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No lea pa ra 'con t raden r y negar, ni para creer ni aceptar, sino para pesar y considerar. Bacon
Semanario dedicá na desarrollo y defensa di Interes general di isla di Aruba
Wilhelm inastraat 40. Oranjestad Araba
Año Uno Numero 14
Precio 12 5 Centavos
Departamento di Obras na un aspecto tan lúgubre y chanan pober di Santa Cruz, Puhlirac nf di ÇanirinH? trágico, como si fuera un lu- Sabaneta y San Nicholas?
pumicas OT ai ¿amana. gar cu mester to ró fo¡ Ki tempo nos l0 haya
Varios motivos agéno na contacto cu wowo Humano, bi doel di Landraad pa cu nos voluntad a impedí nos Qué contraste entre idea di su pueblo? di siguí e artículo cu ta otros países y es nan di nos Ki tempo lo nos mira a
encabezá e lineanan aqui. Gobierno! Taberdad cunos qui na Aruba un ambacht
Di awe en adelantí nos ta cementerio no tin e soberbio school pa nos jovenan? spera di por trata regular- bóveda manera esnan di otro Ki tempo nos meter di mente tur siman anba* e lugá, pero e por tin algún luz eléctrica lo baja na prys
tema aqui. Vamos al gra- dia. Nos no por comprende di antes?
no! ki doel e ley tin den exigí g Pícalo
no! ki doel e ley tin den exigí
Cementerio Public, di “a".
Oranjestad. bien cerca di castillo y pri
¿ = fSpor&Lt'a
cu nos y na e mes tempo T JL
pidi nos schirbi algo o mejor dl e ak1,
dicho protesta contra e no- R ¡ h d d¡ Sabaneta ta
kehabisando cue cemente
menterio ¿2
aqui. Efectivamente nos a ™ ¡S2? S: ^5
hní bar i nn hishita nerso- di .lama cu pa partí diZuid
Aruba Voetbal Bond
Competitie-stand per 29 April 1934
bai haci un bishita perso
asina bo jega na tres pia di Hoiiandia “J "JA e Ll profundidad, bota haya awa Aruba j r .
™ cuta difícil of imposible coba y elociUs
r„taSnadiïeedo g „di — ^ndo. Lo ¡ autoridad ^ Am vr Jz? 1 „ ««„oí competente kier duna nos un Trappers
TrT explicación satisfactorio ari- VaieTa ba e P unto aki? Ta di spera standard ^ a . ca ^ z ™ esaki no resulta otroTra- Re > ubliek
t caso y cu tal vez lo tin di WED
’ 6 y traba otro cementerio na o- TRAP
ld r=ad encartó cu ^
tomento tLTltema'y worde tira afó - - vao( .
costumbra di siglos cu Un equivocación tal vez? ■
semper a worde observá den .. . _
TUR nos cementerios, es E día di cumpleano di Su decir di dera tur morto cu Alteza Hertog Hendrik, es- WEI cabez pa West y no obstante dl . nos Q uenda Reina esaki, e a desconocé. ignorá Wilhelmina, nos por a oby violá nos costumbra, de- serva asina un bandera gran- prpy mostrando cu e acción ei dl " Oranje bula na un falta di tacto, di con- Forti Zoutman, y es cu S.A. Scheid:
sideración, y respeto pa nos a na £® na Alemania, siendo pueblo. un Aleman cien por ciento. H 0LU
r r,. i<_ j-.' Awnr nns n hn np nhservn
11 * !f|i 1 ill ill I
8 6 1 1 12-3 13 1,64
9 6 2 1 26-3 14 1,S6 9 6 2 1 13-4 14 1,66 6 3 0 3 13-6 6 1.
8 4 0 4 9-11 8 1,
9 2 3 4 6-13 7 0,74 9 3 1 5 6-21 7 0,74 8 2 0 6 3-14 4 0,50
ta dirigí pa medio di esaki, nan humilde saludos na tur nan admiradores, miembros y amigos.
3 1 6 6-21 7 0,74 New York Mail Mr. G. Vos has done his to say we have here some
2 0 6 3-14 4 o,5o part in assisting the fine Cricketers, who can
o i 7 4-19 1 o,i 2 Ayera atardi pa |_?*■ a && Cricketers here; he pled- properly defend Aruba a) UITSLAGEN „ Pan Bolivar» cu mail di New'- S ed to stick to them and gainst Curacao or any other -- VALERIA «York. Es vapor aki lo sali awe to place the Cricketers of country.
tardi atrobe directamente pa Aruba second to none on I do hope the Cricket lo_ 9 New-York. Hajando ocasion di a cricketing scale, having ving public of Aruba will
"? ai !, „ pa Yor tn at assistance the well come out to see us play on
-- ARU3AJR. gran judanza pa nos’comercio, known gentleman, Mr. J. Sundays. It is my fervent
1 ___ A. Maduro as Vice - Presi- hope to see in short, an
- 1 BFuiTinn dent. At the end of this Aruban Cricket Club play
D PROGRAM remitido Tournament, the Heinekens ers all Arubians, as I am
_ M . Dear Mr. Editor. Cup will be presented to the quite sure they will be hard
b Wei pi MMO ,i nin • winning Club. to be defeated as in foot
’ P cT-un»nn í ™l” Tben I want to thank ball, they proved to be good
<£ s it-, 0d “ b , er , for his sports. All those wishing
voor 6 Mei
3.15 p.m.
-- -- ■ „l_;_ _ 4.V.: ‘ ..i _vjuuuci lui ins spuit». rvu uiuse wisiiniy
Scheidsrechter: J. M. Wild. rSvS „'¡W? i 8® of tlle Oduber Cup; to learn to play Cricket,
4. 30 p.m. " secondly for the ordering may report themselves to
HOLUNDIA-VELOCITAS ™ ta and ^ 0 ' r "" ' *
Vadáver derá ta cabéz Awor nos a bolbe observa . ,, * , , wa \ thank the Bond. This Cup after Maduro; these gentlemen
nn^7nid Ñoord of West dia 30 di luna pasá, cumple- Scheidsrec hter Ja n Oudejan Mrs. Winkel and Ecury as being bought will remain will place you under the
nn 7 if»h valí no ta un asunto año di nos Prinses Juliana, - representatives here for the to be competed for by the right tuitors, free of char
d? mucho importancia Da un verdadero vástago di Cas “EL LIBERTADOR” Heineken s Beer, for their Curaçao Cricketers. Some ge, as for this reason we wo*de discutí tanto íe morto di O ran J' e > 100 % tambe, klnd of the Hemeken time ago Curacao defeated are playing two games each
ïfSiuSi £ot solo un chiquito bandera ho- ^os m f °rma 1> a Agencia de la Cup, also the gift of two us here and for this reason Sunday, one in Oranjestad
landésna Vs Forti Zout- w!h T h ° PG ^ al ? e ^ES ? San
QOTOaHDD pram anuí como man « Si p a S. A. nan a hisa cao el Domingo a las 8 p.m. en tne nemeKens emblem with them a visit in June 1934 with but few exceptions,
S vál otm ’no T un bandera oranje, lo taba- vezdelas6a g m P sev ^ other flags. We or- and reverse matters. when both games are play
menciona oportunamente, un temuy .justo y lógico cupa = namCTtoíÍMaXÍlth WM I want to thank all those ed at San Nicolas. The
S Qitn «intpncional» na Prinses Juliana nan ahisa ARC namem;on iviarcn lötn, iyá4, w h 0 assisted m oneway or g a mes start promtply at
fía Dueblo di AruEa y MAS GRAND! Ken- / ’ Töurnamcnt will la st ano ther lo further the aims 12.30 noon and finish at
contra su^ costumbranan v de por splica nos esaki? Cu motivo di promer aniversa- until July 8th,1934. There of Cricket here jn Aruba 6 p.m.; there is an inter
sentimiento costumbranan * ^ _ rio di Aruba Bridge Club, awe are 7 Cricket Clubs up to Their nameg wiR down va f of 40 minutes for lunch.
sentimiento. nnchi nn match lo turna Inca date entered this Tourna- • i.L _ i__. i • . n T i - 4-„_ j.u_ j?:_i
of a fine large Cup for Mr. G. Vos or Mr. J. A.
Nos, no por hasi otro, sino uni nos stem cu e di
S ueblo pa protesta contra i e sistema nobo aqui introducí pa algún autoridad, na nos justiciero Goberna
- K ■ V ~ , ' Tr . . , . ui icöuiiduu til e iimtcii. —-
na nos justiciero Goberna- Ki tepmo nos lo mira un ,-p- -. .,■
té 52LÍS ltg"^ ParqUe WUlem de Feli2 » Pronto Regreso F 0r Sale
pa en lo sucesivo e cadá- Ki tempo nos lo mira un Diarazon awor dia 9 di es
vernan sea derá di acuerdo principio na e profecía di i una aki Muy Rev. Pastoor 1 SINGER HEWISTITCHNG cu nos costumbra di tan- un camino nobo dl stad pa Zeppenfeldt ta barca pa Curaçao MACIT'F
tos años. Santa Cruz, bai uni cu ca- cu vapor El Libertador. Pastoor u
mina nobo pa San Nicolas? Zeppenfeldt, kende tin dos aña Electrically Equipped. Nos ta informa cu ta Ki tempo nos lo haya aqui Z,TludSTmk n nacítS! í U.S. Currency.
Ley cu en adelante tur un profesor cirujano. Ños ta desea Pastoor un a- » nil | u
cementerios nan muralla Ki tempo nos lo mira gradable estadía na nos isla her- 11 flppiy«j¿ Vvlinsimlliasiraai
meste tini por lo ' menos “Brisa di Aruba” sali foi mana y nos ta spera di mira ] Oranjestad
2 Metros di altura. Varios bao hala di La Union? Pastoor P ro "te cu nos atrobe. ii_,.
cementerios a worde trahá Ki tempo lo cuminsa cu
caba cumpliendo cu dicha combatimento di tubérculo- |l¡llllinilliltliilllllil!lllllll.lllll¡l!l!llllllllilllliii¡lllll!l!lllillillUIIIIIIIIUUililllllllllill!ilillllililllllllill:lillilllllllil¡liil»^
Ley, pero nos kier hasi so- sis? 1 1
lo e siguiente observación: Ki tempo lo nos mira un | B
Nos tabatin e oportuni- cambio den e pober hen- A mi ■ Uhq I dad di a mira y bishita denan, cu Dialuna ta pasa A"\l U UÖ I I QUII IU hopi cementerios na distin- den stad pidiendo limosna?
tos países, mes y den ma- Ki tempo lo nos mira un AK1Kir ., ...^ ees ADD1WA1
yor casos mucho mas ade- bon botica montá aqui den AlMlNUUlMUto ARRIVAL Or
Iantá cu Curacao; e cemen- Stad?
térionan aki tin tur nan Ki tempo nos lo mira un _ ^ ^
muralla di tres cuarto hasta fondo pa pobernan f undá? h8mOUS VaBTmanUnOCOlate
1 Metro di altura y ariba Ki tempo lo cuminsa cu
esaqui un reja of veranda di trabaonan di oro?
hero fuerte tur rohd, per- Ki tempo lo nan start RIOI IF-T
mitiendo di e manera aqui trabao na Eagle? HlyUL I
cu e publico por mira y com- Ki tempo Arubianonan lo
templa desde cualquier par- comprende cu ta El Des- 1TIFN7I F rlnrlrc anil uratrliae
ti rond, e bonito mausoleo- pertador ta nan courant? lULllLLL L1UUÍ5 dim WdlCIlcS
nan, monumentnan y esta- Ki tempo nos lo mira un
tuas, ect. En cambio nos fin na e articulonan den ittim"' k r i imrr a /vi
Cu motivo di promer aniversa- LU „ n % f ’ A u ¿ of Cricket here in Aruba. b p.m.; there is an ínterrio di Aruba Bridge Club, awe are 7 Cricket Clubs up to Their names w íu g0 down va I of 40 minutes for lunch. "° cbl . U J| l0 o ? r ma S a date + ent ® red , thls - Tourna - in the Cricket history of I do hope to see the fields
S££ SaSc. M I to occurrenMs^one was°forced Aruba ‘ Crick - et ’ « hile ^ thronge/with atoirers on Am. También lo tin tres pre- wn thJ ver y expensive, is very in- Sunday May 6th at San Ni
mios pa distintos juegos. Otro A wiinaraw until me next teresting once seen, cannot colas and each Sunday folsiman lo nos duna un detalle tournament. Our President, easi i y misse d. Cricket lowing, di resultado di e m atch. ~ has been termed the King I want to thank the E
- __ 0 . of Sports and one of the ol- ditorof the El Despertador
Feliz Viaje y Pronto Regreso I- rvp P dest passtimes in the world, for the kind offer made to.
■ Tbp Curnenn Prii»U'pfpi«c er»_ our Viep-Prpsidpnt t.n pnri«v
p dest passtimes in the world, ior tne kind oner made to. V-zuiCs The Curacao Cricketers, so- our Vice-President to carry HEMSTITCHNG me wee ^ s passed, competed a full line of all Cricketing punir against a selected eleven Continued on page h
wnh't from some British Men of__
ly Equipped. War > ] y in & m j n the harbour Advertise in
urrpnrv and won - That S ame P ro ' ,
urrency. ved that tbe cricketers of FI Desnertadnr halminastraat Curaçao can defend her a- WUUI
Apply.32 Wilhelminastraat Curaçao can defend her a
tuas, ect. En cambio nos fin na e articulonan den cementerio ta worde cera La Brisa, di Lora, Prikitur rond di tal manera cu ni chi, Zoutchi, etc? aun jegando na é porta, bo Ki tempo nos lo mira por mira nan; esaki ta du- partimento di lechi na mu
Famous German Chocolate RIQUÉT
K1ENZLE clocks and watches NIVEA Cream and NIVEA Oil
gainst any of the Cricketers You are bound to get of the world. I am proud result.
Bo por haya e
friu marca
cu ta esun mas gustá pa su calidad y pa su smak, cumpra na siguiente se:1ores:
STAD San Nicolas
Wong Kin Tang Toong
Diano Laclé Manuel Perez
Paris Rest Rafael Garcia
Rufino Salazar Fany Bar
j Rufino
Prys ta FI. 0.30 pa bleki
d. April aflevering vanh.t ^«riandschemaand. Ingevoerd door de ArendPetn,» SX‘
blad “De West Indische Gids” IS een bydrage versche- ruwe-olie 750 852.527 K.G. 888.093.673 two gtron F ¿ nava , po Wer8 tain and the United States,
nen van de hand van onzen stadgenoot en medev/erker, sas-ohe a.nu.uou „ t 00 . 0 n.odyj on oppos i te sides of the the principle of naval equa
den heer H. A. HESSUNG welk. bydrag, wy hieronder Uitgevoerd door de A^d Petndeum My P^he Japanese peo. «ty, j not o likel Lr tO g .be e
voor onze lezers in haar geheel laten volgen. stook-ohe k.g. ( 775.515.559) {¡ erstood in the United in the near future . B ui
De wereld tot over de ooren kerkgenootschappen: Protestan- 16 28*703010 ” ( 38 360 9081 ^^ate 8, Mischief-makers if another is held in 1935,
in''de schuld” was het opschrift ten 3114, Roomsch Katholieken gas-olie 28.703.010 „ ( 38.3b0.008) haye s t irr ed U n bitter fee- as expected, to meet COn
van efn artikel in de „Haag- 13146, Israëlieten 57. andere 242 gasoline 41.593.932 „ ( 69.773.550) jj in j ft is believed ditioni arising on the expi
sche Post” van 16 December j.l. geen 198. By het opmaken van Vervolgt bladzy 3 that this country is deter- ration of the present na
En al is Aruba de wereld met, dit verslag kon deze splitsing o- ^minoH to control thp Pari- val treatv Janan will in
doch slechts een eiland van 165 ver 1933 nog met worden opge- control tne raci val treaty, Japan win in
V M 2 in t hTr araibische Zee geven. ~ . n . XT Ocean; to befriend Chi- sist quite firmly upon a
meif’karïniet getuigen, dat het War Scares And A Big Navy^O^na as against Japan; and position of full equality
schulden heeft, al helpt het ern- Justitie ai RFRT 3HAW ^ to prevent acceptance of with England and Ámen
stig mede de schuldenlast, die ttro ^ on 97 q oy ALdtm ohaw Japanese policy in Manchu- ca.
Curacao aan het Moederland ” 6 strafzaken behandeld Continuation the technical sovereignty of ria. Since the ratios agreed
A 96 ?’ níeíS g fn deze f wden vañ waarvan 136 (1231 misdry ven en Japanese ambitions had China over Manchuria. The While observing the res- upon were worked out in
^nnomische achteruitgang wel de rest overtredigingen ; boven- become even more daring League of Nations disap- trictions of the Washington actual tonnage, it is the
een bvzondere plaats in, en in d* 0 * 1 ^73(125) civiele z ak eii. ter- than those of England at proved of Japan’s procee- Treaty as regards battle- present duty of the United
vergelyking met de rest van de wyl 84 ( 12 °) besdnkkmgen wer- any period. This little is- dings, aud Japan withdrew ships, Japan has been buil- States to build up to the
wereld is zyn positie ^nstig te ^nsdXTen istiSnomen ter- land empire had first shown from the League. Reading ding up the other catego- agreed limit. We owe this rTv e JÏ^^ wyl het aantal veroordelingen that it could fight by the history of the British ries of her navy, with an duty to Japan quite as much
heid van twe Petro- we ^ ens openbare dronkenschap crushing the Chinese navy, and other empires, the Ja- energy that would seem to as to ourselves. There were
feum’Comp van New Jersey en ed - daalde. It had summoned up its cou- panese had • decided that justify the widespread opi- hopefull changes*in the per
de Arend Petroleum My. De „ . rage and thrown off its sub- the world really respects nion that she is getting sonnel of Japanese govern
eerste handhaafde haar bedryf ver seer jectiqn to humiliating com- those who act boldly and ready for a naval war. It ment last month. A new
ripTMnon Het scheepvaartverkeer ver- mercial treaties with Euro- responsibly upon their own is not supposed that she Ministry of War sent forth sterkte, bouwde zeits m den loop eene sty ging vergeleken by pean governments. It had chosen lines. Japan had is building against the Bri- messages of good will, es
ollëtaïiks J en huizen voor de em- h A et J aar 1932 - ^ . 1933 dede n n leaped into the small circle no doubts as to the essen- tish. European experts as- pecially toward the United
ployé’sby, terwyl de laatste tot ¿ruba aan (de baaien te Oran- of g^t powers by defea r tial justice and histone tune- sert that she is building States. A new Japanese
een minimum inkromp. 3413 / 3235 ) stoomschepen me- ting the Russian army and liness of her policies on the against the United States. Ambassador, well acquain
Wy laten hieronder eenige offi - tende '34 574 449 m 5 bruto (31. navy. It had taken posse- Asiatic mainland. Congress, in the opening ted with this country
cieele cyfers volgen, welke een 539 575 ) en 19.021.111 M 1 netto ssion of Korea, and had con- What are the results up weeks of the present ses- through former diplomatic
bee'd geven ™ to i— o- (17.264.628) Daarenboven 439 verted occupation into full to date? Many a long chap- sion, voted the largest sums service, arrived at Wa
~ hef annexation. It had acquired ter, of ,cou4 istofe for naval construction .that shington.
mogen enkele cyfers lager zyn £ n etto (46 381) Er vertrokken railways and made other written in the future; but have ever been appropiated To strengthen the Amedan in 1932, toch is van achter- 3455 ( 322 7 ) stoomschepen met large investments in Man- i n these opening months of by any country in times of rican navy is to write an uitgang in algemeenen zm wei- een ¡ n houd van 34.504717 M 3 bru- churia. 1934 Japan’s new protege peace. The British are not insurance policy for Japan,
nig s P r .a ke - ho ^ n e J , de to (31.647.867) en 18 . 983.721 M» Technically, Manchuria i n Northern Asia, termed disturbed, understanding The menace of trouble is
tónvSde ° ngu 8 -etto U7.325.944) en 43d (416) was part of theChinese Empi- Manchukuo, seems to be that “Brother Jonathan” from this country, but
H il’&brutoTsiS e„ Z >. W that empire, had quite firmly established, will, from time to time, ? ro m the “yellow press”
Bevolking 864 M’netto ( 45 . 775 ). fallen apart through inter- while the League of Na- arouse himself to consider 0 f Japan, stirring up anta
In 1933 vermeerderde de be- Deze cy f e rs geven een beeld nal dissensions. The United tions plainly had lost most that naval equality should gonisms that might have volking met 857 personen enzy van het geweldig scheepvaart- States had insisted that 0 f its influence as respects be something more than a fatal results.
is ’ groo! verkeer op dit eiland, In dit gi^t China should not ^ dis- affairs in the Far East, theory. But the Japanese „ .
,e„ D dïïl s V X C te^h?yvln% “¡3, JSSSTS. membered while in process The hundreds of millions are Sound to .believe, that
een belangryk-hoewel dalend- k]pinp 0 lie-tankers begrepen, of political reconstruction. 0 f people known as Chinese we are thinking definitely
geboortecyfer nl. 781 (845). ter- gpeeiaal dient te worden ver- The League of Nations sup- will survive, in spite of po- of the situation across the
wyl het sterftecyfer terugliep me id, dat het aantal oceaan-tan- ported this view, and Japan litical vicissitudes. They are Pacific. I EL DESPERTADOR II
tegetS kWeren a ve™1n: &i a ' d e^n™933 “ w ? n . as Europe accepted lacking at present in strong When Anoth „ E courantaki público por cam-1
derde beduidend nl. tot 16 (36). wef 472 in m i932. De" Ameri- it, at least nominally. central institutions of go- Conference pré na tienda di «eñore» |||
derde beduidend nl. tot 16 (36). tegen 472 ¡ n 1932. De Ameri- * - - r _ r .w-- ..
Dit gunstig resultaat is _ deels kaansc h e employé’s van de Boldness of Japauese vernment. Ihey have SUt- Is Held I EMILIANO DE CUBA
te danken aan den arbeid van standard Oil Comp., benevens de Diplomacy fered much, but also have ! MIGUEL lacle
deNederlandsche gouvernements i evensm iddelen voor hun ,,com- gut Japan was not wil- learned something, through The ratio tive-live-three III MARIO CROES tj
vroedvrouw. missariaat” (winkel), worden re- ling to f orego the opportu- their years of devastating is not, as some people may I 1 '
Er werden meer huwelyken ge- gelrecht van New York naar A- t china?* misfortu- civil «trifp Whpn thev — --- :
sloten nl. 178(146). ruba vervoerd met de oceaan-tan- nity , - ^ISIortU civil Stnte. When they
Het aantal mannen en vrouwen kers. Het overige passagiers- en nes had given her in the choose to assert themselves ¡
bedroeg over 1933 resp. SC65 en goederenvervoer vindt op vast- great territory north ot the m a spint of national self
8549(8658 en 8099). Van het to- gestelde dagen plaats met de boundary line of what is consciousness, they will not
taal over 1932 nl. 16757 zyn op booten van de K.N.S.M. en de k nown as “China proper”, be the victims of outside
Aruba geboren 11427, elders in Red D. Line (V.b.), terwyl - j ak)an W as in actual con- interference whether from
^ B i„ b Sra 2e„" KH van^'de 55» tfBS ST- the market for Man- ^For
1829 in andere oorden 2203. De- Line en de ..wilde vaart” de ha- churian products. Thirtv the present, it would seem
ze behoorden tot de volgende ven van Oranjestad aanloopen. million Chinese farmers cul- to be best for them to j
, „gevoerd door de Standard Oil Comp, van N.J. ^ ^ ^ I
Ruwe olie K.G. (5.609.487.954) V er-run by bandits. Japan
stookX 71.456.429 „ ( 20.521.102) unde rtookto set MancW Navy I
gas-olie 440.000 „ ( -- ria in order. China, in turn, Strengthens the y i 1
kerosene — ( 52.725 L.) began to boycott Japanese These comments may | he DCSt KÜ0W1I <111(1 ffiOSt US6Q DTEIIQ
, , J oa. J A /vi n __ \T T goods. Japan made attack seem to have drifted away
Uitgevoerd door de Standard Oil Comp, van N.J. g pon china by sea, and from the question with ; C AII il A morirá ami flip
ctpnknliP 3 738 605.481. K.G. (3.487.308.078) Japanese troops advanced which they began, namely, Ul OUUU1 “ «IllCIlta auu UlC
mwe-olie *353.669.206 „ ( 516.317.399) by land southward from that of a possible war be- . • J*
dS-ohe 241,204.933 „ ( 53.416.229) Manchuria. tween Japan and the Uni- WestlllAeS.
Sine 1.842.824.400 „ (1.531.293.606) Japan, meanwhile, has ted States. From the Japa- ,
Wncpnp 124 086 683 ,, ( 9.723.779) set up the new state of nese standpont, however, ThU is the CEMENT you need for your construction,
asoline L. ( 1.412.414) Manchukuo, thus disowning all these phases of recent .
Boldness of Japauese Diplomacy
Conference Is Held
( 516.317.399) by lana soutnwara irom mai oi a possum: war uc( 53.416.229) Manchuria. tween Japan and the Uni
(1.531.293.606) Japan, meanwhile, has ted States. From the Japa( 9.723.779) set up the new state of nese standpont, however,
( 1.412.414) Manchukuo, thus disowning all these phases of recent L
in South- America and the West Indies.
This is the CEMENT you need for your construction.
Novela scirbi pa JORGE ISAACS
Diez dia a pasa despues uatumalugá e tan penoa conferencia. Como mi lo tabata sintimi capáz di umpli cu e deseos di mi taa ariba e trato nobo cu, seam é, mi mester duna Jaría en adelante y dolosamente procupá cu e prolosicion di matrimonio haá pa Carlos, mi tabata bus■a tur clase di pretexto >a aje)ami di mi cas. Mi i pasa e dianan ei sera len mi cuarto, pero mas /eces camnando den mondi •ond di cas. Mi tabata hiba jomo compañé algún boeki, ni scopet, cu nunca tabata tira y Mayo, cu tabata si : ruim! fatiga. Mientras mi tabata dominá pa un profundo melancolía y mi tabata trata di sconde den e útionan mas será, e tabata trata den drumi ariba e foyo seconan di unda e fruminganan tabata mo leste na cada momento.
Un mainta mi mama a drenta mi cuarto y después di a sinta riba e cabecera di e cama e a bisami:
-Esaki no por siguí asina: bo no por sigui biba di e manera aqui: mi no ta conforme.
Como mi a observá algún silencio, e a continué:
-Lo que bo ta bai haciendo no ta loque bo tata a exigibo: ta mucho mas; y bo conducta ta cruel pa nos tur y aún mas cruel cu Maria. E tabata sigur cu bo frecuente paseonan tabata cu objeto di bishita cas di Luisa pa motivo di e cariño cu nan tin pabo; pero Braulio cu a bin ayera tardi a bisa nos cu bo tin mas di cinco dia cu bo no ta bai aya. Ta kiko ta causabo e profunda tristeza ei cu bo no por dominabo e poco ratonan cu bo
ta pasa den sociedad di bo familia y kiko ta hasibo busca constantemente e soledad, como ya ta pabo tan enojosa nos compañía?
Su wowonan tabata yen di lágrimas.
-Mana, señora, mi a contesta-mester ta completa■ mente liber pa acepta of i nó e bon suerte cu Carlos i ta of recele; y ami, como amigo di djé, no mesté ha: si ilusoria e esperánzanan } cu meste alimenté pa e ser
- acepté.
Asina mi tabata revelé, i sin cu mi por a evita, e dolor mas insoportable cu
- a atormentami desde e ai nochi cu mi a tende di e j proposición di e señores di i M....E fatal pronóstico di 1 e dokter ariba e enfermer dad di Maria como tambe i e necesidad di separami di
- djé pa mucho sño ya no 3 tabata preocupami en vista -die propuesta ei.
i -Con bo por a imaginabo i semejante cos?~mi mama a u puntrami sorprendí, o —Apenas e por a mira bo ,- amigo dos vez dia e tabai- ta aqui algún hora y e oo tro vez cu nos a bai bi
shita su familia. kende cu ta conocebo me- ~E a bisabo asina?
-Pero, mama di mi alma, jor cu bo mes! Bo ruman -Si; bo tata ya tranquilizá ta poco tempo falta pa lo y mi, sabi cu e ta stima- di esaki, tabata kier pa mi que mi a pensa worde jus- do desde cu mi tabata ha- hisabo esei.
fificá of desparecé. Ta par- si boso drumi ariba mi ro- -Mi por bolbe ser cuné ma
cemi cu bien vale la pena dilla! Y ta awor cu bo ta ñera antes anto?, mi a puniera. kere esei? Awor cu mi ta tré locamente.
-Bo ta mashá injusto y lo papia cu bo ariba esei, a—Casi. .... . ,
bo arrepentibo di esei. Ma- sustá pa e sufnmento cu e -Oh! e lo disculpan», bo ria, pa su dignidad y su pobrecita ta trata di ocul- no ta kere esei? E dokter deber y sabiendo dominá su tami inútilmente. . a bisa caba cu no tin nin
mes mejor cu bo, ta ocul- -Mi no no kier ni un solo gun clase di peligro?; ta té hopi eos cu bo conducta ta instante dunabo motivo pa necesario pa Carlos sabi e
E one sufrí...Ta duro pa mi un disgusto manera bo ta sei.
ere lo que mi ta mi- caba di bisami. Bisami ki- Mi mama a mirami cu exrando; ta strañami tanto lp ko mi mester hasi pa re- trañeza promé cu e a contesloque bo a caba di expre- medié lo que bo a haya tami: ....
sa Ami cu a kere di du- reprochable den mi conduc- Y ki necesidad tim di oculnabo un alegría grandi y ta. w tele? Lagami bisabo lo que
remedié tur eos, haciendo -Asina mester ta. Bo no mi ta kere bo meste hasi, bo sabi lo que Dr. Mayn ta desea pa mi stimele mes puesto cu e señores M...I 0 a bisa nos ayera na su tanto cu mi ta stimabo? yega mañan, según nan despedida. -Si, señora, y asina ta; no a anuncié.
-Bisami, bisa, mi a suplí- ta berdad? Bisa Mana awe tardi...
qué ansiosamente. -Asina lo a ta, aunque cu Pero kiko bo por bise cu por
-Pa kiko ya? mi por a lubida cu no ti- justificá bo retraimiento sin
-María lo no ser semper ni otro mama sino ami, di falté cu e ordenan di bo tata?
mi ruman? e recomendación di Salomon Y aunque bo por a bisé
-Bo ta pensa asina mucho y di e confianza cu e ta- di lo que bo tata a exigilaat. Of ta cu un homber batin den mi, pasobra e bo, bo no por desculpabo, por ta caballero y haci lo pober ta merece y e ta pues pa haci ló pue bo a que bo ta hasi? No, no, stimabo asina tanto. E dok- hasi den e ultimo dianan,
un jioe dimi no por hasi ter ta aseguré nos cu e tin un causa cu pa orgu
un eos asina...Bo ruman!!. malo cu Mana ta sufn no lio y delicadeza bo no mesY bo ta lubida cu bo ta e mes di cual Sara ta
ta bisando un eos asina na sufrí. Pota a la pagina a
ƒ 1.669.163.-„ 469.343.
ƒ 2.170.758.-1932
If you want to drink a nice Whisky ask for
Robbie Burns
at WONG KIN (Central Bar) WONG CHENG KONG (Paris Rest)
A caba di jega na LA CUBANA un gran surtido di articulo di Voetbal como franelas di tur color, zapatos di diferente prys, medias di dos calidad . kniebanden, anklets, carson blanco y preto. Tres calidad di bala, bladder cu valve y sin valve y pomp ; toer na prys sumamento barata. Bin cumpra lo que mester, promqr cu nan caba. Toer e articulonan aqui ta di e famoso fabricá ingles
H. M. Arends
from page 2. ployment of her people at Aan „voorschotten aan den uitbetaald over 1933 /96.000.
If the American navy actu- home in manufacturing, with kwartiermeester’’ betreffende il05(MK)) ally assumes its superior large commercial expansion uitgaven der militaire politie werd uuo.uuu,. place, in accordance with on the continent oí Asia. Overzicht der ontvangsten: 1933 1932
the terms of the Washing- A first step should be ta- ten bate der Curacaosche begroo- ^
ton Treaty, it will protect ken by the Administration f f "
the peace of the Pacific in showing respect for Ja- 518.839,- .. 469.343.-
and thus serve the best in- pan's feeling of national g ' e 35.251,- 32.252,
terests not only of Japan pride. Aliens in these times - -
and the United States but are going back to their totaal ƒ 2.228.431.- ƒ 2.170.758.
also of the world at large, own countries in larger Overzicht der uitgaven: 1933 1932
In the long run, however, numbers than they are co- ten laste der Curacaosche begroo
all of these technical agree- ming here. There are no ting ƒ 656.899.- ƒ 776.007,—
ments about naval strength jobs enough for our own ten laste der rekening met derden,, 227.458.- „ 246.903,
cannot protect the nations citizens. Japan would take ^ / d KoL Ontvan
from the disaster of war. no advantage of equal treat- ger te Curaca0 „ 1.425.000,- „ 1.053000
There must be earnest and ment in the matter of im- totaa l / 2.309.357.- ƒ 2.075.910.
constant efforts to remove migration laws, and our ... ,, , , . . j- . . .
lnhnr markof «rill nof fomnt Aruba is geen noodlydend ei- Indien wy juist zyn mgethe causes of war and to labor market will not tempt land h etgeen u ¡ t bovenstaande licht, zal de Standard Oil Comp, promote friendship and good a fresh transpacific move- cy f e rs wel eenigeens blykt. van N. J. in de naaste toewill. ment of Oriental workers. Dank zy een degelyk beheer komst opnieuw tot uitbreiding
XA, rp L en na Uitvoering van de meest van haar bedryf; c.q. produc
We could /O' To be continued poodzakelyke publieke werken, t¡e , overga an, en de tyd zal
One Thorn Jnrir - !f m ?Ioó y k í?e 'íoao t rTc misschien niet veraf zyn, dat
I bin. i. de .J aren 1922 e T n 4933 ƒ 2-5 deze paarl der eilandengroep
We are in point of iacW Belastingen. CurS S n te S drag n en S Dit feS de e™tste olie-raffinadery ter
most friendly to the Japa- wel eenilfe voldoenine wereld . zal huisvesten, m.a.w.
nese people, with the griev- heven belasting/iTwL over het schenken als wy bedenken, dat de ¡!!V ei ÍJ3? 'zal^kiter^wv ons anees against them. We jaar 1933 ongeveer f 100 000 - tegenwoordige omstandigheden kroon steken zal. Laten wy ons admire them for their a- minder dan over het jaar 1932. van het gebiedsdeel tot bezuining X^en rnet de hoop dat wk mazing achievements. It De inkomstenbelasting bracht nopen Men zy er in dit ver- de lokale handel dit jaarweer has never occured to us minder °P nl - f145.017,- band tevens aan hernnerd, dat zal opbloeien en de stabilisatie un!? (391.917). in welke bedragen Aruba slechts een deel uit- van den dollar haar beslag zal
to trunk ot tnem as -ene- n j e ^ zyn begrepen de aanslagen maakt van onze West-Indische krygen.
mies. van de Standard Oil Comp, archipel en als zoodanig geen
It happens that they are van N. J., welke in Nederland autonomie bezit. Aruba, 21 Januari 1934.
a Drolitic race and at one worden betaald. Dit bloote cy- (Het cyfer tusschen haakjes slaat op het jaar 1932.) 4?~
fi»«l 4 -u ü ;_ V] I* fer zou overigens tot een ver- --—
p™s nop^ation Lemed in: KrzS'van SFR-ftS >NEDERLAND ^ V °° r
, soluble. Japanese laborers moet deals wonien tOtKLAHU otter der Twodei Kamer
I came in large numbers to zocht in het late verzenden Curaçao 300 jaar by yan de Staten-Generaal, mr.
; ^Nederland
III came in large numbers to recht in het late verzenST Curaçao 300 jaar by van de Staten-Generaal, mr.
lithe United States. This van de aanslagbiljetten 1933 / 4. Nederland Y, a r n T r T aa J- v ® or i} tter van
II mndp trnnhlp in California Ook de accyns op gedistileerd ncucnaiiu de West Indische Kamer,dr.
I and the other states of g «S¡?¿ £ Herdenking te ’S-Gravenhage W de Vlu^ burgemtester
sion ofTap^resé immigrante ™ JideTSk^ d £ Baronie ^fvTn Steen^
or.za- followed that of (ftinese recht f 449.983.- (318.368) . veiSSi van Cu- voorzitter der Eerste Kamer
lai laborera Japanese statesmen grondbelasting f41.931 —(3*t751) raca met Mederfand heeft S nde Staten-Generaal,E.P.
understood the situation, zich een eere-comité ge- ^^K^^Vereenigfn^^et
, o, odor ar l d were willing to res- en motorbootbelasting f58.080. - vormd, onder voorzitter- Tncfifnnt r A van
’ y sm trict the movement of com- (43.560.) schap van dr. H. Colljn,
■ata. mon labor from their coun- jniuymsten van onderscheiden aard minister van Staat, v^vSren g try to ours. In the time of minktpr van Koloniën De Vtin Vllbbmgen '
caba. President Theodore Roose- Deze inkomsten bedroegen in to- =
tingles velt, when Elihu Root was o?dcrd r itSd 73 ^i 3 o.a <6 fc 4 v" ) . volgln hieronder in alpha- VOETBAL Secretary of State, the fnc- gen de posten begrepen: Huur betische volgorde: jhr. mr. ’ 1
III tion in California was largely van landsgronden en eigendom- p. Beelearts van Blokland, Belgie - Nederland
I removed by virtue of a so- men f 40.387 -(42.074), dienst- v i ce president van den Raad 0 A
called “gentlemen’s agree- VJdlr™n% £§T van^tate, prof. dr. J j . H. p , 2 V 4 7 ,
ffl i n accord ? n “ . Wl ‘ h (mirahiSomstcnvindfS;;: Boeke, voorzitter van het ¡„ l°h«f
I which Japan undertook to tery/33.560.-(32.e61), opbrengst Indisch Genootschap, jhr. «' Brussel alles op het spel
III check the movement of la- vandenLandsradiopost/42.163.- d r . mr . L. H. N. Bosch ? etten om een overwinning
r . J l| bor to the California mar- (40.096), opbrengst van de Ridder van Rosenthal bur- * n de wac ^ lt te sleepen na
== ket, while the United Sta- ^dsteleton^.*- 1414|; ^ . ^adelyke neierlaag
I tes would . «»i subject Ja- SSt va^nZ wateASrie- ie, J. J. van Dam van Po- '« Amsterdam rznlangs rr.et
Pone semper bo anuncio den
Belgie • Nederland 2-4
Belgen zouden Zondag j.l.
Alcoholado Borinquen
De venta en todas partes de Aruba.
tes would not subject Ja- ge, J. J. van Dam van Po- ' n Amsterdam onlangs met
pan to legal restrictions n ings-dienst ƒ 34 ,022. - (16.937) lanen, directeur der Cura- ? . , roode duivels
that were nat applied to en de post „alle andere ontvang- caosche Handelmii mr dr bebben maeraaaa Hink parlabor from Central and Eas- sten /40.126.-(62.695). w Diikmeester directeur gegeven. Echter tegen
tem Europe. By de Koloniale postspaarbank j ‘ Hollandsche’ Bank voor s P e * van de Nederlan
Since that time we have West-Indie, mr. P .Droog- ^ a Z ¿ e “ ok Í c ° t nd h ^
brought immigration under ^rd /64.337. - Over het jaar leever Fórtuyn, burgemees- mel opgewassen, met net the restrictions of the exist- 1932 bedroegen deze cyfers resp. ter van Rotterdam, M. Fern- g e Y°lg dat de Oranjeploeg ing quota system. The Ja- /82.481,-en /52.847.-. By den hout, burgemeester van met ? er l i' 2 overwinning panese quota would have Postwisseldienst werd gestort ge- Middelburg, mr. D. Fock, naa J r i hu ] s terugkeerde. De been small, in any case, u?th? Minister vin Staat, dr. E » eds S dwerd bygewoond
and Japan was ready to ^ were/5lS - (72 Sï). Heldring, directed der Ron. d Xr 7S
agree that control would Deze twee diensten zetten min- Ned. Stoomboot My., A.W. xt , er , na, j r schatting 15000 be exercised by the with- der om, eenerzyds als gevolg van p. Idenburg, minister van ^ederlanders. De stand met holding of Japanese pass- de minder gunstige economische gtaat j hr mr dr H A van de rust was 0 -0 direct ports from laborers seeking Karnbeek, commissaris der daarna opende Betee de
to enter the United States. van d f N . v . HolUndsche Koningin in Zuld Holland, ^ F r„
President Roosevelt and Bank voor West Indie, de N. V. O. S. Knottnerus, president jf? j zf 1 ?
Secretary Hull could impro- Maduro & Cunel's Banken het directeur der N.-L. Gas My., V f” a 1!+ weds , tryd met
vc relations at once.by sho- g“ vand ™ J.E.F. de Kqk, lid van den ^XdSi'Sn
wino- rpirard tor TananP^P ,,wr 0 EjUm ' raad van Rphppr dpr Ra- a euigaen. u n was aan een
feelmgs in this matter of eeK^va^^/^.sT-Te 0 taafsche Petroleum My., jhr. 5^® , p ¿leS iet w£¿f M S5
w?uid ¿ ISC ofTo at value to RlStt UffortZmiJristr Ko- spoedfg alter elk^fmaaf
Japan to encourage a con- Restort welke gelden in 1932 by n i ng i n i n Zeeland, jhr, mr. \ e N ^ er ¿ a y d dr ¿f doel P un ' siderable movement of la- ^&SSSrl dr - A - Roe11 » commissaris J«¡* Ç,f^ lgen ^ lev J n dap ‘
bor to the United States. fe" S werf er ??duS“ra de’r Koningin in Noord-Hol- per volhonden ondanks onzen
J Japan now seeks the em- /2.300.—(1.875—) uitbetaald. land, jhr. mr. Ch. J,
Vervolgt bladzy U
te descubrí. Ata e resultado. Ta indispensable cu mi meste manifesta Maria e verdadero motivo di bo tristeza.
-Pero si bo hasi esei, si mi tabata libé den kere, kiko e lo kere dimi?
-Lo e pensa menos malo cu considera bo capaz di un inconsecuencia odioso.J - Bo tin razón «hasta cierto punto; pero mi ta su
S licabo no bisa Maria naa di lo que nos a caba di conversé.
Mi a cometé un error cu tal vez a hasimi sufri mucho mas cu é y mi mester remedié: mi ta pidibo solamente dos dias pá mi hasi esei manera meste ta. -Masha bon-e a bisami,
lamantando pa e bai-bo ta sali awe?
-Si, señora.
-Unda bo ta bai?
—Mi ta bai paga Emigdio su bishita di bienvenida; y ta imprescindible, pasobra ayera mi a laga bisé cu e mayordomo di su tata cu e sperami awe pa almorza.
—Pero, lo bo bol be tempran ?
--Pa banda di cuater of cinco or.
—Mi ta sperabo pa come atardi.
-Si. Bo ta satisfecha atrobe dimi?
—Como no!-e a responde sonriendo.- Hasta atardi, anto: duna mis saludos na e señoras.
E ta aigi
Acabamos de recibir un completo surtido de todas clases, de aparatos eléctricos, los cuales podemos ofrecer a nuestra distinguida clientela a precios sumamente económicos, tales como: Lámparas españolas muy artísticas para sala, comedor, dormitorio, oficinas y mesas de noche Cocinillas de 1, 2, 3 y cinco hornillas Planchas de 4, 6 y 7 libras Tostadores de pan y percoladores Maquinas para lavar ropa de distintas clases y modelos Ventiladores de varios tamaños Maquinas para lavar platos marca Cinderella Bombas marca Meyers con sus accesorios Aparatos para cargar baterías Rizadores de cabello de distintos modelos y muchos otros artículos mas muy utiles en los talleres, oficinas y el hogar.
Haga su compra ahora.

Central Bar
na skina di Panama Bazaar
Ta ofrecé na publico en general Ham, Worst, Keeshi. tur sorto di Bebida, Frutas > verdura bon fresco y bon friu. Tambe e Pineapple Juice di marca DOLE cu ta esun mas gustá
Wong Kin Central Bar
aan de hoek van Panama Bazaar
biedt zyn klanten in het byzonder en het publiek in het algemeen aan: versche Ham, Worst, Kaas, Vruchten en Groenten, alles uit koelkasten Ook sterke dranken en de vermaarde en door iedereen geprefereerde Ananas Sap DOLE
Wong Kin
Central Bar
at the corner of Panama Bazaar
We beg to offer to our esteemed clients and the public in general fresh Ham, Sausage, Chees, Fruits and vegetables, all kept in icebox.
Also the famous Pineapple Juice DOLE which is the best liked by all.
druk en maakten zelfs opnieuw een legenpunt, zoodat de stand werd 2-3. Vyf minuten voor het einde maakte onze middenvoor Bakhuis, het voetbalwonder, aan alle onzekerheid een einde door een toegespeelden bal van de achterhoede, regelrecht in het doel der Belgen te schieten op een afstand van 16 Meter. Het Wilhelmus daverde door de radio, nadat het eindsignaal klonk. Door deze overwinning en die op de Ieren met 5-2, heet Ned. zich in de semi-finale geplaatst om het wereldkampioenschap ne staat de reis naar Rome, waar de laatste wedstryden zullen worden gespeeld, voor de deur.
St Nicolas Store
A caba di jega na e mencionado establecimiento, lo siguiente:
Mi prysnan ta de los mas competente, manera ^temper. Hacimi un bishita y convencé bo.
La incomparable bomba eléctrica marca
Esta es la bomba indispensable para uso domestico. Hágame una visita y le haré una demostración. Ud. se convencerá.
Agente exclusivo,
Wilhelminastraat No. 50 ORANJESTAD
Nos ta ofrece nos servicio na nos distinguido publico pa sacamento di portret na c como tambe na cualquier industria afó den dia of anochi. Ampliaciones, retoque di fotografía y creyón, trabao di anuncios, etc. Tambe nos ta preparé cualquier trabao di Amateur.
Pronto entrega den 24 horas y material di primera clase.
This is the restaurant vou ought to visit when you wish to eat well and delicious. You will find here all what you desire and at your taste.
Call on us and we are sure to please you at any time.
Icecold refreshments and all kinds of drinks.
Three substantial meals for only FI. 2.50
Wong Chen Kong
Wilhelminastraat 73. Tel. 63.
Esaki ta e restaurant bo mester bishita si bo ta desea di come bon y sabroso Aqui bo ta haya tur loque bo ta desea y na bo smaak.
Bishita nos y nos ta sigur di .complacebo na cualquier hora.
Refrescos frió y tur clase di bebida.
Tres cuminda bon pa solamente Fl. 2,50
Mi a caba di ricibi un lote di e fomoso maquina di cose marca
den varios estilos, di pia y di man, na prys sumamente barata pa duna tur hende un chens di por cumpra. E maquina marca NATIONAL ta conocí den henter mundo pa su calidad insuperable y costura excelente.
Unico Representante pa A, H.
Tambe mi ta ofrece na publico en general un surtido di mercancía na prys casi regalá. Awor ta bo chens.
Wilhelminastraat 63. Tel 63.
Pa mas informes, WONG CHENG KONG Propietario.
DiaSabra dia 21 di luna pasé señorita ADELINDA LACLÉ a perde un armband di oro den forma di un hoepel, marca padén cu iniciales M. A. L. Si e persona cu por ahayé, kier ser asina bon di entregé na su doño, lo e worde bon gratified.
Gloria Theatre
with Lionel Barrymore - Lewis Stone Tuesday 8th. Fast Workers with John Gilbert - Mae Clark Wednesday 9th. Wet Parade with Walter Huston - Dorothy Jordan - Robert Young Thursday 10th. Hollywood, Cuidad de Ensueños All Spanish Talkie SATURDAY 12th and SUNDAY May 13th
with Jimmy Durante - Claudette Colbert
_ Royal Theat re
Saturday 5th. and Sunday May 6th.
with Nancy Carroll - Carry Grant - John Halliday Tuesday 8th. Looking Forward with LIONEL BARRYMORE
Wednesday 9th. Hollywood Ciudad de Ensueños Thurday 10th. WET PARADE with Walter Huston - Dorothy Jordan - Robert Young Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th
with Jorge Raft - Evelyn Knapp Dia Dominga mainta 10.30 a.m. y Dia Luna anochi 8.30 p.m.
“Divorcio en la Familia”
cu Jackie Cooper - Lewis Stone
E Película aqui ta bon pa mayornan y muchanan ,
PRINS VINCK tin gusto di participa na su distinguida clientela koe su Barbería lo keda será desde dia Domingo 6 di corriente te dia Viernes 11! i koe lo e bolbe habri dia Sabra 12 na ora di costumbre.
Continued from page 1
activities here; this will be the means of making known to our distant brothers the happenings here.
Cricketers of Aruba, show your appreciation by buying El Despertador and find out how. and who is the best Cricketer and what he has done, and in what manner the 'games were played.
The best Cricketers up to date are as follows, that is in my opinion:
L. Alexander S. Spanner
C. Bristol J. Alleyne
Jones V. Simeon
V. Wallace L. Bynol J. Jackson J. Hennis .
H. Amoroso.
E. Rodriguez
D. Reddock
W. Hillman A. Steward A. Hensen
Thanking you, Mr. Editor for the space granted and hoping to see a crowd on Sunday, I have the honor to be yours for Good Clean Sport.