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r**-»'? Iv. o-i ZATÜRDAÜ den 20sten AUGUSTUS, 1825 Deel XII!.
Gedrukt en Zaturdag's morgens uitgegeven len Drukkery Kantore voor ZM. dsn Koning der Nederlanden, dooi De lV.di.iv* V»'m Lei
Toen het oogenblik daar was, byzonderiyk
voor de kooingljke zalving door den arlsbisscbop van Rheims, veinsden deze kerkvoogd en medehelpers de grootste verwondering en ongerustheid, op het missen van de gewyde olie.— Dit schouwspel van verwan ing duurde eenigen tyd lang, toen de auteurs van hunne verlegenheid verlost werden, door de aankomst van cc ne duif, welke tot dal einde zoodanig is efgerigt, houdende een potje olie in haar bek. Boven
dien zyn alle getrouwe Freosolieo verpligt te gelooven,dat deze goedeKatolieke olie, dezelfde is, welke voor nepen & tien eeuwen geleden, vao den Hemel afgezonden is.
De Fransche dagbladen zyn opgevuld roet
uitvoerige verbalen wegens de pleglighedeo wei be by de kroooing plaats badden, waarin vele beezelachtigheden gemeld wolden en waarvan als een staaltje wy het verhaal zullen geven der plegtigheid by de Heilige zalving van de kroon op bet hoofd van zyne majesteit.
De koning zat en werd begeleid ven twee
kardinaals. De artsbisschop opendo belrelieke
kesje waarin bet gewyde vlesehje was en met
de punt van eeo gouden naald oam eea tveini de uit welke bjr mengda met geheiligde olie.— Het koor zong de Arnhem, GentemFrancorutn inclttam. cyc.
De twee kardinaals openden da plaatsen in
het geroesd van don komst* waar de salting
moest geschieden en begeleiden zyne msjestcit naar het altaar, alwaar by nederknielde op een daartoe gemaakte kussen De vier prelaten
die belast waren met het zingen van de Litanie» naderden toen het altaar. Na bet zingen ven
deLitanie nem de aartsbisschop zyne plaats met den rug tegen het altaar. De kouing werd door
de twee kardinaals begeleid tot den artsbisschop en knielde neder. De artsbisschop zat met zyn
myrthre op het hoofd en las bel gebed Omnipt tens, tempilerne Deus, Gubtrnator Cceli.
De bisschop vao Soiston» nam de heilige olie
van het altaar eo gaf dezelve oter aan den aartsbisschop, die een weinig met den doun nam om zyne majesteit op de gewoonlyke plaatsen te zalven.
lste. Op de kruin van het hoofd, makende
het lei-ken v»n het heilige krui' eu zeggende, Ungo te regum cum Oleé tanctifcato, &c.
2. Op de borst. 3. Tusschen de schouders. 4 eo 5. Op den regter eo linker schouder. 6 en 7, Op de buiten zjde ven den regter en
linKer arm, telkens makende het teeken van bat heiiige kruis co herhalende ungo le, tyc.
De eerste kamerling kleedde Z. M. met de
tuniek (koorrok) en de dulmaliek (misgewaad) van rood saiyn, geborduurd met goudenfleurt delyt, en over dit alles met de koninglyke mantel van purper fluweel met goudenfleurt delyt. gevoerd en geboord mei hermelyn (de vaebt van het dier.) De koning dos gekleed zynde
knielde neer. Do aartsbisschop gezeten, nam
de heilige olie van den bisschop die ais diaken diende.
Na bet gebed gaf de eerste KamercKeotar
aan den diaken een paar bandschoeaen op eenen zilveren boid, welke de diaben in d-* hand hield, terwyl de aartsbisschop de handschoenen zegeode, zeggende Omnipotent Creator, ca de aaitsbissehtip sprenkelde de handschoenen met gewyde water, en deed dezelven den koning "an. Dezelfde plegtigheid had plaats met den
ring, welke zyne genad- aan den vinger van K. Al. siak, zeggende Accipe Annulum. De over
rate van den ti-eptet en de roede der gciegtlg heid geschiedde op dezelfde wyze,
De aartsbisschop nam met beide basden vnn
hel allaar, de kroon van Charism-igne, en hield dezelve over het hoofd van den koning zonder hetzelve eantersken. De piinsen zetleden hou ne handen by om dezelve le undcrschrageii.— De artsbisschop bleef dezelve met du linker
hand vasthouden eo met do regter de benedic tie makende,zeggende Coronet te Deus, corona gloticcalqua jutlitios,waarop hy alleen d»* kroon op hel hoot.l tan dea koning zetlede. De Dau
phin en de pr.nseu zetteden toof de tweede maal hunne handen by, als om dezelta ie on deistounen en de aaitsbisschop zeide Accipe co ronam Regni in nomine Palris tre.
De plegtigheid dei krnoning geëindigd zynde,
rioliie de aartsbisschop deo koning by deu reg
t-*r arm 00, en /,, .VI. »*erd iraar z<nen Hom»
begeleid. '/. M, weid op dezriide wyze ge
volgd als toen 'L. Al. -je kvk binnen kwam; de beilog van Conegliano dioeg de dsjca tea
Charlemagne ontbloot in zyn arm.
" Rheimt, 2Sstcn Mei.—Op dozen morgen
vertrok de koning, f-r«ezeld v«n den Dauphin eo zyn gevolg ton Fismes naar Tinqjeaux. atwaar de prinseo van den bloede zyoe majesleic opwachtten.
"Van Fistnes afkomende,op hu ongenblil; dat
de batteiyen der aililleiie van da garde, welks ter linker zyde van den weg in een valley ge
posteerd waren, vuurden, verschrikten de paarden van de wagen, waarin de hrriogen d'Aamont en Osmsi en de graten Co-se eo Curial zaten en rsnddeo met dezelve weg. De wagen
werd in slokken vcrbryield. De graaf Curl»)
brak zyn linker schtiadeiblad en het legier
werd gewond door de gl»zen van de wagen ; ea de hertog de D»m»« wa» gesaarlyk gewond.— Zy werden allon naar Fisme» vervoerd en ge
steld onder de zorg vao een der arisen van M. Dupuytreo, zyoe majesteils heelmeester. Da
graaf de Cosse kreeg eene zware kneuzir-g aar» het hoofd, maar bleef echter zynen weg vervolgen.
*' Zyne majesteit liep zelve groot gesaar.—
Het zeer luide geschreeuw terdobbelde het ge. raat der kanonnen ; de paarden van vtyne Wa
gen weiden verschrikt en hei was m-tl vee» moeite vóór dat zy in bedaardheid gebragt weiden. Zyne majesteit was over bei ongeval zeer getroffenen was zeei bekommerd over die Heeren, zoodanig dat hy weigerde zyne reize nstr
Tinqoeaua te vervolgen vóór dal hy verzekerd was, dat zy in geen groot gevaar Waren."
De Freotcbe krooning subynt niets anders ge
weest te zyn dan eene smakelooze vertooning ; het eenigste ding welke eenigxinis eenige aandacht waardig is, is bet vo'gende getrokken uit de Times, een dagblad, hetwelke gedurende de laatste woordentwist de zaak der papery omhelsd beefi.
" De plegtigheid wes alles verwarring en ver
veling t de arme hooing gekleed als een zingende joegen van bet koor, moest gedmende twee volslagene oren boete doen op zyne knien, aart de voeten vanzynenbitgtvader,de aartsbisschop van Rbeiros Zyne m»j»»ieit wa» droevig ca
verdiietig ; maar de priester praalde met eene triumphertndeopgeblaztnheidin al dept acht van Pausachtige hetrlykhetd en bewutt zyn van magt."
Zoo er iet» was in al deze plegtigheid te
Rheim», welke men had kunnen weglaten, eo hetgene beter zou gestaan bebben, was het bezoek van den koning naar hel bo-piteal van St. Michaud, waar hy gegaan was, om volgens het oude ongorymde gebruik, ds zieken aanlersken. In dit getal heef' hy sliptelylt het oude
voorbeeld gevolgd. Tredende in de stappen
v.n St. Loui». snaakte hy het teeken van het Heilige krui» op het voorhoofd van elk lyder, oitendo ter gelyker lyd, de woorden :" de koning raakt U eau, mag God U geneze."
New York, \2den Mei.- New York heeft
nimmer zulke dagen als de tegenwoordige beleef:, sedert dezelve eene stad gewordeo is.—
Alle soorten vao werkzaamheden bloeijen, behalve regt» zaken, welke, wanneer wy geloof mogen slaan, aen de luide en algemeene klsgla van dit beioep kwynen. Zoodanig 1» de aan
groei der bevolking geweest sedert het verledeno eo tegenwoordige jaar, dat er thans geeoe woningen te bekomen zyn; de winkel» eo pakhuizen brengen dubbelde huur op, en er zyn
geeoe genoegzaam on» te verhoren; de straten zyn zoo belsmmerd. door hel opboowen en oraveiwerpen -en huizen, dat dezelven byna on. toogangkülyk geworden zyn; eo een schouw
«pel van gewoel, geraas en verwarring beer»cht -*r, d»t met geene pen te beschiyveoi»; norb
l:ao men zich daarvan een denkbeeld voimen die het niet gezien beeft.
Sedert de ryzing in onze morkt zyn er nm
trrjnt 12,000 vaten meel 10l 6 pattitnje» ver
kocht " en bei is het gevoelen vun vele kundige measc'hen, dat dit artikel geeoe merkelyke daling zal ondervinden.
IWeo meldt dat Cincinnati, Ohio, zeer veel in
bloei is ; en »lic soorten »»o gebouwen wixden opgerigt. De Nationale Crisis, zegt, daar i»
naeuwalyk»een-r woning hoe tiediig die uoli wezen moge dat niet bewoond is ; en er worden voor meer gevraagd welke «oor hst tegenwoordige niet aangeschaft kunnen worden. Eet»
aantal stoom vaartuigen wordenklaar gemsakj, :a vetichnid-abe mee» *syn besteld.
A LZOO de Sambos Mathiat, Marden en Jo"**■ hannes, Slateo van dea Heer H. Rojer zich
van bunnen meerter hebben geabseateerd, zon der dat dezelven tot hiertoe zyn oiltiodig te ma ken ; zoo is het dal de Raad fiscaal elk en een ieder by deze doet interdicereo om gemelde Slaten optehouden, of op hunne vaartuigen te osttangen, op pie.ie al» naar regten.
De Raad Fiscaal dezes en onderhoorige Ei
Fiacalaat den 15den Aogostus 1825.
Fiscaal'» Kantoor, deo 191en Augustus 1825.
"JT|E ondergeteekende als daartoe door den "*''
Weledelen Achtbaren Raad behoorlyk ge
taalificeerd, doet by deze alle Broodbakkers te kennen geveo, en ordonneren, dat de Brooden voor de volgende «eek to bakken het gewigi moeten houden 22 oneen voor eeo Reaal ; kunnende de Fransche Brooden eea once minder negen.
Op pcene als by pnblieatie dd. loden Meert
182*» geslatueerd is.
Per order van den Raad Fiscaal,
W.M HK GORSIRA. Tweede Klerk.
Den 6-l.*n Augustus 1825.
tydstip van betaling vao het Hoofd en
Familie ü»»ld over den eersten termyn de
zes Jaars reeds veiloopen zynde, worden da ge
Beu die aan die belasting oudeibevig zyn en als nog hunne r-keningen daaivour niet hebben
komen voldoen, by dezen aangemaand om de door hen verschuldigde en alhier bedoelde be
lasting io den loop dezer maand te betalen,
eaoneui-n er eene lyst van al de rekeningen de welke op Ultimo dezer zullen open staan, op den eersten September aanstaande aan bet
Officie Fiscaal ter geregtelyke vervolging der debiteuren zal worden afgegeien.
Men gelieve indachtig te zyn dat de kosten
die uil de totnmelien, renovatie.-» enz. voort
«loryen meesten deels bet bedrag der reke
ningen tan Hoofd en Familie geld ver ie bo ven gaan.
Oe Hoefd Ontvanger,
Dr 6den Augustus.
Commissie belaat mei bet toezigt over het
Schoolwezen alhier rotakt mil» deze aan
het Publiek bekend, dat zy vooiteeo maande)y!i» hare bteeokomtt zal houden in de Consis toriekumer van het Pioiestaoscbe Kelkgebouw binneu hel Fort Amsterdam en dat Wel des
morgens van elf tot twaalf ure op den eersten Maandag van elke maand, te beginnen met de tnaand September aanslaande.
Onvermogende ouder» die verzoeken ofvoor
tJra&ien omtrent bonne kinderen aso de voor zeide Commissie te doen hebben, gelieten zulk» achiifielyk en ten minste een paar dagen vóór sian bier boven b -paalden teigadetingsdag aan den ondergeteekende in te levereo, terwyl het antwoord van de Commissie op deo volgenden ftla-ndag na dal de vergadering zal plaats gehad bebbeo tan deozslven kan vernomen worsten.
Van wege de Commissie toorm-ld.
Den 21en Augustus 1825.
DE ondnrgeteekenden maken bekend dat al
I»? onvoldaan» rekeningen verschuldigd aan
den Boedel "»" wylen deo Weledelen Hee.
HENDRIK LEYËR,op primo September aonataande aan den Procoreur Ricaido tei gereg lig'.yhe invordering zullen worden ter hand ge neld. B A CANCRYN. qq. J N C JUTTING, qn. D. SPECHT, qq.
Den 12deu Augustus 1825.
Maandag den 29»ien dezer maand Augus
tus aal op Publieke Opvai| ln g verkocht wor
den, de n»l»lenschap Van wylen den Heer PHI I.l l' ST. JAGO LEYRA, bestaande in een
H.iis en verders» gebouwen staande en gelegen alhier aan de Over») de dezer haven. Een diloj
do. staande en gelegen elhiar op Picterma.ii enj aan stuk grond» mt-.lt* op Pietermaai gelegen,! r.i voort- enrlt-re goederen lot de opgeßiildr] Rsla.eosebep bahooiende. j
ING K KI, AARD—AUGUSTUS. 33. golet Cliioeiaal Santander, Cotbell, Puerto
15- —— Especultjtcar, Luydens, Coio
brik Wm. Prince, Turner, New Yoik
gulet Twee Zusters, Boekhoudt, Indieen
sehe kust
17. —— Los dos Aroigoa, Delgado, Puerto Ca
16 golel Heptunus, Eteilsz, Aruba buk Guod Return, Bliss, Baltimore golet Perseverance, Boom, Coro IS»Anna, Vaerst, Puerto C.bello
Zondag dentisten Augustut. ten9ure. Fredlkdienst door Ds. J. Clioller, J. A. z.
Met de eanknmst van de schoener Joliane
kapitein J J. Euse.ie, op Donderdag namiddag van Barraccs, Cuba, vernemen wy dat er vóór die plaats verschenen waren, elf Fr»nsche oor logs va»rto'£«n, waarvan de meeste zware »hacpen zyn ; slechts waren er onder eene brik en eene schoener brik, welke de kleinste onder gemelde vaartuigen waren. Eene boot van een
dier schepen it aan de Wal gekomen en bad twee loodsen medegenomen, welkeop de kusten van dst eilur.d zouden dieneo. Men vermoedt, dal deze schepen bestemd
zyn n»sr de Havana; welk vermoeden zeer versleikl worden door da berigt*-n welke wy de ze en verledens werk nit de St. Thomas en Co lombisansche kouranten getrokken hebbeo.
Wy vercernen mr.: ie aankomst van een vaartuig var» Maracsvbo, dst er aldaar lydini was »n!igebr»gt t«n II lyli, dst al de havens van Fr»n*,chcn geweiene Spainsch St. Domirtgoo p«n verklaard zyn tooi alle vreemde vaarloi .'s t«o Europa, t f de koloniën, ten
gevnl..e der onafhtbkelike verklaring door l-'rankryk tan Hayti.
Wy hr-bbenesn Si.Thomas [v»arsnl vsnden 3!en dezer octVHn*e»n ; Uit dezefsén zien wy niet leedwezen, dal de lantste storm vel 3 „tha t) ■v-rhiftaakt heeft aan dr. b»»vensmiD ds èilen I 'oigeode uittrek.e!» zullen hiervan da byzondarhndeo g»*n> :
Gisteren h; de aankomst van de piket booi kyn vvv i hst b-i-.ii gesteld gewordeti tan onze
teek» nic-jwspapieten van de bovenwinds rilaii-1 den loftsnde tot zeer lata dsgieekeningeo.
Hel sthynt dat de sterm van den 26sien zeer
zwaar is gevoeld gewoiden op St. Xii», St.
Martin, Dominique, en Martinique, maar vac al de eilanden «cbynt Guadeloupe hel meeste
geleden le hebbeo, en de ontzettende »ch»de welke dezelte oldaar aa«geri.-,t heeft tindt men breedvoerig v .-rmeldi in de volgende uittreksels van eenen brief tao Basseterre, gedagleekepd d;n 29slen July.
" Eene verschrikknlyke rampspoed is onze
ongelukkige stad en hat gro-ïtsle gedeelte van de kolonie overgekomen. Len orkaan vreette
lyker dun eenig in de jaarboekenr«n di. eiland bekend, heeft in weiuige uren Bmseteire veranderd in een grooten puinhoop. Op deo 26*ten
vao deze maand omtrent 9 ure in den morgen voorspeldden de droevigste tooiteekens, de aao nadering tan hei ternieiende onheil. Da bar
rometer viel verscheidene streepjes beneden den grasd van storm; bet woei met ruk en warl winden ; de goltên ttn de grass lirier, wier wateren verschsideoe toeten oter do borstwering van de brug rezen, stroomden in de straten;
eene verbazende vloed en atsrdbetingen hadden plaats; het instorten dar huizen van de inwoners co der publieke gebouwen ; de onttvorieling van de zwaaide bootnen, leverden een
vreezelyk schouwspel waarop ik niet zonder y zing kan denken."
Het laDd heeft insgelyks geleden ; de huizen,
gebouwen, bnomen, alles is vernield. Onze on
gelukkige stad en derzelver ommestreken vóór weinig: dsgen geleden zoo bloeyend, leveren thans slechts een puinhoop. Een aantal men
schen zyn verp'etlerd geworden door het vallen van de buizen of zyn weggesleept door derivier Thanszyn wy bezig deruinen optedelten, waar uit wy reedt 150 doodeo gehaald hebben, en onder hen eenige der voornaamste personen van dit eiland. In Basseterre zyn er meer dan
500 huizen zonder dak gebleven, of geheel vernield, en al de anderen bebben meer of min geleden.
Het gonvernements huis, het paleis van jus
titie, hei register en protocolkantoor, het geringer» buis, hel schoone liospitaa] van St. Lou\-, da nieuwe barrskken, eo s'konir.gs magßzy nen, zyn geheel vernield of tmvi beschadigdEen gedeelte der muren van bel fort Richepanse is i.igeslort, &c.
Het gouvernement heeft dadelyk deze haven
a's vry en open laten afkondigen.
Volgens de laatste private berigten van Ja maika, beertcht er ai» nog de zware droogte welke over hei gantsche eiland ellendeveispreid heeft. De zuiker oogst is geheel vernield De inwoners der zuid zytte van Jamaika waren terpligt om water te talen haleo op eenen af stand tan verscheidene mylen.
Het sehynt dat de Frsr.srhen besloten badden
om al de verslerkle plaatsen in Spanje, welke
?.y bezet hielden als sekurileiten vonr de aan hen verschuldigde gelden, te verlaten, aangezien de officieren vele moeite bebben om de
troepen in bedwang te houden, nm geene doodelyke wrstk le nemen op de koningsgezindeo, voor het p egen van moorden aan hunoe wapenbroeder». Gedurende de veiledene maand zyn er niet minder dan 20 Fransche soldaten termoord geworden in de hoofdstad ; en op een nacbt zyn er acht Zwitzersomgebragt gewoiden in een van de kwartieren. Te St. Sebastiasn
waren er diie soldaten dood geschoten op ds muren van eene vesting; en gelyke trekken worden er dageïyks gespeeld, zoo dikwerf dat daRoyaliiten gelegenheidkrygeu om hun werk der vernieling uiitevoeien. Zoodanig zyo zy verbitterd ep de Franschen toor de verleende bescherming aan da koestitutionelen.
Met de Nederlandscbe ptket op heden alhier aangekomen, zy D er private brieven van St. Po lersburg ontv.ngen, loopende tot den 18den 11. waarin gemeld worden dat er eenige daling plaats gehad heeft, in wissels op dit land het gene toegeschreven woidt aso het kongres le Milan ; maar wy gelooven dat deze verandering! alleeolyk toa te sch.-yvco is aan kommertiele tranceetien.
In Holland wordt er meer belan» gesteld in de ondeihandeliogen te Milan dsn in dil land. Te Air-sterdam waien de piyzen »no ai de vreemds tskuriteilen onUtitend hoog.
C«r»e»s, 27*ten July. De Caracas Argot v ïn laatstleden Viydag behelst eene belan^ryke correspondentie tus schen den gouverneur san zyne Deensche ma j-*tteit't besiltingeo in d»
nttliiei» en Z. E. dm gtnerael t'acz. De r'.~:"1,.» i. Uagt over een» gr?»
ve scheobis gedaan aso een Dter.icb keofvatr
dy tttriuig. komende van Uareoea besieraiJ r-ear St. Thomas, door de Colombisanscbe kaper Adolphw, en ei-cktin forma min met maUïe termen d« slratCi.g dei schuldigen Het antwoord v»n generaal P.ez belooft het laatste, en beslaat in zoodanige bewo.xdingen om aan vreemde natieo te bewyzen dat ons gouvernement niet genegen is zoodanige misdeden strydig met de gnede (rouw en de wetten tan hét land te verdedigen.
Uittreksel van eenen brief gedaglccker.d St.
Thomatden IZdcn July 1825.
" Gisteren was bier alles in rep en roer, door depiy» neming van eene rooter schoener, ufgs. lyk eer»Ue rjeoschuD zezten, tac etst Co b:ean»che kaper wie, kommissie terttceken is, met name d* R-o ofAdolph. 'Dit vaariaig hield zich op, toor eenen langen tyd omtrent Krabben eiland, beiemraerds'cnzen handel mei Porto Rico en nam alle kleine t»artu»gsn weg welke zy ontmoette, waaronder er drie of vjer wa. reo. weike .tp dit eiland In-hooien. Zy had de stomheid om etna boot hier aan land te zenden en een dar schippers van hare pryzen asr.de wal te zetten om geld optezoekeo en zyn toertuig te rantsoeneren. Deze booi weid ontdekt, zy h»d 6 a 7 man aan boord, betgene de verdenking deed ontslaan dat «lies niet in den haak na»; berigt hietvao gegeven zynde aan den gouverneur, zood hy eene gewapendeboot uit om haar optetporen ; eo bet was aan deze gelukt om haor op to brengen. Van de men
schappen die aao boord waren kreeg men la rerstaan, dat er Deenaebe kleine vaartuigen genomen wer-n door dezen looser of kaper. Een plan was ontworpen om haar te verrassen door een aantal soldaten aao boord ver» een onzer St. Cioix paket te zetten ; vergezeld tan bet korvet tertrok de schoener om de kaper opta. zoeken ; en gisteren morgen ontmoette gy haar, loen zy genoegzaam digt by was, belastte zy haar om bare boot in te nemen, maar ziende» dat zy toeberaidseten maakte om wederstand lo bieden. g»f de bevelvoerende officier ord-r aan de soldaten, die terstond eenchaigeop haar deden, waardoor de kommandant en de eerstt of. beier aneuvelden en een of twee msn gekwetst raakten. Dit biagt hen in verwarting ;zy klampten baar aan booid eb bragl baar op zondei teider wederstand. De schoener en kaar
piys, de roover, met de drie pry» gemaakte
Deenscbe booten kwamen gisteren namiddag ahier aan. De manschappen zyn in het foit
Onlangs door de aankomst »«n een vaartaig
U<t Martinique vernamen wy dal het voornaamde gedeelteder vloot, welke aldaar gelegen had veitrnkken is. Men meldt dat schoon er g-e-ne troepen «an boord weren, da vaartuigen echter één duizend pypen wyn geladen hebben.
Generaal Morales Is te Martinique van de Hatana aangekomen, met oogmerk, gelyk hy meldt, om natr Europa te teitrekken ; maar wy ireezen dal hy andere i'oiicble» heeft, want geen mensch die by zyn volle varstand is, zat v»n de Havana naar Europa veitrekken fcy zoodanige wegen.
liet volgende is een uittreksel van de New York Evening Post van Zaïurdag deo 2Ssten Mei. welke wy getrokken hebben uit de Barbados Gazettes, loopende lot deo 21»ten Juiy, out " vtngen per de Britsche paket.
"Belangryk nieuws van Cuba—Wj *« n b-e rigt geworden dcor eeo achlingswaardig heer en op wiens gezegden wy staal kunnen rotkan, dat er een traktaal is geslolen geworden tusschen het Fransche en Spaansche gouvernement, waarby de eilanden Cuba en Porto Rico gelyk Cadiz, door de troepen van de eerste natie zuilen bezet worden. Vsn de 16000 Frmschc toldeten die thans in de West Indien zyn. zullen 800»)
voor Cuba en 4000 toor Pom. Rico bestemd worden ; en de gaini-cens, welke deza plaatsen thans beletten,zullen afgedankt en naar Spac. je of elders andeis gezonden worden. Eea t'ranschmen is benoemd geworden om gene
raal Vises in het goovernemert van Cub« op ie volgen, dewelke met Potto Rico zal bezet worden tot d»l de alarm gestild wordt, dewelko ontstaao is uit tetolutionaire groodbegio-clen, en de vrees van overweldiging.
" Of GrootCrittanje zal toelaten dat dit plan in werking «»' gebragt woiden. blyft nog onbeslist. Zy heeft van 17 lot 18000 m«o troe pen in hare West Indische eilanden en eeoe
zware zeemagt gsyit ten minste ean die var» Frankryk en Spanje.
" Het is schier onmogelyk, le begrypen dat zulk eene groote Eoiopiscbe mogenheid lan
gen tyd in dezen toestand kan blyven, zender clkanderen aan te doen ; en zoo da it-sit-htei der verschillende kabinetten niet niereersten»; men, mogun wy verwachten spoedig te hoorei», j v«n eenig*» beslissende gebeurtenissen uit dia
1 streek ton de ccreld."
De pmitandirr'-.cdcn strekkenr.-er veel om Ce waarsohyneljkheid van dit berigt ie s*r»tërk**w, Dj steilitn van de Fransche zeemipt in deze zeeën «n de veelvuldige aankomst van Kr»«acba Hoepen, bewyzen zeer klaar, dtl et iets ia lil is.
By an arrival from ivlarecsybo, we weie gi
ven to understand that a report reached thai (.lacs, that all ihe port* of Hnyti have been
j thrown open for all foreign vessel-, coming
" Iron Europe or the colonies; in constqueiic?. jit is said, ofFrance bating reeogtveed »ba i. da ptrnflenoe of ffeysi
De Curagaoschc Courant.
Den 19<len Atigusius 1825. TE KOOP,
*|6§» COIINE L I A.
Zy is een hecht en sicrk gebouwd vaartuig,
gekop-rd en byna galmei van koperen bouten voorzien ; hebbende slecht» 39 Tonnen inhoud en laadt 400 Vaten of 40 Ton Rio de.la Hachs Hoot ; zy geilt wel en kan naar zee gezonden worden, zonder één Pattienje onkosten ; bare Keilen, tuig en rondbouien, &c. zyn in de vol snaakste otdei; indien niet verkocht zynde vóór het einde van deze maand, zal zy dan gezet worden op de Publieke Opveiling tan deo Heci Abnt. De Mez», by wien het inventaris te be
V.ien is. of by den ondergeleekende ten zyne Huize No 14 op Kteterrnaay, uln*a»r uit de
h»nd te koop Ie b-komen zyn, diie fra»y ge
werkte Mahogny houten Si.ie Uoard» en een stel M*.hogny houten Tafels.
August 19, 1823.
She is a stennch strong built coppered and
"mosily copper fastened schooner, only 39 Tons and c.rriej 400 barrels or 40 tons Rio da la Had)» wood ; «ails well end can be aert to sea immediately without one dollar espence ; ber sail», rigging, spsrs, etc. being all in the most complete order; ifnot sold previous to the cod of this month she will then be put up at Mr. ADo Meza's Poblio Vendue, wbere inventary is so be seen, or by the Subscriber at his House No. 14 at Pieteimeay, where is on hand for aalt three handsome Mahogany Side Boards aod one set of Tables.
Curasao den 19den Augustus 1825. "IfAN wege Zyne Eicellentie den Schouiby
nacht Gouverneur dezer Eilanden, wordt ISierby bekend gemaakt dat er op aanstaanden IVnensdag, den 24sten dezer, zynde de Geboortedag tan Zyne Majesteit onzen zeer geliefden en geëeibiedigden Koning, Audiëntie door Zyoe Excellentie voormeld zal verleend worden op lint Gouvernement» Huis binnen hel Hoofd Fort Arnsterd-sm, na het afloopen der Parade van de gewapende raagt, dewelke zal gehouden worden des vonrntiddags Ie hslf twaalf uie. De Gouvernement* Secretaris,
August 19, 1825. FOR SALE OR TO LET
4 very commodious Housefor a smallfamily, """belonging to J Corser. lvq. situated at fieteimaay in the road lo Government Perm Far particulars apply to the undersigned.
ll*l"ll,**tr******g**s---*SSaS! By ibe atiivai of iho schooner Juliana, capt.
J. J. Eugene, from Bsirao», Cub», en Thursday afternoon, we learo, lhat there appeared before that place eleven French vessels cf war, being most of Ihem Urge ships, the smallest a brig and a hermaphrodite brig. They commu
nicated with the shore and look on board in one of iheir boats two pilots for the coast of that Island.
It is supposed that these vessels ere bound to
tbe Hatanna ; and this suspision is strengthened by the reports which we have been publishing afortnight since, respecting the occupation cf Gobe by the French, extracted from the St. Thorns» Times and the El Colombiano.
Stockholm, April 29.—A Fiench paper tsys,
Sweden recognitv-d the independence of the South'American states three yrsts ego. It has
dooe more, for it decUred it» inientinn cf recognizing them already in 1811, when tbc whole continent wa» governed by Napoleon, and Jj aeph was acknowledged king of the Indies by "II the European powers except England — This is proved by ihe report made at the beginning of 1812, by the crown prince to Ihe
king, on ihi administration of ilia government doting hit illness, in whicb are the following words:— " When Spain and Portugal are restored to tranquillity, thtte countries will offer to the Swedish trade all the advantage» whicb the perfection of tbe Swedish iron ensures. Our
relations with South America are entirely in. terrupted ; inteitine w»r» desolate these fine countries. When lh«y have a stable govern,
ment, the productions of the kingdom must
meet with an extensive sale there.
" It is now nearly twoyears since the govern
ment, persisting in its system of neutrality and independence, gate notice that the flags of the Sooth American states, in the ports nf which Swedish ships were received, should have tbe
same reception io our ports. Now that these
fine countries are no longer desolated by inlettine war, and have a «table government, we hope thai our» will put us in possession of tbe advantages which the trade wilh ibem muil af ford."
From among the variou» ordinances and de
crees of the government for the last year we exited the following :—By "
decree of the ljtb
of Angust all Spaniard», whether ecclesiastics or laymen, who may be found in Valparaiso, are ordered to be sent to Quillota, excepting only public functionaries and persona naturalized.— By a decree cf ibe IGih of August it is ordered that the regular clergy shall remain subject to the governor of the diocese. By a decree of tbc tub of September it is ordered that the regular clergy shall join their respective communities and lite according to the roles of their orders; that all those who wish to guit the
cloisters shall apply to the governor of the dia cese, who will furnish them with a proper mam tenance oat of tbc episcopal revenues, until such lime at they may obtain benefices ; that -no peisun shall be allowed to take the habit ■ nder the age of twenty one, and then only by
the licence of the culinary ; that all contents io which there «re not found eight monks shall be shul up; that in no town throughout the ie public shall two convents of tbc same order be permitted: lhat the administration of all the property belonging to content! shall be tested from thtt date in the hands of the supreme government, which shall be obliged to allow 200 dollars toeach regular priest, 150 to each cho lister, 100 to each lay brother, also e habit every eight or ten months, and the necessary sum» for defraying the expence of public wor «btp, agreeably to returns to be made by the
diocesans; that the sacred vessels, jewel», and ornaments used in divine worship ibail remain io charge of ihe regular clergy.
Laitly, we consider as important the ieduc
tioa of religioos feast days which bas laken place in consequence of the following decree of the Apostolioal Vicer :—
Apostolic exemption addretsed to the cccletiat
tical judges, secular and regular clergy, and to alt thefaithful throughout'the stale of Chile. The supreme head» of the Catholic church, the Roman I'oniiff», in the plenitode of the di vine power received fiom Jesus Christ, alike endeavoured io keep invioiuble the deposit of the di'ine foiih, and to temper the discipline purely ecclesiastical according to ihe exigencies of times, places, and persors. This paternal
solicitude ha» been frequently extended even to tbuie objaets which, instituted as they at first were for the increase of the worship of the lord, bate, doubtless fiom the abuses iniioduccu into ibem by men, become socrtes of c-.il, or be cause, being obstacles to public and pritale Q tility, ilisy hate been convened iato amicus grievonces.
For as ni'ie'i a» the most excellent the su
preme director of the stat»- of Chile his repie- ! ► anted unto o» tlio inconvenience» an]
«"used by the mnliiplieity and oon obaarvaneal
iiitcd as religions festival?
- i'.ania an J otherwise, tod tbat suci» iuconieJ
ntencc» are piejudtciai in 'he «*»jblic aod piitale wealth : VVe, by villus oftho apostolical powers with «abieh «c eie especially entrusted b;- the sovereign Pontiff Leo XII., do decree as fi-ilewi: —,
1. AH festivals for the sole purpoi» of bearing
mass, me heieby cboltshed.
2. The days of rigid »nd solemn obsartsr.cs
are reduced lo the following -.— All Sundays il.iooghnot ike year. The cticumcision of our lord. The Epiphany. The Incarnation. Ascension Day. Coipot Cbrtrli. St. Peter and St. Psul. Assumption of ihe Virgin Mary. Nslivny of the Virgin Mary. All S'sint». Lnmeculots conception of ihs Virgin Mary. Easier. 3. The festivals of the {ration saint» of the
different cities, towns, and places of the state of Chile, net falling on the above mentioned
d»ys of rigid observance shall be traii-fjncd to ibe nen Sunday following.
By this our decree it i» net intended to dimi
nish in any manner the divine vtnrt'.iip hitherto ab'ertod in the cathedrals, collegiale churches, and conventual churches of religious otder» of eilliei sex, oo the days of the religious festival* abolished ; on the contrary we cornrnarid snd desire thst offices, solemn masses, and other le ligloue functions shall continue to bo petform ed in time to come as in times ptat.
We admonish and exhort, iv our lord Jesos
Christ, all the ecclesiastical judges and all the secular and regular clergy, lhat in publishing this oor indulgenee, to e(fee tvally impress on all devout christians, that this apostolical indul gence for tbe reduction of feast days, for from being inteoded to encourage idleness aod vices that may arise tberefiom, is intended only for the more devout and religious observance of such festivals as remain. On these days the
faithful abstaining from labour and woridly
cares, shall employ the lime to the hcuour nf God, in assisting with ail due respect at Ihe bloodless sacrifice of tbe altar, in hearing the word of the lord, ond applying themselves wilh all needful zeal to the important and interest
ing work of tbeir own salvation ; end to Ibis end principally conduces the detoutattendance at the holy Sacraments of confession and Com munion — In faith, &c.
Giten io Santiago de Chile, the 7lb of Au
gust, 1824.
Caracas, July 27.
The Caracas Argos of Friday last contains an interesting correspondence between Ibe go veino; of His Danish majesty's possession in the Antilles, aod his excellency general Pat*. The
former complaining of a gross ootrege offered tn th: Danish merchant vessel—bound fiom Curar;oo lo St. Thomas, by the Colombian privateer Adolpho, and requiring io firm but moderate terror, the punishment of the offenders The reply of general Paes, promises Ihe latter, and is couched throughout in terms lo satisfy foreign nations, that our goterntneut is little disposed to defend socb offences ugainsf good faith, and international law.
lo reference to this subject will be found in
another column of our paper, en extract from a letter from St Thomas, announcing the eaptuie of the Adolpb by ihe authorities of that island.
Extract of a letterfrom St. Thomas, dated the
12th of July.
" A great sensation was caused in our com
munity yettetdty, by the csptuie cf a piratical schooner, or as some say, a Colombian privaleer, whose commission has expired, her name, ihe Rio, or Adolph. This tessel had been sta
tionary about Crabb isiaod for a length of time past, and a soorce of annoyance to our trade with Porto Rico, capturing every little boat she fell in with, and among them, three or four bo longing io this island. She has bad the bold
ness to send a boat here, aod land one of ihe matters of ber prizes, in order that be might collect a sum of money for the purpose of ransoming bis vessel. This bost was observed,
having about 6 or 7 man on board, which ex cited suipicioo that all was not right, and upon information being given to ibe governor, he dis patched an armed boat in pursuit of her that succeeded in bringing her in. From the men
on board, icformation was obtained of three small Danish droghers being Captured by this pirate or privateer; and a plan was laid for turprising her by cutting a number of soldier» on board of one of our Si. Cioix packet», and in company with ilia corvette, they went in permit of her, fell in wilh her yesi«-*dßy morning, and upon desiring her to take to ber boat, they observed ioey weie preparing for resistance, on which, the officer in commend ordered up the soldi»!» and gave her a volley, which killed ihe coroinar.iler and first officer, acd wounded one oi iwa olluirs; this threw them into coufusiot!, and ihey then Uid ihem on bosid. and carried her without further resistance. The schooner
and her prize, the pirate, wilh the three captor nd Danish boate, eriived bete yesterday afi<-r
I, tod the c;ew are lodged in the foil,''
By a l&le arrival frcm Martinique we leara that list* principal p»rt of the Heet announced in our latt, ea Uying off that isiaod, had sailed. 1; is stated, ii-at attlioujh no, troops were cd
beard, tiii vessdi» tjoli -»"»() ie ~la , (ho'.i.tijti
■ >f wive.
General Morales had airived nt n.èrtlfrom ihs Havtmati. vtitb » view, at ttt slates t\ proceed.ni* to Europe. But be musi have other design» in view, we apprehend, tince no man in hii senses would oilier «itc sail from the (lavauah to Europe by such a route.
TiieBritish packet srtived at La Gusyrs yet
terday, and brings English papers to Ih» |(),h of June, and those if Bsifce-riaes to iheül-i of July, We extract ibe following interesting in
telligence fiom !l)e latter.
* Barbadian Gazette
We «I'tsrl the following important «ilie'e
r.t.ni t'ia New Yuri. Evening P us«. of Saii>id»y, May 29:
'" Importantfrom Cuba — We have beer, in
formed by n |'«i>t!fm-n of rcsperlabiiity, and on whose statement wa c.in rely, thtl a irestty has been concluded between the Firnn-h »*»d Spanish gr.temme*. i, by vfliith itt« itinr.d» of
Uuba and Porto llico am to bt) occupied lika Cad./., with the tfi>i»(is of the loimet natioi. — Of 10,000 French soldiers now in the West Indies, HOOO are to be dufied for Cuba c.rd JOUO lor Porto Rico ; and tbe garrisons :ir;w occupying thesf» places arc to bo disband.td and sent en Sptin or to some oiher stmion. A Frer.ci
has linen oppninletl In succeed general Vtves in the government of Cchii. which, with for I o Rico, is to be held by ihs French, until ihe alarm arising from revolutionary pur.ciplcs, and from the l e-i' of invasion, has completely subsided. Whether Great Briiaio will permit this tsiiangement to be carried into »ifr;ct, it-insin» to ba seen. She has from 17.000 iv IS, OOO troops in
her West India Islands, and a poweif-jl natal
force, equal at least to that of France end
Spain. Il it scarcely possible lhat so eat', a European force can continue long io this station, without coming into contact with etnh otbci ; aod if the view» of the different cabinets are r.ot in ani.on, we may expect soon lo hear cf some decided events arising out of this quartar of ilie world."
Circumstances tend very much to suengthen
th<s probability of this report bting correct — The streogth of the French nevai force in ilietj sets, aod the frequent arrivals of French troop», indicate pretty plainly, lhat some thing is brswiog.
ST. THOMAS. August 3.
The late Gale—
The arrival of the mail boet yesterday hi» put vs io possession of our files cf papers to a late datefrom the windward islinds. The g»le cf ihe 26- h appeal» to have been severely fell at St Kitl's. St. Martin». Domioice. aod Martinique, bui of all the islands, Guadeloupe appear» to have been ihe greatest sufferer, nnd the dreadful havoc committed there is detailed io the following extract of a letter fiom Basseterre, dated the 291h July, with which we have been favoured.
" A dreadful calamity has jast fell over our
unfortunate town and the greatest pert of the
colony, A hurricane more dreadful than any
mentioned in the annals of this island, has in a few hours changed Basseterre into n he»p of ruin». On the 26ih of this month about 9 o'
clock in the morning, the most shsittas warn» ings announced the approach of ihe desolating misfoitune. The barometer fell several iinea
below the degree of storm, the wind blowing by squalls and whirlwind!— ihe overflow of the grass-river whose waters rose several feet above the parapet of tbe bridge, pouted in torrents into Ibe streets—a furious tide, and earthquakes — the falling of the bouses of ihe inhabitants and of the public buildings,—the l«rg»»t trees tooted out, prescoled the most tettiule sight, and which I etonot think of without shuddering.
"- The country has rqually suffered ; the hou.
ses, works, trees, all are destroyed. Our un
fortunate town and its vicinity, (a few days aK j so flourishing) presents now only a »»»t ruin A multitude of people have been cioshed by lha falling of the houses, ci carried away by the river ; vre are now about clearing away ibe rubbish, from which 150 dead bodies have already been ttken out, and among them some of the most notable peop'e of ihe island. In Basse
terre more than 500hoo*es have been unioofed or entirely desltoyed. aod those lemaining have soffeied more or less,
'" Tbe government house, the pslcce of juslice, the register-office, the records, ih» gaol, ihe beautiful hospital of St. Louis,lhe new barracks, and the king's stores, are entirely destroyed or rnutciiatly damaged;—a part of tl.j Walls offort Rich:-jan<e are thrown do.vn. fee. "Government immediately Issued order» ,o
opeu the hsrbcurs of ibe colony."
The follovsin-*; ere extracts fiprn the capers
received by lha mail boat.
St. Kill's, July 29—A tev<:re go» was tx
psrienced here on Tuesday le«t, the effoet, 0f which have been vet» Injurious.— Early in tha morning, the wind, which had been ea.teily,
veered to E. S. K. ; and, towards noon, ihe
I weather assumed a terrible nppsaranee, from j which time too late iiunr in the event* blew with unabatieg violence, wii»)
ifrom the southward. The American ;»»
! rah, of Philadelphia, with a small i«bsM>a«l an.! | a sloop, were driven an shore in ihe sfie.i i the former to lajuied, »a m cause ber t;> be bsodoned, 'i'i»o ship Bittasnia, (for whose
De Curacaosclie Courant
safely considerable fear» were entertained, she bating dragged to oear in, as to almost touch), wilh the ship Ruth, and brig Egeria, ef London, en! ship Evertborpe, of Glasgow, rode out the gale.
Dominica, July 27.— Yesterday morning we
have again been visited by one of those gaies of wind, which at this season of the year is so much dretded. About 7 o'clock «, m the wind
began to blow with great violence from the northward, veering to N. W. and then to southward, till about 1 o'clock p. M , when it began to abate.
Th- damage done in this harbour, nod Ihe
out bays are distressing.
Barbados, July 26 The wind having blown
strong during tbe night, the sloop Beautiful
Maid was driven on shore in the bay ; and tbe swelling of the sea alill continuing, tbe Aineiicsn bngtniine Ramble w»» this rooming cast oir ihe reef of rocks at tbe roouib of lb» Caret-age, and bi'ged.
The Guiana Chronicle of the Ist July, an
pounces the arrival at Demerara of ibe Snow Sir Charles MCariby, from Ihe Coast of Afri ca, and stale», tbat "■she left England in Jaou ary, and touched at Mtdeira, Sierra Leone, Cape Coast, and Accra. Sbe brings accounts
that the coast was perfectly quiet, at the time of her departure, though suffering severely fiom the late calamitous war. Provisions were very
scarce, end dear ; vegetables coo'd rarely be procured, from the ravages of tbose merciless savages, the Ashantees. Tbe neighbouring
stales were still in hostility wilh the king of A shantee, who is «aid to have suffered eten rooie severely than hit enemiet. Tbe queen of Akira,
as a proof of her sincerity to aid the British,
had voluntarily sent her two sons lo Accra as hostages, and was expected hourly on the coast, on a visit to in» -eitlements."
A Hamburgh moü arrived yesterday, with
paper» to the 21st instant. Tbey contain the
speech of ihe emperor A'exander to the chamber of Representatives of the Kingdom of Po land, oo the opening of ihe session of Warsaw on the 13 h instant. The finances are desciib
«d as being io the most piosperous condition,
wilh sn excess of income over expenditure,
wbieh has enabled the government nearly to
extinguish ibe national debt ; while, at the same time, the depression and great stagnation io the sale of agricultural pruduce is complained of
Peihsps the most important part of hi» im
perii! msjes'y's «peecb, however, i» ih«snaif declaration" which he makes, lhat he must influence the elections to ihe Representative assem bly, if it persist io making its proceedings pub lic ; which alternative being put into plain lan goage mean» just this, that as long as tbe as
sembly contents itself with a perfectly useless aod inefficient existence, it shall be permitted to exist in independence, and no longer.
When the moment arrived particularly for
the administration of the rnyal unction by Ibe aichbi-bop of Rheims, the prelate scd his as. alsiants were lo feign the utmost surprise end alarm at missing the holy oil. This scene of
consternation al tbe coronation was performed for tome time, when the parties were relieted from their embsrrsiimeot by the arrival of a carrier pigeon, trained for Ibe purpose, with a pot of oil attached to it» beak, which oil moreover, oil good Catholic», and loyal Fieocbme», are bound to believe tv be tbe veiy tame trans miueii f.-om beaten nine or ten centuries ago.
June 3.
Letters from Gibraltar to the 13th April state,
that the merchant» were in high spirits oo account of ihe permission given for the introduction of Brill-h manufactures iolo ihe Spanish territory. They appear to anticipate a general
relaxation of the edicts «gainst British lisde.— The Stiaii» «nd neighbourhood of Cadm conii nued io be infested by ihe privateers under the Colombian dig, to the great annoyance of te» ael» under Spanish colours,
A letter from Calais, written on Tuesday last,
mentions the disappointment that bad been
experienced at ihe very small number of English travellers that had lately landed there.
Instead of being greater than o» former years, a» hid been expected in consequence of tbe Coronation, there seemed to be a diminution,
and the Hotel keepeis ware far from being well satisfied.
By the Dnteh mail arrived to day, private
letters hire beeo receive"! from St. Petersburgb, to the IBih all., announcing som» depression in the tjchsnge on this country, wh eh is altribul cd to the Congress at Milan, but we behave ibe alteration lo be merely owing to commercial transactions. In Holland mote importance it
attached lo the proceedings al Milan than in this country At Amsteidam the prices of all
the foreign securities were extremely heavy.
CORONATION OF THE KING OF FRANCS. The French papen contain long details of the
ceremony of the coronation. There is a gitat
deal of mummery in the whole affair. As a
SatTiple; we shall give tbe account of tbe cere mony of 'he Holy Unction, and the p'scit-g th» croivo ob tis Qajeity's head.
The Ui.ig. conducted by ill» two oardini-.it,
sat down. The archbishop opened the re! qua
ry containing lb* iio'y vial, and with the point of a golden needle took out a portion, which he mixed with consecrated oil. The chnir chant
ed the an-.hem, Gentem Fiancorum inclytam.eXc.
The two cardinal! opened the places in the
king's gsimenl for the unotioo, and led his majesty to the altar, where ha knelt dowo on cushions made for the purpose. Then tbe four
i prelates appointed lo chant the litanies adtanc
ed to tbe foot of the altar. After the litany
i prayers, the archbishop took bis place on the
seal, with his bark to the altar. The king was
I conducted by the two cardinals to the archbi
shop, and knelt down. The archbishop sealed,
with hi» mitre on his head, said ibe prayer Om
i nipotent. tempiternt Deut, Gubernator Lceti. I The bishop of boissou» toon fiom the uitei
i tbe holy oil, and presumed it to the archbishop,
who took some with his thumb to anoint his
I majesty on the usual placet
1 On lbs crewn of the head, making ihe sign
of the cross and s»yiog, Ungo te regem cum
Oteo tanctijicato. &c.
2. On the breast. 3 Between the shoulder». 4 and 5 On ihe right and left shoulder.
6 and 7. On the back of the right and left
aims, making each time the sign of the cross,
i and repeating ungo te, &c.
< The high chamberlain put on hi» majesty tbe
tonic end ihe dalmatics of crimson ""no, em
broidered v>\thfleur s de lyt of gold ; over thia
: the loyal manile, nf purple velvet, with gold fleurt de lyt. lined and trimmed with ermine. The king, being in his royal robes, knelt down Tbe archbishop, sealed, took the holy oil for the bishop acting as deacon.
After prayers the first valet de ehambie pre
aented to the deacon a pair nf glove», in a plate of silver gilt, which the deacon held while the
, archbishop blessed the gloves, saying Omnipo
tent Creator, and the archbishop sprinüied ibe gloves with holy water, and put them on ihe king. The same ceremony took place with the
ring, which bis grace put nn his majesty', fin
ger, sating, Accipe Annulum The delivery of
the iceptre and the rod of justice was peifoim
-1 ed in the lame manner
The archbishop, with bob hand», took from
' the altar ihe crown of Charlemagne, and plac
ed it over theking's head, bot without it» touch iog The prince» pot their bands lo it to sup
port it. The archbishop holding it with his left
hahd said, making the benediction with the
right. Coronet te Deut, corona gloria) atque
' jatlitia. Alter which, alone, he placed the
crown on tba king'» head. The Dauphin, and
1 the princes, a second lime, put ibeir bsnds on
it as if io support it, aud he said Accipe Coro. nam Regni in nomine Patris, lie. The ceremony of the coronation being finish
ed, the archbishop raised tbe king by the right aim, and his majesty was conducted to hi»
throne, His majesty was sttended in the tame
manner a» on hiseotering the church, the duke of Cooegliano bearing tbe sword of Charlemagne
' ne naked in bis aim.
It seems that the French have resolved lo a
bandon all the strong place» in Spain, of which tbey held possession as security for Ihe debt due
1 to ibem, as the officers bate gieat difficulty in
restraining the tioops from taking deadly ven
' geance upon ihe royalists, who daily murder
1 their comrades. Io the capital, not less than
' 20 French so diers have been murdered dunng
1 ihs last month; and oo one night, eight Swiss
1 were butchered io ooe of the cabaret». Al St
1 Sebastian, three soldier were shot upon the ' gleci» aod we are informed that similar scenes
are daily taking place, whenever the royalists have en opportunity of carrying oo tbe work of destruction ; so enraged are tbey at the protection afforded by the Freocb lo tbe constitutionalists.
" Rheimt, May 28 —This morning, the king,
accompanied by ihe D»ophio and his suite, left Ftsmet for Tv queaux. where the prince» of the royal family waited for his majesty,
" In descending from Fismes, at the moment
when the batteries of tbe attilleiy of tbe guard, which were placed io a valley oo the left ofthe road, fired, the horses of the carriage io which were the dukes d'Auraont and Dames, and counts Cosse and Cnrial, took fright and ruo
> away. The carriage wa» dashed to pieces — ' Count Cutis) had his left shoulder-blade bro
ken, and the right cut by the glass of the oai
- riage. The duke de Dames was dangerously
» wounded. They were conveyed to Fismes, aod
i placed under tha care of ooe of the physicians i and of M. Dopuytren, bis mtjesty's surgeon.— Count de Cosse received a violent contusion in the head, but he continued his journey.
" His msjetty himself ran considerable dan
■ ger. A very loud echo having doubled tbe noiie
of the cannon, lbs horses of hi» carriage were frightened, aud it was with great difficulty lhat ihey were quieted
"" Hi» majesty, deeply effected by the unfor
lunate e»eni uf which he had been witness, fur got that he had himself been oo tbe poiot of sharing the same fate, and expressed the kindest interest io the situation of Messrs. de Dama» tod Curiai. He refused io proceed to Tio
qaeur till be was convinced thai tbey were not 10 ie»s»)i»eot danger " A leirible accident happened at Rennes on
the iSib ull. A» scir.c soldiers of the garrison
j were preparing firewcrue for Ihe celebration of I the coronation, a jipatk fell on the powder in | ihs apartment. Tit* explosioo was dreadful.
I The ruof of the hcasa was blown avrois the n I
"er. ite tree» al a pubnc walk were tuin up tsy the mots, the window» of the neighbouring dwelling bouse» were shattered «o tbr distance ot 300 p»c-r, and about 60 of tbe artilleryman weie killed or wounded.
June 7.
Calcutta papers to the Ist Feb. Were receives}
this morning. Their contents are eot of great
importance. Letlersfrom Chittagong state, on
tbe authority of letter» from Ramon, dated January 20, that Ihe enemy had 1000 mso at Mungdurgh, end 4000 al Zeadbong. The la
test letters represent the army under general Morrison to be in motion. The 4-1ih and 63d
native infantry had reached Ramon on the ljib, where they baited. The whole of general Mor
lisonis force was not expecied to enter the enemy'» territory before the 28lh. The csmp was
abundantly supplied, and no resistance wss
looked for oo ibe part of the enemy li'l o«t troops should approach Artacac— Courier.
By the Piince Regent, arrived from Bengal,
we have papers and letters lo tbe 19th Febiaary. The accounts from Chittsgoog are as lata as the 6th February: they state the army elill in march, but tbe progress was slow, The Bur
mese appear to retreat without fighting. Tba
Calcutta papers, according lo custom, are very flourishing in their predictions, but we are sorry to state tbat many of the letter» are of lha most despoodiog description ; ihey »wte lhat tbe king of A»» wa» taking the most vigorous
measures to defeat the English army, ordering every man io his dominions, from 15 to &0, t*o
repair to tbe enemy. In the meantime, Ihe En
glish force» made slow progress ; and the lira* suitable for the campaign was rapidly expiring. Little more than six weeks remained before all operations must necessarily cease. There is no
new» whatever fiom the army at Rangoon.—. Globe.
June 10.
There hts been no fuither fighting in India
by tha last accoants, but tbe troops were about tv mote. The anticipations of tbe result of the
war, it will be observed, ere very different its the government and opposition newspspers ; we remark, however, with pain, tbat de letler» from militaiy officers not engaged io the war, do not express tbat setisfaciion and confidence which are essential in a country held aoleiy by military occupation.
Tbe French coronation appears to bave tutt
ed out rather a "flat shine"— tbe only observation upon it which we have met with, worthy of remark, is the following from the Times, a» paper whicb bas with all its might espoused the Cause of popery during the lata ditca»tion*.
"The ceremony wa» all weariness and disor
der: ihe poor king, dressed like a singing boy of ibe choir, bad to do penance oo hisknees for full two hours, at ihefeet of hit conftsztr, the archbishop of Rbeims ! His majesty, sad and
harassed, but the priest bearing with triumphant arrogance, in all the pomp of Popish splendour, and ofconscioutpower " If there was any part of tbe proceedings et
Kheims whicb would hate belter been omitted, it was the king'» vitit to the Hospital of St. Michaud, where he went through the absurd fort» of touching for tbe evil. In Ibis instance he ad
hered rigidly to precedent. Treading io tba
steps of St. Loui», he made the sign of tbe croae oo the forehead of each patient, uttering at the "ame time tbe ancient words—" The king touche» you, may God cure you."
The pri»ate advices from Jsraaica receive*»
by the arrivals lo day continue to notice lb«-great distress occasioned by the excettiva
drought throughout the island. The soger crops
had been greatly injured. The inhabitant! of
tbe south side of Jamaica bad been obliged to tend for water to the distance of seteral mile». Very iale information had been received at Kingston from Bogota, according to which lha Liberator woud arrive in thtt capital by tba middle of latt month. Preparations were mak
ing lo receive bin» io triumph, end it was expected th»t the city of Bogota would be most. brilliantly illuminated.
New York May 13,—New York never «as»
toeh days as the piesent since it was a cityAll kind» of active business porsper, except lew business, which, if we m»y belies» ibe loud aod general complaint of tbe profession, with scarcely s dissentient, languishes. Such has been
the tide of population which has during the past end lbs present year set towards this city. thai habitations cannot be had ; shop» aod slatret command double rents to what ihey did iatt season, and still the demand cannot be supplied ; the sfeets are so obstructed by tbe great number of buildings going up and puJlin-g dowu, that they bate become almost impatttbl» ; and a scene of bustle, noise and confusion prevaila tbat no pen cm describe, nor any bet an eye witness imagine.
Since the excitement commenced in oar mar
ket, about twelve thousand bertels of floor have sold al six dollars a barrel — It is the opinion "( many t-intible men that this staple will not
sustain any great fail of price.
Cincinnati, Ohio, is represented as highly
flourishing, md buildings of all kinds ate going up. The National Crisis says there i» «oereely
a tenement, howoser bumble, that is not inhabited ; aod that mora are called for than car. aa prelect be bad. A number i.f new st-*»*ï» b->»<»
are now on the stssks, aud several unita are
e&owasted for.
De Curat^aosclie Courant.