Coleccion Aruba > Database of People Enslaved on Aruba 1840-1863 > Search
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3 results, sorted by Event (date).
Sorting Options: Name - Last Name - Date of Birth - Age - Mother's name - Event (date)
  Name Full Name (after emancipation/manumission) Profession Date of Birth Age Mother's Name Event Location Owner
1 Maria Gustina 10-1853 0 Narcisa Death (22-10-1853) Aruba H. Croes
2 Generoso 12-12-1854 Narcisa Birth (12-12-1854) Aruba H. Croes
3 Jose de la Rosa 2-9-1856 Dominga Birth (2-9-1856) Aruba Wijlen J.H. Croes

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