. & beym Go.
Aumble Servant His Excellency
Ihr St. Governor of J.J. Rammelman
Ihr Thas Island Saba reservir Jn Esqr
Governor of Curacan Dirches
& dufs en den eus. des. de de
Jahr 25 tt July 150
Your Excellency's despatches of the 30.
Ulho. I had the honor to receive the 14 Irish one in
forming that by disposition of His Excellency the Governor of cum
dependencies of the <gap/> Dec. last No. 85/70 has thought proper provisio=
nally, & subject to the further approbation of His Majesty to grant
Mr.Abram Davis his honorable discharge asershal, & to ap=
point in his dead Mr. John Peterson, with request that the
said Mr. J. Peterson should be down in by me, which I beg lea
to inform Your Excellency has already been attended to, agreeable
to Your Excellency's directions of the 20 Nov last. The other despatch
melosing two fortications, one bearing date 2d Dec. last Nosy.
ontaining authentic interputation of the 5 section of the pub lication of the Governor of the Ilands St.Cust. St. Martin & Saba
the 21 april 11 May 1826, the other dated 2 Jany/50 N.1 by
which all expenses relative to the manumission of Hares in
Curacas & dependencies are within drawn, both of which were
puplished on the 18th- I have also to make known to
its dependeniers furnistd mr in 1848. being the
first recend I was therefore, ignorant of such
Prohibition, & should Your Excellency Consider
that I have acted wrong (in setting this land; I
be of Respectfully to inform Your Excelly: that
the land can be immediately restord to its former
Stak, the purchasees being quite Trady and
willing to return it to me for that purpoirs
How the Salt of this land could in any
way affect the Wilfare of the Island & its nha=
=bitants Inspectfully assure Your Excellency
I am at aloss to understand, for the revenues
Arrived from it previous to its being sold which
My exerided f 24 zu anneem, were rod to a piste
in defraying the Expenses of Government, con signently, no individual whatever was, or
Cont be desired by the sale. At the period
I sold this land Juni 1839. this Island was
immedeately under St. Eush. & form'd apart of
the Gout of His Excellan &c Jour. dutarr, I sat
it publiely, the Circumtance was known
through out this Island, & generally at St Eush.
hiner it is to be supposed that had there been any
dissatisfaction felt by the inhabitants on
the occasion, that some representation
woest have been made to His Willy. Lieut
Gom. Antra Prensons to the one M r Heylique
of the 7 January last, which occurred after
au elassai of 10 1/2 cts. Nov Mout M r Heyligen
exerly for the William of the Inhabitants &
the Island have even then late been drawn natur unie
out, had not a quart of a private oec
between this individual & Myself at a dinner
party the night of the 31st. Dec. last, who it
in duced him to address Mr a letter dated the 2
Jany County a Cusay of which I also have the
honor herewith to hand your Excellys from a
Pernial of which your exactly will ready
percure that Mr. Heyliger is acting from no patri
=o the puri & disinterest motives, but that he it
soletly actuate by a Spirit of Ervenge, rminating
from the occurener of the night of the 31st Dec. last
White I have the honor to submit the forigring
to Your Excell: "I at the same time most respectfull
solicit Your Excellencys favorable consideration
I have the honor to be of the Orri Your Excellency
Moot Obh. & very To
Aumble Servant
His Excellency
J. J. Rammelman Ihr. F. Governor of
Elseveral F. Esqre Ihr Ers Island Saha
Governor of Curacar
& aussi en den eus. des. de &c.
Janu 25th July 150
Your Excellency's despatches of the 30th.
Ulto. I had the honor to receive the 14 Inst. one in a
morning that by disposition of His Excellency the Governor of cura dependencies of the 11 Dec. last No. 1655/70 has thought proper provisio=
nally, & subject to the further approbation of His Majesty to grant
Mr.Abram Davis his honorable discharge as marchal, & to ap=
point in his dead Mr. John Peterson, with request that the
said Mr. J. Peterson should be down in by me, which I beg leave
to inform Your Excellency has already been attended to agreable
to Your Excellency's directions of the 20 Nov. last The other despective
inclosing two publications, one bearing date 2d Dec last Nos 7
ontaining authentie interputation of the 5 section of the pub
lication of the Governor of the Ilands H.Cust. St. Martin & Saba
of the 21 april 11 May 1826, the other dated 2 Jany/50 N. 1 by
which all expenses relative to the manumission of Hares in
Curacas & dependencies are will drawn, both of which were
puplished on the 18th- I have also to make known to
Jn Sch Lawra Sabe 26th. Jany. f 52
I have this honor to hand herewith
to your Excell: a General Halement of
the population of this Island, & a General
gester of the Brtts & Deaths for the last years
The Dr. Goorn of intéplicales.
the Island Saba
u Peaks
Hir Excelle
John Drher
Dr. Zow a/ Am.
Jotand & Kosten.
Saba 6 te March f 52.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt
of your Communication of the 9 above (51. with certain
gueries in reference to the Iufleewen which has been so
extensively prevalling throughout these Iatands. I am
unable to form to you the requirite medical information
on this subject, as we have this Mixfortuner to be without
a resident medical gentleman. In reply I can only
say, that the Iufluence began here in seper f 51. and soon
frenne etidemical Arrughoude the delaud, but in no
Care to my Knoxferlyn did it prove fatal, it did not some
time in Nov. & was succesed by thedespooping Cough
& Mamps, of which there are still some Casel
I remain with respect 11.
1. Sir Hecton Gaven Gagern Au.D. von
Her Majesty's Midi votre lettre est de tout
Inspector Wed. Diahi
Jndia Colanca
Jahn 29 " March /52.
I have the honor to a [illegible] the
receipt of Your excellency's despacht of the 27th. Decr.
No„ 451. Enclosing a letter for M r Thoc: Johnson
& the 7th. apparentmente of Messrs. Jk. G. Hasselin, &
James c. Happell, as Membres of the advising Council
which I beg to have to inform your Excell: I have
händre said. Teustemen.
Mith Middel Kussich
I have the honor to be
Your Excellincy's
Most Obte & very
His Excellg.
Humble Servt
d. d. Rammelman
The Ld Gove of the
Elsenar Jn 31 9ber
Juland Saha
Gouverneur of Curacas
dans la peine Arrkendineus de &c &c.
Saba 3d. May 152.
In accordance with Your Excellency's Sir,
Equent contained in your despatchet of the
15 & 26 Atto. Ao. 42/4 & 50/5- I have the honor to form?
herwith the different statiments required of the
The L.r Governor of by said Dispatchet
den unter der
the Island Saba
de E Beaks
26/F.S. Excellant
John de Ver Jn. Gove of L'Eusk
Saba 26th July 15.2.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your
Excellencye communication of the 13th Inst qu elosing a Cassy
of an address from Mr. James Hassell of this Island, to Het
Excellg: The God of Curacao & dependenciet, for my respect
et Considerations Aurions.
1st "That no slaves are allowed to be expected from Saba to Sr
Euslatenx nieten, wilt hic owan op with his Consent about, for
the purpose of Ermaning there for any time however short, without
"payung" f 8 Juhend.
2o. That the bringing on the Coll of Espels belonging to Saba
"of Slaves in the Capracty of Sailon is forbidden."
On reply to the first paragraph, I beg leave to state
that the [8] is not a charge for head, but it the amount of Expeunt
incured in passing a security Bond, for the return of the slave
or slaves to the Island in twelve months or less, whether there be
our or mouslavee mentioned in said Bond. on this head I made
enquiry of Your Excellg: under date of the 7th July 18th and from
your Exerlly Eply thereto, I exacted that the Bond should also
in such cases be entered into.
und Parrographen, dienst observendans la the votre valeur aussi avec celle de that ^ no hinderance of
salling under this Witherland flag. My Communication to your
Exerlly: of the 1st Apl. /48 is a proof thereof - The Schw. Anna
is the only Vessel Egeter'd out of the Eust. Vesselsid
by persons amiding in his Island and stated to be resident,
of a British Colomp & I do not turifon Consider Kyselse
Anthowys to allow to the owners of such Vessel, the same
Wight, of Skipping Slaves as Iailors on board of said
beferts in litte Mannes, as if Kost Verses von Actuallez
under the Nethurland flag.
As the estriclions excepting in the Island are
also I présume enfrick in dte. Eust: I trust trah
your Excell: will explain them fully & H Satisfac torsly to His Excellers: The Compagnie of Curacant defendendin
at same time, I beg you will assure His Excell: that
should be Arm it necessary to make any dlterations
therein, his directions shall be churfully carried
& Iigistered in British Boets, they said under the British flag
in the body of their requeters are the persons coming them are
in effect by me in this Island.
The Dr Goor of
the Island Saba
Hei Excelles
John de War
Dt. Proce. Sr. Mehr.
Saba 27 tt Dec. p 52.
c/u Sloop Sarah Elvais
Cas. J. M. Hasen
Iavait myself of the earlier Connexances
to achnonlyke the receipt of your Excellinys "desolve"
of the 10 et on last No 487 forwarded me by His
Excell. The Dr. Lov. of S. Eust: and to inform Your
Exerlly: that I have given publicly to your decru
& that your Excellys letters respectively, addressed to Bu D. E. Hassell, & B. Hassel & J v Hassell reciver
also from His Excell: The Lre. Grom of Sr East: I have
handed to said Gouttemen
With much respect
I have the honor to be
Your Excellys.
Mons. Oha & very humble
His Excelles The du Gecirner of
d. d. Raumelman
des ZalandSaba Eleverr Esqr.
Jocha of Curacao & Brnke de
dépendences &c &c de
nun auf
Saba 22d. Jany /53
In Schü Sistert
Herrnitt I have to honor to hand to your
Excellg: the Pleas required of me for the last
Thi 2te Grec a s.
thu Zeland Laben
W. H. Excell: Brenke
Johann de Herr dʼun aussi dʼEure,
Salen 12 „ April 153.
I have the honor to acknowledge the
recept of Your Excellencye dissatebs of this 6th Inst.
Enclaring a Copy of a letter of the 1st from His Excellency
the Goornog of the Dunish W. I. stopissions, informanz
you of this arrival of their slaves at the Croix betonquiz
to individu als of this Island.
In reply Marts, I have to inform Your
Executly: that the said Slaves named Gelemagne,
Dawert & Charles belonging to Cop. B. R. W. Harton,
Miss et una Duvrey & Casse the Summons, abscondent
from this Island on the night of this 19th Octo. in an
open boat, the property of Mr. Peter Hassell
The said Slaves have not to my knowledge
Committed any act whereby they had cause to draw
the Island, nor have they been treated ill by
“The proprator of the boatrends their owners
the favor of Your Excell: to ask of His Excellency.
the Governor of the Daniel W. I. possession
I hold the boat subject to the duporal of Etr
Elias Haddoekt Sr. Thamar.
The Dr Governor of
totte nʼai pas
de monsieur
Hiljeilly etc.
Johé de Votre
F. Goverow of
the Jeland l. Gank.
Saba 2d. July 153
I have the honor to act now ledge the receipt of your Commu=
meation of the 9 May, relative to the Ersidems at ye Now five
tervalling in certain places in the West Judice & your injurice
regarding the same. In reply there to I have only to say
that after the kiraphearance of the Influeren in ebenso 1. M
Brames & Hooping Coagh suce vided to some extent. But we
have brr’happily exempted, allogather from the fellow seven
en Rector Jaren seyn oder majestät. l’Ermain with ninch „et bort
nierung konnte ich habe
e West India Colonie Janer
Saba 25th August /53.
Your Excellencyr despatch of the 17 Inst No 10/17. was
forme of certain statrmeats Vrquered of Mr I had the houdr
to receive yesterday. In the pby bry to assure Your Excellency
that I will attend to your request at early as possible.
The Ln. Governor of
the Taland Saba
E Beakke
H. Excellenz.
Johr de Vier. D.r Goer. 1er Euch.
Saba 5th Sept. /54.
In accordance with the communication to Your
Excellency of the 25th „ also, I have the honor to hand herewith the 11
the following statiments. de me faire
A list of the Kamer of Curassrans, Inhabitants to the
30th I am this year.
A Tabular of Marringes from 1st January 1552 to the
30th. I am this year.
A Tabular of Berths of the farr population as aboi
et Tabular of Death of the few population as above
With regard to Vessels belonging to this Island. I beg
Respectfully to inform Your Excellg: that the Vessels
by recedents of this Island, are all under the British
flag, contiquently I do not find myself Authorized
consider said Vessels, as actually belonging to this Island
on this subject Sir for Your Excellg also, to my better of
The Dr. Goan of the
the 26th July /52. Inland Saba
To His Exerlly. E Beakte
Johs: Dr Varr.
D. vom 1. Emol.
Saba 8th Dec. 1853
a/a schr Aldebarau 27 tk. Dien direct te buraçao. Sir!
I have the honor to acknowledge the recept
of your Exel. communication of the 4th. Nov. last no. 592 by
which I perceive, that your Excy. has not been success for
in your application to His Exel. the Minister for the colinis
in my behalf, Eevertheless, I beg leave to assure "Yr. Exily., that
I feel Sincerely obliged to you for your kind exertions, which
will ever be held in intention by me with sentiments of much respectI have the honor to be,
Your Excellency's His Excellency
S.J. Rammelman Elsevier Sr. Cogr. Most Obt. Overy Humble Serot
Gor: Curaçao & dependenens &c. &ca 1 Beakt
Sir, habe 21t Dec.r 1754.
(In schu Zaura)
I hasten to inform your Excellg: that a report much'd our
last night of several draths having very recently taken place at
Sr. Thomas & that in all probably they were occasion'd from
Cholera, but not finally decided on by the doctor,
have never the less taken already every precaution, as far as
I am able to do, to prevent any Communication whatever with
anyiger of that or Vessels arriving from Nevis & Sr. Monaz, unless
they have been absent from said placer 20 days
I beg brave to request that your Excell. will please
furnish me as early as possible with a copy of your quarantion
lequlationa nous en forer in your Island,
In which to your Excellg. Communication of
the 14th Just. I have to inform that there is no heartest
fever, in the Island, or any other dangerous.disease
The Le Goe of the
Labard Saben
Hn Excelles.
Zohte dit ver
De Gone of l’Easse
Sata 18th January 1854
I had the honor on the 31st ulto, to receive Yours
Excellency’s Communication of the 17th., & 30th, of the month
No 154/25 & 162/25, and on the 4th Sat; one of the same date, con
=taining the quarantine Kgulations /: No 2/1:) - In reply to your
Excellency isWommunications Relative to the quarantine laid on
by your Excellency between this Island and St. Custatius, in con
sequence of the information derived by a letter from Mr
G.m. Hassell to his brother Mr John Thomas Hassell.
of St Justatins- I beg leave respectfully to hand here with
a Certificate from said Mr G.M. Hassell for Your Esq
lenty's Consideration-- And to add, that there is no Con
tagious or infectious distance in this Feland.
The Dr. Gova of To
the Island Saba His Excellency
E Beake Johs De Veer
Lieut. Governor of St Cust.
Mba 13 feby 154 —
I have the honor to forward here with to Your Excellency
the piece for the last year, which for want of an opportunity so
in Hadriesen, I could not send your Excellency.
The L.k Gow. of the Ireland Sabr
H. Excellenz. Joht de Vmr.
Dr. Gorn. of Ln. Ensch.
Suba 13th Feby /54. bie durch
I have the honor respectfully to apres ent to your Excelly Sir,
the stift taken by me, subject to your Excellency's approvat
relative to the Quarantein in this Island, part of which your Excellency will
perceive by the statiments for the last year, which will be form by His Excelles.
That in consequence of having received information
of the Ascatie Cholera peivcheny in Nevek, I put in force quarantine lrqulatien the Lte Governor of S.t Eust.
in as far at it expedient ^ praticable for this Island on the 19th. Decrif - The
Acadstaads of this Island being too limited in extent, to admit of a
proper quarantein Au charge being appointed apart from the usu at
Ancharge ground, and their being no other means to prevent communication
between Vysels in quarantein tothers laying at ancher-I formed it he
=cessary to direct, that befselfa "arriving acriving from any port infectio
with the cholera, should perform quarantien off this Uland for 20 dayt, &
to extend the time according to circumstances. That on further information
of the Cholora laging at St. Thomas - I have, Considering it indespentable
likewise for the Welfare of the Zeland (on the 10th. Alss:) & on the Uprésentation
of the Inhabitants encreased the time for such Vessels to the number of Thirty
daye from the day of their departure from said infected ports, & if found
expedient to extend the time also, according to circumstances, there being
no medical man in this Island, it would always be more Ovesable
for bessch having sickness on board, to fromd to some of the Islands for the dical aid, which we could not render them here. beg likewise, to inform your Excellency, that I have to must theherging
organed Amporary aellitien Corps, detatekenenten of which,
I appoint daily as guardt armed at the leading place of the Ireland's
to prevent a break of the quarantine Ligulations, & have thought
it expedient with the advice of my adoiring members to pass a re=
=gulation imposing a penalty of four guilders, or impresomment of
for four days, for all persons capable of doing, who may refuse to do it
which I trust will also have Your Excellency's approvat, and I beg
to assure Your Excellency, that I will continue to use myatmo & exertion't
to prevent the detroduction into this Island of said, distance, and with
My duty to make known to your Excellency, that the principal
portion of the Inhabitants are extreinely indegent, and in the event
of the Cholera, being brought here, they will not be able to supply
the elves with the Medicines & other necessaries & quired for the
disease, and being without a medical prachtioner, the Condition
of this Island will I fear be deplorable, all of which, I most
Respectfully submit to your Excellencye Consideration
Witt much respect
I have the honor to be
Die Excellenz.
Your Excellency & Kammlman Elssever
most Obdt & very H. Sim ad & dependen en Gave of 6th
The du Gouw. of the Jalans Suba
Saba 29th April f. 54
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt
of your Excellency's letter of the 5th. Inst No. 38/5, inclosing a copy of a publication
of His Excellency's the Governor of Curacao & dependencies of the 28th Feby & 2d
march this year & to inform your Excellency, that in accordance with
the desire of His Excellency, the Governor of Curacao & dependencies, that
I have had said publication on the 20th Inst. published.
The Lieut. Governor of His Excellency
the Island Saba Johs. De Veer.
St. ℈ov. of the Island St. Christ.
Saba 7th May 1854.
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt on the 4th.
of your Excellency's dispatch of the 28th. ulto: accompanying copies of His
Excellency the Governor of Curacao & dependencies disposition of the 31st.
March No. 159/18, & of the letter to His Excellency the Minister for the colonies
from the state commission appointed by Royal decree of the 29th. Nov
(53. No. 66, relative to the measures that can & ought to be taken with ra
„gard to the present condition of the slave population in the Colonies.
die, & containing also various guerries for elueidation. In reply, I beg
assure your Excellency, that I will use my utmost evertions to furni
the documents required of me, as early as possible.
The Lt. Governor of the Island Sal To
His Excellency
John de Veer, St. Governor of the Island St. Cust.
St. Cusk 29th May 1854.
I have the honor to hand herewith to your Excellency the different
Statements &ca, required of me by despatch of your late predecessor and
The Lt. Governor of the Island Sabo date of the 28th April no. 59/8.
His Excellency, The Lt. Governor of St. Cust.
Saba 6th July 1854.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Excellency
Communication of the 1st. Inst. accompanying a publication of the To
of Curacao & dependencies of this year No. 4_ and I have also the house
to forward herewith to Your Excellency the following pieces required of
me, from the 1st. July / 53 to the 30th. June this year - Vizt.
A Fabular of Births _ A do of Death A do. of Marraigis as rega
European Inhabitants none since my report of the 5th Sept / 54 I respect
„fully beg leave to refer your Excellency to said communication of the
Sept. / 53, & which remains the same- & as respects Vessels belonging to
this Island, I beg leave respectfully to refer your Excellency to pay
Communication of the 5th. Sept / 53, & which remains the same.
The St. Governor of Saba.
His Excellency
The St. Governor of St. Eust.
Saba 12th July 1854.
I have the honor to hand herewith to your Excellency
a despatet for dit Excellq: The Gove of Curaçao & dependen eur,
solicting the favor of fouraelly, to form? said despaset, by the very
first Conveyance The h. Goore
of Taba
G Beakk
Hin Excell:
The L.G.R.
Pr Euste
Saba 12th July 1854
I beg leave to hand herewith to Your Excellu:
a letter for His Excell: the Governor of Curncas (:ad Insin.) &
defremdenceer Inlative to theassent deposited with your Exelly.
which you will forward when you draw it necessary to do so, with,
or without the money.
The La. Governor
of fabra
His Excellency Tuckh
The L.w. wv. of L.r Geest.
Saba 12th. July 1854.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt
of a despasch from H. Excell: H. Goven I. J. R. Elszweer
Ee qu'hove of Curacao & dependen eur of the 21th April No
221. Accompraying f 8000 f 500 of which in the Cooper Coin &
ƒ 1500 in silver, which amount was handed over to me, by Ach
Tyeilly: "The Dr. Governor of St. Euck: & I have in bicadance
with directment contained in said despatch, lrehunged the sum
of $ 590.50. of the new Coin for the old, which appeard to be all
of that Coin, that was in Circulation in this Island.
And they haveJespeasfully to inform Your Excellq.
tratent opportemtus ase mon frequent from Dr Eust. Colourneur.
then from them, I have dreied it admirable to deposit the
said And. of f 590.50 with His Cyeilly. The B. Goor of 1st Eush.
to be formed. Your Excell: and that the same is contained in
abox 9 bage Contsining in 2½ ct. pven ƒ 360.40
1 Idam Idem.
ƒ19.60 In 5 et peh.
11.50 „ 10 „
194. „ 25
f 230.10 um „ 4
f 590 im 50
No the honor to inform Your Excellency that I have any
I have in reserve f 1401. 50. after a deduction of £8. for
Expenter attending the hominhing of the ƒ 2000 from
Sr. Eust. to this Island - f 440. in the Capper Coin, & f 961.50
in Silver. I have the honor to be
With much respect:
Your Excellency &c His Excellency
The Governor ad Intn Most Obedient &
of Curacao & depe. Very Humble Servt.
The L. Gone of Saba
Saba 12th. July 1854
ed Sir!
I have the honor to hand herewith to your Excellency
memorial of Capt. Robert S.D. Simmons, received of Capt John
Simmons the 11th. Inst to be forwarded your Excellency, as also a copi
of the letter from Capt. I, I. Simmons accompanying said document
likewise a copy of my letter in reply thereto with much respect
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency
Most Obt. & very Humble Servt His Excellency
The Governor ad Intn. The St. Governor of Saba.
Beaks of Curacao & dependencies
Saba 12th. July 1854.
Idem it necessary that you send in a petition reli
,,tive to the Document you have requested me to furnish you a copy of
of, regarding Capt. R.S.D. Simmons, when I will give your
petition my consideration.
The Lt. Governor of Saba
Capt. John James Simmons. ent
Saba 12th July 1854.
I have received your communication of the 11th Inst, en
closing a Memorial only from Capt. R.S.D. Simmons to His Excellency
the Governor of Curacao & dependencies with request from you, that the
I beg leave to inform you that same be forwarded His Excellency_
Intend forwarding said Memorial today, to His Excellency The
lt. Governor of St. Eustatius, with req. ^st that the same be forward 1.87
ed to His Excellency the Governor of Curacao & dependencies per tirst conveyance. The Lt. Governor of Saba.
Capt. John James Simmons.
Saba 17th August 1854. Sir!
I had the honor on the 12th. ult.s to forward to His Excellency
the St. Governor of H.Eustatius for transmission to your Excellency a
memorial of Capt. R.S.D. Simmons to your Excellency dated St. Thomas
¾th July, wherein he states, certain occurrences, in which he considers him
belagreeved, & prays your Excellency for an invistigation & redresse
I have now the honor to hand your Excellency here
with the following documents.
not a report of Mr. Richard Simmons, officer of the quarantine boa
the crew constituting also the guard of the 8th february last,
worn to before the Court the 4th. March past, relative to the conduct
of R.S.D. Simmons, master of the Sch. becelia on the 4th February.
No 2. a Certificate of Herentes Hassell to Esqr. provisional Secretary
recorder to the deligated lands of Justice of this Island regarding
to the conduct &c.fie of Capt. R.S.St. Simmons, on the 2d. & 4th March
baph Abm. Simon's declaration on oath the 15th. July relative
L's proceedings on the 27th feby. & 15th March &,, fee
Extracts of Sentences of the Court, regarding Capt. R.S. D.
fimmons the 4th March
No. 5. Copies of Aminda honorable, in said cases of Capt. R.S.D. fimmonsBy the document not your Excellency will
perceive, that the Sch: Oecelia, Capt. R.S.D. Timmons arrived at this
out on 4th. feby, that the Captainihnowldged himself, to be perfect
daware of the quarantine laws being in force in this Island, and
-leing directed not to proceed with his vissed into the usualürchciag
mind; he obstinatily persisted, & ran her close along side the schr.
F. Hüttz Zavon West India Colonio Iunadod
Sisters then niding at anchon, & when proceding with his boat towards it
those he was ordered by the quarantine officer not to proceed, but to
„oud on board his vessel, his boats crew to board the quaran
plaat, omade use of very disrespectful & contemptions language of the
Laws & myself as St. Governor of the Island. That on the 2d. Mare
he declared in passing the wasetead of St: Eust to the crew of the scho
Herry King, his intention of coming to this Island, & that he would go
them that for shot, of course to those legally appointed toürforce the
quarantine laws, that accordingly on his arrival here, when directed
by the quarantine officer, to go in tharantine for one day, to comple
the 30 days required by law, he peremptorily refused to obeij the order,
rowed in his boat towards the shore, to put in execution his threat
land, in open & forcible de france of the law, which he doubtless he
accomplished, but for the determined stand taken by the guard
my command- which your Excellency will also perceive by docu
Pro Z.
Capt. R.S. Dr. Simmons complains that I refused him
permission to land a Daniel or two of flour for his family, during the
prevailance of Cholera at St. Thomas, it was reported to me that
M.S.D. Simmons of the Sch.r Cecelia, arrived off this Island at night, & reg
ed of the guard to be allowed to land abarrel flour for his family,
was of course refused, & Capt. Simmons was told that the guard had
authority to grant such permission, but that if he would wait an
ed to do, I have since heard that the banel flour, was put on board
the next day, he might apply to the proper authority, which he de
Capt. Simmon's family
the Scht. Aldebaran at Antigna, & landed here from that vessel
on the 26th february in the even
the quarantine officer for the day, reported to me the arrival.
distress of the Dutch Sch.r St. Martin from St. Thomas, & a request from
the Master of said Vessel to be allowed toürchor, for the purpose
repairing & refitting damage, the schooner having carried away the
mainboom, & spring her flying sibboom 1e, & thereby rendered wth
to proceed on her voyage, which permission I thought proper under
such circumstances to grant, The said Schooner enclosed the
day, refitted & failed the same day, having had no communicat
with the shore, further, then throwning over board her old boom v
"ceiving a long side in the water, a new one. On the 15th March the
Schr. St. Martin arrived again from St: Vincent, then 25 days from St. Thom
& the Master applied for permission tordhor his vessel, & to landor throw
over board, aspar in return for one bonowed by him on the 27th. Febius
for a main boom, to this request I granted permission to throw over board
Spar, & refused for xxxx to permit the vifsel to anchor- It however
b) peais, that altho no other articles were thrown over board or landed
^ then the Spar & a piece worn rope, yet the Captain did himself land
the guard being neglegent of their duty for which offence the said
master of the Sch.r St. Martin, was presented & condemned in a
pinalty of f62 including bourt expenses & the guard find for neglect of
duty ƒ16s. I beg leave also to refer your Excellency also, to the declara
tion of Capt. Abm. Simmons on oath No. 3. Sate in the month
5 April, Capt. Moses Leverock having a ressel on the Stocks building
in this Island, applied to me for permission to import from St. Thomas
some Lumber, Blocks, Hon & Coppier work, stateing that ^ was unable to
noeure those articles from the other Ilands, this desire to complete
huilding of the vessel before the Iurricane months commn
taking into consideration that by information received from St.
Thomas considerable time had elapsed without the occurrence
of a case of Cholera in that Island, & that the articles were of a
rature that if thrownÓverboard, no riok of infection would be in
enired, I thought proper to grant the request of Capt. Sevenock, who
accordingly reported in the Sch. Aldebaran, Capt. Peter Simmons
the 23th. April being 34 days after the last case of Cholera at H. Thomas
said lumber,ennks, lopper & on work. But besides these articles
apt Simmons Landed from the schr. Aldebaran at same time,
atain other articles, but without my permission or knowledge, of
which I have taken legal notice, but from various sufficient cause the case has not yet been decidedThus your Excellency
will perceive that bapt.R.S. Dr. Simmons who prays your Excellency
redress, was flitty on the 4th. Feby & 2d. March, in his attempt to land
& this Island from the Schr. Cecelia in wilful, & premedulated vio=
lation of the Law of Conduot, violent, & subversive of good Government
Eighly dangerous as an example to others. Being but three days from
Thomas when Chalera prevented to a considerable extent, his
ing in the Island would have been dangerous to the lives
the Community, of which his own family formed apart,
To have permitted such conduct to pass with imprinity would
have been inexcusable in me Your Excellency will also
observe, that leapk simmons in his Memorial to your Excellency
astates, that the Captain of the Schr. St. Martin who violated
the quarantine law by leading on the 15th March made use of dis=
respectfuling language towards me personally, if his as=
cution be not false, the circumstance was not communication.
to me, as in his case, but it will prove to yr Excellency the difficulty
I find to preserve, amongst some of the Inhabitants which were
order that due respect for the laws, & His Majesty's Government. He
respectfully trust that your Excellency's resolve on kept Simmond
memorial will tend to streng them & support me in my efforts to
I have the honor to be that effect.
with much respect.
Your Excellency's
Most Obt. & very Humble Servt.
His Excellency
The St. Governor of the Island San The Governor
ad Int.m of Curacao & dependencies
Saba 5th. October 1854.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your C
Communication of the 29th. ult No. 32 accompanying despatches
me, from His Ellj.re The Governor of Curacae & dependencies (ad In
received by H.M. Brig Syny as respects the amount I had
to be remitted His Excl: the Governor ad. Intn. of Curacast depend
I beg have to inform your Excellency, that as I expect in afen
days hence amore suitable convigance than the present one
dumit Oadvisable to wait & avail myself of it to hand over to your
Your kind of Excellency the said amount, avalling myself
of service, to forward the sume to His Exelly. The Governor ad
The Lieut. Governor f Curaçao & dependenciis
of Saba.
Het Excellij
The Le Gove of l. Eusk.
Saba 12 Acha /54.
I have the honor to inform Your Excellg: that in and
=ance with your communication of the 26 July: that I
sent to His Excell: the by Governor of the Eust. abble & above
Containing of £1409.50 as hereuspecified to be forwarded your
a Boft Contr. 1 tag of ƒ 392. in gulden per Excellency 159. 50. in 50 ch. pch. da. „ 25„ 150. dr. 10 : 100
10 9bre 72
6969.50 b hagt
1 barret Coal & 4 days chs. per 440.
ƒ 1409.50 einig
being the balance in hand of the new Coin.
I have the honor to be
With much his such
1/10 Your Excellency'r
Moch Ohr & Hn. H. Secr. His Excellys.
The Ld Erve of Saba The imposant ntnd
G Brucke
of Curacao & Assenden eick
Saba 12 Octob. /. 54
I have the house to acknowledge the receipt on the
3o. Inst of Your Excellencyeenn of the 26th. July no 14.
form to the by His Exelly. the Dr. Eour of Sr. Eust. accom
=panying h Numorial of Copie Rt W. Summaia & Sundry
other do eumenti.
I had the howor on the 17th. Augt. to forward
Herrn L.r Eust to your Excell: My explanation of the charge
contained in said Memorial, which I trust Your Excell:
has found quite Saturday, and that my proiendings ment your Excellency's intire Sanction
With respect to the letter of Capn T.J. Summaat, I trust
your Excellys will trust it with the Contumpt it observed,
He's charge that I referred to give a copy of the Apologys
in the Case of his son Casu R. L. D. Simon, is a false accie
tion. Your Excell: will peruve by my answer to him
on the subject dated the 12 July. I considered that by the
law of the 13th Jany 1554. it was necessary, he should
Apply by petition for said Copy:
in wagt jesstich my private transaction I cannot
I am my habitation can affect the general good
of the Inhabitants-pervous holding any demandt
agained me, are the the City at liberty to have recourse
to law for the recovery thereof.
He referd your Excell: to certain persons at
Curacao regarding his character, those persons
prisume know no more of him, then having had some
merchantile tranéactions, with him. But I beg
to assure your Excell: that in this Island he is well know
to be exendingly wanting in proper regard for truth, and
other many essential quatitur required to form a good lehars
I have in accordance with your Excellency's direction
the honour to return herewith the Memorial & other pure
Welt much versoeck
I have the house to be,
Your Excellencyh
M. Ob. & b. H. Peur Het Excelles.
7 Curaçao & dessenden enz Thes he Goen of Saba
Hu Wien ad hihu
G Beake
omitted in the above
X Capn. Summons's reprisentation will prove to your Excellers
with what a spirit ofÓren Malace, and "Orange", he is ae=
=twated a gainer me for my exertions to protect the Inhabi=
of their tiland, amouget whom he has alsoe ye family,
from a direase of a most districtive nature. 3
Saba 10 Nov.r / 54.
I have the honor to hand herewith to your Excell:
Extract of a letter from a Genoteman reading at Sr Kilti dahil
the 7 inst, by which Your Excell: will perceive, that a decease
has made its appearance in said Zeland, which in all probable
in the Chatea. I have the honor also to inform your Exelly
that on receipt of said Intelligence, I have thought proper
for the protection of the Inhabitants, to place on a quarantit
with that Island - which I trust will must your Excellye appro
=probation, - and I beg leave to assure your Excellg: that I was
continue to use my utmost exertions & that notwithstanding
the many du advantage & difficultier I have to encounter
with, in Kufzuss this quarantein with the different Island
where the Cholera exist, that I still hope to be able to Kuss
this Island from from the dreadful disorder.
With much respect
have the honor to be
Your Excellye v/ffir Excell. M. Obn & V. H Servt
The Gover ad Instan The La Governor of Curacao t defend en eux habe S B
Jur Schu Normann Tabu 21.e January /55.
I have the house to hand herewith to your Exelly.
the pieces required of me for the last year.
Witt Ulrich Respect
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's
Mort Obde Servants
Hil Excellenz
The he Goare of Saba Die heernen
Theaker at St. Geerten
Saba 30th. May 155
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of
Your Excellency communication of the 18 mch: accompanging
a publication of the Gent. of Curacao & dependences of this
year No 3. And to inform your Excell: that the same was published
in this Island the 23d. Inst.
The W. imp. of Saba
G Beakt
His Excellys
Mr Le Goven
1.u Emolu.
Salv 14. tepr ƒ 55
I take to have to acquaint you that on the 27th
febij last part, a late born child was found under the
bloor of the privy on the priming of Mr James Hassell
of this Island, which proved to be the child of the woman
of the name of I am belonging to said Mr. J. Happell, the
Coman it would appear had home the child in the
prings, and afterwards was endennoming to go to the place
cak'd the Wd Side, but did not succesed in getting there
The child when taken out of the privy was found to be
a health child, to its full time and is now alive
“The Execumstance was made known to the shortly
after the child was discovered, I took the necessary
slips in obtaining / all the information I could of the
case, and plaest the woman in Confinement as soon as it
was possible to do so = A full knowledge of the Care you will
obtain by perusal of the <gap/> relative thereto- which I have
the house to hand herewith to you. Prefore it was possible
to send on the woman prisoner to you at Sr. Eurs. to be tried by
the Competent Authoriteer she made her escape from the
tail. I have since notschied to uze my utmort exertions to
reapprehend her but regret to say, that I have as yet not
I have also to report to you
Succeeded in doing so that on Monday the 16 July last a black woman (for) can
Naney Roory, belonging to the quarter of this Iet and call
Hells Gati, was shot by a white man of the name of John
George Slaave, have irritated by a diesed received from
a son of the woman, named Peter Every (as Keine dictaris
took his gun and performed the Man, who made his excuse
his Mother coming towards Keere was that by him, and
wounded in the novel heart & chees with shot, who I am
scry to say died on Wednesday night the 18th. Zaly
As soon as the occurence was made known to men
I had the offender as early are possible apprehended and
plaed in prison, and knowing thepleasantly of this Iail
of this Island, and the want of police force for such
anwoorginey, I applieit to the Captains of the English Schu
(Hij: King to take the prisoner to St. Euste but Ensoe Heylig
refused to do so, "stating that he was not certain whether
he was going to Sr. Eust: or Sr Bartholome“, and before all
opportunity offered for L.r Eusk the prisoner made his
escape from the Lail. But I am very glad to inform you,
be was apprehended on the 11th Inst and is now in Prison
I have collected all the evidence I could their far, in this
case and hand over to you the person relative thereto, from
which you will become acquainted with all the Circumstances
of the case - there is perhaps some lack of evidence, but
I think there may be sufficient with the declaration of
the deceased woman to make it a strong case against
Mr. Kan. I am sending ich the Criminal Mr. Keere in charge
of theersheel with the English sche Lauran Cap Richd. Hassel
and as it may be also necessary for the Oru Man Peter Every
to be present, he liknisse goez up
I have delayed sending you the piece a/clative to these
two grave cases, hoping from day to day, I should have
been able to send up the distinguents at same time.
It afferdt me now much satisfaction that my ex
=pectations are their far realized by being able to send
up the criminal keere, and I beg to assure you, that I will
are all the meant in my power to apprehend the woman
I am and will send her up to you, or give you notice thereof
The Le Governor of Laba
& also charged with the
publie monietry of the Island.
H Beukn v/h Hin Hona,
The officer charged with
the public I inutry of the
Island l. Enstatuer.
Saba 23 Sepr 155
In bout Pigeon, Thos: Thompson Sir
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt
of your Communication of the 15th, 17th & 22th. Irish. the
formerpenquering to be furnished with certain Resdenees
&c.d.m in the case of Mr. Kuven which you will receive herewith
With regard to Laveaitaring that the woman Iarey
could not be seen by him from the place when he stood
I beg have to inform you that I have that the place has
buninspected bij Messen J. E. Kasselt, Horton, Josiah
Peter von, Peter Eisw. H. Hapell, John Peterson & Myselp,
it they are of opinion with me, that the said woman
Zancy, could have been seen by keere, the distance between
them being about 55 to 60 feet - As respects assistance in
the case of the woman same, as soon as I find that the
same is requisite, will apply for it
I have also the honor to Comply with your requis
conting of the 17th byineerding the declarations therein
named, likewise a proces verbal of Mrs. Catho Arm Wery,
& the slave Leak, that money died from the effects of
the Wounds of the shot. Regarding the affection of
the fruman
Peter Every, statut in your letter of the 21.th I assure
you, that the same in false, the declaration were read
& explained to him previous to his signing them. which in
never neglected. You will likewise receive a declaration
of Mise Judith Hapell respecting keene
The Lieut Gooernde of Saba
& also charge with the Public
ministry of this Island.
Hier Honder! H Beakt
The officer charged
With the public Menestry
of the Island. 1st Eustatius.
Salm 28 Sepr /55
I beg leave to hand here with to your Excellency
the enclosed documents for your consideration and advice
thereon1st. a copy of a letter from His Excell: the Governor of 1 Bar
2 a copy of a protest of John Erik Ternstrom manso
of the Swedick Schooner "Petter" which'd on the Inlan Blanquilla the 24th. July donk a Copy of Capn. J. I. Timmon's Verbal report regarder
the good ^ taken on board the said sche "Petter" by the
Casie & Erna of the Schu Swift
4 a copy of a letter from the aforesaid Cape J.S. Sum
relative to said transaction.
Consedering, that wherias the case which the doe
= Caments herewith will explain, may lend to Mon em =portance and consequence that I am authorized
on the Court of this Island to take enquizance of
I therefore dum it Odvesable to submit the case to
Your Excellinys conse direction, and to soleit your
advice and directions, in what manner I should
proced in the case besenise, preveoir to my Common
ting with the Governor of St Bartholomen, on the
subject. Antreepating the honor of your Excellency's
I have the honor to be early reply
Your Excuse Mr H. Serva Het Excellency
The L. Governe Eastatuch The La Goverm. of Saken E Beakt
Saba 17 „ October /55.
Your Excellencye Communication of the 28th. Augs. I had
the how or to receive the 14 sepe accompanying or copy of a protest,
of John Erck Vousström, mocht afthe Sweden schon "Petter
wrickert, on the Island of Blanquilla, in Iulxlastr-requesting
my intieference for the recovery of roode taken on board the
Britosh Seke tweth by the Capn J.H.H Summour from part,
„sche "Petter“, who as well as his father is stated to be domiciliated
in this Island.
the inclosd of the reply I have the honor to hand herewith to your Exed: paration made to me, by John I & Immonsz, owner
of the schoona twifte, by which Your Exelly will see, in what
manner the word taken from oubourd the "Selve Petter", had been
disposed of &c &c
The owner of the schooner twift wieder in this Island,
in't the Captn. onstemporally So.
The lehn huift is registered out of Demarara
I understand in at present, on aboyage from that place to Surina's
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency &
Mr. Oder Hble Servt
The K. Gove of Laba His Excellys
G Behaler Jd H. Haarau Esque
Governoef b'Bartholonsen
fa f.e fa
Saba 25th Oct /:55.
Your hours communication of the 13th. Inst. ac
companging four set of Interrogatories, to be answered by San
very, Judith Hassell, and the Haves Sack & Ploenix. I have recd
on will receive herewith said Interrogatories with theingen
hich have been soon to as directed – I regret that I am ha
not as yet been apprehended, & that you will be obliged to praa rainst her as indicates by you. The Lieut. Governor
of Saba, as also charged His Honor
with the public ministrips The officer charged
of the Island with the public minish of the Island St Cuot. &c &c E. Beaks
Saba 1st December 1855.
U.Ed. s Sir!
Your Excellency's communication of the 6th. Ultimo a cas
nying a declaration of Thomas Royburgh before the British vice Consi
at La Guayra, respecting the Goods taken on board the English Schoones
swift, from the Iwedish Schooner Retter worked on the Island & Blanger
8e. &c. - I had the honor to receive on the 25th. Ultimo, & in accordance with To
Excellency's request, I beg leave to hand herewith the following doen
containing all the information, that I am in possession of, as also, the
manner I have proceeded in the case, which I trust will be approved
by Vom Excellency-vizt.
no. 1. a copy of a letter from His Excellency the Governor of St. Bartholomea
2. a Copy of J.E. Ternstionis protest.
3 - a Copy of a verbal report of capt. 9. J. Simm.
" 4. a Copy of a letter from capt. J.J. Simmons.
5. a Copy of the Letter to His Excellency The Governor of St. Barthols
The Schooner Twift has lately been wicked on the Island of the
awatting any further directions that Your Excellency may know no
„cessary to give me regards my said transaction
I have the honor to be Mijne
With much respect
Your Excellency's
His Excellys. M. Obt. Huml. Servt.
The Governor ad Int
of Curacon & défendeur Saba 21th. Jany 1856.
Sir. 3
InJaccordance with your Honors request
the 26th December last, which I received the 9th Inst. I have the
Honor to hand herewith the five trclarations respecting the wi
Iane, who I regret to say has not yet been apprehended- vigt.
one of the free woman Setchy Harton (midwife)
of the fee woman Princes Hassell, (midwife)
of the free woman belie Helly.
"of the slave Susanna, the property of aham Simmons,
of the Have Suey, the property of Jacob E. Barnes
The Lieut. Governor of Sabo
charg'd with the public
Ministery of the Johan His Honor
The officer charg'd with the public ministry of the Beno
of Indicature of St. Eusk & Saba.
1688. e
Sabast Schij f56
I beg have have to hand herewith to your
Excellency, the peces required of me for the year past.
dh Lieut. Governor
of saba.
His Excellency
The Dr. Governor
of S.t Custatius
Saba 6th Feby. /56. / via St. Konner
Sir! Josch. Carket
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your
alleneys communication of the 7th. December last No. 36 3/3 relative
the death of Haves in 1854.
In reply thereto, I respectfully beg leave to inform your
llency, that the statement regarding the death of Slaves in 1854.
nect- few Slaves die in the course of a year in this Island as you
allency will see, by refering if you please, to the statements annu
by forwarded. vizt.. In 1846.2.1847.5.1848.4.1849.3.1850.6.1857.5-1852.3
53.4. 1854: 2.2. 1855. 3- _ with much aspect, I trust, that from
foregoing report, your Excellency will be enabled to
ive to His Excellency the Minister for the colonies, the de=
ed, & I hope, Saturday information, in the present ise.
I have the honor to be,
with much respect.
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Governor ad IntenMost Obt. & very humble Servt.
of Curacao & dependent the Sr. Governor of Suba
E. Beaks
welke heeft bij
Capier Barnis. Sabra 5th. May 15th
Your Excellency's Commune cation of the 1st. Just
accompanying two Publications, of the Government
of Curacao & dependen en eus of this year was 2. I have
had the honor to receive, & to inform your Exelly, the
the same have been published. Ihr Hn. Gooerna # taba
H Beahn
1o His Excellg:
Hu Le Gooemor
of Jn. Eustatieck
Saba 8th July / 56
im Scheleconn.
I have the honor to hand herewith to Your
Excellency, Sunday Statiments required of mr, from the
1st. July last year to the 30th. Ulto
Ihr L.r Rovernor
of Saba
Draks 1/0
Hic Excellat.
In Dr. Governor
of S.t Euslaten
Saba 24 July / 56
I avait myself of the cartiest conveyance to to /12
Rudson to your Excell: that I have this morning Tred. inform
Drem 1n. Thomas of severat de alter having very recently taken
place in said Island, and that some of them, were supposed to be
from Cholera, concerning, that your Excellg. may not have as I
-t also beg leave to inform Your Excellers: that in
=conkequence of said report, I have demed it admirable to plai
received information thereof.
Sr. Thomas. Subsc.
on a quarantine of 30 daye with said Ireland & 1/7 to Your Excellye appravat. with much? I have the honor to be
Your Excellency &c
v/d in the L. Governor Obligt. Hble. St. v/d His Excellency habe EbenM. dipenz
Rovr af le winena
Saba 10th September 1856.
Iavail myself of the present conveyance, to
forward to your Honor, the Enclosed document not too, which
you will find relate, to an act of putting fire to one of the out
Weildings, of Capt. B.R.W. Harton, on Saturday night or sund
morning the 20th. July. It wasufortunately discovered in time,
u Sunday morning, to prevent a serious loss of property, &
perhaps lives, as the building is only 18 feet fr distance from Cap
Horton's dwelling, - I have used every exertion in my power
find out the person, or persons, that committed the act, Bur
in very sony to say, that I have not been able to obtain any
other information respecting the same, than what your
onor will find by the pieces here with_ It however appears
at from the déclarations, that there rest a degree of suspicion,
the Man Musco the property of Mr. Adam Simmons
consequence of which, Ideem it highly necessary & which
also in accordance with the opinion of the Court of this Island
bring the case under Your Hornor's notice, in order, that you
ay act with it, as you may seem expedient. Being much
disposed for some time, has prevented me from forward=
your honor the pieces sooner.
The Lieut. Governor
of Saba.
His Honor
charg'd with the public
The officer ministry of the Island.
charg'd with the public
Minestry of the Island St. Eustatius
Sir Saba 25.th Sepr /54
Your Honors communication of the 22nd Inch
I have recd. In reply to your enquiry respecting the
ursman I ame I have to inform, that as yet, she has not been
apprehended, seur chez terne frequentie van made for her, but
to no effect. never the left continue to use my exteertiont in
the care, and should but any time so ceed in having him
her apprehended, be assurd, that I will give you notice thereof
theucat situation of the Island being such as to afford
much faculty to absconded persons. Consequently, it is
therefore difficult to say, whether, the woman Lane is on
the Island or not - and as regards the rumour inieesulati
at 1st. Eust: "that she is employd at the House of her
is a false one. for such could not be the case without
My bearing some knowledge of it, as her the.dence
of her Mistress is near to him, & other Circumstances when
inables me to make saidüsseirance to your Honor.
The La Goor of Saba
My’d with the Public Minis
of the Island
I Biaht His House
The officer of the Public
Ministry to the Besch of Judicature
of t' zuste & Saba
Saba 13th. Novr. C56
per Sch. Oevan Gun ici.
In reply to your House communication of the
15 Ulto. I regret to say, that I am as yet not able to compt
with your request, in sending up the slaves. I applied to
Cape Heimman to the them whoBefased to take them, as his bessel
was under the British flogt, and I have also made the requi
of Capn 6. Missenden, who has likewise referred to carry them
The Man Musca is at his liberty, as I have no proper pla
of Confinement for him. I will send up said slave as to
as I can obtain a conveyance for them.
With regard to the woman & also, I am sorry to say
that I cannot as yet, give you any Satefartory information
In Leut: Governdr of Suba unfecting her.
chargd with the Public Minis
of the Island.
Het Honne,
Mr Officie of the Public Ministery, to the Berick of Judicature
of S. Justiteur & Saba.
Saba 21st January 1857.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of
your Excellency's Desputch of the 19th July, & 19th. November, No.qui /1.
to No. 598/2, containing the Law of the 19th. July 1856 No. 3, & the notifie
^tions No. 6, also a part of printed forms. — Your Excellency
will receive herewith, the gelage following pieces, which I
are the honor to forward Your Excellency - Vizt- a General
"tatement of the population of the Island to the 5th Instant
A General Register of Births & Deaths to said date, & the mind
f points, to be added to the General report regarding the ad
nistration of the Island 1.st for the year past.
With much respect
I have the honor to be
His Excellency
Your Excellency's
The Governor
Moot Obt. & very Humb. Servt.
of Curacao & depentweies The Lt. Governor of Saba. fel fie
Edward Beaks
Saba 22e. Jany. 1857 Je sloop et aussi Sir!
I beg leave to hand you herewith, a dispatch for
his Excellency The Governor of Curacao & dependencies &c.q.u. ver.
=ticiting the favor of you to forward the same, by the very first nvigance. With much respect
I remain
som ter verij obt. Servant
J. Cappé Esqr. The Dr. Governor of Saba
Netherland Consul. Edward Beaks
St. Thomas.
Saba 27th. January 1857.
I beg leave to hand herewith to your Excellency dupli
licate of the pieces forwarded by me to His Excellency, The Governor
t Curacao & dependencies (via St. Thomas).
His Excellency The Lieut: Governor of Saba
The Lieut. Governor of St. Eustatius Edward Beaks
In sehr Wasser lautete. Nr. J. Hassell
Suba 11 April 1857.
Your Excellency's despatches of the 24th. Decr
last No. 31 1/3, the 26th January 44/1 and the 14 February
no 75/2. with the accompanging document &c 2
have had the honor to receive, and I respectfully beg
have to inform Your Excellency, that the preblications of
N0 8.
the 13 [illegible] and of the 14th february last No. 2, were
Publeshed in this Island on the 9th Instant
I have the honor to be
Eb éth much respect.
dHn Your Excellency &
H. E. Excell. M. Ob. & bery Humble Servt
The Governor of
Curacao, & dépendent.
&c. &c. des
Saba 12 July. 157.
forw. J’ai sche Water l’estet.
direct. da!
I have the honor to forward herewith to your
Excellency, the prier required of the from the 1st
July 156. to the last of I am this year - voule
A Tabular of Boith
A Ditto. og Death
of Marfraget A. Bd.
and a list of Europian Inhabitants
With March respect
I have the honor to be,
Your Excellencie Hu Excellency
Most Obedent and v/ Hn Governor
Vous humble serviof Uuracao
& dépendements. The Le Gooerna
da te &. oh Saba
E Beakd
Saba 20th. July 1857.
Mr. Thomas Johnson Senior member of the deligat
Bensch of Justice, having notified to me his intention of leaving the
Island to reside in the Island St. Thomas, which he has done - re=
questing to resign his situation as above stated. I l’eave in ac eijs schoor in such "cordance with the manner, I have acted with you
cases, to make the same known to you, and presuming that the reason
assigned by Mr. Thomas Johnson, will be quite sufficient to grant his
request- I hand herewith to Your Excellency, the names of three
individuals, Ioliciting you, to lominate one, to fill the sodancy,
at same time, I respectfully ask of Your Excellency, that should it
be practreable, that you will please appoint the one, to be an assessor,
Consequently Mr. James Harton, who is now the Junior member, will
become the Senior, and Mr. Josiah Peterson, who is an amessor will take
the place of Mr. James Horton Junior Member
The Lieut. Governor of Saba.
E. Beaks.
His Excellency
The Lieut. Governor of St. Custatius
Iaba 25 January 1858.
a/u sehr "Gazelle" via 1.e Thomas. Sir,
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt
of Your Excellency's des patches as follows-virt
1st. dated 7th September last year No. 463/4. relative to the
school for Idiat &c in S Gravenhage
I regret to inform Your Excellency, that living
to the indigent circumstances of the Inhabitant in general,
that I have not been able to obtain any assistance in behalf
of said Extublissement.
2o. dated 25 September, also of last year No. 507/5
Accomponying three letters for Mess.rs Thomas Fohuron
Josiah Peterson, & Wm Simmont, which I beg leave
to inform Your Excellency, I have attended to
3°. datio 21 Nov. /57. Accompanying Publicatione of
s.t Eustateur & St. Martin. The former from 1809 to 1844
and the latter from 1816 to 1849. 4th. datest 30 (5). Nr 609/7. relative to the pay of
the Revd Mr. T. A. Gast &c &c
I have also the honor, to four and herewith to Your et le
Excellency the following point, best
A General statement of the population of the
Ireland up to the 31, Decr. past.
A General Register of the Births & Death, from the
5 January to the 31 Decr. and the Minister of point
to be added to the General Report, regarding the
Administration of the Island for 1857.
With true ch Texpert,
I have the honor to be,
Your Excellency's
Mort Ahr. & U. H. Seel. 4/0
chez la Goverure His Excellency,
a/ haba
a/h Govener
of Curacao & dependen eul J. Naks.
&c. etc. &c.
Saba 27.th March 1/50.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt
of your communication of the 16 Iuch, whereby you
make known to me the prohibitions of the Government
of the Thomas, as regarder the importations of Castle
from the Windward Zelande, owing to the vonhaalsky states
of (excepting the vergea) is lands: (owing to the un healthy
state of the Cattle at Autiqua, and the stepe taken
by you in behalf of the Windward, Witherland Ilandt
& thereby obtaining permission provisionally, for the im=
of cause if you shall have received information, importation, und
of the Secretary states of them from the respective Lt.
est a la peine et de
In reply thereto, I beg to him to assure you, that Governor
J. Cappé Esqm. that
N. M. Consul 1.o Thomas
that no decease whatever exist with the Catele or
any other kind of stock in this Island at same time,
I feel very thankful to your, for the Interest you have that
taken, in behalf of the stock halders &c in their Zeland
A boat being missing from our Beack on for day
morning the 19th. Juch: the property of Mr. Abm. Summont
it is presam'd that a black man who call himself
Jamer Clay, a not resident of Fortolan, has absconded
with her, as he is not to be found, also two formales, named
Merketta, & Saraks, and as they may have arrived at
one of the bergin Ilands, S.w Croix, or Sr. Thomas,
Permit me to solicit the Kindness of you, to make enquiries
respecting them, and in the event of your being able to ascertain
where they have reach'd to claim & receive, the Boat for
Account of this said owner Mr. Alm. Simmont, and what was
expensen that maybe attending this same, will be paid
you by Elias Haddock Esqre, who will also give you
the description of this boat particularly.
With much respect.
I remain,
Sir. Your M. Oscot
Ihr Dr. Governor,
of Saha
desoudes Saba 12 „ Juni/58. zu 1 t.
Being compelled by necessity to addrese
Your Excellency, regarding my pecunary circumstances
will I am persuaded to a sufficient excuse for my entrusion
Your Excellency being already acquainted of my trilling
in come, needs I presume no further explanation thereon, than
to state, that when I had the fionor ofporsing His
Excellency J.J.R.Elsevier Governor of Cursens & Rependent desen.
His Excellency
Cural. na The 4th les fées votre et Acta
on the 29th. December /52. relative to my pecuniary circumstances,
my encome for that year was f1300 since which it has been
yearly reduting, consequently, Your Excellency, can with much
accruary judge the embarrased state I am placed in to don'taire
myself & family with even the Common necessaries of life 3t
added to which, to defray certain unaboedable expenses in
my Government with so small an encome, that I am now
therefore, usged to the Mussitz as stated, to make the following
representation to your Excellency, Hollecting with much respect
and submission Your Excellency's kind consideration thereon,
which trust they will merite
¬ 3rd His well may The Minister for the Colonies
replys, the application made in my behalp, by Her willing
P.S.R. Elsenier Governor of Curacao & dependeres te v for an annual allowance of $700. it appeared there existi
very little hopes, of obtaining any assistances from the Homs.
Government, in aid of my support, But this inferences Iürisamed
to be drawn therefrom was, that I must be supposed by
the emoluments derived from different secret as my pre=
Dicessorts, I never thelesse chirished a hopes, that, as some
future period, He Excellency He Minister for the Colonel
may have been induced to takes my necessary circumstances
again into considerations, and grant to me some assistance
otherwise I would en this made the present application,
relying however always, in the justness, and benevolence
of my Government, I feel persuaded, that my application
will not be considered too late, unfounded orzuproper
But they same well meet with a favorable consideration by
Your Excellency
That on the 18th Feby / 50. the Law relative to the
withdramal of Expenses for manumetting the Slaves, was pubi leched in this Ireland, and the same is with all respect &
submission attended to by me, des
That by the introduction of said Law, which
has been found adviseable, my informe has been much
redued, as my emolument for each slave manumettes
Was f 20th. and that since the 18 feby /50 to date 61 man
=umissiones hare bien essuels, consequently, mij meome
has thereby been less end £1,220 from the period abovistatio
to the present one.
I also with much respect as it have to state
that in taking over the Goverum, I certainly considered,
that the emoluments derived from different source would
have remained in force, for my support, in like manner as
My predicessort had enjoyed, But in this event of this
Home Government finding it adviseable, to withidrawe
any emolument whatever, that by a affirper repusentation,
being made thereof, that I could, and which I assure
your Excellency I do, "fily on the justick and behevolence"
of my Government for a remuneration for dimenechiny,
my meeme so much, by the withdrawal of Expenses for
Manumetting the Slaves, which altho even I in all at that
period has since, benfalling off, in dependent of the
emolument aforestatio, which formed an essential item
in the Revenue, for my support &c &c and which was in
de cette force when I took over the Government
having I trust fully and satis factrity explained
My gravance on the jeregoing subject, I ami beg leave
with all respect & submission, to subiect of your Excellency,
your kindness, to lay this same before His Excellency
the Minister for the Colonick, as early as your Exelly.
May them expedient, with your Excellency’s favorable coo
siderations thereons.
I further ask leave Respectfully to represent to Your Excelly.
that I have I have Commanded the Island say towards of
24 years I have been obliged to place at the disposat
of Government, my House, there being no Government building
excess the prison, for the purpose of holding sessions, &
other meetinges. My judicessors were in the habit of using
the church for such purposes, which place I am certain
Your Excellency will consider a very impropers one. and
as such I view it. And whereat my House is now &c
quiring considerable repair, and not having it in my
power, to put it in a proper condition, & by raar with afen
much Lulmission to salicit your Excellency, & $500. or f 600. to ecrable me to put the necessary repair to
In submetting my aforesaid gruvances to your
Weilleneys Kind Considerations. I assure Your Excellency.
that I feel fully persuaded, that your Excellency will do all in your power to aid me in my pecuniary events, which I again ask leave to suplicate of your Exeilling c.
With much respect
I have the honor to be
Your Excellencye
Most Obdt & very Hble Servt
Ihr l.a Governeve
cl. Saba
Hr. Straks
Saba 5th July /58. zu sehn" tashet
Herewith you will receive an Extract of
the sentence of the Court the 11 Dec.r 1751. by which you
Will find, that the Do eument you have liquid'd a Copy
of is declared Null, & boid, Conseguently, your desire
With Respect. cannot be granted.
I am. J Sa!
Your very Oben Seol
The La Governor
Mr. Thos Johnson
of Suba
F. Whomak E Beake
Von Sch. Haskéh habe 5th July 1883.
Herewith you will received an Extract of the sentence
of the Court the 11th Decr 51., which you will find, is what
you have requerted to be further with
With "Respect"
Sir Case Rgtr Johnson Your very Obliged
The L. Governor fr. Thomas
of Saba
E. Beake
Subm 13th July /58.
Herewith I have the honor to forward your
Excellency the piece, required of me, from the 1st July 157.
to the last of June there year both
A Tabular of Birtha
A Tabular of Deathe.
A Do.. of Marringch,
and a List of European Inhabitants.
I have the honor to be,
With March respect,
Your Excellencyk
Hin. Exelly
M. O. & V. H. Swol
J h Governde of
Curaçus & dependent The Dr Goores of Saha
J Beakk &c. &c &c
Saba 26 tte Augte /58.
Sir Being inform'd by Messrs. Richd: he eweey
& Moses L. Hasselt of Your Excellency's Kindness
in granting permission for your Physiciam E.A. sonders
Middeship Esqr to visit this Island, in order to her
aid to the many persons that were suffering with the
I am very happy to inform Your Excellency
that by Doctor Medelleshipp attention not a case has
terminated fatal, and that the frisease is decreasing
Permit me to Solicit of your Excellency your
Receptance, of my very sincere thankts for your Excellency's
Kindnese, and to assure your <gap/> that your
Excellency’s Act of [illegible], will never be oblitaahd
from my memory and I beg leave to tender to your
de cette
Excellency my services, and that I shall feel truly
I happy in being serveable to your Excellency.
With Sentiments of the legheek Estam
& Repick.
I have the honor to be,
His Excellency Your Excellency's
Sir Carl Abrick Most Obce. & comy Hble. Scob.
Governor ad Juhus.
of Sr Bartholomea
Saba 20th. Sepr 158.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt
of four despatches from your Excellency as follows
one of the 26 July last No 36b/2.
An other of the 3d. Ulto. No. 37 3/3. and two bearing
date of the 16th. Alts also. No 39¾/4 and the 395/5. their
content, I have with much respect not
I have further the honor to inform Your Excellency
that the publication of the 7th. May /56 and 28th. June
last, contained in Your Excellency's despatches of the 16th also
have been published.
With much respect
I have the honor to be,
Your Excellency
Mort Obn. & Vorz Hble Servt.
His Exelly.
of Curacao & dependeneur The Dr. Governor The Governor
of Saha
&c etc etc 4 Dicks
Import Duties vizt: Import Duties vizt.
12 cts. Spb. 5 cts. sp. Shingles, Boston & Cypress. Bread & Crackers.
Coffee per 100 cts Mackrel.5 " "
ette fish, according to quality. 4to6 " " Jobaceo. 100th Manufs
100 tts Herrings
Lard per Reg. Rice 100 tts
Dry Goods imported by Butter whole kegs
foreigners ^ pay 4 per cent Candles plox 20 to 25. 3 "
on Invorce, But which 2. Soap — „ 20 to 25. „ —
very rarely occur. Salt per barrel.
Other articles imporited, not Beans & Peas per bag
Corn here specified, pay at the rate 2 " "
of about 1 pr.bent on their value. Lumber, White & pitch pine 12
the duty of Lumber is placed
low, as it is employed in
building of Vessels, Boats &
Henses. Saba 3rd. December 1858.
Saba 3d. December 1858.
With much respect I have the honor to
hand herewith to Your Excellency, copies of the following
letters received- vizt. _ one from Mr. Josiah Peterson Junior
December of the Delegated Buch of Justice, and two from Messrs.
Jacobl Hassell & James B. Hassell advising members, by which
Your Excellency will find, that said Gintler
different from indis=
"position &ce are desirions of resigning their ^ situation in Gouern
"ment, & presuming, that Your Excellency will grant to them the
honorable discharge from said situation.
I have the honor to forward herewith, to Your Excellency,
the names of three individuals, of which Your Excellency will
please lominate one, as an assessor, & Mr. Moses Leverock, who is
at present an assessor, as Junior member, in the place of Mr.
Josiah Peterson, should ^ meet Your Excellency's approbation
I have further the honor to hand hee with the todoso.
James of two individuals, to be Ominated as advising members,
if Your Excellency should seem it adviseable, to grant my
Saba 3d. December 1858.
In accordance with Your Excellency's re=
“quest by Capt Moses Leverock. I have the honor to forward
herewith to Your Excellency, a statement of the different sources from
which the Revenue of the Island is derived &c. &c., as accurately as I
Kossibly can, and small as it is, I assure Your Excellency, that I
have much trouble, and difficulty inollecting it
With much respect
I have the honor to be
His Excellency Your Excellency's
a very
The Governor of Most Obt. Hble. Servt:
Curacao, & dependencies The Lt. Governor of Saba
fel geefte J. Beaks.
Statement of the sources, from which the Revenue of the
Island of Saba, is derived &c. vizt.
Marraiges <36. of which the Secretary recives a fecof < 6.65
Vendue Commissions, 7th a/cant, of which the Secretary received
2p.r cent — Gales of Immoveable property, pay a Tax of 2s.r. cent,
on the amount of the Ld. Governor, receivers after of 4 p.r c/c for
signing the Sale 2d 3 1/4 Iales of Moveable property, pay 2/3: cent,
on the amount of sale, The <gap/>, necessary peceives 2 p.r 6/5 for passing the
Sale Mortgages, pay no Tax, The Lt. Governor, recives 4 p a/o
for his signature, The Secretary 2 p.t. 6/5- Legalizing documents,
The Lt. Governor, receivers f 5. The Lt. Governor is charged with
the public Minister of the Island, and received certain emolu
“ments fixed by Tariff, for lorocuting cases. — Fines.
Lucense for retalling Rum, pay (16 per annum) or 4 1/1 per pun:
Clearances vizt., Salling Boats, 11., Vessels 2. to f 5., the latter
Pass Ports vizt; Dutch Subjecte II. veryseldom occur.
Eyport Duties vizt:, Crown Cattle 24 cts. spaVoreigners f 2.
calves 12 cts. Spas, Boats, built in the Island, pay from 12 ctt. Spat to
# 1. Spat., according to their length of keel.
Import Duties vigt: Inport Duties vizt.
Meal per barrel. Rum per punchion pay
6 Nr. Sp. Beef & Park. lour per banel
With much respect. request.
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's
His Excellency Most Obt. & very Hble. Servt.
The Governor of The Lt. Governor of Saba
Curacao & dependencies I. Braks.
&c„et fel„
Names of the following Individuals of which, an assesse
is proposed, to be lominated vizt:
Messrs Peter Hassell Henry Hassell George Hassell
advising members proposed
Edward James Beaks (my Son)
messrs. Adam Simmons (assessor)
Saba 3d. December 1858.
The Lt. Govern. of Saba
E. Beaks
per Sloop Henry Saba 24th January 1859.
I have the honor to reply to Your Excellency's
Communication of the 13th Inst., enclosing a letter from the Revd.
M. B. Johnson for my perusal &c. &c - to hand herewith to Your
Excellency, a copy of my letter to said gentleman, regarding his
application, as far as relates to this Island.
With much respect
The Lieut. Governor of Saba
His Excellency E. Becker.
The Lieut. Governor of St. Eustatius
per Sloop Henry via St. Cust: Saba 24 ch January 1859.
I have received from His Excellency W.H.J. van Idsing
Lieut. Governor of St. Eustatius. Your communication of the 9th Ults, ad=
dressed to His Excellency The Governor General of Saba & St. Eustatius
&c &c Stating your desire to obtain if possible, a living between the Island
of St. Custatius and here &c. &c. In reply thereto, as far as regard relates
to this Island, I beg leave to inform you, that we are as yet, provided
Saba 28th April 1859. per Sloop Harriett. Sir!
I beg leave to make known to Your
Excellency, the following occurences &c.
" The English Schooner Aldebaren, command
ick, arrived here, on the morning of't or
by John Wm Go ern & acceo, with a road of Corn, from L
22d. Instant from Captaine has declared that there is to
:med the Sicar. Reg, and, at Cora a kind of for
said place of an Curacao, & is no quarantine.
ommer permitted. That on the to the contrary, a fu
Cora, he as visited by the first,
arival at Curaca & Thom, which allow it to proceed to Town
and next by a Doctor,
with his Vessel, where he remained two & half days.
The conseg-rience resulting to this & land, from
Capt. Leverock's trip to 6moce, is, that a case of said Poy has
been introduced, and of my also of a suspicious nature.
On receive the information thereof, Seaused the
individuals to be placed a part from the rest of the Inhabita except proper persons to go rd & attend them, treating the
as small Roo, and I feel "persuaded, that no infection can
Kosssibly be taken from said persons, inconsequence of the manner I have acted with them.
I therefore trust, that under such circumstances
Your Excellency may not find it necessary, to stop the inter=
"course with this Island and St. Martin.
With much respect
I have the honor to be
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Lieut. Governor Most Obedient Servant
of St. Martin The Lieut. Governor of Saba
/Signed/ E. Beaks
per Sch.r Casket via St. Barth.s. Saba 19 May 1859
By the arrival of the English Schooner
Casket, last evening from St. Hitts, I have been informed
that a quarantine exists on this Island from St. Cust
In consequence of which, I hasten vi
St Barths, to inform Your Excellency, of the January
State of the Island, presuming that it is therefore, very
uncertain when a direct conveyance will offer for St.
Bustatius de son de ses
We have had two bus. is of the afcican
small Poy from Cord, the individ
als were a imedi
te's placed entirely apart from not of he In=
a littants, except proper persons nach attend
em, treating the de ses cotes mal Poy, & useert
renoise, avec précantio to prevent any
ction to be conveys glad to be able
to state to Your Excellency, the cases is
entirely will well, & the other will I trust in a short timae It affords me much satisfaction
to inform your excellency, the from a certificate I gave to the Schooner Casket
St. Barths. on the 9th
Instant, relative to the cases of well Pox in this Island,
that said vesser was admitte. The Government con=
widering it unnessary to pluies no a quarantine on this
Qulant, under existing in ustances (S-presume).
I therefore trust, after the receipt
of this communication, that Your Ocellency, may
not seem it necessary to continue the quarantine if to (on us dire de ses
le Lieut. Governor
His Excellency. of Saba
The Dr Governor E Beakt
af 1m Eenstatuit
de la peine
per Schr Shetis. Saba 25th May 1859.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt
of Your Excellency’s communications of the 29th. ulto. & 19th.
Instant. In reply there to, Sassure Your
Excellency, that it affords me much satisfaction to be able to
inform you, that, the last case of Pox might be considered
finished. But Inevertheless demit advise=
"able, to detain the Individual afew days longer, in his Isolated
situation, Altho, by the report made to me yesterday, that there is
not the least fear, of any infection whatever, from said case
With much respect
de cette I have the honor to be,
His Excellency
Your Excellency's
The Lieut. Governor Most Obedient Servant
of St. Martin. /bign'd/ The Lieut. Governor
of Sabae
E. Beaks.
Schr. Hater Hitch, via St. Thomas. Saba 3t. June 1859.
I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of Your Excellency's communications of the following dates
vizt. One of the 28. January last, No. 4d/e, regarding the Honorable
discharge of Messrs. T. C. Hassell & J. B. Hassel advising members,
& Fosiah Peterson, Sr. member of the Delegated French of Justice &c.&c.
Accompanying the appointments &c. Messrs. E. I. Beak, & Adam
Simmons, as advising members, and Mr. Peter Hassell, Sr. member of
the Delegated French of Justice, which I beg leave to inform
Your Excellency, I have attended to- a circuler of the 14th March
No. 174/3, relative to the yearly documents &c., which I shall continue
to forward Your Excellency in due time _ one of the 19th. March
No. 139/4 requiring certain pieces of wood, for the use of persons, placed
in the House of conection in the north of Holland &c. - The Wood
required for the aforesaid purpose, is not obtainable in this
Island- also one of the 7th April No. 1675, with stipulations
The tenor of which, I assure Your Excellency, will be most
strictly attended to_
With sentiments of much respect.
I have the honor to be,
Your Excellency's
Heis Excellency
Most Obt. & very Humble Servt.
The Governor, /dign'd/ The Lieut. Governor of Saba
of Curacao
C. Beaks
& dependencies te &c &c.
per Schr. Onanken, om St. Cust Saba 19th. July 1859. g Sir!
I have the honor to forward herewith to
Your Excellency, the following pieces, required of me, from the 1st
July last year, to the 30th ulto., which I regret, I could not
earlier do, for want of a conveyance. vizt.
A Sabular of Births
A Tabular of Deaths
A Tabular of Marraiges
and a list of Europian Inhabitants.
With much respect
I have the honor to be
His Excellency
Your Excellency's
The Governor
Most Obt & very Hble Servt.
of Curacao &
The Lieut. Governor of Saba
dépendencies &c &c du
C. Beaks
per Sloop Rose Bud. Saba 25. October 1859.
I beg leave to hand herewith to Your Honor,
the accompanying documents No. 1 to No. 20, which you will find
relate to an act of robbed, committed by the slave woman Susanna,
the property of Capt. B.R.W.Horton, of four silver sea Spoons, & Three
Ica Naphins, also the property of Capt B.R.W. Harton, that ^ by said
clocuments, your Honor will find by that suspicion reason
Mrs. Eliza Simmons, spouse of John Simmons being the pur=
“chaser or receive of said articles_ The Court of this Island
sinding the case would lead to a severe punishment than
what it is authorized by the Kegulations for the Delegated Blnch
of Justice to lward has, therefore referred the said case, to the Binch
of Judicatine of St. Eustatius & Saba
The Lieut. Governor of Saba His Honor
Charged with the public
The officer, charged with
ministry of the Island.
the public ministry signed/ E. Beaks
of the Ilands of St. Eustatius
& Taba
per Sloop "Mack Intosh." Saba 3d November 1859.
I regret much to have to inform your Honor,
that the slave Susanne, the property of Capt. B.n.T.Horton, ab.
sconded from the prison yesterday 2d Instant.
I have offered a reward for her apprehensions
and trust that I shall thereby be able to get possession of her again
The Lieut. Governor
of Saba. His Honor
Charged with the public The officer, charged
Min Sry of the Island
with the public Iunistry signed
E. Beaks
of the Ilands of St. Custatius & Saba
In sehr habe d. M. Nove 159. In Hoop. M.
Sir, pia 1.e Thomas
de l’autre dans
I have the honor to acknowledge the
Receipt of Your Excellencye despatches of the 5. Sept.
No 32 4/9. containing a requéoider of His Exelly
the Minister for the Colonies, that at least once every
Mouch, to order an innestigation to take place of what
may happen to occur in theVerte of Acres. & to forward
a report thereof to your Excellency; with particularja tione, not to assume the least authority whatever over
suid isle. &c &c.
With much respect I beg to am to inform your
Excellency. that in order to obtain the required informa
=tion Elatine to the isle of Aussi. I charteres the English
Schooner "Carket", Comm. by Richd. Simmont, on the
3°. Just, not being able to obtain a beset sooner to
proced to theVerte of Avet & return to this Island
and desirous always, of being serviceable to the
To His Excellency
The Governor of Curacao. Gouvernement
& dependen cus etc &c &c
Government, as much as possible, I demed it advise =able to charge myself with the occasion to said Uland
leaving in myiead the Senior member of the actions
travail, kersuade et that the same would be aproved
of by Your Excellency. And I have therefore the honor,
of parting herewith to your Excellency, a report of
My mission & is to theule of avec.. Assuring Yours
Excellency, that I followedchen Striesly your request
not to assume the least authority whatever over said
Iele, I trust that my Mission will be quite <gap/>
to Your Excellency.
Hernwith Your Excellency will please
hermit me, to forward an account for the quarter of
the English Schooner "Carket", to the Isle of Aair and
back to this Uland of 125. which I beg with submissions
lo solecit your Excellencye attentions Co, as early as May
be convenient to your Exelly: and further to make
known to your Excell: that au equal sum will be required
Mouthly, to defray the Expense of Chartering a bessel to
send to said Island-this Isle of Avez-preseming, that
bessels are not likely to be obtained at a cheaper tate,
Uddeel to which, what may be demed right to allow
the person charged with the Mission to said monthly
Japure your Excelly: that it will afford me infinise
satisfaction to hear of Your Excell: that my proc heading
have been approved of by your Excellency.
With much respects
I have the honor to be
Your Excellencyh
Mast Obechent, t beau
Humble Servants
The L. Goors
of Tahn
E. Beatt
Ja sloop Mekintock de toutes béa pr l’homme
Report of my Mission &c to the Iste of Aout
Depelled from this Island Thursday 3o. Novr at
5 O'Clock, P. M. with the English Schooner Casket
Commanded by Richard Simmont
At 7 Oclock At III the 4th made the Juli of
Aves, quickly after, discovered an sererican flagfliging
on said Island. Auchored at Halppart Seven Oulocke
soon after Aucharing a Boat Verited us. with five mens
Mess. J. E. Gammage & G. M. Kun from Bactemou
the others, were noy ros from J.n Thomas.
me a shat time after, I landed, & made known to
seul sentimens, particularly this nature, of my Mission,
to the Island, and obtained from them the following
information. That No. 8. E. Gammerge had an interest,
in the Concurs of Messrs Gran Kuntho. who was the
shippers of about 5.500 Yours of Quano from this
Moast of January to August part, and that since
August, He T. E. Gammage, had become the sole
proprietor of the business, and that in the month of
Septem. he expected 120 Your of Gecano, & has now in reading
for exportation about 400¼ sols, and that he is moneristly
exLecting bessele to ship it wett. That he has been
obliged to stop working 12 Mayn past, for want of
provisions, But as soon as he obtaint a supply with
commence again. That he is not certain whether he will
leave the Island or not with the laborera, after (experting
all the Guano, that he may have obtained up to the
time, of the arrival of the best etc. expected
With regard to the further unportances of the
Island, Mr. Gammage it of opinion, that a considrable
quantity of Tuaud, of different qualiteit, et y et otainables
The first quality of Quano it found even as low
As five feet or duper - belon the surface of the land, &
[illegible] in some places. much of the Island
has been search, by the kleavations, and the Guano,
oblained therefrom.
The length of the Island is about 1800 frs
the breadst 160 to 180 feet & the 14 night about 12 feet
The number of present on the detend are 10. in ending
Messrs J. E. Gammage & Rein, the other are negroit
6 prom. l’honneur et 2 juères 1er Martins –
me for the Mr. Gammage toake passage with year.
tell of Avez to this Island, to obtain provisions, &
done so left this yesterday for the Irle of Avea having
Saha 8 Novem 159.
17 h L. Governor
of Laba
E. L. Braht
ge sloop Mekentert
Saba 8 Novem. f 59. bra 1e. Thomas.
Your Excellenexe despatches of the 26 July,
No.tr 15/7. the 5 Sepr No 450/8. and the 12 of same.
Month Nr. 493/10 with enclosuret I have had
the honor to receive, and to inform your Excelles:
that I have attended to the same thereto.
I remain with much respect,
Your Excellencyh
Most Obm. & boy.
His Excellency Humble Servt
The Governor
a la le Govermoi
of Curacao
at Saba & dependen euch
E. Beakt etc. &c &c.
per Sch. Zady van Idsinga
vid Coras verba 12. Novr. f. 59
und 6. 1681.
I will have most respectfully to be
& to your Excellency that I have as long at
nous en kossible enriavoipet to Torera the Island without
applying for any assistances of a Polen force:
But I am find it impractitable, any longer to do
so, properly, without ones. The state of things be come
Worse daily, the Laws & Regulations are biolated
withürnity, and the Government in a great manous
disrespected by the Majesty of all elapels-owing prim
=cipally for the want of a intended in myvoormuch.
I therefore with much respect, ask of your Excelles
to our wish the Government, with their polen mea,
who understand the English language; as early
possible. are to the Expenses atteneling the dans le Mittel
the same, if in any measure, they are to be home.
by the Inhabitants-I respectfully beg leave, with
much abmission, to state to your keilly that this gene rality of the Inhabitants, are ex eudingly and
Diverthelese the Acct at h'd for ik indispensableg
I have the honor to be Meessary
With Synch Espech
Your Excellee
M. O. & L. Hah. Seite
G.S. The le Gover. His Excellency
The Governor of Saba
of Curacao & dependinciis De Beaher
& cette &c.
per Schr. Lady Van Idsinga
via bord Saba 18th. November 1859.
Sir! Monsieur
With much submission, I ask leave to re
present to Your Excellency, that on the 12.th June 1858. I had
the Honor ofLaddussing Your Excellency's predicessor, relative
to my pecuniary circumstances &c, and not receiving having
received an answer from His Excellency, previous to his depar=
"ture from Curacao, I am apprehende that my letter to His
Excellency has not been handed His Excellency
I therefore with much respect, take the lib=
erty to forward herewith, to Your Excellency a duplicate there
of, and respectfully to represent to Your Excellency, that my
percuniary circumstances are such, that Iam actually urged
to solicit Your Excellency's Kindness, in making a representation
as early as possible to His Excellency the Minister for the Colonies
for assistance for me, flattering myself, that Your Excellency
will consider me deserving thereof. I also ask leave to state
to Your Excellency, that since my communication to Your
Excellency's predicessor, Eight Manumissions for Slaveshave
been issued, and that my House, is in a more dilapidated
state, consequently, my call for assistance becomes more ur=
"gent in every respect. I therefore with much respect and
submission, ask leave again to suplicate of Your Excellency,
your favorable representation to His Excellency the Minister
for the Colonies in my behalf, relative to obtaining and for me,
in my pecunarry circumstances, anticipating the honor of
an answer from Your Excellency.
I have the Honor to be
With much respect
His Excellency Your Excellency’s
The Governor Most Obt. & very Humble Servt.
of Curacao, & dependencies The Lieut. Governor of Saba
&c. &c. (Signed) E. Beaks
per Schs. Gazelles. Saba 12th. December 1859.
I beg leave to make known to you
the following Melancholy occurence, and to solicit your
services in the case- a Mr. Antonio Ganzales, who took
passage from St. Thomas, with the Dutch Schooner Thisis,
Commanded by T.T.D. Heyliger for Demirara, which
vessel arrived here on Tuesday night the 6th. Instant,
Stappears by a Petition presented to Government by Capt
Heyliger, that he left St. Thomas on Sunday the 4th Instant,
that on Monday Mr. Ganzalis winced an attack of aberration
of mind, which soon were off, and on his arrival here was
desirous to land, until Capt. Heyliger was ready to leave
which he done, and very soon after coming up in town
became in a deranged state, and gave himself a very severe
cut with a Ragor a cross his throat,- Mr. Ganzales was imme
diately taken charge of by Government, and placed under
the care of Doctor Brown. Capt. Heyliger having request
„ed by petition, that the property, that he had on board be
„longing to Mr. Gauzales, be taken charge of by Governements
as he did not consider himself authorized to carry it to
Demirara, after the aforegoing occurence, which was accor=
“dingly done by Government_ a list of which is herewith_
Mr. Gauzales having informed me that he has at St. Thomas,
a wife, & Child, permit me to solicit the favor of you to make
the case known to his wife, and to inform her, that it is
the opinion of the Doctor, that Mr. Ganzales will require re
"cover from the wound, and that he is in a sound state of min
and has been so for two days past _ I have had an Twenty
taken of the contents of the two tranks that were not look
,,ed, but sacred with hope, and I have seen what is in the
one looked, opened in my presence by Mr. Ganzales- and
I am of opinion that his property in this Island including
$28.42. found by him, does not amount to more, or will not
realize more, if a sale is obliged to be made of it to meet his
Expenses than f 130 to $140.- up to date his Expenses is about
#60 including Doctor's charges, and may be $80 or repwards
before he is able to leave this for St. Hitts, where he is wishful
of going, say 4 or 5 days hence, independent of the hire of avessel
to take him there 16 to $20., and in the event of his making
his wet, the Expenses will be something more, under the fore=
“going circumstances, I would advise his wife to send
up means to defray the Expenses rather than the prop
erty to be sold here, as it will not bring any thing like
its value, which will have to be done whether Mr. G.
gets better or not, if the means are not forwarded to meet
the Expenses. Hith much respect
de tous les de cette Sir! I I am
So Your Most Obt: Servt:
I. Cappe Esqr. (Signed) C. Beaks H. A. M. Consul
St. Thomas
Taba 19. December /59.
für sehr schwerke, wäre Dieu Cora
welche sehr
Respectfully ask leave to inform Your
Excellency, that I chartered the American Schooner
Wyrand Commandant by Henry Amindell, to proceed
to the Lili of Avet & back to thisʼs Delund for f 125.
to obtain a bessel at a meapar ratis, and
Considering Myself, bound to Comply with the order Votre très-même
in Excellency, & that without further delay. liceux tresra
dʼun autre Christie of Avers, and as it was not practicaly de vos charge with the to obtain employ a proper person to be
Mission to the Isle of Avea, I provided myself, haven't the Senior member of the Adoiring Council in the
which I trust will may your Excellency's approbations
A statement of my mission, I have the
honor of standing herewith to your Excellency and
with much empick to inform your Excellency
de cette
to be raisd in the tenem entwint,
that in order of
"ärhose, I was necessiated to make the Arrangements
W. Cassn Hys Arrondillg to halue on your Excellency
for the two of said the Tela "Ellyrere, at 10 dayd light,
in favor of Capie Arrindell for £125 in such I done
Monsieur l’Amant, I beg bais septe
on the 15th Muhs a riet d in a did that you
11 /: to form herewith to de mes accueil of Excellg: Will Aft Krone of draft, will be honor'd by your Excellency
de la peine est de
I have the honor to be
With much Espeek
Your Excellency
dh. Most Obedient & boy Humble
Sernage de Excell. 14 3
1002. af Taba
Jno Torand
J. Beatt of Curacao & Deputat la teint, sommt des
met berichtet werden
Tufort of my mission to theVerte of And,
J’ai remarqué de l’honneur comme bij
uellen, mit dem Antwort die erhalten würde, Arrindell
Depented from this Island on Tuesday this
at Hilf past four Oclock P.M.Sighted the tale of Avril
at half past him O’clock the 14th. A.M. Auchard fifteen
not, sondern abh. Von Herrn Oclock dʼun autre lʼauteur votre viele, vous de toutes les
<gap/> the Land, and very Articl of Esqr.
arrays and destroyed by fire, including the property
of Messrs H. Chbau Kowenck c. S. Quarton, Cexcept
50 to 20 Xare of Anano belonging to Mr T. J. T. Hammerge
Nocherg for them to the part so theunthallings on Stadt und Ambr. 19. Febr. /5
The conservant of the
H. Schaef
per Sloop Roseanna via St. Thomas_ Saba 13.e January 1860.
I have the honor to forward herewith
to Your Excellency, the following pieces vizt.
A Genual statement of the population of
the Island, up to the 31st December past.
dire une autre a General register of Births & Deaths to
said date, and Minutes of points to be added to the
General report regarding the administration of the
Island for the year past.
With much respect
To I have the honor to be
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Governor Most Obt: & very Hble Servt.
of Curacao The Lieut. Governor of Suba
& dependincies &c &c (Signed) E. Beaks
per SchömerCasket, direct Sabas 28. January 1860.
With much respect & lubmission
Duplice ask leave to hand herewith to Your Excellency
of to Your Excellency of the 8. November & the 19. December last
relative to my mission to the isle of Aves, in accordance with
the order from His Excellency, the Minister for the Colonies,
received from Your Excellency, being apprehendive, that said
despatches, have not reached Your Excellency.
I beg have very respectfully, toimit of your
Excellency, that in the event of said despatches, having been
received by Your Excellency, & that you have not as yet, pro=
vided for the liquidation of my first mission to the Tele of
Aves, in the English Schooner Casket, Commanded by Rich.t
Simmons, the bearer, of the present despatch to Your Excellency
that you will please pay over to said Capt. Richard Simmons,
the amount of the charter of the Schoonerbasket f 125.8 his receipt,
will be a sufficient acquittance. The owner of said versal, have
ing requested me, to do licit it, as a favor of Your Excellency, as the
Captain, may require the amount at Curacas, to defray ex=
penses of the Schooner Casket.
Falso respectfully belieb have, to represent
to Your Excellency, that I have been in based from the following
circumstance, to pre¬nastinate at least, force few days, chartering a
vessel, so proceed to the Able of Aves, which I feel persnaded, will
be approved of by Your Excellency She English Sloop
Governor Mr. Intosh, having an entire new, from this Island
Captain included, left here on Friday 2 1/2 Instant, for the Tele
of Aves, on her third trial within to days, to reach said Island,
for the purpose, asunderstand of plaing on it, part of the
her crew, to obtain Eggs & dich, considering therefore, that had
vessel, may enccent thistime, in getting to the Sieof Aves,
and that I may be able to obtain such information from the
Captain, relative to the Island, as will be satisfactory to Your
Excellency, & thereby, save the Expense to Government, of hiring a
vessel, for that purpose, & further, will afford mean opportunity
of sending a person monthly / for a few months / in said as
obtain the required information, beginning, that I may be able to
employ a proper person for that purpose, & therefore thereby lessen the Expense to the Government. But should said Vessel, not
succeed in getting to the Bele of Aves, that I will as soon as proce "ticable, Charter a appel to proceed to the Josef Aves. I assure
Your Excellency, that I feel truly anxious to receive an answer
from Your Excellency, relative to my proceedings with said
Island of Aves, & I most respectfully solicit of Your Excellency
that you will please honor me with a reply, as early, as may
be convenient to Your Excellency.
I have the honor to be,
de With much respect
dernierte feuilleur Your Excellency
The Governor
Most Obt & very Heiml. Servant
of Curacao, & The Lieut. Governor of Labuc
dépendinciés de se de Votre signeur J. Beak.
<gap/> of being. He Iohacon, acting Captain
of the English Sterf German and Mark Intest
that he left this Island, on the 1st Instant, destin=
"ed for the Lle of Ares. That the following day about 30 Aock 1.4
he Anehoudat said Island That he prend at Anhort
an Amen an Barque called the Pianna, the name of the
Captain he is him, vessel, inform not recollect. That part of the breev of said
they had been there several
weeks, and that they ken on board about 100 Sons.
ed. Guano, and in
of having very ‘thortly, that during
his stay there, they did not take in any Guane, that there
was one keep of Guano, that appeare to be very recently
collected. That he the said Henry H. Johnson
teston said Isle of Aves, four men, part of the new of
Governor May and but, the Schentoah, for the pisant of obtaining
at during his day there, he collected 2500£ qqr
and the was informed by part of the creu=
The Dianna
that they had collected nine barrell of lggs.
dans la viele depuis
Sed from said Iate of Aves, on Friday 3th Instant
and arrived him last night. des
Saba 6. Februarij. 1862. nichts aus
signes / Signes/ Henry H. Schnson
dans le antworten
pr. Sloop Rose Anna Saba 8th February 1860
via St. Thomas nous nous
Sir! Alß würde
In accordance with my communication
to Your Excellency of the 28 citt. per the English Schoonesbaket,
Commanded by Richard Timmons, relative to the Sale of Aves which ye not Your Excellency has received
I have the honor to forward herewith to Your
Excellency; a report obtained from Henry H. Johnson, Act.
=ing Captain of the English Sloop Governor Mach Intosh,
regarding said Isle of Aves, which vessel,ouded in
eaching said Island, after a fourth trial, and as the afore
"taid Vessel will no doubt, visit the Isle of Aves, twice a
month, for a few months. Trespectfully beg leave,
to inform Your Excellency, that I am due it adviseable, and
which I trust, will be approved of by Your Excellency, to com
=mission a proper person, to proceed once a month, with the afore=
mentioned vessel, to the Isle of Aves, in order to obtain the re=
"quired information, of occurences on said Island, and that
on terms, as moderate as possible for the Government of which,
I will inform Your Excellency
I have the honor to be,
With much respect,
Your Excellency's
His Excellency Most Obt. & very Humble Servt.
The Governor The Lieut. Governor of Saba
of Curacao & (Signed) E. Beaks
Dépendinciés &c.&c.
per Sch.r Casket via St. Thomas. Saba 8,, March 1860.
With much respect, I have the honor to acknowledge
=ledge the receipt of Your Excellency's communication of the 8th. ulto
No. 4¾, handed me on the 1st. Inst, & I beg leave to assure Your Excell:
that I feel much satisfaction in finding, that my proceedings.
relative to the Isle of Aves, are approved of by Your Excellency.
Sask leave with much submission respect to re
"present to Your Excellency, that after my communication to
Your Excellency of the 8th. ulto, I considered that Twould be art
"ing with prudence, by awaiting Your Excellency's answer to
my communications relative to the Isle of itves, before incuri ing any further Expense to the Government, than what I had
already entered into, by the charter of the Schooner Casket, &
the Schooner Hyvern, which I accordingly done.
Having received Your Excellency's approval of my
proceedings, regarding the Isle of Aves (as stated) & being informed
that Ten persons, were on said Island, obtaining Guano,
exporting it, said to be of the concern of Messrs. Green, Heen, &
Sammage, I considered it very adviseable, to charter the Schooner
Il reste tous le doute
de notre
de ses
basket, especially, as said vestel could be obtained as a very
de nous avons
reasonable rate, of £100, there being no immediate employment
her, & proceed with her, without delay to the Sale of Avea, in
de la fois de la
teobtain, all the information that I possibly could, regarding
de votre
the said idings of said persons, on the aforesaid Island, which et sel e
ffelt persuaded, I could effect, more in accordonee with the
order of Govern nt, then by sending a person, in the Casket,
or the Governor Macklntoch. In the latter case, I would
have been obliged, to wait for some days, on the Sloop Governor
Mark Antock, & further finding the Expence of a person going
with her; and returning to this Ireland via the Thomas, add to
to which the pay for said person, would have amounted
very near to the him of One Humbas Guilderk, therefore
rendre the fougourgla cum et ancien. I demeit il more
to the Interest of the Toake be (as state) by chortre the
John Cackel, and proceed with her without any
delay, which I trust will be quite <gap/>
to Your Exelly: herewith my report
I also miliue to enfrai pour Excell[e]. Heute
I have this day I have on Your Excell: in favor of Cassa
Rech. I was one of the English Sche Quiket, at 10 dn,
light; for the charter of ttied l’esset to the tale of dans le
Aver & back to this Island f 100. which I respect fully
Abk. Your Excell: to Flasehonor - herewith him
dans le dernier Recept- If within ask have to such to your
-elly: that I am informed by the Capn of the Mees Aulook, that it is Ancertain whether he will
continue writing the Island of Avea & longer than
this month be not depenckening entirely on the
success of obtaining Egger Consequently should
dective doing so, I will be therefore be obliged to
Chartir a bessil monthly & expressly, to send to the
Isle of Avea, to obtain the Riquired information subject to the Appronal of Your Exelly
I have the house to be
With much reepies & subcurs
Your Excell. Mr. O. & V. H hew
3 Beakt
Vemd. zu Sch leachet nie S. Thomas
to the Iste of Avet et de ma Apert of my Lord von der M r de
Depented from this Inland, with the English Schooner
Makket, Commande by Richo. H. Stimmont, arrived
at the Isle of Ares, the following morning, at half past.
landing I obtained the following in lighz Oclock.
ation from Mr J. E. Tammage, of the an 7 Messrs Green Keen & Co. of Balkinox
Vnd andere
de la rivre
it be arrived at the Island on the 5 Ulto from 1. votre
Hn American Ada Francis, Commanded by
G.H. Kien, with Ten Man, at laborere, and that he had
toader said Oessel with 120 Font of Francs, and dis=
That he was then leading =pratché sur feu Baltémon.
the Amr. Brig Humbolt of Boston. which he will be
expecter would take about 225 Vont of Guano, and that
she would leave for Baltimon in leer 8 daye hence.
That it is the intention of the aforesaid concern, to con=
=time obtaining the Guano, & Exporting it, at long at the
find it a hrofitable businest, to do so. That the present
prie obtainable for il in America et about 20 f Francs
That he is of opinion a bast quantity of Guano, is yet
Femaining of different qualitut
haba d. March 160
The ten, 400 Rthl
of labo E„ Beukh
Saba 31st March 1860.
With much respect I have the honor to asknow=
ledge the receipt of Your Excellency & communication of the
5. Instant, accompanying a Copy of a Letter from Mr. John Simmons
to Your Excellency, dated the 30th January last Submetting to Your
Excellency's consideration and decision, whether he is intetted a
not, to the Sum of $20 being for a fine, that a certain Capt. R.S. so.
Simmons, was continued to pay, for verbal injury, against the
Charaiter of his Spouse, by sentence of the Belgated Binch of
justice of this Island the 11th. November 1858.
With request of Your Excellency, to furnish Your
Excellency, with my considérations &c on the subject, in order, to
inable Your Excellency to take such steps, as the case may require.
In accordance with Your Excellency's request
Iask leave most Respectfully, to represent to Tour Excellency,
that after an elape of 12 months and towards, the said Mr.
John Simmons, applied to me for the f.20 in question, which I
declined to pay him, until the case be submitted to Your Excelless
constitution, and decision, and should Your Excellency consid:
"er him entitled to said amount, that he would find me quite
willing, and ready, to combly with Your Excellency's decision in the case. I therefore with much lubmission, ask leave
to submit to Your Excellency's consideration, the following
Documents &c &c. relative to the case in question
Nos. abertificate, pom Messrs. James Harton
— Inhaltin, ettämän läänistä. — In
assessors, of the Alegated Rinehof Justice of this Island, Josiah
Peterson is member of said Binch, and Jacob E. Hassell ex
number of the advising Council.
By which, Your Excellency will find that
in every case, that they have acted as Iudges in, that the fines, or
penatties, for denmation of Character a verbal injuries, have been
invariably, considered for the benefit of Government, when the
plaintiffs, did not make their demands for their benefits, as a proof
thereof, Iask leave to refer Your Excellency, to the judicial Statisties
of 1852, forwarded to the Government of Curacao, by which Your
Excellency will please see, three cases, dentences, given by the
Delegate of Justice of this Island, for defamation of
Haraeter, the fines, or penatties, for the benefits of the plaintiffs,
in accordance with their demands for their benefits.
No. 2 Copy of the sentence &. in the case of Mr. John Simmons,
other sentiments of the kind, when the demand are not made
by the plaintiffs for their benefitt reference if Your Excellency will
please, to the Iutieial Statisties, forwardedannually to the
=versus R.S.L. Simmons, given in like manner, and form, as all
Government of Curacao
Your Excellency will find from what I have
had the honor of represented to Your Excellency, the court,
has always, been quided, and government, in their decisions, in
the aforementioned cases, in accordance with the demands
Law, they have been, Lassare Your Creltency, in conformity
with the existing custom, and which I trust, may be considered
made, if their decisions, have not been in accentance with
by Your Excellency, equally finding, as by Law, as also the
I further ask leave, with much present case.
respect to state to Your Excellency, that I have Governed the
Island, efewards of 27 Years, during which time, many cases
for defamation of Character a verbal injuries, have been de=
"cided by the Court, where the plaintiffs did not make the
demands for their benefits, The Court therefore, in Diciding
the cases, considered the fines, or penatties, that the defendents
were condemned to pay, were for the benefit of Government,
and as a proof that in such cases, the plaintiffstid not consid
“er themselves intitled to the fines, orSchulties, of aithfully
assure Your Excellency that I have never been called on
rentil mow, by Mr. John Simmons, for asine, or ‘pinalty, in
enclreasit. The fines, or penatties, are paid to me,
and considered for the benefit of Government, in the aforement.
isoned cases, as also, the one in question. In my humble
opinion, had Mr. John Simmons, considered the fine his, he
would not haveinemaited 12 months and afterwards, before ap “plying for it, nor would he have done so now, was he not ac=
tuated with a spirit of revenge against me, as The officer
charged with the public Iunistry of the Island, in doing my
I have the honor to be
With much respect, & Submission
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Governor Most Obedient, & very
of Curaçao Humble Servant
& dependeurs &c.&c. The Lieut. Governor of Saba
E. Beaks. anidt.
1. Saba 31st March 1860.
has been authorized to acquaint me, that the monthly investiga
assure Your Excellency, that I will strictly attend to the afore. .said order
Your Excellency communication of the Pro
Instant, No 13%. I have the had the honor to receive, Informing
me, that by letter of His Excellency, the Minister for the Colonies
dated the 26th January last Sell, B. No 25 A that Your Excellency,
"tions of the Isle of Aves, are in future, to take place, once in a quartir.
In reply thereto, I most respectfully
With much respect
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's His Excellency
Most Obedient, & very The Governor
Humble Servant
of Curacea
The Lieut. Governor of Saba.
& dependencies &c &c.&c. (Signed) C. Beaks
de cette
per Sloop Mack Intosh Saba 9 v April 1860. Sir:
a mais il dans le sujet dans
I have to report to Your Excellency,
Honor, that the Slave Homan Susanna, the property of Capt.
B.K.W. Harton, was apprehended by Mr. John Timmons, on the
afternoon of the 7th Instant, and was immediately encareerated
by my order, giving said prisoner in charge of Mr. James Osbur
Soland (as Iailer) and placeing at his disposal, and under his
command a guard of Two Men for the better security of the
, duty as such, which Your Excellency will please see, by certifi
„cate of Messrs. Adam Simmons, and Moses Leverock, for Your
Excelloneys consideration in the case No. 3.
I also most respectfullyimt leave, to obmit
to Your Excellency's consideration the following occurence
which I am persiraded, that Your Excellency will consider
also bearing on the case in question. In the month of
November last, Mr. John Simmons, "contincted a debt with
my Son, Mr. Edward James Beaks, of $5.10 payable each, &
after his having applied to me, for the (20 fine, which I declared
to pay him, until the case be submitted to Your Excellencys con
„sideration, and decision, he the said Mr. John Simmons, re
fused to pay my Son, until Spaid him the f20 and further,
declared to the Michael, that he was doing it, also to Annoy me
He suffered an action, to be instituted against him, by my
-ton, for said amount of $5.10., and on the 22.nd Instant, the case
was brought before the Court, where he again, reposed to pay the
$5.10 & until I paid him the f 30, not withstanding, that I informed
him, in Court, that, I had received a Letter, from Your Excellers
relative to the case in question with a Copy of his Letter, to Your
Excellency. on the sentence being made known to said Mr
John Simmons, He positively declared, that he would not comp
"ply with the sentence, until I paid him the £20, and further,
avowed, that he would see the Marthal, for the amount of
the fine [20] wineing as Your Cuilleney will find, from what
I have thus stated, an intention, not to await, Your Excellency's
decision in the case, But, tract, as he may them proper.
from the Document and representations &c. that
I have had the honor to submit to Your Excellency's con
„sideration, in the case pending, I must that Your Excellency,
will approve of my proceedings, in not acquieseing, with the de=
,,mand of Mr. John Simmons, until obtaining Your Excellency's
decision, and I beg to assure, Your Excellency, that should,
Your Excellency, consider Mr. John Limmons, intitted to the fine
£20, that I will immediately, comply, with Your Excellency's decision.
prisoner. It appears by neglect of said Mr. J.O. Soland, the
door of the prison was not looked, and between the hours of 10 & 11
O'Clock last night, the said Homan Susanna abscondid.
Mr. J.O. Island, and the guard being at the prison
I am it my duty to make Your Honor, acquain
"ed with the aforementioned occurence:
The Lieut. Governor of Saba
charged with the Public Minestry
His Honor of the Island
The officer, charged /Signed/ E. Beaks
with the Public Ministry
of the Istands of St. Custatius & Saba
per Sloop McIntosh, via St. Thomas Saba 31 st March 1860.
dans le dernier Sir!
with much respect I have the honor to a know
:ledge the receipt of Your Excellency's communication of the
Instant No 12 3/2. accompanging, a Copy of a letter from Mr. John
Simmons to Your Excellency, dated the 3 On January last, but with.
"ing to Your Excellys consideration and decision, the question "
whether he is entitled or not, to the Sum of ƒ20 being for a fine that
a certain Capt. R.S.O. Simmons, was continued to pay for verbal
inbury against the character of his spousé, by sentence of the
Court, the 11th. November 1858.
With request of Your Excellency, to furnish
Your Excellency, with my consideration on the subject, and
also with a Copy of the sentence in the case, in order to enable
Your Excellency, to take such steps, as the case may require
In accordance with Your Excellency's request,
I am leave most respectfully, to represent to Your Excellency
that after amelasse of 12 months and dépivards, from the date
of the Sentence, the said Mr. John Simmons, applied to me forth
ƒ20. in question, which Ideclined to pay him, until the case be
"mitted to Your Excelleneys consideration and decision, & should
Your Excellency, consider him entitled to said amount of f.20.
that he would find me, quite willing, and making to simply with
Your Excellency decision in the case.
I theisse with much submission, as I have to subiit
to Your Excellency's consideration, the following tenements to be, relative
to the case in question.
No. 1.12 certificate from Messrs. James a Copy of the Sentence, and in
certificate, in the care of Mr. John Simmons, sentence, given in like
form, and manner, as all other stances sentences of the kind, when
the demands are not made by the plain toffe, for their amende
profitable, for their benefit, the fines or penulties, considered in
such cases, for the benefit of Government, as Your Excellency
will please see by Certificate no. 2 annexed to the sentence, altho
not so expressed in the Sentences, as Your Excellency will find by
the Iudicial Statistics, forwarded annually, to the Government
of Curacaasine 1850. But never the less have always been
de son "sidered by the Court, appertaining to Government
Nº. 3. a Certificate, from Messrs. James Harton, Senior, member,
Lverock, Adam Simmons & Peter Simmons, assessors of the Adega "ted Binch of Justice of this Island, Josiah Peterson & member, of
said Bench, and Jacob C. Hassell or member of the advising Council.
By which Your Oveillency will also find that in every case;
that they have acted as Iudges in, that the fines, or penatties,
that the defendants were concerned to pay, for amende profit,
"able, for defamation of Character, or verbal injures, have been
invariably considered, for the benefit of Government, when the
plaintiffs, did not make the demand of amende profitable
for their benefit. As a proof thereof, I beg leave to refer Your
Excellency, to the judicial Statisties of 1552, forwarded to the
Government of Curacao, by which Your Excellency, will please
see, three cases, sentences given by the Court for defamation of
Charenter, the fines, or penallies for the benefit of the plaintive
in accordance, with his demand, for his benefit
Your Excellency will perceive from what, I have the
honor of represented to Your Excellency, that the Court, has always
been quided and governed in their decisions in accordance with
the demand's made, in the aforementioned cases by the plaintiff
If their decisions have not been in conformity with Law, they
have been Tassare, Your Cullenay, in accordance with the
existing custom, and which I trust, may be considered by Your
Excellency equally valid, as by Law, as also the present case
I further delicit have with much respect, to state to Your
Excellency, that I have Governed the Island yowards of 27 Years, dur
=ing which time, many cases, for definition of Characte or verbal
inungs, have been decided by the Court, where the plaintiffided
not make their demands for amende profitable for their benefits
The Court therefore inéeiding said cases (as stated) considered
the finis or penulties, that the defendents were condemned to pay,
werefor the benefit of Government; and as a proof, that in such
uses, the plaintiffs, never considered themselves, entitled to any
fine or penalty. faithfully assure, Your Excellency, that
I have never been called on, until now, by Mr. John Simmons, for
a fine or penalty. The fines or penalties, are paid over to me
and considered for the benefit of Government, in the aforemention
"ed cases, and Joiming a part of the Revenue of the Island, as
Your Excellency will please see, by the statement forwarded to Your
Excellency's predecessor, the 3d. December 1858.
In my humble opinion, had Mr. John Simmons,
considered himself entitled to the fine in question, that he
would not have waited 12 months, and upwards, before apply
ing for it. Nor would he have done so now, was he not actu=
"ated with a spirit of revenge against me, imanating from my
doing my duty, as the officer charged with the public ministri of the Island, which Your Excellency will find by Certificate
No. 4. of Messrs. Adam Simmons, and Moses Levenock, assessors of
the Delegated Binch of Justice, for Your Excellency's considera "tion in the case.
from the Document, andementations, that I
have the honor to submit, to Your Excellency's consideration,
in the case sending I trust that Your Excellency, will approv of my proceedings in not acquieseing, with the demand of said Mr.
John Simmons, until obtaining Your Excellency's decision therein,
I have the honor to be
His Excellency With much respect, & Submission
The Governor of Curacao Your Excellency
Most Obt., & very Humble Servant
& dependencies etc. &c &c. The Lt. Governor of
per Sloop M. Intoch via St. Thomas. Saba 31st March 1860.
Your Excellency's communication of the 5th.
Instant, No. 13 1/2. I have had the honor to receive, Informing one that
by Letter of His Excellency, the Minister for the Colonies dated
the 2 6th January Lett. B. No. 23. A. That Your Excellency, has been
authorized to acquaint me, that the monthly invistigations
of the Isle of Ave, are in future, to take place, once in a month
quarter In reply, thereto, I most respectfully assure
Your Excellency, that I will strictly attend to the aforesaid
order. with much respect.
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's
Most Obedient, & very His Excellency
Humble Servant She Governor
The Lieut. Governor of Saba of Curaeas.
E. Beaks & dependinées &c &c de /Signed/
Saba 9. April 1860. per Sloop McIntosh.
Sir! des
I have to report to Your Honor, that the slave
Homan Susanna, the property of Capt. B. R. H. Horton, was appre=
hended by Mr. John Semmons, on the afternoon of the 7th. Inst
dans cette
was immediately incarcirated by my order, giving said prisoner
in charge of Mr. James Oeburn Solandf as Gailers, & plcheningat
his duporal, tender his command a guard of Two Men, for the
better security of the prisoner. It is Appears by neglect of said
Mr. F.O. Soland, the door of the prison was not looked, & between
the hours of 10011 O'Clock last night, the said Homan Susanna
absonded. Mr. J. O. Holland, & the guard being at the prison.
I seem it my duty to make Your Honor, acquaint.
ed with the aforementioned occurence.
The Lieut. Governor of Saba
His Honor wth the Publie
k The Offices, charged Ministry of the Island.
with the public ministy/ signed/ 6. Beaks
of the Istands of Klast & Laba
Saba 26. April 1860. per Schr. Angler, via St. Thomas.
des Respectfully ask leave to hand herewith to Your
Excellency, Copy of a Letter of Mr John Peterson, Marihal of the
Delegate of Justice of this Fland, By which Your Excellcy
will find, that said Mr. John berson, is desirious to reign his afore
mentioned Situation in the B. ernmente should youbrilly
therefore,Idem it adviseable to sent Mr. John Peterson, his honourable
discharge, from the situation he fill us Mearshat, from, the
recison adduced by him, which I assure your Excellency is perfect=
lyconect. I beg leave to propose to Your Excellency, Mr
Richard Johnson Hassell, as agetable person, to fill the situation of Marstal. Very Respective To
I have the not to
His Excellency Your Excellency
The Governor Most Obedient, & very
of Curares Humble Servant
& dependencies etc. &c &c. The Lieut. Governor of Laba
/Signed/ E. Beakt. abrede
per Sloop Mack Intosh Sabas 17„ May 1860
Sie wird
ave the honor to acknowledge the receipt
of Your Excellency's dispatch of the 15 Instant. By which
I find that fifteen of the Slaves, that abscended from this
Island on the 3rd. Instant, had reached St. Eerstatius, and were
in the hands of the Offirer charged with the public Ministers,
and by the note that You Excellency has given me of them, It des terres.
appears that the e missing is a Child, theisbeing Sixteen
Tretick erwegen. I made their escape. I have forwarded the officer
chaux with the public Minister, alist of said Slaves, and this
meis de te I regret much to day, that 38 have absconder
since the 23d. April last, the local situation of the Island, afford=
ing much faculty for escapoWith much respect
I have the honor to be
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Lt. Governor of H. Cust Most Obt. Servt. The St. Marnov of Saba
Sr. Landys v. Idtinga von St. Thomas Schreiben Maÿstelen
de ses I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt
of Your Excellency's communication of the 20th Ultr No 25/5, accom =panying a letter for the John Simnions as also is copy of the same.
I most respectfully ask leave to assure Your Excellency, that
I feel accordingly gratified to find, that my conduct, in the case
of said Mr. John Timmons, has been approved of by Your Excell:
and that he, is not entitled to the fine of £20, that he submitted
to Your Excellency's decision.
with regard to the finis hereafter, for verbal injuries, when they
Your Excellency's direction,
are not, awarded to the plaintiffs, come to the benefit of the poor,
according to Law, will be strictly attended to.
I have the honor to be
Hith much respect
His Excellency Your Excellency
The Governor Most Obedient & very
Humble Servant aufbenannt
& dependencies &c &c&c. The Lieut. Governor of Saba
/Signed/ B Beaks
1.o Lady Wm Llingavia St. Thomas Saba 24. May 1760
des Sir!
Idem it my duty to make known to Your
Excellency, that thirty Nine Slaves, have absconded from this
Island, since the 7th October 1859. A Specifie account, of said
Slaves, I have the honor to hand herewith, to Your Excellency.
the first named, was taken up by the English Schooner
ing wish, and carried to Barbasas. The 12 arrived at St. Hitto
the 1 named Richard, absconded in the English Schooner Water
Lity. The 9 arrived at St. Croix. The 16th ied, they are in the which reached
G.Eustatius, a Child, reported to be dron
hands of the Officer, charged with the public I/M[h]in]stry, who is
proxienting the case. Sregret much to have to inform Your
Excellency, that the Slaves in general, appear to be very discontented
being in a great measure, to they having for some time past, expect ed to have been omancipated, and sappre send that more will at
isceid, if their expectations are not soon realized, especially, as the
St. Thomas, for his account. With much respect
en to be I have the 1
Your Excellency demnesten
His Excellency Most Obedient, & very
humble Servant The Governor in Chief
The Lieut. Governor of Laba of the Danish Westindia.
C. Beaks Island at St. Croix. /Signed/
Tant to His Exelly, The Exy. of Curacon & detenr: 24 May.
A List of the Slaves & that have abconcted, since the 7 October 1859.
aged 21 Vis. the property of Robert Oct. 7 Alfred
Stovels Vinzey, absconded
in an open Boat belonging
to Capt James Hassell. 1860.
the property of James Benjm. April 25. Tenehey.
28 " Hassell Sr. Frankepfalias Jecken /
Idem 11 a Dianna
Idem „ Clara.
Idem John Henry.
Idem Naney.
44. The property of Adam H. Hassell Johnfalias Boner
Idem en Louisa. 16 „
Jas. L. Johnson 34 " des
Votre Williamsalias Frompens,, 21 " Anambvery
Jacob Daniel Hassell
of the Heirs of Natharine. .
ahnto foraris Richard Hassell Ir.
obsconded in an open Boat 29 C
belonging to Capt. John Hassell
25 „ The property of Elizabeth 29 1 Richard
& Anna Dinzey, absconded
in the English Schooner
The property of Moses Levewck,
" 30 Peter.
& James Simmons Hinfield
The property of Anna Dinzy
Idem " 20 " " 3 Ferdinand
localsituation of the Island, being such, as to afford much faculty
for absconding.
I ask leave respectfully, to forward herewith to Your
Caveelleney, Copy of a Letter from His Excellency, The Governor in
chief of the & anish Westindia Island at St Croix, relative to the nine
Slaves, that arrived there, as also, a Copy of my letter to His Excellency
Awaiting, any directions, that Your Excellency may
deem necessary, to give me, relative to the said Slaves, that are
I have the honor to be remain at St. Croix
With much respect
of Your Excellency's
Most Obedient, & very His Excellency
Humble Servant The Governor
The Lieut. Governor of Saba of Curatus
E. Beaks & dependencies &c.&c
ouest de
Saba 24th May 1860. pr. Lady Vn Idsinga via St. Thomas
Your Excellency's despatch of the 12th Inst. I
have had the honor to receive, Informing me, that the nine
claves that absconded from this Island on the 30th Ult.s arrived
at the Island St. Croix, under Your Excellency's command, on
the 3rd. Inst, and in their trclarations had stated, that their
recisons for absconding were, to world being sold by their owners
to America Captains, to be carried to the United States, and
there to be disposed of as Slaves. I beg leave to Your Excellg
that their assertions, are totally founed ceel, as such an act,
would be entirely impractitable, not being permitted by Servi dans le With regard to said slaves, having committed any
le fort - 61 a sawere of any further crimes, then abscouding crimet, Sam der anderen
ness, without any cause whatever, and for fromThea
the act of robbed, by taking the boat to make their elcape in
I have communication to Capt John James Simmons, the
äberteresse owner of the boat, what I am Excellency stated, and he has request
ed of me, to solicit of Your Excellency, the kindness, to have the Boats
disposed ed the proceed thereof, remitted to J. Cappe Esquire
April 30th Martin aged 32 is She property of B.R. H. Horton
Adolphus (alicis cungers. of the Estate of
Susanna Hassell/Ceccasiet/
22 Theproperty of Josiah Eterson Jane Idem
Edmond " " Idem
„ 0 Tosephfold Toef James Hassell
absondied in an open Boat
belonging to Capt. Jno. St. Simmond
The property of Peter Hassell May 3 Reggesalias blackhins.
votre forme Albert Delbert 9.
an der andere Idem
Johann Idem 21
Petersalias Kiddert 40 " Henry Hassell Sach
Jacob E. Hassell Ritta Idem
„ Ophelia Idem
" Stimma Idem
„ Joanna Henry Johnson
Moses 4 Idem
Idem Hinter.
Rosalthe Henry Hasell
Sohnner 27 " Thomas Johnson même
16 Peter. 25 " - John Hassell
absonded in an open Boat de mes
29 Slaves. belonging to Henry J. Hassell M Insieur
Saba 24th May 1860
The Lieut. Governor of Saba
Signed/ C. Beaks
per Sloop Hoanna via St. Thomas Saboolda June 1860.
recht werden möchte, mit wie de son Your Egeellenciss communication of the
Jult. No. 40 3/7. I have had the honor to receive, Stating that Your
alleney had received from His Excellency, the Lieut. Govern dated the 10th of last month No. 17 informerestatius, a la
Your Excellency, that on the 6 a of his said month, 15 Plaveevigt.
2 Mk Caen, 4 women, & 7 Children, had been discovered on said Island.
gatives from this Island; That Your Excellency had
I received from the Dutch Consul at St Thomas, and
A broix are of the 8th unto containing en to unation, that, in .
e, Twa Homen, Vone Chila/, had arrived at the afore=
said Island It Croix from here. That the account, they give
of themselves, is stated to be, that they escaped to avoid being sold
for one of the Southim States of America. Requesting
that Twod furnish You Excellency, with all such infor mation, reis to the Subject, as I may be able to give &c.
In reply to the Westprangraph of Wm. Bwelleneys
Communication,minast respectfully solicit leave, to us Your
Excellency to my letter to Your Excellency of the 24. ult.s. &
else, to represent to Your Excellency, regarding the 15 Monsr.
that arrived at Hustatius, fugatives from this Uland.
That on the Constant His Honor J. G. Van Romondt
charged with the Publictemy of St. Eustatius & Laba,
A. Martin Esquire representing the Court of St. Custatius,
arrived here in the Netherland Schoon Mermard, com=
manded by I. De Vier, having in charge, the said 15 Slavas, &
abaronded from this Island, accompanyed by aewilitary
that immediately after the arrival of said Vessel, &
was requested by His Honor J.G. Van Romondt, to furnish it,
with a Guard, in order to and in receiving, and conductive
e fugatives up to the Town, which is complied with, an dans le dernier de la guerre
in alhier time after they reached the place of confinemen=
and were incarurated, until the next morning, when the
eved their punishment of whiching, and were delivered
early as practreable over to their respective owners, in a
cordance with the dentence of the Court of St. Custatius. hocas travaeres deren
de cette
In answer to the hand puingraphoof House
Excellency's communication, I ask leave very respectfully, to refer
Your Excellency to a copy of my letter, to His Excellincy The
Governor in Chief of the Danish H. T.possessions contained in
despatch to Your Excellency of the 24th Utt, and to assure To
Excellency, that the proprietors of said Slaves, could not hauell
intertain the least idea whatever, of ing of tarder
in the manner stated. the Slaves, as they are
Monsieur it would be entirely im= dicable, not by any one
permitted by Law. I respectfut this Ernsttheit v. Königl. dire une ten that I had anhör
honor to furr
with, respecting the 9 Staves that arrived at St. Croix, forhier
from this Island, will be considered by Your Excellency satisfactory. aller Respectueur Johann Schmieder des I have the honor gleter
das Your Excellency's
His Excellency welcke der
Most Obedient, ance the Governor very Humble Servant
et le Mounaof Sabol.
pere de feuilierung
lʼaussi dessus dit de feuil lʼautre et
de ses
per Hoopelbren noch via St. Thomas et dans le dernier
Saba 21 et June 1860. in der ce qui seroit
I have the vnd dire, il
that in accord mee to inform Your Excellers ee with Yours
Beellendys communication f the 5th March past Bo. 13 3/3.
That Schartered the
English sloop Mark Intosh, Commanded by S.L. Johnson,
proceed to the Isle of Aves, and
rehto this Island for 100 Ce seul vissil, having noto you
persons on the aforesaid Eland of Ave to attence
[illegible] & Mr. Loubt would have this
able to here her fo
lefsere mas Daises That I charged Mr. thos.
on to the Isle of Aves in ter to obtain the quʼil
information from the
the Sum of f 25d. and Ire=
fully at kleave to hana
herewith to Your Excellency
of the Missihis also Sie solicit leave to in
de vous in der Stadt that I have is day
on Your Excellency, at 10 days sight, in favor
Capt. John L. Johnson for f 125., which amount compu nds the f25. for the
receipts I beg leave respectfully to forward herewith to Your Excellency,
and to ask Your Excellency, to please honor myOrafts.
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's
His Excellency Most Obedient, & very
Humble Servant The Governor
of Curacao The Lieut. Governor of Saba
1 & dependenciest &c etc. /Signed/ C. Beaks
Report of my Mission to the Inle of Aves, in the English
Sloop Mack Intosh, Commanded by T.L. Johnson
Depanted from the Island St. Custatius on Saturday the 160
Instant, arrived at the Isle the next day at 4 O’Clock & M, landed
immediately, found on said Island, Mr. J.E. Gammage, and 9 labours
&c of the concern of Massrs. Green, Heens Co. of Baltimou.
Obtained the following information from said Mr. T. C. Gammage
That on the 23d. May, he despatched for Baltindre the America
Schooner Junie Morton of Baltimore, Capt. Bollock, with 220 Tons Guans.
That on the 12th June, he also despeched for Baltimore the America
Brigantini Crawford of Baltimore, Capt. small, with 125 Tons.
That he was in recidiness for shipping about 200 Tons, which
he expects to do, on the arrival of the American Brig Humbolt of Boston,
in about 15 days hence for Baltimore, That he is of opinion opinion that
there is not much remaining of the first quality of Guans, and that
he intends leaving, as also the dabours in all next month for Baltimou.
Saba 21st. Juni 1860.
/Signed/ Thomas Darsey.
Saba 5 " July 1860. par
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your
Excellency's communication of the 31st. March no 22 3/4. informing me of
Your Excellineys intention of keeping a Geneology of the Employers of
Curacas and dependencies, and that Your Excellency had been pleased
to forward me four forms, for said purpose, to be filled in, and signed
in duplicate by myself, and the Roman Catholie Priest
In accordance with Your Excellency's directions,
I have the honor to forward herewith to Your Excellency, said
lorms, filled in and signed.
I have further the honor, to represent to Your
Excellency, that there are two other Employ of Government,
"namelÿ, The provisional Secretary Mr. Hereules Hassell, and the
Marshal Mr. Richard Johnson Hassell should Your Excellency
consider them as such, Your Excellency, will please, forward me,
the forms required for them. With much respect
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's
His Excellency Most Obedient, &
The Governor Very Humble Servant
of Curacao The Lieut. Gorrinov of Laba
dépendéraies &c.&c.
Signed/ E. Beaks
per Sch. HaterMitch via St. Thomas Saba 5. July 1860.
Your Excellency's communication of the 18th. ultr.
No. 328/1. I have had the honor to receive, informing me, that His
Majesty The King, has appointed Mr. L. Metman Metmen, member
of the states Commission, Special Commissary, and Mr. H. M. van Andel
advocate to the High Court of the Netherlands, as his Secretary, for the
purpose ofursiting the Colony of Surinam, Curacao and dependencies
and to introduce such Laws, as may be found adviseable &c etc. &c
I have also the honor to acknowledge the receipt
of a publication to said effect, which I beg leave to inform Your
Excellency, was published on the 25th. Ulto
Most respectfully To
I have the honor to be
His Excellency
Your Excellency's
The Governor
Most Obedient, and
of Curacao
very Humble Servant
& dependencies etc. &c.
The Lieut. Governor of Saba
Signed/ E. Beaks
per Schffater Bitch via St. Thomas.
Saba 5 " July 1860.
With much respect, I have the honor to acknowledge
ledge the receipt of Your Excellency's communication of the 44 ult
No. 328/9. accompanying two pair of Glasses, containinghaecine
matter, the Effect of which, I will inform Your Excellency of, in
recordance with Your Excellency's request
I have the honor to be
To Very respectfully
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Governor Most Obedient and
very Humble Servant of Curacas
& dependencies &c &c. &c The Lieut. Governor of Saba
/Signed/ C. Beaks
per Schr Waterpitch vice St. Thomas. Saba 5th. July 1860.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your
Excelleneys communication of the 6th Ultr, accompanying a publication
of Your Excellency, dated also the 6th. Ultr. relative to correcting the incorrect=
ness, in the register of the Slaves, &c &c.
Iask leave respectfully, to inform Your Excellency, that
publicity was given to the aforesaid publication on the 25th. Ult
Very respectfully
I have the honor to be
His Excellency Your Excellency's
Most Obedient, and The Governor
very Humble Servant of Curacad.
The Lieut. Governor of Saba & dependencies &c &c.
C. Beaks Signed/
per Schr Waterpitch via St. Thomas Saba 10th July 1860.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of
Your Excellency's communication of the 31st March last, No. 22 2/3, in=
-forming me, of Your Excellency's intention of keeping a Genecelogy of the
employes of Curacus & dependencies, and that Your Excellency, had
been pleased, to forward me four forms, for said purpose, to be filled in, in dupl
licate, and signed by myself, and the Roman Catholic Griest
In accordance with Your Excellency's directions, I have
the honor to hand herewith, to Your Excellency, the forms for myself, filled
in, in duplicate and signed.
Revd. Hoek has not his forms in readiness, to be forwarded
to Your Excellency per this conveyance, But premises to hand them to me
in time (if possible to be sent Your Excellency, by the next mail.
I respectfully ask to have, to represent to Your Kelly
that there are two other Umployes of Gorarnment, namely the provisional
Secretary Mr. Herentes Hassell, and Mr. Richard Johnson Hassell marshel
should Your Excellency consider them as such, Your Exeillency will
please forward me, the forms required for them.
Hith much respect
To I have the honor to be
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Governor Most Obedient, and
of bureau very Humble Servant
& dependencies &c &c. The Lieut. Governor of Saba
/Signed/ E. Beaks
per Sch. Hater Bitch via St. Thomas Saba 11th July 1860.
Sic! dire de
I respectfully ask leave, to hand herewith
to Your Excellency a Petition from the Slaves, that absconded from
this Island, and arrived at St. Custatius, concerned by the Court
of Justice of said Island, to certain punishment, brought here by
the Schooner Meermin, and their sentences put in execution
By said Petition, grace is asked of by said Slaves
of Your Excellency for the punishment they are yet to undergo, which neque
I trust will meet with a favorable reply from Your Excellency
I have the honor to be
With much respect
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Governor Most Obedient, and
of Curares very Humble Servant
dépendencies &c &c. She Lieut. Governor of Saba
E. Beaks /Signed/
1 Cultivateur
per Sch. Hater Stitch via St. Thomas Saba 11th July 1860.
ouvoir Sir!
de son ou de
I have the honor to forward herewith to
Your Excellency, the following pieces required of me, from the 1st
July last year, to the 30th. Ult Vizt.
A Tabular of Births
A Tabular of Death
A Tabular of Marraiges,
and a List of European Inhabitants
With much respect
I have the honor to be
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Governor Most Obedient, and
of Curacao vecy Humble Servant
Schipendencies &c &c. &c The Lieut. Governor of Laba
/Signed/ C. Beaks
per Sehr. Carl Oundonald.
Saba 21st. July 1860.
In accordance with a communication
received from His Excellency the Governor of St. Croix &c. &t. dated 22s. June
last, that the nt. proceeds of the Boats $14.22, in which the Slaves abscond
ed from this Island, and arrived at the aforementioned Island St. Croix
would be remitted Your Honor for account of Capt. S.T. Limmons owner
of the Boat, as requested by me_
I have therefore to plicit the kindness of Your Honor,
that in case, you have received the said amount, to pay the same to
Elias Haddock Esqr. for account Capt. T.T. Simon's account.
With much respect
I have the honor to be
J. Cappe Esqr.
Your Most Obt. Servant
H.N.M. Consul
The Lieut. Governor of Labas
St Thomas
/Signed/ C. Beaks
Saba 25th. September 1860
Your Excellency's despatches of the 5th. Instant
No. 51/13 and 132547/14, I have had the honor to receive. The former
accompanying publications No. 6.7.88, which have been published
The latter containing His Excellency The Minister
for the Colonies resolution of the 14th August past, relative to the grant=
per P
finds Saba 5th August 1860
that there are toir!
Secretary Mr. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt
should Sir. munication of the 4th Instant, informing me that His
please frey The Governor of Curacas & dependencies, has been pleased to
the punishment of compulsory labor, which the Slaves con=
demned by the Court of St. Custatius, the 4th June, would yet have to 15. d,ut 2. 2.6. was 3.16
you the Chains by return of the Boat.
That His Excellency The Governor of Curacao & dependin
having also remitted the Julieial Expenses except those of apprehension
and létention, requesting me to receive the amount from the respect.
=ive owners of the Slaves, as per note, and to forward the same to you
&c &c. In reply to the firstselgraph of Your
Honors communication. I regret much to have to inform Your Honor
that a complaint was made to me by Mr. Henry Johnson Hassell on the
30.s ult.s, that several of the Slaves were seen by him without their chair
that I had all the Slaves brought before me, who then had theirkeins
on, and looked_ But from their own confession Six had released
themselves of theirenhains for 7 or 8 days, previous to the complant
having been made, the others namely Sofinner, & Peter dinied
having their cahains off at any time, alth's I have not been able
as yet to obtain sufficient proosagainst them, I am nevertheles
of opinion they acted as the others, The Osmers have declared that
they did not bear any knowledge of their Slaves having taken off
their Chains, the Slaves have declared that they committed the
act without the knowledge of their owners_ I have therefore con=
=sidered it my duty to inform Your Honor of the foregoing recur=
=rence, and to awart your answer on the subject, before Releasing the
Slaves of theirkeains, which you will please forward me, asearly
as possible, as Iwish to inform His Excellency The Governor of Curacao
& dependencies of the circumstance, and your answer on the subject;
having received a despatch from His Excellency, relative to Releasing the
Slaves of their Chains, and regarding the Expenses to be paid by the
respective owners &c._ With regard to the collection of the
Expenses due by the owners of the Slaves, I also away your answer
inconsequence of the aforementioned circumstance.
With much respect
I have the honor to be
His Honor Your Most Obedient Servant
The officer, charged The Lieut. Governor of Saba
with the Public Ministers, /Signed/ C. Beaks
of the Island's St. Custatius & Saba
St. Eustatius
per Sch.r Earl Sundmald via St Thomas. Saba 20. August 1860.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt
of Your Excellency's communication of the 21st Ult.o. Mo. 8/11.
Informing me that Your Excellency has been
pleased to grant the petition of the proprietors of the Slaves, regarding
certain expenses for lprosecuteing said Slaves, that absconded from this
Island, with intention to proceed to St. Hitts, But reached the Island
St. Eustatius etc. &c.
That Your Excellency has also been pleased
to grant the petition of the aforementioned Slaves, to be released of the
punishment that they had yet to undergo by sentence of the Court
of St. Custatius I respectfully beg leave to inform Your
Excellency, that the aforesaid Slaves are released of their Chains etc.
with much respect
I have the honor to be
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Governor
Most Obedient, and very
of Curacao
Humble Servant
& dependenciis &c &c
The Lieut. Governor of Saba
/Signed/ C. Beaks
per Schr Carl Vundonald via St. Thomas Saba 20. August 1860.
I most respectfully solicit have to address Your
Excellency, on the following subject.
Your Excellency is aware, that I have performed
threeoffieial Missions, to the Bele of Aves, the result of which, S flatter myself
have been quite satisfactory to Your Excellency.
That I have made no charge to the Government for
said mission- But I now, very submissively, beg leave to submit the same
to Your Excellency’s kind consideration, and to ask of Your Exellency,
for such remuneration, for the aforementioned Ifficial Missions, as Your
Excellency, may seem me entitled to, considering, if Your Excellency will
be pleased, that I still remain, Isolated, from the enjoyment, of any
salary, from The Home Gorzinment.
With much submission, & respect
I have the honor to be
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Governor Most Obedient, & very
of Curaeas Humble Servant
& dependencies &c &c.fr. The Lieut. Governor of Saba
/Signed/ E. Beaks
per sehr. Lady Van Idsinga via Bonaire Saba 25. September 1860.
Your Excelleneys despatches of the 5th. Instant
No. 51/5/13 and No. 547/14. I have had the honor to receive. The former
accompanying three publication No. 6. 7. & 8, which has been published
The latter containing His Excellency The Minister
for the Colonies, resolution, of the 14th. Ultm. relative to granting
of sufficient time, to Slaves, condemned by the Court, to appeal
to Your Excellency for grace, from the sentences, in case they should
with to do so, previous to send ^ sentences being put in force
I beg leave very respectfully, to inform Your
Excellency, that the aforementioned resolution of His Excellency
The Minister for the Colonies, shall be very strictly attended to
With much respect
I have the honor to be
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Governor Most Obedient, & very
of Curacao Humble Servant
& dependincies etc. &c. The Lieut. Governor of Sabas
/Signed/ C. Beaks
Saba 8th. October 1860. per Boat Hying Cloud.
I have the honor to hand herewith to Your Excellency
receipts pour Messrs. John Deherson ex Marshab, Herenles Hassell Griffier to the
Delegated Berch of Justice, John Vinzey, John St. Simmons, & John Limmon
for their respective amounts due in the case of the Homan,usanna, the
property of Capt. B.R.H. Horton, amounting to ƒ 104.70, which sum Your
Excellency, will please hand over to N. Musienden Esquire for me=
with much respect
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's His Excellency
Brost Obt. Servant The Lieut. Governor
of St. Eustatius
per Sloop Rosa Bell via St. Thomas Saba 10 st. November 1860.
I have the honor most respectfully to hand
herewith to Your Excellency, a report of my official mission, to
the Isle of Aras, in the Netherland Schooner Lady Van Idsinga, Com manded by J.W. Hassell, and submissively to represent to Your
Excellency, that I considered it adviseable, to charge myself with said
mission, in order, to give all the satisfaction I possibly can, to the
Government, relative to the Isle of Aves, which I feel persuaded, could
not be so well affected, by sending a person, which I trust &c. Excellency
will approve of. I have the honor also to inform Your
Excellency, that on the 8th Instant, I drew on you at 10 days sight in
duplicate in favor of Capt. John William Hassell for ƒ125, for the
charter of the Netherland Schooner Lady Van Idsinga to the Isle
of Aves, and from thence to this Island, which I beg leave to ask, I
Herewith Your Excellency will Excellency will please honor.
receive a receipt from Capt. T.W. Hassell, for the charter of the Wetherland
Schooner Lady Van Idsinga for the Isle of Aves ƒ 125.
With much respect
To I have the honor to be
His Excellency Your Excellency's
Most Obt. & very Humble Servt The Governor
The Lieut. Governor of Saba of Curacao
(Signed) E. Beaks & dependencies etc &c &c.
per Sloop Rosa Bella vier St Thomas. Saba 250 January 1868.
I have the honor to forward herewith to
Your Excellency, the following pieces vizt. a General statement
of the population of the Island, up to the 31st December past
a General General register of Births & Deaths to said date, &
Minutes of points to be added to the General report regard
ring the administration of the Island, for the Year past
With much respect
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's His Excellency
The Governor Most Obedient, and
Very Humble Servant of Curacao
& dependencies &c&c &c The Lieut. Governor of Saba
/Signed/ C. Beaks
Saba 6th February 1861 per Stoopengle, via St. Thomas.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your
Excellency's despatch of the 7th Ulto: Informing me, that a Man
whocalls himself Joseph Hilliams had arrived in the Island
St. Johns, on the 30 December 1860 in an open boat from this Solan
On being brought before the Police Judge of said
Island. He deposed, that he had been a slave in this Island,
stating his owners name to have been a certain Haardens,
his sole object in leaving here, had been to gain his freedom &c &c
In reply thereto, I most respectfully ask leave, to
inform Your Excellency, that not a Slave has absconded from
this Island, since the 3.th May last year, nor a Boat missing &
further the name of Haardens is not known here
I have the honor to be
His Excellency With much respect
The Governor in Chief Your Excellency's
ad. Interim of the Parish Most Obedient & very
West India Island Humble Servant
St. Croix. The Lieut. Governor of Saba
/Signed/ E. Beaks
per Sloop Rosa Bell via St. Thomas I fricial
Report of my mission to the Isle of Ave, in the Ne=
"therland Schooner Lady Van Idsinga, Commanded by J.H. Hassell,
separated from this Island, on Saturday the 3.o Instant,
arrived at the said Island of Arrs, on Monday afternoon the 5th, landed
immediately, no person on the Island, and nothing of any value what
ever, left by Messrs. Green, Heen & Co. belonging to them. I respectfully beg
have to state to Your Excellency, that in my opinion, from the enlargement
of some of the former Execavations, and other ones made, since my official
Mission, to the Island aforesaid, the 5th March last, that no doubt a consid
erable quantity of Gerano, has been obtained and reported, by the aforesaid
concern of Messrs Green, Hun & Co. since said period, and that, Inconsequence
of they having left the Island, that there is not remaining Guans sufficient
to have induced them, containing there any longer. Jarrived here
on Wednesday the 7th Instant at 1 O'Clock P.M. Nothing further of
conisquence, to report to Your Excellency on this mission.
Saba 10th November 1860.
The Lieut: Governor of Saba
/Signed/ C. Beaks
per Sch. Hater Hitch via St. Thomas Saba 12 December 1860.
Herewith I have the honor, with much respect
to forward a petition addressed to Your Excellency, from Miss Ann
Louisa Hassell, & Messrs. Jacob Erry Hassel, Thomas Johnson, Peter
Hassell, Henry Hassell, and Henry Hasselt, relative to the amount
they are indebted for certain expenses for their Slaves, condemn
ed by the Court of St. Custatius. Declaring their in=
"ablety to meet said demand (abforsent) without a complete sacrifia
of apart of their property (at present) and praying that I'm Excellency
will be graconsty pleased to grant them the indulgence, until the
same, can be realized from said Slaves, or others, that they
When Emancipation shall take place, or such time, that Your
Permit me most Excellency, may be pleased to grant them
respectfully to dolicit of Your Excellency, a favorable disposition on
said Petition. With much respect
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's His Excellency
M.O. & very H.S. The Governor
of Curacea The Lieut. Governt of Sabax
(Signed) B. Beak & dependeurs &c &c. etc.
Repenses due by said persons on their Slaves &c. &c- I had the honor
to receive, as also the Letter from Your Excellency, to said Petitioners
I have the honor to be
which I have handed them.
With much respect
Your Excellency's
Most Obedient & very His Excellency
Humble Servant
The Governor
The Lieut. Governor of Saba of Curacao
/Signed/ E. Beaks & dependencies etc. &c.
Saba 22d. February 1861. per Schr Earl Lundonald via St. Thomas
Your Excellency's despatch of the 21st ulto
6 2/3. I have had the honor to receive, informing me, that the
sight house on the Island of Little Curacao, is to be required, &
that the Light in said Lighthouse, will not be burning, during
this month-requesting me, to have the same published, by
all possible manners- I have the honor respectfully, to
inform Your Excellency, that I have published, the foregoing
information in this Island, and have sent to the Island of
St. Kitts, to have the same inserted in the paper of that Island.
With much respect
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's His Excellency
Most Obedient & very The Governor
Humble Servant of Curacao.
The Lieut. Goramor of Saba & dependencies etc. &c.
/Signed/ E. Beaks
Ned. Schw Carl Vundenald via St Thomas Saba 22nd February 1861.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt
of Your Excellency's communication of the 1 On Ulto. No 3 1/1 regard=
"ing the appointments of the members of the advising Council to
observe article 31. of the Kegulations- which Iassere Your
per sehr Carl Oundonald via St Thomas Saba 22 February 1861.
Your Excellency's communication of the
21st ulto. No. / 38/2. I have had the honor to receive. Informing
me, that by a despatch from His Excellency The Minister for
the Colonies, dated the 8th December last No. 15/222. It had pleased
His Majesty, by resolution of the 2d December 1860 No. 57. to
give authority, to pay me the amount of f150, with invitation
to order, that I 18 continue my mission to the Isle of Aves, as
the question, relative to the "property of said Island", apparently
will remain pending for some time &c &c - In answer to the forego
"ing, Inspectfully as kleave, to express my greatefulness to His
Majesty, for his gratification for my Three Ifficialmissions
to the Isle of Aves, and to Your Excellency, for the interest, you
were pleased to take in obtaining said remuneration for
me, and further to assure Your Excellency, that I will
strictly follow, the orders of His Majesty to discontinue, my
missions to the said Isle of Aves- Permit me with much
respect and submission, to submit to Your Excellency's kind
consideration, my fourth official mission to the Isle of Ave, &
respectfully to ask of Your Excellency, that if you consider me,
entitted to a remuneration for my said Mission also, which
I trust, I am Excellency will. Passure Your Exeillency, that
whatever amount, you are pleased toulvard me for it,
will be most thankfully accepted.
With much respect
I have the honor to be To
Your Excellency's His Excellency
Most Obedient The Governor
of Curacao Humble Servant
& dependencies &c etc. &c. The Lieut. Governor of Saba
/Signed/ E. Beaks
per Schr Earl Pundonald via St. Thomas Saba 22. February 1861.
Your Excellency's despatch of the 24th Decr.
last No 785/17 containing Your Excellency's favorable resolution
on the Petition of Miss Ann Louisa Hassell, & Messrs. J. E. Hassell
Peter Hassell, Henry Hassell, and Henry Hasselle, regarding the
aie Sie
habe 18 April 1861. per Schooner Thetis
Tregret to have to inform Your Excellency
that a case supposed to be the small Pox, has made its appearance,
Immidiately as informed thereof, I had it removed far apart from
the rest of the Inhabitants, and guarded, and I beg to assure Your
Excellency, that no infection from the precantion taken by me, can
-possibly occur from it. I therefore feel fully persuaded that Your
Excellency, will place confidence in what I have thus stated, and
will find not the least cause to stop the intercourse between this
With much respect Island, and St Martin.
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's
Most Obedient Servt. His Excellency
The Lieut. Governor of Saba The Lieut. Governor
/Signed/ E. Beaks. of St. Martin.
Saba 13th May 1861. per Schooner Osir
With much respect and lubmission,
Sask leave to represent to Your Excellency, that I find it unavid
"ably my duty again to apply to Your Excellency, for a Police
force, of Three or four men, who can speak English,
and to assure Your Excellency, that they are very much
required, to aid me in maintaining the Laws, and Kegulations
and the respect due to Government, which are violated
with much impinity, and I further make known to
Your Excellency, that unless you are pleased to furnish me
with said force, that I fear much, the evil consequence,
that will in all probably follow, for want of the required
I therefore feel fully persuaded, that Your
Excellency, will take in consideration my present application
and will be pleased to grant the same as early as practitable
With much submission t respect
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's His Excellency
Most Obt & very Humble Servt;
The Governor
The Lieut. Governor of Saba
of Curacao.
/Signed/ E. Beaks. & defundencies &: &c.s.
Excellency, will be particularly attended to.
Very respectfully
I have the honor to be To
Your Excellency's His Excellency
Most Obedient & very The Governor
ble Servt of Curaces,
& dependencies etc &c &c. /Signed/ E. Beaks.
per Sch.r Seamans Fride via St. Thomas. St. H. Saba 14 1. March 1861.
In accordance with my communication to
Your Excellency of the 22r. ultr. relative to the manner I had acted
in order to give notice, regarding the Light in the Light House on the
Island of Little Curacao &c &c- I have the honor to forward here
with to Your Excellency, a paper of the Island of St. Hitts, containing
the publication thereof, cost of which (2½
With much respect
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's His Excellency
Most Obedient & very The Governor
of Curacao S. Saba /signe rue. & dependencies etc. &c.
per Sch.r Annie Mussenden Saba 17 April 1861.
Tregret to have to inform Your Excellency, that
a case supposed to be the small Poy, has made its appearance.
Immediately as informed thereof, I had it removed for apart
from the rest of the Inhabitants, & guarded, and I beg to assure
Your Excellency, that no infection from the precantion taken
by me, can possibly occur from it- I therefore feel fully persuad
"ed that Your Excellency will place confidence, in what I
have thus stated, and will find not the least cause to stop
the intercourse between this Island & St. Eustatius.
with much respect
I have the honor to be
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Lieut. Governor Most Obedient Servt
of Lt. Eustatius The Lieut. Governor of Saba
/Signed/ E. Beaks
Exceil Saba 134 May 1861
per Schooner O’Sir
With profound respect & submission, I
ask leave to address Your Excellency, on the following subject
and to assure Your Excellency, that actual necessityguiges me
In my application to Your Excellency of
to do so. a room but 859 regarding my pecundiy circumstances the 18th Decear
Tinformed Your Excellency, of the dilapidated state of my
House, and solidited aid to repair it &c &c. That notwith=
„standing as yet, I have received no official reply thereto, I feel
confident, that Your Excellency has made the necessary and
require fepresentation for me, to His Excellency, The Minis
for the Colonies, with Your Excellency's favorable consideration
and I trust, that the period is not very distant, when I will
But as my Hon receive a favorable disposition thereon.
equires to be required before the Hurricane season, which if
not accomplished, that in all probably, should a Hunricane
occur, which we are very subject to, in these Islands, in said
months, I may be deprived of my shetter. Inconsequence
of which, I now supplicate of Your Excellency the aid of
$600, to enable me, to repair it, previous to the Hunican
reason, which if not considered as a gratification, for the
use of it, for Government, for upwards of 27 Years, then the
said amount of $600, to be placed to my debit, as an ad=
“vance, on the Salary, that His Majesty, may be grasion
ly pleased to grant me. I therefore most respectfully
solicit Your Excellency, to take in consideration, my very
embanassad situation, for want of means to repair my Hous
and that Your Excellency will be pleased to aid me
anticipating the honor of with the sum asked for.
favorable answer from Your Excellency.
I have the honor to be
with much respect
Your Excellency's His Excellency
Most Obt. & very Humbt. Secr The Governor
The Lieut. Governor of Saba of Curacao
& dependencies &c &c. (Signedt C. Beaks
Saba 21st May 1861. per Schooner Ofir.
I beg leave respectfully to inform Your Excell:
that a case of small Pox exists in this Island, and that immediately
as informed thereof, Scaused it to be Isolated, far apart from the
rest of the Inhabitants, and guarded, so that no infection, can
with much respect possibly occur from it.
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's
Most Obedient, and His Excellency
very Humble Servant The Governor
The Lieut: Governor of Saba of Curaçao
& dependencies etc. &c.&c. /Signed/ E. Beaks
Statement of the Desirale of Vessels & Boats at
per Schooner Thetis via St. MartinSaba 4th June 1861.
In accordance with Your Excellency's com=
“munication of the On ult.o No. 30 4/7. I have the honor to forward
herewith to Your Excellency the following pieces vizt.
1st. A Sabular of Marraiges John solemnized yearly, from the 1st.
January 1857, to the 31st. December 1860- 10 years.
2.o a statement of the animals of vessils & Boats, at this Island, for
the 1st. January 1860 to the 31st. December, same year.
3.o a statement of the number of Slaves, manumitted during
said period.
I have also the honor to inform Your Excellency
1. I will strictly comply, with Your Excellency's further
directions, contained in said dispatch of the 6th. ult. n°.30 4/7.
With much respect
To I have the honor to be
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Governor Most Obedient, and
of Curacao very Humble Servant
& dependencies etc. &c.&c The Lieut. Governor of Sabe
/Signed/: E. Beaks
Saba 15th July 1861. per
I have the honor to forward herewith, to Your
Excellency, the following pieces, required of me, from the 1st July.
1860 to the 30th June 1861 this year. vizt.
A Tabular of Mariages Solemnized
A Tabular of Births
A Tabular of Deaths
also, alist of European Inhabitants, in this Island, on the 30th
with much respect June past.
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's
Most Obedient, and His Excellency
very Humble Servant The Governor
The Lieut. Governor of Saba of Curacao
/Signed/ E. Beaks & dependencies etc. &c.&c
per Schooner Thetis Saba 18„ December 1861
Your Excellency's communication of the
1st november No. 733/16, informing me, that the by despatch of
His Excellency, The Minister for the Colonies, dated the 27th. Sept.
No 14/179. That Your Excellency's proceedings relative to the
american Man of Har Sumter have been approved of.
I have had the honor to receive, and Iask
leave respectfully to inform Your Excellency, that the
Instructions contained in said despatch of His Excellency
The Minister for the Colonies of the 27th September last, regard
ing the Bellegerent Men of Har of America, will be followed
to the utmost of my power.
I have the honor to be
With much respect,
Your Excellency's His Excellency
The Governor Most Obedient, and
very Humble Servant of Curacao
The Lieut. Governor of Saba. & dependencies etc. &c.&c.
E. Beaks.
per Schr. Seamans Pride via St. Thomas Saba 28. January 1862.
Your Excellency's communication of
the 22d. December last No. 840/18. I have had the honor to
receive, by which I am informed, that by dispatch from
His Excellency The Minister for the Colonies, dated 29th
November Lell B. No 24/230. That the instructions relative
to the Meen of War, of the United States of America, not
remaining longer, in port, than twice 24 hours &c. etc. are
recalled and made void. Respectfully beg leave
to assure Your Excellency, that said resolution, will be
strictly attended to by me.
I have the honor to be
with much respect
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Governor Most Obedient and
of Curacao very Humble Servant
& dependencies etc.&c.
The Lieut. Governor of Saba
/Signed/ E. Beaks
per Schr. Seamans Pride via St: Thomas Saba 28. Januarij 1862
de Votre autre
I have the honor to forward herewith
to John Excellency the following pieces. vizt.
A General statement, of the population of the
Island, up to the 31st December 16th past
A General register of Births and Deaths, to said date
and minutes of points, to be added, to the General
report, regarding the administration, of the Island for
the Year past. Hith much respect
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's
His Excellency Most Obedient, and
The Governor very Humble Servant
of Curacao The Lieut. Governor of Saba.
& dependencies etc. &c &c. /Signed/ E. Beaks.
per SloopEaglevia St. Thomas. Sabat 1" March 1862.
that he had to Sir! des frais de
I have the honor to acknowledge the The 1 on doth
receipt of Honn Excellency's despatch of the 18. January last
no. 51/1. By which I am informed, that Your Excellency, has
been pleased to grant to this Island the Sum of f600 for the
purpose of being employed in acts of Christianity, for which, I beg
have to assure Your Excellency, that I feel very greatful to
you, in behalf of the poor and affected &c. I therefore
most respectfully ask of Your Excellency, that you will be
pleased to place me in possession of said amount of /600
as early as your Excellency may seem it adviseable to do so
with much respect.
I have the honor to be To
Your Excellency's His Excellency
Most Obedient, and The Governor
very Humble Servant of Curacao.
The Lieut. Governor of Saba & dependencies &c &c fr
/Signed/ E. Beaks.
Saba 10th May 1862. per Sloopengle.
Iash leave respectfully to inform
Your Excellency, that by a despatch received from Histuellency
the Governor of Curacao and dependencies, dated the 26th March
last. I am directed to apply to Your Excellency, for the amount
of f 600, granted to this Island to be expended in acts of charity.
Your Excellency will please therefore,
pay said sum of £600 to Capt. J.C. Barnes, the bearer of this,
who will give Your Excellency the necessary receipt, for the
With much respect. same.
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's His Excellency.
Most Obedient Servant The Lieut. Governor
The Lieut: Governor of Saba of St. Eustatus.
E. Beaks /Signed/
Saba 13 " May 1862". per Sch.r Seaman's nide.
Inspectfully ask leave, to address
Your Excellency again on the following, and important subjects
Inconisiquence of the frequent representations
made to me, by the principal proprietors of Slaves, that their
Slaves, appear no longer to consider themselves, under their
entrol by their frequent disobidience to their orders, added
to which, their very riotus conduct frequently, and other un=
"lawful acts, and also the distinct, that the Government, &
the laws and régulations, continue to be treated with, by
many of the Inhabitants, urges me, to submit to Your Excellency
serious consideration the very deplorable situation, which
matters, have now arrived to, owing principally for the want
of a police force, that I seriously apprehend, that from
the disorder that exist that acts of serious consequence, are
I therefore beseech Your likely to occur.
Excellency, to aid me, with four police men, if no more
which with which I feel fully persuaded, that I will
be able, to restore order, and respect to the Government,
and to the Laws and Kegulations. I flatter myself,
from the foregoing representation, that Your Excellency will
no doubt, find it advisable to grant my request. Ak same time,
I most respectfully ask, that Your Excellency, will please excuse
my being so urgent on this subject, which I never the less trust,
Your Excellency, will approve of.
With much respect
I have the honor to be To
Your Excellency's His Excellency
Most Obedient, and The Governor
very Humble Servant of Curacao
The Lieut. Governor of Saba & dependencies etc. &c.
E. Beaks. /Signed/
per Sch. Augusta via St. Thomas. Saba 14 11 May 1862.
With much respect, I have the
honor, to inform Your Excellency, that in accordance with
rious consideration thereon.
On the 31st ulto, when in the exercise of my
, duty against two Slaves, a Man and a Roman, for over=
“ bearing language to me, the former took up a stone, and
ceeded with the latter raised a Hoe against me, breuette
much difficulty, to place them in Prison, but to
to of by beingdulyged to act
Twees under the necessity of acting as a Police man. The said
Slaves were on the 3rd. Inst=trought before the Nelegate d Bench
of Justice, andflentenceel to receive each 40 lastes, in they be=
"ingsatisfied with the sentence, it was put in force without
laves, were to receive their punishment, delay. when said
upwards of thirty congregated near the place, and after the
desirat of them, sentence being executed, they cheered, and man
made use of very impertinent, and threatening language,
From the foregoing occurence, I flatter myself,
that Your Excellency, will see, that our lives are in danger,
and how necessary it is, to aid me, with a police force, as
early as praticable, to quell, and suppress, the rebellious
conduct of the Slaves &c.&c., as Teannot place much confiden
in the white population.
I also with much respect ask leave, to inform
Your Excellency, that anticipating, that Your Excelleney,
will grant my request, in sending a police force for this
Island, I have engaged a House for them at 12 1/2 Guilders dee
per month, to be taken on rent, when they arrive, at
present, a cheaper place, cannot be obtained.
I likewise ask respectfully, to state to Your
Excellency, that the Prison, a Government building, is re
„quiring repair, and to be made a place of more security,
dans le dernier de la peine
the cost of which, I presume will be about £200.
I therefore with much submission,
Excellency, to aid me with said amount, to
[illegible] the Prison, as also, with fund to meet the expenses
monthly, of the rent of the House, for the Police, in the
event, of Your Excellency, being pleased to send them. Anno
anticipating the honor of a favorable relief,
from Your Excellency.
Your Excellency's communication of the 26th March last, I
applied to His Excellency, The Lieut. Governor of St. Custatius for the
f 600. (on the 10th Inst.) granted this Island, to be expended in
des I have received an answer from Acts of Christianity. ce qui est
it he is very sorry, that he His Excellency, informing me to
cannot comply with my request, as he has no order from
Your Excellency to do so, and that there is not money enough
Hith much respect to help me.
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's
Most Obedient, and His Excellency
very Humble Servant The Governor
The Lieut. Governor of Saba of Curacao
& dependencies &c &c. &c /Signed/ C. Beaks
Saba 10th June 1862. per Schooner Harbinger.
I have the honor to inform Your
Excellency, that in accordance with a communication
received from His Excellency The Governor of Curacus & depend
„ences &c. dr. dated the 20: Ulto. No. 27/3. I am directed by His
Excellency, "to apply to you," for the ƒ600 for the poor of this
Island, as he has invited, Your Excellency, by letter also of the
20th. Ultr., to pay me said sum of f600.
I therefore take the liberty, of asking, that
Your Excellency, will please, pay said amount to Moses
Leverock Esqr., who will give Your Excellency, the necessary
and required receipt for the same.
With much respect
I have the honor to be To
Your Excellency's His Excellency
Most Obedient Servant The Lieut. Governor
The Lieut. Governor of Saba of St. Constatius
/Signed/ E. Beaks de ses
Sabat 2th June 1862. per Schr. Haibinger/laying off
I seem it highly necessary to in=
“form Your Excellency, of the following occurrence, which
I feel fully persuacled will merit Your Excellency, See
I have the honor to be
To With much respect, and
His Excellency Submission
The Governor Your Excellency's
of Curacao Most Obedient, and
& dependencies etc. &c &c. very Humble Servant.
The Lieut. Governor of Saba
/Signed/ E. Beaks
per Sch. Harbinger/laying offt Sabat 2th June 1862.
In accordance with Your Excellency
Communication of the 10th January / 61 No. 3 1/2. I have the
honor to inform Your Excellency, that Abraham Simmons
Esqr. Junior member of the advising Council, has request
"ed leave to resign his situation, as it is his intention, shortly
to leave the Island. Presenting that Yours
Excellency, will grant the request, of said Adam Simmons
Esqr. Trespectfully ask, to propose, and recommend
to Your Excellency Moses Levenock Esqr. to fill the situation
of a member of the advising Council.
With much respect
I have the honor to be
His Excellency Your Excellency's
Most Obedient, and The Governor
very Humble Servant of Curacao.
& defendencies etc. &c &c. The Lieut. Governor of Saba
/Signect/ E. Beaks.
Saba 14 July 1862. per Schr. Harbinger, via St. Thomas.
I have the honor to hand herewith to
Your Excelleney, a petition to His Excellency The Minister for
the Colonies, from a committee appointed out of the number of
the protestant Inhabitants of this Island, Stating our great
privation, and deplorable, as also lamentable situation, being
deprived for many years of having any proper religious in
structions imparted to us, by our Pastor, owing to his very ad=
“vanced age, and consequent inabilities, to perform his sacred
duties. A remedy for which, Inspectfully assure Your Excellency,
cannot be obtained without the gratious assistance of our
beloved and benevolent King, of f 1200, as the circumstances of
the Inhabitants in general are very indigent, and consequent
"ly cannot afford to support a Clergijman."
considering therefore, that Your Excellency,
is fully convinced how very essential religion is, to the
wilfare and wellbeing of a community, and that Your Excellency
will, I feel persiraded, consider that the present application
is based on justice and I.quity.
I most respectfully and submissively solicit
Your Excellency's favorable considerations on said petition to His
Excellency The Minister for the Colonies, by which, I feel fully
confident it will be.-crowned with success, and that with the
assistance, we trust to obtain from His Lordship the Bishop of
Antigua, that we will be able to have a permanent Protestant
Minister in this Island.
With much respect
and Submission.
I have the honor to be
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Gorarnor Most Obedient, and
of Curacco. very Humble Servant
& depenelencies &a &c The Lieut. Governor of Saba
E. Beaks.
per Schooner Governor Ulrich, via St. Thomas- Sabat 8. July 1862.
I have the honor, to forward herewith,
to Your Excellency, the following pieces, required of me from
the 14 July 1861, to the 30, June this year. Vizt.
a Sabular of Maniages Solemnized.
a Tabular of Births.
a Tabular of Deaths
also, a list of European Inhabitants, on the 30th June past.
Ihr with much respect
I have the honor to be His Excellency
The Governor Your Excellency's
of Curacao Moot Obedient and
& dependencies etc &c &c. very Humble Servant
The Lieut. Governor of Saba
/Signed/ E. Beaks.
habe 1st Nov.r 1762.
a par Théter, donc Sir for le vraçao.
Your Excellency & Communication of the
29th. Ults. No. 464/8, accompanging town Excellency's dis=
position of said month No 664 for publication, That
all Children, born of slave women after said Law, is pub=
. lished; are to be considered free, with request of your Excellency,
to have said Children described in the Register of free personers
I have had the honor to receive, and I Respectfully
inform your Excellency, that said Law was published on the
21ste. Ulto: and that Your Excellency's directions will be
I have the honor to be attended to.
With much expect.
Your Excellency
Most Obr. & Day Hble Servt.
His Excellg. The L. Geo. of Saba
The Gouverneur
ofauraca & dependance Le Beukx
&c &c.
Saba 1st. Nov. 1662.
Je Vlutis donc. par Curaire
Will much respect, I have the honor to
acknowledge the Receipt of your Excellencye Communication of
tho 15 Sept No 644/16. Zufoming end, that it has pleased His
Majestr to grant to this Estans two police men, & f 200 [illegible]
to repair for the purpose of Epairing the Prison, and that
Your excell: has been pleased to direct His Exelly: The
Der Roverner of Dr. Gust: to pay me said amount- which
I have applied for. But His Excellency for want of meant
at present, cannot payd me, the aforesaid Anne of 7200
Respectfully ask have of Your Excellency, that as early
as you can diem it proper to send me the two person men (owing
to the small V of that is Eursing at Curacao,) that Your Exelling
will please do so, as they are much required.
I have further to exposent your excellency. That as early
as I receive the Amment for the repaisie of this Prison, I will
Commence doing so, & will inform your Excell: when the
repairs au Complète &c &c.Very Respectfully gemeis to the
I have the honor to be. ordinelles
Your Excellencyd g/a
Mort Obm & Cony Hble Saak
His Exelly
M Dn. Kovana de la voix ou leur en
a/. Saba & dependue eich &a &c &c
E. Beakk dans le temps
habe 31. November 162
yor Scheffetes durch to Curacun Sir,
I have the honor to acknowledge, the receipt of
Noan the 21th. Ulto: of Your Excellencyes despatch of the 24 Septr
last, No. 664/7. Accompanying the Lam of the 8th August
Regerding the Abolution of Slavory in Curacar, & depuis ma
on the 1st. July 1863. which Law, I expect fully inform how
Excellency was published in this Ieland on the 21th. Ulto
I most submissively delicit of some Excellency, that
You will please give the regence information on the following
point &c relative to said Law.
Slaves dying between the time of the proclamation of the
Lam, on the 21th. Ulto: and that of the Confication orinspection
which will take plard with them. Are the oeuvert, entitled
to the allowance? de ses
As your excellency may don it advisably, that the
Inspection of the slaves by the three medical men, that are
to be appointed for that purpose, should take place at the same
time of the Gerefecation, I beg that your excellency will please,
inform me, when it is likely that your Exelling, will send
up said person. C
Regieters in English to inserible the Appranchised and the
Certificatch, which your Exelly. I will please furnish me
with. In the Law Art. 22.o the last line, says, the slaves have
to work "4 days, out of what time, is it considered by your Exelly
that they have to work the 4 days
To His Excellency
The The Governor
of Durncao & depend in ciet,
&c &c
The means to support the enfects, to be here and from society
the Aged & (Ompharch &c) which your Excell. will please
permit me, to be inform'd of also, by your Excellency
Went Kruch Aspect- I have the honor to be
Your Excellencyh Most Obd& May Hble Saak
"The Lee Governor
op Saba muth
E. P. Beatt des A. M.
11 febr 10 t Nov. 1621 per Auguste
de Sä. 7 ne pouvoir
My request of Miss Anna Diuicy nation & resident
of this Island, I will leave to inform Your Honor, that she is
the sole owner of the Herro man named Benjamin, who
absonded from this Island, on the 10th July past in the
uglich Schooner Justina, Commander by Peter Summons Henry
With much respect.
I have the honor to be
The La Governea
v. Saba
E. Beak His Honer
J. Cappe Esqre.
His Uithaland Majesty's
1 te Thomas
Subr 13th Novem 162
und seiten so wie auf die Kosten
With men at respect I Siele it leave to add rest your tet.
Excellency again, regarding my necessary terminatances & Most Respectfully to intreat Your Excellency’s from able
considerations thereon. which I assure your Excellency that
Actual want of means to support my elf & family with
the Common sustenance to do so.
Your Excellency being already fully conversant from
the representations made to your Excellency of My Krennewoge
occumstances, that I presume it is not necessary to give tour Jʼtherefore
Excellency any further information thereon. moet submissively implor Vow Excellency, that if it is not in
Your Excelleneys power to grant to me, the did, that Iso much
require to support my espe & family with & to repair my House
that Vom Excellency, will as early as praticable <gap/>
tion to His Exelling. The Minister with the Excellency’s favorable consideration my gressous situé
re the Colonick I have to be what I feel fully prevenaded that the Excellency
an Annual allowance for me from the
and be the means of Conventing myself will be able to be
Vom Rovern & family from experiencing actual want - & in your Bally e frosa
Anticopating the house of an Act brechtl.
I have the home
Witspr much
Vous Excellenège M. O. & buy Haas such His Exelling
votre beaucoup de The Governor
a/. Taba of Curacon.
& défenduezes tes de vous. Je Braks
per Schr. Heubinger vin St: Thomas. Saben 15th. December 1863
I have the honor to acknowledge there.
-ceipt of Your Excellency's communication of the 31st Octobr plast
No. 48 2/10, accompanging three addresses to Your Excellency High,
One from Peter Hassell, a member of the Court
One from Thomas Johnson, and the other pom several Inhabitants
with 10 pices regering to the same forwarded me by Your Excellency, for my consideration thereon.
In reply to the address of Peter Hussell, Respectfully beg
de ses I leave to state to Your Excellency.
That as respects his assertion relative to his been called as July
do in the case of the five Slaves that abscended in the English Schoones
Justinee, Commanded by Peter Simmons Sinzey, is correct.
That as a gard, the said case being procuded with, by two
Members, is inconiect. The Iudges in the case, were two assessors, and
assistant assessor, who I considered myself, authorized to appoint,
in accordance, with the regulations for the deligated Berich of Justice,
Your Excellency, will please see the minutes of the Court
Respecting Peter Hassell's affection, that the defendant, was
to be discharge & on his single testimony, when said Peter Hassell
left the Court, the case had not been far proceeded with, consequents
ly, he could not have been aware, in what manner, the Court would
dispose of the case.
With regard to the conduct, of the persons that intended, and
that of the plaintiff Thomas Johnson, the defendant Peter Simmons
c/o His Excellency Derry indincier. the Revenue of Curacao & an den
akteare to state that the Lease of the Justine several times
told me, that I was at liberty to search his Cessel, without
making the least allusion to, whether he was on board or not
or that of hoisting his flag, &c.
I applied to persons to search the Justice, and the reply
Receved was, those who suspect that their slaves are oubourd
of the Justina, let them search, therefore for want of police
I could not for this Act.
With respect to the Captain & Crew-being all present
and heard all that each other said &c
I beg to me very respectfully to reper toen Excellency!
to the Certificates of the Iudget, and Recorder on the last
Your Excellency being abread Conversants, with the
Caw of the slane Neoman Susanna, I presume, I need not
enter into any particular further, then to state to Your Excellency
that in the absence, of a police force, the woman could not be
apprehended, as no one would enterfore with her
Terklame with much liepe it, to stak Co Tom Exelling
that on the 22nd July early in the Morning, I sent a message
by a few man, to Peter Hasselt, leading at the district Wd Son en Law to Thomas Johnson, to inform the said Thomas Pluson
that the Schr Justina, would leave during the forenoon, & that
if the petitioners was: John, on, or any person at the Ux lide,
(where nun "Hassell" [2]m der), were apprehensive that any of
their slaves, were oubourd the selon Pestina, to come down, &
I would aid them, as far as it was in my power, to search for them
of Johnson received the message & no stepe even taken by him
The schoona Justina left this, between the hours of 12 & 1 Oclock.
the same day
I will be payd to the Boat, allie do to by the petitioner,
Your Excellency will please Eeper to the fortificates of the Iudget
and straide, which will clearly prove to your keelly: whether
widence was call'd & given on that sevent or not 3
I flatter myself, that your Excellency will find, that I have
given my Considerations on the different point of the petition of
[illegible] at Johnson, that required my attention, and that your
excellency will consider the same, quite latinfactory
In reply to the Petition signes by Ten Inhabitants
I most Respectfully sole it leave to state to your Excellency
That as regards all appears made to the Court being
Dinzey, Master of the English Schooner Justice, and Peter Hassell
the petitioner, Iask leave respectfully, to refer Your Excellency, to
the certificate of the Iudges, and the Recorder, and also, for, the whole of
my conduct, in the case, which is so very unjustly, complained of, by the
petitioner, Peter Hassell, and which accusations I flatter myself, will be
found as such, by Your Excellency.
With respect to the case being referred to the Court of St.
Eustatiers, The Judy et did not consider it acte et able, to do so. But
to decede the case as it, as they considered themselves just [illegible]
in doing, which diespion I consequently acted upon
The petitioners request to be discharg'd from the situation
he fille, as a member of the Delegate Besch of Justic - there to
Your Excellg dum itmeerable to grant his request.
I beg to am lespe of fully to hand herewith to Your, Eveilly,
the names of those indiveduals, one of which, if it must tour
Excellys approbation, to be appointed as an assessor, and Mosel
Leverack Esqre who is now the Senior Assessor, as the Junior
Memba, in the plain of the petitioner Peler Hassell
I trust that the foregoing onsiderations on the petition
Peter Hassell, will be found quite sufficient, and satisfaction by Your
mais de Excellency
In answer, to the Petition of Thomas Johnson, in the
case of the Five Slaves, that absconded in the English Schooner Justing
Commandeel by Peter Simmons Dunzey, on the 22th. Iuly last, of
which the petitioner was the owner of Two.
Heth regard to the affection of the petitioner, that the
Captain of the Justinee, did on the October, state in my presence
that he found or discovered the Slaves, when between this Island
and St Custatius, such declaration, I assure Your Excellency, was not
made in my presence, or hearing, But that he discovered them, when
between the Island of St. Eustatius, and St. Hitts
Regarding my refusing the petitioner to being forward
widences in the case, or in any manner declared, to have them citid
I most solemnly demÿ, reference if Your Excellency, will
be pleased to the bert dieate of the Iudges, and the Recorder, where it
will be proved to Your Excellency, that I caused Edward Simmons
to be brought forward, and give evidence in the case, and would
have acted in like manner, with as many, as thomes Johnson,
would have named.nordre
In answer to the fift parograph, Inspectfully 1
of no apail Ibaar na know ledge of any appoints being made
to the Court, without beinguelplied to
And as respects appears being often made to the Governor
of Yurneus, by the Inhabitants of this & land yet we bain As far
at appears have come under my sortie, they have all been leplud
to by His Excellency the Governor of Curacao & to
U!th regard to the Gourt here is but a too! of the tovernea
is beyond deputis &c &c and that the Laws, are so misconstined
& Tepres entw to the Members &c &c
In Lieuwge to the foregoeng paragraph. I am ye respect faits
ack leave to Ufer Your Excellency, to the Certificater No 1. & 2 of the
Gener Munber Assessors, & Recorder, of the Religatedous of
Iustra - by which your Excellency, I am fully presented will find
that the changet therein expressed in said paragraph that the
unfounded & unjust=
dans le dernier
Regarding the occurrences, in the case of the schoon in
Justina, & Complfeind of by the petitioners, & Town Exelly: well
I trust find the same disposed of to your Excellency's satisfaction, at
also the whole of my conduct in the case of the five slaves, that also
in the English Schooner Justina Commanded by P. S. 4 inz- by
the Certificate of the Ludges & Recorder, in the aforementioned case
As respect getting the view of on board of the Justina
to. Isalemuly declare, that I went a distance of a half rule
from my Zwelling with the Marchal to effect the same. which
We could not received in doing, and also read my authority
with them to keep them in order.
I day that my House wasursounded with slavet
& other Coloid persons, and that our of my Towns was set apart.
as a drinking saloon, and that the Slaves &c hoop'd & Churd
My sons gave to afew opudtowen a little refreshment, which I do
not Consider, that the petitioners, had any right "directly, forlicke my
t intépfere with.
regarding the great Mass of the Inhabitants being disquited
with me, and will not apt me, where I am personally concerned, and
Wishful that an other Governor be appointed in my place &c
should your Excellency him it mayary, I can furnish that
Your Excellency will sufficient & very Sateefactory brooss to the
said Reertions are confounded.
Regarding the Document dated the 26th. July, I gave Thomas
Johann Ackerbeit Reklyk Nr. Hating, Verbrechtte Schär Justine Ziturad
à la rue de cette
to this Inland I would be [illegible] the Lord to the Court. I never afserd
ded in the Justing
Thomas Johnson, that he would get paid for his slaves with what propriets
could I do so, when I was not aware, in what manner, that the Law
for Emun espating the slave, would provide for the payment of those
M r de that had absouded. de M r de
I acted in accoulance with my promise to whom it
Johnson, and I admitted the Card to the Court
With Esprat to the Document dated the 8 Oehntvan Excelles.
will please refe, see, the Certificate of the July et and Recorder in the
can. which will trust be quite tstif —utry Supplicient to prove
to your Excellency, that proper notice was taken of laid document
The signers of the Complaint to Your Excellency, are very un=
reasonable, they wich'd the Court, to act entirely in Excellence
with their wishes, which they were toocomply entrects to be able
to Judge dispassionality, and the Complain of me, for not talking
their part blindly, without Regard for the Eight of other.
Your Excellency is well aware that in this Island, that those
is no fort, or other means of Commanding lapping in the Auchring
and it would have led toésirions Consequences had Ihr in Com plan a with the wishes of the parties containing- The Captain
of the Justicu has in this Island, many relation, and is doubt, a
large party ( would have lided him, in opposition to the party, that
who had lost the slaves - and their adher enk dans le
to have taken possession of the Schooner Turtina", to send her, to the
Ecclatius, under those Excumstances, may have led to very un=
=pleas out "les ults, I therefore decided to bring the Case before the Court.
All ordered to my knowledge were heard, and all parties plordered
afair opportunity of acting in weg legal way for their own interest.
That Iued any influence over the Court, is a charge, that is just
unfunded, and is disposed of by the declaration of the members
them selves. That there was Considerable excitement
is too true, and therefore proves the absolute want of a police force,
to aid me, in Rupurg order. &c Althé I suppose for private, leasout
of their own, the Iudividuals, who Complains to Your Excellency, think
such force not needed.
"Hattering myself, that my Considerations given on the three
addresse le loca Excell: will be found quite satisfactary by your Excelles:
and that I will be enterely acquitted of every charge & contained in said
addresses by your Excellency
Ul h proférend respect & submission
I have the honor to be
Your excellenors & very sette.
Most O'Cumerion
laba 19.th December /63. et de
Mesen. Moses Levenock, E. K. Recht,
Richard Simmons. A beam Simmont
James Horton. Hereules Hassell,
Abond Davis, John St. Simmont. de cette
Jacob Coory Hassell, & Js. Simmen Menfeild
It affords me much satisfaction to be able, to inform
you, as a Committee delected by the Protestant Inhabitants, of this
Island, that by a dispatch received from Hic Excellency the Governor
v. Hu of Curnens & dependences &c &c dated the 10 Nov last,
Majeelÿ has been pleased, to grant to this Island & 1000 for the
purpose of attaining a protestant minister, subject to the condition
Also, that he shall be charg'd with the instruction of the young,
which this Island is entirely deprived of. To allow said
Minister to be chosen, by the Protestant part of the Christianity,
in which His Lordship the Bishop can assist,
You are hereby invited, that as soon, as the election, shall
have taken place of a himista, with the Comperation of His
Lordship The Bishop of Antigua, to inform me therof that I may
be able to make the same known to His Excellency The Governor of Curace
and dependent, in order to make arrangement for having minuita the him of £1000. anmally
Vor reifentlich
I am &c
Your Most Obed Servt
The Dr. Rovenan
of Saba
laba 29th. December 162
Your Excellency’s communication of the 27th. Ulto=
I have by it the honor to receive, and will act in accordance, with
Your Excellency's directions relative to the Confication of the list,
of the Slavee.
Very Respectfully
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency,
Most Obedient per Uy Hble Servt His Excellency
Jas Dr. Governor The Governor
auch habe af Uuracao & depu du cers
C. v Beakt & c. & d.
laba 29.th December /62.
I have the honor with much respect to acknowledge
=ledge the receipt of Your Excellency's dispatch of the 18th. 11th.
No. 54 3/10 containing your Excellency's answer on several points
ack'd of your Excellency, regarding the slaves &c
I “Respectfully ask leave to inform Your Excellency’ that
as soon as the Diepe etion shall have taken placed, that the Newbo
of Afflicted, the Agad & Orstant arvascertained, I will then
be able to give your Excellency the required information relative
there to.
I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your Excellency's H. Excellency
Most Obedient & Hery Hble Servt Jn. Governor
Vnd Dr. Governor F Curacao & dependinciel
of habe & d. &c &c.
E. Beakt
that I am Excellency may be able to make the necessary arrangement
for the payment of f 1000 Annually for a minister
With much Respect
I have the honor to be
Your Excellenagh
Most Obedient & Cary Humble Servt His Excellency
The Dr. Governor
The Governor
of Laba of Uuraçao & dependinciën.
E. L. Beatt & D. &c.
per Schr. Governor Ulrich via St. Thomas Saba 26 January 1863
I have the honor to forward herewith to
Your Excellency, the following since is Vizt, a General Statement
of the population of the Island, up to the 31st December past,
a General register of Births and Deaths to said date, Minutes
of points to be added to the General report regarding the ad=
ministration of the Island for the past year, also a State
ment of the amounts paid to the poor f304.55
With much respect
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's His Excellency
Most Obedient, and The Governor,
Very Humble Servant of Curacao,
The Lieut. Governor of Saba & dependencies &c.&c.
/Signed/ E. Beaks.
per Sch.r Governor Ulrich, via St. Thomas. Saba 26. January 1863.
Respectfully ask leave to represent to Your
Excellency that the Island requires to be finished witha
Fleg, the Cost of which, I presume will be about 15 Guilders,
laba 29.th Dec.r 1662.
With much respect, I will leave to refer your
Excellency to my communication of the 15th. last by which
Your Excellency will find, that Comitted inclosing to you, the
Rames of the Iered Iudividuals, "Nebytine to the Appointment
of one as an apossen, &c. should have Excellency seem it as
=desable to do so.
I have now the honor to hand herewith to have
Excellency, the Kamer of said Individuall
I have the honor to be.
Welf March Inspect. 1/2
Your Excellencyh Hin Excellency
Most Obedt & May Hble Servt The Governor der
Ihr Lieut. Governor of Curacao
of Suba + defenderes &c &.c &c. et
C. Beakl. se
2. habe 29.th Nachle Sie
I have the honor to acknowledge the Receipt of Your
Excellency communication of the 10th. Ulta: No: 765 for Iufouning
me, that His Majesty has been gratively pleased to grant
to the Inhabitants of this Island, the sum of £1000 to place
then in aposition to obtain a Protestant Minister, subject to
the Condition that he shall also be charg'd with the instruction
of the young, of which laba, is entirely deprived of &c &c
Respectfully sole it leave to inform your Excellency
that in Accordance, with Your request, I have Communicated
to the Committee in behalf of the protestants His Majestys favorable
decession on their petition. And that as soon, as a Minister shall
be obtained will acquaint your Excellency thereof, in order
which amount I ask that Your Excellency will please,
furnish me with, and an account of which will be forwarded
Your Excellency of the cost thereof
Very Respectfully
To I have the honor to be
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Governor Most Obedient, and
of Curacao Very Humble Servant
de penelenius &c &c. The Lieut: Governor of Saba
/Signed/ E. Beaks.
Suba. 12th. feby. 63.
que Harbeu qui Mr.
Your Excellency & Comonmaecation of the
14th. Ulto Nr. 1 1/1. I had the honor of receiving last Evening
Aus I Es peilfällen sich kam, te inform Vous Excellency
that in accordance with your request, that as early, as
I can possibly have the Regulations for the Inlegated French
of Justic for this Jeland, Copied, will forward the same
to Your Excellency.
Mette Me. de Respect
I have the honor to be,
Your Excellency's
Most Obedient, & buy
His Excellency Humble Servant
The Governor Ihr Dr. Governa
of leurnena & dependenciés. of Saba
&c. &c.&c E. Blatt
per Sloop Queen, vice St. Thomas. Saba 28th. February 1863.
Jaccordance with Your Excellency's com munication of the 14a ult.o No. 1 1/1. I have the honor to for
ward herewith to Your Excellency, a copy of the Kegulations
of the flegated French of Justice of this Island.
With much respect
To I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's His Excellency
The Governor Most Obedient, and
of Curacar Very Humble Servant
& dependencies &c.&c. The Lieut. Goramon of Saba
(Signed) E. Beaks.
Saba 28th March 1863. per Sch. Augusta, via St. Thomas
Your Excellency's communication of the
11. Ult.o No. 93/4, I have had the honor to receive, and Inspectfully
askhave to represent to Your Excellency, That there are many Slaves
they act number I cannot say at present, that have left the Island,
with their oroner's permission, some for a short period since, other for many
yecuspast, and the number since their departure, is encreased, by having
children born in the different Blands, where they reside, the said
Slaves, have not been placed on the list annually, sent in by their
owners, But they are now occupied in doing so, and consider them.
=selves, entitled to the payment for them.
I therefore find it my duty, to ask of Your Excellency
that, if at the day of the Verification, those Slaves, including the in=
=crease, are not present; never the less, it can be proved to my satisfaction,
that they were in existence, on said day, are not the ownensentitted to
the compensation for them?
Slaves that have absconded, and are not present,
at the Verification, altho' it can be friend, that they are in existence on
said day, are their owners entitled to the payment for them. and their
increase, since their departure?
In like manner Slaves returning before the verification
and having Children with them, born in foreign Zlands, are not
the orioners, entitled to the payment for the Children, as well as their
I shall attend to Your Excellency's further directions,
continued in said despatch of the 11th Ult. N.o 93/4.
I have the honor to be
Hithmuch respect
Your Excellency's
Most Obedient, and His Excellency
The Governor Very Humble Servant
de The Lieut. Governor of Saba of Cenacao
& dependencies &c &c (Signed) C. Beaks
per Sch. Augusta, via St. Thomas. Saba 28 " March 1863.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt
of Your Excellency communication of the 16th Ult. No. 104/6, ac
=companying a klag for the Island.
Permit me most respectfully to thank Your Excellency
for your attention in forzarding me said Fleg.
Hithmuch respect
I have the honor to be
To Your Excellency's
Most Obedient, and His Excellency
Very Humble Servant. The Governor
of lemacas. The Lieut. Governor of Saba
& dependencies &c.&c. (Signed) &c. Beaks.
für Schoone, Augustus St. Thomas. Saba 28.,, March 1863,
Hith much respect I have the honor to
de knowledge the receipt of Your Excellency's communication
of the 18.th Ulto No. 111/7, and to inform Your Excellency that the
twapolice men arrived here on the 10th Instant, and as they
were not provided with side weapons, which being very necessary,
both with regard to keeping the in a we, and command
=ing more respect for their persons, no obtained from His Excellency
Governor of St. Eustatius, two Sabus forthem, subject to Your
Excellency's approval, which I trust will meet your Excellency’s
entin approbation.
Permit me most respectfully and submissively to pro
=pose to Your Excellency, to have erected near the prison, a built
-ing of 18 to 20 feet wide long, and 1 feet wide, devided in two rooms,
with a Cailing a round it, and the prison, which building to be
used for a Police Station, and for any other purpose that Government
may require it for. The said building Sprisume will cost about
650 to 1/700, should Your Excellency August to my proposed,
which I trust Your Excellency will, I assure you, that the amount
forwanded me, will be used with the utmost care, and wrong, and
a statement of which, will be sent Your Excellency, when the Build=
=ing &c &c is completed.
with much submission, and respect.
I have the honor to be
To Your Excellency's
His Excellency Mod Obedient, and
Very Humble Servant The Governor
The Lieut. Giremore of Saba ofbenacco
& dependencies to be (Signed) E. Beeckt
Votre et le dernier a été
per Schoonu Angusta vid St. Thomas
I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of Your Excellency's communication of the 22th. Ult.o No. 16 2/8,
and Inspectfully begleave to inform Your Excellency, that in ac
cordance with Your Excellency's request, I have consulted the desire
of the proprietors of the Slaves, with regard to the payment for their
Slaves, in Specie, or Bills, and I have décertained that an amount
of about £80,000, will be required in Specie, and the balance in Bills
of which, I will inform Your Excellency, as soon as the Verification
of the Slaves shall have taken place.
With much respect, and submission
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's To
Most Obedient and His Eycelleney
Very Humble Servant. The Governor
The Lieut. Governor of Saba ofnsacour.
(Signed) E Beaks Dépendencies de F. &a
F. P
Hustatius. 911 May 1863. per Schooner Seamen's Pride.
, o o o
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency, that His
Honor Edward Beaks Gezaghebber of Saba, demised on the 7th Instant
and that the Government is at this <gap/> moment administered by
his Son Edward James Braks Esquire, a member of the advising
It has not been as certained who is the Senior member
of the said Council, in consequence of which we have agreed that the
present incumbent shall continue to administer the Government
until Your Excellency shall have decided on whom the Government
devolve as Senior member of the Council
The object of my present visit to this Island is to obtain a
translation of Your Excellency's disposition No. 256, Publication No.12
from the Secretary here, in order to make the necessary preparations
for the vécification of the blaves, and impossible toobtain the presence
of that official at Saba on the occasion, as the services of one who is
acquainted with the Dutch language, and the official rotine will
tend to facilitate the matter.
His Honor the Gezaghebber of this Island, has promised to
grant the Secretary F.G. Groebe Esqr. the necessary permission to visit the
Island for that purpose_
I further more beg to assure Your Excellency, that the vérification
of the Slaves, and matters in general, shall be causully attended to
Shave the honor to be
Brember of the advising. To
Council of Saba His Excellency
(Signed) M. Leverock The Governor
of Curacao.
& dependencies.
Saba qu Maÿ 1863. per Sloop Frial.
Inaccordance with Your Excellency's communication
of the 30 a ult.o to the late Lt. Governor, His Excellency C. Beaks of this Island
I have the honor herewith to forward to Your
Excellency, a list of the Slaves belonging to this Island.
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's
Most Obedient Servant His Excellency
The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim. The Lieut. Governor
of Saba of St. Eustatius.
(Signed) E.J. Beaks.
Saba 9th May 1863. per Sloop Trial, vice St. Custatius.
In accordance with Your Excellency's communication
of the 240 March last, to the late Lt. Governor, His Excellency E. Beaks of this
I have the honor herewith to forward to Your Excellency
a list of the Slaves belonging to this Island.
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's
Most Obedient Servant His Excellency
The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim. The Lieut. Governor
of Saba. of St. Martin
(Signed) E.J. Beaks.
per Sch.r Harbongervick St. Thomas. Saba 1611 May 1863.
Having seen the Copy of a letter addressed to Your
Excellency by M. Levenock Esquire, a member of the advising Council of
this Island from St. Eustatius on the 9th Instant.
I beglieve most respectfully to confirm what was
"the vinstated, and to assure Your Excellency, that noecertions shall be
wanting on my part to administre the Government of this Island, in
a proper manner, until Your Excellency's pleasure is known.
Thave the honor to be
With much respect
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Governor Most Obedient, and
of Curacao. Very Humble Servant
The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim. dépendencies.
of Saba
(Signed) E.T. Beaks.
Saba 16: May 1863. per Sch. Harbinger vice St. Thomas.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt
of Your Excellency's Communication of the 20th ult. No. 27 4/13, ac
companied by publication of the 16th ult N.o 256. T.B. No. 12.
I beg leave most respectfully to assure Your Excellency
that no time shall be lost by me, as far as local circumstances
will permit, in having the verification of the Slaves effected
on the arrival of the medical Committee in this Island.
With much respect
To and Submission
His Excellency I have the honor to be
The Governor Your Excellency's
of heureas Most Obedient, and
& dependencies Mery Humble Servant
The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim
of Saba
(Signed) E.J. Beaks.
Saba 16th May 1863. per Sch. Harbinger via St. Thomas.
Hith much respect I have the honor to acknowledge
ledge the receipt of Your Excellency's despatch of the 18th, Ult. N.o 26 3/12
I most respectfully beg to assure Your Excellency, that
Your directions contained in said despatch, shall be serictly
With much respect followed.
and Submission.
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's His Excellency
Most Obedient, and The Governor
Very Humble Servant of Curacao.
The Lieut. Governor ad Interim. & dependencies
of Sabas
(Signed) C.T. Beaks
Saba 1811 Mai 1863. her Schr. Harbinger via St. Thomas
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of
Your Excellency's Communication of the 24th March last No. 200/10.
accompanying Publication of said date No. 7
I beg leave to assure Your Excellency, that they shall
Hithmuch respect have my due attention.
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's
Most Obedient, and His Excellency
Very Humble Servant
The Governor
The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim. of Curacao
of Subas & dependencies.
(Signed) E.T. Beaks
dans son ouvrage de
Saba 18 May 1863. per Sch. Haibingervia St. Thomas.
Your Excellency's despatch of the 26th March last he
205/11. I have had the honor to receive, and Respectfully assure Your
Excellency, that your request shall have my earlier attention.
With much respect
To I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's His Excellency
Most Obedient, and The Governor
Cery Humble Servant of Curacao
& dependencies The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim
of Sabas
(Signed) E. T. Beaks
Saba 18 May 1863. per Schr. Harbinger via St. Thomas.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your
Excellency's Communication of the 8 a ult No. 224/16, accompanging Publication
of the 10th March last No 8._ I beg leave to assure Your Excellency, that
With much respect they shall be attended to
Thave the honor to be
Your Excellency's
Most Obedient, and His Excellency
Very Humble Servant The Governor
The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim. of Cmacas
of Saba & dependencies.
(Signed) E. T. Beaks
Saba 18th May 1863. per Schr. Harbinger via St. Thomas.
With much respect I have the honor to I know
ledge the receipt of Three Sublications received of Your Excellency dated
the Qr Ulto No 9, the 9th ult No. 10, & the 16th ult.o No.11, all of which I beg to
inform Your Excellency will be attended to. There the honor to be
Hith much respect To
Your Excellency's His Excellency
M: O. & very H. S. The Governor
The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim. of Curacav.
of Saba& dependencies.
(Signed) C. I. Beaks.
Saba 184 May 1863 per Sch. Harbinger via St. Thomas.
With much respect I have the honor to acknowledge
=ledge the receipt of Your Excellency's Communication of the 22nd. Ultr.
I have the honor to be No. 31. 6/15
with much respect
Your Excellency's To
Most Obedient, and His Excellency
Very Humble Servant. The Governor
The Lieut. Governor ad Interimof lemacus.
of Tabas & defendencies.
/Signed/ C. T. Beaks.
Saba 21st May 1863. per Sch. Harbinger via St. Thomas.
I have the honor to forward for Your Excellency's con=
:sideration a letter addressed to the Minister for the Colonies at the Hague
from the members of the Committee in behalf of the Protestant part of the Com munity, said letter was handed to the late Lieut. Governor, a few days
prevous to his illness, consequently he was unable to forward it to Your
Excellency, with his consideration, which would have been favor a
:ble to it, could he have had time to have done so.
I therefore beg leave most respectfully to inform Your
Excellency, that the want of Religions instructions in this Island, is
painfully felt, especially amongst the lower class, for when we are
faved with a visit from His Lord Ship the Bishop of Antigua, or
of one of his blergymen, which he occasionally permits, the church
is crowded with them, sage to hear the word of God explained, and to
have their Children baptized, but I fear those occasional visits from
the klergy cannot be depended on, unless an amount be graconisly
granted by His Majesty to assist us in defraying the expence attending
I therefore most earnestly and respectfully, them
entreat Your Excellency to use Your influence and obtain for us, either
an increase of the grant or permission to use it to see are quarterly visits
from a Clerryman, Your Excellency, will thus secure to this poor
Community a born of inestimable benefit, which will be remembered
with feelings of gratitude by them.
With much respect
and submission.
I have the honor to be His Excellency
Your Excellency's The Governor
Most Obedient, and of Curacao
Very Humble Servant & dependencies.
The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim.
of Saba.
(Signed) E.T. Beaks.
Saba 23.e May 1863.
I have the honor to inform you, that you are
hereby appointed a member of the Committee for the verification
of the Slaves of this Island.
I have the honor
to remain. To
The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim. P. G. Groebe Esquire
of Saba
(Signed) H. T. Beaks
Saba 23t. May 1863.
I have the honor to inform you, that you
are hereby appointed a member of the Committee for the verification
of the Slaves of this Island
I have the honor
To toremain.
M. Leurrock Esquire The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim.
of Saba
(Signed) E.T. Beaks
per Sloop Quin via St. Thomas. Saba 28.n May 1863.
I beg leave most Respectfully, to inform You
Excellency, that in consequence of having to attend personally
to everything connected with the Government of this Island,
with no one to assist me in the writing to pertinent, I have been
obliged to seem the services of jaicules Hassell Esquire, Record,
=er to the Delegated Beneh of Justice in this Island, by agueing
to allow him a pay of 1/4 per day, for the time he is assisting me in
getting ready all the certificate and statements attendant on the
I also beg leave most Respectfully Emancipation
to inform Your Excellency, that during the administration of
My Father, the late Lieut. Governor, he had the free use of my
Con-services in that Department, which enabled him to attend to
other mutters of the Government, at same time that his writing
Hoping that Your Excellency, was being done
will therefore approve of the aguement, I have made with
Hercules Hassell Esquire.
With much respect=
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's His Excellency
Most Obedient, and The Governor,
Very Humble Servant. of Curacao
The Lieut: Governor ad. Interim. & dependencies.
of Saba
(Signed) E.J. Beaks
Saba 28 " May 1863" per Sloop Queen via St. Thomas
In accordance with Your Excellency's re
solution of the 29th. Ulto No. 297/20, I have the honor to forward here
with to Your Excellency, a statement of Children, born in St
“lock, and out of Wedlock, in the Island, during the Years of
1861, and 1862.
With much respect
His Excellency I have the honor to be
The Governor Your Excellency's
of Curacao. Most Obedient, and
dépendencies. Very Humble Servant
The Lieut. Governor ad Interim.
of Saba
(Signed) E.T. Beaks
Saba 28 May 1863. per Sloop Queen, via St. Thomas.
Your Excellency's Communication of the 3 Ombre
No. 37 7/22, tupernied by 50 o'blank certificates for the names of
the Slaves to be affranchised, and 200 blank forms, as statements
of the allowance to be granted for the Slaves.
I have the honor to be
Hith much respect
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Governor Most Obedient, and
of Curacao. Very Humble Servant
& dependencies. The Lieut. Governorad. Interim.
of Cabas
(Signed) E.J. Beaks.
Saba 28: May 1863. her Sloop Queen via St. Thomas.
Your Excellency's resolution of the 28 ults
No. 287/17, accompanied by publication of the 28 ult. No. 14, I have
With much respect had the honor to receive.
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's
His Excellency Most Obedient, and
The Governor Very Humble Servant
of CuraccoThe Lieut. Governor ad. Interim.
& dependencies. of Saba
(Signed) J. J. Beaks.
Saba 28. May 1863.
per Sloop Queen via St. Thomas.
Your Excellency's resolution of the 27: ult N.o 285/23,
kompanied by publication of the 19 March last No. 71. Sharrhad the
With much respect
honor touceur.
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's
Most Obedient, and
His Excellency
Very Humble Servant
The Governor
The Lieut. Governor ad Interim.
of Cunacao
of Saba
& dependencies.
(Signed) E.J. Beaks.
Saba 28. May 1863.
per Sloop Queen via St. Thomas.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your
Excellency resolution of the 29 ult.o No. 295/19, and the 30s ult. No. 303/21,
and I beg leave to inform Your Excellency, that the two policemen, are
I have the honor to be
„rived here on the 23.rd Instant.
With much respect
Your Excellency's
Most Obedient, and
His Excellency
Very Humble Servant.
The Governor
The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim.
of Cincaeas
of Saba
& dependencies.
(Signed) C.J. Beaks.
Saba 28. May 1863.
per Sloop Queenvia St. Thomas.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your
Excellency's, resolution of the 28 ult No. 292/18, and I beg have respectfully
to inform Your Excellency that the two medical commissioners accom
=panied by J.G. Gwebe Esquire, Secretary of St. Enstatius, arrived here on
ie Saturday
us Saturday the 23.th Instant, that the verification of the Haves of this
Island, commenced on Monday the 25th. Instant, ended on the 20
and that they left the following morning.
With much respect
I have the honor to be
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Gorrnor Most Obedient, and
of Curacao Very Humble Servant
& dependincies The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim
of Sabas
(Signed) E.J. Beaks.
Saba 29.e May 1863.
Your communication of 27.th Instant, came to hand
this morning, I regret to find by it, how disorderly the Slaves and other
persons in your quarter are, I have sent you two of the police for the day
unless it is absolutely necessary for them to remain over the night, if you
can identify any of the Kioters and have them taken in custody by the
blice, I will have them punished.
In reply to your request, that two of the police should
be stationed in your quarter, I have not the least objection, provided
the Majesty of the respective oriesponsible part of the people will aa
=duss a petition to me to that effect, that Peter Hassell Esquire, as a
member of the deligated Bench of Justice in this Island, will agree
to take them under his especial supervision, and that suiteible ac
„commodation can be obtained for them.
With sentiments of Estum.
The Ruizend
The Lieut. Governorat. Interim.
S. P. S. Hoch of Saba
Pastor (Signed) E.J. Beaks.
Hinewand Side.
habe 5te. Juni 1863.
per Schooner May Flower.
I do hereby authorize you to receive for the Govern
ment of St. Eustatius, the amount already due, and what may have
after become due to the Policemen stationed in this Island.
I have the honor it be
Your Most Obedient Servant
N. Mussenden Esquire.
The Lieut. Governorad. Interim St. Eustatius.
of Saba
(Signed) E.J. Beaks.
Saba 5te. Juni 1863
per Schooner May Flower.
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency, that
in accordance with a disposition, received by the late Lieut. Governor of
this Island, from His Excellency The Governor of Curacao & dependencies,
dated the 14th. March last, No. 170/9, wherein he was directed by His Excell:
to apply to Your Excellency for £25, payment for copying the Regulation
of the Telegated French of Justice of this Island- Ithenfore take the
liberty of asking that Your Excellency, will please pay said amount
to Mr. William H. Beaks, who will give Your Excellency, the necessary
de receipt for the same.
With much respect
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's
Most Obedient Servant
His Excellency
The Lieut. Governor ad Interim.
The Lieut. Governor
of Saba
of S.Eustatius
(Signed) E.T. Beaks.
per Sch.r HaterHitch via St. Thomas. Saba 26. Juni 1863.
I have the honor herewith to forward to
Your Excellency, a statement of the repair of the Prison of this Island
which hasexceeded the amount asked for His Excellency the
Hith much respect
late Lieut. Gerarna.
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's
Most Obedient, and
His Excellency
Very Humble Servant
The Governor
The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim
of Curacao
of Saba
& dependencies.
(Signed) E.J. Beaks.
Saba 3d. July 1863.
per Sch.r Hater Bitch via St. Thomas.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of
Your Excellency's Communication of the 12th. June No. 60 10/32, accom
=panied by 15 Copies of a proclamation to the affranchised popula=
=tion in the Colony, requesting me to have it proelaimed in this
Island on the 1st. July, anchto invite the Clersy to dothe same
on that day in the churches.
I beg leave to inform, Your Excellency, that in ac
cordance with said request, It was duly proelaimed, and every
thing connected with it, was conclucted in a quiet, and orderly
with much respect
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's
Most Obedient, and
His Excellency
Very Humble Servant
The Gorrnor
The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim.
of Cuncieau.
of Saba
& dependencies.
(Signed) E.J. Beaks.
per Schooner May. Hower via St. Thomas - Sabas 12.e June 1863.
S. v.
In accordance with Your Excellency's Com
munication of the 1st. Ulto No. 47 9/25, I have the honor to forward here
with to Your Excellency, Statements of the unprovided orphans, and
those who require assistance in the Island, as also the number of
lepors- and Respectfully beg to be allowed to add, that there are
manyaged ones who can for a short time longer provide for them
=selves but after that will require support from Government.
With much respect
I have the honor to be
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Governor. Most Obedient, and
of Cinacao Very Humble Servant.
& dependencies. The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim
of Saba
(Signed) E.J. Beaks.
per Schooner May Flower via St. Thomas, Saba 12.e June 1863.
In accordance with Your Excellency's Communica
tion of the 11th ult. No. 40 8/24, I have the honor to forward herewith to your
Excellency, statement of the number of slave ownes in the Island, the
number of Slaves given up, and the number of slaves found present,
I have taken the liberty of also sending for Your Excellency's further
information a statement, amounting for some of the absent Slaves.
Respectfully beg to inform Your Excellency, that the
inscriptions by families of the Slaves, alluded to in article 16, of the Law
for the abolution of Slavery, are finished.
I have the honor to be
To with much respect
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Governor M.O.t very Humble Servant
The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim. of Cinacao
of Sabas & dependencies.
(Signed) E.T. Beaksr
Most Obedient, and
Very Humble Servant
The Lieut Governor ad Intuim
of Saba
(Signed) E.J. Beaks.
Saba 2.e July 1863.
per Sch. HaterHitch via St. Thomas.
Your Excellency's resolution of the 26 May,
N.o 376/28, I have had the honor to receive.
With much respect
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's His Excellency
Most Obedient, and
The Governor
Very Humble Servant of benacco.
The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim & dependencies
of Saba
(Signed) C.J. Beaks.
Saba 2.e July 1863.
per Sch.r Waterpitch via St. Thomas.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt
of Your Excellency's resolution of the 11th. June, No. 441/34, wherein
it has pleased, Your Excellency, to appoint A.H. Menge, as Brigadier,
I have the honor to be
of this Island.
Hith mich respect.
Your Excellency's
Most Obedient, and His Excellency
Very Humble Servant
The Governor
The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim
of Curacco
of Saba
& dependencies.
(Signed) E.J. Beaks.
per sehr Vaterstitch via St. Thomas Saba 30.e June 1863.
Your Excellency's resolution of the 3rd. Inst.
Chs 40 4/33, I have had the honor to receive.
With much respect
I have the honor to be
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Governor Most Obedient, and
Very Humble Servant. of Curacao
& dependencies The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim.
of Saba
(Signed) E.J. Beaks.
Saba 2d. July 1863. per Sch. WaterMitch via St. Thomas.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt
of Your Excellency's resolution of the 26.th May, No. 371./27.
I have the honor to be
To With much respect
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Governor Most Obedient, and
of Curacao Very Humble Servant
& dependencies The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim
of Saba
(Signed) E. T. Beaks
per Sch. HaterMitch via St. Thomas. Saba 2.e July 1863.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt
of Your Excellency's resolution of the 12.th June No. ab 5/35.
with much respect
His Excellency I have the honor to be
The Governor Your Excellency's
of Curacav.
& dependencies.
per Schr Hater Titch via St. Thomas. Saba 3rd July 1863
Your Excellency's Communication of the 13th.
June, No. 66 13/36, kompanied by publications, I have the honor
to receive, and I beg to inform, that I have acted in accordance with
Hith much respect
Your Excellency's directions.
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's
Most Obedient, and
His Excellency
Very Humble Servant
The Governor
The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim.
of Curaces.
of Saba & dependencies.
(Signed) E.J. Beaks.
Saba 4.e July 1863.
per Sch.r HaterHitch vice St. Thomas.
I have the honor to forward herewith for Your
Excellency's consideration, three small Bills, amounting to £15.40
against H. Haarlyick Policeman, for attendance, Bredecine, &c. &c, during
a late illuiss, I have never been informed on that subject, if the Govern
ment, or the Policemen themselves are to pay such expenses.
Very Respectfully
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's His Excellency
Most Obedient, and
The Governor
Very Humble Servant
of Curacao
The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim
& dependencies.
of Saba
(Signed) C. I. Beaks
per Sch.r Hater which via St. Thomas. Saba 2. July 1863.
Your Excellency's resolution of the 26 May No. 173/36
With much respect I have had the honor to receive.
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's To
Most Obedient, and His Excellency
Very Humble Servant The Governor
The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim of Curacao
of Saba & dependencies.
(Signed) E.J. Beaks.
Saba 2d. July 1863. per Sch. WaterMitch via St. Thomas.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt
of Your Excellency's letter of the 17th. June No. 57 11/31, requesting me to
forward to Your Excellency, a complete Copy of the statement of
the allowance to which the slave, owners in this Island are
entitled, in compliance therewith I now have the honor of
forwarding to Your Excellency, said statement, it contains
the whole number of Slaves, for whom allowance maybe
granted, that is, those who were present, those whose ab=
-sent on board of Vessels rwned, or partly lwnedby Kitzens of
this Island, and those who were absent with permission, the
latter in accordance with Your Excellency's resolution of the 11th.
with much respect Februarij 1863, No. 93/4.
I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's To
Most Obedient, and His Excellency
very Humble Servant The Governor
The Lieut. Governor ad Interim. of Curacao.
of Zaba. & dependencies.
(Signed) E.J. Beaks.
Saba 8t. July 1863. per Sch. Hater Bitch via St. Thomas
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of &c.
Excellency's resolution of the 22d. June No. 471, by which it has
pleased Your Excellency, to appoint Mr. Levenock Esquire to be
Gezaghebber of this Island, and that it has pleased Your Excellency
togive me my honorable discharge, as bezaghebber ad Interim, which
I have this day assigned to said M. Levenock Esquire.
I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your Excellency's His Excellency
Most Obedient, and The Governor
Very Humble Servant.
of Curacao
(Signed) E.J. Beaks. & dependencies.
Saba 11t. July 1863.
per Schr Hater Bitchvia St. Thomas.
I had the Honor on the 5th. Instant, to recui
my appointment as Gezaghebber of this Island, from Sr. Excellency
under date of 22rd. June 1863, No. 471, allow me to assure Sr. Exelling
that I feel flateful for, and flatlered by it, and that my constant
endeavours shall be to prove myself deserving of the confidence
Your Excellency, has placed in me, and to administer the Govern=
ment to the best of my Cebilibies, I was duly swomn in Office on
the 8th. Instant- I beg however to be allowed to represent to
Your Excellency, that the small few derived from the Office of
Gezaghebber of this Island, have to be collected in such paltiz
ways, that even with the addition of the pay of Six Hundred
Guilders, which His Majesty has been Graccously pleased to cet=
=tach to it, will be insufficient to enable me (deprived as I will be
of attending to any other occupation (to main him theandignity of
a Gezaghebber, to furnish a suite house for Government, and
court house, and to keep a Horse, which is pluspensably ne=
Saba 7.e July 1863. per Schr Hater Bitch via St. Thomas
I most respectfully beg to inform Your Excellency,
that in Conformity with Your Excellency's directions, contained in your
dispatch of the 11th. June No. 56 10/30, I handed personally to His Excellency
The Lieut. Governor of St. Custatius, the verified list of Slaves, and the
Statements mentioned in article 9 of the emancipation law.
Thave the honor to be
with much respect. To
Your Excellency's His Excellency
Most Obedient, and The Governor
Very Humble Servant of Curacav
The Lieut. Governor ad. Interim. & dependencies.
of Saba
(Signed) E. T. Beaks.
Saba 7th July 1863. per Schr Water Bitchvia St. Thomas.
I have the honor to acknowledge the re
ceipt of Your Excellency’s communication of the 22th. June No.74 17/89
wherein Your Excellency, request to be acquainted with the number
of days, Mr. Hereulis Hassell, was assisting me in getting ready the
bestificates &c attendant on theI mancipation.
I have the honor here with to forward to Your
Excellency, Mr Hassell's account for the same.
Very Respectfully
I have the honor to be To
Your Excellency's His Excellency
Most Obedient, and The Governor
Very Humble Servant. of Curacao.
The Lieut. Governorad. Interim dépendencies.
of Saba
(Signed) E.T. Beaks.
can produce three or four letters which the received from another
acht man, a friend to both parties, that he may see the contents
of them, she declares that they were kindly letters, and have been
destroyed by her, her Father has made a demand, that he be com=
=pelled to many her, or make a provision of $200, yearly for
=port of her and her child. please inform me how you would de=
I have the Honor -cide such a case.
to remain
The Lieut. Governor of Saba.
(Signed) M. Leverock His Honor
The President of the
Count of St. Custatius.
Saba 17. July 1863.
I have the Honor to forward to Your Excellency, the
oppositions (as per the accompanying list) which have been
entered here, against the payment of allowance to be granted to
certain late slave owners in this Island.
Ialso beg to forward two documents relative to
an amount due the Government.
I have the Honor
to remain.
Your Obedient Servant His Excellency
The Lieut. Governor of Saba The Gezaghebber
of St. Custatius. (Signed) M. Leverock
=cessary, In fact it is notandiquate to the trouble attending the
Gorzning a community like the one in this Island, without
anyperson, except the police, to assist, particularly at the person
moment, when the authority of the master has just been re
moved from about Seven hundred persons, who will require
a watchful eye to be kept over them, in order to protect their rights,
as wellast to keep them quit and orderly. I therefore earnestly
entreat Your Excellency, to represent my case to His Majesty, and
obtain an increase of the pay from Six to Iwelve Hundred Guilders.
I beg also to present to your Excellency, that as I
have not had the advantage of a butch Education, I am unable to
understand any documents, which may be sent to me in that
language, I must therefore ask that I am Excellency, will be pleased
to Authorize me to send such documents to St. Eustatius, to J.L. Groebe
Esquire, to have them translated, and at same time authorize His
Excellency The Gezaghebber of that place, to pay the cost of such
I have the Honor translations.
Very Respectfully To
Your Excellency's His Excellency
Most Obedient Servant The Gorkrnor
The Lieut. Governor of Saba of Curacao
(Signed) M. Levenock. & dependencies.
Saba 16 July 1863. per
I have the honor to represent to you, that there
is a case before the deligated Binch of Justice of this Island, which we
are unable to give sentence on, owing to our not having the Law by which
such cases are decided, I must therefore ask Your Honor, to inform me
thereon, if you please, The case is this, a Young Man has been courting
a Young Roman for nearly four years (: both are still young) she is
now in a state of Prignacy for him, and he refuses to Marry her unless
and demanded that he should be punished, His Excellency not being
able to attend to it immediately, told her he would do so as soon as con=
venient, on the 26th. the called again, His Excellency was yet unable to
attend to it, on the 30a. the sent a report to him, that she had had just
before day light that morning a miscarllage, and that it was caused
by the blow the had received, which he very much doubted, as is both
occasions of her calling on him she appeared perfectly well, and did
not complain of suffering in any way, and had walked each time
at least, three miles on a bad road to call on him, she had also called
on Miss Anne Denzey in a very violent passion, vowing what she
would do to Benjamin, if she did not get satisfaction. on the 11 June
the Uelegateel French of Justice held it Sessions, but she was unable to
attend, the day before yesterday it again did the same, when I brought the
case before it, the appeared and declared, that the said Benjamin had
struck her on her back, as well as on her thought, and that the thought
her miscarilage was caused by the blows she had received from Benjan
the cannot produce any witness who saw Benjaminstrike her, Benjamin
declares that the made the first attack on him, by calling him a chief
and stuck him with a stone, which he returned, the admits having
first called him a thief butdenies having struck him, yesterday I re=
quested the attendance of the Midwise who attended her at her mis=
carriage, but she was too infirm to appear. This morning in company
with the Recorder of the deligated French of Justice, I called on said
midwife (:an uneducated old black woman) who declared that she was
in attendance on the said Pleasant Woods, on the morning of the 30th May
last, when she had a premature delivery, that these was aDievering of
life in the Child at its birth, but that it consired immediately, the Child
was of a fellowish completion and had a black mark on its back,
but that on account of her imperfect or limited knowledge of mid wifery, she was unable to say what had caused the premiere birth,
a similar declaration was made by another black woman, who
was also present. The said Pleasant Woods,ésclares, that the had
entered herewith month of pugnacy
List of Oppositions
against whom By whom made.
Edward Beaks. Benjamin Jacobs
do. J. G. Groebe
M. Leverock do.
J.J. Simmons E.S. Delisle._
Ann Hassell. D.J.H. Every.
D.J.H. Every. Charles Mussenden
do. N. Mussenden
Estate Abram Hassell W. A. Cruger
do D.T.H. Every
Phionix Holm N. Mussenden.
Elizabeth Linzy James Hill_
J. G. Hassell D.J.H. Every_
Esther Mardenboroughdo.
Margaret Vinzy. de la
Henry Hassell W. A. Crugen
Ann E. Leverock.R. Jeanroy
Esther Mardenborough, N.T.M. M. Leverock
Saba 18e. July 1863. des
I must request that your Honor will be pleased
to advise me how the following case is to be disposed of, as the
membus of the deligated lands of Justice of this Island, thinks
it beyond their competency, as there is no medical practitioner in
the Island, whose opinion can be consulted- The case is this, on
Saturday the 23th. May last, a free black woman named Pleasent
Hoods, living in a village at some distance from the town, reported to
the then acting Lieut. Governor, that on that day, the had, had a dispute
with a black man named Benjamin, than a Slave of Bmiss Anna Vinzess
and that he had struck her with a stone on her shoulder, and demanded
I have the Honor
To remain
Your Obedient Servant
The Lieut. Governor of Saba His Excellency
(Signed.) M. Levenock. The Gezaghebber
of St. Custatins
Saba 24. July 1863
Your communication of yesterday's date was
duly received, and I have given due publicity to it.
In reply to your request to be informed, if there are any mind
or persons put under Curators who are entitled to compensation, I
must remain that the local Government does not intefere in the de=
=vision of property between a surviving parent and Children, that
is, if one parent dies, the surviving one keepsthe property together for the
good of the children, that there are none under Curators, Showever
annex a list, as far as Jean ascertain of the orphans who are in
=titted to compensation money.
It has just been reported to me by Sally Cort, the Mother
of John Richardâged 19 Years, who appears on the list of Mrs. Rebicca
Mardenborough's Slaves, that there is an appearance of his becoming
alepor, the report to you in order that you may decide whether his
late owner is entitled to allowance or not, there is no medical practition
in the Island, whose opinion can be consulted, as to the state of his
I have the Honor
to remain
The Lieut. Governor of Saba
(Signed.) M. Levevek. J. G. Groebe Esquire
St. Custatius.
The difficulty indeeiding the case is the want of a medical man's
opinion, whether the miscaniage was caused by the blow [: nearly seven day]
after it had been received or not, and the woman perfectly well during
the interval.
Copies of the declarations can be forwarded to your Honor if
I will keep the case open until as requirat
Shave the Honor wised by your Honor.
To remain
The Lieut. Governor of Gaba.
leharged with the Public Minister His Honor, the officer
(Signed) M. Leverock. charged with the
Public Minister.
St. Custatius.
Saba 21st July 1863. pev
I have the honor of forwarding to Your Excellency
three more documents relative to the amount due the Government by the
own us of the late runaway slaves, beginning that they may be of service
to Your Excellency, also a statement of the mode of payment asked for by
some owners of the late Slaves, at two public mutings held by the late
Lieut. Governor, and also a bertificate relative to the Man, Joseph who
belonged to Mr. James S. Hinsield, and was absent at the time of the verifi tion on board the Retherland Schooner Casket=
It is with regret that I must inform Your Excellency of the
inconvenience there will be attending documents of authorization to re=
=ceive amounts of allowance being signed before me, by aged, and in
=firm parties, and by females residing in the most distant villages of this
Island, I have therefore directed such persons, at the village of Hell’Gate to
Sign their documents before James Harton Esquire, president of the deliga
=ted Binch of Justice, and obtain from him on the documents the same
declaration as I make on those signed before me.
Hoping that, that arrangement will meet Your Excellency's
Annie Augustus. 1827
Robertine Dinzey.
Ing Childen of Joanna O. Horton (widow
Benjamin K. Stright
Clarance Conradi H.
Joseph Benjamin Harton Son of Catharina M. Simmons (widow)
Amanda 6. Childen of Margaret Vinzey (widow),
John M. Simmons the has three others of age.
Elizabeth H. Daughter of Rebicea Simmons (Widow)
Esther Daughter of John Peterson, and Heir of
ai. Elizabeth Peterson.
Daniel Son of Ann Hassell (widow)
Catherine Daughter of Clenor Hassell (Widow)
Marion Childen of M. Levenockby his late wife
Williamdiea Ann Rebella, grand daughter of James
and Mary Simmons, and daughter Anna Gossling.
of Edward and Ann Beaks.
Jusan Louisa Orphan's of Peter and Ann Simmons
Edward James (deceased), they left another Child
Moses Levenock Peter Gossling, who is of age.
Elener Johnson, of age, but is an idiot.
Saba 24 July 1863. her
I have the honor to forward herewith to Your
Excellency, the following pieces, required of me, from the 1st. July,
1862, to the 30.th Juneths Year. Vizt.
a Tabular of Mariages Solemnized.
a Tabular of Births.
a Tabulen of Deaths.
also, a list of European Inhabitants, on the 30. June past.
I have the Honor
to remain To
Your Excellency's His Excellency
Most Obedient Servant The Governor
The Lieut. Governor of Saba of Curacao.
(Signed.) M. Levenock. & dependencies
Saba 24.e July 1863.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of
Your Excellency's letter of 2. Inst No. 82 15/38, I beg to be allowed
to express my regret, that anerior occured in the amount for
the support of the Lepor Peter, it is 25 cents per day, instead of
I have the honor
f 25 per month
to remain
Your Excellency's
Most Obedient Servant
His Excellency
The Lieut. Governor of Saba
The Governor
(Signed.) M. Levenock. of Curacao
& dependencies.
Saba 24. July 1863.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of
Saba 11e. August 1863. per Schw. Adolph
At the request of His Excellency the Governor of
burcicar and dependencies, I have the honor of sending to Sr. Excellency
a list of 18 Slaves, and their owners, who left this Island, with the
I have the honor permission of said œwnes.
to remain
The Lieut: Gorrnorof Saba
His Excellency (Signed.) M. Levrock
The Lieut. Governer
of St. Custatius.
Saba 11t. August 1863. per Scht. Adolph.
Iam directed by His Excellency The Governor of
Curacavand dependencies, to apply to Your Excellency for the follow=
f 40 to pay Hereules Hassell Esquire for his -ing amounts.
services in writing certain documents relative to the Emancipa
=tion in this Islandʒ 31.72 balance of the cost of the repairs of the
Rison in this Island, and f15.4.0, Cost ofedicine and attend=
ence for marichanssee H. Haaluyk, all of which I beg Your
Excellency, to pay to C.S. Beaks Esquire of this Island.
I have the honor
to remain
The Lieut. Governor of Faba His Excellency
(Signed.) M. Leverock. The Lieut. Governor
of St. Custatius.
Saba 11e. August 1863. per Sehr. Adolph.
Your Honors communication of 25th. ulto, are com=
=panied by declaration of Doctor W.F.Hvolge, relative to the miscainage of
Homan Pleasent Woods, were both duly received. I informed her hus=
band of the Doctor's opinion, and that your Horor had written to me that
should the case be presented, it ought to be submitted to the court of Judicatua
It appears that the Man Benjamin has left the of St. Eustatius.
Island in a clandestine manner, for on enquiry no one can be found, who
has seen him during the last forntnight. I beg to be informed by your
Honor, if it is obligatory on my part, should be found, to send him, and
Pleacent Hoods to your Honor. I have the honor
to remain
The Lieut. Governor of Saba To
charged with the Public Ministry His Honor, the officer
(Signed.) M. Leverock. charged with the
Public Ministry
St. Custatius.
per Schr. Express Saba 13th. August 1863.
As I have no instructions, at all events, none
which I can understand, relating to the punishment to beilleted
on the Maréchaussées stationed in this Island, for disorderly con
duct, and as I have but one space room in the prison, I must report
to your Honor, that there was a fight this morning between two of them
in their house, P.S.G. Royaars, and H. Haaluyh, from what Jean under
=stand of the case, it appears that the provision was given by the
former, and the first blow by the latter. If they who are to keep others
quiet, are disorderly themselves, it will be a bad example.
Awaiting Your Honor's answer.
I have the honor
to remain
The Lieut. Gorarna of Saba His Honor, the officer
charged with the Public Ministers. charged with the
Public Minestry (Signed.) M. Serzrock.
S. Hustatius.
Your Excellency's Proclamation of 1st Inst. No. 26, as soon as I can
get a translation of it, it shall be duly explained in this Island.
I have the honor
So to remain
His Excellency Your Excellency's
The Governor Most Obedient Servant
of Curacao The Lieut. Gouvernor of Saba
& dependencies. (Signed.) M. Leverock.
per Sch.t Adolph via St. Thomas. Saba 10 August 1863.
I had the honor on the 6th. Instant to receive
Your Excellency's letter of 21st. July last No. 88 16/42,Bequesting me to send
to Your Excellency, a list of the names of the 18 Slaves, and of their own
who had left this Island, with the permission of said owners, and
also to send a Copy of the same list, to His Excellency The Lieut. Governor
of St. Custatius. In accordance therewith I send
herewith to Your Excellency, the required list, and shall send for
first opportunity, a Copy to His Excellency The Lieut. Governor of St. Eus
I have the honor
to remain
The Lieut. Governor of Suba
The Governor (Signed.) M. Leverock.
of 6 marao
& dependencies.
per Sch.r Adolph via St. Thomas.
Saba 10.e August 1863.
I had the honor on the 6th. Instant, to receive Your
Excellency's resolution of 21th July last No.560/39, authorizing me to ap=
ply to His Excellency The Lieut. Governor of St. Custatius, for an amount
of f15.40, to pay the cost of "Medicine" and attendance for Maréchaussie
"Haalugh. I beg to assure your Excellency, that it
shall be duly attended to I have the honor
to remain
The Lieut. Governor of Saba
His Excellency (Signed.) M. Levenock.
The Governor
of Cunacao
& dependencies.
per Sch.r Adolph vice St. Thomas. Saba 10. August 1863.
I had the honor on the 6th Instant, to receive Yours
Excellency's resolution of 21st July last No. 561/40, authorizing me to
apply to His Excellency The Lieut. Governor of St. Custatius for an amt.
of f 31.72, being balance of the cost of the repares of the prison in this
Island I beg to inform Your Excellency, that it shall
"beduly attended to. I have the honor
to remain
The Lieut. Governa of Saba
(Signed.) M. Levenock. His Excellency
The Governor
of lemacar.
& dependencies
per Sch.r Adolph via St. Thomas. Saba 10e. August 1863.
Shad the honor on the 6th. Instant to receive
John Excellency's resolution of 21th. July last No. 562/41, authorizing
me to apply to His Excellency The Lieut. Governor of St. Custatius, for
an amount of £40, to pay Hercule's Hassell Esquire, for his ser=
vices in writing certain documents connected with the emance
=pation in this Island. I beg to inform Your Excellency,
that it shall be duly attended to. I have the honor
to remain
His Excellency The Lieut. Governor of Sal
The Governor
of Curacay (Signed:) M. Leverock. & desiens
good, when the persons had nothing to feel themselves with, and One
Guilder for releasing from prison. "I have been adopting the same ru
cule, but I think it right that I should get Your Excellency's Sane
tion to it, as I have had to imprison some of the affranchised, who
had nothing to pay those frees with, consequently the whole expence
has fallen on the Government, which now amounts to ƒ34,75x. food
I also beg leave most respectfully to enquire of Your included.
Excellency, if I can put persons who are imprisoned forstealing, to
work afen horns daily to clear the roads, through the town of
the loose stones, which are often incumbering them.
I have the honor
to remain
The Lieut. Governor of Saba His Excellency
(Signed:) M. Leverock. The Governor
of binacao
& dependencies
Saba 25h. August 1863. her
I beg leave most respectfully to represent to
Your Excellency (Inbehalf of my brother in law, Mr. James S. Hinsield,
who is absent :/ that when the law of 2.o August 1862, relative to the ab=
=clusion of Slavery in the Nethuland W.J. possessions, was proclained
in this Island, that helicned a man named Toseph, who was said
ing as book on board the eitherland Schooner Casket,idned and
Commanded by Joseph H. Simmons of this Island, that on the 4th.
November, he took said Man Joseph on shore to aurvait the vérification
but finding it delayed, and that the man couldearn nothing on those he
was induced to allow him again on the 6th. March to jo in said Schooner
basket, he was consequently absent on board of said Schooner at the
time of the verification in this Island, but returned in said Schoone
bibited to me, a bertificate of which was on the 18th. July, and was
forwarded by me, to His it. Governor of Schustatius on the 2d
Tuly, that he has refused toward any payment for said man
Joseph, although I made the demand in accordance with You
Excellency's letter No. 26 3/12 of 18th. April 1863.
I the fore most respectfully submit the case
Saba 16. August 1863.
per Expresse
Mr. Thomas B. Cappell of this Island, was duly
authorized to receive from the Committee appointed by Your Excellency,
to pay the amount an arded by our Government to the late slave
Owners, or additional amount of two Hundred Guilders for ac
count of Mr. James St. Winfield of this Island, for his Man Joseph, who
was absent at the time oforification in this Island, on board the Ne
"thuland Schoonenbusket, owned and Commanded by Joseph H.
Simmons of this Island, and registred at your Island, said Man
Joseph having returned here with said Schooner Casket, and verifice
by me, as per certificate sent to Your Excellency on the 21th. July last, said
Committee having refused to pay said amount, I beg that Your Excellency
will inform, what more is required to enable Mr. J. S. Winfield to receive
said amount, the demand being made in accordance with a letter No.
26 3/12 of 18. April last, from His Excellency the Governor of Curacao, and
dependencies. should the present application bechenfectory, please
direct that the amount be paid to Capt. William Simmons of this
Island, who visits your Island, per this conveyance
I have the honor
to remain
The Lieut. Governor of Saba celles ses
(Signed.) M. Leurrock The Governor
de lʼhonneur
delependencies of St. Centalius
Saba 24. August 1863. per Schr Arno
I beg leave most respectfully to represent to Your
Excellency, that the late Lieut. Governor had, on the arrival of the
maréchaussées in this Island, allowed them in the County of Seilors
the following few vizt. One Guilder for imprisoning a person
seventy Five cents per day for attendance. fifty cents per clay for
Your Excelleneys kind consideration, trusting that Your Excellency
will be pleased to take favorable view of it, and direct The Lieut
Governor of St. Eustatius, to pay the amount of allowance for
said Man Joseph. I have the honor
to remain
The Lieut. Governor of Saba
His Excellency. (Signed.) M. Levenock.
The Governor
of Curacao
& dependencies.
her Saba 25th August 1863.
I have the honor of forwarding to Your Excellency
a petition from Mrs. Joanna D. Horton, relative to a late slave of her's
for which His Excellency The Lieut. Governor of St. Custatius refuses
to award her any allowance. I most respectfully in
=form Your Excellency, that the statement contained in said
petition are all correct, the same having come under my im
- mediate knowledge. I therefore take the liberty of
adding my entreaties to her's, that Your Excellency will be pleased
traward her the due allowanceI have the honor
to remain
To His Excellency The Lieut. Governor of Saba
The Governor (:Signed:) M. Leverock
of Curacao
& dependencies.
Saba 25th. August 1863.
I have the honor to represent to Your Excellency, that I
have had an application from Brigadier A.H. Mange of the marchand is
to many him, but not knowing our law on that point, whether it was ne
cessary to have Your Excellency's permission first or not, I defer'd doing
so, until I could communicate with Your Excellency Will Your
Excellency therefore be pleased to give me the required information.
I have the honor
Heer Eyellenny
in sum of Gaba ¼ Govermer de